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Go Critical Synthesis Essay

Madison Go
Critical Synthesis Essay
Life imitates Art
It is undeniable that Literature as a whole is historical and reflective of the society and time in
which it was written. Literature not only allows the reader to learn, vicariously experience, and
immerse themselves but can strike something in readers that allows them to get a glimpse of
the actual emotion and intention of the author, for whatever purpose may be intended.
Literature reflects the values, beliefs, customs, and traditions of a people, and Philippine
literature is no exception. The famous saying “Life imitates Art far more than art imitates life” is
particularly striking in the context of literature, because literary texts, while fiction, humanize
and portray real issues that have happened, and continue to happen.
Because the Philippines is a country rich in history and fighting, many social aspects are
reflected in literature. This term, we tackled Power and Resistance (the external and internal
struggles of power in the country), Body and Desire (gender issues), and Diaspora and Mobility
(immigration and foreign powers). These three only begin to scratch the surface of the social
climate in the Philippines throughout history. Many of these challenges and issues are still
prominent in our current society today.
Philippine literature is rich in cultural and historical references that can help us Filipinos
understand our cultural identity. By reading works by Filipino authors, we gain a deeper
understanding of the values, beliefs, and practices that are important to Filipinos, and why
these came about. This knowledge helps us negotiate our place in society and the world, to give
us a sense of belonging. Philippine literature is also a treasure trove of wisdom and guidance,
and knowledge accumulated from the past challenges faced by Filipinos themselves. Reading
works by established Filipino authors can give us insight into how they negotiated their place in
society and the world. Furthermore, reading works by Filipino authors can help people develop
empathy and understanding toward others, especially those from different cultural
backgrounds. This skill is essential in negotiating your place, especially unprofessional practice
places, as it allows you to relate to others and build relationships based on mutual respect and
As a member of the Filipino youth, and one that sees and experiences firsthand how many of
these issues affect myself and others, see the importance of literature in understanding our
country's history, systems, and deeply rooted issues that are almost irreversibly integrated into
our society. By making the effort to read, understand and comprehend our literature, we take
these lessons and go through the challenges, while absorbing this knowledge before having to
learn the hard way the issues prevalent. Philippine literature plays a crucial role in the lives of
Filipinos, shaping their identity, worldview, and professional practice. Through literature,
Filipinos can preserve their cultural heritage, gain a deeper understanding of social issues,
enhance their critical thinking skills, and promote cross-cultural understanding. As we Filipinos
mature and negotiate our place in society and the world, their appreciation and understanding
of Philippine literature can help us navigate the challenges and opportunities we encounter. By
recognizing the value and importance of Philippine literature, we develop a stronger sense of
self and a greater appreciation for their unique cultural identity.