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Green Product Consumer Perceptions Research

Appendix, Section A
Measurement Items and Validity Assessment
I can identify green products.
CR = .91, AVE = .71, HSV = .48 I can recognize green products among other products.
(adapted from Seiders, Voss,
I am aware of green products.
Godfrey and Grewal 2007)
I do know the difference between green products and
standard products.
CR = .91, AVE = .66, HSV = .48
(adapted from Yoo, Donthu and
Lee 2000)
I can easily determine where I can purchase green products.
Buying green products is convenient.
Green products are easy to find.
I know where to find green products.
Green products are readily available.
CR = .90, AVE = .76, HSV = .44
(adapted from Anderson and
Srinivasan 2003)
Purchasing green products is a bother.
For me, the cost in time, effort, and grief to purchase green
products is high.
It’s just not worth the hassle to me to purchase green
Personal Norm
CR = .83, AVE = .61, HSV = .66
(Osterhus 1997)
I feel an obligation to buy green products where possible.
I feel a strong personal obligation to use energy wisely.
I feel I must do something to help future generations.
Perceived Consumer
CR = .84, AVE = .63, HSV = .66
(adapted from Webster 1975)
It is worthwhile for the individual consumer to do
something about pollution.
When I buy products, I try to consider how my use of them
will affect the environment.
Since one person can have an affect on pollution, it makes a
difference what I do.
Price Sensitivity
CR = .87, AVE = .68, HSV = .18
(Lichtenstein, Bloch and Black
When buying a brand I look for the cheapest brand
When it comes to buying things I rely heavily on price.
I tend to buy the lowest priced brand that will fit my needs.
CR = .95, AVE = .82, HSV = .43
(adapted from Dodds, Monroe
and Grewal 1991)
Green products are excellent quality.
Green products are high quality.
Green products are superior quality.
Green products are the best.
CR = .93, AVE = .69, HSV = .43
(adapted from Dodds, Monroe
and Grewal 1991)
Based on the price, green products are very economical.
Green products are a good value for the money.
Green products are a good buy.
I do consider the price for green product to be acceptable.
Green products are a bargain.
The value of green products is a bargain.
CR = .93, AVE = .75, HSV = .21
(adapted from Sharma and
Patterson 2000)
I have a great deal of knowledge about green products.
I consider myself an expert on green products.
I have a great deal of experience with green products.
I generally know more than my friends about green
Social Norm
CR = .89, AVE = .66, HSV =.10
(adapted from Spangenberg,
Sprott, Grohmann and Smith
People I know buy green products.
People I know are concerned about issues related to the
People I know think it’s important to buy green products.
People I know recycle those items that can be recycled.
Willingness to Comply with
Social Norms
CR = .90, AVE = .74, HSV = .22
(adapted from Fishbein and Ajzen
When it comes to buying green products, how likely are you
to do what your friends or family say you should do?
How likely are you to buy green products because other
people think you should?
How likely are you to listen to what other people say you
should do when buying green products?
Advertising Trust
CR = .97, AVE = .86, HSV = .37
(adapted from Soh, Reid and King
Information conveyed in advertisements for green products
1. Honest 2. Truthful 3.Credible
4. Reliable 5. Accurate 6. Factual
Organizational Trust
CR = .86, AVE = .67, HSV = .37
(adapted from Morgan and Hunt
Firms that produce green products can be depended on to do
what is right.
Firms that produce green products are competent.
Firms that produce green products can be trusted at all
CR = .91, AVE = .72, HSV = .58
(adapted from Oliver and Swan
The choice of green products is a wise one.
I enjoy green products.
Buying green products makes me happy.
I am satisfied with green products.
Purchase Intentions
CR = .98, AVE = .94, HSV = .58
(adapted from Mano and Oliver
How likely are you to purchase green products?
How probable is it that you will purchase green products?
How possible is it that you will purchase green products?
CR = construct reliability, AVE = average variance extracted, HSV = highest shared variance with
other constructs
Section B
Sample Experimental Stimuli