Experience of the Students in Online Learning Method During the Pandemic A Research Paper Presented to The Faculty of the Maa National High School Senior High School Department Maa, Davao City In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements in 3 I’s By Diether R. Inres March 2023 MAA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Maa, Davao City SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Approval Sheet This research paper entitled Experience of the Students in Online Learning Method During the Pandemic is prepared and submitted by Diether R. Inres in partial fulfillment of the requirements for 3 I’s in Senior High School Department of Ma-a National High School, has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance. MORRIS JOHN I. LOBETOS Ph.D. Subject Teacher APPROVED by the panel of research examiners with a grade of PASSED. MORRIS JOHN I. LOBETOS Ph. D. Chairman REX M. PALES Member March 2023 Chapter 1 Introduction The pandemic changes the way of living of many people, especially the education of students. Adapting to sudden changes is necessary. Online learning is so difficult for the students who are having no internet connection especially in the rural areas, no technology, and no money for buying data for internet connection. The Department of Education or DepEd is making a solution to solve the problem on how to give education to the students in the midst of the pandemic. One of the solutions is online learning. But there are parents who see their children struggling even though they are already using the online learning method. In my own experience as a student, online learning gives a huge help because I can interact with my fellow classmates and teachers. It can also help those students who struggle learning without the guidance of the teacher. But being in the house I was always ordered to do the household chores or running errands even though I am in the middle of an online class. But it is the only way if I want to enhance my learning ability by having connections with my teachers and classmates. There are some students who have the same scenario as me. According to Shu Cui et al, online education has been rigorously implemented in China. Since midFebruary 2020, schools and teachers at all levels have made significant efforts to create and deliver online courses through internet-based methods or television broadcasts. As a result, the largest online learning campaign in human history has resulted (Cui, 2021). This means that online learning modality is needed to implement because of COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the COVID-19 crisis, online learning has allowed many people to continue teaching and learning uninterrupted. The pandemic crisis is the reason why online learning is applied globally (Ferri et al., 2020). According to Reiely (2020), because social distancing is so prevalent in India at that point, it will have a negative impact on learning opportunities. Educational institutions are scrambling to find solutions to this difficult situation. These circumstances highlight the importance of scenario planning for academic institutions. Another issue is that some parents and students do not own a computer or an Android device, according to Wahab and Iskandar's research in Indonesia in the year 2020. This condition makes it difficult for them to face reality. On the one hand, there is a need to provide educational services to students, as required by the constitution. They, on the other hand, face a lack of support facilities (Efriana, 2021). There are some challenges for the students in Saudi Arabia that they may face like communications, assessment, online education experience, technology use tools, time management, anxiety, and coronavirus disease stress (Mahyoob, 2020). Remote learning reveals a digital divide among Filipino students in this Philippine context. This current state of remote learning may intensify inequalities and create barriers to online learning (Rotas & Cahapay, 2020). Lack of equipment such as computers, laptops, and smartphones. Internet access is also not afforded by other students due to poverty. Some participants expressed their concerns about the emergency remote education setting, claiming that they were spending a lot of money on internet access just to attend synchronous classes. Many of them must obtain internet data due to a lack of reliable internet infrastructure, which raises the cost (Samortin et al., 2022). As a student, online learning is difficult because of the lack of money to buy subscriptions. Living in the rural area is not good. Sometimes the internet is too slow, I need to find the area that has a good connection always. According to an analysis by Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Thinking Machines Data Science, Inc., nfearly a million Filipinos in rural areas do not have access to digital connections because most cell towers are located in wealthy cities. (Balinbin, 2021) The issue is rooted in the broader social issue of digital inequality - only the privileged can continue their education without risk. In the United States, for example, there is a term coined "homework gap" to describe the barriers students face in their education when they do not have access to a high-speed connection at home. (Villanueva & Núñez, 2020) Most of the studies conducted before focused on the psychological impact of the students (Irawan et al., 2020); attrition and achievement gaps in online learning (Kizilcec & Halawa, 2015). The article reviewed by the researcher often utilizes qualitative and quantitative research design. No study has been conducted before that uses the qualitative research design that focuses on the experiences, struggles and views of students in adapting to online learning methods. The research is not generalized because only few participants are involved in this research. As a result, the researcher believes it is critical to shed light on students' experiences in using online learning method, which cannot be fully explained using quantitative studies. Furthermore, the relevant information gathered by this investigation may be used as baseline data by school administrators, guidance counselors, teachers, and other members of the school community in order to plan technological advancement objectives and ways to assist the students in adapting to new normal situations. In this time