Nokia Networks LTE Radio Access, Rel. RL70, Operating Documentation, Issue 02, Documentation Change Delivery 4 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description DN09158819 Issue 07 Approval Date 2015-09-08 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description The information in this document applies solely to the hardware/software product (“Product”) specified herein, and only as specified herein. This document is intended for use by Nokia Solutions and Networks' customers (“You”) only, and it may not be used except for the purposes defined in the agreement between You and Nokia Solutions and Networks (“Agreement”) under which this document is distributed. No part of this document may be used, copied, reproduced, modified or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia Solutions and Networks. If you have not entered into an Agreement applicable to the Product, or if that Agreement has expired or has been terminated, You may not use this document in any manner and You are obliged to return it to Nokia Solutions and Networks and destroy or delete any copies thereof. The document has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and You assume full responsibility when using it. Nokia Solutions and Networks welcome Your comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. This document and its contents are provided as a convenience to You. Any information or statements concerning the suitability, capacity, fitness for purpose or performance of the Product are given solely on an “as is” and “as available” basis in this document, and Nokia Solutions and Networks reserves the right to change any such information and statements without notice. Nokia Solutions and Networks has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the content of this document is adequate and free of material errors and omissions, and Nokia Solutions and Networks will correct errors that You identify in this document. But, Nokia Solutions and Networks' total liability for any errors in the document is strictly limited to the correction of such error(s). Nokia Solutions and Networks does not warrant that the use of the software in the Product will be uninterrupted or error-free. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF AVAILABILITY, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IS MADE IN RELATION TO THE CONTENT OF THIS DOCUMENT. IN NO EVENT WILL NOKIA SOLUTIONS AND NETWORKS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR ANY LOSSES, SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OR DATA THAT MAY ARISE FROM THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION IN IT, EVEN IN THE CASE OF ERRORS IN OR OMISSIONS FROM THIS DOCUMENT OR ITS CONTENT. This document is Nokia Solutions and Networks’ proprietary and confidential information, which may not be distributed or disclosed to any third parties without the prior written consent of Nokia Solutions and Networks. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only. Copyright © 2015 Nokia Solutions and Networks. All rights reserved. f Important Notice on Product Safety This product may present safety risks due to laser, electricity, heat, and other sources of danger. Only trained and qualified personnel may install, operate, maintain or otherwise handle this product and only after having carefully read the safety information applicable to this product. The safety information is provided in the Safety Information section in the “Legal, Safety and Environmental Information” part of this document or documentation set. Nokia Solutions and Networks is continually striving to reduce the adverse environmental effects of its products and services. We would like to encourage you as our customers and users to join us in working towards a cleaner, safer environment. Please recycle product packaging and follow the recommendations for power use and proper disposal of our products and their components. If you should have questions regarding our Environmental Policy or any of the environmental services we offer, please contact us at Nokia Solutions and Networks for any additional information. 2 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Table of Contents This document has 50 pages Summary of changes..................................................................... 8 Issue: 07 1 Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS........................................... 11 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 Construction................................................................................. 17 Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS variants............................19 Construction of Bluetooth antenna...............................................23 Construction of GPS antenna (FAWD).........................................23 Construction of GPS/GLONASS antenna (FAWG)...................... 24 Construction of directional antenna (FAWE)................................ 25 Construction of directional antenna (FAWF)................................ 25 Construction of directional antenna (FAWI)..................................25 Construction of directional antenna (FAWJ).................................26 Construction of directional antenna (FAWK)................................ 26 Construction of directional antenna (FAWN)................................ 27 Construction of directional antenna (FAWL).................................27 Construction of omni antenna (FAWB).........................................28 Construction of omni antenna (FAWC).........................................28 Construction of omni antenna (FAWH).........................................29 Construction of omni antenna (FAWM)........................................ 30 Construction of omni antenna (FAWO)........................................ 31 3 Air interface.................................................................................. 32 4 Benefits........................................................................................ 33 5 Transport and synchronization..................................................... 35 6 Management and software...........................................................36 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Interfaces..................................................................................... 37 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB)........ 37 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE, FWHF, FWND)....... 38 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN)......................................................................................... 39 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD)................................40 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM)...... 41 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT)................................ 42 8 8.1 8.2 Safety for Public and Workers......................................................43 Installing base stations to ensure public safety............................43 Installing base stations to ensure installer safety.........................43 9 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHA, FWEA) CE Marking.................... 45 DN09158819 3 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description 4 10 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWHD, FWHT, FWIB) United States FCC Part 15 compliance...................................................46 11 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWIB, FWFA) Industry Canada IC RSSGEN compliance ......................................................................... 47 12 Flexi Zone Micro Bluetooth Modular Approval ............................ 49 13 EU RoHS statement.....................................................................50 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description List of Figures Issue: 07 Figure 1 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB)................................... 14 Figure 2 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWEA, FWHE, FWHF, FWHO, FWHN, FWND, FWHT)................................................................................... 14 Figure 3 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM)................................. 15 Figure 4 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD)...........................................................16 Figure 5 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB, FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN, FWHE, FWHF, FWHT) functional diagram............................ 