Uploaded by Hajra Zamir

Internet of Things (IoT) Overview

of things
Hajra Zamir
 The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a network of physical devices.
 These devices can transfer data to one another without human intervention. IoT
devices are not limited to computers or machinery.
 The primary goal of the IoT is to create self-reporting devices that can communicate
with each other (and users) in real time.
 The Internet of Things refers to the rapidly growing network of connected objects able
to collect and exchange data using embedded sensors.
 For example, you may program your smart thermostat to adjust automatically to a
cooler setting before you arrive home from work. Or, you may receive a security
camera notification to inform you that someone is at the door when you are not home.
 One of the most common Internet of Things examples is smartwatches. Wearable IoT
technology like Fitbits and Apple Watches connect to other devices (like your
smartphone) to share data. They typically also connect to the internet to track GPS
The internet of things: a survey
 In recent year, the Internet of Things (IoT) has drawn significant research
attention. IoT is considered as a part of the Internet of the future and will
comprise billions of intelligent communicating ‘things’. The future of the
Internet will consist of heterogeneously connected devices that will further
extend the borders of the world with physical entities and virtual components.
The Internet of Things (IoT) will empower the connected things with new
capabilities. In this survey, the definitions, architecture, applications and
challeneges of IoT are systematically reviewed. Firstly, various definitions of
IoT are introduced; secondly, emerging techniques for the implementation of
IoT are discussed; thirdly, some open issues related to the IoT applications are
explored; finally, the major challenges which need addressing by the research
community and corresponding potential solutions are investigated.
Blockchain for Internet of Things
 Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping the incumbent industry to smart industry
featured with data-driven decisionmaking. However, intrinsic features of IoT
result in a number of challenges such as decentralization, poor
interoperability, privacy and security vulnerabilities. Blockchain technology
brings the opportunities in addressing the challenges of IoT. In this paper, we
investigate the integration of blockchain technology with IoT. We name such
synthesis of blockchain and IoT as Blockchain of Things (BCoT). This paper
presents an in-depth survey of BCoT and discusses the insights of this new
paradigm. In particular, we first briefly introduce IoT and discuss the
challenges of IoT. Then we give an overview of blockchain technology. We next
concentrate on introducing the convergence of blockchain and IoT and
presenting the proposal of BCoT architecture. We further discuss the issues
about using blockchain for 5G beyond in IoT as well as industrial applications
of BCoT. Finally, we outline the open research directions in this promising area.
Implementation of IoT-Based Smart Home
Voice Commands for disabled people using
Google Assistant
 The development of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology has a positive impact on human
life. A smart home is one of the IoT technology applications that facilitate human activities.
The problem of physical abnormalities is a matter of limited activities for disabled people. This
paper proposes a design of IoT-based smart home application with a remote control device
that developed using voice commands for disabled people. Smart home control systems help
disabled people to control their home electrical devices such as television (TV), lights, and
fans using only voice commands without moving to turn on or turn off electrical equipment.
The voice recognition on electrical equipment is using the Google Assistant's application on
smartphones. The Google Assistant application will accept voice commands when the
pronunciation is correct. Voice commands on IoT-based Smart Home are more simple to apply,
without typing text messages. Users get convenience compared to using text. The signal
strength of an Internet connection will create a useful performance device at the Response
Time of Google Assistant, Response Time of System Processing, activating and deactivating
Electrical Equipment. We expect that this device could be more useful to help disabled people
interact with their environment by utilizing IoT technology facilities.
The Internet of Things: Review
 The Internet of Things (IoT) global arena is massive and growing exponentially.
Those in the emerging digital world have recently witnessed the proliferation
and impact of IoT-enabled devices. The IoT has provided new opportunities in
the technology arena while bringing several challenges to an increased level of
concern. This research has both practical and theoretical impetus since IoT is
still in its infancy, and yet it is considered by many as the most important
technology initiative of today. This study includes a systematic review and
synthesis of IoT related literature and the development of a theoretical
framework and conceptual model. The review of the literature reveals that the
number of applications that make use of the IoT has increased dramatically
and spans areas from business and manufacturing to home, health care, and
knowledge management. Although IoT can create invaluable data in every
industry, it does not occur without its challenges. The theoretical framework
developed identifies IoT priority areas and challenges, providing a guide for
those leading IoT initiatives and revealing opportunities for future IoT research.
