Questionnaire – Statistics Class This is a practice questionnaire for a Statistics Class. Your participation helps the learners to practice doing research with real data from real people. Please answer to the best of your abilities, your information is confidential and will not be passed on to anybody. Please mark the answer that applies to you. 1. What is your gender? 0○ Female 1○ Male 2. What is your Job? _________________________ 3. Birth year ______ Birth month_____ 4. How many children do you have (if none write zero)?_____ 5. If more than zero, how many children are currently living at home with you?_____ 6. What is the highest level of education that you have completed? (please tick the highest level you have completed) 1○ primary school 2○ some secondary school 3○ 5○ completed high school 4○ 6○ some additional training on the job undergraduate university postgraduate university 7. What are the major sources of stress in your life? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 8. How many days did you miss work last calendar year because of illness or health issues?_____ 9. How many years are you at your current Job? ______ Not at all Rarely Some times Often 10 How often do you enjoy your job? 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 11 Do you find that you are prone to negative thinking about your job? 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 12 Do you find that you are harder and less sympathetic with people than perhaps they deserve? 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 13 Do you find yourself getting easily irritated by small problems, or by your co-workers and team? 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 14 Do you feel misunderstood or unappreciated by your co-workers? 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 15 Do you feel that organizational politics or bureaucracy frustrate your ability to do a good job? 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ strongly disagre e disagree Neither agree nor disagree agree strongly agree In uncertain times I usually expect the best. 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 5○ If something can go wrong for me it will. 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 5○ I'm always optimistic about my future. 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 5○ I hardly ever expect things to go my way. 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 5○ Overall I expect more good things to happen to me than bad. 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 5○ I rarely count on good things happening to me. 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 5○ 1○ 2○ 3○ 4○ 5○ I energetically pursue my goals. Using the scale shown on the right, please select the number that best describes YOU and put that number in the blank provided. 1. = Definitely False 2. = Mostly False 3. = Somewhat False 4. = Slightly False 5. = Slightly True 6. = Somewhat True 7. = Mostly True 8. = Definitely True ___ 1. I can think of many ways to get out of a jam. ___ 2. I energetically pursue my goals. ___ 3. I feel tired most of the time. ___ 4. There are lots of ways around any problem. ___ 5. I am easily downed in an argument. ___ 6. I can think of many ways to get the things in life that are important to me. ___ 7. I worry about my health. ___ 8. Even when others get discouraged, I know I can find a way to solve the problem. ___ 9. My past experiences have prepared me well for my future. ___10. I’ve been pretty successful in life. ___11. I usually find myself worrying about something. ___12. I meet the goals that I set for myself. You have reached the end of the questionnaire! THANK YOU!