Appendix A Transco 13 PA10 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR NEW AND MAINTENANCE PAINTING AT WORKS AND SITE FOR ABOVE GROUND PIPELINE AND PLANT INSTALLATIONS AUGUST 1995 J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 Appendix A PA10 CONTENTS Page FOREWORD v BRIEF HISTORY SECTION 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. SCOPE 2. REFERENCES 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 General 3.2 Miscellaneous 3.3 Mandatory and non-mandatory requirements vii INFORMATION 1 1 1 1 1 2 - SECTION 2 GENERAL PAINTING INFORMATION 3 4. SELECTION OF PAINT SYSTEM 5. CONDITIONS TO BE MET BY THE CONTRACTOR 5.1 General 5.2 Local site regulations 5.3 Inspection 5.4 Test areas 5.5 Access equipment 5.6 General cleanliness 5.7 Equipment to be protected and masked before preparation and painting 5.8 Paints containing metallic zjnc 5.9 Preparation of surfaces 5.10 Disposable cleaning materials 6. MATERIALS 6.1 Paints 6.2 Grades of paint 6.3 Supply of paints 6.4 Storage of paints 6.5 Preparation of paint for use 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) -i - PA10 Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 3 Appendix A Page 8 6.6 Pot life of paint (after mixing) 8 6.7 Paint samples 8 1. APPLICATION 8. MEASUREMENT 9. SITE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 10. ENVIRONMENTAL 11. VARIANTS OF PAINT 8 OF PAINT THICKNESS 9 REQUIREMENTS 9 SECTION 3 . SPECIFIC PAINTING APPLICATIONS SPA1 . NEW PROTECTION 9 10 (SPAs) AND MAINTENANCE PAINTING FOR LONG TERM OF INSTALLATIONS 10 AND COMPONENTS 10 COATEDSURFACES GENERAL 12. 10 PREPARATION FOR PAINTING OF UNCOATED OR UNSUITABLY 13. AT WORKS OR SITE PREPARATION OF PAINTED SURFACES WITH LIMITED COATING DAMAGE 10 14. 11 APPLICATION OF PAINT TO PREPARED SURFACES 15. 11 FINAL COATING 16. 11 17. MAINTENANCE PAINTING 17.1 General 17.2 Preparation of surfaces 17.3 Application of paint SPA2 11 12 12 -NEW AND MAINTENANCE PAINTING FOR INDOOR USE OR 15 SHORT TERM PROTECTION 15 18. GENERAL 19. PREPARATION OF SURFACES 20. NEW PAINTING FOR INDOOR USE AND FOR SHORT TERM PROTECTION (TABLE SPA2a) 15 21. MAINTENANCE PAINTING OF SYSTEMS FOR INDOOR USE AND FOR SHORT TERM PROTECTION (TABLE SPA2b) 15 SPA3 - 15 17 PAINTING OF METAL SURFACES FOR HOT DUTIES 17 22. GENERAL 23. FOR DUTIES AT TEMPERATURES FROM 100 OCTO 149 DC(TABLE SPA3a) 17 23.1 Preparation for painting of new installations and maintenance 17 painting J020 ( Rev 08;98 ) - ii Appendix A Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 4 PA10 Page 23.2 Application of paint to prepared areas 17 24. FOR DUTIES AT TEMPERATURES FROM 150 OCTO 340 OC(TABLE SPA3b) 17 24.1 Preparation for painting of new installations and maintenance 17 24.2 Application of coating material 17 25. FOR DUTIES AT TEMPERATURES ABOVE 340 OC(TABLE SPA3c) 18 25.1 Preparation for painting of new installations and maintenance 18 25.2 Application of coating material painting painting 18 SPA4 - PAINTING OF DAMP FERROUS SURFACES 21 26. GENERAL 21 27. PREPARATION 28. APPLICATION 21 OF SURFACES 21 OF PAINTS - SPAS MAINTENANCE PAINTING OF LOW PRESSURE GAS HOLDERS 23 29. GENERAL 23 30. PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS (PRIOR TO PREPARATION OF SURFACE FOR PAINTING) 23 31. SURFACE PREPARATION FOR PAINTING 24 32. APPLICATION OF PAINT TO PREPARED SURFACES 25 33. HOLDER CUP WATER MANAGEMENT 27 34. GUIDANCE NOTES 28 SPA6 - PAINTING OF NON-FERROUS SURFACES 31 35. GENERAL 31 36. PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR PAINTING 31 37. APPLICATION OF PAINT TO PREPARED SURFACES 31 Treatment of contaminated 9 TABLES paint film APPENDICES A LIST OF REFERENCES 35 B SAFETY 39 - iii - J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 5 Appendix A PA10 FOREWORD This specification has been adopted by Transco and is an editorial revision of the former British Gas Transco specification PA 10. It reflects the identity and organisational structure ofTransco a part ofBG pic. - This Transco specification has been approved for use throughout Transco. Comments and queries regarding the technical content of this Transco specification should be directed to: Lead Engineer Transco Norgas House PO Box 1GB Killingworth Newcastle upon Tyne NE99 1GB Further copies of this Transco specification can be obtained from Dataform Print Management using the print requisition form G004 quoting the Form Number of this Transco engineering document (not the designation) and your cost code. Transco engineering documents are revised, when necessary, by the issue of new editions. Users should ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition by referring to the Transco Register of Engineering Documents available on the Transco Information Library. Compliance with this engineering document does not confer immunity from prosecution for breach of statutory or other legal obligations. Contractors and other users external to Transco should direct their requests for further copies of Transco engineering documents to the department or group responsible for the initial issue of their contract documentation. DISCLAIMER This engineering document is provided for use by Transco and such of its contractors as are obliged by the terms of their contracts to comply with this engineering document. Where this engineering document is used by any oth<:r party, it is the responsibility of that party to ensure that the engineering document is correctly applied. -v- 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 7 Appendix A PA10 BRIEF HISTORY First published as BG/PS/P Al 0: Parts 1 and 2 and Supplements CS 1 to CS 17 inclusive Revision published as PAlO June 1987 August 1995 ~ BG pic 1995 This Transco specification is cop}right and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without the approval in writing of BG pic. - vii- 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 9 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR NEW AND MAINTENANCE PAINTING AT WORKS AND SITE FOR ABOVE GROUND PIPELINE AND PLANT INSTAllATIONS SECTION 1 1. - PRELIMINARY INFORMATION SCOPE 1.1 This Specification specifies procedures for painting the surfaces of all types of ferrous and non-ferrous metal engineering components. 1.2 This specification is not suitable for use in the following areas: a) below ground (buried); b) offshore installations; c) internal coatings of pipes; \. d) stove enamel coatings. 1.3 An appropriate specific painting application (SPA) in Section 3 of this specification, specifies in detail the materials, surface preparations and methods of application to be used in the particular applications. Only the relevant SPAs need to be taken into account for a particular painting system. 1.4 Site safety requirements are given in clause 9 and Appendix B. 1.5 Environmental 2. REFERENCES requirements are given in clause 10 and Appendix B. This specification makes reference to the documents listed in Appendix A. Unless otherwise specified, the latest editions ofthe documents apply, including all addenda and revisions. 3. 3.1 DEFINITIONS General For the purposes of this specification, the definitions given in 3.2 and 3.3 apply. 3.2 Miscellaneous compliant coating: a coating which complies with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Contractor: the person, firm or company with whom Transco enters into a contract to v.hich this specification applies, including the Contractor's personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. damp surfaces: surfaces on which water is not readily detectable but of which the temperature point. is below the dew d~w point: the temperature at which the vapour pressure of the water vapour in the air is equal to the saturation , / /' vapour pressure over water. Engineer: the Engineer appointed from time to time by Transco and notified in writing to the Contractor to act as Engineer for the purpose of the contract, or their permitted assign. 1020( Rev08/98) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 -I- 11 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 1 /' '/'. V fully weathered galvanizing: a galvanized steel surface on which a cohesive oxide layer has formed by natural weathering. The surface will normally be dull and lacking in metallic sheen. ~uty surfaces: metal surfaces on the assembly that will attain a temperature of 1000 C or above during use. lona term protection: protection typically lasting ten years. medium term protection: protection typically lasting five years. moist surfaces: surfaces from which standing water and droplets have been removed but on which there is a noticeable film of water. multi-component paint: a paint supplied as separate components. V~have g.lvanwna: a galvanized steel surface on which a cohesive oxide layer has not yet formed. It will normally a bright unweathered zinc surface. Some steels (e.g. silicon killed steels) may exhibit a dark surface. paint technologist: a person suitably qualified to act as a technical adviser to Transco for the purpose of the contract. pot-life: the maximum time during which a coating material supplied as separate components should be used after they have been mixed together. ',/ i":lative humidity: the ratio of the actual vapour pressure to the saturation vapour pressure over a plane liquid water surface at the same (dry bulb) temperature, expressed as a percentage. short term protection: typically two years to three years life. Transco: Transco - a part of BG pic T-wasb: a non-proprietary 11.3.2c). wet surfaces: material used as a primer or pretreatment for zinc metal surfaces. (see BS 5493, clause surfaces on which droplets or standing water are present. 3.3 Mandatory and non-mandatory can: indicates a physical possibility. requirements may: indicates an option which is not mandatory. must: indicates a requirement in law and in matters ofheaIth and safety. shall: indicates a Transco requirement. should: indicates a strong preference, but allows deviation exceptionally. will: indicates an intention by Transco to do something. - 2- P:)inting Inspection 1020 ( Grade 3/1. 