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Developing Management Skills, 9e (Whetten/Cameron)
Chapter 1 Developing Self-Awareness
1) Self-awareness is at the foundation of personal life management skills.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Though self-awareness is not itself sufficient for good life management, other
management skills (such as self-control, time-management, stress mitigation) build upon strong
self-awareness skills.
Difficulty: 1
Topic: Key Dimensions of Self-Awareness
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫( الوعي الذاتي هو أساس مهارات‬1
.‫إدارة الحياة الشخصية‬
‫ على الرغم من أن الوعي الذاتي‬:‫التفسير‬
‫دارة الجيدة‬f‫ليس كافيًا في حد ذاته ل‬
‫دارة ا)خرى‬k‫ أن مهارات ا‬U‫ إ‬، ‫للحياة‬
‫)مثل ضبط النفس وإدارة الوقت وتخفيف‬
‫التوتر( تعتمد على مهارات الوعي الذاتي‬
‫( تشير ا)دلة التجريبية إلى أن ا)شخاص ا)كثر وعيًا‬2
2) Empirical evidence indicates that people who are more self-aware are healthier, perform better
‫ ويعملون بشكل أفضل‬، ‫بأنفسهم يتمتعون بصحة أفضل‬
in leadership roles, and are more productive at work.
.‫ وأكثر إنتاجية في العمل‬، ‫في ا)دوار القيادية‬
Answer: TRUE
‫ أنفسنا أو‬R‫ نستطيع تحس‬U ‫ هذا صحيح )ننا‬:‫التفسير‬
Explanation: This is true because we cannot improve ourselves or develop new capabilities ‫تطوير قدرات جديدة ما لم وحتى نعرف مستوى القدرة‬
unless and until we know what level of capability we currently possess.
.‫التي نمتلكها حال ًيا‬
Difficulty: 1
Topic: Key Dimensions of Self-Awareness
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
3) The concept of sensitive line refers to the point at which individuals welcome information
about themselves from their co-workers.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: The concept of sensitive line refers to the point at which people become defensive
or protective of information about themselves.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: The Sensitive Line
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
4) Marvin consistently finds fault with Alicia's competence as a manager. Because Alicia has
been told she is doing a good job she therefore responds in a threatened, rigid way. Thus, her
most likely response will be to defend herself in light of Marvin's accusations.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: The threat-rigidity response occurs when people encounter information that is a
threat to their self-concept. They protect themselves and become risk averse. When people
respond this way, they tend to deny the validity of the contradictory information or contradict the
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: The Sensitive Line
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
5) Self-awareness can be managed by exercising minimal control over when and what kind of
information one receives about oneself and by not involving others in the pursuit of selfunderstanding.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Self-awareness is best achieved through self-disclosure, which allows one to
receive feedback and additional information from others. A quote from the text states that "Our
self-reflection in a mirror does not tell us what we are like, only our reflection in other people."
