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Somatic Sensory System: Touch, Pain, and Temperature

Chapter 12: The Somatic Sensory System – responds to many stimuli
Somatic Nervous System
In the PNS
How info travels from sensory nerves into CNS
● Somatic sensation:
○ Enables body to feel, ache, sense temperature, and pressure
○ Responsible for touch, itch and pain – 3 major stimuli (each is different)
○ a group of many senses rather than one
○ Somatic sensory system is different from other systems in two ways:
■ Receptors are broadly distributed – not in one place (retina, basilar
membrane, nasal epithelium, cochlea, etc)
● Throughout skin → throughout body
■ Responds to many kinds of stimuli (touch, itch, pain) → group of at least 4
○ Divided into two major subsystems:
■ Mechanosensory: touch and body position (proprioception)
■ Temperature and pain
● Each has a distinct neural pathway and receptor subtype
Sensory Neurons:
● cell bodies of sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) – "pseudounipolar"
● one axon extends to the periphery via spinal nerve entering into the sensory receptor
● another axon extends into the central nervous system (spinal cord or brain stem) via the
dorsal root
● Short single process that becomes the axon → goes both into skin and elsewhere
Somatosensory Receptors
● Based on function, receptors can be divided into groups:
○ 1. Mechanoreceptors – involved in touch, vibration, pressure
○ 2. Nociceptors (pain)-- detection of pain – cortically driven process
○ 3. Pruriceptors (itch) – receptors for itch
○ 4. Thermoreceptors (temperature) – diff types that have selectivity
● Based on morphology, receptors can be divided into:
○ 1. Free nerve endings (unmyelinated terminal branches (terminals that contain the
sensory receptors are unmyelinated→ travels slower) – Nociceptors and
○ 2. Encapsulated types: – Encapsulated: mechanoreceptors for touch –
encapsulated means circles nerve endings
● Sensory Transduction: physical stimulus into a neural signal
○ All receptors function in the same manner:
■ Stimuli deform the skin
■ Receptor membrane permeability is altered
■ Depolarizing current is generated
■ Action potential is triggered in sensory receptor neuron that will ultimately
be transduced into the spinal cord → from spinal cord sent through two
distinct pathways into brain for further processing
○ Quality of stimulus (what it is and where it is): determined by the nature of the
receptors themselves
○ Quantity: determined by rate of AP discharge>>>adaptation (sensory receptor
neurons can adapt → lots of APs initially, but then decreases as get used to it)
Mechanoreceptors in Skin
● “Cutaneous (skin) mechanoreceptors” – located in the skin – lots of different sensory
● Nerve endings innervate the skin and then either encapsulate or don’t encapsulate the skin
● Sensitive to physical distortion: low-threshold (aka: high-sensitivity) → press on skin
Receptive Fields
● Mechanoreceptors vary in their preferred stimulus properties, pressures, and RFs
○ RF of mechanoreceptor: specific area of skin where it can transduce pressure or
○ Cutaneous MR: Meissner’s corpuscles and Merkel’s disks: small receptive fields
○ Cutaneous MR: Individual Pacinian corpuscles and Ruffini’s endings: large
receptive fields → respond to stimulus along a large area of the hand
● Mechanoreceptors vary in the persistence of response to long-lasting stimuli
● Meissner and Pacinian corpuscles: respond quickly but cease firing when stimulus
continues—rapidly adapting
● Merkel’s disks and Ruffini’s endings: generate a sustained response to a long
stimulus—slowly adapting
Pacinian corpuscles: have a football-shaped capsule with layers of connective tissue arranged
like an onion → respond quickly, large RF
● Nerve ending that goes into skin with layers wrapped around the nerve ending
● In-tact corpuscles: generate a large receptor potential at stimulus onset and offset
● Nerve ending becomes rapidly unsmushed → APs stop
● AP when stimulus is pulled away → capsule is stretched in opposite direction
● Rapid adaptation by rebound response
● REMOVE ONION: Bare axons generate a receptor potential that is more prolonged—
slower adaptation rate → no AP when stimulus removed
● Layered capsule is required for the sensitivity to vibration
● Deformation of axon is key to the response → way that it moves if at all
Mechanosensitive Ion Channels
● Mechanosensitive ion channels convert mechanical force into change of membrane
potential → ionic current → generate AP
● Channels open and then cell depolarizes
● specific types of channels in most somatic sensory receptors are still unidentified
Two-Point Discrimination
● A measure of spatial resolution: ability of different parts of the body to figure out two