12 Rev 08/98 ) Appendix A PA10: SECTION 2 SECTION 2 GENERAL PAINTING 4. 4.1 INFORMATION SELECTION OF PAINT SYSTEM Each painting job is unique, therefore it is essential to be selective and to specify unequivocally. 4.2 For new painting projects, the design of painting is very important because the type of system chosen can have a significant effect on the cost of painting. 4.3 For maintenance painting, special treatment may be required in certain cases involving modification or amendment of the original design for painting. 4.4 The advice of a corrosion engineer and/or paint technologist should be obtained at the earliest stage possible when painting or re-painting is to be carried out. This will assist in making a decision on the following: a) The most appropriate cost effective method(s) of surface preparation. b) The most appropriate cost effective paint system(s) to give the required service life. \/ 4.5 For painting of new items or plant, this advice (see 4.4) should be sought at the conceptual design stage to ensure that the paint systems are cost effective. / .4.6 For maintenance/re-painting, the extent and methods of painting should be based on a survey of the item or plant which would determine: a) The existing paint system. b) The extent of breakdown and corrosion. c) The in-service environmental conditions. d) The nature and extent of any surface contamination. 5. CONDITIONS TO BE MET BY THE CONTRACTOR 5.1 General The Contractor shall take into consideration the following general conditions: a) In order that the Contractor be clearly informed of Transco requirements, the contract or specification for a particular job shall be drawn up after taking into account the appropriate clauses, Appendices and SPA(s) in Section 3. All parts to be painted shall be as specitied by Transco with reference to the appropriate SPA(s) in Section 3. b) The method of surface preparation for each part shall be as specified by Transco with reference to the appropriate SPA(s) in Section 3. c) The painting system to be applied to each part shall be as specified by Transco with reference to the appropriate SPA(s) in Section 3. d) All painting shall be carried out in accordance with a programme prepared by the Contractor and agreed by the Engineer. of work which shall be e) Paints shall be listed as separate items on the contract document and should be ordered to comply with PA9. -3 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) - Painting Inspection Grade 312 13 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 2 5.2 Local site regulations Relevantlocal site regulationswill be detailedin writingby the Engineer. 5.3 Inspection All painting shall be subject to inspection and no deviation trom the requirements of this specification will be permitted, unless previously agreed with the Engineer. Independent inspection shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the terms or conditions of the contract. Detailed records of the surface preparation and paint system applied to any given structure shall be kept together with the results of the inspection and testing carried out. 5.4 Te.t area. 5.4.1 The Contractor may be asked to prepare and paint test areas to demonstrate that a correct quality of surface preparation with a satisfactory film thickness and finish to the paint film is obtained. 5.4.2 The equipment and techniques used for the accepted surface preparation and application of paint to the test areas shall be representative of those to be used for the main painting work. 5.5 Acce.. equipment 5.5.1 It is of particular importance that reference is made to Appendix B and that all relevant requirements are carried out. 5.5.2 Until approval has been given by the Engineer, fixed access equipment shall be left in position and any movable equipment required (ladders, towers, etc.) shall remain on site and be readily available for use. 5.6 General cleanliness 5.6.1 When cleaning, surface preparation or painting operations are being carried out on site, the Contractor shall ensure that adequate protection is given to surrounding areas and adjacent structures to avoid spotting, overspray, or contamination produced by these operations. 5.6.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal of all paint and corrosion products, spent abrasive, l:mpty containers, brushes, tissues, etc., from the site and shall ensure that the disposal of waste products complies with the appropriate statutory requirements. 5.6.3 In all cases, the operation shall be carried out in compliance (see Appendix B). with the current environmental requirements 5.7 Equipment to be protected and masked before preparation and painting 5.7.1 Prior to any cleaning, surface preparation or painting, the Contractor shall protect and mask equipment and areas in need of protection. Care should be taken with the use of masking materials to prevent possible malfunction of the plant. T}pical items to be masked are fire protection equipment, weld end preparations, heads, \-ents on control equipment, flame traps, lubrication points and nameplates. atmosphere sensing heads, spray ~ - 5.7.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for removing all masking materials. 5.8 Paints containing metallic zinc Special care shall be taken to ensure that paints containing metaIlic zinc (zinc-rich paints) are not allowed to contaminate stainless steel. These paints shall not be applied within 75 mm of weld end preparation. - 4- Painting Inspection 1020 ( Grade 3/2 14 Rev 08198 ) Appendix A 1- PA10: SECTION 2 5.9 Preparation of surfaces 5.9.1 Conditions for final surface preparation When the conditions in the working zone are such that the metal surfaces are moist or damp, final surface preparation shall not normally be carried out. The operation of any surface preparation or cleaning method shall not be allowed to contaminate wet paint films. ,j ' \' Equipment used on site for surface preparation shall be of the type which does not cause sparks. Electrically operated tools shall not normally be permitted on site. 5.9.l.SPower -, V'( I \ /( tools operated by compressed air shall have oil and vapour traps fitted to the compressed air lines. rZ-;-' '~~~~~"~~~~-p;; p;imtion'o';;.;tions conjmence~an-c()ntari1inarifS'rriCIiidin&'~iIorg;:;;~d~aie ~Iuble saltson the workingsurf~es, shall be removedby washingwithan appropriatesolvent. r . \;{;~.;. . '" ._~~~"~;~~~~ ~~Uld~~-~hal~ - be~eated w; a biocidalagent and left for a mini~~~f-;~-;;~ shall then be removed by scrubbing with stifTbristie brushes and clean water or by use of high pressure water washing~ ".-.,... - ". All surfaces shall normally be thoroughly dry before painting commences. 5.9.2 Abrasive blast cleaning methods Safety requirements associated with abrasive blast cleaning shall comply with IOE/SRl21. .. , 5.~ The type of abrasive used shall be capable of providing a blast cleaned profile (peak-to-trough height) of not less than 30 J.1mand not greater than 75 J.1m,unless otherwise required by the appropriate SPA in Section 3. The profile shall be measured using Testex replica tape or by an alternative device approved by the Engineer. Non-metallic abrasives shall be of a silica free type. Air for blasting shall be clean, dry and oil free. Other blasting media may be used with the agreement of the Engineer. Abrasive used in an open blast system shall be of the expendable type. The re-use of expendable abrasive shall not be permitted. A closed blasting system (e.g. vacuum blasting) may also be used. For closed vacuum blasting systems, the re-use of abrasives shall be permitted provided that such systems efficiently clean and monitor the size of the abrasive. Wet blast systems or enclosed recovery blast systems, shall be used for the removal of lead-based paint, and also may be proposed as a variant for consideration by Transco in other cases (e.g. for removal of water soluble salts). Following wet blasting, dry blasting shall be carried out to remove any subsequent flash rusting. surface. All traces of corrosion, chemical contamination, existing paint or other coating shall be removed from the All surfaces prepared by blast cleaning shall comply with the requirements of BS 7079 (see also ISO 7167) as specified, immediately prior to painting. The profile and degree of cleanliness shall be in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate SPA in Section 3. 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 -5- IS Appendix A -"""" . PA10: SECTION 2 ~.(2.8 All surface defects, such as surface laminations or inclusions, shaH be referred to the Engineer before any \/ dressing is undertaken. All fins at saw cuts, burrs and sharp edges shall be removed by dressing. with the agreement of the Engineer. Where dressing has been necessary, these areas shall be re-blasted to remove all rust and to provide an uate paint key. , 2 .9.3 Water jetting igh pressure and ultra-high pressure water jetting can be usefully employed for removal of paint, scale and corrosion products. Since high pressures are involved, care shall be taken to ensure that appropriate safety measures are taken and that equipment is not damaged (see IOE/SRl21). 