Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region __ SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF ___________________ Action Plan on Reading Remediation CATCH UP FRIDAY READING Phases of the Action Plan 1. Orientation and Evaluation Goals/ Objectives 1. To administer an in-depth admissions test that is oral. 2. To give parents and students a background on remedial reading and an overview in order to foster and promote their children's love of reading. Activities/ Strategies 1. Choose and identify the students who will be enrolled in a remedial reading class. Persons involved Principal, Grade Teacher, and Adviser 2. Communicatio Principal, Grade n letters and Teacher, and other mode of Parents communication will be used for the communication and during Resources Needed MOOE MOOE Time frame Year-round Success Indicator 85% of the students’ reading proficiency must have been identified. The 90 % participation of the parents all throughout the program 2. Conduct 1. To determine the pupils' reading level by administering a Pre-Test 2. Students' reading competence will be increased and improved via the use of engaging exercises. 3. To improve reading skills and instill in children a sense of personal responsibility for their own success. orientation phase . 1. Pre-Test is used to assess a student's reading level. Class adviser, teacher, and students Pre-Test Questionnaire Phil-iri Materials -Oral reading of the story -Answering of comprehension question Reading Diagnosis Reports and Student Profiles 2. Reading Assimilation Interventions include the I Love Reading Program, A Page A Day, the Marungko Approach, and synchronized online reading Class adviser, parents, and students a. Basic Sight words flash on the wide screen b. Printed story materials c. SRA kit and power builders Students' full involvement and parental cooperation are required. 3. Reading every day under the supervision of parents, Students, class adviser, and parents, guardians, or households d. reading materials and story power point presentation Appropriate reading resources, instructional video materials, DRPDeveloping Reading Power, and Evaluated reading materials are all Through a variety of exercises, 100% of the students' reading abilities have improved. guardians, or households. 4. To increase parental and guardian support and cooperation with the reading program. 3. Final Evaluation To evaluate the improvement of the student’s reading proficiency At home, providing and using printed short stories and other literacy-related teaching resources, as well as recorded video and audio reading materials. Evaluation of student’s reading level and comprehensio n examples of appropriate reading materials. Class Adviser, students, and parents Class adviser and students Reading books, short stories, and other literacy resources, as well as audio and video recordings of reading materials Students' full involvement and parental cooperation are required. Experts examined the materials for the reading test. Report on Mean and proficiency level Oral and written reading tests were administered after the post-test. Prepared by: Noted: _____________________________ Teacher II ____________________________ Approved: ___________________________________ -