PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) AFAR05 BATCH 2020 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) RELATED STANDARDS: PFRS 10 – CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS; PAS 27 – SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – TOPIC OUTLINE Basic Concepts and Introduction CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PFRS 10) Accounting Requirements Accounting on Consolidated Financial Statements on the Date of Acquisition Accounting on Consolidated Financial Statements Subsequent to Date of Acquisition LECTURE NOTES BASIC CONCEPTS AND INTRODUCTION DEFINITION OF TERMS CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – the financial statements of a group in which the assets, liabilities, equity, income, expense and cash flows of the parent and its subsidiaries are presented as those of a single economic entity. GROUP – a parent and its subsidiaries PARENT – an entity that controls one or more entities SUBSIDIARY – an entity that is controlled by another entity. INTRODUCTION PFRS 3 deals with the accounting for a business combination at the acquisition date, while PFRS 10 deals with the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements after the business combination ALL PARENT entities are required to prepare consolidated financial statements, except as follows: (1) A parent is exempt from presenting consolidated financial statements if: (a) It is a subsidiary of another entity (whether wholly owned or partially owned and all its other owners do not object to its non-presentation of consolidated financial statements (b) Its debt or equity instruments are not traded in a public market (or being processed for such purpose) and (c) its ultimate or any intermediate parent produces consolidated financial statements that are available for public use and comply with PFRS. (2) Post-employment benefit plans or other long-term employment benefit plans to which PAS 19 applies. CONTROL PFRS 10 introduces a new single control model to identify a parent-subsidiary relationship by specifying that “an investor controls an investee when the investor is exposed, or has rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the investee”. Based from that control exists if the investor has all of the following: (a) Power over the investee. (b) Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from the investee; and (c) Ability to the affect returns through the use of power. Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 1 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) BATCH 2020 ACCOUNTING REQUIREMENTS REPORTING DATES The financial statements of the parent and its subsidiaries used in preparing consolidated financial statements shall have the same reporting date. If the parent’s and its subsidiary’s reporting periods do not coincide, the subsidiary shall prepare financial statements that coincide with the parent’s reporting period before consolidation. If this is impracticable, the subsidiary’s financial statements shall be adjusted for significant transactions and events that occur between the end of the subsidiary’s reporting period and that of the parent’s. The difference between the parent’s and subsidiary’s end of reporting periods shall not exceed THREE MONTHS. UNIFORM ACCOUNTING POLICIES Uniform accounting policies shall be used. If the subsidiary uses different accounting policies, its financial statements need to be adjusted to conform to the parent’s accounting policies before they are consolidated. CONSOLIDATION PERIOD Consolidation begins from the date the investor obtains control over the investee and ceases when the investor loses control over the investee. INVESTMENT IN SUBSIDIARY Under PAS 27, investment in subsidiaries is accounted for in the parent’s SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS either: (a) at cost (b) in accordance with PFRS 9 (c) using equity method under PAS 28 ACCOUNTING FOR CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – DATE OF ACQUISITION Consolidation process at the acquisition date is simple because only the STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION of the combining entities are consolidated. The consolidation involves the following steps: (1) Eliminate the “Investment in Subsidiary” account. This requires: (a) Measuring the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the business combination at their acquisition-date fair values. (b) Recognizing the goodwill from the business combination. (c) Eliminating the subsidiary’s pre-combination equity accounts and replacing them with the noncontrolling interest. NOTE: Working paper elimination entries