Case 3: 19 yo Chinese – multiple rash on the left upper lips 2 day fever. Rash is tingling sensation appeared gradually and first episode, not painful non spreading, non pruritic and non discharging. DDx: Hand food and mouth disease, Cold sores (HSV) HSV 1 – transmitted socially, HSV 2 – sexually transmitted but can infect the lips (Oral sex) ( how long does the lesion last?) Sexual practices, partners, advice safe sex, Case 2: 1. 2. 3. 4. Amoxicillin only or Augmentin First gen cephalosporin (cefazolin, cephalexin) Azithromycin ( later stage – if amox and 1st gen cephalo don’t work) Contraception, safe sex, sex education, social life – college, away from home, diet and sleep, coping Case 4: Weight bear – to differentiate fracture Extra pain or deformities? Popping sound?