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The Alpha Takes a Mate - PDF Room

Evernight Publishing
Copyright© 2013 Sam Crescent
ISBN: 978-1-77130-462-7
Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs
Editor: Karyn White
WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be
used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Disaster of the Otherworld, 1
Sam Crescent
Copyright © 2013
Chapter One
Brandon stared around his town square. All of his people were preparing for the festivities of the full moon. During the
full moon his pack went out hunting and running wild in the surrounding forests, and when they came back they feasted. The
humans who lived in their community prepared the meal for them. There were no lies or secrets in the small community of
Grace Hill. The humans who lived with them were made aware of the creatures of the Otherworld. Several times witches,
warlocks, bears, vampires and many other shifters had wandered through their town. His father before him had taken great
pride in mixing with humans, and Brandon had carried on the tradition to honour his memory. Personally, he couldn’t stand the
humans in his town. Sure, they were great to fuck, but they were far too fragile. He’d seen many of the men bleed from a single
punch. Being strong was the skill to survival.
Taking over as the alpha meant he’d taken responsibility of the humans. Not all of them were bad. There were several
humans he liked for entertainment purposes. Most of them were women, while a few men were great to have a drink with.
Inhaling the crisp morning air, Brandon moved along the town. Grace Hill was in the middle of nowhere and
surrounded by miles upon miles of forests. There were several rivers and lakes, but the main community was in the only open
space of the forests. His ancestors had made a deal with several warlocks and witches in order to blank the area from human
knowledge. The spell created a protection spell that meant no human would ever try to tear down the neighbourhood. Most of
the humans who passed through Grace Hill would either leave immediately because of the threat of danger or disappear if they
caused any trouble. The few human families who stayed were petitioned in a vote by all pack members. On his last count over
twenty human families lived amongst them in Grace Hill.
None of them caused any trouble, and that was the way Brandon wanted it. Letting out a sigh he watched all the tables
being set. The full moon was tonight, and he felt the wolf inside him clawing to get out. Flexing his muscles he made his way
toward the diner. Some of his pack loved creating new buildings, and one of those was the diner. He’d arranged for the
equipment to be shipped in, so the cooks had everything to create great food. Brandon ran a tight ship, but no one complained
when everyone got everything they needed: food, water, shelter, and entertainment.
If anything went wrong it fell back to him.
“What are you doing, Boss?” Drake, his beta, asked.
“I’m hungry.”
“Don’t you have a woman at the house?”
Brandon growled at him. Lori was the strongest female werewolf in residence. He’d been fucking her for several
months, but the woman was demanding more. She wasn’t his destined mate. When he found the one, he’d know. There was no
fighting the mating. He didn’t get the chance to choose which woman it would be. The fates decided who’d be perfect for him.
Several years ago he’d gotten a tightening in his gut when he’d looked at a human woman. She’d been sixteen when she moved
here. Elle Smith was her name.
“Lori not doing it for you anymore?”
Drake’s words irritated him. They were several feet from the entrance to the diner. He saw Darcy and Lewis, who
were the other top members of the pack. All four of them were the strongest in the pack.
“She’s pissing me off.”
“Let me guess. She wants commitment?” Drake asked, opening the door to the diner.
“She wants to be mated. I can’t fucking mate with her. She’s got a great cunt, but other than that, I don’t fucking want her
at my side.”
The scent of pancakes and bacon scented the air. Brandon walked over to where Darcy and Lewis were seated. Several
other pack members were eating. He acknowledged them as he passed.
“You could do worse. Lori is the strongest bitch in the pack,” Drake said, taking a seat.
“You’ve got the bitch part right. Lori’s a nasty piece of work. If you put her in charge of the females, there’ll be trouble.
She’s got no respect and no love inside her,” Darcy said, looking up from the newspaper he was reading.
Brandon lifted his hand for coffee. Immediately a human woman started serving him. Once she was gone, Brandon
turned back to the other men. “I’m not mating Lori. She’s great to let off steam with, but other than that, not going to happen. I
believe I’ll find my mate.”
The other three men grumbled. None of them had found their mates. A few of the lower ranking members of the pack
had and were happily married. Glancing across the diner Brandon saw Matthew with his pregnant mate. Both were wolves, but
neither of them was particularly violent. Brandon liked Matthew and was happy for both him and his mate. The love on the
guy’s face was clear. Matthew stroked her arm with one hand while the other was wrapped around her neck. His woman was
practically sitting in his lap.
He’d once asked Matthew what it was like being mated.
“It’s like having everything your heart desires. I live to see her smile, and when she smiles at me, my whole world is
complete. I’ll do anything for her as long as she loves me at the end of the day.”
The guy sounded pussy-whipped, but as the years had gone on for Brandon, he wished with all of his heart he could
know that same kind of peace.
Each of them had struggled to find their mate, and as the days passed it felt they were less likely to find the right woman
for them.
“So, about the visit from the bears, witches, warlocks, and vampires, where are we at?” Brandon asked, changing the
Every year he invited several members of each sector surrounding his town.
“The little cottage down by the lake is being refurbished and ready for them to sleep in,” Lewis said.
Brandon listened to Lewis and then froze in his seat as the most amazing scent invaded his sense. Strawberries and
vanilla was what he smelt. Freezing to the spot he felt the wolf inside him roar and charge against his hard-won control.
“Alpha, what’s going on?” Drake asked.
From the use of his official title, Brandon knew his eyes had changed colour.
She’s here. Your woman, our mate is here for you to claim.
He’d never scented anything like it. Brandon closed his eyes as a great wave of peace settled over him.
His mate had come for him at last.
“Shit, I’m late. I’m so sorry,” Elle said. Her alarm decided to have a dead battery, and she’d slept through until ten.
“Don’t worry about it,” Layla said. She was another human female in the small community.
Elle had moved to Grace Hill when she was sixteen. Her family hated the city life and had petitioned to be part of the
Northern Forest pack. She didn’t know where these names came from, but she wasn’t about to piss off the alpha by asking.
“Daisy hasn’t arrived yet. I’m sure she’ll be in a good mood,” Layla said, referring to their boss. Daisy was one of the
oldest female werewolves in the pack. She wasn’t the strongest because of her years, but she scared the shit out of Elle.
“My dad has been driving me crazy about this visit from the other sectors,” Elle said. Her father, Raymond, was in
charge of organising the visit in the next few weeks. She’d never been old enough to be part of the festivities. The alpha
demanded that the humans be over twenty-one in order to participate. Her birthday was last week, and she had gone out of
town to celebrate. Layla had been one of the people with her. Nothing ever happened at Grace Hill, but she never wanted to
leave her home. Grace Hill had quickly become her home. The small school was amazing, and the teachers were a dream. The
lack of bullying helped as well.
The only problem Elle saw was setting up a family of her own. None of the males available attracted her. Most of them
were grumpy because they didn’t hold any special powers. She’d gone on a date with Gary Newman when she was twenty, and
the entire night he’d complained about being normal. Elle listened to him the whole night telling her how inadequate she was
because she didn’t have any great paranormal qualities. The date ended with her calling him a prick, and she’d punched him in
the face.
“He’s riding you about it?” Layla asked, flipping pancakes on the grill.
“He’s not riding me about it. Dad won’t shut up about Brandon. Also, the feast tonight is a big deal. He doesn’t want
me ruining the night by dumping a pot of stew in his lap or something.”
Elle tied her hair up then bumped Layla out of the way. “Thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate it.”
“No problems.”
She watched as Layla looked through the door. Layla was in love with Lewis, one of the men closest to the alpha.
“Why don’t you go out there and say hello?” Elle asked.
“Have you seen the way they treat human women?” Layla closed the door. “He wouldn’t give me the time of day, and
I’m not looking to be another notch on his bed post, if you know what I mean.”
Elle understood. Over the years she’d watched several of the human women giving themselves freely to the pack. There
was no respect, and most of the men blanked them the next time they saw them. She never wanted to be laughed at or mocked
because of her feelings. Being a twenty-one year old virgin didn’t bother her. She’d rather be a virgin than give it to a guy she
didn’t trust. From what she knew, Layla was also a virgin.
“We better get this breakfast out to them,” Layla said, going toward the shelf. Elle watched her grab syrup and
chocolate sauce from the top shelf. She didn’t know why the pack liked sweet stuff so much, but they catered to the sweeter
tooth in the diner.
Elle placed the final pancake on the plate and was about to pick up the tray holding four plates when the door crashed
Lewis, one of Brandon’s top wolves, came crashing through the door.
“Are you the only two here?” he asked.
Layla dropped the syrup. The glass jar smashed sending syrup all over the floor. Elle ran to her side.
“What are you doing in here?” Elle asked, getting nervous in his presence.
“Answer my questions, human. Are you the only two people in here?”
Elle looked at Layla, who shrugged her shoulders.
“Yes, we’re the only two in here.” He charged in their direction and grabbed both of their arms.
“Follow me,” he said. The order seemed ridiculous as he dragged them both into the main area of the diner. Several of
their customers watched as they were pulled to where Brandon sat. Elle cringed as his black eyes gazed at her and then at
“They were the only two in the kitchen, Alpha,” Lewis said.
“Bring one of them to me,” Brandon said.
Elle cringed and was forced to follow as Lewis thrust Layla’s wrist against Brandon’s face. She watched as the alpha
inhaled Layla’s scent.
“It’s not her.”
Layla was pushed aside. Elle let go of the breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding. Her wrist was thrust under
Brandon’s nose. She hadn’t seen him since she’d moved to Grace Hill. He’d glared at her, and she’d vowed to stay out of his
way. Her vow was stupid considering the small town, but she’d succeeded in steering clear of him until now.
Brandon inhaled her wrist. In the next moment, he pushed Lewis away, grabbed her wrist and bit down into her flesh.
His canines were sharp as they sank into the flesh of her wrist. She screamed as the pain pulled at her. She’d never felt
anything so agonizing in all of her life.
She fought to get him to let go.
Layla tried to get to her. Lewis stopped her friend with an arm around her waist.
“Mine,” Brandon said with a growl to his voice.
Everything went black.
Chapter Two
Brandon caught her in his arms. Her blood coated his tongue. The taste of her was amazing. He’d never had anything so
good in his mouth. The need to claim her rose within him, as tasting her blood was not enough.
“What have you done?” Layla asked, screaming at him. Lewis held her back.
I’ve found her. I’ve found our mate.
His wolf purred in agreement. From a young age, Brandon had always talked to his wolf and felt a connection with that
side of him.
“She’s human, Brandon,” Darcy said.
Staring down into Elle Smith’s face, Brandon understood the feelings he’d had when he first met her at sixteen. His
wolf had waited until she was of the right age before claiming. Their laws were sacred, and no one claimed a mate younger
than twenty-one. Brandon did a quick calculation and knew she’d turned twenty-one this year. He frowned. Most of the pack
celebrated everyone’s birthday, but he couldn’t recall Elle’s birthday coming up.
“No one breathes a word of this,” he said to the room. Everyone in the diner was a member of the pack. They all
nodded in agreement.
“Tonight’s the full moon, Alpha. You’re not going to keep her safe like this,” Drake said.
Brandon glared at his beta. He didn’t need to hear any of the problems that having his mate come to him on the night of
the full moon meant.
“I’m taking her to my home. Is there a back entrance I can take her?” Brandon asked. He lived at the far end of the town,
which lay next to the forest.
“You can’t take her,” Layla said.
Lewis muttered in her ear. The other woman sobbed. “Go through the kitchen,” she said.
“You stay and talk with Daisy, Lewis. None of this leaves the diner, understood?”
Once everyone agreed, Brandon carried her out toward the kitchen. Darcy and Drake flanked him as he made his way
up to his home. She felt amazing in his arms. The blood from her wrist dripped onto the floor as they went.
“You’re going to have to bandage that up,” Drake said.
Apart from those words, nothing else was said.
Brandon kept staring down at the woman destined to be his. Her short brown hair was caught up in a ponytail. Some
hairs had escaped framing her face. He’d seen beautiful hazel eyes as she stared at him in shock and then in horror. Brandon
wanted to see those eyes staring at him with lust and pleasure.
Her heart-shaped mouth called to be kissed. His lips tingled with the need to see how her lips would feel against his
own. He pushed the craving aside. Drake opened the door and Brandon went straight upstairs, placing her on his large bed.
Lori wasn’t around, which he was thankful for. Now that his mate had entered his life there would be no other woman
for him.
Placing her on the bed, Brandon stared down at her. His gaze moved down her body taking in every swell and curve.
The uniform she wore did little to hide her large tits and narrower waist. He loved a woman with real curves, and Elle had
real curves. Her hips were large, and he could see himself holding onto their width while he fucked her. Her legs were thick.
To a lot of men she’d be considered fat, but to him, Elle was perfect. Being a strong man and a wolf, he liked his sex rough.
Elle would be able to take him and his passions. He felt relieved at knowing this.
Drake and Darcy stood by the door waiting for him.
“She’s human, Brandon,” Darcy said.
“I know.” Brandon stroked her hair, needing to touch her in some way.
“I can’t believe we were only talking about mates a few minutes before you sensed yours,” Drake said.
“I need to talk with Raymond, her father,” Brandon said, forcing himself to look away from her.
“I think you need to talk with your mate first,” Darcy said. “Human mates are not always the easiest, Alpha. Listen to
Brandon growled in response. Gazing down at his human mate, Brandon saw the value in his friend’s words.
He couldn’t believe he’d mated with a human. Staring down at her pretty face the full force of what just happened hit
him in the stomach.
Elle Smith was human. She was fragile, and he was a mate who was supposed to supply an heir to take over his pack.
Stepping away from her, Brandon felt defeated. She was … breakable.
How could he have mated to a woman who could be taken away from him so easily?
“I need to go for a run,” Brandon said. He pushed past his men and charged downstairs heading toward the door.
“What do you want us to do when she wakes up?” Drake asked.
He stopped as he opened the door. Staring up the stairs, he saw the concern on both of their faces.
“Tell her she can’t leave by order of the alpha.” He didn’t turn back. Brandon headed toward the trees. He needed to
run in order to clear his mind. Without removing his clothes, he turned into his wolf and headed toward the trees. He didn’t
need the full moon to turn. None of his pack needed the full moon to become wolves, but they celebrated their traditions at the
full moon.
Brandon ran down to the river, and he stared at his reflection in the water. A black wolf with fierce teeth snarled back
at him. During his first turning, he’d been petrified. His father had talked to him throughout it, relaxing him and showing him
everything was going to be okay.
Now, his wolf was part of him. He’d been born a wolf and learned to listen to his wolf. Several of the pack members
didn’t connect with their wolf and held little control over their temper. His father taught him to accept his wolf and learn to act
as one with his wolf.
Staring at his reflection, Brandon wondered what he’d done to the fates in order to displease them. A human mate had
to be retribution for something.
Throbbing in her wrist woke Elle up. She rubbed at her eyes with the hand that didn’t hurt.
“Be careful. Don’t move,” a male voice said.
She started and turned to see Darcy wrapping her wrist in a plain white bandage. The man was glaring down at her
hand. The sheet where her arm had been resting was stained red with her blood.
“What happened?” she asked, rubbing her eyes. She never wore makeup and didn’t have to worry about smearing the
stuff over her face.
“Do you want the long story or the short one?” He finished wrapping her wrist before placing her hand down on the
bed. She sat up bringing her knees against her chest.
“I want the truth.”
He let out a sigh. “The truth is simple. You’re mated to Brandon, the alpha that makes you his. The bite on your wrist is
the first part of the claiming.”
“What?” she asked, staring at him in shock.
Had he lost his mind? Her being mated to Brandon was completely insane. She didn’t even know the man.
You don’t even like him.
“There has to have been some mistake,” she said.
“No mistake. Brandon and his wolf scented you from the kitchen. The bite is uncontrollable. You’re Brandon’s mate.”
Moving toward the edge of the bed, Elle tried to blank out his words. There was no way she was his mate. She refused
to accept it.
She stood up then made her way to the door.
Darcy stopped her from leaving the room.
“What are you doing?” she asked, confused by him keeping her locked in the room.
“I can’t let you go out there.”
“Why the hell not? I’ve got to see my father, and I need to be at the diner working,” she said.
His arm shot out stopping her once again. “Alpha’s orders. You’re not allowed to leave.”
Elle pushed at his arm. Darcy didn’t budge. Throwing her arms up in defeat she walked over to the bedroom window.
She saw the town preparing for the feast after the pack had their run.
Folding her arms she stared out of the window.
“You’re not planning to jump, are you?” Darcy asked.
Turning to him, she glared. “I’m not that fucking weak.”
He grunted. She heard the wooden bed creak under his weight and did everything she could to ignore him.
“So, how does it feel being Brandon’s mate?” he asked after several minutes of silence passed.
“I don’t know. Inconvenient. A pain in the ass. Why don’t you pick one?”
She kept her back to him hoping to stop him from talking.
“It doesn’t matter what you think. You’re his mate, and I suggest you start thinking about that,” Darcy said.
Annoyed with his attitude and being taken from the diner, Elle whirled around glaring at him.
“I don’t even know Brandon. I’ve never known him other than to know who he is. There is no way I’m his mate. He
made a mistake. I’m human, remember?”
“How could we forget?” Brandon said.
She turned to the sound of his voice. The man in question stood in the doorway blocking the entire exit. He wore a pair
of loose jeans and nothing else. His upper body was on glorious display, and what a display it was. Tribal tattoos covered his
thick arms. The tats did nothing to disguise his muscles. They were huge and could crush many of his opponents. She’d heard a
lot of rumours about his strength. Some said Brandon could crush another wolf with the strength in his arms alone. She chose
not to believe that rumour.
His abs were tight, and she spotted the six pack. Turning her gaze away from the delight of his body she glared at his
face. His face was as amazing to look at as his body, apart from his eyes. The colour of his eyes scared her. His eyes appeared
black to her, and they startled her when they looked at her. She stared past his shoulder as that seemed to be the safest place to
“What is the meaning of this?” she asked, keeping her arms folded.
“Why don’t you look me in the eye when you talk to me?”
Turning away from him she glared out of the window. She couldn’t deal with this. Brandon, the alpha of the Northern
Forest pack and leader of their town, had taken her from her place of work, and she was supposed to be his mate.
My dad is going to fucking kill me.
“Leave us, Darcy,” Brandon said.
Seconds later the door was closed shut. She didn’t hear him move but sensed him stood behind her. His breath against
her neck, brushing the fine hairs with each exhale.
“I take it Darcy told you what you are?” he asked.
“Besides human you mean?”
He chuckled. His hand stroked down her arm. Goosebumps erupted along her arm from his touch. Her nipples tightened
from his closeness, and her pussy melted from the sound of his voice. She shouldn’t be reacting this way. No man left her
feeling this way.
Brandon isn’t just a man.
Elle cut off the thought and continued staring out of the window.
“You’re my mate, Elle.”
Biting her lip Elle shook her head. “No, that’s not possible. I refuse to accept it.”
“Why fight what is natural between us?” he asked.
She laughed. “Why fight it?” she asked. “There’s a fucking list why to fucking fight it.” Elle was cursing a lot. When
she was nervous she cursed, or when she felt trapped she cursed. Brandon made her nervous, and he had her trapped between
his body and the window.
Chapter Three
Elle looked really cute when she was angry. Brandon couldn’t help but be charmed by her. Her arms were folded
underneath her impressive rack. He wanted to turn her around so he could watch her lose her temper.
“Then why don’t you tell me what the problems are?” he asked.
She turned to him. Her hazel eyes glanced into his gaze but then stared past his shoulder. He frowned. Why didn’t Elle
ever look him in the eye?
“You’re old,” she said.
“What?” he asked, struggling to contain the roar inside him.
“I’m only twenty-one, but you’re what? Fifty or something. You’re old.”
He glared at her, angry at her words. Her hands shook as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Yes, he was
nearing over fifty in age, but he looked no older than thirty. Werewolves and most of the sectors in the paranormal community
aged slowly when they grew into their powers or ability. Witches were known for being thousands of years old but not looking
a day over twenty-five.
Running a hand down his face, he waited for her to continue.
“I don’t know you.”
“I’m Brandon, your alpha of the Northern Forest pack.”
“I’m not part of the pack. I’m also human. I’m not a wolf, and I’ll never be a wolf.” She glanced down at her bandaged
wrist. He followed her gaze. “Unless, the movies are right and I can be turned from your bite.”
He smirked. “The movies are wrong. You’re not going to turn into a wolf.”
“Good. I don’t think I could handle that.” One of her hands went to her neck. He watched the movement wondering what
the problem was.
“What else?” he asked.
“Besides age, human, and our general lack of knowledge about each other?”
He nodded.
“I guess you can add the fact you have no respect for human women to the mix.”
Brandon turned his gaze back to her at her last comment. “What?”
“I’ve seen the way you treat human women, and the same goes for the men of your pack. You don’t give a shit about us.
You use us and then throw us away like trash. You only treat your pack females with respect.”
Feeling his anger tighten, Brandon took a step away. Her scent followed him regardless.
“The excuses you give are pointless,” he said.
“Yes, pointless. You’re my mate, Elle. You’ve got to accept that.”
“I don’t have to accept anything from you. I’m not your mate. I don’t feel anything for you.”
He’d seen her hard nipples and scented her creamy pussy. Her mind might not like being mated to him, but her body
loved it. Closing the distance between them, Brandon pressed her against the wall.
“You don’t feel anything for me?” he asked.
She shook her head. Her eyes were wide as she looked at him.
“I’ve heard some things about you, Elle. I know you’ve not been with another male, and you don’t have a reputation for
putting out either.” He lifted his hand against her face. Brandon relished the feel of her soft skin against his palm. She moaned
as he stroked her cheek then moved down to her neck. Her pussy beat rapidly against his hand. Moving his hand down to her
breast, Brandon stroked the tight bud.
Elle gasped. Before he did anything else, he moved his hand down to the edge of her skirt. The dress uniform stopped
above her knee. Brandon lifted the dress up and then placed his palm against her hot pussy. The panties she wore were soaking
She cried out, and her hands gripped his arms as he moved the fabric of her panties aside for him to explore her tender
flesh. Her slit was soaked with her cream. Her clit was swollen. He pressed a thumb against her bud.
“Look at me,” he said.
Her gaze turned to him for a split second before going over his shoulder. Snarling at her insolence, Brandon pressed his
face against her neck. He inhaled her strawberry and vanilla scent as he stroked her pussy. Her legs shook, and he wrapped an
arm around her waist that kept her upright.
His cock was thick in the jeans he wore. All he desired to do was push his jeans down and thrust his dick deep inside
her tight little cunt. Using two fingers he stroked her swollen nub. Her arousal filled the room. The musky scent of her cream
soaked his fingers.
Brandon brought her to orgasm as he sucked on the flesh of her neck.
Her screams echoed off the walls and filled him with pride, knowing he’d been the one to bring her to orgasm.
Elle collapsed against him, her heavy breathing the only sound he could hear.
“I’ve got you,” he said.
She froze in his arms.
“Let me go,” she said, pulling away from him.
This time, Brandon let her go. Pressing his free arm against her head, blocking her escape, he licked the fingers he’d
brought her to orgasm with. Her taste exploded on his tongue. He couldn’t wait to get his tongue on her. “You taste amazing.
Who would have thought you’d taste so innocent.”
“You’re disgusting,” she said.
He chuckled. Brandon loved seeing the fire inside her. Her eyes flashed with heat. He just wished she’d look him in the
eye for longer than two seconds.
“You’re my mate, Elle. There is no escaping this.”
“Find some other woman to fuck. I’m not your mate.” She pressed her hands against his chest and then pushed. He
didn’t budge as she pushed again.
“You’re under my protection.” He saw his mark against her neck. Her wrist would contain his scent. Any wolf who got
close to her would know to stay away from her.
“I don’t need your protection.”
“Whether you like it or not, you’ve got it. I’ll let you go for now, but I’ll be the one to take you home,” he said.
He wanted to prolong his time with her.
I can’t be his mate. It’s a fucking mistake.
Elle followed him downstairs to where Drake and Darcy were waiting. They smirked at her. Heat filled her cheeks.
Both men knew what happened upstairs. She was left alone with the alpha for twenty-minutes, and he’d given her an orgasm.