5.9.4 Manual mechanical method. General The methods of surface preparation, specified in to inclusive, may only be used when blast cleaning is considered to be unsuitable and with the prior approval of the Engineer. As these methods generally achieve lower standards, additional care shall be taken to ensure an agreed standard of surface preparation is reached These methods of surface preparation shall provide a surface of equivalent cleanliness to BS 7079, St 2 or St 3 quality which is considerably inferior to Sa 2 ~ and may reduce the expected life ofthe paint system. Surface preparation by hand tools Ferrous impact tools shall not normally be used. In some areas, manual scraping may be adopted and may be followed by further surface preparation, such as wire brushing. The scrapers shall be of the type having a carbide tip. Needle gunning The guns shall have needles of small cross-section. Care shall be exercised when using a needle gun to ensure that the profile of the surface shall not exceed 100 J.l.mand that no sharp-edged craters are left on the metal surface. All rogue peaks shall be removed. Abrasive discs The use of abrasive discs may be permitted in certain circumstances and shall only be carried out with the prior approval and under the control of the Engineer. Particular care shall be taken when using these methods on pressure containing parts, because of the danger of creating notches. Grinding Grinding shall only be carried out under the direct supervision of the Engineer (see 5.9.5 Surface preparation of weld areas All weld areas including primed surfaces damaged by heat shall be prepared by blast cleaning to comply with the requirements ofBS 7079 (see also ISO 7167) as specified, immediately prior to painting. All weld flux and spatter shall be removed prior to painting operations. Any painted areas next to the weld area shall be suitably protected when the operations specified in and are carried out. 5.9.6 Cleaning down The standard of surface cleanliness shall be such that all dust, chemical contaminants, oil and moisture are removed prior to paint application. J020 ( Rev 08;98 ) - 6- Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 16 Appendix A ' PA10: SECTION 2 For existing sound paint surfaces, all grease and surface contamination shall be removed. For large areas, consideration shall be given to the use of low pressure water detergent washing prior to painting. These surfaces shall then be washed with clean water and allowed to dry prior to painting. AU surfaces, after completion of the surface preparation and immediately prior to painting, shall be cleaned by air blasting using clean, dry, oil-free air or vacuum cleaned to ensure that all traces of abrasive and corrosion products are removed. ,~solvent followed Any oil or grease on the prepared surface of the steel shall be removed by swabbing with an appropriate by washing with a 20/. solution of detergent The surface shall then be washed with clean water and thoroughly dried. Abrasive cleaning shall then be repeated., 5.10 Disposable cleaning material. 5.10.1 Where cleaning and swabbing of steel and paint film surfaces are required, disposable lint-free swabs shall be used. Cloth rags shall not be used. Swabs shall be used once only. 5.10.2 Areas below surfaces being prepared as specified in shall be protected from drips, spillage, etc., to prevent pennanent scarring. 8. MATERIALS 8.1 Paints Unless otherwise specified, all paints used on anyone contract shall be supplied by one manufacturer only. All paints shall be ordered against PA9 which shall be quoted on all relevant documentation. Attention shall be drawn to the Environmental Protection Act /990, prior to selection of paints. 6.2 Grades of paint Paints are obtainable in both brushing and spraying grades. When ordering paints, the grade required shall be specified. 6.3 Supply of paints All paints shall be provided by the Contractor. 6.4 Storage of paints All paints shall be stored under cover and in conditions recommended by the paint manufacturer and in accordance with the appropriate tire regulations. On operational sites, the storage method and area shall be upprovcd by the Enginet:r. \ No paint shall be used beyond the manufacturer's 6.5.2 All paints shall be prepared adjacent to the location where the painting work is to be carried out. stated shelf life. 6.5.3 The condition of the paint shall be checked before preparation begins and any unsatisfactory painting materials shall be discarded. / !, ?r5".4 All paints shall be thoroughly prepared by mechanically mixing to ensure that no sediment is ldt. For 5litre containers or less, hand mixing can be considered. In all cases, the manufacturer's instructions shall be followed. . . Preparation of paint for use 6.5 6.5.1 ' -7 - J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 17 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 2 6.8 Pot life of paint (after mixing) Multi-component paints have a limited pot life. This information shall be obtained from the manufacturer and also be stated on the container. Paints of this type shall not be used after the stated pot life. When a multi-component paint is being used, new material shall not be added to any of the old material left in the pot. 6.7 Paint sample. Representative \ . ,t'~ \ ' \ J \ /,( / samples of each batch or grade of paint may be requested by the Engineer. APPLICATION OF PAINT Paint shall normally be applied when the relative humidity in the work zone is less than 90% or when the Y?;Y air and metal temperatures are at least 3 0 C above the dew point. Measurement of relative humidity and dew point shall be carried out using a whirling hygrometer complying with and used in accordance with as 2842. Ambient and substrate temperatures should not be below the minimum application temperature for the paint, as sta~ in the manufacturer's instructions being used, as advised by the manufacturer or as stipulated by Transco. Paint shall not normally be applied when conditions in the working zone are such that the prepared surface \~.. ISlikely to become moist or damp during the painting operation. When this condition prevails, and cannot be overcome by altering the normal operating conditions stream selection) painting shall be carried out in accordance with SPA4 in Section 3. (e.g. regulator 7.3 After completion of the specified cleaning process, metal surfaces shall be painted as specified in the appropriate SPA in Section 3 (by brushing or spraying). 7.4 Painting equipment used shall be of a type complying with the paint manufacturers recommendations. .'~ 75 All paint shall be applied in such a manner as to ensure a firmly adherent film, free from misses, tears, runs, ~gs, etc. / '7.6 Stripe coating shall be necessary to achieve the required dry film thickness (DFT) at edges and to ensure coverage of weld profiles. 7.7 [n the course of painting operations, all painted areas shall be thoroughly dried before being oVt:rcoated and any contamination of the paint tilm shall be dealt with as specified in Tab[e 1 before further coats of paint are applied. 7.8 The final coating shall be free from significant visible impcrfections. 7.9 Contaminated paint tilms shall be trcated in accordance v.ith Tab[e 1 prior to over painting. 8. MEASUREMENT OF PAINT THICKNESS 8.1 The measurement of both wet and dry paint thickness shall be carried out during application on each coat and shall be in accordance with procedures in BS 3900: Part C5, except that the OFT gauge should be calibrated using the prepared surface. 8.2 Quality control thickness measurements of paint tilms containing micaceous iron oxide (M[Q) pigment, and all layers of paint applied over such films, shall be carried out using a wet film thickness gauge (c.g. comb gauge). The wet tilm thickness needed to achieve the specified DFT ditTers from paint to paint and for each manufacturer. The manufacturer's literature shall be consulted for each application. - 8- Painting Inspection 3020( Rev 08/98 ) Grade 3/2 18 Appendix A " PA10: SECTION 2 9. SITE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS All work carried out on the site shall comply with good safe working practice and the specific conditions of a Permit to Work where issued on an operational site. The following list of conditions or activities does not purport to include an requirements for safety but it summarizes the more important warnings included in this specification and presents them here for easy reference: - proper a) Safe working areas b) Safety requirements associated with abrasive blast cleaning (see 5.9.2). c) Identification of coating materials flammability, etc. (see PA9, 8.2). d) Compliance with fire regulations e) Safe handling of coating materials and safety precautions on site (see Appendix B, B.I and B.2). use and erection of scaffolding, ladders, etc. (see 5.5.1). - with reference - storing to any associated hazards such as toxicity, of combustible materials (see 6.4). 10. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS All works carried out on the site including storage and disposal of paint and all waste materials shall be in accordance with the current environmental requirements (see Appendix B, B.l and B.3). The Contractor shall be alerted of the possible toxic nature of the deposits and paint debris, and the appropriate action and Certification required for their disposal (see Appendix B, clause B.3.1). 