Internet of Things and Big Data as enablers
for business digitalization strategies
 Digitization blurs the lines between technology and management, facilitating new business
models built upon the concepts, methods and tools of the digital environment. The purpose of
this study is to investigate the role of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data in terms of how
businesses manage their digital transformation. The paper argues that the outbreak of IoT
and Big Data has resulted in a mass of disorganized knowledge. In order to make sense of the
noise, a literature review was carried out to examine the studies, published in the last decade
(2008–2019), that analyzed both the Internet of Things and Big Data. The results show that
IoT and Big Data are predominantly reengineering factors for business processes, products
and services; however, a lack of widespread knowledge and adoption has led research to
evolve into multiple, yet inconsistent paths. The study offers interesting implications for
managers and marketers, highlighting how the digital transformation enabled by IoT and Big
Data can positively impact many facets of business. By treating IoT and Big Data as faces of
the same coin, this study also sheds light on current challenges and opportunities, with the
hope of informing future research and practice.
IoT-Based Smart Waste Bin Monitoring
System for Smart Cities
 Increasing waste generation has become a significant challenge in developing
countries due to unprecedented population growth and urbanization. Consequently,
the management of waste material has become a challenge due to a large amount of
waste littered everywhere. Furthermore, various problems also occur due to the
existing systems that are not only inadequate and inefficient but also their nonscientific procedures involved in the solid waste management. In this paper, an IoTbased smart waste bin monitoring and municipal solid waste management system is
proposed. This system helps to solve the problems associated with management of
waste material and the IoT-based waste collection for the smart city as discussed
above. The proposed system is capable in the collection of waste effectively, detection
of fire in waste material and forecasting of the future waste generation. The IoT-based
device performs the controlling and monitoring of the electric bins. These devices are
wirelessly connected with the central hub to transmit the information about the bins
filling level with the existing location. The significant advantage of the system is to
collect waste material on time in order to avoid the overflow of bins that would help in
saving the environment from pollution.
Wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT): A
 Smart wearables collect and analyze data, and in some scenarios make a
smart decision and provide a response to the user and are finding more and
more applications in our daily life. In this paper, we comprehensively survey
the most recent and important research works conducted in the area of
wearable Internet of Things (IoT) and classify the wearables into four major
clusters: (i) health, (ii) sports and daily activity, (iii) tracking and localization,
and (iv) safety. The fundamental differences of the algorithms associated
within each cluster are grouped and analyzed and the research challenges and
open issues in each cluster are discussed. This survey reveals that although
Cellular IoT (CIoT) has many advantages and can bring enormous applications
to IoT wearables, it has been rarely studied by the researchers. This article
also addresses the opportunities and challenges related to implementing CIoTenabled wearables.
A Review and State of Art of Internet
of Things (IoT)
 The Internet of Things (IoT) is basically like a system for connecting computer devices,
mechanical and digital machines, objects, or individuals provided with the unique system
(UIDs) and without transfer to transmit data over an ability humanto-human or computer-tohuman relation. Another thing on the internet is that the items in the IoT are like a connected
manner with humans and computers to which internet protocol addresses can be assigned
and which can transfer data over the network or another man-made object. In this paper, we
describe the utilization of IoT in the cloud, fog, IoT technologies with applications and security.
Specifcally, we provide IoT architecture for design and development with sensors in 6G. Finally,
we discuss the current research, solutions, and present open issues of future research in IoT.
Research on Artificial Intelligence Enhancing
Internet of Things Security: A Survey
 Through three development routes of authentication, communication, and computing, the
Internet of Things (IoT) has become a variety of innovative integrated solutions for specific
applications. However, due to the openness, extensiveness and resource constraints of IoT,
each layer of the three-tier IoT architecture suffers from a variety of security threats. In this
work, we systematically review the particularity and complexity of IoT security protection, and
then find that Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods such as Machine Learning (ML) and Deep
Learning (DL) can provide new powerful capabilities to meet the security requirements of IoT.
We analyze the technical feasibility of AI in solving IoT security problems and summarize a
general process of AI solutions for IoT security. For four serious IoT security threats: device
authentication, Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
defense, intrusion detection and malware detection, we summarize representative AI solutions
and compare the different algorithms and technologies used by various solutions. It should be
noted that although AI provides many new capabilities for the security protection of IoT, it also
brings new potential challenges and possible negative effects to IoT in terms of data,
algorithm and architecture. In the future, how to solve these challenges can serve as potential
research directions.