18 Figure 6 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) functional diagram...18 Figure 7 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) functional diagram............................ 19 Figure 8 FAWD................................................................................................. 23 Figure 9 FAWD label.........................................................................................24 Figure 10 FAWG................................................................................................. 24 Figure 11 FAWG label.........................................................................................24 Figure 12 FAWB label......................................................................................... 28 Figure 13 FAWC label.........................................................................................29 Figure 14 FAWH label.........................................................................................30 Figure 15 FAWM label........................................................................................ 30 Figure 16 FAWO label.........................................................................................31 Figure 17 Basic schema of Flexi Zone deployment ...........................................34 Figure 18 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB) bottom view interfaces.. 37 Figure 19 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB) top view interfaces.... 37 Figure 20 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB) side view interfaces...37 Figure 21 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE, FWHF, FWND) bottom view interfaces. 38 Figure 22 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE, FWHF, FWND) top view interfaces... 38 Figure 23 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE, FWHF, FWND) side view interfaces...... 38 Figure 24 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN) bottom view interfaces............................................................................................ 39 Figure 25 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN) top view interfaces............................................................................................ 39 Figure 26 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN) side view interfaces............................................................................................ 39 Figure 27 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) bottom view interfaces...................... 40 Figure 28 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) top view interfaces............................ 40 Figure 29 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) side view interfaces.......................... 40 Figure 30 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) bottom view interfaces ............................................................................................................41 Figure 31 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) top view interfaces...... 41 DN09158819 5 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description 6 Figure 32 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) side view interfaces..... 41 Figure 33 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT) bottom view interfaces...................... 42 Figure 34 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT) top view interfaces............................ 42 Figure 35 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT) side view interfaces...........................42 Figure 36 CE marking.........................................................................................45 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description List of Tables Issue: 07 Table 1 Releases covered by the document..................................................... 8 Table 2 Flexi Zone Micro BTS naming convention..........................................13 Table 3 Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FDD-LTE variants) ............... 20 Table 4 Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (TDD-LTE variants) ............... 22 Table 5 Properties of Bluetooth antenna......................................................... 23 Table 6 Properties of GPS antenna (FAWD) (472932A)................................. 23 Table 7 Properties of GPS antenna (FAWG) (473100A)................................. 24 Table 8 Properties of directional antenna (FAWE) (473029A).........................25 Table 9 Properties of directional antenna (FAWF) (473030A).........................25 Table 10 Properties of directional antenna (FAWI) (473172A).......................... 25 Table 11 Properties of directional antenna (FAWJ) (473173A)......................... 26 Table 12 Properties of directional antenna (FAWK) (473174A).........................26 Table 13 Properties of directional antenna (FAWN) (473228A)........................ 27 Table 14 Properties of directional antenna (FAWL) (473183A)......................... 27 Table 15 Properties of omni antenna (FAWB) (472933A)................................. 28 Table 16 Properties of omni antenna (FAWC) (472947A)................................. 28 Table 17 Properties of omni antenna (FAWH) (473171A)................................. 29 Table 18 Properties of omni antenna (FAWM) (473227A).................................30 Table 19 Properties of omni antenna (FAWO) (473369A).................................31 Table 20 Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) by band (all single carrier FZM variants)..............................................................................................43 Table 21 Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) by band (all three carrier FZM variants)..............................................................................................44 DN09158819 7 Summary of changes Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Summary of changes Changes between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains all changes made to previous issues. This document is common for FDD-LTE and TDD-LTE. You may find here information about solutions that are not available or supported in a specific SW release or RAT. For features supported in your SW release, see respective feature documentation chapter in the system library. Table 1 Releases covered by the document Product Release Long Term Evolution RL50FZ, RL70, FDD-LTE15A TD LTE RL55, TD-LTE15A This document describes all variants of Flexi Zone Micro BTS. The differences between the variants are indicated in the respective chapters. Changes between issues 06 (2015-06-19) and 07 (2015-09-08) Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS • Information on Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT) has been added. Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS variants • • • • FWFA supports also FAWO. Table 3: Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FDDLTE variants) has been corrected accordingly. FWEB does not support FAWB. Table 3: Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FDDLTE variants) has been corrected accordingly. FWHC does not support FAWC. Table 3: Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FDD-LTE variants) has been corrected accordingly. FWHM does not support FAWC. Table 3: Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FDD-LTE variants) has been corrected accordingly. Construction of Bluetooth antenna • Antenna port type is reverse polarity SMA-male. Table 5: Properties of Bluetooth antenna has been corrected. Construction of GPS antenna (FAWD) • Figure 9: FAWD label has been added. Construction of GPS/GLONASS antenna (FAWG) • • Figure 10: FAWG has been added. Figure 11: FAWG label has been added. Construction of omni antenna (FAWB) • Figure 12: FAWB label has been added. Construction of omni antenna (FAWC) • Figure 13: FAWC label has been added. Construction of omni antenna (FAWH) 8 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description • Summary of changes Figure 14: FAWH label has been added. Construction of omni antenna (FAWM) • Figure 15: FAWM label has been added. Construction of omni antenna (FAWO) • Figure 16: FAWO label has been added. Benefits • Title of the section Flexi Zone Controller has been changed to Integration within Zone eNB. Transport and synchronization • Chained BTSs can use IEEE 1588v2 instead of satellite-based synchronization. BTS chaining has been updated accordingly. Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE, FWHF, FWND) • FWHE, FWHF, and FWND have third backhaul interface (marked as C). This section has been added to show the difference between them and FWHO, FWHN, FWFA, and FWEA in which the third backhaul interface is not used. Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT) • This section has been added. Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWHD, FWHT, FWIB) United States FCC Part 15 compliance • Information on FWHT has been added. Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWIB, FWFA) Industry Canada IC RSS-GEN compliance • FWHD does not have Industry Canada certification. Section has been corrected accordingly. Changes between issues 06 DRAFT (2015-05-06) and 06 (2015-06-19) Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS • Information on Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWND) has been added. Air interface • Information on FWND has been added. Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE, FWHF, FWND) • Information on FWND has been added to figure 12, 13 and 14. Changes between issues 05 (2015-03-09) and 06 DRAFT (2015-05-06) Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS • • • • Information on Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB) has been added. List of Flexi Zone Micro BTS-related documents has been added. More detailed information on SFPs (whether it is a single-mode or a multi-mode SFP) has been added. Information on AC power cable, 10 m (32 ft), EU (FPWC) has been added. Construction • Issue: 07 Information on operational and storage temperatures has been added. DN09158819 9 Summary of changes Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS variants • Information on Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB) has been added to Table 3: Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FDD-LTE variants). Construction of Bluetooth antenna • This section has been added. Construction of GPS antenna (FAWD) • This section has been added. Construction of GPS/GLONASS antenna (FAWG) • This section has been added. Construction of directional antenna (FAWN) • This section has been added. Construction of omni antenna (FAWM) • This section has been added. Construction of omni antenna (FAWO) • This section has been added. Construction of directional antenna (FAWL) • This section has been added. Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (TDD-LTE variants) • Information on FWND and FAWL has been added. Benefits • Integration within Zone eNB has been added. Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) • 10 Information on Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB) has been added. DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS 1 Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS The Flexi Zone Micro BTS is a second generation small cell BTS optimized for outdoor micro-cell environment. The product design utilizes a small cell specific radio architecture based on a radio frequency integrated circuit device, and an integrated baseband processing solution that enables feature parity with the Flexi Macro BTS solutions. The main application of this BTS, is to help deliver an improved mobile broadband experience by enhancing coverage and capacity both outdoor and indoor. Thanks to its small size and fanless solution the BTS can be used in micro cell applications. It can be deployed at street level and on rooftops in order to cover traffic hotspots or to fill network coverage holes as well as improve coverage inside buildings, for example at airports and railway stations. The Flexi Zone Micro BTS provides functionality defined by 3GPP for an eNodeB and supports standard network interfaces to other network elements, that is S1 and X2. The performance of the product is defined in a way that the air-interface is the only thing which limits the throughput for the LTE implementation. The HW platform supports full throughput capability of 20 MHz LTE FDD carriers with 2x2 MIMO and two 20 MHz carriers for the TDD hardware variant (three 20 MHz carriers in case of FWHD). The physical transport interface is optimized for IP-based transport solutions. Furthermore, the BTS supports varying transmit power. g Note: TDD-LTE multi-carrier mode depends on the SW release. Flexi Zone Micro BTS is available in the following variants: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEA): BC3, FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB): BC3, Wi-Fi, PoE, FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA): BC2/25, FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB): BC1, FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHA): BC7, FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHC): BC7, low band, Wi-Fi, PoE, FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHM): BC7, high band, Wi-Fi, PoE, FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHN): BC7, high band, FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHO): BC7, low band, FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWIB): BC4, FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD): BC41, TDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE): BC41, narrow band, TDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHF): BC41, narrow band, TDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT): BC41, Full Band, PoE, TDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWND): BC40, Full Band, TDD-LTE More information on Flexi Zone Micro BTS can be found in the following documents: • • • • • Issue: 07 LTE Flexi Zone Radio Network Planning Guidelines Installing and Cabling Flexi Zone Micro BTS Commissioning Flexi Zone Micro BTS LTE Flexi Zone Micro Parameters Flexi Zone Micro Transport Parameters DN09158819 11 Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS • • • 12 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Flexi Zone BTS LTE Alarms and Faults Troubleshooting LTE RAN Flexi Zone Micro BTS Environmental Product Declaration DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS Flexi Zone Micro BTS naming convention The Flexi BTS family is named according to the following format: Fxxx. Table 2: Flexi Zone Micro BTS naming convention shows the explanation of the format. g Note: Table 2: Flexi Zone Micro BTS naming convention might not list all possible variants/items. Additionally, some items might not be available in certain releases. Table 2 Flexi Zone Micro BTS naming convention Abbreviation Description Fxxx Flexi family FAWx Flexi Zone Micro BTS antenna Can be omni, directional or GPS antenna. x is used for additional product identification if necessary. FMWx Flexi Zone Micro BTS mounting bracket x can indicate: FOSx • A - wall and pole mounting bracket • B - directional antenna tilt bracket Flexi Zone Micro BTS SFP x can indicate: • 1 - optical SFP 1000Base-BX, 10 km (6.21 m), single-mode, 1490 nm TX/1310 nm RX 2 - optical SFP 1000Base-BX, 10 km (6.21 m), single-mode, 1310 nm TX/1490 nm RX 3 - optical SFP 1000Base-BX, 40 km (24.85 m), single-mode, 1490 nm TX/1310 nm RX 4 - optical SFP 1000Base-BX, 40 km (24.85 m), single-mode, 1310 nm TX/1490 nm RX C - optical SFP 1000Base-LX, 10 km (6.21 m), single-mode, 1310 nm • D - optical SFP 1000Base-SX, 300 m (328.08 yd), multi-mode, 850 nm • • • • FPWx Flexi Zone Micro BTS power cable x can indicate: FWxy • A - AC power cable, 10 m (32 ft) • C - AC power cable, 10 m (32 ft), EU Flexi Zone Micro BTS variant x can indicate: Issue: 07 • E - 1800 MHz (FDD-LTE band 3) • F - 1900 MHz (FDD-LTE band 2/25) • G - 2100 MHz (FDD-LTE band 1) • H - 2600 MHz (FDD-LTE band 7, TDD-LTE band 41) • I - 2100 MHz (AWS) (FDD-LTE band 4) • N - 2300 MHz (TDD-LTE band 40) DN09158819 13 Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS Table 2 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Flexi Zone Micro BTS naming convention (Cont.) Abbreviation Description y is used for additional product identification if necessary. 