Elle hated herself for her weakness. No man should have that kind of power over a woman.
“I’m taking Elle home,” Brandon said, addressing both men. They nodded and made no other sound.
She covered her cheeks in shame. Their lack of words said it all. She was a slut.
Brandon headed for the door. He opened the door, and Lewis was approaching.
“Daisy’s pissed at you, Brandon. She likes Elle working for her, and she wants to see you.” Lewis turned to her.
“Daisy said you could take the rest of the day off and she’d see you tonight.”
“I’m taking her home. All of you be here when I get back.”
He didn’t wait to get confirmation. They walked out of his home. She trailed behind him, trying to slow down so she
didn’t have to walk beside him.
“You’re very bossy,” she said.
“Are you walking slowly on purpose?” he asked, turning to glare at her.
She dropped her gaze. “I don’t want to walk with you. I can find my own way home.”
“Look at me,” he said.
Elle lifted her gaze to his mouth. Those lips had been on her neck sucking at her skin. She touched her neck. Did he
leave a mark?
Shit, she needed to see if he’d marked her. Covering her neck she caught up to him making sure to walk beside him.
They walked through town. She sensed the peoples’ gazes on them.
Neither of them said another word to each other. She was thankful for his silence.
They made it to where she lived with her parents. Brandon opened the door going inside.
“Why didn’t you knock?” she asked, outraged by his attitude.
“I own this town. I do what I like.”
Her father came out of his study, and her mother came out of the kitchen. The scent of chilli filled the air. Her mother,
Vivian, made the best chilli in the town.
“What’s going on?” her father asked, looking between them.
“I need to speak with you,” Brandon said.
She watched as her father nodded. Brandon released her. Both men disappeared inside the study.
“What’s going on?” Vivian asked.
Elle followed her mother into the kitchen. The stove had four pots of chilli cooking on top. She groaned, thinking about
what would happen at nightfall. The town was closed tomorrow so that everyone could celebrate the full moon. She went to the
fridge, grabbed a carton of juice and took a long swig. Vivian gasped as her neck was exposed.
“What the hell happened, Elle?” she asked.
Turning away from her mother, Elle went to check her neck out in the mirror. A large purple bruise was on her neck.
She didn’t know how it had come up so quickly.
With her shoulders slumped, she stared at her mother. “Brandon thinks we’re mated. He bit my wrist, and things got a
little heavy.”
“Elle Smith, what were you thinking?”
I wasn’t.
“Don’t start the lecture, Mom. I know I fucked up. Please, leave it. We’ve got the feast to get through tonight, and I’m
not in the mood to play twenty questions.”
Her mother went to say something else, but Brandon interrupted her.
“Leave her be.”
Vivian’s mouth opened then closed before she nodded and then left.
Elle stared at Brandon. She dropped her gaze from his eyes to his still bare chest. “Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”
she asked.
“I’m hotter than most men.” He moved closer until his chest was next to her face. “Look at me.”
She shook her head. Her heart pounded inside her chest, and her nerves were back.
He let out a curse. “I’ve spoken with Raymond. He understands what’s going on.”
“What is going on? Dad knows what’s going on, but I don’t have a clue.”
Brandon caressed her cheek. “You know what’s going on. You’re refusing to listen to me.”
The backs of his fingers ignited a flame inside her. She wanted him. Up until an hour ago she’d never experienced an
orgasm, and now she felt like a wanton hussy needing his touch.
“I’ll see you at the feast. During the hunt stay in your home,” he said, ordering.
“Why?” she asked.
“I’m not asking you, Elle. If you leave this house before the feast, I’ll fucking punish you.”
In the next instant he left.
She walked to her father’s study. He was bent over a book, shaking his head.
“Daddy,” she said, gaining his attention.
His head shot up. “Elle, are you all right?”
“I’m a little shaken. I don’t know what happened. I was flipping pancakes, talking with Layla, and then I was being
pulled to Brandon. I didn’t do anything.”
Raymond stood and moved around to embrace her. “Our alpha has taken care of everything. You’re under his
protection. He’ll be notifying the pack tonight over the feast.”
She shook her head. “No, he can’t do that. It’s wrong. I’m human.”
“It doesn’t matter. Brandon is going to claim you in front of the whole pack, and then he’ll take you as a mate.”
“I don’t want this,” she said.
He picked up her wrist. “It’s already begun. To other species of the paranormal community, this is a brand. To a point
you’ll be safe.”
“What do you mean ‘to a point’?”
Raymond let out a sigh. “Brandon is a very powerful man. He’s the alpha of the Northern Forest pack. There are many
who would see his downfall.”
“And I’d be the price of his downfall?” she asked, seeing his point.
“Yes. You’ve got to take extra care.” Raymond kissed her head. “I’m proud of you.”
She left him to his work. How was she going to get through the ceremony knowing his pack would hate her?
It doesn’t matter. You’ve got to do what you’ve been told.
Chapter Four
Brandon walked out of her house needing the fresh air to clear his mind. He couldn’t focus with her close by. Her
strawberry and vanilla scent masked everything else to him. Several of his pack stared at him. The men stared at him with
respect while the women stared at him with lust. He ignored their lustful stares. Lewis, Darcy, and Drake stood waiting for him
a few feet from the diner.
“Did it go well?” Darcy asked.
“Raymond likes me. He knows what is at stake if anything happens to her. He’ll protect her. Tonight I want to organise
her protection detail. Guards will be placed around her,” he said. There was no way he’d risk his mate.
“She’s human,” Drake said. “What kind of threat is she going to pose?”
“Because of her being human, she’s vulnerable. We’ve got witches, warlocks, vampires, and bears coming to Grace
Hill. I don’t want them to be tempted in bringing me down because of her.” Brandon kept walking. Layla was wiping down
tables as the got inside the diner. There were no customers, and the diner usually closed early on the full moon.
“How is Elle?” Layla asked.
He liked her for the way she took notice of his mate. Her gaze moved to Lewis before returning to his. “She’s good.
Why wasn’t her birthday celebrated here?” he asked.
“E-Elle wanted to go back to the city. We met up with a couple of her friends. Not all of the humans get their birthday
celebrated,” Layla said.
“What friends?” he asked.
“Some of the people she’d kept in contact. A couple of guys and girls.”
His hackles rose at the thought of another man touching her, wanting her.
“You may leave. I’ve ordered her to remain home until the feast. Make sure she stays there. If anything happens to her,
I’ll come to you.”
She nodded and left without looking back. He found Daisy slamming lids down on pots. Her glare shot toward him.
“So, you’ve decided to pay this wolf a visit?” she asked.
Lewis, Darcy, and Drake started to chuckle. He shot them a glare before moving closer to one of the oldest females in
his pack. Her mate had petitioned for the humans, and he had great respect for her. If it wasn’t for her age she’d be the strongest
of the females.
“I’m sorry. I was taking care of my mate.”
The lid on the far pot slammed down. Daisy turned on him with her arms folded. “You’ve taken a human for a mate?”
“The fates have deemed a human my mate,” he said.
“That pretty much means you wish she wasn’t human.”
“You’re very protective of Elle.” He stared at the woman before him. She wasn’t afraid of him, never had been.
“You can stare at me all you want, Brandon. I changed your diapers for you. That’s how old I am, and fuck yeah, I’m
protective of Elle. She’s an amazing woman and a damn good worker. If you’re anything like your father you’ll have her around
you all the time. I like her and want her here.”
Brandon chuckled, and pride filled him. Daisy was a pack member, and hearing her thoughts of Elle would help the
others to agree to her.
“I’m not going to stop Elle from working here.”
“Yet! Your father said the exact same thing to your mother. She ended up pregnant with you and by his side for the rest
of it. Being the alpha’s mate is a full time occupation.” Daisy walked away to grab some spices off the shelf.
“I’m not like my father, and she’s not like my mother. Being human saves her from a lot of it. I don’t want her being
drawn into my fights. She’s far too fragile.”
“You’re going to leave her out of pack business but keep her as your mate?” Daisy asked.
“That could risk her life and the respect of the pack.”
“I don’t give a shit. I’m not risking her for pack respect,” Brandon said.
“But you need someone to stand up for her tonight?” Daisy asked.
He nodded. Once he told the pack his mate was human there was going to be an uproar. An alpha with a human mate
was unheard of. If an alpha took a human he usually stepped down from the rank. Being an alpha was who Brandon was. He
wouldn’t be stepping down for his mate or for anyone.
“Lori’s not going to like this.”
“I don’t give a fuck what she thinks. This is not about her.”
“Are you sure about that? She’s made it plain she’s bedding you. I think you need to be careful of her. The power of
being in your bed has gone to her head.” Daisy stared at him as her words sank in. He refused to say anything to her. “With
regards to Elle, I’ll do what I can. She’s a great girl.” She glanced behind him at the three men waiting. “You better run off and
prepare for tonight. I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be awesome.”
He chuckled and left her to it.
Walking out of the diner he spotted Elle helping place the tables ready for the feast. She didn’t turn to look at him. His
three men stopped behind him. He focused on her as she tucked stray hairs behind her ear.
“I once heard a human mate doesn’t feel as strongly as we do,” Drake said.
Brandon didn’t say anything. He watched his mate as she spoke with Layla. Together the two human women laughed
and set the table for the feast that night. He fought the need to go to her.
After tonight no pack member would ever be mistaken, Elle Smith was his mate, and he intended to claim her.
Elle lay on her bed as Layla finished running fingers through her hair. The other woman had stayed with her instead of
going back to her family home. She and Layla were the same age, and tonight would be their first outing to the feast.
“Are you nervous?” Layla asked.
“Nervous about what?”
“About everything. Tonight is our first feast, and you’ve been mated today. Brandon is the alpha. That has got to be high
on the cool factor.”
She smiled at Layla’s enthusiasm. “I’m a little scared. After tonight everything is going to change. Mom keeps giving
me weird looks, and my dad looks worried. Between the two of them they’re freaking me out.” She stopped to take a breath. “I
don’t know. Maybe I’m worrying about all the wrong reasons.”
“What is there to be worried about?” Layla asked, taking a seat on the bed.
“Have you seen the way the pack treat women, human women? I’ve seen the ones they’ve taken to their bed, and they
blank them as if they mean nothing.”
Several humans had left because of the pack’s treatment.
“You can’t think Brandon will treat you that way. I know what you mean about the treatment of the pack. As much as I
want Lewis, I wouldn’t put myself in that position. I refuse to.”
She reached for the other woman’s hand. Elle gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “We’re in this together.”
“I know this is going to sound strange, but are you a virgin, Elle?”
Averting her eyes, Elle nodded her head. “I’ve never found the right guy.”
“I’m a virgin as well. Grace Hill is not exactly the place to be giving your body to just anyone.”
“Have you ever thought of leaving?” Elle asked.
“What do you mean?” Layla tilted her head to the side, observing her.
“You know, getting away from here. Like my birthday, only staying away for that time.” Elle stared down at their hands
waiting for her to answer.
“I’ve thought about getting away. It would be nice to leave for a little while and explore, but I always see myself
coming back. This is my life, Elle. I love being here. Grace Hill, for all of its faults, is my home.”
Elle smiled. “I know.”
“Are you thinking of leaving?” Layla asked.
“No, I’m not thinking about it.”
The bell sounded in the distance letting everyone know that the wolves would be on the hunt. Humans were free to
roam on the night of the full moon at their own risk. She moved to the window to stare at the empty table. When the bell rang
again they’d be able to place their waiting pots onto the centre of the table. For most of the evening the humans would be
ignored, or at least that was what she’d been told.
“If you’re not thinking about it why are you talking about it?”
“This crap with Brandon is what’s making me think about it. I need time away. Do you really think an alpha should
mate with a human?”
Layla shrugged. “It’s not up to us what we think or feel. I doubt he’ll let you go.”
The sounds of wolves howling invaded the night’s silence. Goosebumps erupted along her arms. Staring out of the
window, Elle spotted a large black wolf on the edge of the forest. The sight of him reminded her of Brandon. The wolf was
large and commanded her attention. She found herself avoiding eye contact.
“Elle, are you okay?” Layla asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Elle turned away from the window. “Don’t mention our conversation to anyone, please. I’d hate for
someone to use the information for the wrong ideas. I’m not planning on leaving.”
“I hope not.”
More howls invaded the silence, and her stomach tightened.
“I wish I knew what was going on.”
Layla lay on her stomach with her head in her hands. “I don’t. They’ll probably be thinking about killing something or
actually doing it.”
Sitting on the edge of the bed Elle ran her fingers through her friend’s hair. “You’re always so supportive of me,” she
“I have no choice. I love you.” Layla batted her hand away. Chuckling, both froze as they heard her mother calling.
“Duty calls,” Elle said, standing.
“At least your mother can cook. Chilli is delicious, and all the pack loves it. My mother makes macaroni cheese, and
it’s horrid. I’m sure she curdles the milk,” Layla said, cringing.
Chuckling, Elle followed her friend downstairs.
Vivian was grating cheese and putting a few components together. “Hey, girls. I’m getting everything ready. Another
hour or so and we’ll be able to get the table ready.”
Elle took the cheese from her mom and started grating the stuff into a pile. Her thoughts returned to Brandon as her
bandaged wrist caught her eye. The wound pulsed, and the slight burning made it irritable.
She listened to the conversation between her mother and friend with half an ear. Her pussy melted as Brandon invaded
her mind once again. His big presence and alarming scent were hard to simply ignore. She’d spotted the wolf tattoo across his
back, and all she wanted to do was lick the tat.
He was covered in tats, and the power oozed out of him.
Stop thinking about him.
Another bunch of howling came through the night air. She closed the window opposite the counter. The night air sent
chills up her spine.
“They’re really howling some tonight. I’ve never known them to be like this,” Vivian said.
Her parents had moved to Grace Hill when she was sixteen. She’d liked the decision then, but now that she was due to
be mated to Brandon, she hated it. Her friends kept in touch with her, but she stopped them from visiting.
Grace Hill had rules, and she’d been taught to abide by them. Letting out a sigh, she continued grating the cheese, trying
to block all thoughts of the alpha from her mind.
Chapter Five
Brandon stood in the centre of the forests waiting for his pack to gather. The first bell had just rung letting the humans
know the change was coming. He stared up at the full moon in the sky feeling the power it held over him. His muscles flexed as
he watched each member of his pack moving through the clearing. Darcy, Drake, and Lewis stood beside him. He spotted
Daisy as she came through with her mate. Matthew had his arm wrapped his mate. Several other mates were snuggled against
each other in bliss. He saw Lori coming toward him.
He raised his arms in the air gaining their attention. Silence descended on the gathering.
“I want to thank you all for coming tonight. The full moon is powerful, and we use this night to give ourselves over to
the night and the beast.”
Cheers rang around the pack along with howls.
“Tonight I bring great news as well. Today I was mated.”
Gasps went around the group. Lori smirked, moving forward. She clearly thought he’d claimed her.
“Who did you mate?” Daisy asked, stopping Lori from moving any farther with an arm around her waist.
“Get off me, bitch,” Lori said.
“Alpha will speak before you, slut.” Daisy threw her to the ground showing she may be old in years but not in strength.
“No more,” Brandon said. He yelled the words as Lori went to attack Daisy. She stopped as his command brought her
obedience. “I mated with a human. The fates have seen fit to match me with a human, and she will be your queen.”
“What? A human by your side? Have you gone mad?” one of the men asked.
Lori glared at him with hands on hips. “How can you pick a human to help you lead this pack?” she asked.
He listened to them rant and rave.
“Shut the fuck up,” Drake said, yelling. His beta gained their attention.
“Who is the bitch who’ll be by your side?” Lori asked.
Brandon charged to her side, wrapped his hand around her neck, and squeezed. “I don’t want to hear those words
coming from your lips. Do you understand me?”
He waited for her nod before he let go.
“The last time I checked I was still fucking alpha.” He spun around looking over each member of his pack. Tearing his
shirt from his body Brandon thumped his chest. “If any of you think you can beat me and lead this pack then take your best
fucking shot.”
Opening his arms wide, Brandon waited for a member to try to take his leadership from him.
“I lead this pack. I say what goes, not you. I didn’t ask your permission who I was going to mate with.”
“Who is the woman?” Matthew asked.
“Elle Smith.”
Lori charged at him shoving him in the chest. “You mean to pass me aside for that fat bitch. She’s never even been with
a man. You can smell her innocence over her like a stink.” Grabbing her hand, Brandon twisted her away from him. She
gasped, fighting his hold. He was bigger, stronger, and more determined than she.
“I will hurt you, Lori, I swear, if you say one bad thing about my mate again, and it’ll be the last words you ever
She growled, and her body went lax. He let her go then faced the crowd. “The fates have decided this for me. I didn’t
choose a human mate. You know how fragile humans are. Elle is under my protection for the rest of her life. I will claim her.
She will be mine. If anything happens to her from this day forward I’ll come to all of you. You’re responsible for looking after
your queen, my woman.”
Brandon looked toward Daisy, hoping the older woman would help him convince his pack.
“Elle is a great woman. She’s strong and hard working. Yes, she’s human, but who cares about species? I stick by my
alpha and my queen.” Daisy went down on one knee before him.
After she went down the rest of the pack slowly went down, consenting to his claim of a mate. Lori glared at him,
refusing to go down on one knee until she was the last person standing.
“Are you fighting me, Lori?” he asked.
“No, but I hope you know what a human mate will do to this pack.”
“This is not your place to say, Lori. Bow down, or get the fuck out of Grace Hill.”
She reluctantly went down on one knee.
“I give you thanks. Let’s run.” Brandon walked away from the group. He stared up at the full moon, howled, and then
changed into his wolf. All around him pack members changed. He listened to their thoughts. Many of them were picturing Elle
by his side.
“I want to congratulate you,” Matthew said. The wolf bowed down before him.
Nodding his head, Brandon took off toward the forest. His three men followed him.
“That went better than I thought,” Lewis said.
“Only because Daisy showed she can still kick ass. She’d make one hot cougar,” Drake said.
“Gross.” This came from Darcy.
Brandon laughed finding their banter funny. He felt each member of the pack. Going to the edge of the forest he found
himself near the edge of Elle’s house. Looking up at the window, he saw her, arms folded, staring down at him.
“We’ve got to go, Alpha,” Drake said.
He watched her, and inhaling her scent, he felt a calmness settle over him. Lori hadn’t been wrong. She was completely
innocent. He’d sensed that this afternoon when he’d brought her to climax. Her response to him was far too shocked for her not
to be innocent. Also, being a wolf he could smell innocence a mile away. She was pure, and the scent clung to her like a
second skin.
Soon, his scent would cover all trace of her innocence. There would be no other man lingering on her skin.
Moving away from her house, Brandon howled at the sky. His mating couldn’t come soon enough for him.
The second bell of the night rang out in the air letting the humans know it was clear to move out of their homes. The
bells were in place for the humans’ safety. Some wolves couldn’t control their beasts, and if they sensed fear then they’d attack
a human without thought. After the second bell she was usually forced to stay home, but now she was of age she could
participate. Elle lifted a pot of chilli from the stove and made her way out to the table. Once she placed the pot on the centre
she went back for more. For the next twenty minutes she gathered food and plates from her mother’s kitchen to place on the
Layla nudged her with her hip. “Are you nervous?”
Elle nodded and went back to setting the table. Pack members started arriving as the table was filled with food. They
took their places at the head of the table. She sat by Layla as her parents took their seats next to her. Some of the wolves stared
at her for several moments. She wasn’t used to being scrutinized by so many people. Male and female wolves took their time
observing her. When all the wolves were seated, Elle wiped her sweaty palms on the tablecloth in her lap.
Brandon still hadn’t joined them. No one reached for food. She noticed the whole pack around the table tense and stare
behind her. Before she could turn around to see what gained their attention, fingers brushed her hair out of the way.
“You shouldn’t be sitting here,” Brandon said. He pressed his lips against her neck, making her gasp.
She’d not felt him approach even though her thoughts had been dominated by him all afternoon.
“My family sits here,” she said.
“I’m your mate. I’m your family.” He shook her father’s hand, kissed her mother’s, and then took hold of her hand with
the bandage on.
Following his footsteps, she stood up. He removed the bandage covering her wrist. The red bite mark was clear to see
as it stood out on her pale skin.
More gasps came from the humans as they were behind her.
Did any of them know what the bite mark meant?
Brandon walked her to the head of the table. Darcy, Drake, and Lewis sat on either side of him. She sat at the head with
Brandon. Her cheeks heated as all gazes were on them. She felt their gazes on her body.
“I want to present the humans of Grace Hill with my mate. Elle Smith is who the fates have decreed will be my mate.
She’ll be given the respect expected of her title.” Brandon kissed the mark on her wrist. “And I claim her for my own.”
She kept her gaze down not wanting to look at him. During his little speech she noted he spoke words of the fates
decreeing her his mate rather than him picking her to be his.
Did he really think she was stupid enough not to notice his slight against her?
This is why you need to get out of Grace Hill. You need to get away from him.
His hand tightened on her thigh stopping her from going anywhere. Biting down on her lip she glanced at Layla. Her
friend offered her a soft smile, which was no comfort to her at all.
The feast started as all the pack dived in. Elle stared at the humans wishing she was there. They kept turning to look at
her. Some of the humans sneered while others offered her a smile.
“You’re not eating,” Brandon said.
She picked her fork up and started nibbling on the food that appeared on her plate. Brandon must have placed food on
her plate when she’d been looking at her kind. Keeping her bitten wrist under the table she ate little food even though the
wolves kept filling their plates. They were known for their appetites.
Music filled the air, and couples started dancing. She watched as Layla declined a couple of partners. This was their
first feast, and her friend was alone. Pushing her chair back, Elle made for her friend.
“Where are you going?” Brandon asked. His hand shot out halting her from moving. Glancing down at the arm that
stopped her, she swallowed past the lump that formed in her throat. “Look at me.”
Quickly, she glanced in his eyes before averting them. “I want to go and dance with my friend. She’s lonely.” Nibbling
her lips she waited for him to release her.
“Lewis, go and dance with Layla.”
The other man went without argument. Brandon took her hand leading toward the area of the town where couples were
dancing. The tables were being packed away by both humans and wolves.
Brandon’s arms were wrapped around her as they made it onto the dance floor. She got a chance to see Layla in
Lewis’s arms before her vision was blocked by a hard muscled chest. At least he’d worn a shirt this time. The tribal tattoos
were still visible on his arms.
“Why are you so tense in my arms?” he asked.
His voice caressed her neck. She shivered as the pleasure ran over her from his closeness. Her mind didn’t want him
whereas her body did. Her nipples tightened, and heat flooded her panties.
“I’m not used to dancing with men,” she said, answering him honestly.
He stroked her hair. “Your hair is too short.”
She frowned. “It’ll grow.”
Why are you trying to appease him?
“Do you feel it, Elle?” he asked.
“Feel what?”
“Our connection.”
Elle didn’t know what to say and kept silent. She didn’t know if he was a violent man or not.
He’s a wolf. Of course he’s violent.
Why did this have to happen to me?
Chapter Six
Elle’s soft body melted against his. Brandon stroked her hair enjoying the feel of the soft locks running through his
fingers. Her tits were pressed to his chest. His cock thickened in response to her innocent scent plaguing him. All he wanted to
do was push her against the nearest tree and fuck her hard. He’d make her come on his cock then take her with his tongue.
There was so much he wanted to do with her. Instead, he held himself back.
She was skittish around him. He couldn’t get her to look him in the eye for longer than a few seconds. Staring across
her shoulder he watched Lewis dancing with her friend. If he needed to he’d get Lewis to dance with Layla all night long.
Having Elle in his arms was indescribable.
“How was your run?” she asked.
Brandon stared down at her to see her head resting against his chest. “It was good,” he said.
“Do you hunt things?”
“Sometimes but not tonight as we ran for the power of the full moon.”
Staring up at the full moon he relished the energy coursing through his body from the bright globe in the sky.
“What’s it like, hunting things?” she asked. Her voice was so small he thought he’d imagined her speak. She stared up
at him waiting.
“I don’t think discussing hunting with you would be good.”
“Well, we’ve hunted deer, rabbits, and other things,” he said.
“You’re right. I don’t want to know.”