11. VARIANTS A contractor shall only propose variants to this specification where the text indicates that variants would be considered by Transco. TABLE1 - Treatment of contaminated paint film Type Loose paint particles, contamination of contamination rust. debris Treatment and vther atmospheric or salt deposition Wash down using soft nyIon brushes and clean water. thoroughly Dry Oil or grease Brush ..nd ",ash ",ith an appropriate solvent then scrub with a 2% solution of detergent in clean water. Wash with clean "'ater and dry thoroughly Foreign materials (eg. shot or grit) embedded in the paint film Re-prepare the affected areas and re-apply the complete pamting system --. --.._- 1020 ( -9 - Rev 08,98 ) P:1inting Inspection Crade 3/2 19 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 SECTION 3 SPECIFIC PAINTING APPLICATIONS (SPAs) SPA1 . NEW AND MAINTENANCE PAINTING FOR LONG TERM PROTECTION OF INSTALLATIONS AND COMPONENTS 12. GENERAL 12.1 This SPAI applies to the painting at works or site of new installations and components and to site maintenance painting of carbon steel surfaces operating below 1000 C. It is normal practice for new components to be prepared and part painted at works for subsequent completion at site. This SPAI shall apply to: 12.2 inS.7. a) Part painting of new components at works (see Table SPAla). b) Completion at works or site of components part painted at works (see Table SPAlc). c) Site painting of uncoated and unsuitably coated surfaces (see Tables SPAla, SPAlb and SPAlc). d) Site maintenance painting (see Table SPAId). Before preparation and painting commences. those surfaces not to be painted shall be masked as specified 12.3 Each coat of paint shall be of a contrasting colour to the previous coat. 12.4 The operations for preparation are specified in clauses 13 and 14 and for painting in clauses IS and 16. 12.5 Site maintenance 13. 13.1 painting is described in clause 17. PREPARATION FOR PAINTING OF UNCOATED OR UNSUITABLY COATED SURFACES AT WORKS OR SITE The procedure in 13.2 is also described in Table SPAla. 13.2 All mill scale, corrosion products and, where applicable, n:moved from the surface. unsuitable existing paint and coatings shall be The surface finish at the time of painting shall be equivalent to BS 7079 Sa 2 Yz quality and have a profile within the range ono jlm and 75 jlm . This shall normally be achieved by blast cleaning as specified in 5.9.2. . /14. PREPARATION OF PAINTED SURFACES WITH LIMITED COATING DAMAGE 14.1 The following procedure (see also Table SPAlb) coating has occurred during transport and/or storage. shall be applied where slight damage to the factory 14.2 The atfected surfaces shall be prepared as specified in 5.9.4 to comply with the requirements of BS 7079 St 3 as a minimum quality. The method of cleaning shall normally be by means of mechanical wire brushing but other methods of preparation may be proposed to Transco for consideration as variants. 14.3 The edges of the existing remaining coating shall be feathered. 14.4 Areas of extenshe coating damage shall be prepared in accordance with 17.2.2. J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) - 10- Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 20 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 1/ 1~ APPLICATION OF PAINTTO PREPAREDSURFACES 15.2 coat. For paint applied at works the preferred system is a high solids solvent based epoxy primer and epoxy MIO 15.1 All paint shallbe appliedas specifiedin clause7. Alternative equivalent compliant systems are available, such as water-borne paints and may be proposed to Transco for consideration as variants. 15.3 For painting at site the preferred systems are given in Table SPA Ie. 15.4 One coat of primer shall be applied, by brushing or spraying as appropriate, to all prepared exposed metal within 4 h of metal preparation and before any rust blooming or contamination of the surface occurs. The OFT shall be as specified in Table SPAle (measured as specified in clause 8). All welds and edges shall be stripe coated to assist in achieving the minimum OFT in these areas. The paint shall overlap onto any existing coating by at least 100 rom. The manufacturers' times shall be followed. recommended overcoating 15.5 One coat of MIO shall be applied to all primed surfaces, by brushing or spraying, to a OFT as given in Table SPAIe (determined by means of a wet film thickness gauge as specified in clause 8). 15.6 Overcoating is normally carried out within three months of the application of the MIO coat and in accordance with Table SPA Ic. 18. FINAL COATING 16.1 On completion of painting in accordance with the requirements of clause 15, the final coating shall be carried out as specified in 16.2 to 16.5 inclusive (see also Table SPAlc). 16.2 All areas to be painted shall be free of all surface contamination immediately prior to painting as specified in 5.9.6. 16.3 One coat of high build undercoat shall be applied overall, by brushing or spraying, to a OFT as specitied in Table SPA Ie (determined by means of a wet film thickness gauge as specified in clause 8). The manufacturers' recommended overcoating times shall be followed. 16.4 One coat of finish shall be applied, by brushing or spraying, to a OFT as specified (determined by means of wet tilm thickness gauge as specified in clause 8). in Table SPA Ie 16.5 The final coating shall have an acceptable uni form appearance and shall be free from cosmetic defects. 17. MAINTENANCE PAINTING 17.1 General 17.1.1 The Engineer shall specify the areas to be painted, the appropriate method of surface preparation and the paint systems to be appl ied. The number of coats applied wi 11be dictated by the degree of breakdown of the existing paint system and its required life. 17.1.2 For installations previously painted with drying oil or chlorinated rubber paint systems, maintenance painting can generally be carried out with either of the systems detailed in Table SPA I e. 17.1.3 Installations previously painted in accordance with Table SPAle should generally be repainted with the same system. - II 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 21 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 17.2 Preparation of surfaces 17.2.1 Prior to repainting, some existing paint systems may need a key to ensure adhesion for the new paint. This can be produced by abrading for small areas but sweep blasting is recommended for large areas. 17.2.2 For areas where the existing paint system is to be completely removed or where the substrate is exposed, the surface preparation shall be by blast cleaning or wire brushing in accordance with clauses 13 and/or 14, as specified by the Engineer. 17.3 Application of paint 17.3.1 The primer shall be applied to the prepared surfaces in accordance with 15.4 followed by the MIO in accordancewith 15.5. 17.3.2 The final coats shall be applied in accordance with clause 16 either to the areas prepared and painted A ve, or to the overall installation as specified by the Engineer. TABLE SPA1a. Operations chart for us. with clau..s13 coated surfaces Operation number Subject of operation and 15 for uncoated or unsuitably Comments Relevant clauses in PAlO Section 1 5.7 Section 3 BS 7079 Sa 2~ quality; maximum profile 7S um 5.9.2 13.2 Clean all surfaces Immediately application primer 5.9.6 4 Apply primer Dry film thickness dependent upon system (see Table SPA Ie) 7and8 15.4 5 Apply micaceous iron oxide Dry film thickness 75 urn minimum 7and8 15.5 15.6 1 Mask areas 2 Blast clean 3 . Operations TABLE SPA1b damage Operation number prior to chart for use with clauses 14 and 15 surfaces with limited coating Subject of operation Comments Relevant clauses in PAlO Section 2 I Mask areas 2 Mechanically wire brush and feather edges '. 3 Clean all surfaces BS 7079 StJ quality as minimum Apply primer 5 Apply micaceous iron oxide . Immediately applicaticn 14.2 prior to primer 5.9.6 ! Dry mm thickness dependent upon s)stem (see Table SPA Ie) 7 and 8 15.4 Dry film thickness 75 urn minimum 7 and 8 15.5 15.6 - 12- Painting Inspection 5.9.4 14.3 I 4 Section 3 5.7 J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Grade 3/2 22 Appendix A PA 10: SECTION 3 TABLE SPA1c . Operations chart for final coatings OperatioD number Subject of operatioD Relevant clauses in PAlO Comments SeetioD 1 5.9.6 SeetIoDJ 16.1 16.2 I Clean all surfaces 2 Apply undercoat Dry film thickness dependent upon system (see Table SPA Ie) 7 and 8 16.3 3 Apply finish Dry film thickness dependent upon system (see Table SPA Ie) 7 and 8 16.4 TABLESPA1d. Operations chart for maintenance painting OperatioD number Relevant clauses in PAlO Comments Subject of operation Section 1 5.7 1 Mask areas 2 Surface preparation of existing paint system Key existing required 3 Surface preparation of exposed areas of substrate or where paint is to be removed Blast cleaning or wire brushing as specified 4 Clean all surfaces Immediately prior to painting 5 Spot primer 6 Spot micaceous oxide 7 Apply undercoat 8 Apply finish iron system 17.2.1 if 5.9 17.2.2 5.9.6 Overlapping existing paint at least 100mm 7 17.3.1 Overall or to areas spot painted above, as specified 7 17.3.2 - 13 - J020 ( Rev 08;98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 paint Section J 23 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 I SPA1e l)tABLE Stage ... ")).,~ ~{"/J I ,\tJ~ ;/ ~ ~.~<i \~ -Preferred systems (,C1J C. , L\\' ! CompUaat solveat-based High build epoxy aluminium primer 7S 2 Epoxy Micaceous iron oxide 7S 3 High build epoxy undercoat 7S 4 Epoxy or polyester acrylic finish 40 Stage NOTE Minimum dry film tbickaess (um) Water-borne acrylic Miaimum dry mm tbickaess (um) I Primer 50 2 Micaceous iron oxide 75 3 Undercoat 50 4 Finish coat 50 - Other compliant systems which meet the requirements of PA9 and which give equivalent long term performance to the systems specified above may be proposed as variant for consideration J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) - 14- Painting Inspection by TransCo. Grade 3/2 24 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 SPECIFIC PAINTING APPLICATION (SPA) SPA2. NEW AND MAINTENANCE PAINTING FOR INDOOR USE OR SHORT TERM PROTECTION 18. GENERAL 18.1 This SPA2 applies to new and maintenance painting for indoor use or short term protection of carbon steel surfaces operating below 100 0 C. The operations chart shown in Table SPA2a relates to new painting and Table SPA2b to maintenance 19. 19.1 painting. PREPARATION OF SURFACES All surfaces not to be painted shall be masked in accordance with 5.7. 19.2 Before cleaning operations commence, all surface contaminants shall be removed by washing with an appropriate medium. 