are NOT RECORDED on either books of the parent and subsidiary. (2) Add, line by line, similar items of assets and liabilities of the combining entities. The subsidiary’s assets and liabilities are included in the consolidated financial statements at 100% of their amounts irrespective of the interest acquired by the parent. NCI in the net assets of the subsidiary NCI in the net assets of the subsidiary is presented in the consolidated statement of financial position WITHIN EQUITY, separately from the equity of the owners of the parent. NCI in the net assets of the subsidiary consists of: (a) The amount determined at the acquisition date using PFRS 3. This amount may be measured at (1) Fair value (2) The NCI’s proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets. NOTE: Under option 2, any goodwill that arises at the time of acquisition is assigned only to the parent. Also, NCI cannot be assigned of gain on bargain purchase. (b) The NCI’s share of changes in equity since the acquisition date. ACCOUNTING FOR CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – SUBSEQUENT TO DATE OF ACQUISITION The consolidation procedures followed to prepare a complete set of consolidated financial statements subsequent to acquisition is quite similar to that used to prepare consolidated statement of financial position as of the date of acquisition. However, in addition to the Statement of Financial Position, the Statement of Comprehensive Income and Retained Earnings Statement of the consolidating companies must be combined. NCI in profit or loss and comprehensive income The profit or loss and each component of other comprehensive income in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income are attributed to the following: (a) owners of the parent; (b) non-controlling interests. Total comprehensive income is attributed to the owners of the parent and to the NCI even if this results in the NCI having a deficit balance. Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 2 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) BATCH 2020 DISCUSSION EXERCISES STRAIGHT PROBLEMS: 1. On January 1, 2020, the date of acquisition, the balance sheet of THANOS CORP. (the acquirer) and HULK INC. (the acquiree) are as follows: THANOS HULK Cash 2,000,000 100,000 Inventories 500,000 50,000 Investment 1,200,000 Land 1,000,000 750,000 Equipment 1,500,000 500,000 Accounts payable 1,500,000 400,000 Share capital (P10 par value) 2,000,000 500,000 Share premium 1,500,000 200,000 Retained earnings 1,200,000 300,000 On January 1, 2020, THANOS acquired ___% of the outstanding stock of HULK. The subsidiary’s assets and liabilities are stated at their acquisition-date fair values, except for the following: Land 850,000 Equipment 450,000 REQUIREMENTS: UNDER THE FOLLOWING ASSUMPTIONS: (a) Prepare a complete analysis of the fair value of the investment and NCI (if necessary) in determining the goodwill or gain on bargain purchase on the date of acquisition; (b) Prepare the working paper elimination entries; (c) Prepare a consolidate balance sheet at the date of acquisition. (1) Assuming THANOS acquired ALL (100%) of the outstanding stock of HULK. Consideration BVNA Excess Fair Value Adjustments: Land Equipment Goodwill Working paper elimination entry: Goodwill Land Share capital Share premium Retained earnings Investment in subsidiary Equipment Total 1,200,000 (1,000,000) 200,000 Parent 1,200,000 (1,000,000) 200,000 NCI - (100,000) 50,000 150,000 (100,000) 50,000 150,000 - 150,000 100,000 500,000 200,000 300,000 1,200,000 50,000 Total assets of acquirer Total assets of acquiree Elimination of investment in subsidiary Net fair value adjustments in assets (100,000 – 50,000) Goodwill Total consolidated assets (2) 6,200,000 1,400,000 (1,200,000) 50,000 150,000 6,600,000 Total liabilities of acquirer Total liabilities of acquiree Net fair value adjustments in liabilities Total consolidated liabilities 1,500,000 400,000 1,900,000 Total equity of acquirer Gain on bargain purchase NCINAS Total consolidated equity 4,700,000 4,700,000 Assuming THANOS acquired 80% of the outstanding stock of HULK. THANOS elected to measure NCI at fair value. The independent consultant engaged by THANOS determined that the fair value of 20% NCI is P350,000. Consideration BVNA Excess Fair Value Adjustments: Land Equipment Goodwill Working paper elimination entry: Goodwill Total 1,550,000 (1,000,000) 550,000 Parent 1,200,000 (800,000) 400,000 NCI 350,000 (200,000) 150,000 (100,000) 50,000 500,000 (80,000) 40,000 360,000 (20,000) 10,000 140,000 500,000 Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 3 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) Land