points as two and not as one
● Fingertips work best because:
○ 1. much higher density of mechanoreceptors → each transmits its own sensory
information → higher spatial resultion
○ 2. Fingertips are enriched in receptor types (Merkel’s disks) that have small
receptive fields
○ 3. More brain tissue is devoted to each square mm of the fingertip →
somatosensory map
○ 4. special neural mechanisms devoted to high resolution discriminations in
Primary Afferent Axons: axons that relay the sensory information from the periphery from
cutaneous mechanoreceptors into the spinal cord
● primary afferent axons: Axons that bring info from somatic sensory receptors to spinal
cord or brain stem → towards CNS
● Enter the spinal cord through the dorsal roots – cell bodies lie in DRG
● Have widely varying diameters – size correlates to the type of sensory receptor from
which they receive information – key indicator of AP conduction velocity – internal
resistance (less when larger diamater)
● Axon diameter: determinant of conduction velocity
● C fibers have smallest diameter and are unmyelinated–makes them the slowest
○ Mediate temp, throbbing pain, itch
● Ab axons are larger
○ conduct touch sensations (touch, vibration, pressure) via cutaneous
*touch travels much faster than pain or itch*
Segmental Organization of Spinal Cord
● Most peripheral nerves communicate with the CNS via spinal cord or brain stem for head
● Spinal segments (30)— paired dorsal (sensory info enters) and ventral roots (motor info
○ Correspond to the vertebrae through which they pass – most have segments of the
spinal cord corresponding to them
○ spinal nerves are further divided into four divisions w/i spinal cord
● Segmental organization of spinal nerves and sensory innervation of the skin are related
● Dermatome: area of skin innervated by the right and left dorsal roots of a spinal segment
○ a set of (overlapping) bands on the surface of the body → if we eliminate from
one section of spinal cord –. Adjacent DRG will take over and provide necessary
sensory information
○ Gives segmental organization → where nerves from periphery are sensing
information and where they are sending it
○ If we lesion at dermatomes → we know that all info to specific place is lost
Dermatomes: Clinical Applications
● Herpes zoster virus (chickenpox) remains dormant in primary sensory neurons in one
● Reactivation later in life causes Shingles
○ neurons of one DRG are infected
○ Affects only one dermatome
● Increases excitability of sensory neurons
○ Result is a constant burning sensation
○ Skin becomes inflamed and blistered (scaly)
Sensory Organization of Spinal Cord
● Divisions of spinal gray matter: dorsal horn, intermediate zone, ventral horn
● Ab axons from cutaneous mechanoreceptors enter the dorsal horn → does it synapse or
does axon continue → BOTH
○ One branch synapses in dorsal horn on 2nd order neurons → receiving
information from primary neurons and send to motor neurons
■ Initiate or modify reflexes (info stays w/i the spinal cord)
○ Other branch ascends straight to the brain ipsilateral to stimulus → through spinal
cord to thalamus
■ Responsible for perception
Touch Pathways
● Begins at the skin (largest sensory organ in the body)
● 2 Types of skin:
○ Hairy and glabrous (hairless—e.g., palms)
● 2 layers:
○ Epidermis (outer) and dermis (inner)
● Function of skin:
○ Protects
○ Prevents evaporation of body fluids
○ Provides direct contact with world
*protect skin at all cost*
Dorsal Column–Medial Lemniscal Pathway
● Mediates tactile sensation, vibration, and proprioception
○ major route for this info to cortex
● Ab axons enter spinal cord (some stay in DRG) and ascend via the ipsilateral dorsal
○ Axons terminate in dorsal column nuclei in medulla in brain stem → neurons
from dorsal column nuclei send their own axons
● Axons from dorsal column decussate and ascend via the medial lemniscus to the
thalamus contralateral to the stimulus (one specific region in the thalamus → into the
○ Medial lemniscus axons synapse in the ventral posterior nucleus (VPN) of
○ VPN neurons send axons to primary somatosensory cortex (S1) for further
*true for all except head and parts of neck*
Trigeminal Touch Pathway
● Somatosensory information from face is supplied by the trigeminal nerve (CNV) →
cranial nerve 5
● Innervates the face, mouth area, outer 2/3 of tongue, and dura
● Trigeminal nerve has three branches: each innervate different parts of face
○ 1. Ophthalmic (V1) → eyes and forehead
○ 2. Maxillary (V2) → middle
○ 3. Mandibular (V3) →jawbone
● Enters brainstem at the pons (principle sensory trigeminal nucleus)
○ Decussates and sends projections to medial VPN thalamus contralaterally
● VPN sends info to S1