Towards the Internet of Things for Physical
 The Physical Internet (PI, or π) paradigm has been developed to be a global logistics system
that aims to move, handle, store, and transport logistics products in a sustainable and
efficient way. To achieve the goal, the PI requires a high level interconnectivity in physical,
informational, and operational aspect enabled by an interconnected network of inter-modal
hubs, collaborative protocols, and standardized, modular, and smart containers. In this
context, PI is a key player poised to benefit from the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution since it
potentially provides an end-to-end visibility of the PI objects, operations, and systems through
ubiquitous information exchange. This paper is to investigate opportunities of application of
IoT technology in the PI vision. In addition, an IoT ecosystem (π-IoT) encompassing key
enabling IoT technologies, building blocks, and a serviceoriented architecture (SoA) is
proposed as a potential component for accelerating the implementation of PI. The major
challenges regarding the deployment of IoT into the emerging logistics concept are also
discussed intensively for further research.
A Survey of Healthcare Internet-of-Things
(HIoT): A Clinical Perspective
 In combination with current sociological trends, the maturing development of IoT devices is
projected to revolutionize healthcare. A network of body-worn sensors, each with a unique ID,
can collect health data that is orders-of-magnitude richer than what is available today from
sporadic observations in clinical/hospital environments. When databased, analyzed, and
compared against information from other individuals using data analytics, HIoT data enables
the personalization and modernization of care with radical improvements in outcomes and
reductions in cost. In this paper, we survey existing and emerging technologies that can
enable this vision for the future of healthcare, particularly in the clinical practice of healthcare.
Three main technology areas underlie the development of this field: (a) sensing, where there is
an increased drive for miniaturization and power efficiency; (b) communications, where the
enabling factors are ubiquitous connectivity, standardized protocols, and the wide availability
of cloud infrastructure, and (c) data analytics and inference, where the availability of large
amounts of data and computational resources is revolutionizing algorithms for individualizing
inference and actions in health management. Throughout the paper, we use a case study to
concretely illustrate the impact of these trends. We conclude our paper with a discussion of
the emerging directions, open issues, and challenges.
Industrial internet of things
 The adoption of emerging technological trends and applications of the Internet
of Things (IoT) in the industrial systems is leading towards the development of
Industrial IoT (IIoT). IIoT serves as a new vision of IoT in the industrial sector by
automating smart objects for sensing, collecting, processing and
communicating the real-time events in industrial systems. The major objective
of IIoT is to achieve high operational efficiency, increased productivity, and
better management of industrial assets and processes through product
customization, intelligent monitoring applications for production floor shops
and machine health, and predictive and preventive maintenance of industrial
equipment. In this paper, we present a new and clear definition of IIoT, which
can help the readers to understand the concept of IIoT.
IoT based smart traffic signal monitoring
system using vehicles counts
 Traffic signal management is one of the major problematic issues in the
current situation. Such scenarios, every signal are getting 60 seconds of
timing on the road at a regular interval, even when traffic on that particular
road is dense. As per this proposed model in this article, which will be
optimized the timing interval of the traffic signal purely depends on the
number of vehicles on that particular roadside. The major advantage of this
system is that it can able to decrease the more waiting time for the drivers to
cross road signal. In this model, we are using the clustering algorithms model
which is based on KNN algorithm. Using this algorithm new model will be liable
to determine expected required timing as per provided inputs to the signal
which is vehicles count. The input of these systems is vehicles counts on each
side of the road from crossing signal. And this input will be determined on
much time is to be provided. “Case studies on this system are traffic network
and real-time traffic sub-networks are organized to get the effectiveness of the
proposed model.
Internet of Things-Based Smart
Transportation System for Smart Cities
 Transportation has been one of the essential requirements for humanity since the dawn of
civilization. Intelligent transportation systems have been augmented with Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) as technology has progressed. Smart cities, which combine
ICT and the Internet of Things (IoT), have already emerged as a tool to improve the efficiency of
city operations and services. Several IoT-based smart city applications have recently been
developed. Among these applications, smart transportation services are critical for addressing
challenges such as road safety, traffic management, and vehicle parking. Autonomous
vehicles have gotten a lot of attention recently, and various researchers are working to improve
this technology. The present work discusses vehicle-to-vehicle communication and vehicle-toinfrastructure communication, which are the basic principles behind autonomous vehicles. In
addition, IoT-based smart parking system for smart cities is discussed, and IoT-based smart
transportation system for smart cities is also discussed. With the advent of the smart city
initiative, the topics discussed in the current work are vital. The work presented in the current
chapter will provide a clear idea and vision to the city administrators, policymakers, legislators,
and city planners.