Share capital Share premium Retained earnings Investment in subsidiary Equipment NCI BATCH 2020 100,000 500,000 200,000 300,000 1,200,000 50,000 350,000 Total assets of acquirer Total assets of acquiree Elimination of investment in subsidiary Net fair value adjustments in assets (100,000 – 50,000) Goodwill Total consolidated assets (3) 6,200,000 1,400,000 (1,200,000) 50,000 500,000 6,950,000 Total liabilities of acquirer Total liabilities of acquiree Net fair value adjustments in liabilities Total consolidated liabilities 1,500,000 400,000 1,900,000 Total equity of acquirer Gain on bargain purchase NCINAS Total consolidated equity 4,700,000 350,000 5,050,000 Assuming THANOS acquired 80% of the outstanding stock of HULK. THANOS elected to measure NCI at fair value. Consideration BVNA Excess Fair Value Adjustments: Land Equipment Goodwill Working paper elimination entry: Goodwill Land Share capital Share premium Retained earnings Investment in subsidiary Equipment NCI Total 1,500,000 (1,000,000) 500,000 Parent 1,200,000 (800,000) 400,000 NCI 300,000 (200,000) 100,000 (100,000) 50,000 450,000 (80,000) 40,000 360,000 (20,000) 10,000 90,000 450,000 100,000 500,000 200,000 300,000 1,200,000 50,000 300,000 Total assets of acquirer Total assets of acquiree Elimination of investment in subsidiary Net fair value adjustments in assets (100,000 – 50,000) Goodwill Total consolidated assets (4) 6,200,000 1,400,000 (1,200,000) 50,000 450,000 6,900,000 Total liabilities of acquirer Total liabilities of acquiree Net fair value adjustments in liabilities Total consolidated liabilities 1,500,000 400,000 1,900,000 Total equity of acquirer Gain on bargain purchase NCINAS Total consolidated equity 4,700,000 300,000 5,000,000 Assuming THANOS acquired 80% of the outstanding stock of HULK. THANOS elected to measure NCI at fair value. The independent consultant engaged by THANOS determined that the fair value of 20% NCI is P180,000. Consideration BVNA Excess Fair Value Adjustments: Land Equipment Goodwill Working paper elimination entry: Goodwill Total 1,410,000 (1,000,000) 410,000 Parent 1,200,000 (800,000) 400,000 NCI 210,000 (200,000) 10,000 (100,000) 50,000 360,000 (80,000) 40,000 360,000 (20,000) 10,000 - 360,000 Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 4 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) Land Share capital Share premium Retained earnings Investment in subsidiary Equipment NCI BATCH 2020 100,000 500,000 200,000 300,000 1,200,000 50,000 210,000 Total assets of acquirer Total assets of acquiree Elimination of investment in subsidiary Net fair value adjustments in assets (100,000 – 50,000) Goodwill Total consolidated assets (5) 6,200,000 1,400,000 (1,200,000) 50,000 360,000 6,810,000 Total liabilities of acquirer Total liabilities of acquiree Net fair value adjustments in liabilities Total consolidated liabilities 1,500,000 400,000 1,900,000 Total equity of acquirer Gain on bargain purchase NCINAS Total consolidated equity 4,700,000 210,000 4,910,000 Assuming the consideration paid by THANOZ excludes control premium of P300,000. THANOS elected to measure NCI at fair value. Consideration BVNA Excess Fair Value Adjustments: Land Equipment Goodwill Working paper elimination entry: Goodwill Land Share capital Share premium Retained earnings Investment in subsidiary Equipment NCI Total 1,800,000 (1,000,000) 800,000 Parent 1,500,000 (800,000) 700,000 NCI 300,000 (200,000) 100,000 (100,000) 50,000 750,000 (80,000) 40,000 660,000 (20,000) 10,000 90,000 750,000 100,000 500,000 200,000 300,000 Total assets of acquirer Total assets of acquiree Elimination of investment in subsidiary Net fair value adjustments in assets (100,000 – 50,000) Goodwill Total consolidated assets 2. 1,500,000 50,000 300,000 6,200,000 1,400,000 (1,500,000) 50,000 750,000 6,900,000 Total liabilities of acquirer Total liabilities of acquiree Net fair value adjustments in liabilities Total consolidated liabilities 1,500,000 400,000 1,900,000 Total equity of acquirer Gain on bargain purchase NCINAS Total consolidated equity 4,700,000 300,000 5,000,000 On January 1, 2020, CAPTAIN AMERICA acquired 80% interest in CAPTAIN PHILIPPINES for P400,000. On that date, CAPTAIN PHILIPPINES has the following equity items: Share capital P100,000 Share premium 50,000 Retained earnings 150,000 CAPTAIN PHILIPPINES’ assets and liabilities have a book value equal to their acquisition-date fair values, except for the following: Carrying Amount Fair Value Inventories 200,000 300,000 Building 400,000 450,000 Additional information: All inventories on January 1 were sold during the year. The building has an estimated remaining useful life of 5 years on January 1, 2020. Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 5 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) BATCH 2020 CAPTAIN AMERICA elected to measure NCI at fair value. Information on subsequent reporting date (December 31, 2020) is as follows: STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Assets: CAPTAIN AMERICA Cash 300,000 Accounts receivable 150,000 Inventory 50,000 Investment in subsidiary (at cost) 400,000 Building, net 600,000 Liabilities & Equity: Accounts payable Share capital Share premium Retained earnings CAPTAIN PHILIPPINES 75,000 55,000 150,000 320,000 200,000 600,000 300,000 400,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 300,000 CAPTAIN PHILIPPINES reported net income of 200,000 and declared dividends of P50,000 while CAPTAIN AMERICA reported net income of P500,000 and declared dividends of P100,000. Information on subsequent reporting date (December 31, 2021) is as follows: STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Assets: CAPTAIN AMERICA CAPTAIN PHILIPPINES Cash 300,000 80,000 Accounts receivable 400,000 200,000 Inventory 300,000 200,000 Investment in subsidiary (at cost) 400,000 Building, net 550,000 240,000 Liabilities & Equity: Accounts payable Share capital Share premium Retained earnings 150,000 600,000 300,000 900,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 470,000 CAPTAIN PHILIPPINES reported net income of 250,000 and declared dividends of P80,000 while CAPTAIN AMERICA reported net income of P600,000 and declared dividends of P100,000. REQUIREMENTS: (1) Prepare the necessary working paper elimination entries for the year 2020 and 2021. (2) Prepare a consolidated income statement showing the consolidated net income and net income attributable to the parent and NCI for the year 2020 and 2021. (3) Compute the consolidated retained earnings for the year 2020 and 2021. (4) Compute the consolidated assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity for the year 2020 and 2021. 2020 Consideration BVNA Excess Fair Value Adjustments: Inventories Building Goodwill Working paper elimination entry: Goodwill Inventories Building Share capital Share premium Retained earnings Investment in subsidiary NCI Dividend income NCI Dividends declared COGS OPEX Total 500,000 (300,000) 200,000 Parent 400,000 (240,000) 160,000 NCI 100,000 (60,000) 40,000 (100,000) (50,000) 50,000 (80,000) (40,000) 40,000 (20,000) (10,000) 10,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 150,000 40,000 10,000 400,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 10,000 Inventory Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 100,000 Page 6 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) BATCH 2020 PPE 10,000 NCI in CI of Subsidiary NCI Consolidated Net Income: C.I. – Parent C.I. – Subsidiary Dividend Income Amortization of FV Adjustments Consolidated net income 18,000 Parent 500,000 160,000 (40,000) (88,000) 532,000 18,000 NCI 40,000 (22,000) 18,000 Consolidated Retained Earnings: Retained earnings – parent (Jan. 1, 2020) Consolidated net income – parent Dividends declared Consolidated retained earnings – December 31, 2020 Total 500,000 200,000 (40,000) (110,000) 550,000 532,000 (100,000) 432,000 Retained earnings – parent (December 31, 2020) Share in undistributed earnings of subsidiary [(150,000 – 110,000) x 80%] Consolidated retained earnings – December 31, 2020 Total assets of acquirer Total assets of acquiree Elimination of investment in subsidiary Net fair value adjustments in assets (150,000 – 110,000) Goodwill Total consolidated assets 400,000 32,000 432,000 1,500,000 600,000 (400,000) 40,000 50,000 1,790,000 Total liabilities of acquirer Total liabilities of acquiree Net fair value adjustments in liabilities Total consolidated liabilities 200,000 150,000 350,000 Share capital and share premium - parent Consolidated retained earnings NCINAS * Total consolidated equity 900,000 432,000 108,000 1,440,000 NCINAS (1/1/2019) NCINIS Dividends NCINAS (12/31/2019) 100,000 18,000 (10,000) 108,000 2021 Goodwill Inventories Building Share capital Share premium Retained earnings Investment in subsidiary NCI 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 150,000 400,000 100,000 Dividend income NCI Dividends declared 64,000 16,000 80,000 Retained earnings – subsidiary OPEX Inventory PPE 110,000 10,000 Retained earnings – January 1 (40,000 x 20%) NCI NCI in CI of Subsidiary NCI 100,000 20,000 8,000 8,000 18,000 18,000 Consolidated Net Income: C.I. – Parent C.I. – Subsidiary Dividend Income Amortization of FV Adjustments Consolidated net income Parent 600,000 200,000 (64,000) (8,000) 728,000 Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 NCI 50,000 (2,000) 48,000 Total 600,000 250,000 (64,000) (10,000) 550,000 Page 7 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) Consolidated Retained Earnings: Retained earnings – parent (Jan. 1, 2021) Consolidated net income – parent Dividends declared Consolidated retained earnings – December 31, 2020 432,000 728,000 (100,000) 1,060,000 Retained earnings – parent (December 31, 2020) Share in undistributed earnings of subsidiary [(320,000 – 120,000) x 80%] Consolidated retained earnings – December 31, 2020 900,000 160,000 1,060,000 Total assets of acquirer Total assets of acquiree Elimination of investment in subsidiary Net fair value adjustments in assets (150,000 – 120,000) Goodwill Total consolidated assets Total liabilities of acquirer Total liabilities of acquiree Net fair value adjustments in liabilities Total consolidated liabilities Share capital and share premium - parent Consolidated retained earnings NCINAS * Total consolidated equity NCINAS (1/1/2020) NCINIS Dividends NCINAS (12/31/2019) 3. 1,950,000 720,000 (400,000) 30,000 50,000 2,350,000 150,000 100,000 250,000 900,000 1,060,000 140,000 2,100,000 108,000 48,000 (16,000) 140,000 On January 1, 2020, HAWKEYE CO. acquired 15% ownership interest in CROWEYE CORP. for P100,000. HAWKEYE classified the investment as held for trading securities in accordance with PFRS 9, Financial Instruments. On January 1, 2024, HAWKEYE acquired additional 60% ownership interest in CROWEYE for P800,000. Relevant information follows: (a) The previously held 15% interest has a carrying amount of P170,000 on December 31, 2023 and fair value of P180,000 on January 1, 2024. (b) CROWEYE net identifiable assets have a fair value of P1,000,000. (c) HAWKEYE elected to measure the NCI at proportionate share. REQUIREMENT: Compute for the goodwill on the date of acquisition. Consideration transferred NCI in the acquiree Previously held equity interest in the acquiree Total Fair value of net assets Goodwill 4. BATCH 2020 800,000 250,000 180,000 1,230,000 (1,000,000) 230,000 ANTMAN CORP., a publicly listed entity, and FLYMAN INC., an unlisted company, exchange equity interests. ANTMAN issues 5 shares in exchange for all the outstanding shares of FLYMAN. ANTMAN’s shares are quoted at P40 per share, while FLYMAN’s shares have a fair value of P200 per share. The statements of financial position immediately before the combination are shown below: ANTMAN CORP. FLYMAN INC. Identifiable assets 1,600,000 2,400,000 Liabilities 1,300,000 700,000 Share capital 100,000 800,000 Retained earnings 200,000 900,000 Additional information: The assets and liabilities approximate their fair values. Share capital of ANTMAN consists of 10,000 ordinary shares with par value of P10 per share while share capital of FLYMAN consists of 8,000 ordinary shares with par value of P100 per share. REQUIREMENTS: (a) Identify the accounting acquirer Legal form of the contract: ANTMAN issues 5 shares for each of the outstanding shares of FLYMAN. After the issuance, ANTMAN’s equity will have the following structure: ANTMAN’s currently issued shares 10,000 20% Shares issued to FLYMAN (5 x 8,000) 40,000 80% Total shares after the combination 50,000 100% Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 8 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) BATCH 2020 The business combination is a reverse acquisition because FLYMAN obtains control over ANTMAN despite the fact that ANTMAN is the issuer of shares. In other words, FLYMAN let itself be acquired in order to gain control over ANTMAN. (b) Compute for the amount of goodwill at the date of acquisition. Consideration transferred (2,000 shares x P200) NCI in the acquiree Previously held equity interest in the acquiree Total Fair value of net assets Goodwill 400,000 400,000 (300,000) 100,000 MULTIPLE CHOICE: (THEORIES) 1. In stock acquisition resulting in a parent company – subsidiary relationship, differences between current fair values and book values of the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets on the date of acquisition are: A. Disregarded B. Entered in the accounting records of the subsidiary C. Accounted for in appropriate titled ledger accounts in the parent company accounting records. D. Provided in a working paper elimination 2. 3. 