Uploaded by Taylor Bernard

Year 7 Science Reflection: Semester 1 Worksheet

Year 7: Reflection on Semester 1
Complete this side on your own:
Talk to other people in the class to complete this side:
What is something exciting you’ve learnt this
semester in science?
Find someone who wrote something different to
you. What did they find exciting? Why?
What is something you’ve done really well at
this semester?
If someone struggled with the thing you did well
on, what would you say to them? Find someone
and tell them your constructive advice!
What is something you’ve struggled with this
Find someone who did well at the thing you
struggled with. What advice do they have for you?
How many stars would you give yourself for your
understanding of the scientific method:
What about the scientific method do you find
difficult? What can you do to help yourself?
What is something you didn’t expect about
secondary science?
Colour the face that best describes how you feel
about science this semester:
What improvements have you already seen in
yourself since the start of Year 7?
Set two goals for the rest of Year 7. Explain how
you are going to achieve them.
1. ____________________________________
Why did you choose this face?
2. ____________________________________