He chuckled. The song changed tempo to an upbeat song. Brandon twirled her around then pulled her close. She
Her gaze still remained on his chest. Hearing her laughter was an improvement. He didn’t want to let her go. Dancing
with her felt right.
Raymond signalled to him from the edge of the dance floor. Slowing down the dancing, he edged toward Layla.
Lewis looked up at him as he approached. “We’re needed,” Brandon said.
Cupping Elle’s face he dropped a kiss to her forehead. She glanced into his eyes then turned to look at Layla.
“Don’t leave the square, and only dance with Layla,” he said.
She nodded. Lewis followed him off the dance floor.
“Elle doesn’t look at you in the eye, does she?” Lewis asked.
Brandon stopped turning to his friend. “No, she doesn’t. Do you know anything about that?”
“No, but I can ask Layla. She’s attracted to me.” Lewis smirked.
“She’s not your mate?” Brandon asked as Darcy and Drake joined them.
“No, she’s not my mate. I’m attracted to her, and she’s attracted to me; but there is nothing holding us together. There is
no attraction like you felt,” Lewis said.
“Everyone’s mating but me.” Drake pouted.
“Why are we cutting away from the celebrations?” Darcy asked.
Staring between his three friends, Brandon felt relieved to know he’d picked the best kind of men to surround him as
alpha. Drake was playful while Darcy was down to business. Lewis was a balanced act of calm and business. All four of them
made a powerful force to reckon with.
He moved toward Raymond. The other man bowed his head. “I wanted you to see the lodgings that would house your
guests in the coming weeks.”
All four men followed Raymond Smith. The lodgings were far enough from the town surrounded by trees to obscure it
from the village. No human would go this far out of town unless they had a death wish.
The rivers and lakes were along the opposite side.
Raymond handed the key to him. “This property is yours. You’ll need to invite the vampires in as they can’t trespass on
named property.”
“You’ve been doing your research,” Darcy said.
“I came to Grace Hill to get away from the city and to also explore what I’d witnessed. The creatures that go bump in
the night fascinate me. I wish to extend all my knowledge to you and to my alpha,” Raymond said.
Vivian had been mind-fucked by a vampire. She’d invited the vampire into their home, where he’d almost killed her
and Elle. Brandon tightened his hands into fists as the past threat on his mate fully struck his mind. Raymond had gotten lucky
and taken the bastard down who’d drained Vivian to the point of death and almost killed his daughter.
Darcy was the one responsible for accepting new families and answering the calls of the humans. Their connections
with the witches meant Darcy made sure to wipe the memory of Elle and her mother. Being drained to the point of death can
affect humans’ minds as they are weak. His men didn’t want to take any chances on the family being brought to Grace Hill.
Brandon hadn’t paid much attention when Darcy had explained about the new human family joining their town five years ago.
He’d be getting the whole story later tonight. Any threat against his mate was a threat to him.
Opening the door, Brandon entered the luxurious lodgings.
“There is plenty of space for the witches and warlocks. The bears have the rooms with the large doors. I did some
reading about the bears, and they’re not known for their control during the change. I made sure to accommodate that,” Raymond
Brandon moved through each room feeling his men follow behind him.
“The, erm, vampires will have their rooms in the basement. I’ve also made sure to have a cross nailed on every door in
the town. Through my readings I’ve discovered some old vampires don’t require an invitation, but a cross should do the trick.”
Brandon nodded. He patted the man on the back. “I know you fear the vampires. This meeting is essential to all our
kind. Every year we meet, and it has been like this for many years.” The meeting talked about important Otherworld business,
including the uprising of other paranormal groups. Brandon wasn’t the only alpha in the world. His pack was protected
because of the deals he’d made with warlocks and witches. Other packs were not as lucky.
“I trust your judgement,” Raymond said.
“You’re not enjoying yourself,” Layla said.
Elle smiled at her friend. “It’s kind of hard to enjoy yourself when half the pack is glaring at you.”
She’d noticed the way the men were assessing her, and the women were sneering at her. Their gazes let her know they
didn’t approve of her as his choice of mate.
Why me? Why did he have to pick me?
“It doesn’t matter what they think or feel. You’re his mate. Nothing anyone does is going to change that.”
Layla kept her arms around Elle.
Holding onto her hands, she moved them away from her. “I’m not ready for this. I’m going to help pack away the
“You shouldn’t leave the floor. Brandon told you not to.”
“Dancing is not helping my situation.” She gave Layla a quick hug before heading toward the last couple of tables.
Ignoring the stares, she grabbed the pots and took them through to the appropriate houses. She smiled at the families as
she handed them their pots back.
On her third trip back to the table she was stopped by a thin woman with her arms folded underneath her small breasts.
“Excuse me,” Elle said.
“Why the fuck should I excuse you, human?”
Staring up at the woman, Elle saw she wasn’t human. The way her eyes changed as she glanced at her was enough for
“I’m trying to help pack away the feast.”
She made to go ‘round. The woman wrapped her fingers around Elle’s arm, squeezing the flesh.
“You shouldn’t be his mate. You’re nothing but a fat little bitch.”
Fighting back the tears, Elle stared at the ground waiting for the woman to let her go. She’d never been on the receiving
end of such animosity before.
Biting her lip, she kept her mouth shut.
“I should be by his side, not you. I’m the one who’s been sharing his bed and keeping his needs in check. Brandon
demands satisfaction, Elle.”
Her name was spoken as if it was a dirty word.
“Lori, leave her alone,” Daisy said.
The woman, Lori, let her go.
“This isn’t over,” Lori said.
“It is now.” The two wolves stared at each other. Lori stormed off without another word. “I never liked that girl. She’s
a slut and a fucking pain in my side.” Daisy wrapped an arm around Elle’s waist. “Lori thinks because she’s a spring chicken
she’s the top of the food chain. Regardless of what people think I can still take the bitch and relish the day I can.”
Elle laughed. The thought of Daisy fighting was amusing. Daisy wasn’t an old woman. She looked in her late forties,
but from what Elle knew about aging, Daisy was probably nearing a hundred. Elle never asked the other woman her true age.
She’d been brought up believing it was rude to ask.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Any time, dear. Lori has been looking to get her teeth sunk into the alpha for some time. I don’t like it. I never have,
and I refuse to let her think she’s more than she is. She’s a bitch. I know that. She knows that, and now Brandon knows it.”
Daisy took her hand moving her toward a set of chairs. “This is your first feast?”
Elle nodded.
“How are you finding it?” Daisy asked.
“It’s different and certainly not boring.” She pointed toward the pack members who were pointing at her. Until Brandon
had pulled her out of the crowd, no one cared about her presence whereas now, she was top of the gossip columns.
“Wait until the other sectors get here. Vampires and wolves have never mingled well. Nor witches and warlocks. When
we’re all together, it’ll be a hoot.”
Elle laughed. “It sounds interesting.”
Daisy scented the air. “Humans are closing in.”
“How do you know?” Elle looked around.
“Don’t worry about it, dear. Darcy will keep an eye on them. They smell like frat boys passing through. They’ll be here
tomorrow or in a couple of days depending on their speed. That’s why I got the diner. I’ve got the best nose in the pack.” Daisy
tapped her nose.
Chuckling, Elle glanced out at the dance floor. Layla was dancing with a human male. Her friend deserved so much
“Lewis is not her mate,” Daisy said, cutting into her thoughts.
“I know. He doesn’t behave like Brandon does around me. I met him when I was sixteen. Why didn’t his mating sense
come on then?” Elle asked.
“We’re magical beings, Elle, but our wolves seem to sense the right age for mating. I’ve not heard of many couples
mating before the twenty-first birthday. It’s a significant birthday for many. You’ll have to ask Brandon why.”
Nodding, she glanced out at the dance floor feeling tired. “I’m going to go to bed.”
“Okay, dear. I’m going to stay some more. Enjoy your sleep.”
Elle smiled down at her then made her way into her home. Her mother was staring at the window of the kitchen. She
looked a little spaced as Elle touched her neck. “Are you okay, Mom?” Elle asked.
Vivian jumped. “Elle, you scared me.”
“Are you okay?” Elle asked again.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Tired. I’m sure all those spices have gone to my head.” Vivian dried her hands then moved toward her.
“I know you’re scared about Brandon. He seems like a good man. I love you, honey.”
Her mother kissed her head.
“Good night, Mom.”
She turned her back and started up the stairs. Frowning, she walked down the stairs to glance at her mother. Vivian had
gone back to the window. The shirt she’d been wearing was pulled down exposing her neck. She prodded her neck as she
stared at her reflection.
Shrugging her shoulders, Elle walked up to her room. She couldn’t think of her mother’s strange reaction.
Removing her clothes, Elle placed on her large night shirt and climbed under the covers. The window to her room was
open, and a cool breeze settled over her.
Chapter Seven
Brandon stared down at his mate. When he’d returned to the party to find her missing he’d panicked. His first thought
had been someone had taken her. He wasn’t well liked amongst his kind. They could easily destroy him by taking his mate.
Daisy appeared by his side as if he’d thought her up.
“Elle went home. She looked tired. You’ve got a lot of work cut out with her,” Daisy said.
Daisy lingered as he watched Layla disappear into her own home. The humans were leaving the pack for the rest of the
night. A couple of the women who liked to sleep with wolves lingered whereas many had disappeared. This was where the
party got a little frisky. For many months he’d taken Lori during the full moon. His beast was in full force. Sex, blood, and food
were the only sustenance that could calm him.
“What else, Daisy?” he asked, wanting to be with his mate.
“You need to keep Elle protected. The pack may have bowed down to your orders today, but I doubt that will last long
as they test her.”
“No one will test her.”
“It’s the pack’s way, Brandon. She’s going to have a struggle over the next few weeks. Prepare her, or face the
consequences,” Daisy said, moving away.
Shaking his head in annoyance, Brandon made his way toward Elle’s house.
He walked into the house and to the kitchen. Raymond was muttering to his wife as she cried. Tears poured out of her
eyes as he quietened her down. Brandon frowned, staring at the scene before him.
Vivian closed her eyes. Raymond picked her up.
“Will you wait for me?” Raymond asked.
Brandon nodded. He closed his eyes and scented Elle in the house. Tonight and for the rest of their lives he’d be
joining her.
Raymond came down several minutes later.
“What’s going on?” Brandon asked, wanting to get to his mate.
“When I came in Vivian was scratching her neck and staring at her reflection as if she saw something else.”
He frowned, and then Brandon remembered he needed to talk with Darcy.
“I can’t help you until I talk with Darcy,” he said.
“I think the spell the witches and warlocks put on them is wearing off.” Raymond rubbed the back of his neck.
“Don’t worry. I’ll fix everything.”
Raymond nodded. “You want to go to my daughter, don’t you?”
“She’s my mate, Raymond. You can’t keep her from me.”
The other man let out a breath. “She’s been through so much. I don’t want her hurt by anyone or anything.”
Brandon growled. “I’d never hurt her. Elle’s happiness is the only thing I care about.”
Nodding, Raymond moved out of the way. “I love my family, Brandon. I’ll do everything to keep them safe.”
“Well, they’re my family as well.”
He made his way up the stairs to the bedroom at the back of the house. Opening the door, he saw her curled up in a ball
underneath the sheets. He closed the door then removed his shirt and jeans. He kept his boxer briefs on for her comfort rather
than his own. Brandon preferred to sleep nude than with clothing on.
Before going to bed, Brandon took the time to investigate her bedroom. The cream walls gave nothing away about his
woman. The small vanity desk held a few bottles of creams and perfume but no makeup. He already knew she didn’t wear the
stuff. Going to her wardrobe, he searched through her clothes. She always dressed modestly without too much skin on display.
When he was satisfied he moved to the bed. Climbing under the sheets he wrapped his arms around Elle. She muttered
something in her sleep before settling down against him. Stroking her hair, Brandon stared up at the ceiling.
Why had the fates given him a human mate? He didn’t understand why he’d been given something so fragile. Holding
her close, he counted his blessings at the fact he’d finally found her.
The noises outside penetrated his mind. He heard his pack enjoying the afterglow of a good run.
In a few weeks the other species would descend sending his quiet town into disarray. His pack and the humans were
always anxious during those visits. The vampires unnerved the locals while the bears scared the people with how large they
were. The witches and warlocks were always bickering over some battle they lost. Rubbing his eyes, Brandon tried to push the
stress from his mind.
He listened to Raymond as he moved to Elle’s door. The scent of garlic came under the door. Her father had placed a
bulb of garlic outside the door. What was going on with this family?
Brandon hated garlic. He hated the stuff in his food and the scent. Pulling away from Elle, he walked to the door,
picked up the bulb and went down the stairs. He placed the garlic on the kitchen counter and covered the offending bulb with a
cloth. Hunting through the cupboards he found a tin of scented spray. He sprayed the lavender scent all over the kitchen.
When he was satisfied with the lack of garlic scent, Brandon walked into Raymond’s study. He wasn’t used to sleeping
straight away after a run. The study was filled with books of old volumes on paranormal and cult creatures.
Open on the desk was a volume dedicated to vampires with regards to the last decade. Brandon had never seen such an
extensive collection of books on paranormal creatures. Everything he knew was what his father taught him. He’d met most of
the species of the Otherworld. The species he hadn’t met he’d been told he never wanted to know.
Sitting down in Raymond’s chair, Brandon pulled the book into his lap. There were several pictures of vampires with
sharp fangs. Blood-suckers. Holy water. Garlic. Mind control. So many words connected with vampires.
He really needed to find out everything Raymond knew about the vampires. All the sectors of the paranormal
community kept information about their kind hidden from each other in order to protect themselves. Vampires were far older
than many sectors and could manipulate everyone. Brandon wondered if Raymond knew more than the books told. Placing the
book back on the desk he saw the book on the wolves underneath it. Curiosity got the better of him. Pulling the book out of the
pile, he opened to the first page.
A loud scream rent the air. A chill settled over him.
Her mother had been acting strangely for the past couple of days. Elle watched as her mother looked out of window
touching her neck. She’d never noticed the marks on her neck before. Two dark points were highlighted against her neck.
“Mom, are you okay?” Elle asked.
“I’m fine, dear. What’s it like being sixteen?”
“Fine. Mom, what’s going on?” She watched as her mom moved toward the back door.
“Nothing. I’ve got a little gift for you.”
Her hand went to the door knob. Elle watched the door open slowly. She knew if her mother opened that door
something bad was going to happen.
“Mom, what’s going on? Please, shut the door.”
It was night, and her father had told them both to stay in at night. The city wasn’t safe no matter the time of day.
“Nothing is going to hurt us. You’ll see.”
“Mom, no,” Elle said.
The door opened, and she screamed.
The dream broke apart.
“Wake up, Elle.” Brandon stood over her.
Pulling away from him, Elle scrambled to her feet. Her parents were stood looking at her.
“What’s going on?” Elle asked.
“You screamed. You must have had a nightmare,” Brandon said.
“I’ve never had a nightmare.” She frowned as the dream seemed to vanish from her mind as if it wasn’t there. “I can’t
remember,” she said.
His arms surrounded her. “Don’t worry about it.”
After her parents checked to make sure she was fine, Elle moved out of Brandon’s arms. “I’m just going to the
bathroom,” she said. She moved to the door then turned back to him. “How come you’re here?”
“You’re here, Elle. I’m not leaving you.”
“I’ve never had a man in my bed before.”
“I know.”
“How do you know?” she asked.
“It’s too late tonight. Go to the bathroom. I’ll be waiting for you.”
Nodding, she moved to the bathroom. Splashing water onto her face she stared at her reflection. What the hell was her
dream about?
Staring at her reflection she checked her neck. Two droplets of blood appeared in the mirror. Rubbing her neck, Elle
looked at her fingers, but there was nothing there. Staring in the mirror she saw her neck was bare of any blood.
“I’m losing my mind.”
She wiped her face on the towel then made her way down to her bedroom. Brandon lay on the bed with his hands
underneath his head.
“You shouldn’t be here,” she said, throwing the covers over and climbing inside.
“If I wasn’t here I wouldn’t be able to chase the dreams away.”
Elle tucked the blanket under her chin.
“I’m not going to attack you and have my wicked way with you,” Brandon said.
“Very funny. I’ve heard about your appetites.”
He tugged the blanket from her strong grip.
“My appetites or that of the wolves?” he asked.
“Does it matter which one? You’d deny either one.”
“I like to fuck, Elle. I’m not a young man. I’ve had my fair share of pussy.”
“You’re a disgusting pig,” she said, turning away from him.
Brandon chuckled. “This is who I am, baby.”
“Then I don’t want to get to know you.”
He stroked her arm. She tensed, but he did it again and then again. She couldn’t give in to his touch when it ignited a
fire within her. No man affected her in the way Brandon did. Closing her eyes she took several deep breaths. His hand moved
around her waist. She turned on him.
“Don’t touch me,” she said.
“I’m not touching your tits or cunt, Elle. I’m holding you in my arms. Don’t you feel different with me close?” he asked.
Thinking about his words, she did feel calmer. The fear brought on by her dream was no longer at the centre of her
“Admit it. You feel different.”
“Yes, what is that?”
“We’re mated, Elle. You’ll feel protected by me and safe. No matter how much you hate me or want to push me away,
you won’t be able to.”
Licking her lips she took the chance to glance in his eyes. “Does this work both ways?” she asked, dropping her gaze
after several seconds.
What was it about his eyes that stopped her from looking at them?
“Yes, it works both ways.”
She stroked the arm that rested against her stomach. Curiosity getting the better of her, she started to ask him questions.
“When you change, what is it like?” she asked. She’d never seen a wolf transition.
“The first change is painful. We’re born wolves, and the change is in our blood, but we’re not used to changing. Bones
need to be broken and fixed back together. Our skin splits and turns to fine hairs.”
She winced at the brutal picture he displayed. “How do you survive it? Is there blood everywhere?”
He chuckled. “We survive it because it’s in our nature to be wolves. We’re supposed to turn. No blood is spilt, and
after the first couple of changes we get used to it. My wolf is part of me. The more we accept the beast inside us, the easier the
change will be.”
“Does it hurt you?” she asked.
“No. I accept my beast. He’s part of me, and I’d never fight the release that letting him loose gives me.”
“Do you ever wish you didn’t turn?” His arms were huge where they rested on her stomach.
“No. This is what I’ve been born to do. I love changing and love running out in the wild.”
“What colour is your wolf?” she asked.
She thought about the wolf she’d seen outside her bedroom window earlier. “Was that you earlier?” she asked.
“Yes. That’s enough questions for one day.” He kissed her temple. “Get some sleep.”
“Will you be here to chase the nightmares away?” she asked.
“You can count on it.”
Elle closed her eyes. It was the best night’s sleep she’d ever had.
Chapter Eight
Brandon stared at the river several days later. He’d spent every night sleeping next to his mate but not doing anything
other than holding her in his arms. Darcy, Drake, and Lewis were preparing for the other creatures to come to Grace Hill.
Along with the planned visit, humans had wandered into their town. They were currently staying inside the only hotel available
for them. He didn’t like them being in his town or near his mate. One of them from the group was paying a lot of interest in
Elle. She didn’t encourage him, but she didn’t shoot the other man down either.
With the other sectors arriving every chance he’d tried to talk with Darcy ended up being interrupted. The meeting took
precedence over his human mate, and even as he thought the words they irritated him. Elle was human, but she was his mate.
Lori was on his case, and he’d given her far too many warnings.
You’re being light on her because she was a regular fuck until your mate came along.
What mate? She was human.
“Why are you here alone, Brandon?” Darcy asked, moving out of the clearing. “It’s not safe for you to be alone right
“Why isn’t it safe? I’m the alpha.”
“And more of a reason to pick you off, leaving the Northern Forest pack open for someone else to take over. You’re
only as strong as your last enemy,” Darcy said, standing next to him.
“You’re always so serious.” Brandon sat down on the edge of the river and paddled his feet into the water.
“I need to be.” Darcy sat down next to him. “You want to talk to me?”
“Yes, I want to know everything about Elle and her family. You were the one to handle her petition.”
Darcy cursed. “Raymond Smith came to me stinking of vampire blood. I don’t know how he found me, but on one of my
trips to the city he did. He approached me about this community. He’s a good collector of books and information.”
“I know this. Why was he covered in vamp blood?” Brandon asked.
“His wife was seduced by a vampire. Raymond didn’t know what his wife had that was important to the vampire. By
the time I got to her she was almost dead. I gave her my blood to help heal her, and I called on Crazy Lizzy to deal with the
spell that wiped their memory.”
Crazy Lizzy was one of the oldest witches. She’d been tortured by warlocks when she was young, which had sent her a
little bit loopy. Brandon liked her. She ranted a bit about nothing, but she was strong.
“What happened to Elle?” he asked.
“None of us know. She was bitten but not enough to kill. Raymond killed the vamp before anything else happened.
When I spoke to him about it, the vamp was chanting something to her. She was staring into her eyes. Nothing else came from
“They’re here under our protection?” Brandon asked.
“Raymond killed the vamp, but he had symbols along his arms similar to ours.” Darcy pointed at his back then arms.
All the men possessed the Northern Forest pack symbols. “He believes they were part of a tribe or something.”
“That’s why he has all those books?”
“Yes. I’ve spoken to him recently, and he can’t find anything of any value. This meeting has him riled.”
“I think this meeting has the whole pack riled,” Brandon said, loosening his shoulders.
“You know your scent will disappear if you don’t claim her soon,” Darcy said after several seconds passed.
“I know.”
They stood and left the forest. Brandon made his way toward the diner. The summer heat was bearing down on the
town. He followed the scent of his mate through to the diner, Darcy’s words ringing in his head. For as much as he wanted to
take her to his home and claim her, he couldn’t bring himself to do it with the Otherworld species coming. There was so much
on his plate right that now adding a human mate to the mix wasn’t in his list.
He walked into the diner and saw the human males sitting in the corner both. Layla was serving Lewis and Drake. Elle
was in the corner with the human males. She was writing down their orders. Elle didn’t turn to him or acknowledge his
presence in any way. His whole world was focused on her, and yet he got nothing for his trouble. Pulling out the chair so the
legs scraped along the floor, gaining her attention and that of everyone else in the diner, Brandon sat down.
With his excellent hearing he listened on the conversation one of the boys was having. He refused to call the humans
“Wow, he’s a little childish,” one of the guys said.
“Is that all?” Elle asked.
Brandon watched as she pointed down at the list of meals she’d written down.
“It sure is, baby.”
She nodded, walking away. He saw the one who’d been talking to her check out her ass.
“Dude, what are you doing?” one of his friends asked.
“If we’re here for a while I want to get laid.”
“We’re not staying here.” Another growled.
The guy’s friends clearly knew they weren’t wanted here. It was a shame Asshole didn’t get the same kind of vibe as
his friends.
“She’s a little big, but I’d fuck her.”
That was enough. Brandon snatched her arm pulling her against him as she made to move past. She squealed. Her gaze
went to his before turning away instantly. He was really starting to get pissed off with her lack of attention. Brandon wanted
her eyes on him at all times.
“I’m working, Brandon,” she said.
“You’re not working that table. Get someone else to do it.”
“This is my job. I’m working the table.” She pulled away from him. Her hands smoothed down her skirt as she walked
on by.
“She’s a feisty one,” Lewis said.
“If those boys keep trying to touch her or talk filth about her, they’re fucking dead.”
Elle slammed the order down on the counter next to Daisy. The older woman stood flipping burgers. “I smell attitude,”
Daisy said.
“Brandon is acting all possessive,” Elle said. Layla smiled at her before taking the order she was carrying back
“Sweetheart, the alpha is not acting. He is possessive. All the wolves are possessive. It’s in our blood. You’re just
going to have to deal with it.” Daisy grabbed the order, glanced through it, then started assembling the burgers
“I don’t think I can handle his possessive streak. I’m human. I’m not coded to accept the kind of attitude he’s giving me.
It’s not who I am.”
“Sounds to me like you’re doing a lot of moaning, Elle. Men don’t like women who moan.”
“What exactly do men like?”
Elle jumped up on the counter. She needed to rest her feet. Daisy gave her a pointed look. Climbing off the counter, Elle
fixed the drinks ready to go with the order.
“Do you mean human men or wolf men?” Daisy asked.
