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Business Management Exam Question Guide

Business Management – How to answer
questions correctly?
This is a quick reference to help students answering questions in
Business Management Papers
Section A and Section B
In section A and in Section B (both Paper 1 and
Paper 2), you may find questions that span from 1
to 10 points.
According to the score awarded for each
question, there are related requirements
Section A and Section B – Questions worth 1 point
Questions worth 1 point are usually the ones that require a
Often these questions are grouped in subquestions, where you
are required to answer all the questions in a group, e.g.: a (i),
The result of the calculation may be required to be referenced
in a question worth 10 point
Section A and Section B – Questions worth 2 points
Questions worth 2 points are usually related to definition of
Do not spend too much time on these answers; a clear and
understanding definition is enough
Section A and Section B – Questions worth 4 points
Questions worth 4 points usually start with “With reference to
…”; that means that you are required to give a definition of a
content using the company referenced in the question as an
example. This type of questions required for you to link the
content with the context. Failing to do that will result in cutting
50% of your score, even if your answer is correct
Section A and Section B – Questions worth 10 points
Questions worth 10 points are the most complex one. They are
graded against two sets of criteria: one set is about the structure
of the answer, the other set is about the content of the answer
You are required to write a mini essay, with an introduction, a
body, and a conclusion.
The body must contain your analysis.
The conclusion must contain your own judgement based on the
analysis. No further information must be added in the conclusion
Section A and Section B – Questions worth 10 points
Continued ….
In the body of your answer you must provide two advantages
and two disadvantages for each option either requested in the
question or provided by you.
Section A and Section B – Questions worth 10 points
Continued ….
In the body of your answer you must:
Reference the business mentioned in the question
Reference the stimulus material (either the one in the test or the one
calculated by you in a previous answer)
Reference the vision and mission statement, if provided
Reference the strategy of the business, if provided
Whether a strategy is provided, analyze the consequences in the
short-term and in the long-term
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
This is a concept based question. The concepts considered in your syllabus
are identified by the acronym CESC that stands for
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
Paper 3 will be about a social enterprise and requires students to
identify and describe a human need and the potential
organizational challenges facing the social entrepreneur wanting
to meet this need. Further to this, students are required to write a
decision-making document that includes a business
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
You must reference a human need (you may use Maslow as a
In your document you must cover all the 5 units; reference
tools and theories and propose a way for this company to
overcome its problem.
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
This question is marked against 4 criteria, each one worth a
maximum of 4 points
Criterion A: Use of resource material
Criterion B: Business Management Tools and Theories
Criterion C: Evaluation
Criterion D: Sequencing of ideas and plan of action
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
Criterion A: Use o resource material
This criterion address to what extent does the student use the
resource materials provided to effectively support the
recommended plan of action
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
Criterion B: Business Management tools and theories
This criterion addresses to what extent the student’s plan of
action effectively apply appropriate business management
tools and theories
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
Criterion C: Evaluation
This criterion assesses to what extent the students effectively
evaluate the expected impact of their plan of action on the
relevant areas of business
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
Criterion D: Sequencing of ideas and plan of action
This criterion assesses to what extent are the student’s ideas
and plan of action sequenced in a clear and coherent manner
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
Change is a modification of state, from a moment where a
product did not exist, to a moment in which exists; from a
moment before and after an event modifies the current status
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
Ethics is the discipline or study of moral philosophy. In the context of business
management, ethics can be defined as the moral codes of conduct that drive
business behaviour. Ethical business behaviour is what is deemed by society to
be morally acceptable, i.e. what is “right”. By contrast, unethical business
behaviour is what society regards as being immoral, unjust and unfair, i.e. what
is “wrong”.
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
According to the United Nations (UN), sustainability is about "meeting the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs" (UN, 1987).
Sustainability can be enhanced by conserving resources or finding more efficient
ways to produce or discover new resources. Business decisions should consider the
triple bottom line (3BL) of people, planet, and profit and their resulting impacts in
order to achieve their sustainability goals. Read more about the 3BL model in the
section below.
Paper 3 – CESC Question worth 17 points
Creativity is the process of generating new ideas, often stemming from
divergent thinking. It is the ability to create, design, or produce a new idea.