A Review on the Security of the Internet
of Things: Challenges and Solutions
 The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a modern wave of Internet technologies that
promises great transformation of life in areas such as smart health, smart cities, smart
homes, intelligent transport, amongst others. However, security often serves as a critical
reason for the widespread adoption of any innovation. While the IoT has increased business
productivity and enriched diverse areas of life over the years, the world is yet to see a
methodical revolution of its humongous application and transformation given its ubiquity and
highly interconnected global network structure. The main culprit for such lapses is principally
attributed to security and privacy issues which have been widely discussed in research articles
and reviews but remain largely unaddressed in the literature. Hence, this paper provides a
state-of-the-art review of IoT security and its challenges. It overviews technical and legal
solutions that are useful to private, organizational, and governmental enterprises. The study
encompasses the review and security analysis of IoT’s evolution and revolution, IoT security
assessments, requirements, current research challenges in security and much more.
Consequently, it offers potential solutions to address the security challenges discussed and
further present open research issues, research gaps, opportunities, future development, and
Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities, issues
and challenges towards a smart and
sustainable future
 The rapid development and implementation of smart and IoT (Internet of Things) based technologies have allowed for
various possibilities in technological advancements for different aspects of life. The main goal of IoT technologies is to
simplify processes in different fields, to ensure a better efficiency of systems (technologies or specific processes) and
finally to improve life quality. Sustainability has become a key issue for population where the dynamic development of
IoT technologies is bringing different useful benefits, but this fast development must be carefully monitored and
evaluated from an environmental point of view to limit the presence of harmful impacts and ensure the smart
utilization of limited global resources. Significant research efforts are needed in the previous sense to carefully
investigate the pros and cons of IoT technologies. This review editorial is partially directed on the research
contributions presented at the 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies held in Split and
Bol, Croatia, in 2019 (SpliTech 2019) as well as on recent findings from literature. The research presented and
discussed at the SpliTech2019 conference helped to understand the complex and intertwined effects of IoT
technologies on societies and their potential effects on sustainability in general. Various application areas of IoT
technologies were discussed as well as the progress made. Four main topical areas were discussed in the herein
editorial, i.e. latest advancements in the further fields: (i) IoT technologies in Sustainable Energy and Environment, (ii)
IoT enabled Smart City, (iii) E-health e Ambient assisted living systems (iv) IoT technologies in Transportation and Low
Carbon Products. The main outcomes of the review introductory article contributed to the better understanding of
current technological progress in IoT application areas as well as the environmental implications linked with the
increased application of IoT products.
Security Threats and Artificial Intelligence
based Countermeasures for Internet of
Things Networks: A Comprehensive Survey
 The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a technology capable of connecting
heterogeneous nodes/objects, such as people, devices, infrastructure, and makes
our daily lives simpler, safer, and fruitful. Being part of a large network of
heterogeneous devices, these nodes are typically resourceconstrained and became
the weakest link to the cyber attacker. Classical encryption techniques have been
employed to ensure the data security of the IoT network. However, high-level
encryption techniques can not be employed in IoT devices due to the limitation of
resources. In addition, node security is still a challenge for network engineers. Thus,
we need to explore a complete solution for IoT networks that can ensure nodes and
data security. The rule-based approaches and shallow and deep machine learning
algorithms– branches of Artificial Intelligence (AI)– can be employed as
countermeasures along with the existing network security protocols. This paper
presented a comprehensive layer-wise survey on IoT security threats, and the AIbased
security models to impede security threats. Finally, open challenges and future
research directions are addressed for the safeguard of the IoT network.
The Relation Of Artificial Intelligence With
Internet Of Things: A survey
 Internet Of Things (IOT) is a network of various devices that are connected over the internet
and they can collect and exchange data with each other, These IOT devices generate a lot of
data that needs to be collected and mined for actionable results through use artificial
intelligence (AI) to manage huge data flows and storage in the IOT network. In this paper we
briefly discussed about what is role of AI in IOT , Algorithm of AI , Challenge AI with IOT ,
application of artificial intelligence system in the IOT. The self optimizing network and software
defined network are parts of the important parameters in the Artificial Intelligence IoT System.
Security of internet of things based on
cryptographic algorithms: a survey
 Internet of Things (IoT) is a new concept in Information and Communications Technology and
its structure is based on smart objects communications. It contributes to controlling,
managing, and administrating devices through the Internet. IoT is emerging as a key
component of the Internet and a vital infrastructure for millions of interconnected objects.
Thus, the security of IoT is highly important. Scalable applications and services are vulnerable
to various attacks and information leakage, demanding greater levels of security and privacy.
For instance, hacking personal information is a challenge in this regard. The present study is
an investigation of symmetric and asymmetric algorithms for IoT security. Asymmetric key
encryption to ensure secure communication between multiple users and thereby avoiding
distributing key on an insecure channel. All algorithms are compared based on security
factors. Results indicate that Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has a better performance than
other algorithms in the study. ECC to generate smaller, faster and reliable cryptography keys.