Elle paused, thinking about the question. “Wolf men,” she said, whispering.
The older woman smirked. “You can’t fool me. You’re the Alpha’s woman.”
“I’m not his anything. I don’t even know him.”
“So?” Daisy had her arms folded under her impressive chest.
“I’ve never been with a man. I don’t know what a human man wants, let alone what a wolf man wants.”
“Elle, stop over-thinking everything. Brandon is a good man. He’s not a wolf all the time. I’m sure he’ll be happy to be
trained as your little puppy dog.”
Elle laughed at the image of Brandon being a puppy. There was no way that big hunk of man could ever be compared to
a puppy.
“Besides, everything is a little different for mates,” Daisy said, going back to work.
“What’s different?” Elle picked up her chocolate milkshake and took a sip.
“Well, for one, your mind is not your own. When you mate completely and accept each other, a connection opens up. I
know where my mate is at all times, and he knows where I am. We can even communicate through our thoughts.”
“That sounds creepy,” Elle said. She couldn’t hear Brandon. Their connection mustn’t be there.
“We’re compelled by one another. There is no other man or woman for either of us. When we mate, we mate for life.
It’s our tradition. Vamps, on the other hand, are notorious hound dogs.”
Elle burst out laughing. The other woman was done explaining the mating rules for one day. “Thank you for giving me
the heads-up.”
She grabbed the tray with all the food on it. The table waited patiently in the corner for her. Brandon’s gaze was on her
as she walked past.
The men at the table didn’t help her as she handed out each of their orders. Remembering who ordered what was the
challenge. Once she handed out the last can of soda Elle stood up.
“Congrats, miss, you remembered who ordered what. There’ll be a good ol’ big tip waiting for you,” the guy said.
Great, I don’t want your money. You give me the creeps.
“Will there be anything else?” she asked.
“Not at the moment.”
She left them alone to serve other customers. When members of the pack entered they took the time to assess the human
Layla looked harassed as she tried to keep up with the pack orders. “They’ve got an appetite today,” she said, when it
quietened down for a moment.
“It’s the night after the full moon. They’ve always got an appetite.” Elle made sure to keep her words quiet so the
visitors didn’t hear anything. Grace Hill had one rule, and that rule was sacred. No one outside of Grace Hill would ever know
about the pack. Brandon made sure to enforce the rule whenever visitors came through.
Matthew and his mate walked into the diner. “I’ll take this,” Elle said, moving toward them.
She watched as they seated how Matthew kept touching his woman. From what she saw, he didn’t like to be away from
her for any length of time. She found his attentiveness sweet.
He stroked his mate’s face before turning to her. “Hiya, Elle, congratulations on your mating,” he said.
Elle pressed the pen to her lips and then pointed the tip in the direction of the humans.
“They’re still here?” he asked.
“They’re making their presence known. Thank you for your words. They really mean a lot.”
“We’re not all monsters in the pack.” He snuggled against his woman. “Being with your fated mate is the best thing
Yearning hit her in the stomach. She wanted the kind of love on display. Putting a hand to her stomach she excused
herself from the table.
Elle walked out of the diner and walked around to the back and as far away from the workplace as possible. She leaned
against the nearest tree taking in huge gulps of air.
I can’t do this.
There is no way that I’m his mate.
He doesn’t look at me like that.
Staring up at the sky, she took in deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves.
“What are you doing out here?” Brandon asked.
She spun around to face the man responsible for her current turmoil.
“What do you want?”
“It’s not safe for you to be out here alone,” he said, moving closer.
“What? Why? I’ve lived her since I was sixteen. Why is it suddenly not safe? Grace Hill is the safest place to be.”
“I’m pleased you think so.”
His smile made her angry.
“Grace Hill is surrounded by werewolves. How can this place not be the safest place in the world?” she asked.
Brandon’s smile fell. “I don’t like you serving those men.”
“Get used to it. It’s my job.”
She pushed past him only to have her arm caught in his. Brandon’s naked fingers touched her flesh sparking a flame
inside her. Staring at his covered chest she wondered if there was ever going to be a time when she didn’t feel vulnerable
around him.
Chapter Nine
Brandon understood why she needed to get away after watching Matthew with his mate. The chemistry sizzling between
the couple was hard to witness, especially as their relationship wasn’t getting any better. He didn’t feel closer to her. In fact,
he felt farther away from her than ever before.
She glanced down at where he held her arm. “Please, let go of my arm.”
“We’ll have what Matthew has,” he said.
He needed to see the sadness on her face replaced with happiness. Brandon was compelled to make her happy.
Why, fates, why?
Ignoring his own turmoil, he cupped her cheek, stroking her soft tender flesh.
“We know nothing about each other.”
Cupping her face between both of his palms, Brandon stared down into her face. Her gaze still refused to meet his.
Touching her bottom lip he was struck by the fact he’d not even kissed her.
“You know, I’ve not even kissed you yet,” he said, voicing his thoughts.
“No, you’ve bitten me, slept in my bed, but you haven’t kissed me yet.” Her gaze went to his lips.
Licking his lips, Brandon wanted to taste her. He needed to know if she tasted as sweet as she smelled.
“So beautiful,” he said.
Her lips lifted up. Brandon was less than an inch away from her face. Those lips would be his.
“Elle, you’re wanted inside,” Layla said, interrupting the moment. She pulled away from him. He looked over his
shoulder to see her friend’s backside retreating. Elle rubbed her arms putting enough distance between them.
“I better go in,” she said.
“Tonight,” he said as she passed by him.
She turned and frowned. “Tonight?”
“Yes, tonight I’ll be collecting you from your parents’ house. You’ll be spending the night with me. I’ve already
organised it with your father.”
“Why tonight?” she asked. Her arms were folded underneath her breasts as she assessed him.
“Over the next couple of weeks there will be visitors. The kind I don’t want you around. I’ll be spending as much time
with you as possible leading up to their visit. When they’re here, I won’t be near you. You’ll be free of me.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
“No argument?”
“Nothing is going to happen. I’ve got no reason to argue, and my folks deserve the house to themselves. It’s a win-win
for me.”
Elle turned away from him. He followed her inside the diner to see it full with the locals. The only strangers were the
men still seated in the back. He saw that the man lusting after his woman spotted her. The human’s gaze followed her wherever
she moved.
“You’re growling,” Drake said. A napkin was pressed into his hand. “Maybe you should go and wipe up the human’s
Brandon threw the napkin back at him but kept an eye on Elle at all times. “Don’t make a scene, Alpha. The humans are
eating, and soon they’ll be out of Grace Hill and out of our lives forever,” Darcy said, trying to reason with him.
Elle bent over to fill someone’s coffee. The human was getting out of hand. Brandon didn’t know how the humans
interacted with other humans, but he was fucking pissed off with the guy’s disrespectful attitude.
Drake and Lewis stopped him from leaving the table.
“What can I get you?” Elle asked, choosing that moment to serve them.
He grabbed her wrist, inhaling her scent. The desire to take her out of the diner and have his way with her was strong.
Brandon wanted nothing more than to fuck her all day and all night long. He’d fuck her cunt, ass, and mouth and then climax
over her body, filling every part of her body with his scent.
She won’t handle it.
Step back.
Again, he was wondering why the fates had been cruel to him.
“The coffee is fine,” he said, releasing her hand. His men dismissed her.
“When are you going to mate her?” Lewis asked. “The scent of you is lessening on her. If you’re not careful someone
will take her. She’s powerful leverage for being your mated woman.”
An alpha’s mated woman was considered gold in the paranormal community. The best way to blackmail a wolf was to
do it through his mate.
“She’s human,” Brandon said, staring at her ass. He wanted to see her naked. There was so much he wanted to do with
the young woman. He’d teach her the fine art of making love and then the power of a rough fuck. Together they’d learn
everything about each other. He couldn’t wait to get started in her teaching.
What about the visit? The meeting with other species, what will you do then?
Shutting off his desires, Brandon watched as she handed the human men she’d served the check.
“What is there to do around here?” the guy asked.
“Nothing of interest.”
Brandon listened to their conversation. He was pleased Elle didn’t try to encourage the guy to stay.
The guy reached out to touch her. Gripping the edge of the table, Brandon did everything he could to stay in control.
“Hey, don’t be like that,” the guy said.
Elle pulled her hand out of the guy’s grip.
“I’m not being like anything. You need to leave. There is nothing important for you here.”
The guy looked at her for several moments. He shrugged and signed the check.
“Whatever, I was just being nice.”
Elle took the guy’s payment. She turned away from the table and was about to leave.
The sound echoed throughout the diner. Brandon tensed. The guy had just hit his woman’s ass. Elle’s cheeks were
aflame as she looked at him. While he’d been out talking with Elle, most of the diner had vacated. The customers who were left
looked toward him shocked by what just happened.
Rage consumed him.
“Oh shit, that guy deserves whatever is about to happen to him,” Darcy said.
Elle couldn’t believe one of the customers had slapped her ass. The jerk she’d been serving had been annoying her for
most of the day. She’d turned him down flat, and now he was slapping her ass as if he had a right to touch her.
She whirled toward him, ready to kick his ass when a giant roar echoed throughout the diner. The pack froze, and
goose-bumps erupted along her arms; and they weren’t the nice kind. Turning around she saw Brandon stalking toward him.
His arms looked thicker than she remembered. What had happened to him?
Brandon stroked her cheek. The throb of the slap died away the instant he touched her. She didn’t understand him.
Chancing a look in his eyes she saw they looked darker than usual. Glancing away, Brandon growled. No, not Brandon. He
wasn’t in there. This was the alpha.
Lewis and Darcy ran to her side. Drake walked slowly behind the rest.
“Take her back to my place. This ends now,” Brandon said.
“What?” she asked, confused. “What ends now? I don’t understand. Brandon, leave it, they’re not worth it.” She tried to
pull him to her. Brandon gave her to Lewis and Darcy.
“Take her.”
They held her arms and escorted her out of the diner. Lewis grabbed Layla on the way out. The only people inside the
diner were the pack and the human who’d pissed the alpha off.
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” she said.
Layla shook, but they all kept moving toward Brandon’s house. None of the men spoke.
“I’m going to see Layla back home,” Lewis said when Brandon’s house was in view.
“Okay, I’ll take care of our queen.” Darcy tightened his hold on her arm.
She gasped staring down at where he held her.
“I’ll call you,” Layla said, embracing her.
Watching her friend walk away with Lewis hurt her more than she could understand. Brandon had sent her out of the
diner. She didn’t even want to think about what was happening there.
“That’s enough,” Darcy said. He opened the door letting them both into Brandon’s home. They walked up the stairs to
the room she’d woken up in after Brandon bit her. Darcy let her go but remained by the door and her only chance of escape.
“What’s enough?” she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I let you watch your friend walk away. I promise you she’s in good hands with Lewis. He won’t do anything to hurt
“He’ll try to sleep with her,” Elle said.
“So, she’ll be brought to many orgasms. Lewis has never had any complaints. I’ve heard women say he’s got the tongue
of a god.”
She glared at him folding her arms over her chest. “Are you guys always like this?”
“Like what?”
“Blunt and disgusting.”
Darcy laughed. “We’re honest about ourselves. If that makes us blunt and disgusting then you’d better get used to it,
Elle. You’re our queen, and that means you’ve got to deal with all of us.”
She stared down at her hands. “I’ve never seen him react like that before,” she said.
“His beast was taking over. Brandon is the most controlled out of all of us. However, the guy touched what was his,
and no one accepts that,” Darcy said. She watched as he grabbed a seat by the door. He sat down staring at her.
“The wolf is always there?” she asked.
“Look at my eyes.”
His eyes turned from piercing blue eyes to bright amber. She jumped back on the bed hugging her knees against her
“To answer your question, the wolf is inside us all the time. There is no getting away from it. The best we can do is try
to control it.”
“Have any of you ever lost control?” she asked, thinking about Brandon.
“Regardless of what you think, Elle, Brandon was still in control even though he wanted to rip the bastard apart.”
She shook remembering the roar coming from his lips. The instant she felt the hand on her ass she’d known trouble
would come. Brandon was not the type of man to let something like that slide.
“W-what do you think he’s doing?” she asked.
“You don’t want to know.”
Tears filled her eyes, but she didn’t ask any more questions about what Brandon was doing.
“You’ve surprised me,” Darcy said.
“I expected you to talk my ear off.”
“Why?” she asked, staring at him over her knee.
“Because I’m a wolf, and I work with your mate. I’m like a walking, talking encyclopaedia on my kind, and yet you’re
not asking any of the right questions.”
“Why ask when you’d not answer?”
Darcy shook his head. “I wasn’t answering that question, Elle. It doesn’t mean I’m out of answers for other questions.”
She nodded thinking what to ask him.
“Why do you guys only run on the full moon?” she asked.
“It’s tradition. Brandon’s father started it before he died, and he continued it on. We can change at any time of the
month. The moon brings the wolf out, and we embrace it. The energy from the moon is intoxicating. Some men have refused to
turn back to human.”
“They’ve stayed wolf?”
“Yes. Personally I love my cock too much to stay as a wolf. There is so much I love about being human. Talking with
you and watching you blush being on the list.”
She rubbed her cheeks, smiling at his teasing.
“See, I take everything seriously, Elle. You’re the queen. You shouldn’t worry. Brandon and I will worry for you.”
“You shouldn’t have to worry at all.”
Darcy shrugged. “I’m a natural worrier. It’s in my blood.”
“Do you drink blood?” she asked.
“No, we eat meat raw if we catch it in wolf form. Even though we’re in control during the change, the beast is still
there, needing to be feed.”
Elle was about to ask him something else when the sound of the door opening and closing echoed throughout the house.
Brandon was back.
Chapter Ten
The sound of the human male screaming did little to appease Brandon’s mind. He’d seen the shock on her face. The
bastard touched his woman, and he wasn’t letting him leave Grace Hill. The human should have left without trying to get his
woman in the sack.
Darcy was sitting with her up in his room.
“She’s up here, Boss,” Darcy said.
His wolf was still in control. Brandon needed to shake the beast off him before he went anywhere near his woman.
He’d easily lose control if she started defending the man.
You need to go to her. Mark her with your scent.
With his hand on the banister, Brandon walked up the stairs. The strawberry and vanilla scent grew stronger. Darcy
opened the door. His eyes widened as he looked down at his shirt. Brandon glanced down to see the blood on his shirt. Pulling
the offending article off his body, he handed Darcy the shirt.
“Burn it, and burn their shit,” he said.
Darcy left without another word. Brandon entered his room and closed the door. Elle stared up the length of his body.
“I thought you wore a shirt,” she said.
“It got dirty.”
He folded his arms assessing her. She stared up the length of his body and down. Her gaze never once went to his eyes.
Don’t hurt her.
“I never encouraged anything,” she said.
“I know. He and his friends won’t be harassing you anymore.”
“You killed them?”
They’d given him no choice. The fucking bastard tried to take him on, and then he’d grabbed one of the women in the
diner to guard him. She was a pregnant wolf in the last trimester. Not only had the human bastard hit his woman but he’d tried
to use one of his kind as a shield. The bastard and his friends had to go.
He sat on the edge of the bed.
“I’m not going to talk about this with you,” he said.
“What? You just killed a human male and his friends. There were four of them, Brandon. You can’t sweep that under
the carpet. People care about each other. Their families will come looking for them. What are you going to do when they come
here?” she asked.
She didn’t understand.
“It has been handled, Elle. You don’t have to worry about the authorities or anything else. They’re not coming back.”
Her mouth was open as she stared back at him. He stood up and turned to her.
“No, I can’t accept that.” Tears shone in her eyes. “You killed a human person, Brandon. All he did was slap my ass.”
Pulling her from the bed Brandon held her close. “Not only did he think he could lay his hand on you, but he used
another pregnant mate as a shield. This is my world, baby. I don’t let any bastard touch you.”
“You’re touching me, and you gave me to Lewis and to Darcy.”
“They’re my men, and they know not to touch you. The only man who’ll be touching you now and in the future is me.”
She glared at him, still not meeting his eyes. He couldn’t handle her not looking at him. Anything else but not giving him
her eyes, insulted him.
“Glare at me all you want. Your ass, tits, cunt, and mind are fucking mine.”
“You’re a pig.”
“Sticks and stones, baby.” He turned her around and forced her to bend forward. She yelped as he pulled the bottom of
her uniform up to her waist. He saw the virginal cotton panties she wore and thrust them down to her thighs. His cock thickened
at the sight before him. Her cunt was creaming. The scent of her pussy filled the air. Licking his lips, Brandon ran a hand over
her ass, loving the feel of her soft skin against his palm. There was so much more he wanted to do to her. Touching her ass was
so innocent in comparison to what he actually wished to give her. She wasn’t ready for his cock, and he wasn’t ready for her
With the other species arriving he needed to have his mind focussed on the game and not on his woman.
She moaned as he ran his hand over her ass cheek.
“Where did he hit?” Brandon asked.
“The other cheek,” she said. He stroked her ass, moving his fingers across to her other. “No, I meant the other.”
Smiling, Brandon caressed both ass cheeks. “There is no mark on this beautiful ass, but I know what you need, baby.”
Without waiting for an answer, he cupped her pussy in his palms. She cried out but ground her pelvis against his hand.
His poor mate was desperate for release. Slipping his middle finger between her silken folds, Brandon felt her wetness. The
vanilla scent grew stronger making his mouth water for a taste of her.
“What are you doing to me?” she asked.
“I’m giving you pleasure. Open for me, Elle. I’ll make you feel good.”
She nodded her head, opening her thighs. He added a second finger between her folds, massaging her clit. She cried
out, then moaned. Her hips shook against his touch.
“Give it to me, baby. Give me those screams.”
“It feels so good.”
Flipping her onto her back, Brandon tore the dress from her body. Her eyes were glazed as she stared back at him. He
held her gaze for as long as she let him. Within seconds she stared at his chest then down. His cock was hard pressing against
his jeans.
“Show me,” she said.
Their connection was growing. He was feeling her mind opening up to him. The woman beneath him was nervous but
turned on. If she let him, all the walls between them would break down and he’d never have to worry about her safety again.
Elle didn’t know what to do. One moment she was angry at him, annoyed with him for hurting someone because of her,
and in the next she wanted him naked. His chest grabbed her attention. The tattoos along his back and up his arms stood out in
and appeared to be alive.
She wanted to see his cock. The thick shaft pressed against his jeans tempted her to let loose. His fingers felt so good
on her body.
Closing her eyes, she tried to fight the pull of him, but he wasn’t having any of it.
“No, you look at me,” he said. “You don’t have to look at my eyes, but you have to look at me.”
He opened the top button of his jeans. His cock became visible as he peeled away the layers of clothing. She gasped as
the thick mushroomed head stood out in front of him. Brandon was long, thick, and totally erect. This was the first cock, apart
from in books, she’d seen.
His jeans disappeared as he joined her on the bed. Staring down her body she was aware how not perfect she was.
Brandon looked like he’d stepped out of a woman’s wet dream. What did he really think of her?
She tried to cover her body with her hands. He took both her hands in one of his. “No, you’re not hiding away from
me,” he said.
He pinned her hands above her head, stopping her from moving. “I’m taking that kiss now, baby,” he said.
Nodding her head, she waited for his lips on hers.
Don’t look at him.
Why not?
I don’t know. I can’t look at him. I’m not allowed to look at him.
Before she got chance to analyse the words, Brandon’s lips were on hers. Elle lost all sense of thought when his lips
touched hers. He was a dream with his mouth.
His tongue licked her lips. She opened to him. Brandon delved in, caressing her tongue and mouth. He made love to her
mouth. Was this what he intended to do with her body? Did he want to love her pussy like he was loving her mouth?
One of his hands held both of hers captive while his other explored her body. He broke the kiss, staring into her eyes.
She fought the urge to look away and lost. He sighed but didn’t stop the magic he was creating with his touch.
“When you’re in my company I never want you to cover up. I love your body.”
His words struck her hard.
“Why?” she asked, desperate to look him in the eye.
“Because you’re all woman. You’ve got large tits.”
She winced at the word. Brandon continued on regardless of her reaction. “Your tits are large, and I love the way you
look in tight dresses with them heaving over the top. I can’t wait to have them swinging over me as I fuck you hard.”
Against her better judgement, his words turned her on. Her pussy creamed at the image he gave her. She saw herself
straddling his hips. The picture of his thick cock thrusting inside her as she pushed down on him, invaded her mind.
“You can picture us together, can’t you?”
She jerked her head unable to say the words out loud.
“That’s okay, baby. It won’t be long until I have you cussing and telling me what you want to do to me. First, I’m going
to kiss you a little longer.”
His lips were on hers as his fingers stroked her nipples. She gasped, opening her mouth. Brandon took full advantage,
plunging his tongue inside. His cock throbbed against her leg. She moaned, opening her thighs wider.
She’d been close to orgasm before he stopped. What was it about the man above her? She’d never desired another man.
Brandon’s not entirely human.
“I’m going to let your hands go. Don’t fight me,” he said.
His hold released. Her hands were free. Both his hands were on her body, sinking into her hair or moving down to
stroke her breasts.
Why aren’t you attacking him?
You don’t want this.
I do. I want him. I need him.
He’s yours.
Brandon, the alpha of the Northern Forest pack is your mate.
She tightened her fists, unsure what to do.
“I’m your mate, Elle. Touch me. I’m all yours.”
His words were whispered against her ear as he kissed her neck.
Stop fighting.
Growling in frustration she sank her fingers into his hair and held on. He gazed up her body. She’d fought one battle, but
she couldn’t handle the staring. Her gaze turned away.
“Soon,” he said. “Soon I’ll be the only person you can stand to look at.”
I want that more than you know.
Tugging on his hair, she pulled him close. His mouth was inches from her own.
“That’s it, baby. Take what you want.”
Leaning up, she pressed her lips against his. He gave up to her willingly. Brandon was a million times stronger than
she’d ever be. There was no way she’d ever overpower him. He held all the power, but he was giving her this. She took what
he gave wishing there was more coming.
“I’m all yours,” he said.
His words helped to calm her rioting nerves inside.
Fingers sank into her hair, pulling on the strands. Brandon pulled her into his lap. They were both naked on the bed.
How did that happen?
She wrapped her legs around his waist.
“Nothing is going to happen that you don’t want it to,” Brandon said. “You’re safe with me.”
Elle didn’t know why, but she trusted his word. He tugged on her hair, pulling her head back. Her neck was exposed,
and he went in. She felt his lips sucking on the flesh of her neck.
She fidgeted on his lap trying to get some contact to her pussy. Why was he making her wait? Elle was more than ready
for the taking.
Are you really?
Chapter Eleven
Elle’s wet naked pussy was rubbing against his cock. It took every ounce of will-power not to push her to her back and
fuck her hard.
Be a good boy, Brandon.
He really didn’t want to be good. Being bad would be so much more fun than being good.
Tugging on her hair he exposed the delicate flesh of her neck. Her scent surrounded him.
I want him.
Brandon paused as her voice entered his head. Pulling back he stared into her face. She held her gaze from him. He
wasn’t in the mood to argue. The only plans he had for the rest of the night was to wipe the sounds of the human’s screams from
his mind. The human hadn’t given him a choice. Once the human pushed his beast was released, and then his choices were
taken from him. Their secret was imperative. Every species from vampire to witch agreed to hold their secret. The humans
who knew about them were kept in places like Grace Hill or were loved ones. If any human ever posed a threat, the rule was
they had to be taken out regardless of the consequences.
He’s done his job.
When no more sound came through his mind, Brandon went back to kissing her neck. Her pulse pounded against his lips
inviting him in. He licked the pulse feeling it pick up beats. The scent of her arousal was addictive. If he got his way he’d have
her in a constant state of arousal.
“More,” she said, moaning.
Letting go of her hair, he ran his hands over her breasts. Brandon lifted their weight in his palms. Licking the tips of her
nipples, he gave each bud his attention. He tongued the hard peaks until they were rock hard.
She whimpered, cried out, and ground herself on him more.
Her fingers pulled on the hair at the nape of his neck. When she wasn’t satisfied with that hair, she moved onto the next
He growled as her free hand went between them. She fisted his cock, pumping the length.
Brandon released her body, tightening his hold in the sheets.