4. Working paper elimination entries are A. Recorded on the books of the parent since it has control over the subsidiary. B. Recorded on the books of the subsidiary. C. Recorded on both books of the parent and subsidiary. D. Recorded neither on the books of the parent nor subsidiary. Control exists even if the parent owns half or less of the voting power of an entity under all of the following circumstances, except A. Power to appoint or remove the employees of the entity. B. Power to govern the financial and operating policies of the entity under a statute. C. Power over more than half of the voting rights by virtue of a contractual agreement with other investors. D. Power to cast the majority of votes at meetings of the board of directors or equivalent governing body. S1: S2: S3: A. B. C. Under PFRS 3, non-controlling interest can be measured at fair value, at its proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets or at cost. If an NCI is measures at its proportionate share of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, any goodwill that arises at the time of acquisition is assigned only to the parent. NCI cannot be assigned of gain on bargain purchase at all times. True, true, false D. False, false, true False, true, true E. True, true, true True, false, false 5. In relation to consolidated financial statements, determine the incorrect statement. A. Consolidation starts when control is obtained and ceases when control is lost. Both cases are accounted for prospectively. B. Consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies and same reporting date. C. The consolidated net income is attributable only to the owners of the parent and not to minority interests. D. NCI in the net assets is presented within the consolidated balance sheet within equity, separately from equity of the owners of the parent. 6. PAS 27 provides that in the separate financial statements of an entity who have investment in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, it may elect to account for its investments either: A. At cost B. At fair value in accordance with PFRS 9 C. Using equity method in accordance with PAS 28\ D. Any of the above 7. How is the non-controlling interest in the subsidiary’s profit or loss presented in the consolidated statement of profit or loss? A. As part of the group’s profit or loss. The group’s profit or loss is then attributed to both the owners of the parent and NCI. B. Not presented but disclosed either as a footnote or in the notes. The consolidated profit or loss pertains to the parent only. C. The consolidated profit or loss pertains to the parent only. The NCI in profit is presented separately. D. Any of these as a matter of accounting policy choice. Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 9 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) BATCH 2020 QUIZZER (DO-IT-YOURSELF DRILL) THEORIES 1. A "group" for consolidation purposes is A. A parent and all of the subsidiaries. B. An entity that has one or more subsidiaries. C. An entity that obtains control over entities or businesses. D. An entity, including an unincorporated entity such as partnership, that is controlled by another entity. 2. A parent entity controls an overseas subsidiary entity. Because of exchange controls, it is difficult to transfer funds out of the country to the parent entity. The parent entity owns 100% of the voting power of the subsidiary. How should the subsidiary be accounted for? A. It should be excluded from consolidation and measured at cost. B. It is not permitted to be excluded from consolidation because control is not lost. C. It should be excluded from consolidation and the equity method should be used. D. It should be excluded from consolidation and accounted for as financial asset in accordance with PFRS 9. 3. Which of the following statements in relation to consolidation of financial statements is true? I. Consolidated financial statements must be prepared using uniform accounting policies. II. The noncontrolling interest in the net assets of subsidiaries may be shown by way of note to the consolidated statement of financial position. A. I only C. Both I and II B. II only D. Neither I nor II 4. The A. B. C. D. 5. When separate financial statements are prepared, investments in subsidiaries shall be accounted for A. At cost B. In accordance with PFRS 9 on measurement financial asset C. Either at cost or in accordance with PFRS 9 on measurement of financial asset D. Neither at cost nor in accordance with' PFRS 9 on measurement of financial asset 6. Goodwill is attributed to both the owners of the parent and non-controlling interests (NCI) if A. the NCI is measured at proportionate share. B. the NCI is measured at fair value C. in both A and B. D. the goodwill is big. 7. Control exists if the investor has all of the following except: A. Power over the investee. B. Exposure or rights to variable returns from the investee. C. Ability to the affect returns through use of power. D. Ability to sell the subsidiary immediately. 