19.3 Surfaces shall be prepared as specified in 5.9.4 to comply with the requirements of BS 7079 St 3 quality as a minimum. The method of cleaning shall normally be by mechanical wire brushing but other methods of preparation may be proposed to Transco for consideration as a variant. 19.4 The edges of existing sound coating shall be feathered. 20. NEW PAINTING FOR INDOOR USE AND FOR SHORT TERM PROTECTION (TABLE SPA2a) 20.1 Compliant materials normally based on drying oil or water borne acrylic paints shall be specified and applied in accordance with clause 7. 20.2 One coat of primer shall be applied, normally by brushing. The paint shall overlap onto any existing coating by at least 100 mm. The manufacturers' recommended overcoating times shall be adhered to. 20.3 One coat of MID build coat shall be applied to all primed surfaces normally by brushing. 20.4 If a decorative appearance is required, one coat of undercoat and finish shall be applied. The undercoat should be of a complementary colour to the finish coat. 21. 21.1 MAINTENANCE PAINTING OF SYSTEMS FOR INDOOR USE AND FOR SHORT PROTECTION (TABLE SPA2b) Areas requiring maintenance painting shall be prepared in accordance with 19.1 and 19.2. TERM 21.2 Damaged areas shall be prepared in accordance with 19.3 and 19.4 and spot repaired in accordance with 20.1 to 20.3 using primer and MIO. The coating shall overlap 100 mm onto the existing sound coating. 21.3 Depending on the required finish, either one full coat of MIO or alternatively one full coat of undercoat and finish to the required colour shall be applied. - 15 - 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) ?ainting Inspection Crade 3/2 25 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 V'~BLE SPA2a -Operation chart for new painting Operation number Subject of operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mask off Remove all deposits Wire brush Clean areas Apply primer Apply micaceous iron oxide 7" 8" . .. Section 1 5.7 BS 7079,S13 as a minimum Minimum dry film thickness 45 urn Minimum dry film thickness 50 urn' Section 3 19.1 19.2 19.3 5.9.4 5.9.6 7 7 20.2 20.3 Apply undercoat Apply finish Minimum dry film thickness 45 urn. 7 20.4 Minimum dry film thickness 25 urn. 7 20.4 These values to be determined by means of a wet film thickness gauge as specified in clause 8. SPA2b - Operation chart for maintenance painting Operation number Subject of operation 1 2 3 4 5 6. Mask off Remove all deposits Wire brush Clean areas Spot prime Spot micaceous iron oxide 7 8 Apply undercoat Apply tinish 9 .. Rele\l8nt clauses in PAlO Operations 7 and8 are to be carried out if a decorative fmish is required. '.'/ /~LE . Comments Apply full coat of I micaceous iron oxide Comments BS 7079,S13 as a minimum Relevant clauses in PAlO Section 1 Section 3 5.7 19.1 19.2 19.3 Minimum dry tilm thickness 45 um Minimum dry film thickness 50 urn.. 5.9.4 5.9.6 7 7 20.2 20.3 Minimum dry film thickness 45 urn.. Minimum drV film thickness 25 urn" 7 7 21.3 21.3 Minimum dry film thickness 50 urn.. 7 21.3 On completion of operation 6, if decorative finish is required, operations 7 and 8 only are to be carried out. Alternatively, operation 9 may be carried out on completion of operation 6, if a decorative finish is not required. These ,,~lIues to be determined by means of a wet film thickness gauge as specified in clause 8,. 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) - 16- Painting Inspection Crade 3/2 26 Appendix A PA 10: SECTION 3 SPECIFIC PAINTING APPLICATION (SPA) VSPA3. 22. 22.1 PAINTING OF METAL SURFACES FOR HOT DUTIES GENERAL This SPA3 applies to the painting of surfaces which are likely to operate at 100 0 C or above. 22.2 Areas where the operating temperature of the metal surface is likely to reach, but not exceed, 1490 C shall be painted as specified in clause 23. 22.3 Areas where the operating temperature of the metal surface is likely to exceed 1490 C and 340 0 C shall be protected as specified in clauses 24 and 25 respectively. <~ 23.1.1 :::::::~:::gE::~:~:;;~~~:::::~~~;~.) All surfaces not to be painted shall be masked as specified in 5.7. 23.1.2 Before cleaning operations commence, all surface contaminants shall be removed by washing with an appropriate medium. 23.1.3 All areas shall be prepared for painting as specified in 5.9.2. 23.1.4 Mechanical cleaning in accordance with 5.9.4 may be allowed in small areas at the discretion of the Engineer. /' '\/ 23.2 Application of paint to prepared area. 23.2.1 A heat resistant. aluminium pigmented epoxy or urethane primer shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations to all areas of exposed metal. Paint shall be applied within four hours of blast cleaning but before any rust blooming or contamination occurs. 23.2.2 Within the manufacturers' recommended overcoatjng times, further coats of primer shall be applied to achieve a total minimum DFT of 100 I!m for urethane or 250 I!m for the epoxy coating, as appropriate. 23.2.3 Heat resistant paints are normally pigmented with aluminium colour may not be possible. flake, therefore a finish to a designated 24. FOR DUTIES AT TEMPERATURES FROM150 0 C TO 340 24.1 24.l.I Preparation for painting of new installations and maintenance All surfaces not to be painted shall be masked as specified in 5.7. 24.1.2 Before cleaning operations appropriate medium. commence, all surface contaminants 0 C (TABLE SPA3b) painting shall be removed by washing with an 24.1.3 All areas shall be prepared for painting as specified in 5.9.2. 2,{2 Application of coating material /24.2.1 Thermally sprayed aluminium (TSA) shall be applied to prepared surfaces in accordance with as EN 22063 and/or as 2569: Part 2. 24.2.2 Where TSA is deemed to be impractical due to operational restraints, or judged to be too high a standard of coating for this temperature range, consideration shall be given to the use of paint systems based on inorganic zinc silicate or polysiloxane primers. Paints shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Crade 3/2 - 17- 27 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 24.2.3 With the use of inorganic zinc silicate, mud cracking of the coating may result if the manufacturers, recommended film thickness is exceeded. V' 25.1 FOR DUTIES AT TEMPERATURES ABOVE 340 0 C (TABLE SPA3c) Preparation for painting of new Installations and maintenance painting All preparations shall be carried out in accordance with 23.1. 25.2 Application of coating material 25.2.1 TSA, which is the preferredcoating choice, shall be applied in accordancewith BS EN 22063 andlor BS 2569: Part 2. 25.2.2 Where TSA is deemed to be impractical due to operational restraints, consideration shall be given to the use of paint systems based on inorganic zinc silicate or polysiloxane primers. Paints shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. 25.2.3 With the use of inorganic zinc silicate, mud cracking of the coating may result if the manufacturers' recommended film thickness is exceeded. 25.2.4 Where TSA and inorganic zinc silicate primers are used, they shall be sealed with a high temperature sealer. Sealers shall be applied and cured in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. - 18- Painting Inspection 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Grade 3/2 28 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 SPA30 . aperotlono ehort for hot duty .u""CO" from 100 0 C to 149 0 C \/~E Operatio. Dumber Subject o( operatioD CommeDts RelevaDt clauses in PAlO SectioD 3 23.1.1 SectiOD1 5.7 1 Mask 2 Remove contamination 3 Blast clean BS7079 Sa 2YJ quality; maximum profile 75 um 4 Apply primer Dry film thickness depends upon primer used 23.2.1 ---. - 5 Apply additional coats of primer Dry film thickness depends upon primer used 23.2.2 SPA3b- Ops"'- t/~8'LE 23.1.2 surface ehort for hot duly .urfocos from 150 0 C to 340 0 C Subject o( operatioD Operation number Comments Relevant clauses in PAlO Mask 2 Remove contamination 3 Blast clean BS7079 Sa 3 quality; maximum protile 75 urn 4 Apply system System to be chosen from the list of options below Subject Section 3 24.LI Section 2 5.7 I Operation 23.1.3 5.9.2 24.1.2 surface of operation Comments 24.1.3 5.9.2 24.2.2 Relevant clauses in PAlO i number Section 2 sprayed a Thennally aluminium b Inorganic zinc silicate c Polysiloxane coating inorganic In accordance with BS 2569: Part 2 and/or BS EN 22063 Apply in manufacturers' accordance instructions with Apply in manufacturers' accordance instructions \\ith 24.2.2 I 24.2.2 - 19- 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 Section 3 24.2.1 29 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 VABLE SPA3c . Operations chart for hot duty surface. operating above 340 0 C Operation number Subject or operation CommenD Relevant clauses in PAlO Section 1 S.7 1 Mask 2 Remove contamination 3 Blast clean BS7079 Sa 3 quality; maximum profile 7S urn 4 Apply thermally sprayed aluminium In accordance with BS 2S69: Part 2 and/or BS EN 22063 NOTE - Thermally Section J 24.1.1 surface 24.1.2 5.9.2 24.1.3 25.2.1 sprayed aluminium is the preferred system and will provide the longest service life. Alternative coating systems to thennally sprayed aluminium are: 4a i) ii) Inorganic zinc silicate Apply in accordance manufacturers' instructions with 2S.2.2 Apply sealer Apply in accordance manufacturers' instructions. with 2S.2.4 Not required coatings iii) 4b Apply sealer heat to cure Polysiloxane inorganic coating polysiloxane In accordance with manufacturers' instructions. Check plant operating conditions 25.2.4 Apply in accordance manufacturers' instructions 25.2.2 - 20- P:1inting Inspection for with 1020 ( Crade 3/2 30 Rev 08/98 ) Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 SPECIFIC PAINTING APPLICATION (SPA) V ~A4 - PAINTING OF DAMP FERROUS SURFACES 28. GENERAL 26.1 This SPA4 applies to the painting of ferrous surfaces on which the presence of condensation during painting cannot be operationally prevented. A number of paint systems are available which are tolerant to damp surfaces but, in general, cannot be used on wet surfaces (see clause 3). They shall not be used when ice is present, or where the surface temperature is likely to be below 3 0 C. \~ Types of materials which are known to perform satisfactorily on damp metal surfaces are: A( 'b( V Moisture curing polyurethanes. High solids multi-component epoxy paints. £. PREPARATION OF SURFACES 27.1 Any oil or grease shall be removed by swabbing with grease removing solvents. The surface shall subsequently be washed with a 2% detergent solution. 