“What’s the matter?” she asked.
Her touches were innocent.
Wrapping his fingers around hers and slowed down her movements. “If you’re going to do it, then do it properly.”
She stared between them. The tip of his cock leaked pre-cum. She ran a finger through the cream and rubbed the natural
lubricant along his cock.
“That’s right, do it slowly to start with.”
Her actions slowed to his pace. Elle’s gaze never moved away from his cock.
“You’re so hot,” she said. “Are you supposed to be this hot?”
“I’ve never got my cock out or asked another guy if having a hot cock is normal. I don’t see how a hot cock can enter a
conversation.” He teased her.
Tucking hair behind her ear he relished her chuckles at his joke. His cock was rock hard. His will-power wasn’t going
to last much longer with her sinful touch. He was close to losing it already.
Taking some of his pre-cum onto his finger he pressed the digit to her lips. She opened licking his cum off his finger.
His cock thickened. The sight of her licking his finger was deeply erotic.
“I’ve just done something dirty, haven’t I?” she asked.
“Don’t worry. Your dirty little secret is between you and me.”
She laughed, pumping his shaft.
When he couldn’t stand her touch any longer, Brandon pushed her to the bed. He locked her hands around the head of
the bed with the Velcro straps he kept around the posts.
“What are you doing?” she asked. Fear entered her voice.
“I’m going to make you feel good. Trust me, Elle. You’re my everything. You don’t need to be frightened. I’ll take care
of everything.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.
She relaxed at his words. He started at her heart-shaped lips and moved down her body to the tops of her breasts.
Sucking each bud into his mouth, Brandon worked his way down her body. He dipped his tongue into her belly button
making her giggle.
Her legs opened as he went between her thighs. Opening her pussy with his fingers, Brandon took the time to look at her
cunt. Her clit was swollen and peeking up at him. His mouth watered as her scent grew thicker.
Her breaths came out in small pants.
Using his fingers, he moved them up and down her pussy. She cried out. The sounds she made echoed around the room,
filling him with pride. His mate was experiencing pleasure at his hand. He’d give everything to hear nothing but her pleasured
“That’s it, baby. Give me everything. Let me hear it all. You’re mine,” he said.
She gave him everything. Her legs opened wide accepting him. When he could no longer touch or look, Brandon used
his tongue. The first touch of his tongue on her wet slit had her crying out.
Elle tried to pull away from his tongue, but Brandon held onto her. He was going to give her this.
Her taste exploded on his tongue.
No words described her taste. He was drowning in her essence. She was turned on, and he relished every drop she
gave him. Swirling his tongue around her clit, he moved down to her cunt before going back to her nub. He drew out her
Wetting his fingers, he drew the moisture back to her anus. He was going to fuck every part of her. Anyone who got
near her would scent him around her. His scent was another barrier of protection. Only an idiot would take a mated woman.
She’s mine. No one is taking her away from me. My mate. My woman. My life.
His tongue needed to come with a warning. There was no way she’d be able to survive being on the receiving end of
his desires. They’d been in the room together an hour, if that, and he’d nearly exhausted her.
Brandon wasn’t going to let her go until she came apart begging for him to leave her alone. Could she leave him alone?
Something was happening between them. She didn’t understand what was happening, and not knowing frightened her.
You trust him. How could you trust someone you don’t know?
The questions only served to confuse her. Her lack of understanding or general caring, upset her.
Don’t think. Feel what he’s doing to you.
His tongue worked its magic as he touched her clit. The moment his tongue caressed her nub she was panting to keep
sane. No coherent thought was possible as he attacked her clit.
“That’s it. Come for me, baby,” he said.
After he said those words his mouth never left her pussy. His teeth nibbled on her nub.
The tight coil of release built inside her. She was powerless to stop the orgasm consuming her. The knot tightened until
finally she screamed her release. A rush of euphoria washed over her. Elle held onto the straps of the bonds around her wrists
while Brandon held her in place with his hands and mouth.
He kept licking her even after she’d come. His constant licking sent her over the edge into another orgasm.
When her second climax finished, he eased away from her pussy. His fingers stroked her leg.
“You liked that, baby,” he said.
“I know I did.”
Brandon got to his knees on the bed. She saw his large cock pulsing against her leg. “What about you?” she asked.
“What about me?”
“I’m not stupid, Brandon. You should have your release.” She pointed at his cock.
“I’ll find my release in the shower.”
Elle shook her head. No, he couldn’t find his release there. She deserved to see him lose himself in at least one climax.
“You don’t want to share this with me?” she asked.
She was unprepared for the hurt inside her chest at his words.
You didn’t want to be mated, and now you’re upset because he won’t share his release with you.
I need to see it.
“Please don’t go to the bathroom. I want to see you come. Let me see it.”
He remained silent but released her hands from the bonds.
“You’ve seen me lose control three times now. Let me catch up,” she said.
She didn’t know why it was important to her to watch him come, but it was.
Reaching between them she stroked his shaft. In response he groaned thrusting his hips against her hand.
“Please, Brandon, let me see you come apart.”
He batted her hand away without any words spoken. She lay back as he knelt between her legs. Elle watched as his
hand surrounded his cock. He worked the length in his palm in a tunnelling action. The tip glistened in the light.
She couldn’t believe she was doing this, lying on Brandon’s bed watching him masturbate to release.
What will you do next?
No answer came to her, but excitement filled her at the possibilities. Licking her lips, she chanced a glance at his eyes.
“What are you thinking?” she asked, averting her eyes when she couldn’t stand it anymore.
“I’m thinking about your mouth wrapped around my dick.”
“Tell me,” she said.
“You’re not going to run away screaming?”
She shook her head. She was far too curious to run away screaming. Brandon gave her something in the passion he was
sharing with her. She didn’t completely understand it, but then she didn’t need to understand feelings.
“Tell me,” she said. Feeling bold she pressed a finger between her slit touching herself in the same way Brandon had.
His gaze dropped to her hand. He picked up speed, fucking his fist harder.
“I’m thinking about coming back home after a run in the forest and imagining you waiting for me. You’re naked on the
floor, and your mouth opens. You want my cock in your mouth.”
She moaned, closing her eyes and listening to his words.
“You take me in your mouth wetting me with your saliva, coating me. After you’ve worked my shaft, getting me all wet,
you take me to the back of your throat.”
He talked about her sucking his cock until she swallowed his release. As Brandon spoke of her swallowing his seed,
she gulped down the saliva in her mouth instinctively. He gasped, and the first wave of his seed hit her stomach.
Opening her eyes, she watched as his cum spurted onto her stomach. The thick white blobs fell on her belly. When he
finished, he went back on his knees staring at her. His body was covered in sweat. It was still daylight.
“You’re not running away screaming,” he said.
“I wanted this, Brandon.”
“I want more.”
“I know.” She couldn’t think with him this close.
He climbed off the bed. “Stay here. I’ll get a cloth.”
Brandon left her alone in the bedroom. He closed the door behind him. She couldn’t hear anything but her own
Lying back on the bed, she stared at the bare ceiling. What was happening to her? Brandon returned seconds later with
a damp cloth. He cleaned her stomach. Once he finished cleaning her, he threw the cloth on his pile of clothes before climbing
into bed beside her.
“It’s still daylight,” she said.
“I’m not a vampire, baby. I’m a wolf.” He pulled her in close. “You look tired. Everything will be waiting for us when
we wake up. You’ve had a long day, and you’ve not been sleeping well at night. It’s my responsibility to make sure you’re
She settled against him. His cock was rock hard against her ass.
“Seriously, you can go again?” she asked.
He chuckled. “Baby, wolves are designed to go for hours. That was a starter to me. Go to sleep, and I’ll hold you while
you do.”
Elle didn’t argue with him. Closing her eyes she let sleep claim her.
Chapter Twelve
Brandon left his mate sleeping as he went down to where his friends were waiting. Lewis, Darcy, and Drake were sat
around his sitting room drinking his expensive whisky. He got the whiskey imported once a month. Being a werewolf meant a
lot of strong alcohol passed through their system with no side effects. The stronger the whiskey the more it took hold and gave
him the buzz humans got. He liked the buzz the stronger stuff gave him.
“Layla’s worried about Elle. She wants to call or visit as soon as she can. I told her she was in good hands. My word
wasn’t good enough,” Lewis said.
Folding his arms over his chest, Brandon looked among all three men. “What’s with the sombre faces?” he asked.
“Crazy Lizzy turned up along with several witches from her coven,” Darcy said.
“The strongest?” Brandon asked, taking a seat.
“Yeah, they’re starting a war with the warlocks, and they don’t want them on this turf while they’re here. Crazy Lizzy is
shouting about a breed of species to ruin them all. I don’t know. She never makes any sense. I’m sure the thoughts that come to
her are from the books she reads,” Darcy said.
“Crazy Lizzy scares me, but she’s always been right about everything. Look what happened to Brandon. She foretold of
him taking over the pack and us being underneath him,” Drake said.
“Yeah, but she also foretold of a strong mate for our good leader. Last time I checked a human wasn’t all that strong. If
Lori got near Elle, she’d break the human like a twig,” Lewis said.
Brandon didn’t need the image of his mate breaking.
She’s only human. No one can protect her. They will kill her easily.
“Elle is not getting near this. She’s staying away from it,” Brandon said.
“You can’t face these people without your mate, Brandon. They know you’re mated. They’ll sense your claiming a mile
away,” Darcy said, warning him.
“It doesn’t matter. I’ll hide it.”
Silence filled the room as his men looked at him.
“You’re going to use Lori,” Drake said.
“Everyone knows she’s the strongest of our female pack. She’s been in my bed, and my scent is all over her. None of
them will be the wiser. She’ll pose as my mate in front of them. Elle is to be protected. Have you brought me any males willing
to take on the task?” he asked.
“You can’t be serious?” Darcy said, stopping him from moving the conversation along.
“Serious about what?” Brandon turned his gaze to Darcy.
“You’re going to cause shit for us doing that. Vamps, witches, warlocks, all of them are not fucking stupid. If you do
this, Brandon, it could turn badly on us. They’ll find a reason to get rid of you,” Darcy said.
“I’m not talking about this. I’m the alpha. You’ll do as you’re told.”
“Fuck that, you’re breaking the alpha code.” Drake stood. His anger lashed out at Brandon.
Brandon took the anger but fed his wolf the energy needed to assert his authority. “I’m the alpha. If any of you wish to
take my place, tell me, and the pack can be yours.” He looked at all three men in turn. The Northern Forest pack was his.
Brandon would fight to the death if he needed to.
All three men bowed their heads, backing down from the challenge.
“You’re the best alpha this pack has had. I’m not going to fuck that up by fighting you for it. I’m not the alpha, but I
don’t think bringing Lori in to replace Elle is the right decision. You’re talking about your human mate against a tough female
wolf,” Lewis said, being the voice of reason for a change.
“What are you trying to say?” Brandon asked.
“Lori could make a claim for Elle’s position. It has been known to happen. Elle would never win in a fight. Lori will
fight for the seat by your side.”
He considered Lewis’s warning. “Lori won’t do that. I know her. She’ll be happy to be by my side. That will be
“Whatever. I need a drink.” Darcy walked out of the room with Lewis following behind him.
Only he and Drake remained in the room. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Brandon,” Drake said.
“I know what I’m doing. I’d never put this pack in danger.”
Drake nodded then followed the other two men out the door. The weight of their disapproval settled in the pit of his
I’m doing the right thing. Elle wouldn’t be any match against the creatures of the Otherworld.
Brandon downed his glass of whiskey before searching for Lori. He found her on the edge of the forest.
“I wondered when the human would bore you,” Lori said. She didn’t turn around as she faced the edge of the forest.
“I’m not here for a fuck.”
“Pity. I know how much you love to fuck after the full moon. Does Elle know about your passions? Another question,
could she even handle what you need?” Lori asked, facing him.
“I’m not talking about my mate with you.”
“Yet, you’re here with me and not with her. What’s the matter, she too virginal for your tastes?”
Brandon snapped. He may have a human mate that he didn’t want, but she was his mate. No one was going to disrespect
her in his company. His hand went around Lori’s throat cutting off any laughter.
“She’s your fucking queen.”
Lori’s face fell. “I’m sorry, Alpha.”
He glared down at her until he was satisfied. Letting go of her neck, Brandon stared up at the full moon.
“The creatures of the Otherworld are arriving in a couple of days. Crazy Lizzy is already here.”
“What do you need from me?” Lori asked, rubbing her throat.
“I want you to stand at my side. You’ll pose as my mate for them but nothing else. You have no prior claim or any shit,
do you understand?” Brandon asked.
“Yes … Alpha.”
“Good.” Brandon left her at the edge of the forest. He went back to his room. Elle was fast asleep in his bed. Curling
against her, Brandon wrapped his arms around her body and let sleep claim him once again.
“Why have you brought me here?” Elle asked, folding her arms. She squealed as a frog hopped past her. They were
deep in the forest. For the past two days Brandon had done nothing but take her on expeditions or exploring the surrounding
forests of Grace Hill.
“I thought you’d like to get out of the town. Working in the diner isn’t the most thrilling job,” he said. She watched as he
ran his fingers in the river they’d found. Standing on the rocks she took the time to look around. The thick green forest
surrounded her. The rushing water filled the silence when their conversation became stilted.
“It’s still a job, and feeding the pack is a joy. You guys certainly know how to eat.”
He walked toward her. Since the night he’d brought her to orgasm with his tongue, Brandon had become quite attentive
of her. She didn’t mind his attention, but she started to think his sudden interest in her was down to something else. The whole
pack was on alert. She’d also noticed Lori’s gloating look when she passed the other woman.
What was going on to have the whole pack like this?
“My woman, the feeder,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“What’s going on?” she asked, chancing a look in his eyes. The piercing blackness scared her. She looked away. His
sigh came next. For the past couple of days they’d been like this.
“You know I’m going to have your gaze on mine soon,” he said. “I’m not fighting you because I know it has something
to do up here.” He pointed against her temple. “You’re mine, Elle. I’m not letting this go.”
“I know.” She didn’t understand why she couldn’t look at him. The fact she couldn’t look at him for any length of time
bothered her.
What kind of mate was she when she could share his bed, explore his body, but not look him in the eye?
Talking with Layla was out of the question, and she’d never ask her parents something so personal.
You’re alone in this. Always alone.
They shared a bed at night. Brandon refused to let her go back to her home. Slowly, the pack brought her stuff to his
home. They gave her weird looks as they each brought an item to her. She didn’t understand what was happening.
“You’ve successfully evaded my question, Brandon. What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” he said, cupping her cheeks. He dropped his lips against hers. She instantly flooded with warmth at his
touch. “There is nothing going on. I can smell your pussy. You want me, don’t you, baby?”
She whimpered as he claimed her lips once again. Her nipples hardened. They hadn’t done anything more than touch.
She’d explored his body with her hands, stroking his cock until he reached climax. Brandon’s body was beautiful. His tats
captivated her, as did his muscles. She loved watching him flex and move. He had a tight ass as well.
“I could fuck you here,” he said.
“Why don’t you?” she asked, then gasped. Elle covered her mouth with her hand.
Brandon chuckled. “You’re not ready. I’ll know when you’re ready.”
“How will you know when I’m ready?”
“Baby, I’m a man. They’ll be no stopping you. You’ll be like an aggressive beast, hungry for my hot body.”
She slapped his naked chest. Elle noticed over the past couple of days that most of the pack men went around without a
shirt. Most of the females wore bikini tops. She’d asked Daisy about it, and apparently their bodies ran hotter than humans. Not
only did they run hotter, but when other Otherworld creatures were close by, their temperature spiked because of the need to
change. It was like a defence mechanism in them.
“Are other people here?” she asked, breaking from the kiss. Her father was the one organising the event. She recalled
him talking about it a few months ago.
“Some are here. Not everyone,” Brandon said, letting out a sigh.
“Do you need me for this? I understand if you do. I’ll be by your side, helping you.” He pressed a palm against her
“No, I don’t need you there. This is pack stuff.”
And she wasn’t a pack member.
You’re a mate. A human mate.
What did it mean? Was she good enough to fuck but not have at his side? She didn’t understand what was going on.
She knew who’d have the answer. Glancing down at her watch she let out a sigh. “I need to get to work.”
“Okay, hop back on. I’ll have you at the diner in no time.”
Elle moved closer to him. Brandon caught her chin. “Look at me.” She glanced in his eyes then turned away. “I’m
keeping you safe. You know that, right?”
She nodded. “I’m getting that. I don’t get this mating stuff, but I get that.”
He helped her on his back, and then they were walking through the forest. Brandon walked a lot faster than she did. He
got through the thick forest without falling down.
Holding onto his body, Elle rested her head on his back. She was getting attached to him. Every second they spent
together the bond between them was growing. She even started to feel his presence. When she was working at the diner, she’d
get a tingling along her arms. Turning around she’d watch Brandon enter the diner.
Did he sense her presence?
Even as their connection was growing she still struggled to talk to him. Not being able to look him in the eye didn’t
help. She spent more time avoiding his gaze than not.
Once they got to the edge of the forest he put her down. She pushed her uniform dress down her thighs.
He escorted her around to the front entrance.
“I’ll pick you up tonight. I’ve got some plans.”
She smiled, kissed him back, then watched as he met with Lori. The other woman stood waiting for him a few buildings
Chapter Thirteen
Brandon joined Lori, and together they moved in the direction of the house in the far forest. Over the last few days
several witches and warlocks had turned up, along with two other wolf alphas and the leader of the bears next to his.
Drake, Darcy, and Lewis stood outside the house as yelling came from inside.
He was thankful the woman at his side remained quiet on the walk up.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
All three men turned to him. They glared at Lori before turning back to him.
“They’re getting pissed with being trapped in the house. We’re waiting for several more bear leaders along with vamps
to turn up. Crazy Lizzy almost burnt the place down to the ground earlier,” Drake said.
“What? Why?” Brandon headed towards the front door.
“She was setting fire to towels. The flame caught the curtain, and instead of putting it out, she watched the pretty
colours. Her words not mine,” Drake said, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Where’s Elle?” Darcy asked, glaring at Lori.
The woman at his side put a hand at his hip. His scent surrounded her. He hated touching the other woman, but the
Otherworld creatures needed to be convinced he’d mated. The news had travelled fast about his mating. He didn’t know how
but could only put it down to soothsayers or the witches with powers to see into the future.
“She’s at the diner. Do not say her name,” Brandon said.
“Don’t worry, Darcy. I’ll make them believe I’m really his.” Lori ran her hand down his shirt front. Brandon caught her
“No, don’t touch me.” He touched her, but none of his touches were intimate. Their touches were necessary in order to
protect Elle. Since he’d found her, he couldn’t bring himself to look at another woman.
“I still think this is a fucked up plan,” Lewis said, throwing his cigarette into the dirt.
“Doesn’t matter what you think. We’re going through with this.” Brandon started forward and was stopped as Crazy
Lizzy growled at him. Her eyes were glazed over.
“I didn’t ask for this. How dare you pick her? I told you I’d do everything you wanted. It should have been me.”
Her voice was loud, screeching almost. Crazy Lizzy attacked him, slashing his face. Brandon roared as she made to
attack him once again. Drake and Lewis grabbed her. The instant their hands touched her, the trance she was under stopped.
She stared down at the hands that grabbed her.
“Seriously, doggies, I can make my way into the house.” She brushed their hands aside and smiled at Brandon. “You’ve
got a nasty gash, Wolfy. You should get that sorted.” Crazy Lizzy tapped his hand then walked away.
They all stared after the witch.
Had she just attacked him, or was he imagining it?
“Okay, that woman gets weirder by the year,” Drake said.
She’d been known to have her episodes. Brandon wiped the blood from his cheek. What did she say? Was that a
“I’m going to see her.” Brandon charged in the direction she walked. The witch whistled as she moved. Didn’t she
know how dangerous her actions were?
She’s crazy.
“Cr … erm … Lizzy, what was that all about?” he asked.
The witch bent down to pick up a dandelion. She turned to him. Her green eyes stared back at him.
“What?” she asked, twirling the weed in front of her.
“You just said something back there and scratched my face,” he said, pointing at his torn cheek.
“Shoot, I really should cut my nails back. Thank you for reminding me,” she said, moving away.
“Lizzy, will you stop?”
She stopped with her hands in the air. Her mouth open as she went to take another breath.
Getting annoyed, Brandon grabbed her arms. “Stop messing with me. You sounded distraught when you spoke.”
Lizzy blinked and sighed. “I’m over two thousand years old, Brandon. I can’t remember everything I’ve said today, let
alone next century or the century just gone. We’re in the twenty-second century after all.”
He frowned. “No we’re not. We’re in the twenty-first century.”
“Really? Then I’m seriously ahead of schedule.” She froze, blinked, and looked at him. Her change of moods was a
challenge to keep up with. “What I said was a warning, Brandon. The decision you’ve made is not a good one. You’re going to
lose everything if you’re not careful. Be warned, evil lurks everywhere, and they want to tear you apart.”
Brandon took a step back. “What danger? What evil?” he asked.
“Seriously, do I have to do everything?” Lizzy threw her hands in the air and walked away.
He tried to keep up with her, but she simply vanished before his eyes. Cursing, Brandon retracted his steps. His people
were talking with several warlocks. Lori was waving a daisy through the air waiting for him.
All their gazes turned to him as he made his way out of the clearing. “Did you get done what you needed?” Lori asked.
Lizzy appeared beside the warlock. “He did. Do I know you?” she asked the warlock.
Shaking his head, Brandon made his way toward the house.
Witches sat on the sofa playing with their hair. Warlocks watched the m, grinning. The animosity between the witches
and warlocks was legendary. Witches were always female while warlocks were men.
He didn’t understand the whole story, but their battles had been going on for centuries.
The scent of the forest surrounded him as one of the bears came out of the kitchen. He was a tall man.
“I didn’t think you were going to show, Brandon. I heard from little fairies that you were mated. I figured this meet
would be cancelled,” Alaric said. Alaric was the leader of the bears who lived close to his town. They were good friends but
stayed apart in case their beasts ever threatened to tear them apart.
“This is far too important,” Brandon said.
Elle worked through her break. She dodged Layla’s questions, and even Daisy appeared to be sombre. The pack
members she served avoided her gaze, which only served to unnerve her.
Shrugging off their attitude she kept an eye on the door. She was waiting for Matthew to enter. The mated wolf always
ate at the diner. She cleaned tables, refilled salt pots and sugar bowls. Sipping her milkshake, whenever the door went she
checked to see who entered.
“Who are you waiting for?” Layla asked.
“Erm, I’m not waiting for anyone.”
Layla gave her a pointed look.
“Okay, all right, I’m waiting for Matthew. I want to ask him some questions.”
Her friend nodded. “I can see why. I bet all this mated stuff is new.”
What stuff? Nothing seems to have changed other than I get tingles when Brandon’s close by. That’s wrong. You
also get turned on whenever he’s around.
Shaking off her thoughts she stared at her friend. They’d not gotten a chance to talk since the incident with the human
“What’s going on with you lately?” she asked.
Layla shrugged. “Nothing new is happening. I’m the same person. I’ve got nothing to share.”
“What happened with Lewis?” She took a seat looking out at the diner in case a customer needed her. Daisy had left to
visit her mate. Elle sat in the kitchen area waiting for Layla to talk.
“Nothing actually happened. I don’t know. He took me home. My folks weren’t home, and he sat with me for some time.
He talked to me about the human and what Brandon needed to do. I knew he was going to kill them. I just thought it was a
mistake.” Layla tucked hair behind her ear.
Elle listened to her remembering the shock of Brandon’s outburst. He looked ready to tear the guy apart, and he had.
She shivered. Elle didn’t want to think of his hands hurting anyone, especially when they brought her so much pleasure.
“When everything settled down, I made us a drink, and he came up behind me. Lewis wrapped his arms around my
waist and ground his … erm … dick against my ass. He told me he wanted me.” Layla was bright red.
“I bet he said way more than that.”
“He did. I refused. I told him I didn’t sleep with men. I’m waiting for the right man for me. He backed off instantly.
With the way Brandon’s behaved around you, I know I’m not mated to Lewis. He’d have claimed me by now.”