14 Figure 1 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB) Figure 2 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWEA, FWHE, FWHF, FWHO, FWHN, FWND, FWHT) DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Figure 3 Issue: 07 Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) DN09158819 15 Introduction to Flexi Zone Micro BTS Figure 4 16 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Construction 2 Construction All Flexi Zone Micro BTS variants are outdoor-capable and weather-sealed. Flexi Zone Micro BTS consists of the following elements: • Core base station module All connectors of the core mechanics are installed with gaskets that weatherproof and shield the IP65 core against water, snow, and solid foreign objects. The operational temperature range is -40°C-+55°C (-40°F-+131°F). The storage temperature range is -40°C-+70°C (-40°F-+158°F). The core mechanics also provide EMC shielding. The core module integrates the following items into one single unit: – – – – – • • • Some variants also contain an integrated Wi-Fi antenna that enables Flexi Zone Micro BTS to function as a wireless Access Point (AP). Bluetooth antenna The Bluetooth antenna enables local management of the Flexi Zone Micro BTS with a PC. Optional GPS antenna The GPS signal can be used as a synchronization source. Both GPS antenna FAWD (472932A) and GPS/GLONASS antenna FAWG (473100A) can be used with any Flexi Zone Micro BTS variant. However, only FWHC and FWHM support GLONASS (LTE1781: Integrated Multi-GNSS Sync Support). Available antenna options – – – g • RF baseband functionality clock and control external interfaces transmission directly connected omni antennas directly connected directional antennas customer-supplied remote antennas Note: Note that such antennas must meet the requirements outlined by the antenna installation section in the installation manual and be equipped with additional in-line surge protection. Module cables, accessories All cables are in protection class IP65. Accessories include, for example, mounting bracket, ground lug, cable strain reliefs, environmental grommets. The functional diagram of the BTS is shown in Figure 5: Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB, FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN, FWHE, FWHF, FWHT) functional diagram, Figure 6: Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) functional diagram and Figure 7: Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) functional diagram. Issue: 07 DN09158819 17 Construction Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Figure 5 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB, FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN, FWHE, FWHF, FWHT) functional diagram ANT-1 ANT-2 AnalogRFblock Motherboard Backhaul SmallsignalRF circuitblock Basebandprocessing,control andtimingdigitalcircuitblock Bluetooth GPS LEDs PSU Figure 6 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) functional diagram 4G ANT-1 Wi-Fi ANT-2 ANT-1 ANT-2 Wi-Fiboard basebandprocessing RFcircuitblock AnalogRFblock Mezzanine PoE,Wi-Fiinterface andcontrol SmallsignalRF circuitblock Backhaul Backhaul Basebandprocessing,control andtimingdigitalcircuitblock Bluetooth GPS LEDs Motherboard PSU1 18 Power supply DN09158819 PSU2 Power supply Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Figure 7 Construction Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) functional diagram 2.1 Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS variants Table 3: Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FDD-LTE variants) and Table 4: Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (TDD-LTE variants) show the HW characteristic of the available Flexi Zone Micro BTS variants. Variant Shows the variant name, feature id, and sales code. For the explanation of the abbreviation, see Table 2: Flexi Zone Micro BTS naming convention. Dimensions Shows the height, width, depth, weight, and volume of the variant. height width depth Issue: 07 Band Shows the band, exact frequency range, supported bandwidths, and number of supported carriers. Power Shows the maximum output power at the antenna connector and range of the configurable power levels. Integrated antenna Shows which integrated antenna variant (omni, directional) is supported. Integrated Wi-Fi Shows whether the variant contains an integrated Wi-Fi. DN09158819 19 Construction Table 3 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FDD-LTE variants) Variant Dimensions Band Power FWGB H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band 1 2x5W LTE1659 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 472851A D: 86 mm (3.38 in.) UL: 1920 - 1980 MHz 0.25, 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W W: 5.2 kg (11.46 lb) V: 5 l DL: 2110 - 2170 MHz Integrated antenna Directional: FAWE Integrated WiFi No Omni: FAWB, FAWO Bandwidths: 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz Carriers: 1 FWHA H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band 7 2x5W LTE1682 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 472897A D: 86 mm (3.38 in.) UL: 2500 - 2570 MHz 0.25, 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W W: 5.2 kg (11.46 lb) V: 5 l DL: 2620 - 2690 MHz Directional: FAWF No Omni: FAWC, FAWM Bandwidths: 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz Carriers: 1 FWIB H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band 4 2x5W LTE1727 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 472899A D: 86 mm (3.38 in.) UL: 1710 - 1755 MHz 0.25, 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W W: 5.2 kg (11.46 lb) V: 5 l DL: 2110 - 2155 MHz Directional: FAWE No Omni: FAWB, FAWO Bandwidths: 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz Carriers: 1 FWFA H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band 2/25 2x5W Directional: FAWI No LTE2055 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 473040A D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) UL: 1850 - 1915 MHz 0.25 , 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W Omni: FAWB, FAWO W: 6.2 kg (13.66 lb) V: 7.2 l DL: 1930 - 1995 MHz Bandwidths: 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz Carriers: 1 FWEA H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band: 3 2x5W Directional: FAWI No LTE1728 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 472898A D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) UL: 1710 - 1785 MHz 0.25 , 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W Omni: FAWB, FAWO W: 6.2 kg (13.66 lb) DL: 1805 - 1880 MHz V: 7. l 20 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Table 3 Variant Construction Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FDD-LTE variants) (Cont.) Dimensions Band Power Integrated antenna Integrated WiFi Bandwidths: 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz Carriers: 1 FWEB H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band: 3 2x5W LTE2251 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 472941A D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) UL: 1710 - 1785 MHz 0.25 , 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W W: 8.0 kg (17.64 lb) V: 7.2 l DL: 1805 - 1880 MHz Directional: FAWL Directional: FAWL Omni: FAWO Omni: FAWH Directional: FAWK Directional: FAWK Omni: FAWM Omni: FAWH Directional: FAWK Directional: FAWK Omni: FAWM Omni: FAWH Directional: FAWJ No Bandwidths: 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz Carriers: 1 FWHC H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band: 7 (low band) 2x5W LTE1961 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 472938A D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) UL: 2500 - 2555 MHz 0.25 , 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W W: 7.2 kg (15.87 lb) V: 7.2 l DL: 2620 - 2675 MHz Bandwidths: 5, 10, 15, and 20 MHz. Carriers: 1 FWHM H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band: 7 (high band) 2x5W LTE2340 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 473147A D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) UL: 2520 - 2570 MHz 0.25 , 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W W: 7.2 kg (15.87 lb) V: 7.2 l DL: 2640 - 2690 MHz Bandwidths: 5, 10, 15, 20 Carriers: 1 FWHO H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band: 7 (low band) 2x5W LTE2338 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 473149A D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) UL: 2500 -2555 MHz 0.25 , 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W W: 6.2 kg (13.67 lb) V: 7.2 l DL: 2620 -2675 MHz Omni: FAWC, FAWM Bandwidths: 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz Carriers: 1 FWHN H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band: 7 (high band) LTE2339 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) UL: 2520 - 2570 MHz Issue: 07 2x5W DN09158819 Directional: FAWJ No 21 Construction Table 3 Variant 473148A Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FDD-LTE variants) (Cont.) Dimensions D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) W: 6.2 kg (13.67 lb) V: 7.2 l Band Power DL: 2640 - 2690 MHz Bandwidths: 5, 10, 15, 20 0.25 , 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W Integrated antenna Integrated WiFi Omni: FAWC, FAWM Carriers: 1 Table 4 Variant Construction of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (TDD-LTE variants) Dimensions Band Power FWHD H: 482 mm (18.97 in.) Band 41 4x5W LTE1889 W: 335 mm (13. 