27.2 All surfaces shall be blast cleaned as specified in 5.9.2 to achieve as 7079 Sa 2 Yzquality immediately prior to paint application. In general, a degree of rust blooming is acceptable, but in all cases, the manufacturers' instructions shall be followed. 27.3 All grit and dust shall be removed from the blast-cleaned surface by washing with clean water. 27.4 Immediately prior to painting, all droplets and standing water shall be removed from the surfaces to be painted by mopping or using a squeegee. Cloths or rags shall only be used if they are lint-free. /' ':!d. 28. I APPLICATION OF PAINTS All paints shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturers' 28.2 All paints shall be brush appli~d. 28.3 An operations chart for painting in accordance with the above procedure is givt:n in Table SPA4a. 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 instructions. - 21 - 31 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 - TABLE SPA4a Operation chart for painting damp metal surface. Operatio8 Dumber Subject or operatio. Period before ned operation Minimum Comments MaDmum Relevant clauses in PAlO Section 1 Section 3 5.9.6 27.1 5.9.2 27.2 1 Remove all surface contamination, etc. 2 Blast clean 3 Wash To remove all grit and dust 27.3 4 droplets Remove and standing water Surface shall not be wet 27.4 5 Apply system 4h In accordance with manufacturers' instructions - 22- Painting Inspection BS 7079 Sa 2Y2 quality To be applied by brushing 7 28.2 J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Grade 3/2 32 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 SPECIFIC PAINTING APPLICATION (SPA) SPAS- MAINTENANCE PAINTING OF LOW PRESSURE GASHOLDERS 29. GENERAL 29.1 This SPAS details procedures for the planning. surface preparation, cleaning and painting of external surfaces oflow pressure water sealed gasholders (see clauses 30, 31 and 32). Holder cup water management during preparation and painting operations of cup, grip and the wind and water lines is described in clause 33. Guidance Notes relating to safety during preparation and painting operations are described in clause 34. Waterless gasholders of the Wiggins, Hammond, Klonne and MAN. types and the above ground frame work and water tank associated with water sealed gasholders shall be painted in accordance with SPA 1. The painting of damp ferrous surfaces. such as tank bottom plates and gas mains in pits which extend into the gasholder foundation is covered by SPA4. 29.2 29.2.1 Tender documents for all gasholder painting contracts shall clearly identify the following: a) Surfaces to be painted. b) The method of surface preparation. c) The painting systems to be applied and the finished colour(s) defined to BS 4800. d) Surfaces and items not to be painted. e) Sections of the structure and attachments which need to be protected by the Contractor during the preparation and painting operations. The selection of paint systems to be applied should be determined by the following: a) Environmental b) Existing paint system. c) Extent of paint breakdown and corrosion. d) Method and extent of preparation. c) Standard of cleanliness achievable. 1) Service life requirement. in-service conditions. A range of paints which give acceptable performance selecting the paint system. is available and specialist advice should be sought when Watcr-borne acrylics, compliant alkyds and moisture cured urcthanes may be used satisfactorily in most cases. 29.3 Reference shall be made to the Guidance Notcs in clause 34 and, where applicable. relevant sub-clauses shall be included in the tender documents. - 23- 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 33 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 30. PREUMINARY CONSIDERATIONS (PRIOR TO PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR PAINTING)30.1 Extensive rust staining alone will not necessarily warrant repainting as this can be removed by means of chemical treatment 30.2 The pH of the holder water should be determined prior to any major painting proposal and adjusted to ensure that an acceptable value (within the rang pH9 to pHIO) is achieved at least six months prior to painting. No further dosing should be carried out until six months after completion of painting. 30.3 Consideration should be given to the need for the isolation of all electrical equipment titted to the gasholder, particularly in respect of electrical anti-freeze systems. 30.4 The Engineer shall ensure that Grid Control is notified and local procedures are complied with to prevent accidental movement of the gasholder during the painting contract 30.S AU surfaces not to be painted or areas which may be adversely affected by preparation and painting operations shall be identified by the Engineer and suitable protection agreed and carried out by the Contractor. Typical areas and items of equipment to be protected are: a) Water seals. b) Guide carriages. c) Lubrication facilities. d) Steam, water or anti-freeze injection facilities (including nozzles). e) Anti-siphon vents. t) Flexible hoses. g) Electrical antifreeze facilities (including cables). h) Junction boxes. i) Instrumentation. j) Control equipment and associated services and any other operational equipment suspended in the cups or tank.. 30.6 The Contractor shall be alt.:rted of the possible toxic nature of the deposits and paint debris and the appropriate action and certification required for their disposal (see B.3.1). 30.7 Where nl:cessary, the Engineer shall arrange for the oil to be removcd from the surface of the water scals before cleaning and surface preparation commence. Examination of the cups shall also be carried out prior to the cupping up of each lift. 30.8 The Contractor shall not attempt to lower water levels unless specifically directed to do so by the Engineer. In all cases, the removal of watcr shall be carried out under the direct supervision of the Engineer or his nominated n:presentative. 30.9 The Engineer shall arrange for the gasholder lifts to be positioned as necessary, to facilitate preparation and painting. The area on which work is taking place should nonnally be at the tank balcony/cupping - 24- Painting Inspection level. J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Crade 3/2 34 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3. 31. SURFACE PREPARATION FOR PAINTING 31.1 A number of preparation techniques may be used on a project (e.g. blast cleaning. water jet cleaning. mechanical cleaning. manual cleaning. etc.). Precautions shall be taken to prevent debris from the work entering the cups, the tank. and any other vulnerable work areas. 31.2 Before preparation and painting commence. surfaces for which a particular method of preparation has been specified shall be clearly defined by the Engineer. Non-drying paint has been found to mask severe corrosion and should be removed prior to painting. Methods such as scraping. the application of an approved heavy duty solvent, detergent, hot water or steam cleaning may be employed for this purpose (also see 32.6, Note 5). 31.3 All surfaces shall be prepared for painting in accordance with 5.9). Where surfaces are blast cleaned, the surface finish immediately prior to painting 2 Vaquality and have a profile within the range of 30 ~ to 75 ~ . shall be equivalent to as 7079 Sa Particular reference is drawn to if lead based paints are present. Where surfaces are to be prepared by mechanical or hand tools, or high pressure water jetting. the method of surface preparation shall provide a surface of equivalent cleanliness to as 7079 St 3 as a minimum quality. The surface shall also be free of significant areas of mill scale. 31.4 The existing remaining 32. 32.1 APPLICATION OF PAINT TO PREPARED SURFACES All paint shall be applied as specified in clause 7. coating will be feathered at the edges. Brush application of the primer is essential when the surface has not been totally blast cleaned or where previous coating remain. areas of the Primer coats may be applied by spraying only when the metal surface has been fully blast cleaned. Subsequent coating should be applied by brushing or spraying as appropriate. Application of paint by roller is not recommended. Prior to each application of paint, all surfaces shall be free of contamination For the application of paint onto surfaces predominantly 32.7 applies. For all other areas 32.2 to 32.6 may apply. 32.2 as specified in 5.9.6. immersed in water (i.e. cups, grips, wind and water lines). The primer shall be applied to all prepared exposed metal to a OFT as specified in the manufacturers' This may range from minimum spot preparation to the application of a full primer coat as specified in instructions. the manufacturers' instructions. Stripe coating may be necessary to achieve the required OFT at edges, rivets and weld areas. Where applicable, spot priming shall overlap onto any existing sound coating The manufacturers' recommended have elapsed before overcoating. overcoating least 100 mm. times shall be followed, although not more than seven days shall - 25- 1020 ( Rev 08198 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 by at 35 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 32.3 One coat of MIO high build paint shall be applied to all newly primed surfaces, overlapping onto existing sound coating by at least 100 mm. The DFT shall be as specified in the manufacturers' instructions (determined by means of a w~ film thickness gauge as specified in clause 8). The manufacturers' recommended overcoating times shall be followed although not more than seven days shall have elapsed before overcoating. 