Elle saw the sadness in her friend’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, sweetie.” She reached out but Layla stopped her.
“You don’t need to pity me. It’s no problem. I’m not destined to be with Lewis. It’s for the best. Your guy is here. I’m
going to serve coffee. I hope you find what you need.”
Layla rushed out of the room. Matthew was sat in his usual seat with his mate. Taking a deep breath, Elle moved out of
the kitchen. She approached his table.
“Hi,” she said.
“Elle, how are you doing?”
She put her notebook away. “I was wondering if I could talk to the pair of you,” she said.
“Sure, take a seat.”
Matthew’s mate smiled at her.
“I’m ever so sorry but I don’t know your name,” Elle said.
The woman laughed. “No problem. I’m used to being called Matthew’s mate. I’m Christine.”
She shook the woman’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Elle said.
“So, Elle, what do you need to ask?”
“I need to talk to you about this mating thing.”
He froze. “You should talk to the alpha. He’s your mate.”
“I’m not used to this, Matthew. I don’t know how to talk with him about this. He won’t tell me everything that happens
during a mating. We’re at an impasse,” she said, trying to reason with him.
“You need to tell her, Matthew. She has a right to know,” Christine said.
Elle smiled at the other woman.
Matthew let out an agitated sigh. “This is going to get me into fucking trouble.” He leaned forward. “Have you accepted
the mating?”
Elle frowned. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Mating takes two people, Elle. You either accept Brandon as your mate, or you don’t.”
“He’s convinced I’m his mate.”
“But you can still reject him. It’s not unheard of. We’re mated together for a reason, but it can happen,” Christine said.
“The mating requires you to open yourself up to the other person. Christine and I accepted each other. There was no
fight between us. We found each other, fell in love, and the rest is history.” He stroked her hair.
Elle watched the movement and yearned for something similar. Brandon touched her, but it wasn’t affectionate.
Brandon’s touch always made her think of him telling the world he owned her. She didn’t like it. There was no affection in his
“Your mind is the barrier I’m talking about. We all build walls up around ourselves to protect us. When I found
Christine, the barrier went down, and I let her in. She knows my thoughts and feelings.”
Christine smiled at him. “I know when he’s horny or hungry. The connection is between us like an electric spark no one
else can see, but it’s there, and it’s all ours.”
The woman locked her fingers with Matthew.
“When the mating happens you’ll sense each other, and we can communicate through our minds. We don’t need to talk.”
“Also, we want to fuck, a lot,” Christine said.
Elle chuckled even though she blushed. Every wolf she’d come across was crude.
“Once we mate, we mate for life, Elle. When you make your mind up you should know that. I don’t know how this
works for a human, but for us, we’re lifers.”
She gazed out of the window and saw Brandon walking toward her. “Can I talk to you some more?” she asked.
He nodded.
Leaving the booth, she grabbed her notebook and started scribbling down their order.
Chapter Fourteen
Brandon waited out in the chilly night for Elle to finish. He’d spent most of the night inside the diner eating and
watching her work. When she bent over he got so many sinful thoughts that he’d spent most of the night rock-hard. Lewis stood
waiting with him. Darcy and Drake had left several hours ago. Their disapproval filled the air around them. The pack were
slowly finding out about Lori taking Elle’s place by his side for this visit. He’d need to have a meeting to explain his decision.
The scent of disapproval came off Lewis.
“Go on, spill,” Brandon said, folding his arms.
“I’m not saying a fucking word. I’ve said everything that needs to be said. You know my position, and I’m not backing
down from it.” Lewis was waiting for Layla to finish.
The other man helped her home safely. With the creatures of the Otherworld present the humans were not safe. In the
next twenty-four hours the vamps would turn up. Brandon didn’t like the blood suckers, and the humans would have a curfew of
when they could leave home.
“I’m doing this to save her,” he said.
“Keep saying that line, and then maybe one day you might believe it. I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t think we
should have human mates, but they’re there, and we do. You shouldn’t use them to suit your needs. She’s not a toy for your
amusement,” Lewis said, getting up into Brandon’s face.
“Your views of humans have changed.”
“I was a fool. We’re all fools. I accept Elle as my queen. She’s a much better person than Lori. I can see a difference
inside you. She makes you happy, and that makes me happy.” Lewis stopped as the door opened.
Elle went to him. She smiled wrapping her arms around him. “Hello,” she said.
“What’s all this?” he asked. Even though her gaze didn’t meet his, Brandon felt important to her.
She shrugged. “I don’t know. I missed you.”
Their connection and the mating were the factors. Layla moved beside Lewis. “Are you taking me home?” she asked.
“Yes. Come on. We need to get inside.”
Lewis and Layla wished them good night and then turned away.
“Wow, what was that about?” Elle asked.
“Pack business. Nothing to concern yourself with.” He took her hand in his.
“You’d tell me though if it was important?”
“Of course.” He lied too easily.
She pressed closer against him. Her soft curves called to him to touch and to do other, more sinful, things with her
He cupped her cheek then bent down brushing her lips with his. She tasted like vanilla, something precious and
“I could become addicted to your kisses.”
“I’ll make sure you do.”
Stroking her lips with his tongue Brandon waited for her to open up. She gasped as he caressed her stiff nipple. He was
hard as rock.
“I can’t think when you do that,” she said, breaking the kiss.
“Come on. I’ve got something to show you,” he said.
Taking her hand, Brandon helped her onto his back.
“Are you going to give me any clues on what you want to show me?” she asked.
He shook his head. “No, you’ll know it when you see it.” He took off into the forest. The night air was filled with
noises of insects and birds rustling. He inhaled the scent of the forest loving the smell of the earth and sky. The combination
was addictive. Elle clung to his body. He’d gone without a shirt because of the heat. The urge to turn was too strong.
“You look good without your shirt on,” she said. Her fingers caressed the tattoo down his arm. He groaned but didn’t
stop until he was at the lake.
Putting her down on the ground, Brandon pulled her close.
“You brought me to the lake?” she asked.
“I thought you’d like to swim with me,” he said.
Nibbling on her lip she stared at him. “How deep is it?” she asked.
He stepped back from her, removed his jeans, and jumped into the water. During the summer he swam with Darcy,
Drake, and Lewis to cool down. Breaking the surface he smiled at her. “Come on. I won’t let you drown,” he said.
She slowly pulled her uniform from her body. Elle kept her underwear on as she made her way to the water.
“Be careful—” he said. Brandon didn’t get to finish his warning before she disappeared in the water. He wrapped an
arm around her waist and pulled her up. The lake was deep, but his senses meant he was able to sense danger.
Elle took a huge inhale as he pulled her up from underwater.
“I was going to say be careful and just swim from there. That’s where the ledge falls.” Brandon held her close.
Her arms went around his neck. “I don’t like it in here,” she said.
He chuckled. “Nothing is going to happen to you.” Moving farther out to the centre of the lake, he kept Elle in his arms.
She held onto his shoulders in a death grip.
“Please don’t let me go.” She kept staring at the water then at his face.
“The moment I bit you, Elle, you were mine. You’ll be one of the most protected human females around. I’ll be
assigning some of my pack for your protection for the next couple of weeks,” he said.
“Why will I need guards?”
“For my peace of mind. I worry about you, Elle. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He pushed the wet hair off her
She looked so pale. The water was warm to him, but he saw her shiver.
“You’re cold,” he said.
“Not all of us run a high temperature. I don’t mind. I like you holding me.”
“I can do more than hold you.” With his free hand, Brandon removed her underwear. She gasped. Her naked breasts
were crushed against his chest.
Now the real action could start.
Elle was fucking freezing. Brandon looked so happy that she didn’t want to spoil his fun with her freakish human ways.
With his arms wrapped around her she didn’t care about the cold. This was how she’d started feeling around him. The
attraction she felt towards him kept building. Running to him and hugging him was compulsive and something she needed to do.
His hand moved down to finger her nipple.
“You’re taking advantage of me now,” she said. His fingers tweaked her bud. The answering pulse between her legs
made it hard for her to fight him. She wrapped her legs around his waist holding onto him. Elle wasn’t about to tell him she
was terrified of heights. How deep was the lake?
Cutting the thought off, she closed her eyes as the hand at her breast moved between her thighs.
“This isn’t fair. You’re touching me, and I can’t touch you,” she said.
“I’ve got you at my mercy. I bet you’ll agree to do anything.”
She shook her head. He fingered her clit. The touch made her groan.
Holding on tight Elle fought the reactions of her body.
When she opened her eyes she was shocked to see Brandon climbing out of the lake. “I don’t want you at my mercy.”
He laid her on the dry grass next to the water. Staring up into his face, she could not bear to look into his eyes. The impulse to
turn away was still strong.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“I want you, naked, underneath me.”
“You’ve got that.”
“There is so much more I want,” he said.
He cupped her cheek, his hand moved down, stroking over her breast and then down farther to cup her pussy. “I want to
fuck you. I want to claim you as my mate, Elle. Please, don’t say no.”
Her pulse pounded. She knew what he was asking. Her body wanted him, and so did she. What was holding her back?
Nothing. Give in to him. You know you want to.
Elle opened her legs and nodded. “Yes, I want you to.”
“Do you know what you’re asking for?”
“I’m agreeing to be your mate.”
“No, you’re giving me your virginity.”
“How do you know I’m a virgin?”
“Baby, I’m a wolf. I’ve got a really good sense of smell.”
Licking her lips, she chuckled. She’d asked such a silly question.
“I want to give you my virginity. No other man has ever left me feeling like you do,” she said.
“No man will leave you feeling anything. This is not a one-time deal, baby. This is a lifetime deal.”
She nodded. “I know. I’m happy with that.” And she was. She couldn’t imagine spending her life with anyone else.
You’re giving yourself to him too easily.
What am I waiting for?
Confessions of undying love? Sanity?
Stop thinking, and get it over with.
Elle caught hold of his face and pulled him down. She slammed her lips up to his and took over the kiss. She pressed
her tongue into his mouth. “I want this. I want this. I want this.” She chanted the words over and over again.
He laughed. “Okay. I’ll make you feel so good. I promise.”
Brandon pulled back to gaze down at her. She stared down his naked chest. He was so hard and strong. Running her
hands up his chest to his shoulders, she brought him down to kiss.
He kissed her then pulled away. “I’ll take control now, baby. I know what I’m doing. Leave it to me, and I’ll have you
screaming in no time.”
She smiled even though nerves gripped her. The thought of pain dulled her arousal.
Brandon moved off her to lie beside her.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“I’m going to warm you up. I’m not going to climb on, slip in, and fuck you without getting you all juiced up first.”
She blushed at his words. He sure had the strangest ways of describing everything.
Staring up at the sky she waited. Her body was tense waiting for him to take her.
“Calm down, and relax. I’m not going to fuck you with you being this tense.” He took her hand pressing the palm against
her body. “Nothing bad is going to happen. We’re two people exploring each other.”
She gazed at where her hand touched his body and then watched as his hand moved over her. Brandon’s touch settled
around her neck. He cupped her neck before moving down slowly to her breast. She gulped as the heat of his touch seemed to
burn through her. Her body was like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
His fingers circled the first bud and then moved to the next. Brandon used the tips of his fingers, gliding them down her
body. He caressed her stomach then moved down to either thigh. He skipped past her pussy. His touch was intent on her body.
Her pussy was out of bounds. She waited for him to thrust her legs open and fuck her roughly. It didn’t come. Brandon
took his time stroking her. All the time he stroked her body, her hand lay against his chest.
“See, I’m touching you. There is nothing to be afraid of. I’ve touched you before, and you liked it.”
She found his words comforting. She glanced at his eyes and turned away. Elle really wanted to know what he was
thinking and feeling. Biting her lip she forced herself to stare at him.
“Don’t worry about it, baby. Don’t force yourself to do something you’re not ready for.”
“I’m ready for you. I want you. I don’t know why. I need you, Brandon.”
“It’s the mating, Elle. We’re destined to be together.”
“Then why do I feel something is missing?” she asked, voicing the pain in her heart. Something was missing between
Chapter Fifteen
Brandon sensed Elle’s nerves. She was wound tighter than a piece of string. If he didn’t get her to settle down he’d not
be able to claim her. He was going to fuck her tonight, but there was no way he’d do it if she was going to hurt herself by not
He was pleased no other man had touched her, but in that moment he wished she’d gotten a little experience. His
passions were anything but gentle. Staring down at her, he watched as she fought to keep his gaze.
“No rushing,” he said. He stroked her nipple watching as her eyes dilated. Elle was turned on by his touch.
She nodded her head. Caressing her body with his fingers Brandon felt the heat building in him. His cock was thick.
After being around Lori and her scent surrounding him, Brandon needed to be with Elle. Lori repulsed him. Every woman who
wasn’t his mate repulsed him. Bending down he took her lips under his.
Inhaling her vanilla scent he ran his hands all over her body. She moaned, writhed, and thrust up to meet him his touch
and lips.
“That’s it. Give yourself to me, Elle. I’ll take care of you.”
Brandon moved over her watching as fear flashed in her eyes. “Don’t panic. We’re not doing it yet.”
She smiled. “I feel like we’re in high-school.”
He laughed. Kissing her lips, Brandon moved down to suckle her breast. He pulled the taut nipple between his lips,
nibbling on the nub.
Elle arched her back. Her legs fell open on either side of his thighs. Brandon moved between her spread thighs. Her
arousal filled his senses driving the need through him to take her.
Calm down. Don’t hurt her.
Can never hurt our mate.
Moving to the second nipple, he gave it the same attention as the first. Her arousal intensified, the scent of her cream
growing stronger in the night air.
Kissing down her stomach, Brandon settled between her spread thighs. His face was level with her pussy. He grabbed
her hands as she reached for him. Pinning her hands against her sides, Brandon took his time to look at her juicy cunt. Her clit
was always swollen and begging to be licked. His mouth watered for another taste. He was sure this woman was made of
strawberries and cream. He’d gladly feast on her for the rest of life. Her virgin hole lay open for him to claim. Something
primitive struck him in the chest. He’d never fucked a virgin before.
All the women he’d taken to his bed were experienced. Lori had been with several men before him. Not one single
person had touched his woman. No man had breached her cunt or ass with his hands or cock. The instant he sank into her body
Elle would belong to him, his own personal woman with no other scent but his own coming from her. The temptation she
provided him was too hard to ignore.
You want her, so take her, claim her and make her ours.
His wolf approved even though she was human.
I don’t give a fuck. Take her. I need her. We need her.
Holding her hands down Brandon licked up her slit, circling his tongue around her clit. She cried out, thrusting her
pelvis against him.
He wasn’t letting her go until he felt her orgasm in his mouth. She fought his hold. Brandon kept a firm grip on her. He
wasn’t giving her the chance to get away.
“You’re mine, baby,” he said.
Moving away from her cunt he stared up her body. “This body is mine. I’m taking you tonight. I’m going to bring you to
orgasm with my tongue, and then I’m going to fuck you. Your virgin cunt is mine. You’re all mine, and I’m all yours.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” she said.
His words turned her on. There were more words he could say. Brandon sucked her clit into his mouth watching as she
gave herself over to his tongue.
Her taste exploded in his mouth.
“Keep your hands on the ground,” he said, ordering her.
Her palms lay flat against the earth. He cupped her buttocks in his palms bringing her closer to his mouth. Going up
onto his knees, he brought her body up in an arch so she’d have no choice but to keep her hands flat on the ground.
He swiped his tongue through her slit. From her gasp he knew she’d seen the action. He was laying claim to her tonight.
His essence leaked out of his cock, and his natural scent started to cover her body. Any Otherworldly creature would know
who she belonged to.
Lori shouldn’t be by your side. Take Elle with you. She’s perfect, and she’s ours completely.
Brandon cut the thoughts off. He didn’t want to think about his plan. Elle was too important to him. Taking her into a
place full of Otherworldly creatures would be her doom. He sucked her pussy, tasting her on his tongue. His mind drifted away
from thoughts of Lori and the creatures in his town. Elle filled his thoughts. Her scent invaded him.
Tightening his hold on her buttocks he licked her in smooth strokes. Her orgasm was close. He sensed her getting hotter.
Her body started to shake as he circled her clit. Elle’s nipples tightened to hard buds poking up at the sky. Her stomach
quivered, and her cream dripped from her cunt.
“Come for me, baby.”
At his command she exploded. He continued to lick her clit drawing out her orgasm. Quickly, Brandon replaced his
tongue with his fingers. He caressed her clit as he lowered her to the ground. Elle was still in the thrall of her orgasm. With his
free hand, he grabbed his cock, pressing the tip to her pussy.
In one smooth thrust, Brandon forged inside her breaking through her virgin barrier and claiming her as his mate.
He howled as her pussy tightened around him. She screamed, holding onto him. Her nails drew blood. Brandon didn’t
Elle was his, and he wasn’t letting her go.
Pain consumed her. One moment she was floating on a cloud in a state of bliss and in the next pain replaced the
pleasure. He’d thrust inside her while she’d been in the throes of orgasm. Elle gasped as he cupped her cheek. His cock pulsed
inside her. The heat of him made her aware of where he was.
Your virginity is gone. Brandon has claimed you.
“I’m sorry, baby. I had to do it this way.”
She nodded even though she didn’t agree. Tears filled her eyes. He pulled out of her and thrust back inside. It was too
much. She cried out and tried to get away from him.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I’m going to stay still. We’re here together.” He cupped her cheek, kissing her lips. She liked his
touch. Swallowing past the lump in her throat she stared at the tattoo along his arm.
I can’t do this. He’s too big, and I’m human.
“Talk to me, Elle,” he said.
“It hurts.”
“Shit, are you crying?”
She shook her head.
“Don’t lie to me.” He wiped the tears from her eyes. Brandon cursed some more, holding onto her. “I’ve got you.
We’re here together. I’ve got you. Feel me inside you, Elle. Nothing is going to happen.”
Elle listened to him talk. His voice soothed her. She relaxed in his arms. When he made to move she tensed back up.
Brandon stopped instantly.
Great, I’m the worst lay in the world.
“You feel amazing. Your pussy is so tight. Think about how it felt with me stroking your pussy. Every time I watch you
at the diner I want to pull your skirt up and finger your pussy. I can smell your arousal, you know?” She didn’t know but didn’t
say anything. “I watch you bend over the tables handing out food and I imagine taking you. You drive me insane with wanting
His cock throbbed inside her in response.
He watched her. She liked the thought of his eyes on her as she served. The few times she’d looked at him he’d been
looking at her. Their connection was growing.
The barriers are still up.
Running her hands up and down his arms Elle took a deep breath. “I think you can move now,” she said.
How her voice managed to sound smooth she didn’t know. Instead of questioning it she waited for him to respond. He
didn’t thrust inside her. Brandon lifted her chin. Her gaze met his. Elle didn’t fight him. She looked into his coal-black eyes.
Something was different.
No, don’t look into his eyes.
Brandon’s shaft eased out of her pussy and then pressed inside. No pain came, and she stared into his eyes. They were
so dark and beautiful.
Why have I been scared of his eyes? They’re so beautiful.
No, don’t look.
He stroked her cheek as he moved inside her.
She gasped as an answering pool of heat started to build inside her. Her mind opened up.
Feel me, baby. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. You’re mine. You’ll always be mine.
That’s right, I’m here, baby. I’ll always be here.
Each barrier between them started to fall. She never once broke his gaze as he took her body. The heat spiralled inside
Give me your wrist where I marked you.
She lifted her wrist against his lips. Their eyes didn’t break.
“I claim you as my mate, Elle Smith. From this day forward you’re mine.” His teeth sank into her wrist as his cock
pulsed in her pussy. His seed washed her womb bringing her to orgasm. His seed was hot as he came. She gasped as her own
orgasm took over.
He sucked at her wrist. His canines sent his essence into her body.
Her scent would be inside him.
They collapsed on the ground. Brandon released her hand. Wrapping her arms around his body, Elle held on.
We’re one, baby.
This feels weird.
He laughed.
Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.
Or it’ll make me lazy.
I don’t mind. This ass is mine.
She smiled at the easy banter.
Stroking his face, Elle stared into his eyes. Nothing could go wrong. Brandon was her world. She saw it more clearly
than ever before.
“You’re mine,” he said.
“I’m yours.” He smiled down at her. The smile on his lips changed his whole face. He looked younger and more
carefree than she remembered.
As quickly as his smile came, it ended.
“Shit, they’re early.” He pulled out of her body making her cry out.
Brandon tugged her behind him.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“You can’t hear them. They’re here.” His gaze looked around them at the trees.
She covered her body. Was he expecting company?
“Of course you were expecting us, Brandon. Every year without fail we come.”
A light flashed in the distance. Something like thunder came over, and a tree in the distance fell down making the
ground shake. The answering howls permeated the air.
Brandon got tenser. “Fuck, the pack is coming,” he said.
Elle was naked. She didn’t want the pack to see her naked.
She tensed waiting for the inevitable. What was she supposed to do?
“Will you stop destroying my forest?” Brandon asked, the annoyance clear in his voice as he spoke.
“I apologise. I wanted to see what smelt so good. You’ve bitten this one,” a man said.
In an instant a pale man stood in front of them. Elle could only just make him out.
“Of course he’s bitten one, Alexander. Our little wolf has mated. She certainly smells nice.”
“She’s not my mate,” Brandon said.
“What?” she asked, shocked. Staring at Brandon’s back, Elle tensed.
What the hell is going on?
“I’m his mate,” Lori said, coming through the trees as naked as the day she was born.
Elle watched as Brandon walked over to Lori. He wrapped his arms around the other woman.
“The human was just a distraction. Lori understands, and the human’s infatuation was too hard to deny.”
Her heart splintered into a million pieces.
“Don’t do this,” Lewis said, whispering against her ear.
Chapter Sixteen
Brandon watched Lewis take her away. His heart ached, and he felt her crumbling inside. Her mind was screaming in
pain, but he wrapped his arm around Lori and turned toward the two vampires that had interrupted his mating.
“You don’t mind your mate fucking a human?” Charles asked.
“He has needs. I’m not always available to satisfy them,” Lori said. She ran her hand down his ass. He gripped the
hand firmly stopping her. He’d sent Elle away to protect her. Brandon had no intention of cheating on her. Elle owned his body.
“I’m the alpha of this pack. I don’t answer to anyone,” Brandon said, drawing their attention back to him. His pack was
behind him. He sensed their unease with Lori by his side. They’d be able to sense his true mate and her distraught emotions. He
could, and it was kicking him in the gut. Lewis better be doing everything he could to help her.
“I find the whole meeting intriguing,” Alexander said. “Several of us congregate in one building and talk the talk.
Fascinating. I’m growing bored of the same old traditions.”
Alexander was one of the oldest vampires around. He was deadly and was known to take humans as his sex slaves to
satisfy his needs. Charles, on the other hand, was weaker and younger.
“There are many things for us to discuss.”
“Like your rogue wolves and the many deaths plaguing the city. Not to forget this was foretold by Crazy Lizzy many
centuries ago before you were born.” Alexander took a deep breath. His eyes flashed amber before returning to the cold of
blue. “I sense a war. I sense death, and I see the end of certain … creatures. The weak will not survive a battle.”
His pack growled at the threat. Brandon had sensed an unease in the Otherworld. There were too many creatures and
too much bloodshed. He tried to stay out of it and took the rules his father implemented seriously. The Northern Forest pack
would never start a fight. They’d end one but never start one.
“Are you threatening me?” Brandon asked.
Lori moved away. He faced his opponent ready to strike if he needed.
“We all threaten each other, Alpha. I’m merely starting a fact. War is inevitable. Witches and warlocks need to die,
along with a few of the bears. Not all of them are useful. I just wonder who’ll strike first.” Alexander moved away. “I’ll be
staying in town.”
Before Brandon could argue, both vampires disappeared into the night.
“Well, that was fun,” Crazy Lizzy said, coming out from the thickest part of the forest. She wore a white dress, and her
hair fell down around her with twigs sticking out of the length.
“A war? Why didn’t you tell me?” Brandon asked. He didn’t like the fact the vampire knew more than he did.
“Don’t yell at me, wolf! I did warn you. You shouldn’t have sent the human away. She’s the cause of your problems.”
Lizzy smiled. “Alexander is as sexy as I remember. The last time I saw him he was eating a bear.”