8 in.) 2496 - 2690 MHz 472852A D: 86 mm (3.38 in.) Bandwidths: 10, 20 MHz 0.25, 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W W: 12.6 kg (27.78 lb) V: 12 l Integrated antenna Omni: FAWC, FAWM Integrated WiFi No Carriers: 3 FWHE H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band 41 2x5W Directional: FAWJ No LTE1729 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 2575 - 2635 MHz 472939A D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) Bandwidths: 10, 20 MHz 0.25, 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W Omni: FAWC, FAWM W: 6.2 kg (13.66 lb) V: 7.2 l Carriers: 1 FWHF H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band 41 2x4W Directional: FAWJ No LTE1964 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 2545 - 2575 MHz 472940A D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) Bandwidths: 10, 20 MHz 0.25, 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4 W Omni: FAWC, FAWM W: 6.2 kg (13.66 lb) V: 7.2 l Carriers: 1 FWHT H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band 41 2x5W Directional: FAWJ No LTE2821 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 2496 - 2690 MHz 473531A D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) Bandwidths: 10, 15, 20 MHz 0.25, 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W Omni: FAWC, FAWM Directional: FAWN W: 7.8 kg (17.19 lb) V: 7.2 l Carriers: 2 FWND H: 247 mm (9.72 in.) Band 40 2x5W LTE2290 W: 327 mm (12.87 in.) 2300 - 2400 MHz 473122A D: 120 mm (4.72 in.) Bandwidths: 10, 20 MHz 0.25, 0.315, 0.4, 0.5, 0.63, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 W W: 6.2 kg (13.66 lb) V: 7.2 l 22 No Omni: FAWM Carriers: 1 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Construction 2.2 Construction of Bluetooth antenna Table 5 Properties of Bluetooth antenna Property Value Frequency range 2.4-2.483 GHz VSWR <2.0 Antenna gain 0 dBi Polarization vertical Antenna port (mounting) reverse polarity SMA-male 2.3 Construction of GPS antenna (FAWD) Table 6 Properties of GPS antenna (FAWD) (472932A) Property Frequency 1575.42 MHz Antenna gain 26 dBi Axial ration 3 dB over +/-30˚ from azimuth main beam Voltage range 2.7-5.5 V Polarization right hand circular Horizontal beamwidth 360˚ Antenna port (mounting) N-type Weight 0.14 kg (0.31 lb) Figure 8 Issue: 07 Value FAWD DN09158819 23 Construction Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description FAWD label GPS_Ant (1P)472932A.101 (1T)YEYYWW Madein China Figure 9 2.4 Construction of GPS/GLONASS antenna (FAWG) Table 7 Properties of GPS antenna (FAWG) (473100A) Property 1574-1607 MHz Antenna gain 26 dBi Antenna gain 3 dB over +/-30˚ from azimuth main beam Voltage range 2.7-5.5 V Polarization right hand circular Horizontal beamwidth 360˚ Antenna port (mounting) N-type Weight 0.14 kg (0.31 lb) Figure 10 FAWG Figure 11 FAWG label Madein China Frequency range GPS_GLNSS (1P)473100A (1T)YEYYWW 24 Value DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Construction 2.5 Construction of directional antenna (FAWE) Table 8 Properties of directional antenna (FAWE) (473029A) Property Value Frequency range 1710 - 2170 MHz Antenna gain ~7.5 dBi Antenna beam-widths horizontal: 70˚ vertical: 60˚ Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO Antenna ports (mounting) N-type TX monitor ports SMA-type 2.6 Construction of directional antenna (FAWF) Table 9 Properties of directional antenna (FAWF) (473030A) Property Value Frequency range 2496 - 2690 MHz Antenna gain ~8.25 dBi Antenna beam-widths horizontal: 70˚ vertical: 60˚ Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO Antenna ports (mounting) N-type TX monitor ports SMA-type 2.7 Construction of directional antenna (FAWI) Table 10 Properties of directional antenna (FAWI) (473172A) Property Issue: 07 Value Frequency range 1710 - 2170 MHz Antenna gain ~7.5 dBi DN09158819 25 Construction Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Table 10 Properties of directional antenna (FAWI) (473172A) (Cont.) Property Value Antenna beam-widths horizontal: 70˚ vertical: 60˚ Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO Antenna ports (mounting) N-type TX monitor ports SMA-type 2.8 Construction of directional antenna (FAWJ) Table 11 Properties of directional antenna (FAWJ) (473173A) Property Value Frequency range 2496 - 2690 MHz Antenna gain ~8.25 dBi Antenna beam-widths horizontal: 70˚ vertical: 60˚ Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO Antenna ports (mounting) N-type TX monitor ports SMA-type 2.9 Construction of directional antenna (FAWK) Table 12 Properties of directional antenna (FAWK) (473174A) Property Value Frequency range LTE band 7 (2400 - 2700 MHz) with dual-band Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) Antenna gain LTE: ~9 dBi Wi-Fi: Antenna beam-widths • 2.4 GHz: ~7 dBi • 5 GHz: ~7.5 dBi horizontal: 70˚ vertical: 60˚ 26 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Table 12 Construction Properties of directional antenna (FAWK) (473174A) (Cont.) Property Value Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO Antenna ports (mounting) N-type TX monitor ports SMA-type 2.10 Construction of directional antenna (FAWN) Table 13 Properties of directional antenna (FAWN) (473228A) Property Value Frequency range LTE band 40 (2300 - 2400 MHz) Antenna gain LTE: ~8.25 dBi Antenna beam-widths horizontal: 70˚ vertical: 60˚ Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO with one Antenna Panel Antenna ports (mounting) N-type TX monitor ports SMA-type 2.11 Construction of directional antenna (FAWL) Table 14 Properties of directional antenna (FAWL) (473183A) Property Value Frequency range LTE band 7 (2400 - 2700 MHz) with dual-band Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) Antenna gain LTE: ~7.5 dBi Wi-Fi: Antenna beam-widths • 2.4 GHz: ~7 dBi • 5 GHz: ~7.5 dBi horizontal: 70˚ vertical: 60˚ Issue: 07 Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO Antenna ports (mounting) N-type DN09158819 27 Construction Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Table 14 Properties of directional antenna (FAWL) (473183A) (Cont.) Property Value TX monitor ports SMA-type 2.12 Construction of omni antenna (FAWB) Table 15 Properties of omni antenna (FAWB) (472933A) Property Value Frequency range 1710-2170 MHz Antenna gain ~1 dBi Antenna beam-widths horizontal: 360˚ vertical: 50˚ Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO with 2 antennas Antenna ports (mounting) N-type Height 129 mm (5.07 in.) Width 22.8 mm (0.89 in.) Weight 0.14 kg (0.31 lb) FAWB label 1.8G/1.9GOmni (1P)472933A.101 (1T)YEYYWW Madein China Figure 12 2.13 Construction of omni antenna (FAWC) Table 16 Properties of omni antenna (FAWC) (472947A) Property 28 Value Frequency range 2496 - 2690 MHz (band 7, 38, 41) Antenna gain ~2 dBi Antenna beam-widths horizontal: 360˚ DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Table 16 Construction Properties of omni antenna (FAWC) (472947A) (Cont.) Property Value vertical: 50˚ Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO with 2 antennas Antenna ports (mounting) N-type Height 129 mm (5.07 in.) Width 22.8 mm (0.89) Weight 0.14 kg (0.31 lb) FAWC label 2.6GOmni (1P)472947A.101 (1T)YEYYWW Madein China Figure 13 2.14 Construction of omni antenna (FAWH) Table 17 Properties of omni antenna (FAWH) (473171A) Property Value Frequency range Dual-band Wi-Fi: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Antenna gain 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi: ~4 dBi 5 GHz Wi-Fi: ~6 dBi Antenna beam-widths horizontal: 360˚ vertical: ~45˚ (2.4 GHz band), ~25˚ (5 GHz band) Issue: 07 Antenna ports (mounting) N-type Height 173 mm (6.81 in.) Width 25.3 mm (1 in.) Weight 0.17 kg (0.37 lb) DN09158819 29 Construction Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description FAWH label DBWIFI (1P)473171A (1T)XX1234 Madein China Figure 14 2.15 Construction of omni antenna (FAWM) Table 18 Properties of omni antenna (FAWM) (473227A) Property Value Frequency range 2300 - 2700 MHz (band 40) Antenna gain ~2 dBi Antenna beam-widths