Also, ECC decreases the memory requirements and the execution encryption/decryption time.
A Model for Smart Agriculture Using IoT
 Climate changes and rainfall has been erratic over the past decade. Due to this in recent era,
climate-smart methods called as smart agriculture is adopted by many Indian farmers. Smart
agriculture is an automated and directed information technology implemented with the IOT
(Internet of Things). IOT is developing rapidly and widely applied in all wireless environments.
In this paper, sensor technology and wireless networks integration of IOT technology has been
studied and reviewed based on the actual situation of agricultural system. A combined
approach with internet and wireless communications, Remote Monitoring System (RMS) is
proposed. Major objective is to collect real time data of agriculture production environment
that provides easy access for agricultural facilities such as alerts through Short Massaging
Service (SMS) and advices on weather pattern, crops etc
The evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT)
over the past 20 years
 To reveal the origin of the IoT, evaluate its mainstream research topics, and discuss the
challenges facing the IoT in the future, this paper conducts a bibliometric study of the IoT from
2000 to 2019. First, this paper presents a basic bibliometric overview of the IoT. Second, cocitation, coupling and cluster analysis methods are used to analyse collaboration networks,
and VOSviewer is used to visualize the networks. Third, biblioshiny is used to analyse the
thematic trends of IoT. Finally, this paper discusses IoT challenges and provides some
suggestions to address them. The limitations of this paper are also summarized. Research
results show that, the mainstream studies in this field mainly focus on IoT security, wireless
sensor networks, IoT management, IoT challenges and privacy. In addition, the thematic
evolution of keywords shows that security and algorithm issues have become basic themes in
the field of IoT research in recent years.
A Survey on Internet of Things (IoT) based
Smart Systems
 Internet of Things (IoT) is a collection of networks, objects, devices that are connected using
the Internet. It interacts with the environment both internally and externally. IoT senses the
environment and acts accordingly. It gives the environment with advanced techniques and
thus improves the quality of mankind. There evolve the applications that use IoT and in each
of the applications IoT plays a vital role in enhancing the living standards which includes home
appliances, Smart energy, environment, and industries, etc. and makes a friendly
environment. To make it more professional, IoT is used in the supply chain, transportation,
logistics, automation, and remote monitoring. IoT delivers a change in the quality of individual
life and it is widely distributed among the network of devices and provides a new ecosystem
for the development of applications by understanding the development of the market in the
early stages. IoT has the capabilities of delivering the services and demands of the people in
this fast-moving world. This paper presents the survey of IoT smart systems applications and
usages of the IoT environment.
Internet of Things as System of Systems: A
Review of Methodologies, Frameworks, and
 The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest example of the System of Systems (SoS), demanding
for both innovative and evolutionary approaches to tame its multifaceted aspects. Over the
years, different IoT methodologies, frameworks, platforms, and tools have been proposed by
industry and academia, but the jumbled abundance of such development products have
resulted into a high (and disheartening) entry-barrier to IoT system engineering. In this survey,
we steer IoT developers by: 1) providing baseline definitions to identify the most suitable class
of development products—methodologies, frameworks, and tools–for their purposes. We aim
to lessen the confusion related to IoT methodologies, frameworks, and tools by providing
comparison between them and suggesting the best suitable methodology, framework and tool
on the basis of interoperability, scalability, smartness, and autonomy.
Internet of Things (IoT), Applications
and Challenges: A Comprehensive Review
 During recent years, one of the most familiar names scaling new heights and creating a
benchmark in the world is the Internet of Things (IoT). It is indeed the future of communication
that has transformed things (objects) of the real-world into smart objects. The functional
aspect of IoT is to unite every object of the world under one common infrastructure; in such a
manner that humans not only have the ability to control those objects; but to provide regular
and timely updates on the current status. IoT concepts were proposed a couple of years ago
and it may not be incorrect to quote that this term has become a benchmark for establishing
communication among objects. In context to the present standings of IoT, a comprehensive
review of literature has been undertaken on various aspects of IoT, i.e., technologies,
applications, challenges, etc. This paper evaluates various contributions of researchers in
diferent areas of applications. These papers were investigated on various parameters
identifed in each application domain. Furthermore, existing challenges in these areas are
highlighted. Future research directions in the feld of IoT have also been highlighted in the
study to equip novel researchers in this area to assess the current standings of IoT and to
improve upon them with innovative ideas.