of pandemic, this study is critical because it will provide school administrators with additional information about students' struggles in adjusting to new normal classes. Future researchers can then use the results and findings to further their research. Additionally, national and international research fora will be considered by the researcher as opportunities to share the results of this study. Further, online publication is also another avenue that is considered by the researcher to provide the community a wider access of the findings of this study. It is necessary to think carefully about the steps to make the online learning method effective. Being the one who has the experience of these kinds of problems this research should be initiated to further benefit this article to other researchers. Purpose of the Study The present phenomenological study was designed to explore the experience and difficulty of students in online learning method. It is significantly important to hear the views of students as they adapt to the new normal in education. Research Questions: 1. What are the experiences of students in adapting to the new normal learning modality? 2. How do the students cope with the challenges like the difficulty of online learning during the pandemic? Theoretical Lens This study will be anchored on the following theory namely: Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989) The behavior is explained by the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989) of a person accepting technology. According to the model, an individual's intention to use technology based on self-determination influences the actual use of technology. Taking the advantage of technology. The theory in this study is related to the topic to the students because it explains how students adapt to technology in this new normal of education, and research is important. If a person's experience with technology is comfortable and convenient, he or she will be motivated to use it to make his or her work more efficient and simpler. To put this into context, school leaders should help the students to integrate technology in the classroom and provide more technological facilities that can enhance learning capabilities of the students. Not only in the classroom but the school leaders should integrate or give a technology that can be used by the students while they are in their own homes. This theory is related to the study because of the diversity or change in education in the new normal. Using technology can help to learn while staying at home because of safety measures implemented by the government. Importance of the Study This phenomenological study intends to depict the experiences of public school students of Maa National High School in adapting to the new normal using online learning method. This study is helpful to the administrators and future researchers because it will give them a background of the experiences of the students who are struggling. Giving them insights of online learning can help to decide whether it is good or not to use the method. Delimitation and Limitation of the Study The study was delimited to the live experiences of eight public school students of Maa National High School, Maa Davao City. These experiences focus on their ways in adapting to the new normal education setting especially during online classes, making online reports, and online meetings. This study is conducted at Maa National High School, Maa, Davao City during the school year 2023. The participants of the study are students who are having difficulty adapting and finding ways to learn through online. Meanwhile, this study has some weaknesses. One of the study's major flaws is the lack of time and a small number of participants. The researcher had a limited amount of time to observe the study participants. Because of the small sample size in the study, this paper lacks generality. Definitions of Terms For clarity, the following important terms were defined conceptually and operationally to provide common understanding of the concepts being discussed. a. Technology- A manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge (Merriam Webster Dictionary). In this study it refers to computer devices and softwares used by students in their learnings. b. Online learning- refers to instruction that is delivered electronically through various multimedia and Internet platforms and applications. It is used interchangeably with other terms such as web-based learning, elearning, computer-assisted instruction, and Internet-based learning. c. Learning modality- is defined as the method of student participation in instruction: In-person, Remote, or Hybrid. School districts operating under the COVID-19 pandemic have adapted quickly to collect information on how each student is participating in instruction for each school day. Review of Related Literature In this section, the researcher presents his readings from the articles and studies previously conducted that are related to the current study. Online learning gave a lot of help especially during the pandemic. One of the advantages of it are not going outside and safe from viruses. But there are also disadvantages. Like no internet connection, lack of technology (laptop, smartphone etc.), and our parents order us because sometimes they need our help and sometimes it even coincides with the time we have to do school works. Online learning to the Students COVID-19 pandemic really made an impact especially to our education. Staying in our houses is necessary. Due to the drastic changes online learning method is implemented to protect from the disease. But there are some students struggling with this kind of method. All face-to-face classes were suspended, the government use social distancing principles due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. Because of the implications for our students, an online teaching session was held every day for 12 days. (Agarwal & Kaushik, 2020) Being at home while also having academic responsibilities causes stress for some students, who have reported a lack of parental support for their studies. These students, who are usually away at academic institutions, are now required to be quarantined at home. They are expected to take on some of the family's responsibilities. A phone survey of 5,193 rural students in Bangladesh found that when schools are closed, 80% of children