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NurseThink Conceptual Clinical Cases - Chapter 18 - Multi-Concept Client - Questions

Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
Case 1: Depression, Sexuality, Glucose Regulation, Protection
NurseThink® Prioritization Power. Evaluate the information and determine the Top 3 Priority concerns or cues.
The nurse recognized that Lucinda's insulin pump is not functioning correctly and discontinues it, obtaining a prescription to start
her on subcutaneous insulin coverage for glucose > 200 mg/dL. What additional prescriptions should the nurse request? Select all
that apply.
What statement by Lucinda is most concerning about her current mental state?
Identify the potential stressor(s) impacting Lucinda’s life. Select all that apply.
Identify the impact that Lucinda’s emotional state has on her physical health risks. Select all that apply.
Which therapeutic communication technique(s) would help the nurse to build rapport with Lucinda? Select all that apply.
The nurse is considering the best approach when interacting with someone who identifies as another gender. Which approach
would be best?
The nurse wants to find out more information regarding Lucinda's symptoms of depression. Which question would elicit a response
indicating other symptoms of depression?
THIN Thinking! Apply THIN Thinking to Lucinda’s current situation.
10. The nurse begins to create a plan for the inpatient team to better meet Lucinda’s discharge needs. Who should be included in this
healthcare team? Select all that apply.
11. The nurse knows that transgender issues and depression are commonly linked. Which symptoms of depression does Lucinda
demonstrate? Select all that apply.
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
12. The nurse also considers a diagnosis of gender dysphoria based on the client’s presentation. Which of Lucinda’s symptoms are
congruent with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria?
13. The nurse realizes that because of Lucinda’s upbringing she continues to work through stages of Erikson’s that were not previously
met. Which of Erickson’s psychosocial levels is she trying to work through?
14. The nurse wants to empathize with the client after she has shared this information. Which statement by the nurse is the most
15. The nurse documents Lucinda’s appearance and behavior in the electronic health record. Determine if each statement is adequate
and appropriate.
16. The mental health care specialist has placed Lucinda on desvenlafaxine 50 mg by mouth daily. What education would the nurse give
regarding desvenlafaxine?
17. The mental health care specialist refers Lucinda for outpatient psychological treatment. Which would the nurse expect to see as a
part of the discharge plan? Select all that apply.
18. What changes would indicate that things have changed for Lucinda? Select all that apply.
19. One day Lucinda’s mother enters her room and finds her unconscious and unarousable. In what order should her mother perform
these actions?
20. Lucinda's blood glucose is 29 mg/dL, and she becomes more response after the dose of glucagon. Paramedics arrive, begin an
intravenous solution with dextrose and transport her to the emergency room. It is determined that she purposely overdosed on
insulin after a note to her aunt was found. What are the priority assessments upon admission to the emergency department? Select
all that apply.
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
Case 2: Neurocognitive and Endocrine Disorders
NurseThink® Prioritization Power! Evaluate the behaviors that Lola is exhibiting and determine the Top 3 Priority assessment
The nurse obtains vital signs, which are all normal other than elevated blood pressure. After speaking to the provider about Lola’s
symptoms, which diagnostic tests will the nurse anticipate? Select all that apply.
The nurse obtains additional information from Lola about her ongoing symptoms. What question(s) are a priority? Select all that
What conclusions can the nurse make based on the lab report?
THIN Thinking Time! Reflect on the information the nurse has gathered about Lola and apply THIN Thinking towards the nurse’s
The nurse is concerned about Lola’s memory loss and forgetfulness. What should the nurse ask to determine if a neurocognitive
disorder is present?
After reviewing the medication list which medication could be causing the dizziness and forgetfulness? Select all that apply.
The nurse is concerned that some of Lola’s physical symptoms could be causing the forgetfulness, and scattered feelings. What
could be contributing to these feelings?
The nurse assess Lola’s mental status. Which assessment(s) best evaluate(s) memory and orientation? Select all that apply.
10. How would the nurse document Lola’s perception of the mental status exam based on her presenting symptoms? Select all that
11. Lola does not meet criteria for an inpatient physical or psychiatric admission and will be discharged to home with a follow-up visit
with her medical and mental health care providers within the next week. Which discharge prescription should the nurse question?
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
12. Why would the provider increase the levothyroxine dose?
13. NurseThink® Prioritization Power! Evaluate the discharge note and determine the Top 3 Priority teaching needs for Lola.
14. The neurologist is concerned that Lola is developing dementia. Which assessment finding supports this diagnosis?
15. It is important to ensure that Lola is not exhibiting symptoms of depression given her history. Which statement best differentiates
between depression and dementia?
