See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: PYTHON PROGRAMMING 2 Book · January 2024 CITATIONS READS 0 23 1 author: Ahmed Shahin Majmaah University 11 PUBLICATIONS 77 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Ahmed Shahin on 19 January 2024. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. PYTHON PROGRAMMING ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL PROGRAMS Dr. Ahmed Shahin Main References V0.1 Data Structure in Python DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 3 DATA STRUCTURE IN PYTHON Data Structure provides a particular way of organizing data so it can be accessed efficiently, depending on your use case. DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 4 DATA STRUCTURE IN PYTHON What is meant by access data? Delete Sort Remove Retrieve Update Extend Modify ADD DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 5 DATA STRUCTURE IN PYTHON Data Structures NonPrimitive Primitive Integer Float DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN String Boolean Lists Tuple Dictionary Set 6 List DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 7 LIST List ❑ Is one of the Non-Primitive data structures in Python. ❑ To Construct an empty list, List = [ ] ❑ The List is defined by Bracket [ ] List = [ 1, 2, 4, 8 ] Single Variable contains multi-items DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 8 LIST ❑ List accept non-same data type of items List=[1,"ahmed",2.4] Integer String Float ❑ Items in List will not be associated otherwise “ Dictionary” will be explained in Next Course List=["ahmed", 80, "Mohamed" , 95] Non- Associated DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 9 LIST List contains heterogenous elements “Indexing” How to retrieve data from List Python Script Item 0 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 X= [1, 10, 100, 1000] [1, 10, 100, 1000] X [2] 100 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 10 LIST List contains heterogenous elements “Indexing” How to retrieve data from List Python Script Item 0 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 X= [1, 10, 100, 1000] [1, 10, 100, 1000] X [-2] 100 Item -4 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN Item -3 Item -2 Item -1 11 LIST Slicing ….“Indexing” How to retrieve data from Tuple Python Script Item 0 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 X= [1, 10, 100, 1000] [1, 10, 100, 1000] X [0:2] 0: [1,10] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 2 End value is not included 12 LIST Slicing ….“Indexing” How to retrieve data from Tuple Python Script Item 0 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 X= [1, 10, 100, 1000] [1, 10, 100, 1000] X [1:] 1: End [10,100,1000] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 13 LIST Slicing ….“Indexing” How to retrieve data from Tuple Python Script Item 0 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 X= [1, 10, 100, 1000] [1, 10, 100, 1000] X [:-2] [1,10] Item -4 Item -3 Item -2 Item -1 Start DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN :-2 14 LIST Slicing ….“Indexing” How to retrieve data from Tuple Python Script Item 0 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 X= [1, 10, 100, 1000] [1, 10, 100, 1000] X [:] [1,10,100,1000] Item -4 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN Item -3 Item -2 Item -1 15 LIST Slicing ….“Indexing” How to retrieve data from Tuple Python Script Item 0 Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 X= [1, 10, 100, 1000] [1, 10, 100, 1000] X [6] IndexError: list index out of range Item -4 Item -3 Item -2 Item -1 Start DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN :-2 16 LIST ❑ List is used to store multiple items in a single variable; However, List is mutable, “Items in List can be modified.” Python Script Python Script X=[1,2,3,4,5] X=[1,2,3,4,5] X [0] =6 X [-2] =20 X=[6,2,3,4,5] X=[6,2,3,20,5] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 17 LIST ❑ Clear List Values Python Script X=[1,2,3,4,5] X =[] X=[] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 18 LIST ❑ Overwrite List Values Python Script X=[1,2,3,4,5] X=[3,5,6] X X=[3,5,6] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 19 LIST ❑ Copy List to a new List Python Script X=[1,2,3,4,5] Y=X Y Y=[1,2,3,4,5] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 20 LIST However, the List items are not mutable, it allows to add items in the tuple structure Python Script X= [1, 10, 100, 1000] X= X + [10000, 100000] [1,10,100,1000,10000,100000] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN Using Plus + Operator 21 LIST