Modern Responsive We b s i t e s We design sites that make an impact. Let us show you how we can bring your business into the modern world. Santa Barbara Web Design San ta B arbara, CA Web D esi gn Soc ial Medi a Con te nt Cre ati on We create website Social marketing shares Social Media and designs that are a unique your brand’s message websites need content to representation of your which increases visitors tell customers about your business image to to your site, in turn business and get more business image to to your site, in turn business and get more establish your credibility. generating new visibility. We can help. customers and referrals. O nl in e L i stin gs SEO P hot ography S erv ic es List and 몭x errors for your We will increase the business and website on visibility of your website We o몭er stunning over +150 listing services on Google to bring you photography, and update your google more customers. videography and drone local, bing and yelp video to make your social listings. media and website stand out. Website Design Video Ta r g e t Yo u r C u s t o m e r s O n Social Today, you have to do more than social media. You have to do social marketing. Discover how to add social to all your marketing activities to drive customer engagement, new customers, and sales. Com me rci al P h otograph y Se rv ic es High quality visual content is essential for any e몭ective digital marketing campaign. The sophisticated modern consumer expects to see what they are going to get, wear, taste and experience long before they will do so in person. Soc ia l Medi a St rate gy Clarify, plan, implement, and measure your social media objectives in a personalized social strategy customized for your brand and community. People buy from those they trust and what better way to create trust and referrals than social media? Learn how Simply Marketing social media marketing services keep your brand top of mind and in front of the competition. Mobil e F rie ndl y We bsit e D esi gn Your customers expect your website to be functional and beautiful on any device they choose. Simply Marketing in Santa Barbara creates responsive websites that adjust to 몭t any screen size, so visitors have an optimal viewing experience on mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. Think of responsive web design as future-proo몭ng for the changing digital landscape. O nli ne Market in g San ta Barbar a Give your website a strong competitive advantage in the search rankings, thanks to our experience and long history of getting sites ranked. We look at your onpage optimization, link development page optimization, link development strategy, and study your competition in order to create a customized SEO package based around your speci몭c industry. Contact Us BACK TO TOP SOCIAL MEDIA REPORTING S Q UA R E S PAC E G U I D E S BLOG MARKETING SIMPLY MARKETING, 510 STATE STREET SUITE 230, SANTA BARBARA, CA, 93101 805-455-8083