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Science 7 Lesson Plan: Ecosystem Components

A Semi detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7
I. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of organisms interacting with each other and with
their environment to survive.
II. Performance Standard
The learners should be able to conduct a collaborative action to preserve the ecosystem in
the locality.
III. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a.) differentiate biotic from abiotic components of the ecosystem,
b.) identify which of the things found in the environment are biotic and abiotic
c.) propose ways on how to protect and preserve the ecosystem
IV. Teaching Materials
A. Topic: Components of Ecosystem
B. Materials: Board, chalk or White board marker, laptop, visual aids, Smart TV
C. Reference: Angeles et al., (2013). Science Vistas 7. Don Bosco Press, Inc.
D. Value in Focus: Respect and conservation of ecosystem
Social involvement in protecting and preserving ecosystem
E. Process Skills: Observing, Identifying, Valuing, Inquiry
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
The teacher will ask the beadle to lead the
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
The teacher will check the attendance of the
4. Review
The teacher will ask the students to have a brief
recap on previous topic or lesson.
5. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students to go outside of
the classroom and observe their school
environment and determine its constituent
components (Abiotic and Biotic).
The beadle will lead the prayer.
The students will give a brief recap on previous
The students will observe the school
environment and share their observation to the
Guided Questions
1. What did you observe?
2. What are the physical environment you
3. What are the living things around us?
6. Unlocking of difficulties
The teacher will post the unfamiliar words on the The students will give their insights on unfamiliar
board and ask the students about their insights.
words posted on the board.
1. Ecosystem
2. Abiotic
3. Biotic
B. Presentation of the lesson
The teacher will give a brief introduction of the
C. Lesson Proper
The teacher will discuss the components of
The teacher will show a picture of example of an
The teacher will ask the students to identify the
abiotic and biotic components on the picture.
The students will listen attentively to the teacher.
The students will participate in the class
E. Application
The teacher will ask the following question to the
Guided Questions
1. What is the importance of ecosystem to
The students will answer the questions given by
the teacher.
human and other organisms?
2. What will happen to our ecosystem if there
were change/remove in one of those factors?
3. How do the biotic and abiotic components of
an ecosystem interact?
F. Valuing
The teacher will ask the following question to the
Guided Questions
1. Why do we need to protect our ecosystem?
The students will answer the questions given by
2. As a student, what can you contribute to
the teacher.
preserve and protect our ecosystem?
G. Generalization
"Aha! and Huh?
Each student will give one (1) AHA! (something
The teacher will ask the students to give a brief
synthesis of the lesson by using the “aha! and
huh? "
they learned) and one (1) HUH? (something they
want to ask).
V. Evaluation
Instruction: Identify if it is biotic or abiotic. And if it is a biotic identify if they are producers,
herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, scavengers or decomposers.
1. Nutrients
2. Air
3. Volcanic eruption
4. Lion
5. Koala
6. Typhoon
7. Fire
8. Rocks
9. Vulture
10. Mushroom
VI. Assignment
1. Study the Ecological Relationships (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism, predation and
2. Prepare for a short quiz on components of ecosystem next meeting.
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