8. S1: S2: A. B. noncontrolling interests shall be presented in the consolidated statement of financial position As part of current liabilities As part of noncurrent liabilities As part of the parent shareholders' equity Within equity, separately from the equity of the owners of the parent Uniform accounting policies shall be used. If the subsidiary uses different accounting policies, its financial statements need to be adjusted to conform to the parent’s accounting policies before they are consolidated. Consolidation begins from the date the investor obtains control over the investee. True, false C. False, false False, true D. True, true 9. Which statement is true in relation to business combination achieved in stages? A. The pre-existing equity interest shall be remeasured at fair value with any resulting gain or loss included in profit or loss. B. The pre-existing equity interest shall be remeasured at fair value with any resulting gain or loss included in other comprehensive income. C. The pre-existing interest shall not be remeasured. D. The pre-existing interest shall be remeasured at fair value with any resulting gain or loss recognized in retained earnings. 10. Which condition is required to exclude a subsidiary from consolidation? A. The other owners object to the non-consolidation. B. The parents make an election not to consolidate. C. The other owners do not object to the non-consolidation and the subsidiary does not have any publicly traded debt or equity instrument. Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 10 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) D. BATCH 2020 The parent must own 100% of the subsidiary. PROBLEMS 1. On January 2, 2009. DR. STRANGE CORP. acquired all the outstanding common stock of ATTY. WEIRD INC. for P2,060,000. On that date, ATTY. WEIRD INC. reported the following stockholders' equity account balances: Common Stock P800,000, Additional Paid in Capital P620,000, Retained Earnings P300,000. The assets and liabilities of ATTY. WEIRD INC. had book values that were approximately equal to its market values, except building that was undervalued by P400,000, and equipment that was overvalued by PI20,000. The building has an estimated, life of 20 years and equipment with 5 years useful life. Prior to acquisition, ATTY. WEIRD INC. has unimpaired goodwill in the amount of P10,000. What is the amount of goodwill to be reported in the consolidated balance sheet at the date of acquisition? A. 40,000 C. 50,000 B. 60,000 D. 70,000 2. On January 2, 2009, QUICKSILVER CORP. acquired all the outstanding common stock of FASTGOLD CORP. for P412,000 cash. The book value of FASTGOLD CORP.'s net assets amounted to P280,000. On that date, the assets and liabilities of FASTGOLD CORP. had book value that were approximately equal to their respective market values, except building with useful life of 10 years and was undervalued by P80,000; and equipment with useful life of 5 years and was overvalued by P20,000. For the year 2009, QUICKSILVER CORP. reported net income from own operations in the amount of P224,000, while FASTGOLD CORP reported P60,000 net income from own operations. QUICKSILVER CORP. accounts its investment in FASTGOLD CORP. under the cost method. What is the amount of net income in the consolidated income statement for 2009? A. 288,000 C. 284,000 B. 280,000 D. 272,000 Use the following information in answering the next item(s): On January 1, 2020, HULK CORP. acquired 70% of outstanding ordinary shares of HALL INC. at a price of P210,000. On the same date, the net assets of HALL INC. were reported at P260,000. On January 1, 2020 HULK reported retained earnings of P2,000,000 while HALL reported retained earnings of P200,000. All of the assets and liabilities of HALL are fairly valued except machinery which is undervalued by P80,000 and in inventory which is overvalued by P10,000. The said machinery has a remaining useful life of four years while 40% of the said inventory remained unsold at the end of 2020. For the year ended December 31, 2020, HULK reported net income of P1,000000 and declared dividends of P150,000 in the separate financial statements while HALL reported net income of P150,000 and declared dividends of P20,000 in the separate financial statements. HULK accounted the investment in HALL using cost method in the separate financial statements. 