Uploaded by Daniyar Salikhov

Course Description: Equipment, Rules, Tests, Evaluation

1. A4 size notebook (blank notebook is preferable)
2. A folder to collect the handouts, laboratory works and worksheets
3. Pen, pencil, colour pencils (3-4 different colours) Quizzes and tests must be written in pen.
4. COURSE BOOK is compulsory.
Classroom Behaviour:
1. No cell phones.
2. No eating.
3. No chewing gums.
4. Water or soft drinks in capped bottles are okay.
5. Use English only. (No Hungarian, no Arabic, no Turkish, no Chinese, etc.)
6. If you are late, it will be registered into the e-register book (KRÉTA) and it will be added up. It might
accumulate later as an unexcused class. You might get an extra quiz.
1. TEST:
a. 40 minutes, at the end of each chapter.
b. Announced a week in advance.
c. Missed tests must be made up. It is your responsibility to arrange a date with the teacher.
d. No repeated tests for grade improvement.
2. QUIZ:
a. 10–15 minutes, anytime without announcement.
b. Usually covers the topic of the last 1-3 lessons.
c. 2 consecutive missed quizzes must be made up.
In special pedagogic cases, the teachers can change the following evaluation grid:
0 – 44 %:
45 – 59 %:
60 – 74 %:
75 – 89 %:
90 – 100 %:
Test grades count as double, and quizzes, presentations, etc. count as single.
1. The final grade is calculated from ALL grades given through the academic year.
2. If your average is between _.4 and _. 6, then it is the teacher’s responsibility to consider every
single detail to make a final decision about your grade.
3. Cheating or the use of unpermitted aid will terminate the test/quiz and result in an immediate grade
1 and a written professional warning.
1. Compulsory to do homework and study the material before each lesson
2. Homework will be checked by the teacher.
3. At the end of the semester, I'll look at your notebooks and folders to see how you're doing, and the
teacher will give you a grade.