Somatosensory Cortex
● Somatosensory cortex (SMC): located in the parietal lobe (posterior to central sulcus
(division between frontal and parietal lobes):
○ Postcentral gyrus: BA1, 2, 3A, 3B
● Laminar structure
○ Layer IV receives thalamic input
○ S1 neurons with similar inputs are stacked vertically into columns
● 3B is the primary SMC because:
○ receives input from the VPN of thalamus
○ responsive to somatosensory stimuli
○ lesions impair somatic sensation
○ stimulation evokes somatic sensory experiences
Somatotopic mapping:
Cortical Somatotopy—Homunculus
● Somatotopy: mapping of the body’s surface sensations onto a structure in the brain
● Relative size of cortex devoted to each body part is correlated with the density of sensory
input received from that part
● High density of mechanoreceptors in hands
● Phantom Limbs – patients experience sensations (pain) in limb that doesn’t exist →
amputees → usually region that is lost had lots of representation in the cortex → just
because we remove that limb → representation in the cortex does not immediately go
away → there is some plasticity→ adjacent areas in the cortex will overtake regions that
no longer provide sensory input → but representation still persists
Somatotopic Map Plasticity – ability of the brain to change → reorganization of brain tissue
● Compare somatotopy before and after
● Map regions of S1 sensitive to stimulation of the hand
● Remove one finger and re-map hand representation months later
○ Cortex devoted to removed finger now responded to stimulation of adjacent digit
○ DON'T lose that part of CORTEX → Missing digit caused reorganization →
● What if input activity to digits is increased? → stimulation of specific fingers
○ Train monkeys to use selected digits
○ Re-mapping of S1 found that representation of stimulated digits expanded
● Maps are dynamic
Posterior Parietal Cortex
● BA 5 and 7
● Involved in somatic sensation, visual stimuli, movement planning, attentiveness
● Neurons have large receptive fields with elaborate stimulus preferences → respond to lots
of stimuli
● Damage to posterior parietal areas causes interesting neurological disorders
● Agnosia: inability to recognize object even though simple sensation is normal
● Astereognosia: normal sense of touch but lack the ability to identify objects by feeling
● Neglect syndrome: a part of the body or visual field is ignored or its existence is denied
(not consciously aware)
● More common following right hemisphere damage
○ “The Man Who Fell out of Bed” – didn’t recognize his limb and wanted to get rid
of it
Neglect Syndrome:
● Neglect symptoms often improve over time
● Sequential self-portraits made by the artist Anton Raederscheidt
Pain and Itch
● Somatic system depends strongly on nociceptors
○ Free, branching, unmyelinated nerve endings that signal pain
○ Take a different path to the brain than mechanoreceptors
○ Nociception: the sensory process that provides signals that trigger pain
● Pain and nociception: not always the same thing
○ Pain is the feeling of sore, aching, throbbing sensations – conscious experience
due to delivery of nociceptive information
○ There can be the sensation of pain in the absence of nociceptor activity
● Nociceptors: receptors mediating the transduction of pain
○ Ion channels opened by several mechanisms/stimuli:
■ Strong mechanical stimulation, temperature extremes, oxygen deprivation,
■ Substances released by damaged cells:
● Proteases (-> bradykinin), ATP, K+ ion channels
● Histamine
● Transduction of pain occurs in the free nerve endings of the unmyelinated C fibers and
thinly myelinated A8 fibers
● Most nociceptors are polymodal (respond to many different types of pain) but show
selectivity to one:
○ Mechanical: selective responses to strong pressure
○ Thermal: selective responses to extreme heat or cold
○ Chemical: showing selective response to histamine or others
■ May still respond to more than one
● Disagreeable sensation that induces desire or reflex to scratch
● Usually a brief, minor annoyance
○ can become chronic, debilitating condition
○ ~15% of people suffer relentless, long-term itch, often caused by diseases and
● Triggered by skin conditions or non-skin disorders (psychosomatic)
● Travels along C-fibers that are selectively responsive to histamine(itch-inducing agents)
○ released by mast cells in response to skin inflammation
○ Anti-histamine is a histamine receptor antagonist (blocks histamine from binding
to C-fibers)
○ Histamine binds to receptors, causing activation of TRPV1 channels
○ Not all itch is histamine-mediated
Primary Afferents and Spinal Mechanisms
● Ad and C fibers bring info to the CNS at different rates
● First pain (Ad activation): fast and sharp
