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The Ripple Effect of Kindness
I stared emptily at the pile of unpaid bills on my work table, submerged by the weight of my
financial stress. My name is Ron and I am currently under depression. I understood the
difficulties of not having a job and looking at my ill father in the hospital increased the
chances of depression. My degree in mechanical engineering didn’t matter. Seeing all these
bills shattered my dignity. I was going to do anything to save my father.
One mournful night, while rain drizzled on the city Lost in my thoughts, I barely even noticed
the festival crowds around me. I wandered in the city, looking for someone to pull me out of
this dark abyss. Which, I had just found Suddenly, a voice called out from behind, breaking
me out of my mournful thoughts.
"Excuse me! Sir, I think you let go of something important.”He proceeded to hand me a
I blinked, confused by what I had just witnessed, and took the check from him. It turned out
the check was for someone but I wished that it could be mine. We took the check to the
nearest police station. but his act of consideration struck me as a rare incident, in a world
where people often didn't care about others' life he went out of his way to return the check to
its rightful owner.
Fascinated by his thoughtfulness, I turned back to him. And asked"Why did you take time off from your busy schedule to return that check?" I asked even
though my mind was declining to ask him that directly. He smiled eagerly, his eye's corners
wrinkled slightly.
And he said"That check could have been very important for its owner and it being lost could have meant
a big loss for him as his hard work would have been lost" A simple act of kindness can make
a whole lot of difference.
His words echoed deep within me, it made me doubt the concept that people are only
motivated by self-interest, which had been building around my heart. I thought did I meet
Jesus in person after he broke the spell on me being lost in my thoughts. He offered me to
do dinner with him and me being in this situation couldn’t decline as I did not do lunch today.
As we shared our names I learned that he had the same name as my father, His name wasAstley. We talked more and he told me that one of his close relatives was in a similar
situation as mine so he knew how to help me.
Moved by his empathy, I disclosed to him about my difficulties. To my surprise, he listened to
my mourns carefully. Then he told me that he was looking for employees for his newfound
company of automobiles. He then without seeing my degree or my skills decided to hire me
on the spot. I was left speechless by his acts. I left the cafe that day with a newfound hope,
refreshed and energized by the generosity of a stranger
Minutes turned into hours, and Mr.Astley and I recruited more employees and workers to
work for our company. Slowly but gradually our ideas worked and we started selling our cars.
I got a promotion and my practical skills had also improved. Eventually, my father’s condition
also improved. I paid all my bills in the next few years and started earning a good amount of
money. Seeing this my father also thanked Mr. Astley for the gratitude that he showed me.
I felt a burning desire to repay the generosity offered to me. I left my job in the automobile
industry. Inspired by Mr. Astley's generosity, I started volunteering in various NGOs. Each
smile I received, and every single act of great gratitude and respect, I witnessed, made me
believe that a single act of kindness could change/save lives
After some years, I lost touch with Mr.Astley but his ideas always remained in my mind the
waves of his kindness continued to spread influencing my interactions with others and
inspiring me to become a great person like him.
Today, I am in a position to extend a helping hand to those in need. I've made it my goal to
ensure that no one feels lonely and is not needed. The memory of Mr. Astley's generosity
serves as a constant reminder that we all have the power to create a difference, no matter
how big or small it is.
In a world that often fett feels lonely and cold, unexpected acts of generosity. can warm the
coldest of hearts These acts that have the power to bring joy to everyone and save them
from whatever struggles they are facing in their lives. I could enlighten their hearts and give
them new hope.
So, the neat time creates an opportunity to help someone, grab it. You never know how big
of an effect you can create in their life.