3. What is the non-controlling interest in net assets on December 31, 2020? A. P124,800 C. P126,000 B. P130,200 D. P133,800 4. What is the consolidated net income attributable to parent shareholders for the year ended December 31, 2020? A. P1,102,200 C. P1,141,200 B. P1,162,200 D. P1,095,200 5. What is the amount of consolidated retained earnings on December 31, 2020? A. P3,012,200 C. P2,952,200 B. P2,991,200 D. P2,945,200 Use the following information in answering the next item(s): On January 2, 2009, THANOS CORP. acquired all the outstanding common stock of THANK CORP. for P400,000, when the book value of THANK CORP.'s net assets amounted to P300,000. THANOS CORP. uses the cost method to account for this investment in S THANK CORP. The selected accounts were taken from the financial records of the two companies as of December 31, 2009 (all depreciable assets have useful life of 10 years for the two companies): THANK CORP. THANOS CORP. BV MV Inventory 100,000 30,000 35,000 Property, plant & equipment 5,250,000 290,000 280,000 Patent 10,000 Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 11 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) 6. 7. BATCH 2020 What amount of property, plant and equipment should be shown in the consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 2009? A. 5,250,000 C. 5,529,000 B. 5,530,000 D. 5,531,000 What amount of inventory should be shown in the consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 2009? A. 100,000 C. 130,000 B. 134,500 D. 135,000 Use the following information in answering the next item(s): IRON MAN CORP. acquired 80% of RUST CORP.'s outstanding shares. The statements of financial position of both entities immediately after the acquisition are shown below: IRON MAN CORP. RUST CORP. Investment in subsidiary (at cost) 430,000 Other assets 1,570,000 750,000 Assets 2,000,000 750,000 Liabilities 750,000 400,000 Ordinary share capital 1,000,000 310,000 Retained earnings 250,000 40,000 Liabilities and Stockholders' equity 2,000,000 750,000 At the date of purchase, the fair value of RUST’s assets was P50,000 more than the aggregate carrying amounts. Non-controlling interest is measured under the proportionate share method. 8. How much is the goodwill in the consolidated balance sheet prepared immediately after the acquisition? A. 110,000 C. 140,000 B. 120,000 D. 160,000 9. In the consolidated balance sheet prepared immediately after the acquisition, the consolidated total assets should amount to: A. 2,910,000 C. 2,430,000 B. 2,480,000 D. 2,370,000 10. In the consolidated balance sheet prepared immediately after the acquisition, the equity attributable to the owners of the parent should amount to: A. 1,200,000 C. 1,330,000 B. 1,260,000 D. 1,630,000 11. In the consolidated balance sheet prepared immediately after the acquisition, the consolidated stockholders' equity should amount to: A. 1,250,000 C. 1,330,000 B. 1,280,000 D. 1,630,000 Use the following information in answering the next item(s): At the beginning of the year, GROOT CORP. acquired 70% interest in BRANCH CORP. On acquisition date, BRANCH CORP.’s identifiable assets approximated their fair values except for an inventory whose fair value exceeded its carrying amount by P10,000 and a building whose fair value exceeded its carrying amount by P80,000. The building has a remaining useful life of 5 years. At the end of the year, GROOT CORP. and BRANCH CORP. reported profits of P400,000 and P80,000, respectively. No dividends were declared by either entity during year. There were also no inter-company transactions and impairment in goodwill. 12. How much is the consolidated profit in 20x1? A. 496,000 C. B. 454,000 D. 448,000 388,000 13. How much is the consolidated profit attributable to owners of the parent in 20x1? A. 381,800 C. 437,800 B. 396,800 D. 448,800 14. How much is the consolidated profit attributable to non-controlling interest in 20x1 ? A. 6,200 C. 57,200 B. 16,200 D. 72,200 15. On January 1, 1991, HAWKEYE CORP. acquired 100% of CROWEYE CORP.’s outstanding common stock for P132,000. On that date, the carrying amounts of CROWEYE’s assets and liabilities approximated their fair values. Summarized balance sheet information for the two companies immediately after the acquisition follows: HAWKEYE CROWEYE Investment in Style 132,000 Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 12 PSBA: AFAR 05_CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PART 1) Other assets Assets 138,000 270,000 BATCH 2020 115,000 115,000 Liabilities Common stock 50,000 20,000 Share premium in excess of par 80,250 44,000 Retained earnings 139,750 51,000 Liabilities and stockholders' equity 270,000 115,000 What amount of total stockholders' equity should be reported in HAWKEYE’s January 1, 1991, consolidated balance sheet? A. P270,000 C. P362,000 B. P286,000 D. P385,000 - END OF HANDOUTS - Advanced Financial Accounting & Reporting by Karim G. Abitago, CPA of 9 Page 13