Internet of Things for In-Home Health
Monitoring Systems
 Internet of Things has been one of the catalysts in revolutionizing conventional healthcare
services. With the growing society, traditional healthcare systems reach their capacity in
providing sufficient and high-quality services. The world is facing the aging population and the
inherent need for assisted-living environments for senior citizens. There is also a commitment
by national healthcare organizations to increase support for personalized, integrated care to
prevent and manage chronic conditions. Many applications related to In-Home Health
Monitoring have been introduced over the last few decades, thanks to the advances in mobile
and Internet of Things technologies and services. Current studies of in-home health
monitoring systems presented many benefits including improved safety, quality of life and
reduction in hospitalization and cost. However, many challenges of such a paradigm shift still
exist, that need to be addressed to support scale-up and wide uptake of such systems,
including technology acceptance and adoption by patients, healthcare providers and
policymakers. The aim of this paper is three folds: First, review of key factors that drove the
adoption and growth of the IoT-based in-home remote monitoring; Second, present the latest
advances of IoT based inhome remote monitoring system architecture and key building blocks;
Third, discuss future outlook and our recommendations of the in-home remote monitoring
applications going forward.
Towards trustworthy Internet of Things: A
survey on Trust Management applications
and schemes
 Advancement in technology with the proliferation of new wireless communication protocols
gave rise to the new era of ubiquitous computing, called Internet of Things (IoT). IoT facilitates
connectivity between various heterogeneous physical devices through the internet to
advantage users with intelligent and more advanced services. Effective utilization of these
services demands a secure system where one can rely on the source of the information
together with the received information. Trust Management (TM) is a crucial aspect of security
that aims to maintain reliability in a system by ensuring the secure exchange of information.
Using the concept of local and global perception about the reputation, TM measures the
degree of trust on the system’s entities and endeavors to reduce risk and uncertainty in the
system. For IoT, TM paves the way to accomplish various decision-making tasks, like reliable
service composition, secure routing, device authentication, access control, etc. However,
design and deployment of TM for IoT are hindered by the inherent characteristics of IoT
systems that demand to be addressed. In this paper, we identified various applications of TM
and examined issues in the design and deployment of TM for IoT. A clear vision towards TM
system, explaining the different phases involved in the process of managing the trust, is
IoT Based Smart Parking System for Large
 Car parking issue is a major contributor and has been yet a noteworthy issue with limited
parking spots in urban communities. In this paper we present an IoT based smart parking
system for large parking lot that can be used to efficiently manage the parking system by
providing information on the nearest parking slot available through the mobile application and
thereby reducing the congestion of parking seekers. In order to efficiently manage the parking
system, a successful cloud-based smart parking system solution using the Internet of Things
technology is been developed to guide the user to the nearest parking spot available.
A survey on Access Control in the Age of
Internet of Things
 With the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, various types of information, such
as social resources and physical resources, are deeply integrated for different comprehensive
applications. Social networking, car networking, medical services, video surveillance and other
forms of the IoT information service model gradually change people's daily lives. Facing the
vast amounts of IoT information data, IoT search technology is used to quickly find accurate
information to meet the real-time search needs of users. However, IoT search requires using a
large amount of user private information, such as personal health information, location
information and social relations information, to provide personalized services. Employing
private information from users will encounter security problems if an effective access control
mechanism is missing during the IoT search process. An access control mechanism can
effectively monitor the access activities of resources and ensure that authorized users access
information resources under legitimate conditions. This survey examines the growing literature
on access control for an IoT search. Problems and challenges of access control mechanisms
are analyzed to facilitate the adoption of access control solutions in real-life settings. This
paper aims to provide theoretical, methodological and technical guidance for IoT search
access control mechanisms in large-scale dynamic heterogeneous environments. Based on a
literature review, we also analyzed the future development direction of access control in the
age of IoT.
A smart IoT based system for monitoring and
controlling the sub-station equipment
 Remote monitoring and controlling of the sub-station equipment is an important issue for the
power/energy management department which is normally done manually, or using an
expensive PLC and SCADA system. With the emergence of the internet and computational era,
a smart monitoring and reliable controlling system over the entire sub-station equipment is
highly desirable that can be achieved by introducing the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. IoT
is the network of physical devices embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators
and network connectivity which have the ability to identify, collect and exchange the data.
Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system and able to
interoperate within the existing internet infrastructure. This paper proposed an IoT based
network strategy for monitoring and controlling the sub-station equipment so that managing
time and resources can take place as efficiently as possible
An IoT Based System for Remote Monitoring
of Soil Characteristics
 Remote monitoring of soil parameters is an emerging trend which has the potential to
transform agricultural practices and increase productivity. pH value, temperature and
moisture content of soil are the basic parameters which help in characterizing the soil and
therefore in taking proper decisions regarding fertilizer application and choice of crops sown.