32.4 One further coat of MIO paint may then be considered in the following situations: a) Where there has been minimal breakdown of the existing paint system, the additional coat shall be applied only as a spot coat, (the total system will then comprise of spot primer, spot MIO, spot MIO, fmish coat). b) If justified, or where additional protection is required, the additional coat shall be applied as full coat (the total system will then comprise of primer and MIO to prepared areas, followed by full MIO, full finish). The OFT shall be as specified in the manufacturers as specified in clause 8 instructions (determined by means of a wet film thickness gauge The manufacturers' recommended drying times shall be followed before any operation of the gasholder is undertaken or before overcoating as described in 32.5. Overcoating is normally carried out within three months of the application of the build coat. 32.5 If required, one high build finish coat shall be applied (see Notes 2 and 3) to a OFT as specified in the manufacturers' instructions (determined by means of a wet film thickness gauge as specified in clause 8). The coating shall be allowed to dry for as long as possible and, in any case, for a minimum period of two weeks prior to any operation of the gasholder. 32.6 Table SP A5a gives details of the relevant preparation and painting operations. NOTES: I. Each coat of paint shall be of a contrasting colour. 2. The finish coat on anyone batch. 3. On the crown of a gasholder, the number of coats in the paint system should be kept to a minimum. Where the crown is prepared by grit blasting, only a two-coat system of a primer and an MIO need be applied with the MIa acting as the finish coat. This MIa should be of a light/silver grey colour to provide a reflective surface to minimise the crown temperature. Reduced coating thickness will also improve flexibility and resistance to cracking. 4. Non-slip paint, made by mixing dry soft-wood coarse grade sawdust to the top coat paint, should be applied as an additional coat to access areas such as walkways, stairs and a one metre band across the crown and around the inside of the crown perimeter. 5. Where non-drying paint is to be removed prior to painting, the additional cost to remo\e the final traces can be prohibitive. {;nder this circumstance, a white spirit-based primer should be used: water-based primer is not recommended. 6. Water-based paints require the movement of air to dry quickly, otherwise localised rust spotting will occur. This problem can be overcome by replacing the primer coat of the water-based system by a quick drying solvent-based primer. lift or on the above ground tank shall be trom the same manufactured - 26- Painting IllspectioD Crade 3/2 J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) 36 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 32.7 For surfaces which are predominantly immersed in water, one coat of moisture tolerant epoxy shall be applied by broshing to a minimum Off of 100 J.1m(determined by means of a wet film thickness gauge as specified in clause 8). Where applicable, newly applied paint shall overlap onto the existing coating by 100 mm. The manufacturers' recommendation in respect of drying times should be followed, but typically a minimum period of two hours at IS 0 C should elapse before immersion into water. Since it is necessary to restore adequate water seals at the end of each day, the paint system used should meet this specific application requirement. The area to be prepared and painted on cups and grips shall extend from the lowered water level to a point at least ISOmm above the highest cup water working level around the full circumference of the gasholder. The area for tank wind and water lines shall extend from the lowered water level to the tank top curb around the full circumference of the tank. Table SPASb gives details of the operations applicable to painting cups, grips and tank wind and water lines. 33. HOLDER CUP WATER MANAGEMENT 33.1 Preparation and painting of cup and grip areas necessitates the removal of water from the cup. Reduced water levels shall not remain during periods when the site is unattended and, in particular, overnight. The operations associated with the preparation and painting of cup and grip wind and water lines shall be planned to ensure that an adequate seal can be restored before leaving site each day. 33.1.1 During preparation and painting of cups and grips, water levels shall not be lowered to the point at which gas can escape beneath the grip plate and lead to potentially serious results. A gas/air mixture may also be trapped in the grip in which case a purging operation may be necessary before the gasholder is re-inflated. 33.2 The Engineer or the Engineer's nominated representative shall be present at all times to maintain observation of water levels during painting operations and until adequate seals are restored. 33.3 To facilitate painting operations, special arrangements may need to be made in respect of the disposal of water removed from the seals or tanks. 33.4 The Engineer may decide that tank water levels on multi-lift gasholders can be lowered sufficiently to protect the wind and water line by intlating the gasholder into the outer lift, allowing surplus water to drain from the tank to the tank overflow pipe level, and then lowering the gasholder into the inner lift. 33.4.1 If tank wind and water lines are to be protected on a single lift gasholder, water levels wiII need to be lowered by controlled syphoning or pumping. 33.S When the gasholder is in the required position, the Engineer shall arrange for the Contractor to remove all sediment from the base of the cup. 33.6 If, after the removal of sediment from the base of the cup. the water level has not reduced sufficiently to enable the preparation and painting of the cup and grip wind and water line, the Engineer shall aIT'dnge for further water to be removed to a safe minimum le..eI. 33.7 Each cup shall be cleaned before commencement of painting of the next lift. This does not preclude the possibility of additional cleaning being required during the progress ofthe painting operations. 33.8 If water blast cleaning is applied, it may be necessary to remove a further quantity of water from the cup before proceeding with the next operation. J020( Rev08/98) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 - 27 - 37 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 TABLE SPA5b. Operations chart for maintenance painting of low pressure gasholde,. grips, and steel tank wind and water lines) Operatioa Dumber Subject of operatioD Period before aeIt operatioD MIDimuID CommeDts MuimuID (cups, Relevaat clauses la PAlO Sectioa 1 SectiOD3 1 Position gasholder Preliminary considerations 2 Protect areas defined Preliminary considerations 3 Remove sediment ftom cups Preliminary considerations 33. 33.5 4 Lower water levels Preliminary considerations 5 Surface preparation for painting BS 7079 St3 as minimum quality 5.9 33. 33.4.1 31.3 6 Clean all surfaces Immediately prior to paint application 5.9.6 32 7 Apply epoxy paint (moisture tolerant grade) 8 Restore water levels 2h Full coat dry film thickness 100 urn minimum Before site -30 - ?ainting leaving 30.9 33.5 5.7 30.5 33.9 32.7 33 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Inspection Grade 3/2 40 Appendix A r---- PA10: SECTION 3 S"CIFIC PAINTINGAPPLICATION (SPA) PAINTINGOF NON-FERROUS SURFACES V SPAS 35. 3S.1 \ , ir' 0/:5 GENERAL This SPA6 applies to the painting at site of the non-ferrous surfaces specified below~ )y Newgalv..lzedsurraoe.. Y Weathered galvanized surfaces. /) Previously painted galvanized surfaces. /dJ' Aluminium surfaces. 1r ~ r (/6 / ( e) Stainless steel. f) Pre-painted cladding ('Plastisol' cladding or equivalent). g) Glass reinforced plastics (GRP). h) Fusion bonded epoxy (FBE). i) Multi component liquids (MCL). j) Concrete. (C ----) \"'- . .... d't' 6<>'{-(~~('\~" (; j V \\ 35.2 All these surfaces, especially aluminium and stainless steel shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with 5.9.6 and then lightly abraded to provide an adequate key for the new paint system (see Table SPA6a). 35.3 It should be noted that items a) to d) are painted primarily to provide corrosion protection. The remainder are painted for cosmetic purposes only. 36. PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR PAINTING All forms of surface contamination and disbonded paint shall be removed. especially oil, grease, salts, dirt and dust. This should be achieved by the use of detergent cleaners or emulsifYing agents followed by a clean water rinse. 36.2 The surface shall then be prepared as detailed in the requirements in Table SPA6a. 37. APPLICATION OF PAINT TO PREPARED SURFACES 37.1 Compliant materials of the type listed in Table SP A6b shall be specified by the Engineer and applied in accordance with clause 7. 37.2 SPA6c. The choice of the generic paint system will determine the initial coat required and this is shown in Table 37.3 For items a) to d), the minimum dry film thickness of the full paint system shall be 120 jlm and shall include a MID build coat. Water borne acrylic paint s)-stems do not require a separate primer as the MID will fulfil this function. 