● Second pain (C activation): duller, longer lasting – throbbing
○ Both are small diameter fibers that synapse within the substantia gelatinosa of the
dorsal horn of spinal cord
○ 2nd order neurons decussate and ascend the contralateral side of the spinal cord at
the level of the spinal cord (pain, itch temp crosses at spinal cord,
mechanosensory crosses at medulla)
● Glutamate: main neurotransmitter of pain afferents → glutamatergic
Pain and Itch Pathways
Spinothalamic Pathway
● Pain and temperature info is conveyed from spinal cord to brain via spinothalamic
● Axons of these 2nd order neurons decussate in the spinal cord and ascend via the
spinalthalamic tract
● Fibers from this tract ascend to the thalamus without synapsing
Trigeminal Pain Pathway
● Path to thalamus for pain and temperature info from the face and head
● Small diameter fibers from trigeminal nerve synapse onto 20 neurons in trigeminal
○ Axons decussate and ascend to thalamus via trigeminal lemniscus
Trigeminal Neuralgia
● ”Suicide Disease”
● Usually caused by a blood vessel (SCA) pressing on trigeminal nerve as it exits brain
○ causes wearing away or damage to myelin sheath
● Anticonvulsant medicines—used to block nerve firing
○ Patients become tolerant
● Surgery to remove pressure from vessel
○ MVD: vessel (usually an SCA) that is compressing the nerve is moved away and
a soft cushion is placed between nerve and vessel
Pain Regulation: pain info is sent via 2nd order neurons and projects to thalamus – no interuption
● Pain perception is highly variable
● Chronic pain affects ~20% of the adult population
● Why does it feel good to rub a bruise (when we know about hyperalgesia)?
● How is pain suppressed by electrically stimulating the skin surface?
● Gate Theory of Pain: Melzack and Wall: Why do we rub an injured body part?
○ Pain projection neuron (e.g., second order neuron) is inhibited by an interneuron
(the gate)
○ Interneuron is excited by the large sensory axon (Ab, via a collateral) and
inhibited by the pain axon (C-fiber)
○ Activity in the pain axon alone maximally excites the pain projection
neuron>>nociceptive signals go to the brain
○ If the mechanoreceptor axon signals simultaneously, the interneuron is activated
and nociceptive signal is suppressed>>>gate is closed
○ Interneuron is activated by mechanosensory axon
● Referred Pain: felt at a site other than where the disease/injury occured
○ A myocardial infarct (heart attack) is often not experienced as crushing chest
pain, but as pain in the jaw, arm, hand, neck or upper back
○ Referred pain: pain felt at a site different from the injured or diseased organ or
body part
○ the heart tissue, jaw tissue, and arm tissues all develop from the same
dermomyotome → all have same developmental origin and same innervation of
neural activity→ when the heart experiences pain →other regions from same
dermomyotome will experience pain
Opioids and Pain:
● opioid class of drugs are narcotic analgesics
○ they reduce pain without producing unconsciousness
● create a sense of relaxation and sleep
● at high doses can lead to coma and death—due to respiratory depression
● the best painkillers but also produce a sense of euphoria
● Some opium derivatives are natural, other are “semisynthetic” (chemically modified
versions of opium ingredients)
● Other narcotics are entirely synthetic
● Neurons exquisitely sensitive to temperature
● Several TRP (transient receptor potential) channels in thermoreceptors that confer
different sensitivities to temperature → each TRP channel has different sensitivities to
different temperatures
● Each thermoreceptive neuron expresses a single type of channel
○ Different regions of the skin show different sensitivities to temp
● Cold receptors are coupled to Ad and C fibers, warm receptors to C fibers
Hot Peppers and Pain
● Capsaicin: active ingredient
● Activates TRPV1 ion channels
○ Same channel activated by temps > 43o C
○ Permeable to both Ca2+ and Na+
○ Mimics the effects of endogenous chemicals released by tissue damage in
response to high temps
Adaptations of Thermoreceptors
● Thermoreceptors show adaptation during long duration stimuli→ warm stimulus then
maintained contact → less and less
● Both receptor subtypes are most responsive to sudden changes in temperature → when
temp changes suddenly, AP’s fire → cold receptor subtype and warm receptor subtype
mediating adaptations
● Differences between the response rates of warm and cold receptors are greatest during
and shortly after a temperature change
The Temperature Pathway
● Organization of temperature pathway
○ Identical to pain pathway (spinothalamic tract) – pain and itch
● Cold receptors coupled to Ad and C fibers bringing info into spinal cord
● Hot receptors coupled to C fibers