horizontal: 360˚ vertical: 50˚ Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO with 2 antennas Antenna ports (mounting) N-type Height 129 mm (5.07 in.) Width 22.8 mm (0.89) Weight 0.14 kg (0.31 lb) FAWM label 2.5G_Omni (1P)473227A (1T)XX1234 Madein China Figure 15 2300-2700MHz 30 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Construction 2.16 Construction of omni antenna (FAWO) Table 19 Properties of omni antenna (FAWO) (473369A) Property Value Frequency range 1710 - 2170 MHz Antenna gain ~2 dBi Antenna beam-widths horizontal: 360˚ vertical: 50˚ Antenna configuration 2TX/2RX MIMO with 2 antennas Antenna ports (mounting) N-type Height 129 mm (5.07 in.) Width 22.8 mm (0.89 in.) Weight 0.14 kg (0.31 lb) FAWO label 1.9G_Omni (1P)473369A (1T)XX1234 Madein China Figure 16 1710-2170MHz Issue: 07 DN09158819 31 Air interface Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description 3 Air interface The BTS transceiver is equipped with TX/RX antenna connections. Each transmit port supports a maximum of several watts transmit power. Receivers support reference sensitivity specifications as defined in 3GPP 36.104 for Medium Area base stations. In addition to 3GPP standards alignment with the Flexi Multi Radio BTS, Flexi Zone Micro BTS follows Medium Area BTS specifications from TS 36.104 Rel-11. Carrier frequency can be freely selected via SW within frequency associated with the band specific hardware variant. FDD-LTE Flexi Zone Micro BTS FDD-LTE variants support full throughput capability of one 20 MHz LTE carrier with 2x2 MIMO. TDD-LTE In TDD-LTE variants the air interface can be configured for a two-carrier operation and can be configured with any combination of bandwidths, provided that carriers occupy contiguous frequencies, and operate within the maximum bandwidth window of 40 MHz for TDD. g Note: SW support for two-carrier operation in FWHE, FWHF and FWND will be introduced in the future SW release. FWHD supports three-carrier operation. When multiple carriers are configured to use a single radio module, each carrier must share the transmit power (for example, 37 dBm per TX is shared across all carriers). All carriers sharing a single radio module must be configured with the same transmit power level ensuring the power level of each carrier is equal to, or less than, the full capability of the radio module (for example, 5 W). Diversity Flexi Zone Micro BTS supports two-way receiver diversity. Each carrier can be configured for normal operation with 2TX/2RX, 1TX/2RX, or 1TX/1RX within the same radio module. 32 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Benefits 4 Benefits Flexi Zone Micro BTS provides a vast number of benefits for the operator. Easy installation Flexi Zone Micro BTS offers new site deployment possibilities thanks to its compact size and light weight which makes it easy and fast to deploy. Its compact size enables minimum installation clearance which allows Flexi Zone Micro BTS to be installed in areas of limited space like crowded sites, utility rooms, or inside the cabinets. This small base station can be also installed back to back at compact multiband and multiradio sites. The portability enables further savings in the form of lower rental costs and simpler site acquisition due to the unit requiring less space. As a result of this, operators are now able to extend their coverage to areas that were previously inaccessible. As the Flexi Zone Micro BTS is deployable by a single person and consumes little power, installation and running costs are significantly reduced without compromising the quality of the delivery capacity. The size of the BTS makes it unnoticeable in locations such as exterior walls, billboards, lamp-posts, and bus stops. Low acoustic noise Flexi Zone Micro BTS uses passive cooling. Easy commissioning Flexi Zone Micro BTS supports wizard-based commissioning via the BTS Site Manager. The configuration can be saved to a file which can be later reused as a template. Auto-connection and auto configuration support is also available for Flexi Multiradio BTS and Flexi Multiradio 10 BTS. Software features Flexi Zone Micro BTS enables feature parity with the Flexi Macro BTS solutions. For the full list of features and their descriptions, see Feature List. Integration within Zone eNB The Zone eNB has been designed as a cost-effective and high-performing capacity solution for the deployment of a large number of coordinated small cells. Flexi Zone is a heterogeneous network solution that makes use of LTE and Wi-Fi to offload, add capacity, and boost subscriber experience in both indoor (public/enterprise) and outdoor street-level hot-zone environments. The introduction of the Flexi Zone Controller into the Zone eNB enables deploying large numbers of mixed indoor and outdoor cells within a single Zone cluster. Each of the small cells is supported by a Flexi Zone Access Point (FZAP) based on a re-purposed Flexi Zone Micro BTS. The Flexi Zone Controller aggregates Flexi Zone Access Points and acts as a single eNB towards the core network, providing mobility anchoring to all UEs within the Zone eNB. Issue: 07 DN09158819 33 Benefits Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Figure 17 Basic schema of Flexi Zone deployment FZAP FZAP FZAP FZAP FZAP FZC FZAP CoreNetwork The current implementation of the Zone eNB supports up to 100 FZAPs under an individual FZC. The aggregation of all access point interfaces under the FZC simplifies integration and IP addressing, reduces signaling back to the core network, and simplifies the backhaul by enabling one single feed to the controller rather than to many access points. For more information, see Flexi Zone Controller Product Description. 34 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Transport and synchronization 5 Transport and synchronization Flexi Zone Micro BTS uses IP/Ethernet as a standard transport protocol. Ethernet, both copper and fiber, is the standard interface used by the BTS. When external transport solutions (such as wireless backhaul) are used, they interface through the Ethernet connections on the BTS and the technology used is transparent to the BTS. Passive optical networks (PONs) can be supported via E-PON or G-PON SFPs. An IOT with the PON vendor will be required to use customer-specific PON SFPs. Flexi Zone Micro supports the following LTE network interfaces: • • eNodeB to MME and Serving SAE Gateway with S1 interface eNodeB to eNodeB with X2 interface The physical transport interface configuration available is RJ45 + SFP (fiber). Copper Ethernet Flexi Zone Micro BTS Base Module RJ45 socket supports 1 Gigabit Ethernet copper interface 100/1000 Base-T according IEEE802.3 clause 40. Fiber Ethernet Flexi Zone Micro BTS supports single-mode and multi-mode fibers. The 1 Gigabit Ethernet SFP interface is based on MSA INF-8074. The following fiber SFP module options are available: • • • • • • FOS1 - optical SFP 1000Base-BX, 10 km (6.21 m), 1490 nm/1310 nm FOS2 - optical SFP 1000Base-BX, 10 km (6.21 m), 1310 nm/1490 nm FOS3 - optical SFP 1000Base-BX, 40 km (24.85 m), 1490 nm/1310 nm FOS4 - optical SFP 1000Base-BX, 40 km (24.85 m), 1310 nm/1490 nm FOSC - optical SFP 1000Base-LX, 10 km (6.21 m), 1310 nm FOSD - optical SFP 1000Base-SX, 300 m (328.08 yd), 850 nm Synchronization Flexi Zone Micro BTS supports the following synchronization mechanisms: • • • Integrated GPS/GNSS Synchronous Ethernet (ITU-T G.8261) (only FDD-LTE variants) Timing over Packet according to IEEE 1588v2 BTS chaining Flexi Zone Micro BTS supports the ability to connect additional BTS sites that are downstream from the network interface terminations (S1, X2). Deployment configurations include co-located BTSs to provide multiple sector or multiple band developments at a single shared installation point. In addition, one site is also used as an intermediate transport termination point for a geographically separated site. The chained nodes are synchronized based on IEEE 1588v2. Note that the number of hops must be created based on the maximum switching capacity of the main (or root) node. Issue: 07 DN09158819 35 Management and software Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description 6 Management and software The Flexi Zone Micro BTS can be managed locally through the RJ45 port or through a Bluetooth connection. This eliminates the need for a wired connection to the Flexi Zone Micro BTS when it is installed in a difficult to reach location. NetAct can also be used to manage the Flexi Zone Micro BTS remotely. Flexi