work more than two hours per day on household chores, and 19% work more than two hours per day on the family's economic needs. (Akramova et al., 2020). According to the findings of the study, students' perspectives on distance education are not clearly separated from one another. However, a closer examination reveals that there are more students who are dissatisfied with their education. (Hebebci et al., 2020). Both the faculty members and students viewed inefficiency to teach psychomotor skills, resource intensiveness and mismanaged decorum during sessions as limitations of online learning. (Mukhtar et al., 2020) I can relate to all of this based on the findings above. It is a hassle for me to have an online session because sometimes there is no internet connection. Even though I am a student I need to do the household chores. Giving 3-4 hours a day. My auntie still commands me even though I am in the middle of the session. Online learning is effective but for other students it is difficult because of what I mentioned above. Attitude of Students Towards Online Learning Online learning can change the attitude of the students. Adapting to the new system of education will take some time. Technology used in new learning like online based education may vary. According to the author's interpretation, students who reported that online classes were less appealing were less proficient on distance learning platforms and thus did not recognize the value of online classes. It is worth noting that the vast majority of students considered real-time face-to-face interactions to be critical. The author considers the social value gained in a traditional classroom to be an important factor in student attitudes. It appears that transitioning to new environments and developing a "community of practice" model of online interaction with staff and peers will take some time. (Ismaili, 2021) According to the review of the author, students' behaviors or attitudes can vary depending on how they use technology, but on the plus side, one of them is that it can significantly improve student achievement. (Male et al., 2022) According to the author's literature, Yacob et al. al. (2012) examined the awareness of e-learning among students at TATI University College in Malaysia. Multiple regression analysis was performed on the students' perceptions of gender, year of study, faculty, technology usage, and e-learning implementation awareness. The results show that both males and females are aware of the importance of e-learning in education at TATIUC. (Kar et al., 2014) As a student transitioning to a new modality of education is difficult. Being a student who is used to face-to-face needs to interact in real life. It is so easy to make an assignment or modules when in online learning, but some students cheat. And it is hard to fight the eagerness to cheat because of conscience and not learning at all. Organization of the Study Chapter 1 of my study presents a substantial body of evidence to support the Experience of the Students in Online Learning Method During Pandemic. The second chapter demonstrated the method utilized in this study which include the research design, participants of the study, data sources, collection procedure, trustworthiness of the study, role of the researcher, ethical considerations. Chapter 3 presents the results of the study and chapter 4 gives the discussion, conclusions, implications for practice and recommendation for future research. Chapter 2 Methodology This chapter discusses the methodology of the study. It covers the following components: research design, research participants, data sources, data collection, data analysis, trustworthiness of the study, role of the researcher, and ethical considerations of the study. Research Design In this research, I employed qualitative phenomenological study because it involves interpretation and description of gathered information. Moreover, this research investigates a contemporary phenomenon within a real life situation (Creswell, 2007) and gathers pertinent information from the selected participants using observations, interviews, and documents ( Yin, 2003). The phenomenological inquiry is particularly appropriate in this study because this research inquires the meanings and perspectives of the participants. Thus, the most important concern of this phenomenological study is to understand how the everyday, inter-subjective world is constituted” (Schwandt, 2000) from the selected participants’ perspective. The selection of the participants for this study corroborated Giorgi’s (2012) recommendation of having “at least three participants’ in the phenomenological method. He favored Creswell’s (2007) previous point that these numbers are enough for the researcher to handle in terms of gathering the information. The research design is suitable for this kind of research because it explores the live experiences of students in online learning. This design can elaborate on their experiences that can answer the inquiry of the study. Research Participants The researcher applies a purposive sampling technique in selecting the participant of the study. Participants that are selected are having difficulties in online learning method. The participants of the study are the seven students who are experiencing online learning during a pandemic in Maa National High School, Maa Davao City coming from grade 12. Data Sources The sources of the data are the seven students who are experiencing online learning during pandemic with the research participants. The researcher gathered data through one-on-one interviews, documents and observations of the participants. Data Collection My study focused only on seven students. Observation and in-depth interviews were the main sources of gathering the needed information for this study. After identifying the seven students, I immediately gave them a letter of invitation and consent form (see Appendix B). Before the in depth interview, I had a one-on-one orientation with the participant as to the purpose of the study. The participants were given three days to return the consent form by affixing only their pseudonym. One-on-one in depth interview followed after an agreed date was set. Before the gathering of information, I followed a thorough process of selecting the possible participants. I conducted an observation of the students in their workplace and interview some