Uploaded by Vanessa Fernandes

Communication: Chapter 8 - Organizational Behaviour

Chapter 8
OBR250 Final Assignment
As reporters for the “Organizational Behaviour News”, you have been assigned the task of
reporting on the second half of the course in a syndicated column each week. Your role is to
uncover and share details about concepts, issues and/or ideas that demonstrate the values,
goals, and/or actions inherent in Organizational Behaviour. It is important to choose to
report on ideas that connect you personally to the course. The editor has given you options
for your reports either podcast, or video and has left it up to you to decide which form you
believe will interest the most readers (mostly individuals at the beginning of their careers
and those changing career paths).
Goals for the “Big Idea” Journal are to:
Improve your understanding of key concepts
∙ Build analytical and critical thinking skills so you can reflect on how theory applies
to real world situations
∙ Obtain evidence that enhances your argument or position on a certain topic/issue
Impart greater appreciation and understanding of Organizational Behaviour as a
OBR Final Assignment
For this assignment you have to create a video news story for 3 of the last 7 chapters (your choice
from chapter 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14) that we discussed in class. The video must include the
following 5 criteria:
1. Overview of the Weekly Topic
• This should act as a summery and introduction to the topic discussed and read each week of the
course. You should describe the objective; the important concepts/issues of the week; and
briefly situate the weekly topic in the course in terms of how it relates to other topics already
2. Description of “Big Idea”
• Pick one “big idea” for each week of the course that you believe is the main idea or concept for
the week. The “big idea” should be something that you will remember for years in the future.
Describe the “big idea” in terms of why you feel it is important, and how it might relate to other
concepts discussed in the course.
3. “Real World” Examples:
• As you read through the reference materials for this week it is likely that concepts will remind
you of processes within organizations that you have encountered or even experiences you have
had as a member of an organization. List at least 3 real world examples outside of those listed in
the reference material provided each week. For each describe the nature of the organization
and the nature of the example.
OBR Final Assignment
4. “Aha!” Moment of the Week
• As you read through the reference materials for the week, you will likely come across an
idea or concept that makes you think more deeply about the topic of the week. It might
be something from the chapter that makes you think “oh, I never would have thought of
it that way”, a video from lecture that makes you think “I must look into that more”, or
lecture that makes you think “that’s really interesting”. An “Aha!” moment is one a
moment when sudden insight into a topic or one that makes you want to discover more
knowledge on the topic. In this section describe one “Aha!” moment and how it opened
your mind and understanding of the topic.
5. Action Plan
• Compare what you knew about the topic prior to this week to what you know now what
some next steps you might take are in short term (preparing for the final
test/assignment) and long term (career) to apply any of the concepts to your life.
OBR250 Final Assignment
One, 3 to 5 minute minimum zoom or you tube video for 3 of the final 6 weeks of the second half of the course (chapters 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13 or 14).
3 Videos Total!!!
Recordings should use professional Business English but can use personal reflections with the use of “I”
Videos may be live action or animations
Excellent video interviews are well prepared and tell a compelling story. Here is a resource to help with
this https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/how-conduct-journalistic-interview/
Use factual information and cite sources by referring to them in your recording (i.e. “According to Professor Tilson conflict in
teams can be a good thing because it encourages creative and innovative solutions”) DO NOT USE Wikipedia as your reference.
Your weekly video news story may be structured in whichever format you like but should include some aspect of Personal
reflection on “Big Idea” of the 3 Chapters featured in the second half of the class.
In depth research of the topic which extends our knowledge of the topic through real world examples. You may use:
Interviews with other students
Interviews with content experts (Seneca Professors, or those working in industry)
Academic sources from the library
To upload please post on YouTube or Zoom as a private unlisted video (instructions posted on course site) and
Copy the URL’s and submit them on the final assignment link on blackboard with your name and student number.
