CREATION OF PSID & OBTAINING OF CPR AS “GUEST USER” ON FBR PORTAL INCOME TAX Tax Department -NTDC CREATION OF PSID 1- Visit 2- Goto E-payments and then select Income Tax from drop down for creation of PSID of Income tax for all contractors payments as showed in 2nd Pic. CREATION OF PSID 1- Enter NTDC NTN 2952212-9 in the withholding Agent details as shown in Picture. CREATION OF PSID 1- Select Tax Section & provide Tax details of suppliers/contractors as per Given fields along with Tax deduction according to Previous Practice for creating PSID from NTDC Login. (As shown In Arrows) Verification Of PSID 1- After depositing the Tax , CPR may be taken from Bank. 2-However if not available then Visit /Verification# Enter relevant Details as shown in Pic 2 and CPR Number will appear. OBTAINING CPR 1-Visit Select online Document Verification from Drop down List as shown in Pic 1. 2-Select Computerize Payment Receipt (CPR) from drop down as shown in Pic 2 OBTAINING CPR 1- Enter CPR # as per given format and click on Search box as shown in Pic 1. 2- A new window will Pop up with link Given. 3- Click on the link and the Required CPR will automatically downloaded.