students that can give me an idea regarding the possible participants of the study. After determining the possible participants, I gave a letter of invitation to them to participate in the study. The participants were given three days to return the consent form affixing their signature to participate in the study. After determining the participants who agreed to participate in the study is the one-on-one interview with them. The participants were given three questions to answer. I am able to interview seven participants and gather their responses to the questions. Data Analysis A combination of inductive and deductive coding was used. The coding structures for inductive analysis were based on the topics covered by the interview schedules which map onto the domains of the main study. The questions asked of the participants were framed by technology in the classroom from the experience of students in online learning during pandemic. Each question is analyzed by open coding. Thematic analysis entailed the examination of data to deduce patterns in participants‟ responses, which were coded as emerging themes. Trustworthiness of the Study Trustworthiness of the study Fenton and Mazuwelicz (2008) as cited by San Jose (2012) averred that there are four things to be considered in order for the gathered information in a qualitative research reliable. These are credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. On his side, Yin (2003) conveyed that incorporating necessary operational measures are of importance in meeting credibility standards of a qualitative research. Thus, credibility is realized in this study by ensuring that materials I used in collecting the information needed were presented to the authorities and the participants. Confirmability according to Shenton (2003) concerns with the objectivity of the findings-that is whether the findings are the experiences and ideas of participants rather than the researcher’s preferences and characteristics. To address this issue in the study. The reference codes were seen in every citation of the transcripts as articulated by the participants. Lincoln and Guba (1985) suggested that audit trail should be done by ‘someone not related to the study’. Thus, the raw information was given to the auditor for his impressions, comments and suggestions. Moreover, credibility of this study established through making the description of the research steps acquired from the very start to the process of developing and reporting and analyzing of findings available. All materials used and transcriptions of this study were kept and could accessed in case of further debriefing. I am a trustworthy researcher because I am respecting the privacy of the participants. Data during interviews are kept confidential. Role of the Research My role in this study is three folds. First I became an observer. As an observer I am very keen to determine the possible participants of the study. I entered different faculty rooms and offices to observe the natural behavior of students in the classroom. Secondly, I took the role of an interviewer. As an interviewer, I prepared the necessary materials needed for the interview. Interview protocol was observed. Prior to the interview proper, the participants were given one-on-one orientation as to the purpose of the activity. The interview questions used in the one-on-one interview underwent validation by expert’s validation (Appendix D) namely Dr. Morris John I. Lobetos. Thirdly, I served as the transcriptionist of the information gathered from the interview. Ethical Consideration Responsible researchers should always keep the privacy of the participants of the study (Creswell, 1998). Privacy of participants in this study was given utmost consideration. Initially before the formal conduct of the study, the participants were given letter of invitation and consent. Further, their conformation does not indicate their real names rather pseudonyms. Their identity is left in anonymity to protect their privacy. They are given a free choice to withdraw any moment in the time of study. The participants are given the time to review the results of the study for counter checking purposes of their responses. Social Value. Social value refers to the relevance of the study to an existing social or health problem such that the results are expected to bring about a better understanding of related issues, or contribute to the promotion of well-being of individuals, their families, and communities. Furthermore, to get full participation from the students the researcher explained the main purpose of the study and the procedure for data collection. Results of the study will be presented to the respondents and will be disseminated to other possible audiences who will benefit from this study. More importantly, the researcher adhered to social value in research. This study is aimed to address the experience of the students of online learning during the pandemic. The result of this study will present valuable information that will guide school administrators in improving career decision-making in their respective schools. Moreover, this study will also be beneficial to the students and researchers who can explore the result of the study as an opportunity to conduct more research involving the career track. It will also serve as an eye-opener for the school administrators and an advantage to faculty for they are considered as the main beneficiaries of this study. Informed Consent Form. An informed consent form will be secured. The participants of the study will be informed by the researchers regarding the effects of being involved in any research. Consent forms will be sent to the respondents through on line after the purpose of the study will be explained to them and that the participants will fully be aware that they can withdraw at any time from participating in the study. Further, Informed Consent Forms will also be sent through email to the research respondents for their e-signature. Their responses will be held confidentially. Vulnerability of Participants. In this study, the respondents will be considered as adult participants for they have the capacity to make a sound judgement if they wanted to be part of the study. They can make decisions for themselves as respondents of this study. Furthermore, the teachers will know the nature of the study. Vulnerable participants are those relatively