Your assessment, (60 marks, worth 20% of your total mark) will be based on:
Formatting (fonts, spacing and titles/logical flow of sound recording or video, sound editing, video editing)
Grammar (spelling, capitalization & punctuation, accurate word choices in writing or recording, use of professional business
vocabulary and sentence structure)
Content and Organization (inclusion of interesting topics from each week of the course, factual information used, creative
Depth of reflection and analysis (assignment must further knowledge in the topic beyond textbook readings and class
Impact (balanced discussion of observations and their implications made and clearly explained, creativity).
The 3 levels of Organizational
14: Organizational Culture
9: Managing groups and teams
10:Conflict and negotiations
11: Making decisions
12: Leading people within organisations
13: Power and Politics
What is OB?
Managing Demographic and
Cultural Diversity
3: Understanding people at work
4.Indivdidual attitudes and behaviours
5.Theories of motivation
6.Designing a motivating department
7.Managing stress and emotions
After reading this chapter, you should be
able to do the following:
Understand the communication process.
Compare and contrast different types of communication.
Compare and contrast different communication channels.
Understand and learn to overcome barriers to effective communication.
Understand the role listening plays in communication.
Learn how verbal and nonverbal communication can carry different meanings
among cultures.
•Communication Gone Wrong: It
Isn’t Always What It Seems
Why is Good
Communication so
Critical in
What Gets in the Way
of Good
What the best way to
communicate to
• Communication is
– a process by which
information is
exchanged between
individuals through a
common system of
symbols, signs, or
Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels
Poor Communication
• In most work
environments, a
miscommunication is
an annoyance
• In some work areas
might be the difference
of life and death
– E.g. Operating rooms
and pilots
Photo by JAFAR AHMED on Unsplash
• In business poor
communication costs
money and time
Advantages of Effective Communication
Most important skill to job
Majority of time at work
in any job is spent
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
Keeping employees
Communication Process Model
Communication Barriers
• Filtering
– the distortion or
withholding of information
to manage a person’s
– People tend to filter bad
news during upward
– Things to consider when
deciding whether to filter a
• Past experience
• Knowledge and perception of
the speaker
• Emotional state, involvement
with the topic and level of
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Communication Barriers
• Selective Perception
– filtering what we see
and hear to suit our
own needs.
– Often used to deal with
a bombardment of
stimuli or requests for
our attention
– Can lead to issues with
task prioritization and
differences of opinion in
terms of urgency or
Photo by Stefan Cosma on Unsplash
Communication Barriers
• Information Overload
– occurs when the
information processing
demands on an
individual’s time to
perform interactions and
internal calculations
exceed the supply or
capacity of time available
for such processing
– Symptom of the high-tech
– Advent of email plays a
large role in this
Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash
Communication Barriers
• Workplace Gossip
– The informal gossip network
known as the grapevine is a
lifeline for many employees
seeking information about their
– 70% of all organizational
communication occurs at the
grapevine level
– Barrier to effective
communication for managers as it
can be perceived as being more
credible than official channels
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
– May be used by some to gain
political power within an
Communication Barriers
• Gender differences
– Men tend to focus
more on competition,
data, and orders in
their communications
– Women tend to focus
more on cooperation,
intuition, and
– Both styles can be
effective in the right
Photo by Kelly Searle on Unsplash
Communication Barriers
• Poor Listening
– Listening takes
practice, skill, and
– Active listening
• Giving full attention to
what other people are
saying, taking time to
understand the points
being made, asking
questions as needed,
and not interrupting at
inappropriate times
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash
Communication Barriers
• Communication
– put an end to
communication by
making the receiver
feel judged or
– E.g. criticizing,
blaming, ordering,
judging, or shaming
the other person.