16. NurseThink® Prioritization Power! The nurse knows that when planning care for a client with a neurocognitive disorder that
behaviors will slowly deteriorate. List the Top 3 Priority educational topics for the caregiver.
17. What assumptions can the nurse make about the lab report?
18. The nurse notes a decrease in the hemoglobin over the last month and considers possible causes. Which risk is most likely to be the
19. Based on this risk, what test should the nurse request?
20. Lola tells the nurse, “It seems like my body is falling apart. Every time I go to the doctor, they find something new that is wrong with
me. Sometimes I feel like I should give up.” How should the nurse reply?
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
Case 3: Cellular Regulation; Emotion: Grief; Perfusion
In reviewing Carl’s current state of health and his noted health history, what risk factors does he have for developing cancer and
The nurse practitioner completes a thorough physical assessment and finds expiratory wheezes and a dry cough. Carl’s blood
pressure is 192/102 (132), heart rate of 113 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 28 breaths, and oxygen saturation reading of 89%
on room air. What is the priority action by the nurse?
What diagnostic exam should the nurse anticipate will be ordered for Carl?
What is the most appropriate response from Michelle?
Minnie asks about the common risks associated with lung biopsies. What teaching should the nurse provide?
Carl is angry and refuses to talk about the treatment plan. Minnie is crying and asks if he is going to die. Which action is most
appropriate at this time?
Which are anticipated side effects of chemotherapy? Select all that apply.
Carl and Minnie are referred to a case manager who develops the multidisciplinary team. Complete the table on the responsibilities
of each healthcare team member in the care of Carl and Minnie.
NurseThink® Prioritization Power! Evaluate the emergency admission assessment and identify the Top 3 Priority assessment
10. The triage nurse communicates with the provider to request prescriptions for Carl. Fill out the SBAR from the nurse to the
healthcare provider.
11. Which health care prescription(s) should the nurse question? Select all that apply.
12. In which order should the emergency department nurse complete the prescriptions?
13. Complete the following SBAR handoff report.
14. Delegate the following actions to each member of the team. Each member of the team may be used more than once.
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
15. How should the nurse respond to Minnie?
16. THIN Thinking Time! Reflect on the nurse’s findings and apply THIN Thinking.
17. Evaluate the laboratory results and complete the table.
18. What prescriptions can the nurse expect to receive after contacting the HCP? Select all that apply.
19. Which symptom(s) indicate(s) a reason the nurse would stop the blood during the transfusion? Select all that apply.
20. The nurse evaluates the outcomes from the blood administration. Which assessment finding(s) should the nurse anticipate? Select
all that apply.
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
Case 4: Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance; Hormonal Imbalance: Glucose Regulation, Perfusion
Which health care prescription should the nurse question?
The emergency department nurse is performing an admission medication reconciliation with Ron. Complete the shaded areas of the
Based on the laboratory report, which is/are the priority action(s) by the nurse? Select all that apply.
The emergency department nurse prepares to teach Ron about the prevention of diabetic foot wounds. Which priority instruction(s)
should be given? Select all that apply.
The nurse’s note indicates a blood pressure of 202/110 (141) mmHg. What should the nurse do first?
Match the type of dialysis delivery on the left to the client education on the right. The type of dialysis delivery can be used multiple
The nurse is educating Ron about his dietary changes. The nurse knows teaching has been successful when Ron makes which meal
NurseThink® Prioritization Power! Use the nurse’s notes to develop the Top 3 Priority cues or concerns.
The health care provider prescribes an echocardiogram and a CT of the head to be completed. Ron asks what an echocardiogram is.
What response by the nurse is best?
10. Reflect on Ron’s medical history and complications. Connect the complications on the left to the contributing factors on the right.
Each complication can be associated with more than one contributing factor.
11. Ron is transferred to the telemetry unit. Give a handoff report from the E.D. nurse to the telemetry nurse.
12. The charge nurse is making bed assignments. In which room should Ron be assigned?
13. The healthcare provider writes prescriptions for medications to treat newly diagnosed heart failure. The nurse prepares to teach
Ron about his new medications. Fill in the empty spaces.
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
14. During the morning rounds, the nurse notices that Ron has two bottles of water and three orange juice cups on his bedside table.
Which priority instructions should be given?
15. The nurse is teaching Ron about daily care of heart failure. Which statement by Ron is most concerning?
16. Shortly after the cardiologist’s visit, Ron puts on the call light. He is upset and says to the nurse, “Am I going to die? I don’t want to
die.” How should the nurse respond?
17. Which prescription should the nurse question?
18. THIN Thinking Time! Apply THIN Thinking to Ron’s change in status.
19. Ron’s blood glucose level is 65 mg/dL, and he is unarousable. What should be the nurse’s next action?
20. The nurse reviews the post-procedural ICD instructions with Ron. The nurse knows that teaching has been effective when Ron
makes which statement? Select all that apply.