or absolutely incapable of deciding for themselves whether or not to participate in a study for reasons such as physical and mental disabilities, poverty, asymmetric power relations, and marginalization, among others and who were at greater risk for some harm (NEGHHR, 2017). Risk, Benefits, and Safety. The participation is completely voluntary and anonymous to protect the privacy of teachers. There are no known risk in this study because the gathering of data will be online using Google Forms. Online survey is the most appropriate way to gather data in this study to follow the Inter Agency Task Force on Infectious Diseases on health protocols especially the social distancing and avoiding mass gatherings. These measures are need to prevent the spread of COVID19 virus and ensure the safety of the researcher and also the respondents as well. Students can answer the form at their most convenient time and without the risk of exposing them to COVID-19. This study can generate relevant information which can be useful to public and private school administrators. The result discussions and findings from this study can provide evidence-based information which can be used by administrators in the process of implementing improvements in the mathematics curriculum. The respondents of the study can help improve attitudes towards mathematics and problem solving skills. More so, the researcher will value their participation and place their welfare as the highest priority during the study. Privacy and Confidentiality of Information. The researcher will adhere to the principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality in the collection, retention, and processing of personal information (Data Privacy Act of 2012). Added to this, the researcher has to protect her respondents’ privacy for they had a moral and legal obligation for involving them in their study. Moreover, participants were not forced to disclose information out of his or her willingness. In answering the survey questionnaire, their names will not appear in the survey and their answers will be held confidentially. The researcher will assure that the names and details of the respondents will be secured. The researcher will also orient her research assistants or representatives, documenters on the terms and conditions of privacy and confidentiality observed in this study. In particular, the researcher will not mention their names to protect their identity. Justice. To ensure that the objectives of the study are achieve, only those in Grade 12 will be selected to be the respondents of the study because it is also the time wherein the students have gone through online learning in junior high school. Results and findings of the study will be given back to the respondents if they would ask to. It will be the commitment of the researcher to share the results of the study. The researcher should share the benefits of the knowledge gained from the respondents for taking the burden of participating in the research. Additionally, the answers found in the questionnaire will be tallied and tabulated according to the respondents’ responses. Transparency. In this study, everything will be laid down to the respondents. This is a manifestation that the researcher follows the element of transparency. The researcher will be transparent about the aspects of a study that may have an impact on the rights, health, and safety of the respondents. The researcher safeguards the proper implementation of the methods used in the study by being compliant to the ethical standards of research. He will include all the necessary documents that will support the data analysis and will give the readers the access to read through these in order to gain a better understanding of the results and findings of the study if asked to. All respondents involved in the data gathering should complete a conflict of interest management plan, which is to be reviewed by research committee and approved by the school head of before the data gathering can go through. The researcher who is also a student of the school where the study is to be conducted would not be involved or influence the responses of the respondents as they answer the online questionnaire. Qualification of the Researcher. Being a student in Grade 12 is considered a capable student researcher. Further, the researcher has a background in the field of research in both quantitative and qualitative. Moreover, he always seeks direction and advices from his mentor and the panelists, as well as his peers who are proficient in this method. Likewise, he is guided by these experts in order to implement the methods properly and to be able to gather the needed data for the intended purpose. Adequacy of Facilities. The researcher needs to secure the materials to address the adequacy of facilities. Other tools to secure will be internet connection, laptops and software applications which are needed for the study. Added on, the e- library of the institution is accessible. Moreover, the adviser of the researcher is always available. Adequacy of facilities will be addressed as the materials are readily available and accessible to the researcher. The researcher rest assured that there are available and accessible resources needed in this study. Books, online journals, thesis and dissertations are available for further readings and references which will provide varied literatures and studies that support the association of the variables used in the study. Furthermore, the study was conducted in senior high school in a urban area. Community Involvement. Community involvement will be taken into account in this study as there will be a community of teachers involved. Also, the beneficiaries of this study are part of the community where the study will be conducted. Added on, findings of the study will be made known to the school stakeholders and the community. All activities done are subject to the permission of the school head and the research adviser as well. Chapter 3 Results This chapter presents the results of the study. Raw data from the responses of the participants in the questions during the one-on-one interview are being coded. Open coding is used to reduce the responses of the participants into coherent themes then group into categories. Question # 1: What are your experiences as a student in online learning during the pandemic? “of course difficult because there are