Photo by Rodolpho Zanardo from Pexels
Types of Communication and Channels
• Verbal Communication
Photo by Jessica Da Rosa on Unsplash
– Allows for a more flexible
communication style
– Should be used for crucial
conversations to ensure
that high stakes
communications are
– Storytelling: an effective
form of verbal
communication which
helps to construct
common meanings for
individuals within the
Types of Communication and Channels
• Written Communication
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash
– Examples of written
communications include
memos, proposals,
e-mails, letters, training
manuals, and operating
– Often asynchronous and a
communication which can
be received by many and
multiple times
Types of Communication and Channels
• Nonverbal
Photo by Ananya Bilimale on Unsplash
– 55% of in-person
communication comes
from nonverbal cues
such as facial
expressions, body
stance, and tone of
– A different tone and
body language can
change the perceived
meaning of a message
Types of Communication and Channels
• Email as a communication
Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash
– Creates challenges of tone,
information overload and
increasing the speed of
doing businesses
– E-mail the second most
popular medium of
communication worldwide,
second only to voice.
– To combat the overuse of
email many companies have
instituted initiatives such as
“no email Fridays”
Types of Communication and Channels
• Cross-Cultural Communication
– Culture is a shared set of beliefs
and experiences common to
people in a specific setting.
– Different and “multicultural”
identities of individuals in the
same organisation can lead to
– Vocabulary and jargon may be
different from one person to
– Cultural may influence the type
of nonverbal communication
used and the amount of desired
situational context
Types of Communication and Channels
• Communication
– The channel, or
medium, used to
communicate a
message affects how
accurately the
message will be
received called
“information richness”
Types of Communication and Channels
• Key to effective communication is to match the
communication channel with the goal of the message
Communicate using straightforward language
Embrace honesty.
Pace the flow of information.
Be mindful of sensitivities
Communication in a
Virtual Work Environment
Covid-19 has revolutionized the way we work and
communicate with others while working. Remote work has
had a significant impact on workplace communication, both
positively and negatively, in some of the following ways:
1. Increase in digital communication
2. Flexibility
3. Lack of nonverbal cues
4. The increased importance of written communication
5. Need for intentional communication
6. More Asynchronous Communication
7. Increased Importance of Clear Communication
8. Increased Use of Video Conferencing
The Benefits of AI in
Ability to improve accessibility and efficiency. AI-powered
translation services can also break down language barriers
and facilitate communication between individuals who
speak different languages.
Enhance the personalization of communication. With
access to large amounts of data, AI-powered tools can
analyze user behavior and preferences, tailoring
communication to suit the individual's needs.
Ability to analyze and interpret large amounts of data.
This provides insights that can help individuals and
organizations make more informed decisions.
The Challenges and Risks
of AI in Communication
Difficult to differentiate between AI-generated and
human-generated communication. While AI has the
potential to revolutionize communication, it also poses
certain challenges and risks.
Increased Bias. AI algorithms may perpetuate biases
and reinforce existing inequalities if they are not
properly designed and tested.
A valuable function of communication
in organizations is to:
encourage employee gossip
through the grapevine.
suppress emotional contagion.
coordinate work activities.
fulfil the drive to defend.
All of these are valuable
functions of communication in
Answer C.
In the communication process model, what step happens after the receiver
decodes the message?
Sender transmits the message
Receiver encodes the message
Sender encodes message
Receiver encodes feedback
Receiver forms feedback to the sender
Answer: D
Which of the following is the most commonly used form of digital communication
in the workplace today?
Chat text messages
Voice messages
Video chat
Virtual whiteboard
Answer: A
Which of the following represents a form of nonverbal
The sender's actions.
The sender's voice intonation.
The silence between statements made by people in a
The sender's physical distance from the receiver.
All of these are forms of nonverbal communication.
Answer: E
What gender differences in communication tend to occur in organizational
Strengthening relationships is a higher priority for men than for women
during conversations.
Women give advice more quickly and frequently than do men.
Women tend to be more sensitive than are men to the listener's nonverbal
All of these are known gender differences in communication in
There are NO known gender differences in communication in organizations.