Brandon frowned as she walked away.
He turned back to his pack.
“Elle is the cause of the war. What the hell does that mean?” Drake asked.
“I’ve no idea. I want protection on her at all times. I don’t want to worry about if she’s safe. Everyone is now here, and
we’ll be meeting tomorrow night to discuss everything,” Brandon said.
“This is a bad idea.” Darcy spoke for once. “Something bad is happening, and I don’t know what.”
“I don’t care. This has been the traditions of our family and our heritage for many centuries. We have them here to
discuss problems within our world. If you don’t like our pack traditions then walk. I’m tired of fighting you with this.”
Brandon stormed off. He’d claimed his mate and in the next instant gone in the arms of another woman. His skin stank
of Lori. A shower and a scrubbing brush were needed. He had to get the other woman’s scent off him.
Walking to his house, he felt the displeasure of his pack. There was nothing he could do. His father taught him to be
strong and to carry on his traditions to keep his town and the pack safe. Slamming his front door he made his way upstairs to
his shower. He turned the shower onto the highest temperature then climbed inside. The sting of the hot water didn’t make him
feel better.
You hurt our mate.
She’s heartbroken.
You’re never going to win her back.
We won’t stand for you to touch that bitch.
Resting his head on the tiled wall, Brandon took several deep breaths. Lori’s scent invaded his senses. Anger filled
every corner of his being. He couldn’t stand the stench of her. Raising his fist he slammed it against the tile. The tile splintered
under his hand. The sharp edges cut his knuckles, and blood dripped onto the base of the bath. He embraced the pain. He’d
rather have the pain of the cuts than the pain inside his heart.
Tonight you made a mistake.
You’re the cause of everything about to go wrong.
When the water did nothing to ease him, Brandon climbed out. He wrapped a towel around his hand and walked into
his bedroom, stopping dead when he saw Crazy Lizzy laid on his bed, her arms up above her making circled motions.
She turned to look at him. There was no faraway look in her eyes. The real witch was in charge for once.
“Lizzy,” he said.
“It’s about time my real name was used. Crazy Lizzy gets a little tiring.” She sat up on her elbows. Her gaze wandered
down his body landing on his cock. “Oh, nice and big.”
Heat filled his body. Grabbing a robe, he pressed it against his front. What could the witch want with him?
“When Elle was sixteen I had to wipe her mind of something that happened that traumatized her. Her mother, Vivian,
was held in a trance for days. She was under the thrall of a vampire. He got into her mind and forced her to betray her own
family. Raymond wasn’t home when she invited the vampire in. He drained her to the point of death and then weakened Elle.
The vampire pulled her into a trance.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Brandon asked.
“Did you struggle to get Elle to look you in the eye? Thousands of years ago prophecies were made. Your mating was
with them. A werewolf and a human mating was unheard of. Yes, supposedly wolves take humans as mates, but think about it,
Brandon. Have you seen such a mating?”
He thought about the answer. “No, I haven’t.”
“There is a select cult who are trying to create a war. They want all of our kinds to kill each other.”
“Think about it, Brandon. You kill us; they have the ultimate power over the humans and over the earth. It’s not an
unheard-of concept.”
“The vampire who was killed held tribal markings on him,” he said.
“Yes, and the end of the world has been foretold many times. Brandon, if we don’t do something to stop it then our
kinds will become extinct. It’s a certainty, and that premonition is what killed the soothsayer who predicted it,” Lizzy said.
“How do you know all this?”
“Because she was my mother and she told me of the future before she died. She also passed her soothsaying skills onto
“Why was Ell so important?”
“Don’t you know?” Lizzy asked.
“She’s your mate. They were trying to kill her, Brandon. They kill her and you’d never have a mate to stick around
with. Elle was the key to your fall. If she died, you would die as well. You’d go mad without claiming her and your wolf
would start to know she was dead. It’s some paranormal mambo jumbo. The vamp that tried to kill Elle did something to try
and stop your claiming. Don’t you feel stronger?”
Brandon did feel stronger. The strength inside him had grown from the moment he’d claimed Elle.
“Why are you telling me this?” Brandon asked.
“Elle’s your mate. The threat on her life is still present. I sense a danger and it’s up to you to figure out.”
“It’s okay. I promise everything is going to be okay. Brandon is doing this to protect you,” Lewis said.
Elle listened to his words, but the heartache wouldn’t go away. Brandon had picked Lori over her. How could she live
with that? The people in the town would know he desired the wolf more than he desired her.
Why are you surprised?
Of course he’d pick Lori. You’re only human. Humans are weak.
“Thank you for giving me your coat,” she said. He’d wrapped the coat he’d been wearing around her shoulders.
“I can sense your pain, Elle. I swear he’s doing this for your safety.”
“Those were vampires?” she asked.
“Yes. They’re dangerous. He doesn’t want you in danger.”
“As his mate my place is by his side. He’d rather lie about his mate than introduce me. He’s ashamed of me.”
She noticed Lewis was heading in the direction of her home. Elle shook her head. “No, I don’t want to go home. Take
me to Layla. I need my friend.”
Lewis hesitated then nodded. “Okay, I’ll take you there.”
Neither spoke on the way to Layla’s house. They waited for someone to answer.
Layla answered several minutes later. It looked like she’d just gotten out of bed. “Elle, what’s the matter?” she asked.
Her gaze went between Lewis and Elle.
“Can we come in?” Elle asked.
The moment they were inside the house, Layla grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her. “What’s going on?”
“I’m going to be sticking around. Alpha’s orders,” Lewis said.
“The kitchen is through there. I’m taking Elle up to my room.” Layla helped her upstairs.
“Can I take a shower?” Elle asked.
“Of course.” The concern on Layla’s face scared her, but her friend left her to get washed. She closed and locked the
bathroom door. Without looking at her reflection she climbed into the water and turned the dial to cold. She needed the cold
water to make her feel alive. The only way she’d get through the next few hours was by being numb.
After several minutes under the numbing water, she washed away all evidence of Brandon’s claiming.
When she was done, she wrapped her body in a robe and went back to Layla’s room.
“There are fresh night clothes,” she said.
Elle thanked her. “Where are you parents?”
“They went out to the city. They need some alone time. I’ve got the house to myself.” Layla sat on the bed. “Are you
going to tell me what went on tonight, or do I have to ask a dozen questions?”
“I had sex with Brandon. He claimed me as his mate.”
Layla was silent as Elle got dressed.
“You’re not a virgin anymore?”
“No. I’m claimed. At least I was claimed.”
“What happened? You look like you want to kill yourself. Losing your virginity shouldn’t leave you like that.”
“Are you sure?” Elle asked, feeling like shit.
“Come on. Tell me.” Her friend patted the space beside her. Taking a seat, Elle told her everything. She told her about
the lake and the swim leading up to the sex. Brushing over the details of the sex, she talked about what happened when the
vampires turned up.
“He turned to Lori and told the vampires I wasn’t his mate.” Tears poured out of her eyes at the remembered pain. “It
hurts.” She touched her chest trying to put into words her feelings. “I feel everything, and it hurts so much. I don’t know how I
can face him. I know he’s going to be around town, but how can I look at him knowing he took me and then went into the arms
of another woman?”
Her friend wrapped her arms around Elle. She took the comfort offered. Elle needed to be held.
“I have no words to make it all better, Elle. I wish I did. He sounds like a total bastard. I’m here. I’ll always be here
for you. I promise.”
Elle rested her head in her friend’s lap. “This is so hard. Why couldn’t he leave me alone like he has all these years?”
“We’re not wolves. They have to abide by rules.”
Sniffling, Elle rubbed her nose. “Well there should be a rule about breaking your mate’s heart. If this is what I get for
being mated to him then I want no part of it. I hate feeling like this, and I don’t want him near me.”
She was thankful Layla listened to her.
“How am I going to face everyone tomorrow?” Elle asked. “The pack is going to know he picked Lori over me, and the
humans will be laughing at me.”
“I’m not laughing, Elle. Our kind will be sorry for you, but I don’t think they’ll laugh at you. None of us know what it’s
like to be mated. We’re alone in all this.”
Layla stroked her hair as Elle continued to cry.
“What you’ll do is hold your head high and ignore it. It’s all you can do and show Brandon you don’t give a shit about
what he has done to you. I’ll be there for you tomorrow. I promise.”
Elle nodded. There was nothing more for her to do. Layla fell asleep while she lay in bed staring at the ceiling.
Rubbing her eyes she wiped the tears away. Crying wasn’t going to solve her problems.
You need to be strong. Don’t give in to him. Fight him.
Leaving the bed she walked downstairs to grab a glass of milk. Lewis was sitting at the kitchen counter drinking coffee.
“You should be asleep,” he said as she walked into the kitchen.
“I’m not tired.” Elle didn’t look at him as she drank some milk.
“Shutting everyone out isn’t going to solve anything,” Lewis said.
She froze. “Brandon made his choice. I’m not giving him any part of me again.”
Elle left and slipped into bed. She didn’t sleep, but as the time passed she grew harder and her walls came back up.
Chapter Seventeen
With Crazy Lizzy’s words ringing in his ears Brandon went in search of Elle. The sun was coming up, and several of
the pack greeted him as he passed. He ignored their comments and went in search of his woman. He recalled the conversation
he had with Lizzy last night, and he was still confused. Why would someone know about Elle? How did they know about her
when he only sensed it after her birthday?
Crazy Lizzy had spoken of the prophecies in detail last night, especially when Brandon pressed her for more details.
Centuries ago Crazy Lizzy’s birth mother wrote everything down she saw into the future. Her mother didn’t see the near future
but the far future. These prophecies were bound and hidden so no one would try to destroy them. Amongst those bound
prophecies was the foretelling of Brandon’s human mate. He’d be the first wolf to mate with a human female.
Not only was Elle supposed to be human, but she was destined to be the greatest were-human-queen that lived. She
would birth many sons and help Brandon to forge a strong pack that was loved by other species.
Brandon still couldn’t believe his woman was the one to lead his pack into greatness. Elle was so tiny and weak, and
yet she was the one.
Lizzy had warned him not to take advantage of Elle and never allow her to leave his side. The people who knew the
prophecies also knew Elle was the cause to start a war.
Brandon came out of his thoughts as Lewis came into view. He closed the door to Layla’s house. “Where’s Elle?” he
Lewis held his hands up. Drake and Darcy came around the corner. Neither of them looked particularly happy.
“You’ve broken her heart, Brandon. She doesn’t need to see you. She didn’t sleep at all last night.”
He listened to what Lewis had to say, but he didn’t really care. Elle was his only concern.
“Alpha, you need to back off,” Darcy said.
“She’s my mate.”
“She wasn’t last night. Lori was by your side, and the vamps knew it. They saw through your lie, and I’m surprised they
haven’t attacked for your lies,” Drake said.
Several of the pack had made their way toward them. Brandon felt all of their fears.
“I did what I had to do. Nothing is going to change my decision.”
Elle chose that moment to walk out of the front door with Layla behind her. She no longer smelt like strawberries and
vanilla. There was a hardness inside her. Brandon watched as she glanced at him and then looked away. She linked her arm
with Layla, blanking the wolves as they passed.
He couldn’t smell his mate. His scent was gone from her body. She’d washed him away. Leaving his men behind, he
followed her.
“Elle, listen to me,” he said.
She didn’t speak or stop. Both women kept on walking.
“I know you’re angry. I’m sorry. I’m doing this for your own good,” he said.
Nothing happened. She kept walking. Drake, Darcy, and Lewis followed behind him. He knew she was upset, and he
hated being the cause of her upset.
“Stop being so fucking difficult, and listen to me,” he said.
His outburst gained her attention. Elle froze. Her spine was stiff before she whirled around and confronted him. Her
hazel eyes darkened with her anger.
“I’m being difficult.” She walked right up to him staring him in the eye. Elle poked him in the chest. “I’m carrying on
with my life. You have no right to harass me.”
She made to move. He grabbed her arm bringing her up close against him.
“I’m your alpha. You’re my mate.”
Elle slapped him around the face. The crack of her palm against his face echoed throughout the town. Everyone held
their breath waiting for what he’d do.
“Don’t you ever order me around again! I’m not your fucking mate. You gave up that right when you chose Lori over
me. I’m just a human, remember? I’m not really good for anything.” She glanced over his shoulder where the pack stood behind
him. “You’re nothing to me. No scent, no mark, I’m done.”
“Elle, let me explain,” he said.
Suddenly, one of her walls came down, and he sensed the pain she was in. His mate was breaking inside, and he was
the cause for it.
“That’s how I’m feeling, Brandon. You asked me to give myself to you. I did. I wish I was strong enough to make you
feel the kind of pain you’ve caused me.” Tears filled her eyes, and in the next second she batted them away.
With hands on her hips she walked into the diner.
His wolf curled up in a corner of his body in shame. How did Elle know how to break down her walls enough for him
to sense her pain? He’d been the one to ask her to give him a shot, and he’d hurt her more than anything.
Hanging his head, Brandon gave himself up to the shame. He closed off the thoughts of the pack.
“What are you going to do?” Drake asked.
When he opened his eyes, Brandon discovered most of the pack had gone. They were going about their business. Only
the humans looked at him curiously.
“I don’t know.”
Her hands shook as she walked into the diner. Daisy was waiting with open arms and tears falling from her eyes. “I
heard about last night. I’m ever so sorry, baby,” she said.
Layla let her go, and Elle went into the arms of the other woman. She didn’t cry. Her tears were all spent, and she
refused to waste another moment crying about him anymore.
“I can’t ban him from the diner. He’s still my alpha,” Daisy said.
“I don’t mind, Daisy. I’m going to work ‘til the end of the week, and then I’m going. I can’t stay here with him anymore.
I’m going back to the city.”
Daisy held her tighter. “Running away is not the answer.”
“No, it’s not, but for now I need it.”
The woman sighed. “Okay. Let’s get the food started. I sense a hungry pack.”
Neither woman spoke as they prepared the diner ready to receive customers. When the first lot of pancakes were
cooked and the bacon was sizzling in the pan, Elle opened the door. Pack members looked at her with pity. She ignored their
pitying stares and concentrated on getting the customers served without a hitch. Filling cups with coffee, writing orders down,
and serving kept her mind occupied. With her hands and mind busy Elle didn’t get a chance to think about everything that had
happened to her.
“He claimed her last night and then went straight to Lori.”
“We should have known he wouldn’t keep her. He can’t stand humans.”
“She could never be our queen. She’s too damn weak.”
Elle listened to their comments when she turned her back. None of them said the words to her face. She smiled as if
nothing changed.
When a set of faces entered she didn’t recognise Elle sensed the pack change. Daisy came out of the kitchen wiping her
hands on a towel.
“Alaric, what can we get you gentlemen?” Daisy asked.
Elle wiped down a table and moved past them. She went into the kitchen to find Layla checking them out.
“Who are they?” Layla asked.
“Visitors I guess.”
Tucking her hair behind her ear Elle waited for the older woman to come back to the kitchen.
Layla asked Daisy the moment she came into the kitchen. “They’re the bears. A pack of them reside near our pack. The
forests are thick enough that they’re close but not so close that we feel threatened. Alaric is the leader, and he travels with his
strongest. I never remember their names. Brandon is not going to like this.”
“Why?” Elle asked.
“When a meeting with the other creatures of the Otherworld happens, he keeps them in a house far away from the town.
If the bears are in town then it won’t be long before more start making their way here,” Daisy said.
Picking up her writing pad, Elle made her way to their table. “What can I get you?” she asked.
The leader, Alaric, looked her up and down. “I, for one, would like an explanation.”
She lowered her pen and stared at him. “Why?”
“Rumour is Brandon was fucking a human last night. Vamps don’t know our kind, but I know enough about the wolves
to know Brandon wouldn’t be fucking a woman who wasn’t his mate.”
Elle hated the way he was describing what happened between her and Brandon. “What’s that got to do with me?”
Alaric grabbed her wrist and inhaled. The entire diner froze.
“Your scent is covered with his. You may have washed him off in the shower, but his scent is still there.”
“Let go of my mate,” Brandon said. She jerked her arm away and turned to see him stood in the doorway of the diner.
Alaric stood.
“You lied to the vamps. Lori is not your mate.”
“I did what I had to. She’s human.”
“That doesn’t excuse your behaviour. You shouldn’t have kept her hidden. Your father never kept your mother hidden,”
Alaric said.
Elle was starting to get a headache with their raised voices. She pressed her palms to Alaric’s chest. “Please sit down,
and tell me what I can get you to eat.”
Brandon was behind her in a second. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against him. She fought him.
“Don’t touch him, Elle.”
She broke free. “You made your choice. Sit down and eat, or get out.” Elle kept her back to him. Looking at him hurt
too damn much.
“You’ll pay for this,” Brandon said, directing his words at Alaric.
“I look forward to seeing you try.”
Alaric sat down, and Brandon took a seat at his usual table. After several seconds passed the diner went back to
normal. She glanced toward the kitchen to see Daisy holding a wooden spoon, ready to fight.
“Now, what can I get you?” Elle asked. The table gave their order. Alaric made her wait the longest for his order. She
took the order to the kitchen and then grabbed the coffee jug. After serving the bears their coffee, Elle made her way back to the
kitchen. Layla stood waiting for her.
“Brandon’s table are refusing to order from me. You’ll have to do it,” she said.
Taking a deep breath, she saw the comforting stare from Daisy before she made her way out to their table.
Notepad and pen in hand she walked over to Brandon’s table. Elle felt the customers’ gazes on her. She approached the
table. Lewis gave her a quick smile. She didn’t understand the change in the other men. He seemed to go from liking and hating
her. His moods confused her.
“What can I get you?” she asked, standing as far away from Brandon as she could.
“Don’t let another man touch you,” Brandon said.
“You don’t order me around, Brandon. You gave up that right when you let that slut Lori touch you.”
“You’re my mate. I’m doing everything I can to protect you.”
“That’s not your choice. You didn’t even give me a chance to make up my mind. Order, or leave me alone.”
He glared at her, but Elle wasn’t backing down. She might be human, but she was a stubborn fucking human; and it was
about time Brandon realised it.
Chapter Eighteen
Brandon made his way up to the house with his men behind him. The first of the meetings were scheduled for tonight,
and he needed to get there before the sun went down. He’d spent most of his time at the diner watching Elle. She served him
without really seeing him. He’d never anticipated her anger like he did. Alaric had been right, and he’d get punished for
keeping Elle secret. They all had rules, and lying about his mate broke the rules.
Lewis refused to talk to him, and he sensed Darcy and Drake’s disapproval.
Crazy Lizzy sat on the steps outside the house. She stared up at the sky.
“You’re early,” she said.
“I’ve got nowhere else to be.”
“Everyone is waiting for you.” Lizzy stood then walked into the house.
He turned to his men. “I know you think I did the wrong thing, but you’ve got to understand I was doing what I thought
was right to protect her.”
“You’ve put her in more danger by refusing her claim by your side. I sense her leaving us,” Lewis said.
“I won’t let Elle leave. I promise I’ll sort this out. She’s my mate.”
“Do you love her?” Darcy asked.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s a simple question. Do you love her?”
“She’s my mate,” Brandon said.
“No, being a mate doesn’t mean you love her. Couples can mate but not love each other. Elle is not a type of woman
you fuck. She’s a forever kind of woman. When she opened herself up to you last night, she let us all inside. We’re connected
to her. Taking her as your mate is not about you. It’s about the good of the pack. You either love her or let her go,” Darcy said.
The other man walked away. Lewis and Drake followed Darcy leaving Brandon alone outside to deal with his thoughts.
“Wow, they really made their thoughts known,” Alaric said.
Brandon turned to watch the bear leader approach. “Why are you here?”
“I agree with your men. You need to make a choice. Either way, Elle is in danger.”
“I don’t tell you how to handle your pack. Don’t presume to tell me how to deal with mine,” Brandon said.
“Noted.” Alaric walked up the steps, and Brandon followed behind him. They walked into the house and then went
down to the basement. Alexander and Charles sat at the head of the table.
Taking his seat at the other end Brandon looked around the table. Witches, warlocks, vampires, bears, and a couple of
panthers were present.
“You lied to us,” Alexander said.
“Excuse me?”
“You tried to pass the were-slut off as your mate. I refuse to deal with a liar and a cheater. Your pack is supposed to
have morals. I agreed not to hunt because of the deal made by your father. I don’t deal with men like you.”
The tension built in the room.
“This is about more than my mate.”
“No.” Alexander stood. “No more words from you. I won’t speak with you until I see your mate. I want to be
introduced to her, and you’ll make peace. Come, Charles.”
The vampires left followed by everyone else except Lizzy and Alaric.
“I did warn you,” Lizzy said, then got up and left.
Brandon dropped his head into his hands.
“This is why claiming your mate is important. You should have postponed this meeting rather than get Lori to accept
your claim of mating,” Alaric said.
He was left alone with his men. The house was deathly silent.
“Shit!” He threw the chair into the far wall watching the wood splinter apart.
“Great, does this mean the treaty signed by your father is null and void?” Drake asked. “Can they hunt on our land?”
“I don’t know. I really don’t know.”
Everything was messed up all because he’d put another woman in place of his mate.
You were warned. Why are you so surprised? A mate is for life , and a fuck is for fun. Elle is for life, and you pushed
her out of that role.
“I need to win Elle back,” he said.
“Good luck,” Lewis said, muttering the words.
“Why do we have these meetings?” Darcy asked. “What do we accomplish?”
“I can answer that,” Lizzy said. She was eating an ice-cream as she walked down the stairs. Her gaze went over the
broken table. “Did we have a temper-tantrum?”
“Why do we have these meetings?” Brandon asked.
“Naughty alpha. Weren’t you paying attention during class?”
“Cut the shit, Lizzy. Everything is out of control, and I need to fix it.”
Lizzy got up into his face. Her green eyes went brighter as she stared at him. Pain unlike anything he’d ever felt
consumed him.
“I may be crazy, wolf, but I can still hurt you.”
As quickly as the pain came it went. Lizzy licked her ice-cream. “For many years we were all enemies. We fought over
the silliest things. Our battles were legendary and are considered part of legends to the humans. The problem with our battles is
we take human lives down. No one species is supposed to rule the earth. By a select few of each species meeting up, it
provides the balance for all our kinds. A sort of truce has been born. However, that truce is as fragile now as it was back then.
We’re primal beings. Tip the scales the wrong way, and our kind will be extinct. Our kind will become extinct if we keep
going on this path,” Lizzy said. She glared at Brandon. “Fix it, wolf.”
She turned and walked away.
“Shit, you better get your female on your side,” Drake said. “That is one powerful fucking witch.”
Brandon couldn’t agree more. Her bite was far worse than her bark.
Elle made her way out of the diner. Layla followed behind her.
“What do you want to do tonight?” she asked.
“I’m not sure. I’m tired. I think I’m going to go home and face my mom and dad. They have a right to know what’s going
on between me and Brandon.” Elle pulled her bag over her shoulder.
“Don’t leave, Elle. I can’t leave here.”
She saw the sadness in Layla’s eyes.
“Elle,” Brandon said.
Turning to the sound of his voice she saw him coming out of the forest. He didn’t wear a shirt as he made his way over
to them.
“What do you want?” she asked, tired of their fighting. Today had been a long day.
“We need to talk.”
“I’m tired, Brandon. Can we talk tomorrow?”
“No, it’s important.” He looked at Layla. “I’ll take her home. Lewis will escort you home. I don’t want either of you
alone in the dark.”
“Great, another babysitter,” Layla said. “Call me when you can.” Her friend walked off. Elle watched Lewis join Layla
on the way home.
“He won’t let anything happen to her,” Brandon said.
“I’m not concerned.”
She turned away and stared at him. “What more do you want from me, Brandon? I’m tired. I’m hungry, and I want to go
“You’re angry at me. I get that. Come home with me. I need to talk with you.”
Elle nibbled her lip debating her options.
What’s the harm in going with him?
He broke my heart.
Don’t let him inside.
“Okay,” she said, folding her arms under her breasts. He reached out to touch her. Elle pulled away. “I don’t want you
touching me. I can’t handle it.”
He closed his hand into a fist.
