Module 4 Measurement of Vertical Distances CE 213 FUNDAMENTALS OF SURVEYING PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI SOURCES OF ERRORS IN LEVELING 1. INSTRUMENTAL ERRORS a. Instrument out of adjustment b. Rod not standard length c. Defective Tripod PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI SOURCES OF ERRORS IN LEVELING 2. PERSONAL ERRORS a. Bubble not centered b. Parallax c. Faulty Rod Reading d. Rod not Held plumb e. Incorrect setting of Target f. Unequal backsight and foresight distance PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI SOURCES OF ERRORS IN LEVELING 3. NATURAL ERRORS a. Curvature of the Earth b. Atmospheric Refraction c. Temperature Variation d. Wind e. Settlement of the Instrument f. Faulty Turning points PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI COMMON MISTAKES IN LEVELING 1. Misreading the Rod 2. Incorrect Recording 3. Erroneous Computation 4. Rod not full extended 5. MOving turning points PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI Adjustment of the Dumpy level 1. Adjustment of the Cross Hairs 2. Adjustment of the Level Vial 3. Adjustment of the Line of Sight PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI CURVATURE AND REFRACTION The effects of earth curvature and atmospheric refraction are taken into account in leveling work since the measurements are made in vertical planes and these effects all occur in the same plane. Due to the earth’s curvature, a horizontal line departs from a level line by 0.0785 m in one kilometre, varying as the square of the length of the line. This expression for earth curvature is based on the mean radius of the earth which is about 6371 km. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI CURVATURE AND REFRACTION Atmospheric refraction varies with atmospheric conditions. Under ordinary conditions, it is approximately equal to 0.0110 m in one kilometre, also varying directly as the square of the length of the line. This is about oneseventh the effect of curvature of the earth. The point observed through the level appears to be point B but is actually point C. The angular displacement resulting from refraction is variable. It depends upon the angle the line of sight makes with the vertical and the surrounding atmospheric conditions. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI CURVATURE AND REFRACTION The combination of the earths curvature and atmospheric refraction causes the telescope’s line of sight to vary from a level line by approximately 0.0785 minus 0.0110 or 0.0675 m in one kilometer, varying as the square of the sight distance in kilometers. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI CURVATURE AND REFRACTION h’ = 0.0675 K2 where h’ is the departure of a telescope line of sight from a level line (in meters) and K is the length of the line of sight (in kilometers). The value 0.0675 is called the coefficient of refraction. Its value actually varies to a certain degree for different elevations, but is taken with an average value of 0.0675. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI CURVATURE AND REFRACTION For surveys of ordinary precision, corrections for the combined effects of curvature and refraction may be omitted. The correction is only necessary in precise leveling work and where the difference in length of backsight and foresight distances is great. If the backsight distance were exactly equal to the foresight distance for each set up of the instrument, the errors caused by the atmospheric refraction and the earth’s curvature would cancel each other. Since refraction changes rapidly with changes in temperature, it is advisable to undertake precise leveling during cloudy days or at mid-afternoon or sunny days when the ground and air are uniformly warm. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI CURVATURE AND REFRACTION Example. A woman standing on a beach can just see the top of a lighthouse 24.140 km away. If her eye height above sea level is 1.738 m, determine the height of the lighthouse above sea level. Solution: PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI CURVATURE AND REFRACTION PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 1. DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING 1. DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING is the process of determining the difference in elevation between two or more points some distance apart. There should be at least two persons to undertake differential leveling; the rodman who carries and holds the rod, and the instrument man who sets up the level and determines the required rod readings. The instrument man can record the data in a field notebook or a third person may be employed as recorder. If a bigger levelling party could be formed, a chief of party, a pacer, an axeman and utility men may be added to complete the team. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 1. DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING The leveling instrument is set up at any convenient location along the level route and a backsight is taken on a leveling rod held vertically on Bma. The backsight reading added to the known or assumed elevation of the initial bench mark gives the height of instrument above datum or HI = Elev BMa + BS PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 1. DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING The rodman moves forward along the general direction of BMb and holds the rod at a convenient turning point (TP1). The instrument man takes a foresight on the rod. This foresight reading subtracted from the height of instrument gives the elevation above datum of the turning point or Elev TP1 = HI – FS PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 1. DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING The level is then transferred and set up at another convenient location beyond TP1, but still in the general direction of BMb. The exact location at which the level is set up is of little importance. The more important thing to consider is that the level is set up at a location where backsight and foresight rod readings can be made. A backsight is then taken on TP, to establish a new height of instrument (HI2). The rodman finally moves forward to the location of BMb and a foresight is taken on the rod held on it. Since the new HI has already be determined, the elevation of BMb is computed by subtracting the foresight reading from the height of instrument. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 1. DIFFERENTIAL LEVELING If the terminal point (BMb) is still some distance away such that more turning points have to be established before it could be foresighted, the procedure of reading a backsight, the rodman moving ahead to establish another turning point, and reading a foresight is repeated. This is done as many times as necessary until the elevation of BMb is finally obtained. The four illustrative problems given in this lesson should provide the student a clearer idea as to how differential levelling is undertaken, how the notes are kept, and how the customary arithmetic check is made. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 2. DOUBLE-RODDED LEVELING 2. DOUBLE-RODDED LEVELING. Double-rodded differential leveling is a method of determining differences between points by employing two level routes simultaneously. This method differs from conventional differential leveling in that two turning points are established such that at each setup of the leveling instrument, two sets of independent backsights and foresights are taken. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 2. DOUBLE-RODDED LEVELING This method has an advantage of providing a continuous check on the process of determining ground elevations while the work is in progress. It is extremely useful when there is an urgent need to undertake differential leveling in a short period of time where no established bench marks are available for checking results. Double-rodded leveling is also useful when running a long line of levels which do not close back on the initial bench mark. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 2. DOUBLE-RODDED LEVELING Although this method of leveling can be run with a single rod and only one rodman, it is preferable to employ two rods and two rodmen to speed up the process of leveling. When using the method, It is advisable to use sets of turning points which are near each other and having elevation differences of at least one-half meter or more. This technique eliminates the possibility of making the same mistake in reading the meter marks on both rods. It is also advisable to swap rods on alternate setups of the instrument to minimize systematic errors. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 2. DOUBLE-RODDED LEVELING Upon completion of the leveling operation, it will be observed that the two computed elevations of the terminal bench mark will vary slightly from each other. The discrepancy is due usually to errors of observation, and the correct elevation is determined by taking the average value. However, when the discrepancy between two final elevations is sufficiently large, it is advisable to repeat the leveling process. It should also be expected that the discrepancy will increase as the length of the line increases. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 2. DOUBLE-RODDED LEVELING Just as in conventional differential leveling, there is a need to perform the customary arithmetic check before leaving the survey site. This arithmetic check is made by adding separately all the backsight readings and all the foresight readings. It should be noted that the backsight readings are considered as positive values and foresight readings as negative values. Since there are two sets of level lines, the algebraic sum of the backsight and foresight readings is divided by two. The quotient thus obtained is then added algebraically to the elevation of the initial bench mark. If the resulting sum is equal to the elevation of the terminal bench mark, it can be safely assumed that the process of adding and subtracting has been done correctly. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 2. DOUBLE-RODDED LEVELING Again, it is stressed that the arithmetic check does not provide any measure of verifying mistakes in observing and recording of data. It does not also tell us if the field observations and techniques employed were undertaken satisfactorily. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 3. THREE-WIRE LEVELING. 3. THREE-WIRE LEVELING. A more precise method of differential leveling can be attained by the three-wire method of leveling. It is a method of determining differences in elevation wherein three horizontal hairs (or threads) are read and recorded rather than from a single horizontal hair. The leveling instrument used should be equipped with stadia hairs in addition to the regular vertical and horizontal hairs. For each backsight and foresight, all three horizontal hairs are read to the nearest millimeter and the average of the three readings is taken as the correct value. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 3. THREE-WIRE LEVELING. Since three-wire leveling is employed for high precision work, only precise leveling rods should be used. It is preferable to employ rods which use graduated strips of invar. To attain fast and accurate plumbing, the rod should have an attached rod level. It is also important to calibrate the rod before using them in the field. The backsight and corresponding foresight distances should always be maintained at equal lengths. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 3. THREE-WIRE LEVELING. The level is set up at station L and the rod is held vertically at station P.The horizontal distance between the instrument and the rod is shown as HD, and the vertical distance between the line of sight and station P is taken as the mean of the three hair readings. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 3. THREE-WIRE LEVELING. Where: a= Upper stadia hair reading b= lower stadia hair reading c= horizontal cross-hair reading or rod reading on P s= stadia intercept or the difference between the upper stadia hair reading and the lower stadia hair reading m= mean of three hair readings HD= horizontal distance from the level to the rod held at P K= Stadia interval factor C= instrument constant HI= height of the line of sight above datum or mean sea level Elev of P= unknown elevation of station P PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI LEVELING METHODS: 3. THREE-WIRE LEVELING. The following equations are used in three-wire leveling: The stadia intercept, s, provides an indirect measure of the distance from the center of the leveling instrument to the rod sighted. In determining the horizontal distance, the stadia interval factor, K, and the instrument constant, C, must first be known or given. For most leveling instruments, K is usually equal to 100 and C is zero. PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI References [1] Johny Pilapi La Putt Surveyin Lab Manual [2] Colorado Department of Transportation Survey Manual PREPARED BY: ELIJAH TASANI