Answer: C
“Big Idea” Video News study Assignment
Due April 12 @ 11:59pm
As reporters for the “Organizational Behaviour News”, you have been assigned the task of reporting on
the second half of the course in a syndicated column each week. Your role is to uncover and share
details about concepts, issues and/or ideas that demonstrate the values, goals, and/or actions inherent
in Organizational Behaviour. It is important to choose to report on ideas that connect you personally to
the course. The editor has given you options for your reports either podcast, or video and has left it up
to you to decide which form you believe will interest the most readers (mostly individuals at the
beginning of their careers and those changing career paths).
Goals for the “Big Idea” Journal are to:
Improve your understanding of key concepts
• Build analytical and critical thinking skills so you can reflect on how theory applies to real world
• Obtain evidence that enhances your argument or position on a certain topic/issue
Impart greater appreciation and understanding of Organizational Behaviour as a discipline.
Video News Story
For this assignment you have to create a video news story for 3 of the last 7 chapters (your choice from chapter 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13 or 14 that we discussed in class. The video must include the following 5 criteria:
1. Overview of the Weekly Topic
This should act as a summery and introduction to the topic discussed and read each week of the course.
You should describe the objective; the important concepts/issues of the week; and briefly situate the
weekly topic in the course in terms of how it relates to other topics already studied.
2. Description of “Big Idea”
Pick one “big idea” for each week of the course that you believe is the main idea or concept for the week.
The “big idea” should be something that you will remember for years in the future. Describe the “big
idea” in terms of why you feel it is important, and how it might relate to other concepts discussed in the
3. “Real World” Examples
As you read through the reference materials for this week it is likely that concepts will remind you of
processes within organizations that you have encountered or even experiences you have had as a
member of an organization. List at least 3 real world examples outside of those listed in the reference
material provided each week. For each describe the nature of the organization and the nature of the
Video News Story
4. “Aha!” Moment of the Week
• As you read through the reference materials for the week, you will likely come
across an idea or concept that makes you think more deeply about the topic of the
week. It might be something from the chapter that makes you think “oh, I never
would have thought of it that way”, a video from lecture that makes you think “I
must look into that more”, or lecture that makes you think “that’s really interesting”.
An “Aha!” moment is one a moment when sudden insight into a topic or one that
makes you want to discover more knowledge on the topic. In this section describe
one “Aha!” moment and how it opened your mind and understanding of the topic.
5. Action Plan
• Compare what you knew about the topic prior to this week to what you know now
what some next steps you might take are in short term (preparing for the final
test/assignment) and long term (career) to apply any of the concepts to your life.
Video News Story Requirements
One 3 to 5 minute minimum zoom or you tube video for 3 of the final 6 weeks of the second half of the course
(chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14).
Recordings should use professional Business English but can use personal reflections with the use of “I”
Videos may be live action or animations
Excellent video interviews are well prepared and tell a compelling story. Here is a resource to help with
this https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/how-conduct-journalistic-interview/
Use factual information and cite sources by referring to them in your recording (i.e. “According to Professor
Tilson conflict in teams can be a good thing because it encourages creative and innovative solutions”) DO NOT
USE Wikipedia as your reference.
Your weekly video news story may be structured in whichever format you like but should include some aspect
Personal reflection on “Big Idea” of the 3 Chapters featured in the second half of the class.
In depth research of the topic which extends our knowledge of the topic through real world examples. You may
Interviews with other students
Interviews with content experts (Seneca Professors, or those working in industry)
Academic sources from the library
To upload please post on YouTube or Zoom as a private unlisted video (instructions posted on course site) and
Copy the URL’s and submit them on the final assignment link on blackboard with your name and student
Your assessment, (60 marks, worth 20% of your total mark) will be based on:
Formatting (fonts, spacing and titles/logical flow of sound recording or video, sound
editing, video editing)
Grammar (spelling, capitalization & punctuation, accurate word choices in writing or
recording, use of professional business vocabulary and sentence structure)
Content and Organization (inclusion of interesting topics from each week of the
course, factual information used, creative presentation)
Depth of reflection and analysis (assignment must further knowledge in the topic
beyond textbook readings and class presentations)
Impact (balanced discussion of observations and their implications made and clearly
explained, creativity).