37.4 Items e) to i) do not require a MID coat. 37.5 Coating systems shall normally be terminated with a full gloss finish of the same generic t)pe as the preceding coats. Where an epoxy primer and intermediate coat have been applied, an epoxy acrylic or epoxy polyester topcoat shall be specified. In some situations, it may be required to terminate the paint system at the MID coat. 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) -31- Painting Inspection Crade 3/2 41 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 SPA" \f~ - Non-ferrous au_eo - surface Non-ferrous surfaces Surface preparatioD Preferred OptioD a) Sweep New galvanizing abrasive Comments Fint option Hand abrading blast \,\) ' l'ul \3> ..} , " ,,' ",.:.,! C°'(-L~v \,(};,\" preparation eliminate the need for an 'Etch' primer. An 'Etch' primer (Twash) shall be used where these optionsare impractical 'It (f \J ), J b) Weathered galvanizing c) Previously d) Stiff brushing painted Sweep galvanizing blast Aluminium Sweep blast The preferred and first options bristle - abrasive Hand abrading abrasive Hand abrading Weathered surface provides its own key Thin gauge aluminium should not be blast cleaned and should be treated with an etch primer prior to the application of intermediate and finish coats. Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvent shall not be used e) Stainless steel f) Pre-painted (' Plastisol' equivalent) g) cladding cladding or Glass reinforced plastics - Sweep blast abrasive Sweep abrasive Hand abrading - abrasive Hand abrading - blast Sweep blast Only aluminium oxide should be used as the blasting medium h) Fusion bonded epoxy Sweep blast abrasive Hand abrading - i) :'vlulticomponent liquids Sweep blast abrasive Hand abrading - j) Concrete [n accordance with the Manufacturers' recommendations - 32- Painting Inspection - Surface abrasion may not be required for new concrete, Old paint should be removed if required using scrabblers J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Grade 3/2 42 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 \/n;;LE . Point oys18m8 SPA6b- Non.ferro.. ourfo- Com menu Groups ofpalDt systeml NOD-ferrous surraces G3 Gl Gl - a) New galvanizing Water-borne acrylic Epoxy build high Alkyd modified alkyd or b) Weathered galvanizing Water-borne acrylic Epoxy build high Alkyd modified alkyd or c) Previously galvanizing Water-borne acrylic Epoxy build high Alkyd modified alkyd or - d) Aluminium Water-borne acrylic Epoxy build high Alkyd modified alkyd or - e) Stainless steel Water-borne Epoxy high painted ( acrylic - - build Any damaged galvanizing shail be repaired with zinc rich epoxy t) cladding Pre-painted ('Plastisol' cladding or equivalent) Water-borne acrylic Moisture cured urethane Alkyd modified alkyd or Any damaged areas where the steel substrate is exposed, should be repaired in accordance with SPA} g) Glass reinforced plastics Water-borne acrylic Moisture cured urethane Alkyd modified alkyd or - h) Fusion bonded epoxy Water-borne acrylic Moisture cured urethane Alkyd modified alkyd or - i) Multi component liquids or - or For new concrete a scaler coat may be required j) Concrete Water-borne Moisture Alkyd acrylic cured urethane modified alkyd Water-bome acrylic Moisture cured urethane Alkyd modified alkyd NOTE Other compliant systems which meet the requirements consideration by Transco. - 33 - J020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 of PA9 may be proposed as a variant for 43 Appendix A PA10: SECTION 3 VkE SPA6c - Non-ferrous surfac.. - PaInt syotoms -Initial coat Options Non-ferrous sureaees Gl G1 GJ a) New galvanizing Water-borne acrylic micaceous iron oxide (65 um minimum) Pigmented high build epoxy (65 um minimum) Alkyd or modified alkyd (40 um minimum) b) Weathered galvanizing Water-borne acrylic micaceous iron oxide (65 um minimum) Pigmented high build epoxy (65 um minimum) Alkyd or modified alkyd (40 um minimum) c) Previously galvanizing Water-borne acrylic micaceous iron oxide (65 um minimum) Pigmented high build epoxy (65 um minimum) Alkyd or modified alkyd (40 um minimum) d) Aluminium Water-borne acrylic micaceous iron oxide (65 um minimum) Pigmented high build epoxy (65 um minimum) Alkyd or modified alkyd (40 um minimum) e) Stainless steel - painted Water-borne acrylic Chloride fTeeepoxy micaceous iron oxide (45 um minimum) high build (65 um minimum) f) cladding Pre-painted (plastisol cladding) Water-borne acrylic micaceous iron oxide (45 um minimum) Compatible moisture cured urethane (25 um minimum) Compatible alkyd or modified alkyd (40 um minimum) g) Glass reinforced plastics Water-borne acrylic micaceous iron oxide (45 um minimum) Compatible moisture cured urethane (25 um minimum) Compatible alkyd or modified alkyd (40 um minimum) h) Fusion bonded epoxy Water-borne acrylic micaceous iron oxide (45 um minimum) Compatible moisture cured urethane (25 um minimum) Compatible alkyd or modified alkyd (40 urn minimum) i) Multi component liquids Water-borne acrylic micaceous iron oxide (45 urn minimum) Compatible moisture cured urethane (25 um minimum) Compatible alkyd or modified alkyd (40 um minimum) } {Single pack acrylic} {water-borne } {primer (30 um } {minimum) Moisture cured urethane sealer Compatible alkyd or modified alkyd (40 um minimum) j) Walls Concrete Floors J020 ( Rev 08,98 ) - 34- Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 44 Appendix A PA10 APPENDIX A LIST OF REFERENCES This specification makes reference to the documents listed below (see clause 2). It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to acquire all relevant standards applicable to the particular work involved. Copies of the relevant Transco specifications will normally be supplied by Transco at the tender stage. Statutes and Regulations No. 1145 1948- The Building (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations No. 1580 1961- The Construction (General Provisions) Regulations No. 1581 1961- The Construction (Lifting Operations) Regulations 1989- The Construction (Head Protection) Regulations No.1248 1980- Control of Lead at Work Regulations 1963- The Contracts of Employment Act 1961- The Factories Act 1947- The Fire Services Act 1963- The Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1974- Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 19901991- Environmental Protection Act 1974- Control of Pollution Act (1974) & Amendment (1989) 1980- Control of Pollution Special Waste Regulations (Amendment 1988- Collection and Disposal of Waste Regulations 1988- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1989- Environmental Protection Act - EPA - (Duty of Care Regulations) Noise at Work Regulations Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations Manhandling Operations Regulations 1992 - Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations - Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 1994 1992 Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations Certification, Packaging and Labelling (CPL) Regulations (for Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail) 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 1988) -35 45 Appendix A PA10 1993 - Chemicals Hazard Information and Packaging (CHIP) Regulations Water Resources Act International Organisation for Standardlsatlon Preparation Products ISO 7167 (ISO) standard of steel substances before application of paint and related European Standards BS EN 345, 355, 358/361 - 365 Specifications BS EN 22063 Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Thermal spraying. Zinc, aluminium and their alloys for industrial safety belts, harnesses and safety lanyards British Standards BS 1129 Specification for portable timber ladders, steps, trestles and lightweight stagings BS 1139 Metal scaffolding BS 2569 Specification for sprayed metal coatings: Part 2 protection of iron and steel against corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures BS 2830 Specification for suspended safety chairs and cradles for use in the construction industry BS 2842 Specification for whirling hygrometer BS 3900 Methods of test for paints: Part C5 Determination of film thickness BS 4800 Schedule of paint colours for building purposes BS 5493 Code of practice for protective coating or iron and steel structures against corrosion BS 5973 Code of practice for access and working scaffolds and special scaffold structures in steel BS 7079 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products: Part 0 Introduction Part A Visual assessment of surface cleanliness Part Al Specification for rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings Part AI: Supplement 1 Representative photographic examples of the change of appearance imparted to steel when blast-cleaned with different abrasives - - - - - - - 1020( -36- Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 46 Rev 08/98 ) Appendix A PA10 Institution of Gas Englnee... (IGE) Recommendatlons* .These Recommendations are available from 21 Portland Place. London WIN 3AF. IGE/SRl3 Electrical equipment in gas production, transmission, distribution storage and IGE/SRl4 Low pressure gasholders storing lighter-than-air 10E/SRlS Opening of gas works plant and working in confined spaces 10E/SRl12 Handling of methanol 10E/SRl21 Blast cleaning operations IOEfID/6 Handling, transport and storage of steel pipes, bends, tees, valves and fittings gases Transco specifications 011 Notes for guidance on the issue of Permits to Work CWS Code of Practice for the selection and application offield applied external pipework coatings PA9 Technical specification for paint properties and performances requirements DlS 3.1 Engineering Procedures -Safety -Health DlS 3.5 Engineering Procedures - Health, and Safety at Works Safety and Environmental Protection Other Transco publications Handbook on Safe Handling of Substances in Use with,," the Gas Industry Computerised (CISSUB). 1020 ( Rev 08/98 ) Painting Inspection Grade 3/2 Information System for Substances in Use in Transco - 37- 47 Appendix A