In this work, antimony electrode is used for pH measurement. For soil moisture content
estimation, the inverse relation between soil resistance and soil moisture has been utilized
and corresponding circuitry has been developed. The determination of soil temperature is
done using the DS18B20 sensor working on the Dallas one wire protocol. The system is
integrated with Bluetooth for the transfer of data to a nearby cell phone. The entire system is
developed on STM32 Nucleo platform.
Developing IoT Based Smart Health
Monitoring Systems: A Review
 Internet of Things (IoT) based smart health monitoring system is a patient monitoring system
in which a patient can be monitored 24 hours. In the present world, IoT is changing the
infrastructure of technologies. By facilitating effortless interaction among various modules, IoT
has enabled us to implement various complex systems such as smart home appliances, smart
traffic control systems, smart office systems, smart environment, smart vehicles and smart
temperature control systems and so on in very little space. Health monitoring systems are one
of the most notable applications of IoT. Many types of designs and patterns have already been
implemented to monitor a patient’s health condition through IoT. In this paper, a review of IoT
based smart health monitoring systems is presented. The latest innovative technologies
developed for IoT based smart health monitoring system with their merits and demerits have
been discussed.
Integration of Internet of Things and cloud
computing: a systematic survey
 There are two different concepts [Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing] influencing our
lives in many ways as they will further be used and highlighted in the future of the Internet.
The present systematic study discusses a combination of these two concepts. Many studies
have focused on IoT and cloud computing separately. This systematic study attempts to
analyse how the combination of IoT and cloud has been presented and detects the challenges
and metrics of such integration. Further, this analysis aims to develop an understanding of the
current affair of this integration by overviewing a collection of 38 recent papers. The
contributions of this study, in brief, are: (i) overviewing the current challenges correlated with
combination of cloud computing and IoT; (ii) presenting the anatomy of some proposed
combination platforms, applications, and integrations; (iii) summarising major areas to boost
the integration of cloud and IoT in the upcoming works.
Design & Implementation of IoT Based Smart
Helmet for Road Accident
 It has been observed that an alarming rate of road accidents occur in different countries every
year with the increase of bikes and motorcycles. Some countries are one of the densely
populated in the world where roads are narrower in comparison to the roads and streets.
Motorcycle rider involve them in serious road accidents causing fatality while not wearing
helmet and riding motorcycles being drunk. Wearing helmet can however reduce the risk of
accidents largely. In this paper a very effective and technological way of Smart Helmet using
Internet of Things (IoT) has been introduced by which one can avoid such problems. Arduino
NANO and Arduino Mega-2560 are microcontrollers which control the entire components of
the system. Two 2.4 GHZ nRF24L01 acts like sender and receiver for communication. One MQ3 gas sensor is used which can detect whether the bike rider is alcoholic or not. If the bike
rider is alcoholic, then the MQ-3 sensor detects it and the whole system goes off. A Sharp IR
sensor detects the head of the motorcyclist within the range of 10-80 cm.
An IoT-based framework for early
identification and monitoring of COVID
 This paper proposes a real-time COVID-19 detection and monitoring system. The proposed
system would employ an Internet of Things (IoTs) framework to collect real-time symptom data
from users to early identify suspected coronaviruses cases, to monitor the treatment response
of those who have already recovered from the virus, and to understand the nature of the virus
by collecting and analyzing relevant data. The framework consists of five main components:
Symptom Data Collection and Uploading (using wearable sensors), Quarantine/Isolation
Center, Data Analysis Center (that uses machine learning algorithms), Health Physicians, and
Cloud Infrastructure. To quickly identify potential coronaviruses cases from this real-time
symptom data, this work proposes eight machine learning algorithms, namely Support Vector
Machine (SVM), Neural Network, Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN), Decision Table,
Decision Stump, OneR, and ZeroR. An experiment was conducted to test these eight
algorithms on a real COVID-19 symptom dataset, after selecting the relevant symptoms. The
results show that five of these eight algorithms achieved an accuracy of more than 90 %.
Based on these results we believe that real-time symptom data would allow these five
algorithms to provide effective and accurate identification of potential cases of COVID-19, and
the framework would then document the treatment response for each patient who has
contracted the virus.