● Axons of second-order neurons decussate at level of spinal cord into thalamus without
Summing it all up: The Two Ascending Pathways – comes from periphery from receptors in
skin→ coming into spinal cord → going to thalamus→ go to somatosensory cortex for
● Touch ascends ipsilaterally until the medulla then decussate → then contralateral
● Pain ascends contralaterally from level of the spinal cord
● Leads to unique clinical features:
○ If half of the spinal cord is damaged, mechanosensitive defects occur ipisilateral
to the damage—insensitivity to touch or vibration
○ Deficits in pain and temperature sensitivity will occur on the contralateral side to
the damage
○ “dissociated sensory loss” → deficits on different sides
● Touch and pain pathways differ:
○ Nerve endings in the skin:
■ Touch: encapsulated structures like corpuses
■ Pain: free nerve endings
○ Diameter of axons
■ Touch: larger diameter, myelinated (Ab)
■ Pain: thin diameter, lightly myelinated and unmyelinated (C fibers, Ad)
○ Connections in spinal cord
■ Touch: ascends ipsilaterally (crosses in medial lemniscus in medulla)
■ Pain: ascends contralaterally (crosses at spinal cord level)
Chapter 13: Spinal Control of Movement: voluntary and involuntary movements are produced
by a pattern of muscle contractions controlled by brain and spinal cord
Motor systems are organized hierarchically: spinal cord is lowest point within the motor
hierarchy which receives input from many regions above it within the central nervous system →
contains information from brain stem and primary motor cortex // basal ganglia modulates
activity in motor cortex// cerebellum modulates activity of brain stem neurons and signals down
into spinal cord to generate muscle contractions via motor neuron in ventral horn of spinal cord
○ Muscles (skeletal) and neurons that control muscles
○ Role: generation of coordinated movements (~700 muscles involved)
○ coordinated movements are produced by spatial and temporal patterns of muscle
contractions orchestrated by the brain and spinal cord
○ Parts of motor control (motor programs)
■ 1) Spinal cord → contains motor programs necessary for generating
coordinated movements
■ 2) Brain → controls motor programs in spinal cord
*Spinal cord in “final common pathway” – motor neurons in the spinal cord*
*Dorsal root – sensory (somatic and visceral afferents)*
*DRG– contains somas of sensory afferents entering the cord*
*Ventral root – motor (somatic and visceral efferent) – contains somas of motor neurons*
Two types of muscles:
1. Smooth: digestive tract, arteries, viscera (organs) – not under conscious control
a. Innervated by ANS fibers
2. Striated:
a. 1. cardiac (heart) – not under conscious control (automatic)
b. 2. skeletal (bulk of body muscle mass) – under conscious control (somatic
nervous system)
i. Within each skeletal muscle are 100s of muscle fibers
Somatic Musculature: Terminology
● Muscles pull on a joint (not push)
● Flexors and extensors pull on the joint in opposite directions—antagonize each other
○ Synergistic → when flexor is activated, extensor is relaxed
● Refer to the location of the joints they act upon:
○ Axial muscles: trunk movement
■ Maintains posture
○ Proximal muscles: shoulder, elbow, pelvis, knee movement
■ Important for locomotion
○ Distal muscles: hands, feet, digits (fingers and toes) movement
■ Manipulation of objects
Upper and Lower Motor Neurons
Lower Motor Neurons: within ventral region of spinal cord
● Somatic muscles are innervated by somatic motor neurons in the ventral horn of the
spinal cord
○ Lower motor neurons (LMNs) – send out their axons to innervate muscle fibers
● “Final common pathway”
○ directly command muscle contraction by receiving all the information from brain
stem and cortical neurons
○ Diseases: ALS – neurons in ventral horn die off over time – less and less
voluntary motor control – rapid course of death
Upper Motor Neurons (UMNs) – primary motor cortex
● Send axons down and project on to lower motor neurons
● soma in cerebral cortex or brainstem (majority in cortex)
● Provide input to LMNs
● Only LMNs directly command muscles
● Damage to UMNs causes distinct clinical features compared with damage to LMNs
○ Hypertonia/spasticity (UMNs) vs paralysis (LMNs)
Motor Neurons in the Spinal Cord
● Skeletal muscles: not evenly distributed throughout the body
○ “Limb Enlargements”: of ventral horns of spinal cod
■ LMNs are not evenly distributed evenly within the cord
■ regions of the cord where innervation of the muscles of the arms and legs
occur → need more
■ Dorsal and ventral horns are “swollen”
Lower Motor Neurons in Ventral Horn
● Motor neurons
● distributed in a predictable way within the ventral horn:
○ Motor neurons controlling flexors lie dorsal to extensors
○ Motor neurons controlling axial muscles (shoulder, postural control) lie medial to
those controlling distal muscles (finger movement)
Alpha Motor Neurons (subset of motor neuron in ventral horn of spinal cord) and Motor Units
● Two categories of LMNs in the spinal cord:
○ 1. Alpha : innervate extrafusal muscle fibers
○ 2. Gamma: innervate intrafusal muscle fibers
● Alpha motor neuron branch and innervate many fibers over a wide area
● Alpha MNs trigger the generation of force by muscles
● Motor unit: one alpha motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates (many more
muscle fibers than motor neurons)7
○ “The elementary unit of motor control”
○ Muscle contraction is due to the combined action of motor units within the muscle
● Motor neuron pool: all alpha motor neurons that innervate a single muscle
Types of Muscle Fibers:
● 1. Red muscle fibers
○ large number of mitochondria, rich in myoglobin, rich capillary beds (give the
reddish color)
○ slow to contract>>available to sustain contraction
○ Fatigue resistant
○ Slow twitch
● 2. White (pale) muscle fibers
○ sparse mitochondria, anaerobic metabolism, contract and fatigue rapidly
○ Fast twitch
Types of Motor Units:
● Slow motor units (S)
○ Small motor units - innervated by small alpha motor neurons
○ “red” muscle that contracts slowly and generates small forces
○ Resistant to fatigue
○ Important for sustained muscle contraction
● Fast fatigue-resistant motor units (FR)
○ Intermediate in size innervated by intermediate size alpha motor neurons
○ Generate twice the force of slow motor units
● Fast fatigable motor units (FF)
○ Large motor units – innervated by large alpha motor neurons
○ pale muscle fibers
○ White muscle
○ Brief exertions that require large forces, e.g., sprinting, jumping
■ All three types coexist in most muscles, but each motor unit contains
muscle fibers of one type
Control of Contraction by Alpha Motor Neurons (AMNs)
● Two mechanisms used to control the force of muscle contraction in a finely graded way:
○ 1. Varying the firing rate of AMNs—ACh at NMJ – amount of ACh release is
dictated by amount of AP’s
■ A single AP in an AMN causes a muscle twitch
■ Sustained contraction requires continuous stimulation
● # of and frequency of APs increase
○ 2. Motor units are recruited from smallest to largest: Size Principle
■ Small motor units have small AMNs, large motor units have large AMNs
■ Small motor units have a lower threshold for activation
■ As muscle images itself, small motor units engage first and as muscle
needs more finely grated control of contraction, large motor units activate
■ Increasing # of active motor units changes the amount of force produced
by a muscle
■ Progressive increase in muscle tension is produced by increasing the
activity of axons providing input to LMN pool
■ When synaptic input to motor pool increases, progressively larger motor
units that generate more force are recruited
■ Recruitment of motor neurons in the cat gastrocnemius muscle under
different behavioral conditions:
● Slow (S) motor units provide the tension required for standing
● Fast fatigue-resistant (FR) units provide the additional force
needed for walking and running
● Fast fatigable (FF) units are recruited for the most strenuous
Contractile Properties of Motor Units
● Single AP triggers contraction strengths of differing force and time-course in each of the
different motor units
● When the different muscle units experience repeated APs over a longer time period, they
show different rates of fatigue
○ Slow muscle show no fatigue
○ Fast-fatigue resistant: intermediate fatigue
○ Fast fatigue: high force, fast fatigue
Neuromuscular Matchmaking
● Which came first: the muscle fiber or motor neuron?
○ During development, are particular axons matched with the appropriate muscle
fibers or is the fate of the muscle determined by its type of innervation?
● Crossed-innervation experiment: John Eccles
○ Switched nerve input resulted in a switch in muscle phenotype
■ Protein expression was altered
■ muscle phenotype switch can occur by changing the activity in the input
motor neuron (switching the innervation) → no need to steroids → can
convert slow fatigue to fast fatigue
Inputs to Alpha Motor Neurons
● Alpha MNs excite skeletal muscles
● Alpha MNs have three major sources of input:
○ 1. DRG neurons with axons that innervate the muscle spindle (sensory receptor
within the muscle itself
○ 2. Upper motor neurons in motor cortex and brain stem
■ Important for the initiation and control of voluntary movement
○ 3. Interneurons in the spinal cord— largest input
■ Maybe excitatory or inhibitory
Muscle Spindles:
● How is the activity of the motor neuron regulated?