Zone Micro BTS features an internal Bluetooth module which consists of an onboard Bluetooth transceiver. The transceiver provides a 78 channel EDR 2.1 compliant Bluetooth interface used for remote MMI and maintenance operations. All required SW is loaded and installed onto the Flexi Zone Micro BTS Bluetooth Module as part of the overall Flexi Zone Micro BTS product software. Contact your local company representative for additional details. The BTS automatically detects the SW version number, HW product code, version number and serial number during the start-up. This data can be retrieved remotely. The BTS supervises its internal operation, ensuring that any malfunctions or loss-of-service is detected and reported to the network management. Software updates New SW versions can be downloaded while the BTS is in operation. The software can be uploaded to BTS either locally, with the BTS Site Manager, or remotely from NetAct. Site visits are therefore unnecessary for routine operation and maintenance (O&M) tasks. Typically, a local software download is done only when the NetAct connection is missing, for example, during the commissioning process. Software downloads can be run in the background of the BTS operation. The new software can be activated at any time. A reboot is required in order to activate the software. The BTS only uses downloadable software. All software can be downloaded and updated from NetAct. This procedure is centralized. As the procedure is centralized, upgrading SW for several BTSs can be performed simultaneously or individually. The BTS keeps the current and previous software packages in its flash memory and can be updated at any moment. Updated software (current and previous) in the BTS can be seen through BTS Site Manager/NetAct. 36 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Interfaces 7 Interfaces 7.1 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB) Figure 18 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB) bottom view interfaces Backhaul A Fiberonly (M25thread) TX/RXMain (N-type) BackhaulB Copperonly TX/RXDiversity (M25thread) (N-type) RF BACKHAUL STATUS TX/RX-M BH A AC POWER ACConnector (MIL-C-38999standardsize9shell) Figure 19 BHB TX/RX-D BLUETOOTH Bluetooth (SMA) Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB) top view interfaces GPS Figure 20 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWGB, FWHA, FWIB) side view interfaces GNDpoint Issue: 07 DN09158819 37 Interfaces Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description 7.2 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE, FWHF, FWND) Figure 21 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE, FWHF, FWND) bottom view interfaces TX/RXMain (N-type) BackhaulB BackhaulC Backhaul A Fiberonly Copperonly TX/RXDiversity Fiberonly (M25thread) (M25thread) (M25thread) (N-type) RF BACKHAUL STATUS TX/RX-M BH A AC POWER ACConnector (MIL-C-38999standardsize9shell) Figure 22 BHB TX/RX-D BLUETOOTH Bluetooth (SMA) Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE, FWHF, FWND) top view interfaces GPS Figure 23 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHE, FWHF, FWND) side view interfaces GNDpoint 38 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Interfaces 7.3 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN) Figure 24 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN) bottom view interfaces TX/RXMain (N-type) Unused backhaul port Backhaul A BackhaulB Fiberonly Copperonly TX/RXDiversity (M25thread) (M25thread) (N-type) RF BACKHAUL STATUS TX/RX-M BH A AC POWER ACConnector (MIL-C-38999standardsize9shell) Figure 25 BHB TX/RX-D BLUETOOTH Bluetooth (SMA) Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN) top view interfaces GPS Figure 26 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWEA, FWHO, FWHN) side view interfaces GNDpoint Issue: 07 DN09158819 39 Interfaces Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description 7.4 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) Figure 27 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) bottom view interfaces Backhaul A Fiberonly (M25thread) TX/RX1Main (N-type) BackhaulB Copperonly TX/RX1Diversity (M25thread) (N-type) RF BACKHAUL STATUS Bluetooth (SMA) ACConnector (MIL-C-38999standardsize9shell) Figure 28 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) top view interfaces TX/RX2Main (N-type) Figure 29 GPS TX/RX2Diversity (N-type) Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHD) side view interfaces GNDpoint 40 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Interfaces 7.5 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) Figure 30 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) bottom view interfaces TX/RXMain (N-type) BackhaulC Copperonly Backhaul A BackhaulB withPoE Fiberonly Copperonly (M25thread) (M25thread) (M25thread) TX/RXDiversity (N-type) BHC RF BACKHAUL STATUS TX/RX-M BH A AC POWER ACConnector (MIL-C-38999standardsize9shell) Figure 31 GPS Figure 32 BHB TX/RX-D BLUETOOTH Bluetooth (SMA) Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) top view interfaces WIFI-M WIFI-D Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWEB, FWHC, FWHM) side view interfaces GNDpoint Issue: 07 DN09158819 41 Interfaces Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description 7.6 Interfaces of Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT) Figure 33 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT) bottom view interfaces TX/RXMain (N-type) BackhaulC Copperonly Backhaul A BackhaulB withPoE Fiberonly Copperonly (M25thread) (M25thread) (M25thread) TX/RXDiversity (N-type) BHC RF BACKHAUL STATUS TX/RX-M BH A AC POWER ACConnector (MIL-C-38999standardsize9shell) Figure 34 BHB TX/RX-D BLUETOOTH Bluetooth (SMA) Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT) top view interfaces GPS Figure 35 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHT) side view interfaces GNDpoint 42 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Safety for Public and Workers 8 Safety for Public and Workers 8.1 Installing base stations to ensure public safety The equipment generates radio frequency energy, which has a thermal effect when absorbed by the human body. For this reason compliance boundaries specific to this equipment have been established. The thermal effects of radio frequency energy can exceed safety levels when a person is inside the established compliance boundaries. Observe the compliance boundary, and make sure the general public has no access to areas inside the established boundaries. 8.2 Installing base stations to ensure installer safety Installation engineers need to be aware of the potential risk of the thermal effects of radio frequency energy and how to stay protected against undue risk. When working close to transmitter antennas, the proper safety distances must be observed. The minimum safe distance from an antenna is measured in meters. When assessing the applicable compliance boundaries (CB) European standards EN 50383, EN 50385, Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC and FCC 47 CFR § 1.1310 for general public electromagnetic exposure limits have been applied. The antenna types and gain actually configured on the product determine the minimum safe distance. Flexi Zone Micro small cell, is compliant with the cited standards at every point outside the FINAL boundary (CB) when the Flexi Zone Micro BTS is deployed with Nokia Solutions and Networks provided antennas connected directly to the Flexi Zone Micro RF ports. Consult site engineering plan for any other configurations. Provisions must be taken to guarantee that no public access is possible to regions within the FINAL compliance boundaries. See Table 20: Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) by band (all single carrier FZM variants) or Table 21: Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) by band (all three carrier FZM variants). Table 20 Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) by band (all single carrier FZM variants) Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) (all single carrier FZM variants) Operating Band(s) LTE Main CB1 [m] LTE Div CB1 [m] BT CB [m] Final CB [m] (1) Omni Antenna Configurations Issue: 07 1, 2, 3, 4 0.34 0.72 0.13 0.72 7 0.39 0.51 0.13 0.66 DN09158819 43 Safety for Public and Workers Table 20 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) by band (all single carrier FZM variants) (Cont.) Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) (all single carrier FZM variants) Operating Band(s) LTE Main CB1 [m] LTE Div CB1 [m] BT CB [m] Final CB [m] (1) Directional Antenna Configurations 1, 2, 3, 4, 25 1.60 0.13 1.60 7 0.99 0.13 1.00 (1) 2x2 MIMO (LTE main and diversity transmit) Table 21 Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) by band (all three carrier FZM variants) Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) (all three carrier FZM variants) Operating Band(s) LTE CB1 [m] (all antennas) BT CB [m] Final CB [m] Omni Antenna Configurations only 1, 2, 3, 4, 25 1.64 0.2 1.67 5, 12, 13 2.56 0.2 2.59 7, 41 1.52 0.2 1.55 (1) f f 44 2x2 MIMO (LTE main and diversity transmit) WARNING! Electromagnetic field. Do not go any closer to a live antenna than the compliance boundary. The radio frequency energy generated by the antenna poses a serious health risk. WARNING! Electromagnetic field. If performing installation or maintenance procedures on cables or antennas of the BTS in an area closer than the compliance boundary, make sure that all transmitters in this area are switched off. DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHA, FWEA) CE Marking 9 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWHA, FWEA) CE Marking Figure 36 CE marking 0168 ! Hereby, Nokia Solutions and Networks declares that this Base Station is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive: 1999/5/EC. Issue: 07 DN09158819 45 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWHD, FWHT, FWIB) United States FCC Part 15 compliance Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description 10 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWFA, FWHD, FWHT, FWIB) United States FCC Part 15 compliance RF Exposure (OET Bulletin 65) To comply with FCC/IC RF exposure requirements for mobile transmitting devices, this transmitter should only be used or installed at locations where the separation distances between the antenna(s) and all persons are maintained as defined in Table 20: Required Compliance Boundaries (CB) by band (all single carrier FZM variants). Flexi Zone Micro small cell is compliant with the cited standards at every point outside the FINAL boundary (CB) when the Flexi Zone Micro BTS is deployed with Nokia Solutions and Networks provided antennas connected directly to the Flexi Zone Micro RF ports. The antenna types and gain actually configured on the product determine the minimum safe distance. Consult site engineering plan for any other configurations using different LTE antennas. Provisions must be taken to guarantee that no public access is possible to regions within the compliance boundaries. Compliance Statement (Part 15.19) This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Warning (Part 15.21) Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. FCC Interference Statement (Part 15.105 (b)) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures: • • • • 46 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWIB, FWFA) Industry Canada IC RSS-GEN compliance 11 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWIB, FWFA) Industry Canada IC RSS-GEN compliance Section 7.1.2 of RSS-GEN Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication. The following Flexi Zone Micro BTS radio transmitters 661W-FWIB, 661W-FWFA and 661W- FZMBTM01 have been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below. • • g Omni antennas have a maximum gain of 2 dBi Directional antennas have a maximum gain of 9.7 dBi Note: Note that the Bluetooth antenna CANNOT be substituted or it will void the Bluetooth modular type approval. Flexi Zone Micro small cell is compliant with the cited standards at every point outside the FINAL boundary (CB) when the Flexi Zone Micro BTS is deployed with Nokia Solutions and Networks provided antennas connected directly to the Flexi Zone Micro RF ports. The antenna types and gain actually configured on the product determine the minimum safe distance. Consult site engineering plan for any other configurations using different LTE antennas. Provisions must be taken to guarantee that no public access is possible to regions within the compliance boundaries. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms. Flexi Zone Micro small cell, omni antenna configuration (1) consists of: • • Bluetooth (BT) antenna (Laird WXC2400SMRP-NS1) two LTE Omni-directional antennas (PCTEL MHO80617102NM) Flexi Zone Micro small cell, directional antenna configuration (1) consists of: • • Bluetooth (BT) antenna (Laird WXC2400SMRP-NS1) two LTE directional antennas (Pulse 2013014) Section 7.1.3 of RSS-GEN This Device complies with Industry Canada License-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. this device may not cause interference, and 2. this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. The same text in French. Issue: 07 DN09158819 47 Flexi Zone Micro BTS (FWIB, FWFA) Industry Canada IC RSS-GEN compliance Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Section 7.1.2 du CNR-GEN En vertu de la réglementation d'Industrie Canada, cet émetteur radio peut fonctionner seulement en utilisant une antenne du type et du gain maximum (ou moins) approuvé pour un émetteur par Industrie Canada. Pour réduire les interférences radio potentielles aux autres utilisateurs, le type d'antenne et son gain devrait être choisie pour que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne soit pas plus que ce qui est nécessaire pour une communication réussie. Les radios émetteurs suivants 661W-FWIB, 661W-FWFA et 661W- FZMBTM01 ont été approuvé par Industrie Canada à fonctionner avec les types d'antennes énumérés cidessous avec le gain maximum admissible et impédance d'antenne requis pour chaque type d'antenne indiqué. Ce dispositif a été conçu pour fonctionner avec les antennes énumérées ci-dessous: • • g Les antennes Omni ont un gain maximum de 2 dBi Les antennes directionnelles ont un gain maximum de 9.7 dBi Note: Notez que l'antenne Bluetooth NE PEUT PAS être substituée sinon elle annulera l’homologation de type modulaire de Bluetooth. La petite cellule Flexi Zone Micro est compatible avec les normes citées en tout point à l'extérieur de la limite FINALE (CB) lorsque le Flexi Zone Micro BTS est déployé avec les antennes fournies par Nokia Solutions and Networks connectées directement aux RF ports du Flexi Zone Micro. Les types d'antennes et gains présentement configurées sur le produit déterminent la distance minimum de sécurité. Consulter le plan d'ingénierie du site pour toute autre configuration utilisant différentes antennes LTE. Des mesures doivent être prises pour garantir qu'aucun accès public n'est possible aux régions dans les limites de conformité. L'impédance requise des antennes est de 50 ohms. La petite cellule Micro Zone Flexi, Omni configuration (1) se compose de: • • Antenne Bluetooth (BT) (Laird WXC2400SMRP-NS1) Deux antennes LTE Omni-directionnelles (PCTEL MHO80617102NM) La petite cellule Flexi Zone Micro, antenne directionnelle configuration (1) se compose de: • • Antenne Bluetooth (BT) (Laird WXC2400SMRP-NS1) Deux antennes directionnelles LTE (Pulse 2013014) Section 7.1.3 du CNR-GEN Ce dispositif est conformé à l’exempts de License d’Industrie Canada (des standards RSS). L’opération est soumise aux deux conditions suivantes: 1. Ce dispositif ne doit pas causer de l’interférence, et 2. Ce dispositif doit accepter toutes interférences reçues, y compris les interférences pouvant entraîner des opérations non-désirées de l'appareil. 48 DN09158819 Issue: 07 Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description Flexi Zone Micro Bluetooth Modular Approval 12 Flexi Zone Micro Bluetooth Modular Approval The Bluetooth Module (Model number: FZM BLUETOOTH MODULE) has been certified for integration into the FZM product by Nokia Solutions and Networks under the following conditions: 1. The antenna(s) must be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20cm is maintained between the radiator (antenna) and all persons at all times. 2. Since the transmitter module is co-located and operating in conjunction with another antenna or transmitter, additional compliance requirements required with this module installed (if any) may be found in the FCC/IC grants for this product. Issue: 07 DN09158819 49 EU RoHS statement Flexi Zone Micro BTS Product Description 13 EU RoHS statement This equipment complies with the European Union RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. The directive applies to the use of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in electrical and electronic equipment. 50 DN09158819 Issue: 07