hours without internet.” I had multiple experienc es as a student in online learning because it was something new. The school has the material that we will use in online learning and they are also nice. It's difficult because there are times when the signal is lost or there is no load, I can't access the link that the teacher gave me. It's a mixture of nervousnes s and a challenge to myself because it's different from faceto-face even though there is a teacher who will assist you. My experience is that sometimes the signal disappears and then I keep looking at the screen and then my eyes are damaged. I'm too lazy to learn because I don't have anyone to socialize with because of the pandemic. hard to adjust from face-toface; cannot comprehen d the lessons faster than doing a face-to-face classes; I cannot concentrate when I am at our house. There are hours without internet. It was has the something material new. that we will use in online learning signal is lost or there is no load, I can't access the link it's different from faceto-face even sometimes the signal disappears ; keep looking at the screen and then my eyes are damaged too lazy to learn; don't have anyone to socialize hard to adjust from face-toface;cannot comprehen d the lessons; cannot concentrate when I am at our house. inconveni ent Need to adapt Having necessities Inconveni ent Need to adapt Inconvenie Lack of nt; screen motivation; time isolated Adapting to new normal Question # 2: What specific experience did you feel significant? of course it’s convenie nt but sometime s the internet suddenly disappear s. During that time I constantly have problems with the internet. You think it's impossible to do it, but we pulled it off. Like I'm going to overthink because maybe there is a new topic. I have complete equipment; The only difficult thing is selflearning. Can't understan d what the teacher is saying because the signal is always weak; it affects our learning because it is difficult for you to understan d the lessons online. especially in Mathemati cs. I don't know any classmates in our online class. no internet connection in our house, due to me living in a province wherein the signal is limited and you need to find a stable internet connection for me to join the class. convenie nt but sometime s the internet suddenly disappear s. constantly have problems with the internet. we pulled it off. overthink because maybe there is a new topic. complete equipment; only difficult thing is selflearning. can't understan d what the teacher is saying; it affects our learning don't know any classmates in online class. no internet connection inconveni ent Need to adapt Manage to perform Stress Having necessities; hard to selflearn Compromi sed communic ation;diffic No socializatio n Inconvenien t ulty learning Question # 3: What are your experiences as a student in online learning method during the pandemic? The internet is sometime s down. I can't immediat ely pass on the tasks that are assigned to us. As I said earlier, it was the internet The only thing I can say about challenges are lessons. But the technicalitie s are not that much. internet is sometime s down it was the internet. technicalitie can't get s are not a signal that much. difficult because of because it’s slow different internet from face-to face. inconveni ent Inconveni ent Technical issues Need to adapt We can't get a signal right away. Inconveni ent As what I said earlier, it's a mixture of nervousnes s and difficult because it’s different from face-to face. That I didn't because of learn those slow lessons internet. during the pandemic as in; What is taught face-to-face is very different, especially the Science subject. Learned nothing; online class face-to-face is very different, Inconvenie No nt socializatio n; No learnings poor internet connection; I cannot directly tell to my teachers those concerns I have because I am afraid to talk about it through chat, and I think that is informal. poor internet connection; cannot directly tell to my teachers those concerns I have Inconvenien t; Compromis ed communicat ion Question # 4: What specific challenges did you feel difficult and how did you handle it? I immediat ely do the tasks given to us It is not the best to handle it I would say but it is good to cry. It’s feel good to cry, it is good to scream. Rant, cried; So it seems you are still wrong. immediat ely do the tasks given to us It’s feel good to cry, it is good to scream Hassle Expressin g emotion I'll look for a strong signal like I'm going out of the house so I can take an online class. It seems like I can cope-up with that you should know how to understand what you read and taught by the teacher. Time managem ent and just try to multitask everything; I'll have a quick mental breakdown because my grades might drop, then I'll go back to what I'm doing. I just let my mind rest and then answer again. I also rant about everything. I am now coping up from those experiences through installing a personal WiFi that I can use for my online classes Rant, cried; look for a So it seems strong you are still signal wrong. should know how to understand what you read and taught by the teacher. Time managem ent and multitask; have a quick mental breakdown because my grades might drop just let my mind rest and then answer again; rant about everything. installing a personal WiFi Expressing emotion; No choice Understand ing the situation stress Stress Hassle Hassle Conceptual Organization of the themes of the study. Interview Guide Questions Interview Guide Questions: Time of Interview: Date: Place: Interviewer: Diether Inres Interviewee: Position of Interviewee: Questions: 1. To explore the experiences of students in online learning methode during pandemic: 1.1.1. What are your experiences as a students in online learning during the pandemic? 1.1.2. What specific experience did you feel significant 2. To describe students challenges in oline learning using method during the pandemic: 2.1.1. What are your challenges in online learning method during the pandemic? 2.1.2. What specific challenges did you feel difficult and how did you handle it? References Agarwal, S., & Kaushik, J. S. (2020). Retrieved February 22, 2023, from https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12098-020-03327-7.pdf Akramova, L. Y., Akhmedova, K. O., & Khashimova, F. (2020). 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