○ muscle spindles (stretch receptors) – intrafusal fibers
■ 8-10 intrafusal fibers arranged in parallel with the extrafusal fibers
■ Located in the “belly” of the muscle
○ Group 1a sensory axons wrap around the muscle fibers
■ specialized for detecting changes in muscle length
■ Contain mechanosensitive ion channels—sensitive to stretch – when axons
are stretched they produce change in receptor potential and fire AP and tell
muscle spindle to adjust its length
● Situated in parallel with extrafusal muscle fibers
● la sensory afferents wrap around intrafusal muscle fibers and inform CNS about muscle
The Stretch Reflex:
● Tapping on knee transiently lengthens quads
● Quad muscles reflexively contract and leg extends
● Tests if nerves and muscles are intact in this reflex arc
● Stretch reflex (myotatic reflex): when a muscle is pulled it tends to contract
○ Monosynaptic: simple reflex
○ operates as a negative feedback loop to regulate muscle length
○ Requires sensory feedback from the muscle (via 1a axons)
○ Stretching a muscle spindle leads to increased activity in 1a afferents → increases
firing rate bc its stretched its depolarized sending info back to spinal cord →
○ increase in activity of alpha motor neurons that innervate that muscle causing
alpha motor neurons to increase their activity causing muscle to contract
○ When spinal nerve is cut, no reflex occurs even tho alpha motor neurons are left
intact → in order for stretch reflex to occur normally, it requires sensory feedback
from those 1a axons located within muscle spindle→ in absence of input from 1a
axons bc spinal nerve is cut, we get no stretch reflex
Gamma Motor Neurons
● LMNs that innervate intrafusal fibers inside muscle spindle
● Intrafusal fibers—skeletal muscle within the fibrous capsule
○ Extrafusal fibers form the bulk of muscle
○ Only extrafusal fibers are innervated by AMNs
● Without GMNs, muscle spindles would become very loose as the muscle contracts
● “Taut, not limp”
Loading the spindle
● Stretching the muscle stretches the Ia nerve endings and activates alpha motor neuron
Unloading the spindle
● Extrafusal muscle contracts and activity in Ia axon stops
● Spindle no longer sensitive to stretch
Gamma motor neuron
● activity resets the length of the spindle by contracting intrafusal muscle fiber – Ia can
continue to inform CNS of changes in length– Alpha and gamma co-activation normally
Golgi Tendon Organs: maintain muscle force
● Muscle spindles are not the sole source of proprioceptive input from muscles
● Golgi tendon organs: strain gauges
○ Located at the intersection of muscle and the tendon
○ monitors muscle tension (contractile force)
● Innervated by Ib sensory axons
○ Branches are entwined in the collagen fibrils
○ Muscle contraction causes tension in fibrils to increase
○ Fibrils straighten and squeeze 1b axons
■ Mechanosensitive channels open
● Normal function: regulate muscle tension within optimal range
● protects muscle from being overloaded (generating too much tension)
● Important for execution of fine motor acts
○ manual object manipulation that requires a steady grip
● Group 1b axons: sensory axons with GTO
○ Activated by muscle contraction
○ enter cord and synapse on an 1b inhibitory interneurons in ventral horn
■ These synapse on AMNs innervating the same muscle
○ Decreases activation of the muscle when large forces are generated
Muscle Spindles (muscle length) vs. Golgi Tendon Organs (muscle force)
● Muscle spindles: located in parallel with muscle fibers
○ 1a axons encode info about muscle length
● Golgi tendon organs: located in series with muscle fibers
○ 1b axons encodes info about muscle tension
● Passive Stretch:
○ Both afferents discharge in response
○ Golgi tendon organ discharge is less than that of the spindle
● Active Contraction (stimulation of alpha motor neurons)
○ the spindle is unloaded >>falls silent → no AP’s
○ rate of Golgi tendon organ firing increases
Spinal Interneurons
● Most input to alpha motor neurons is mediated by spinal interneurons
● Inhibitory interneurons play an essential role in execution of simple reflexes
○ involved in reciprocal inhibition—contraction of one muscle set accompanied by
relaxation of the antagonist muscle
Flexor Withdrawal Reflex
● Not all interneurons are inhibitory
● Excitatory interneurons mediate the flexor withdrawal reflex → many synapses
○ Used to withdrawal a limb from an aversive stimulus
○ Slower than the stretch reflex
○ Process begins with pain signal from Ad nociceptive axons
○ enter the spinal cord, branch, and activate interneurons
○ Interneurons excite AMNs that control muscles in affected limb
Crossed-Extensor Reflex
● Why don’t we fall over after activation of the flexor withdrawal reflex?