“Fine.” They walked side by side toward his house. The night air was cold. She tried to supress the shivers working up
her body. “I can keep you warm,” he said.
Staring at his open his arms was too much temptation. She let him enfold her in his embrace. The heat of his body
warmed her up instantly.
“I’ll always warm you, baby.”
She tensed, which caused him to sigh.
“I made a mistake.”
Shaking her head, Elle walked with him in silence.
They didn’t encounter any of the pack on their way to his home. Brandon opened the door for her. She went in. The heat
of his home replaced his arms.
“Make yourself at home.”
He left her for several minutes. She took a seat on the sofa.
Within the small time he’d been touching her, her body had heated.
You still want him even though he picked another woman.
“Here you are.” Brandon came around the corner. He carried a steaming mug and a plate of bread. “I’m not much of a
“Soup and bread is good,” she said, taking the food he offered. He sat beside her. His thigh pressed against hers. Elle
took her time eating. She didn’t want to talk to him. His presence was affecting her nerves.
You can do this. Be strong.
“I know you don’t want to talk to me,” Brandon said. He rubbed his hands together. Elle kept eating. “There is so much
shit going on. I shouldn’t have kept any of it from you. I fucked up big time. I never expected to have a human for a mate.”
She lowered the cup then let out a sigh. “I’m tired of you blaming my being a human. I’m human, Brandon. I tried to stop
you mating with me, remember? You were determined to claim me, not the other way around.”
“You don’t know what this is like for me. I need to keep you safe. You’re my lifeline, Elle. I couldn’t handle anything
happening to you. You don’t know what it’s like to have all these emotions and to know you’re not feeling them. Wolves are so
much more than humans.”
Elle stared at him in shock. Was he really saying those things to her? “You’re saying you’re superior to humans because
of your ability to feel?”
“Of course. We’re far more than humans, Elle.”
She laughed, amazed he’d say such a thing. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this.”
“I don’t blame you for your lack.”
Putting her food down on the floor Elle stood. “I’m done hearing this shit.”
He got up following her. “You can’t leave.”
Whirling round she pointed a finger at him. “How dare you say I don’t feel? I may be human, but I feel far more than
He chuckled. “Elle, that’s not possible.”
“I don’t kill people, Brandon. You killed those men without thought or feeling. You hunt animals, and you look down on
humans as if we’re lower beings. There is no respect for us. You may talk about taking care of us humans, but you don’t really
care. Grace Hill is a joke of the highest order.”
Brandon made to speak, but she put her hand up. Elle lowered down her walls. She allowed him to get the full force of
her feelings.
He paused, staring at her wide-eyed.
“I’m human. You went into the arms of another woman, Brandon. You chose Lori over me. Can you feel how painful
that is? Can you imagine what it would be like if I went to another man?” She waited for her words to sink in. “I was a virgin
because I hadn’t found the one. I gave myself to you. I lowered down everything because you asked me to, and how do you
repay me? You push me aside. Lewis showed me more care last night. So, please, tell me of your superior feelings, Brandon.
From where I’m standing, I know a hell of a lot more about feeling than you do.”
She waited for his response. Staring at him, she waited for him to react or to give her something.
Nothing happened. Spinning on her heel, Elle headed for the door.
Chapter Nineteen
Brandon watched her head toward the door. Her depth of emotion startled him. And she’d been right in everything she
You can’t let her get away.
She’s our mate.
We need her.
Fix her and keep her.
Charging to the door he placed a hand on the hard wood against her head. He closed the door. Her shoulders slumped
as her head rested against the door.
“What are you doing?” she asked, quietly.
“I’m sorry.” With his free hand he brushed the hair off her neck. “You’re my mate, Elle. I’m an idiot. I didn’t know
what was going to happen. I’m a wolf, and I’m the alpha, and for the first time I was scared.” He cupped her neck, stroking the
pulse that pounded under his touch.
“You’re doing this on purpose,” she said. Her voice sounded breathy. Arousal gripped him as he pressed against her.
Every time he was around her, Brandon craved her touch. Seeing the pain in her eyes was like a kick to the gut. He never
wanted to be the cause of her pain. She meant everything to him.
“You feel it, too,” he said, scenting her arousal. The heady aroma of strawberry and vanilla was back.
“I don’t want to feel this way. You hurt me. You took me and then hurt me.”
“I’ll never do it again. You’re my woman, and I’ll prove it to everyone, please, Elle.”
She shook her head. He heard her counting inside her head.
Don’t let him win. He’s a bastard. He used you and then went to his were-slut.
Did she know he could hear her thoughts?
Closing his eyes, Brandon let down his shield letting her sense the way he felt towards her. Moving his hand on the
wall, he touched her thigh. The naked contact of their skin provided the connection for him to channel his thoughts inside her.
I’m here, baby. I’m a fool.
I love you.
Brandon opened his eyes at the revelation.
You don’t love me.
I do.
Leaning in close against her ear, Brandon licked the delicate skin of her neck. “I do love you, Elle. I just didn’t know
She moaned, whimpering. Her pussy was on fire for what he could give her. His cock thickened. Moving his hand up
under her skirt, Brandon pressed his palm against her panty-covered pussy. The heat of her arousal soaked through to his palm.
She cried out, whimpering from his touch.
In one smooth tear, Brandon tore the panties from her. With his other hand, he cupped her breast through her uniform.
Pressing his fingers to her clit, Brandon worked her slit open, coating himself with her cream.
She gasped.
“That’s it, baby. Feel me touching you. Your body knows who its master is.”
Elle shook her head, fighting him.
He wouldn’t back down. This was for the good of his pack and for the good of his sanity. When he’d seen Alaric’s
hands on her this afternoon, he’d almost lost control. No one touched his woman but him.
She’s our woman for the taking. Take her.
Undoing the buttons at the front of her dress, Brandon exposed her. Tearing in two the bra she wore, he filled his palm
with her naked tit.
Their combined groans filled the air.
“You’re my mate, Elle. I’ll announce our mating in front of the entire town with the visitors present. I’ll take a fucking
ad out in the paper if I have to. I don’t want Lori. I never wanted Lori. You’re the woman I want. You’re the woman I crave.”
“Because you complete me in a way no other can. When we’re together, can’t you sense our connection?”
“Yes,” she said, gasping.
He tweaked her nipple, loving the sounds she made from the slight pain.
“It’s like that all the time. The need to be together never stops. Even today with you being pissed at me, I wanted you.”
“How can you be sure you love me?” she asked.
“I know what I feel inside. That never goes away.”
He felt the fight she was having. She wanted to trust him, but at the same time she wanted to hurt him.
“I’m not giving up. You may run from me, but you’ll never get far. You’re not going to the city. I’ll come for you.”
She tensed. “How do you know about that?”
“I’m alpha. I know everything. There is nothing that escapes me. I’ll come for you.”
Elle groaned in frustration. “I never wanted to be your mate.”
“I know,” he said.
“You’re a bully.”
“I’m not going to argue with you, sweetheart. You call me what you need to call me.”
Brandon stroked her pussy waiting for her verbal attack. Elle needed to fight him to get her pain off her chest. He
accepted it and waited for her to start.
“You’re a bastard.”
He stroked her clit, gathering juice and then pressed a finger inside her tight cunt.
“I hate you.”
Moving up to her clit, he pinched the nub. She cried out, thrusting onto his hand. The scent of her arousal started to get
“You’re old.”
He chuckled. “Keep going, baby.”
“Your breath smells, and I hate the fact you hunt animals. Animals are cute.”
“Keep going.”
“I don’t want to be your mate.”
“That’s a lie. Your pussy is dripping wet. You want me.” He pressed his cock against her ass. “Feel that? I want you so
badly I fucking ache with it.”
She moaned, rubbing her ass against him. Letting go of her breast, he slapped her ass. Elle yelped but didn’t pull away.
“I promise you, Elle, there will be no more running. No more lies, and I’ll give you everything you desire. All you need
to give me is your heart, and I’ll look after you and your heart.” He kissed the side of her neck. “Together and for always. I’ll
even let you bitch at me over this.”
Elle wanted to walk away without looking back. It would be so easy to forget about him. Watching Brandon go to Lori
had broken her heart, even as she felt his emotions she couldn’t bring herself to believe him. How could a man who walked
away from her last night say he loved her this night? None of it made any sense.
Even as she thought this, she couldn’t help but want to give into his needs. Her body was on fire for his touch. The
moment his fingers touched her skin, she was a goner.
Give in to him.
I can’t.
She growled in frustration. The passions of her body took over. She turned in his arms, wrapped her arms around his
neck and slammed her lips on his. His arms surrounded her, picking her up. Elle wrapped her legs around his waist as he
pressed her against the wall. His tongue plundered her mouth. She sucked him inside, taking over.
“I’ve got to have you,” Brandon said, breaking away.
Elle let him go as he kissed his way down her neck. His grip tightened around her waist. She pushed her uniform off her
shoulders. Brandon tore the dress the rest of the way off her until she was in his arms naked. She scored his back with her
nails, sinking them into his flesh.
“Yes, mark me, claim me as yours.”
There was nothing gentle about what she wanted to do to him. She wanted him to have a mark created by her so when
other men and women saw him they knew she’d been the one to make them.
Scoring his back, she drew blood. He growled, biting onto her lip. She screamed but kept tightening her hold on him.
“Fuck me,” she said, needing his cock inside her.
Moving her hands away from his back, she pulled on the belt holding his jeans up. He held her away from him as she
worked his jeans open and then pushed them down his thighs. His cock was rock-hard, the tip soaked with his pre-cum.
“Put me inside you,” he said. She grabbed his cock in her fist and pressed the tip next to her entrance. When the tip of
his cock was inside her Brandon slammed the rest of the way until he hit her to the hilt. Elle cried out. He filled her
completely. Brandon possessed her with his body.
“I feel you tightening around me. It’s you, Elle. It will always be you,” Brandon said. He pulled out of her only to slam
back inside. Her back hit the wall from his powerful thrusts. She closed her eyes embracing the feel of him inside her. “No,
look at me.”
Opening her eyes, she stared into Brandon’s eyes as he moved within her body.
“You’re mine. You’ll always be mine,” he said.
She couldn’t argue with him. In that moment she felt him deep down to her core. There was nowhere else she wanted to
be than with him.
A knock sounded behind her. Brandon didn’t stop with his thrusting.
“What?” he asked, roaring the word.
“Layla made it home safely,” Lewis said, answering him.
Elle groaned as Brandon swivelled his hips. His pelvis smashed against her clit creating delicious sensations
“Call the pack. It’s time they knew their queen,” Brandon said. “I want everyone there, including our visitors. They’ll
know who the alpha of the Northern Forest pack is spending the rest of his life with.”
He stared into her eyes as he said the words. Lewis left leaving them together.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“I’ve never been sure of anything but this. You’re mine, Elle, and I intend to take you over and over again.”
She shivered in delight at the promise of his words. There was no way for her to doubt his words.
“I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, Elle.”
Elle nodded, scoring his back so he’d continue fucking her. She was desperate to reach orgasm.
“I’ll wear these marks with pride. Your touch, your passion are all mine.”
Brandon slammed inside her, his cock hitting her to the hilt every time he thrust.
“Shut up and fuck me,” she said, needing to reach orgasm. Her body was on fire for what only he could give her.
His grip tightened on her waist. Brandon shut up and rode her hard. The pleasure consumed her. “Do you need my
help?” he asked after she growled with frustration.
She glared at him, and he chose that moment to press against her clit.
“I can give you everything,” Brandon said.
Give in to him.
“Please, Brandon,” she said.
He released her hip with one hand to touch her clit. His fingers touched her clit, and her orgasm rushed through her.
“Fuck! I can feel your cunt tightening around me. Give me everything, Elle.”
He stroked her clit while fucking her at the same time. Brandon didn’t let her go until she’d climaxed a second time. He
roared as with one final plunge, his cock jerked and his hot seed pulsed inside her.
Resting his head against hers Elle finally closed her eyes panting for breath.
His cock continued to pulse as she stroked up and down his arms. After several minutes passed, Brandon leaned back
staring at her. “I meant every word I said.”
She nodded, not believing him as her orgasm started to ebb away. The renewed pain of what he’d done to her with Lori
took its place.
He cupped her cheek forcing her to look at him. “I meant every word I said. You’re mine, and tonight everyone will
know it.”
“You’re seriously considering claiming me in front of your pack.”
“Not just in front of my pack but in front of our visitors.”
Elle held her breath as she stared into his eyes.
“When you meet the one, your alpha, never stare into his eyes. The moment you do all hell will be unleashed. Do
not let the alpha claim you,” the man said.
“Are you all right?” Brandon asked.
“Yeah, just a bad dream.”
Chapter Twenty
Brandon held Elle’s hand as he made his way through the forests. He felt the happiness of his pack as they saw her.
Alexander and Charles were standing at the head waiting for him. Crazy Lizzy danced toward him.
“This is the right thing to do. You’re saving yourself and her,” Lizzy said, smiling. She wrapped her arms around Elle.
“Soon, we’ll be good friends and Layla will too. I can’t wait for Layla to join our friendship. She’s going to be a hoot. You
just need to drop that pesky thrall.”
Lizzy danced away. He watched as she wove her way around his pack. Alaric stood without his shirt with his bears.
Gripping her hand tightly, Brandon made his way toward the head. Several murmurs erupted when they saw the state of his
back. Elle had marked him deeply. Her scent covered him. The smell of strawberry and vanilla permeated the air.
When he got to the head of the pack, Brandon took the time to show Elle to his visitors. Alexander looked at her,
He didn’t ask the vampire questions as he faced his pack.
Turning to the pack, Brandon held Elle in front of her. “You are all gathered here in front of our friends in order for me
to right a wrong I did before my mate.” Brandon stroked her cheek. “Most of you know I used Lori because I feared for Elle’s
safety, but I want to announce to everyone that Elle is my queen. She’s the woman I love and the woman I declare will stand by
my side from this day forward.” His words were loud so everyone could hear him. “I will take my punishment, and my mate
will know how sorry I am and that I’m indebted to her. She makes me complete and in turn my pack.”
“This is horseshit,” Lori said. She came through to glare at his mate. “She’s human. You shouldn’t have to prove
anything. She’s weak.”
“Stand down,” Matthew said. “We all approve of Elle. Brandon will pay the price for his disrespect.”
Lori made to raise her fist. Brandon intervened. “You’ve overstepped your place. Leave my pack now!”
“But?” Lori looked startled. She really thought her place was by his side.
“You don’t respect my queen or my pack. Get the hell out of here now!” His voice rose as he ordered her away. No one
stepped forward to fight for her cause. Brandon felt the approval of all of his pack. Lori had outstayed her welcome, and she’d
made enemies within his pack.
She bowed her head and left. Applause sounded at her departure.
Turning to his mate, Brandon looked at her. “I’m going to pay for my disrespect of you. I want you to know how sorry I
Drake, Darcy, and Lewis came through the clearing. They held several whips and a chain. Brandon held onto the
nearest tree trunk as his three men gathered around him.
“What’s going on?” Elle asked.
He didn’t hear what she was told. Holding onto the tree Brandon braced himself for the first strike. Their pack laws
stated that when a mated female was disrespected the person who caused that disrespect must be punished by three men of his
choosing. Brandon had disrespected his mate, and he was going to face the consequence of his actions.
The first whip struck his flesh. Brandon didn’t let out any noise. This was his punishment, and for the love of Elle he’d
gladly take it.
This is the right thing to do.
Elle is our woman.
She’s our mate, and from this day forward she’ll be by our side for everyone to see.
No more hiding.
Just loving.
With every strike of the whip, Brandon felt a peace settle over him. What he was doing would show Elle how sorry he
was. Being the alpha didn’t give him any special treatment. He’d disrespected Elle. She might be human, but she was his
I love her with all my heart.
His wolf agreed. They were together in their thoughts.
They would protect her.
His pack howled up to the sky. Their appreciation meant the world to him. In one act he’d lost some of their respect,
but with this punishment he’d gained their trust.
The whipping hurt more than he liked to acknowledge. His flesh burned, and the blood dripped down his back. The torn
flesh would sting for several hours. He was the alpha, and he wouldn’t fall or fail.
After the last whip struck, Brandon howled.
Letting go of the tree, Drake placed a clean towel over his back. He didn’t need to fear infection. Turning to his mate he
saw tears streaking her face. “I swear to you, Elle Smith, I’ll never give you cause to be in pain again. You’re my whole
world. You’ll be by my side for the rest of our lives running this pack together.”
The pack cheered.
“We give ourselves to you,” the pack said in unison.
She nodded, opening her arms for him. Brandon went to her without a moment’s hesitation. He pulled her in close
inhaling her scent.
“You didn’t have to do that for me,” she said.
“Yes, I did. You’re my woman, and the pack knows it.” He kissed the top of her head. Alexander cleared his throat
gaining Brandon’s attention.
“Does that make up for my lie?” Brandon asked.
“Your punishment was most fitting your crime. I sense her forgiveness. Sometimes it takes an extreme act to win the
woman of our heart.”
Brandon smiled, kissing the top of her head. His back burnt like a fire was dancing on it.
“You didn’t tell me your mate was under the thrall of a vampire,” Alexander said. “What?” Brandon froze, as did Elle.
“I sense the control of another. May I please look into your mate’s eyes to determine who and what caused this
enthrallment?” Alexander asked.
Brandon had punished himself to show her his feelings. She was his woman, and she couldn’t believe what he’d done
to show her how sorry he was. Tears fell from her eyes at the shock of what just happened. She’d never expected him to punish
himself because of her. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she held onto him tighter making sure not to touch his back.
When Alexander spoke she froze at his words.
“I sensed the enthrallment from a woman when I first visited here. She’s older than your mate but looks very similar,”
Alexander said.
“That would be Vivian, Elle’s mother,” Brandon said.
“Let me look in your eyes, sweet one.”
Brandon let go of her. “It’s okay, Elle. I trust him. He won’t hurt you.”
Elle turned to the vampire and stared into his black gaze. His eyes were far darker than Brandon’s. She sensed the
death around the vampire in front of her. The vampire accessed her memories, the ones that had been trapped from her and only
coming through when she was dreaming. She gasped as she recalled the vampire draining her mother and her father coming in
as the vampire in question was about to finish his curse.
Alexander let her go, swearing as he did. “It is what I feared the most,” he said.
“What do you mean?” Brandon wrapped his arms around her.
“I took away the enthrallment. The vampire must have had access to the prophecies as it was foretold of your mating to
a human. He tried to stop your mating.”
Elle listened to their conversation as suddenly her mind opened up. She sensed the pack around her. Grabbing her head,
she felt everything including Brandon’s feelings for her. Before that moment she’d been cut off from everything only feeling
half of what was around her. Alexander had opened her mind, and she felt the approval of the pack. The gentle hum of their
kindness filled her heart. The love Brandon had for her touched her. Even as he was talking with Alexander, he was reaching
out toward her. His hand stroked down her arm. He needed to touch her and have her by his side.
“Can’t you sense the change within her?”
Brandon turned her around. She stared into his eyes and finally saw the dark brown depths staring back at her. It was
like a cloak had been lifted. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she slammed her lips down on his.
“I love you,” she said, holding him close.
This is where she was supposed to be. She was supposed to be by Brandon’s side, loving him and embracing his pack.
He broke the kiss tucking her head against his chest. “Thank you. I can’t believe you’ve done this for me.”
“We need to talk about this, Brandon. This is why I came this year to the meeting. The eyes are the access to the soul,
and the vampire had cloaked her vision to hold her back from you. You and Elle were meant to be together.”
There was a huge whoop around the forest. Elle giggled as the pack started to cheer for their leaders.
After some time Brandon led her back to his home. Their visitors followed, and Lizzy held her hand as they walked
toward Brandon’s home.
“I can’t wait for your wedding. It won’t happen right away. You’ll be married by the end of the year, and it’ll start
snowing,” Lizzy said.
Elle chuckled. The woman beside her made her nervous.
Once inside her mate’s home they all gathered around. She was introduced to the warlocks and the witches along with
the bears and the vampires. They all looked serious. Her father entered several minutes later. He looked nervous as he held a
couple of scrolls.
The conversation that took place startled her.
“They’re a cult that is named something translated as ‘Disaster of the Otherworld’. The cult contains a select few of
each species. Wolves, vampires and witches, warlocks, you catch my drift,” Raymond said.
“What do you they want?” Brandon asked.
“To annihilate you all and to rule the earth under their own power, that is what they want.”
Elle listened to their conversation in shock. The vampire who’d attacked her mother and enthralled her at sixteen had
tried to stop her from mating with Brandon. Their mating was vital according to a prophecy in stopping the war being started
by the wolves. Brandon would have led an army because she’d have left him. Hearing how her future had been foretold scared
her. There was nothing any of them could do to stop this cult other than to fight them from all corners.
She saw the symbol the cult wore. It was a star with the five elements of the earth surrounded by a circle. The humans
only knew four elements whereas the fifth element was the paranormal element.
All of them memorized the symbol. Raymond had killed one of the vampires within the cult, but there would be more to
When they left Brandon took her to his bed. He didn’t make love to her but held her tightly against him.
“How’s your back?” she asked.
“It’s healing. I’m a wolf, and the healing doesn’t take long,” he said.
“You didn’t have to do that for me,” she said, lifting up to look at him.
“Yes, I did. I’ll do everything to show you how amazing you are. You own my heart, Elle Smith.”
She smiled. “I could certainly get used to this.”
Brandon smiled, kissing her lips. “You better get used to it. I don’t intend to stop showing you how much I love you.”
“Is that a promise?” she asked.
“It’s a guarantee. You accepted me as your mate and the pack. You’re with me for life.”
Her smile fell. “It won’t be a long life for me. You’ll live a lot longer than I will.”
“No, I won’t. The moment I bit you and claimed you, I bound you to me. You won’t be strong like a wolf, but you’ll age
slowly. When I die, we’ll go together and when we’re ready,” he said. “That’s what happened to my parents. They died
Lifting her hand to his face, Elle kissed his lips. With Brandon by her side she could face anything. The problems they
were about to face could be handled another day. For tonight she was safe in his arms surrounded by his love.
Three months later
Elle stared up at the sun as Brandon caressed her face with a daisy. The last three months had been a whirlwind of
activity. The biggest change for her was the tattoo she now held on her back with a wolf and Brandon’s name underneath. The
love she felt for her mate had grown, and every day that passed without the vampire’s enthrallment had brought her closer to
Brandon. There were no lies, and they were inseparable.
Alexander and Charles remained in town, but everyone else had left to go and deal with their own covens or packs. The
fear of the Disaster of the Otherworld still stayed with all of them. Elle wouldn’t forget the mark of the cult that was
determined to ruin all of their lives.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
He chuckled. Brandon moved the daisy down to her exposed breast. They’d made love in the fields next to the lake. He
wouldn’t let her out of his sight, and she loved it. His hand rested on her stomach.
“My baby is growing inside you,” he said.
She’d told him the news that morning. In response, he’d phone the diner and told the pack the news. His son or daughter
was on the way. Elle smiled, touching her stomach. She was happy and a little scared. She held the future of their pack in her
“Are you scared?” he asked.
He leaned down to kiss her stomach. “We’ll get through this together,” he said.
She sighed.
“What’s on your mind?” he asked.
“What about the cult. The Disaster of the Otherworld?” Such a lame name but knowing what they planned for their
future, Elle feared for all of them. The pack was her family, and she loved them. Thinking of any of them in danger upset her.
“You shouldn’t worry about anything. I’ve been talking with Alexander and Alaric. We’re reaching out to other packs
in order to warn them. Our kind will fight back like we have done for centuries. It’s not over for us.” He cupped her face,
pressing a kiss to her lips.
“I can’t help but worry. They’re a threat, and you’re being threatened. The thought of anything happening to any of you
hurts me.” She pressed a hand to her chest as tears filled her eyes.
“Hey, we’re a strong pack. We’re whole, and we work together. Nothing will ever happen to us. I promise.”
She smiled at his stern expression.
“All you need to worry about is being you, loving me and the pack, and giving birth to our son or daughter.”
Elle cupped his cheek. The cult was still out there, but now she’d deal with what was at hand, loving her mate, bringing
another child, and trying to get Layla to date. The Disaster of the Otherworld could wait.
The End
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