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
Case 5: Multiple Organ Dysfunction from Trauma and Shock
NurseThink® Prioritization Power! Evaluate the information in the case and determine the Top 3 Priority concerns or cues.
Based on the priority concerns, what action(s) should the nurse perform first as Gerald arrives at the emergency department?
Indicate if the client’s condition is improving or declining based on the trends of data?
The nurse completes an assessment on Gerald. For each assessment finding, list why it is concerning.
Gerald’s blood glucose on arrival to the intensive care unit is 520 mg/dL. What rate will the nurse start the Regular Insulin drip?
The nurse obtains additional information, documented in the chart, on the left. Determine if the findings are related or not related
to his current trauma situation.
THIN Thinking Time! Reflect on the nurse’s collection of information for Gerald and apply THIN Thinking.
Based on the admission assessment and related information provided, what hypothesis can the nurse make?
Explain the presenting symptom(s) that support(s) the need for each of the prescriptions. Then describe why the prescription is
10. The nurse reviews material for the norepinephrine ordered. Highlight the critical information in the reference that the nurse should
consider with the administration of norepinephrine. Record the nurse's decisions regarding administering the medication.
11. NurseThink® Prioritization Power! Evaluate the information select the Top 3 Priority concerns or cues.
12. The type and cross-matched blood are available for transfusion. Put in order the steps for administering a blood transfusion.
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
13. As the nurse compares Gerald’s current arterial blood gas and respiratory assessment with the one from admission, what change(s)
should be anticipated in the ventilator settings? Select all that apply.
14. The nurse is responding to a high-pressure alarm sounding on the ventilator. What are the possible causes of a high-pressure alarm?
Select all that apply.
15. Gerald’s wife asks the nurse why he is on life support. What is the nurse’s best response?
16. Which findings in the updated assessment make Gerald at risk of bleeding? Select all that apply.
17. Treatment for Gerald has been in progress for six hours. Which finding(s) would be considered an improvement in his condition?
Select all that apply.
18. The nurse enters Gerald’s room and sees this rhythm on the cardiac monitor. Mr. Luna is unresponsive. What should the nurse do
19. The family approached the nurse to find out if a Native American healer could visit Gerald and perform a ceremony. What is the
nurse’s best response?
20. When reviewing Gerald’s case, what evidence is present that confirms multiple organ dysfunction?
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
Case 6: Emergency Response Planning
When arriving at the scene of an accident, what is the nurse’s most important concern?
Put in order the triage tagging system listing the most critical to the least critical.
Which victim should be tagged delayed or yellow?
The nurse is asked to triage victims using triage tags. What triage category is appropriate?
When the first victim arrives at the hospital emergency department, this information is written on Triage Tag No. 5467. The first
victim arrives with oxygen at 6 liters by nasal cannula and normal saline 0.9% running wide open. What should be the nurse’s first
NurseThink® Prioritization Power! Reflect on Rose’s assessment findings and identify the Top 3 Priority concerns.
What critical labs and tests should be ordered for Rose? Select all that apply.
What priority test or information is needed next for each victim? Why?
Which medication(s) does the nurse anticipate the provider will order for Phillip? Select all that apply.
10. The provider ordered Aspirin 160 mg orally stat for Jose. The nurse administered the medication and proceeded to enter the order
in the electronic health record. When entering the order, an alert window appeared. What is the nurse’s highest priority?
11. What signs and symptoms should the nurse anticipate Jose could develop? Select all that apply.
12. Alison has a finger stick glucose reading of 32 mg/dL. What prescription(s) does the nurse anticipate? Select all that apply.
13. Alison will need surgical intervention to repair her right radius fracture. The surgeon is concerned that the arm is compromised and
she needs emergency surgery. What signs and symptoms would the nurse associate with a need for emergency surgery? Select all
that apply.
14. The next four victims arrive at the emergency room from the accident. Review the information given, which victim should the nurse
assess first and why?
Chapter 18: Multi-Concept Client
15. What test or priority information is needed next for each victim?
16. For Jon, the provider ordered intravenous normal saline 0.9% at 75 mL/hour and morphine sulfate 0.5 mg intravenous push every
15 minutes as needed for pain. What action should the nurse take next?
17. For Marshall, the provider ordered intravenous push methylprednisolone 125 mg. What action should the nurse take next?
18. For Zoe, the provider ordered a stat CT scan of the head. What action should the nurse take next?
19. For Daniel, the provider has ordered hydromorphone 1 mg intravenous push stat. What action should the nurse take next?
20. Which victim is showing signs of improvement?
Which victim is showing signs of decline and would be the priority for provider reassessment?