○ Crossed-Extensor Reflex
● Used to compensate for extra load imposed by limb withdrawal on the opposite side
● Reciprocal inhibition— activation of flexors on one side is accompanied by inhibition of
flexors on opposite side→ so need to activate extensos
● Provides a building block for locomotion at the spinal level
○ Only thing left is a coordinating mechanism
● Ipsilateral : excite flexors, inhibit extensors
● Contralateral: excite extensors, inhibit flexors
Spinal Programs for Walking
● Hind limbs of a cat that suffers a transection of the spinal cord are capable of generating
coordinated walking movements
● Circuitry for walking resides within spinal cord → not dependent on sensory input
● Circuits that give rise to rhythmic motor activity are called Central pattern generators
○ Neural circuits that act as “pacemakers”
○ New strategies for spinal cord injury (SCI) in humans
Presbyopia: a refractive error that makes it hard for middle-aged and older adults to see things up
close. It happens because the lens (an inner part of the eye that helps the eye focus) stops
focusing light correctly on the retina (a light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye)
Chapter 14: Brain Control of Movement
The Major Tracts: from primary cortex descending
Descending Spinal Tracts:
● Brain to motor neuron communication:
○ Axons from brain descend along two major pathways:
○ 1. Lateral pathways
■ voluntary movement of distal musculature
■ Under cortical control
○ 2. Ventromedial pathways
■ control of posture and locomotion
■ Under brain stem control
Corticospinal Tract: AKA: “Pyramidal Tract”
● Decussation in medullary pyramids
● Pathway carrying motor information from the primary and secondary motor cortices to
the brain stem and spinal cord
● Most axons originate in primary and secondary motor cortices (BA 4 and 6)
● One of the longest and largest (106) axon tracts in the CNS
● Contralateral motor control
Rubrospinal tract:
● Originates in the red nucleus of the midbrain
● Receives input from frontal regions that contribute to corticospinal tract
● Axons immediately decussate in pons (transverse pontine fibers)
● Runs parallel to corticospinal tract in lateral columns of spinal cord
● In humans, its function is largely reduced
● Important for motor control in other mammals
● Corticospinal tract takes over in humans
Babinski Sign:
● Easy test for motor tract damage
○ In infants (<2), response is similar to damaged adults
■ due to immature descending motor tracts
■ Immature response → not fully developed → wouldn’t want this in adults
Ventromedial Pathways:
● Four descending tracts that originate in brain stem
● terminate in spinal interneurons controlling proximal and axial muscles
○ 1. Vestibulospinal tract
○ 2. Tectospinal tract
○ 3. Pontine reticulospinal tract
○ 4. Medullary reticulospinal tract
Tectospinal Tract:
● originates in the superior colliculus (optic tectum) of midbrain → which contains cell
● Receives direct projections from retina: orienting response
● orienting response to project image on the fovea
● Axons decussate immediately after leaving s.c.
○ project to midline cervical regions to control muscles of neck, shoulders, and
upper trunk
You are performing a clinical test on a cohort of patients that have a lesion in their tectospinal
tract. These patients will show a deficit in which of the following? A. When flashing a light in
their peripheral vision, they fail to bring the flash of light onto their fovea B. They cannot
maintain standing posture C. They show an abnormal Babinski Sign D. They cannot initiate
voluntary movements
Motor Cortex:
● Area 4: Primary motor cortex (M1)
○ Stimulation leads to muscle twitches on contralateral side
● Area 6: “higher” motor area (Penfield)
○ Stimulation leads to more complex movements
■ 1. Lateral region: premotor area (PMA)
■ 2. Medial region: supplementary motor area (SMA)
Neuronal Correlates of Motor Planning
● BA 6 in movement planning
● Recordings from PMA neurons:
● “Ready” (a):
○ Baseline level of activity in neuron
● “Set” (b)
○ Firing of PMA neuron
● “Go”(c)
○ Shortly after movement is initiated, PMA ceases firing
Mirror Neurons
● Rizzolatti, et al
● Some neurons in BA6 (PMA) respond when watching another monkey making the same
● May be part of extensive brain system for understanding actions, emotions, and intentions
of others
○ Same motor circuits are used for planning our movements and understanding the
actions of others
The Basal Ganglia
● caudate nucleus • putamen • globus pallidus (internal and external) • subthalamic nucleus
(STN) • Caudate + putamen = Striatum • Striatum is the target of cortical input to bg • GP
is the source of output to the thalamus • Substantia nigra sends DA input to striatum
Basal Ganglia: The Motor Loop