Uploaded by Solomoni Radrodro

Computer Science Test: Binary Files, Docker, Kubernetes

Q1: What is a Binary file?
a None of the above
b Regular file
c Directory
d Executable file
e None
f System file
Q2: Containers running on a single machine all share the same operating system kernel.?
a None
b None
c None
d True
e None
f False
Q3: Which value of Socket.readyState atribute of WebSocket indicates that the connection
has been closed or could not be opened??
b None
c None
Q4: You are logged in as a normal user and you see a file with 444(-r--r--r--) permission. Can
you delete it with the `rm` command??
a Yes, can delete it without a problem
b We can delete it only from the GUI but not from CLI.
c No, we don't have the proper permissions
d We can't be certain, it depends on the permissions of the parent folder
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
Q5: Which command can be used to write onto other currently logged in user’s console
output terminal.?
a notify
The correct Answer is: None
c broadcast
d write
e alert
The correct Answer is: None
Q6: In Kubernetes how to create a service for a replicated Nginx, which serves on port 80
and connects to the containers on port 8000??
a kubectl expose rc nginx --port=80 --target-port=8000
b kubectl rc nginx --port=80 --target-port=8000
c None
d None
e kubectl expose nginx --port=80 --target-port=8000
f kubectl expose rc nginx --port=8080 --target-port=80
Q7: Which of the following are not Numeric column types??
a None
Q8: What is the reason for using Volumes in Docker??
a None
b To add plugins for extended file attributes.
c To create exceptions to the `--read-only` mode.
d None
e To fail access to persisted data such as data in a database.
f None
Q9: Can a Docker container restart by itself??
The correct Answer is: None
b False
The correct Answer is: None
The correct Answer is: None
e True
The correct Answer is: None