However, the List items are not mutable, it allows to add items in the tuple structure Python Script X= [1, 10, 100, 1000] X= X * 2 [1,10,100,1000, 1,10,100,1000] 1 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN Using Multiply * Operator 2 22 LIST ❑ Application of List in real life, Student Degrees Student_degrees=[97,85,87,66,80] ❑ Application of List in real life, Student Names Student_degrees=["Ahmed","AMR","MOHAMED"] ❑ Application of List in real life, Student Names, Degrees, Table Student_degrees=["Ahmed",97,"AMR",85,"MOHAMED“,87] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 23 LIST ❑ Application of List in real life, music music=[0.65,0.97,0.65,0.987,…………] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 24 Lesson 1 LAB DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 25 List Methods DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 26 TERMS Function Method Python Script Python Script X= Y. Method() X= Function (Y) DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 27 LIST METHODS ❑ Python has a set of 11 built-in methods that you can use on lists/arrays. No. Method Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 append() clear() copy() count() extend() index() insert() pop() remove() reverse() sort() Adds an element at the end of the list Removes all the elements from the list Returns a copy of the list DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN Returns the number of elements with the specified value Add the elements of a list (or any iterable), to the end of the current list Returns the index of the first element with the specified value Adds an element at the specified position Removes the element at the specified position Removes the first item with the specified value Reverses the order of the list Sorts the list 28 LIST METHODS The first search item Index Method index ( X ) Item 0 Item 1 Python Script X=[1,5,7,5] X.index(5) X X=[1, Item 2 Item 3 5, 7, 5] 1 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 29 LIST METHODS New Item Append Method Python Script append ( X ) Python Script Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.append(4) X X=[1,5,7] X.append(4,14) X X=[1,5,7] X.append([4,14]) X X=[1,5,7,4] list.append() takes exactly one argument (2 given) X=[1,5,7,4,[4,14]] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 30 LIST METHODS Append Method append ( X ) Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.append(4) X X=[1,5,7,4] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 31 LIST METHODS Append Method Python Script append ( X ) Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.append(4) X X=[1,5,7] X.append(4,14) X X=[1,5,7,4] list.append() takes exactly one argument (2 given) DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 32 LIST METHODS Append Method Python Script append ( X ) Python Script Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.append(4) X X=[1,5,7] X.append(4,14) X X=[1,5,7] X.append([4,14]) X X=[1,5,7,4] list.append() takes exactly one argument (2 given) X=[1,5,7,4,[4,14]] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 33 LIST METHODS New List Extend Method extend ( X ) Python Script Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.append([4,14]) X X=[1,5,7] X.extend([4,14]) X X=[1,5,7,4, [4,14] ] X=[1,5,7,4, 4,14 ] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 34 LIST METHODS Extend Method Python Script extend ( X ) Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.extend([4,14]) X X=[1,5,7] X=X + [4,14] X X=[1,5,7,4, 4,14 ] X=[1,5,7,4, 4,14 ] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN Using Plus + Operator 35 LIST METHODS X is the location and Y is the value of the New Item Insert Method Python Script insert ( X , Y ) Python Script Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.insert(0,4) X X=[1,5,7] X.insert(1,3) X X=[1,5,7] X.insert(3,1) X X=[4,1,5,7] X=[1,3,5,7] X=[1,5,7,1]] Position of arguments is critical DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 36 LIST METHODS No Argument Clear Method clear ( ) Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.clear() X X=[] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 37 LIST METHODS Clear Method clear ( ) Python Script Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.clear() X X=[1,5,7] X=[] X X=[] X=[] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 38 LIST METHODS Remove the item Remove Method remove ( ) Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.remove(5) X X=[1,7] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 39 LIST METHODS Remove Method Python Script remove ( ) Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.remove(5) X X=[1,5,7,5] X.remove(5) X X=[1,7] X=[1,7,5] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 40 LIST METHODS Remove Method Python Script remove ( ) Python Script Python Script X=[1,5,7] X.remove(5) X X=[1,5,7,5] X.remove(5) X X=[1,5,7] X.remove(4) X X=[1,7] X=[1,7,5] ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 41 LIST METHODS No Arguments Pop ( POP Method ) Python Script X=[1,5,5,7] X.pop() X [1,5,5] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 42 LIST METHODS No Arguments copy ( Copy Method ) Python Script X=[1,5,7] Y=X.copy() Y Y=[1,5,7] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 43 LIST METHODS copy ( Copy Method ) Python Script Python Script X=[1,5,7] Y=X.copy() Y X=[1,5,7] Y=X Y Y=[1,5,7] Y=[1,5,7] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 44 LIST METHODS How many time this item is repeated Count Method Count ( ) Python Script Python Script X=[1,5,5,7] X.count(5) X=[1,5,5,7] X.count(3) 2 0 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 45 LIST METHODS Count Method Count ( ) Python Script Python Script X=[1,5,5,7] X.count(5) X=[1,5,5,7] X.count(3) 2 0 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 46 LIST METHODS sort ( Sort Method ) The sort() method sorts the list ascending by default. Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] X.sort() X [1,3,5,7] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 47 LIST METHODS sort (reverse=True ) Sort Method Python Script The sort() method sorts the list descending Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] X.sort() X X=[1,5,7,3] X.sort(reverse=True|) X [1,3,5,7] [7,5,3,1] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 48 LIST METHODS No Arguments Reverse Method reverse ( ) Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] X.reverse() X [3,7,5,1] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 49 Lesson 2 LAB DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 50 List Functions DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 51 LIST FUNCTIONS ❑ Python has a set of 13 built-in methods that you can use on lists/arrays. No. Method Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 len list range sum min max sorted reversed enumerate zip Returns the number of element in the list . DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN Creates a list out of an iterable. Returns an iterator of integers from start to stop, with an increment of step. Adds all items of an iterable. Gets the smallest item in a sequence. Gets the largest item in a sequence. Returns a new list of sorted items in iterable. Reverses an iterator. Returns an enumerate object. Returns an iterator that aggregates items from each iterables. 52 LIST FUNCTIONS ❑ Python has a set of 13 built-in methods that you can use on lists/arrays. No. Method Description 11 12 13 map filter iter Returns iterator that applies function to each item of iterables. DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN Returns an iterator from elements of iterable for which function returns true. Converts an iterable into an iterator. 53 LIST FUNCTIONS List len Function len ( ) Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] Len(X) 4 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 54 LIST FUNCTIONS List Sum Function sum ( ) Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] sum(X) 16 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 55 LIST FUNCTIONS List Max Function max ( ) Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] max(X) 7 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 56 LIST FUNCTIONS List Min Function min ( ) Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] min(X) 1 DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 57 LIST FUNCTIONS Sequence or iterable list ( List Function ) Python Script Python Script X=(1,5,7,3) Y=list(X) Y X="Ahmed" Y=list(X) Y [1,5,7,3] [“A“ ,“ h“,“ m“,“ e“,“ d“] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 58 LIST FUNCTIONS Sorted Function sorted ( ) The sort() method sorts the list ascending by default. Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] Y=sorted(X) X [1,3,5,7] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 59 LIST FUNCTIONS Sorted Function Python Script Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] Y=sorted(X) X X=[1,5,7,3] X.sort() X [1,3,5,7] [1,3,5,7] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 60 LIST FUNCTIONS List Reversed Function reversed ( ) Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] Y=reversed(X) Y=list(Y) [3,7,5,1] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 61 LIST FUNCTIONS Reversed Function reversed ( Python Script ) Python Script X=[1,5,7,3] Y=reversed(X) Y=list(Y) X=[1,5,7,3] X.reverse() X [3,7,5,1] [3,7,5,1] DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 62 Lesson 3 LAB DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN 63 Python Tuples DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN TUPLES Tuple ❑ Is one of the Non-Primitive data structures in Python. ❑ To Construct an empty tuple, Tuple = () ❑ The Tuple is defined by parenthesis ( ) Tuple = ( 1, 2, 4, 8 ) If you write a sequence of numbers with a comma, the python defines it as a tuple. Tuple = 1, 2, 4, 8 65 TUPLES ❑ Tuple is used to store multiple items in a single variable, same as List Data Structure. However, List is mutable, and Tuple is Un mutable. “Items in Tuple can not be modified.” Python Script Python Script X=[1,2,3,4,5] X= (1,2,3,4,5) X [0] =6 X [0] =6 X=[6,2,3,4,5] TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment 66 TUPLES ❑ Tuple is like list accept non-same data type of items Tuple=(1,"ahmed",2.4) Integer Float String 67 TUPLE Tuple contains heterogenous elements “Indexing” How to retrieve data from Tuple Python Script Item 0 Item 1 Item 3 Item 4 X= (1, 10, 100, 1000) X [2] (1, 10, 100, 1000) 100 68 TUPLE “Indexing” How to retrieve data from Tuple Python Script Item -4 Item -3 Item -2 Item -1 X= (1, 10, 100, 1000) X [-2] (1, 10, 100, 1000) 100 69 TUPLE “Indexing” How to retrieve data from Tuple Python Script Item -4 Item -3 Item -2 Item -1 X= (1, 10, 100, 1000) X [0:2] (1, 10, 100, 1000) (1,10) 70 TUPLE “Indexing” How to retrieve data from Tuple Python Script Item 0 Item 1 Item 3 Item 4 X= (1, 10, 100, 1000) X [1:] (1, 10, 100, 1000) 1: End (10,100,1000) 71 TUPLE “Indexing” How to retrieve data from Tuple Python Script Item -4 Item -3 Item -2 Item -1 X= (1, 10, 100, 1000) X[:-2] (1, 10, 100, 1000) Start :-2 (1,10,100) 72 TUPLE However, the Tuple items are not mutable, it allows to add items in the tuple structure Python Script X= (1, 10, 100, 1000) X= X + (10000, 100000) (1,10,100,1000,10000,100000) Using Plus + Operator 73 TUPLE However, the Tuple items are not mutable, it allows to add items in the tuple structure Python Script X= (1, 10, 100, 1000) X= X * 2 (1,10,100,1000, 1,10,100,1000) 1 Using Multiply * Operator 2 74 TUPLE However, the Tuple items are not mutable, it allows to add items in the tuple structure Python Script X= (1, 10, 100, 1000) X= X.append(10000,100000) AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append' Tuple has not an append method 75 TUPLE METHODS Python has two built-in methods that you can use on tuples. Method Description count() Returns the number of times a specified value occurs in a tuple index() Searches the tuple for a specified value and returns the position of where it was found 76 TUPLE Count Method The checked item Tuple.count ( ) Python Script Tuple=(1,2,1,1) Tuple.count(1) 3 Count returns how many times 1 is repeated 77 TUPLE Count Method Python Script Tuple=(1,2,1,1) Tuple.count(100) 0 Count returns 0, if the item is not found. 78 TUPLE Index Method The checked item Tuple.index ( ) Python Script Tuple=(1,6,3,2) Tuple.index(3) 2 Index returns the location of the item 79 TUPLE Index Method Python Script Tuple=(1,6,3,2) Tuple.index(100) ValueError: tuple.index(x): x not in tuple Index returns error, if the item is not found. 80 TUPLE Index Method Python Script Tuple=(1,6,3,6) Tuple.index(6) 1 Index returns only the first one if the item is repeated 81 Python Dictionaries DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN DICTIONARY Dictionary ❑ Is one of the Non-Primitive data structures in Python. ❑ To Construct an empty dictionary, Dict = { } ❑ The Dictionary is defined by braces { } Dict={1: 'Ahmed','Age':25 ,'Degrees': [100, 67, 89, 99] , 2: 'ZIZO','Age':23 ,'Degrees': [94, 88, 78, 99]} 83 DICTIONARY Dictionary contains Items, each item consists of key-value paired elements Dict = Item 0 { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, Item 1 Item 2 "electric": False, Item 3 "year": 1964, Item 4 "colors": ["red", "white", "blue"] } 84 DICTIONARY Dictionary contains Items, each item consists of key-value paired elements Dict = Item 0 { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, Item 1 Item 2 "electric": False, Item 3 "year": 1964, Item 4 "colors": ["red", "white", "blue"] } 85 DICTIONARY ❑ Dictionary accepts non-same data type of items Dict = { "brand": "Ford", String "Height":1.10, Float "electric": False, Boolean "year": 1964, Integer "colors": ["red", "white", "blue"] List } 86 DICTIONARY ❑ Dictionary accepts non-same data type of items Dict = { "brand": "Ford", String "Height":1.10, Float "electric": False, Boolean "year": 1964, Integer "colors": ("red", "white", "blue“) Tuple } 87 DICTIONARY ❑ Dictionary is used to store multiple items in a single variable, same as List, Tuple Data Structure. However, Dictionary is mutable “Items in Dictionary can be modified.” Python Script Dict = Dict = { "brand": "Ford", { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, "Height":1.5, } } Dict['Height']=1.5 88 DICTIONARY ❑ ADDING Items to the Dictionary Python Script Dict = Dict = { "brand": "Ford", { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.5, "Height":1.10, } "Engine" = "Benzine" } Dict["Engine"] = "Benzine" 89 DICTIONARY Methods Method Description clear() Removes all the elements from the dictionary copy() Returns a copy of the dictionary fromkeys() Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and value get() Returns the value of the specified key items() Returns a list containing a tuple for each key value pair keys() Returns a list containing the dictionary's keys 90 DICTIONARY Methods Cont. Method Description pop() Removes the element with the specified key popitem() Removes the last inserted key-value pair setdefault() Returns the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist insert the key, with the specified value update() Updates the dictionary with the specified key-value pairs values() Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary 91 DICTIONARY ❑Items Method Python Script No Arguments Dict.items ( ) [ ( "brand": "Ford" ), Dict = ( "Height": 1.5), { "brand": "Ford", ] "Height":1.10, } Dict.items( ) 92 DICTIONARY ❑Keys Method Python Script Dict = No Arguments Dict.keys ( ) [ 'brand’ , { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, 'Height' ] } Dict.keys() 93 DICTIONARY ❑Values Method Python Script Dict = No Arguments Dict.values ( ) [ "Ford" , { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, 1.10 ] } Dict.values() 94 DICTIONARY ❑Get Method Key name Dict.get ( ) Python Script Dict = "Ford" { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, } Dict.get("brand") 95 DICTIONARY ❑Fromkeys Method [Keys,Values] Dict.fromkeys ( Python Script Keys= [ 'name’, 'Age’ Values= [ 'Ahmed’ ,25 ) { ] ] 'name': 'Ahmed’, 'Age': 25 Dict.fromkeys(Keys,Values) } 96 DICTIONARY ❑Clear Method Python Script Dict = No Argument Dict.clear ( ) Dict = { } { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, } Dict.clear() 97 DICTIONARY ❑Clear Method No Argument Dict.clear ( ) Python Script Dict = { Python Script Dict = { "brand": "Ford", "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, "Height":1.10, } Dict.clear() } Dict={ } 98 DICTIONARY ❑POP Method Python Script Dict = Key Dict.pop ( ) Dict = { "brand": "Ford", { "brand": "Ford", } "Height":1.10, } Dict.pop("Height") 99 DICTIONARY ❑POPitem Method Python Script Dict = { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, "color":1.10, } No Argument Dict.popitem ( ) Dict = { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, } Dict.popitem() 100 DICTIONARY { [Key] : new_value } ❑Update Method Dict.update ( Python Script Dict = ) Dict = { "brand": "Ford", { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, "Height":1.5, } } Dict.update({'Height']:1.5}) 101 DICTIONARY No Arguments ❑Copy Method Dict.copy ( Python Script Dict = ) New_Dict = { "brand": "Ford", { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, "Height":1.10, } } New_Dict=Dict.copy() 102 DICTIONARY No Arguments ❑Copy Method Dict.copy ( ) Python Script Python Script Dict = { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, } New_Dict=Dict.copy() Dict = { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, } New_Dict=Dict 103 DICTIONARY { [Key] : new_value } ❑Update Method Dict.update ( Python Script Dict = ) New_Dict = { "brand": "Ford", { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, "Height":1.10, } } New_Dict=Dict.copy() 104 DICTIONARY Key,value ❑Setdefault Method Dict.setdefault ( Python Script Dict = ) New_Dict = { "brand": "Ford", { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, "Height":1.10, } } Dict.setdefault("Height",1.9) 105 DICTIONARY Key,value ❑Setdefault Method Dict.setdefault ( Python Script Dict = ) New_Dict = { "brand": "Ford", { "brand": "Ford", "Height":1.10, "Height":1.10, "width":1.9 } Dict.setdefault("width",1.9) } 106 DICTIONARY Clear Method Python Script Dict=(1,2,1,1) Tuple.count(1) 3 Count returns how many times 1 is repeated 107 Thanks DR. AHMED I. SHAHIN View publication stats 108