IoT based smart museum using Bluetooth
Low Energy
 In today’s world everything is becoming smarter through the development of heterogeneous
technologies. To match this smartness, our environment needs to become smarter through a
technology that is we called Internet of Things. Nowadays, People are switched to follow our
ancient culture. Museum is the one of a place where ancient culture and cultural heritage
exist, hence it is considered to make a smart museum. To get the attention of visitor in
museum it is being proposed as IoT based Smart Museum Environment which will
automatically provide the information about artwork without any user intervention. IoT based
smart museum relies on a wearable device(Raspberry PI) that will capture the user’s
movement, does the background subtraction algorithm to perform Image processing and it
gets the localization information from a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) which is fixed in the
museum. Hence, this wearable device will increase the performance of the whole system by
sending only matched frame to cloud processing center. To start with all the artwork and
related multimedia contents need to be uploaded to cloud. Finally, everyone can easily access
the arts profile and history through smart phone by using the mobile application.
A Smart-phone Based Privacy-Preserving
Security Framework for IoT Devices
 Internet of Things (IoT) devices are getting increasingly popular, becoming a
core element for the next generations of informational architectures: smart
city, smart factory, smart home, smart health-care and many others. IoT
systems are mainly comprised of embedded devices with limited computing
capabilities while having a cloud component which processes the data and
delivers it to the end-users. IoT devices access the user private data, thus
requiring robust security solution which must address features like usability
and scalability. In this paper we discuss about an IoT authentication service for
smart-home devices using a smart-phone as security anchor, QR codes and
attribute based cryptography (ABC).
A Survey of Internet of Things (IoT) for Geohazards Prevention: Applications,
Technologies, and Challenges
 Geologic hazards (Geo-hazards) are naturally occurring or human-activity induced
geologic conditions capable of causing damage or loss of property and/or life. Geohazards such as landslides, surface subsidence, and earthquakes can seriously
affect and threaten life, property, or public safety. Geo-hazards prevention is the
application of geologic engineering principles and existing and emerging technologies
to reduce, minimize or prevent the effects of various geologic hazards. Monitoring and
early-warning are the most common strategies for geo-hazards prevention. With the
development of the Internet of Things (IoT), an emerging new idea is to apply IoT
technology to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of monitoring and early-warning
systems for geo-hazards prevention. This paper aims to present a comprehensive
survey of relevant research and technological developments of the IoT applied in geohazards prevention. It first surveys the applications of the IoT in the monitoring and
early-warning of seven types of common geo-hazards, including landslides, debris
flow, rockfall, surface subsidence, surface collapse, surface cracks, and earthquakes,
then investigates the key technologies in geo-hazards prevention when utilizing the
IoT, and finally summarizes the challenges in IoT-based monitoring and early-warning
systems for geo-hazards prevention. Moreover, this paper also highlights the future
directions for employing the IoT for geo-hazards prevention.
An IoT Based Smart Thermostat
 The heating system and related thermostat is an important part of any home. As part of a
solution for an intelligent home, the thermostat needs to behave in a way that controls the
heating system to save the energy by providing automatic adjustments. In this paper, an IoT
based smart thermostat is designed and implemented. The nodes in the system consist of
DHT22 temperature sensors connected to Arduinos and communicating with each other
through nRF24L01 modules. The sink node uses an ESP8266 to the Internet. The system can
interact with authorized family members through a mobile application by sending push
notifications. They also can adjust the home heating settings via this application. In this way,
the system can intelligently turn the heating system on or off considering the availability of
people at home. In addition, the system can adjust the rooms’ temperature automatically and
save the energy.
Design of an Internet of Things-based smart
home system
 With more and more applications of Internet of Things in many domains, it also steps into
Smart Homes. In this paper, we propose an Internet of Things-based smart home system for
home comfort, leisure and safety. This system uses embedded system, 3G, and ZIGBEE
technologies to overcome the drawbacks of current smart home systems such as discrete
functions, poor portability, weak updating capability, and personal computer dependence.
Moreover, the system architecture is presented, and the design of its gateway is shown in
detail from hardware to software.
IoT Based Real-time River Water Quality
Monitoring System
 Current water quality monitoring system is a manual system with a monotonous process and is
very time-consuming. This paper proposes a sensor-based water quality monitoring system.
The main components of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) include a microcontroller for
processing the system, communication system for inter and intra node communication and
several sensors. Real-time data access can be done by using remote monitoring and Internet
of Things (IoT) technology. Data collected at the apart site can be displayed in a visual format
on a server PC with the help of Spark streaming analysis through Spark MLlib, Deep learning
neural network models, Belief Rule Based (BRB) system and is also compared with standard
values. If the acquired value is above the threshold value automated warning SMS alert will be
sent to the agent.
Thank you