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Denominational History Journal Entry

Date: August 26, 2022
Subject: Denominational History and Prophetic Heritage
Journal #: 2
1. What went well? Or what new thing did you learn?
About the 4 doctrines regarding the Sanctuary, Sabbath, Prophetic Gift, Conditional
Immortality. It was a long discussion regarding this 4 topic and it answered some
questions I had regarding the even in 1844.
2. What would you like to improve? It could be about yourself or about the class.
The discussion was quite hard to understand, especially because it needs a lot of
concentration. I’d really like to improve my reading and understanding skills.
3. Any questions/challenges about the class session?
I hope the next class will be face to face classes already. Online classes has been
quite difficult because of the slow internet we have so there were hanging gaps
during the class.