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Woodwork Boring Tools: Types, Uses, and Sketches

OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:
Define woodwork boring tools.
State types of boring tools.
State the uses of boring tools.
Sketch the various types of boring tools.
Boring Tools: are tools used for making holes in wood.
They include:
1. the drill,
2. bradawl and
3. gimlet.
The Drill: is a machine with a pointed tip for cutting holes in wood or metals.
Drill bits are steel tools used in cutting holes of circular cross-section.
Types of Drill Bits
i. Flat drill
ii. Counter sink drill.
iii. Combination or Centre drill.
iv. Twist drill.
v. Straight-fluted drill.
Types of Drills
Drills are generally classified into: manual hand-drill machine and power driven hand drill.
Manual hand drills include:
a. the ratchet brace,
b. the breast drill,
c. the gimlet and
d. the bradawl.
(a). Ratchet brace: This drilling machine holds the auger and drill bits for boring any wooden jobs.
The ratchet makes it possible for this tool to rotate in one direction only for a complete revolution of the
sweep handle.
Auger bit
Ratchet brace
(b). Breast drill: This drilling machine can rotate both clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Breast Drill
(c). Bradawl and Gimlet: used for making small holes in wood for driving screws and nails.
The awl is also used for making centres for drilling.
Gimlet (label this)
Power Hand Drilling Machine: This is an electrically powered machine that rotates clockwise and anticlockwise. It is used for drilling holes in wood and metals.
Hand Drilling Machine