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: The Sensitive Line
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫( يشير مفهوم الخط الحساس إلى النقطة‬3
‫التي يرحب فيها ا)فراد بمعلومات عن‬
.‫ئهم في العمل‬s‫أنفسهم من زم‬
‫ يشير مفهوم الخط الحساس إلى‬:‫التفسير‬
R‫النقطة التي يصبح عندها الناس دفاعي‬
‫تعلقة بأنفسهم‬u‫ للمعلومات ا‬R‫أو وقائ‬
‫( وجد مارفن باستمرار خطأ في كفاءة‬4
‫ و)ن أليسيا قد قيل لها‬.‫أليسيا كمدير‬
‫ فإنها تستجيب‬، ‫إنها تقوم بعمل جيد‬
، ‫ وبالتالي‬.‫بطريقة مهددة وقاسية‬
‫سيكون ردها ا)رجح هو الدفاع عن‬
‫نفسها في ضوء اتهامات‬
‫ تحدث استجابة التهديد‬:‫التفسير‬.‫مارفن‬
‫والتصلب عندما يواجه ا)شخاص‬
.‫فهومهم الذاتي‬u ‫معلومات تشكل تهدي ًدا‬
‫إنهم يحمون أنفسهم ويبتعدون عن‬
‫ عندما يستجيب الناس بهذه‬.‫خاطر‬u‫ا‬
‫ فإنهم يميلون إلى إنكار صحة‬، ‫الطريقة‬
‫تناقضة أو يتناقضون مع‬u‫علومات ا‬u‫ا‬
‫ل ممارسة‬s‫( يمكن إدارة الوعي الذاتي من خ‬5
‫علومات‬u‫الحد ا)دنى من التحكم في وقت ونوع ا‬
‫رء عن نفسه وعدم إشراك ا}خرين‬u‫التي يتلقاها ا‬
‫ يتم تحقيق‬:‫التفسير‬.‫في السعي وراء فهم الذات‬
‫ل الكشف‬s‫الوعي الذاتي على أفضل وجه من خ‬
‫ والذي يسمح للشخص بتلقي‬، ‫عن الذات‬
‫ ينص‬.‫ضافية من ا}خرين‬k‫علومات ا‬u‫التعليقات وا‬
‫اقتباس من النص على أن "انعكاسنا لذاتنا في‬
‫ بل هو انعكاسنا‬، ‫ يخبرنا بما نحن عليه‬U ‫رآة‬u‫ا‬
."‫في ا}خرين‬
6) Simone will be viewed as an effective manager if she uses her ability to recognize, appreciate,
and act on key fundamental differences among her employees.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: These attributes (recognizing, appreciating, and acting on fundamental employee
differences) are known generally as managing diversity. Effectively managing diversity allows
Simone to better utilize the differences (perspectives, strengths, and skills she finds in her
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Application and Appreciating Individual Differences
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Diverse and Multicultural Work
7) Promoting similarity among people in a work setting reduces creativity and complex problem
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Though similarity is comfortable and differences are sometimes interpreted as
frightening or threatening, research on organizational failure has repeatedly demonstrated that a
lack of diversity makes it difficult to recognize changes in the environment and respond
creatively and appropriately.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Application and Appreciating Individual Differences
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Diverse and Multicultural Work
8) Emotional intelligence has been identified as a moderately unimportant factor in accounting
for success in leaders and managers.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Emotional intelligence has been identified as one of the most important factors in
managerial and leadership success.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.2
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
9) Results of research studies indicate that cognitive intelligence is twice as important in
contributing to excellence as emotional intelligence.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Results of research indicate that emotional intelligence is twice as important in
contributing to excellence (not the other way around).
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.2
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫( سينظر إلى سيمون كمديرة فعالة إذا‬6
‫استخدمت قدرتها على التعرف على‬
‫ موظفيها وتقديرها‬R‫فات ا)ساسية ب‬s‫خت‬U‫ا‬
:‫ شرح صحيح‬:‫جابة‬k‫ ا‬.‫والتصرف وف ًقا لها‬
‫فات‬s‫خت‬U‫تُعرف هذه السمات )التعرف على ا‬
‫ وتقديرها والعمل وف ًقا‬R‫وظف‬u‫ ا‬R‫ا)ساسية ب‬
‫دارة‬k‫ تتيح ا‬.‫لها( عمو ًما باسم إدارة التنوع‬
‫ستفادة بشكل‬U‫الفعالة للتنوع لسيمون ا‬
‫فات )وجهات النظر ونقاط‬s‫خت‬U‫أفضل من ا‬
.‫هارات التي تجدها في موظفيها‬u‫القوة وا‬
‫ الناس في بيئة العمل يقلل‬R‫( تعزيز التشابه ب‬7
:‫جابة‬k‫ ا‬.‫عقدة‬u‫ت ا‬s‫شك‬u‫بداع وحل ا‬k‫من ا‬
‫ على الرغم من أن التشابه مريح‬:‫شرح صحيح‬
‫فات أحيانًا على أنها مخيفة‬s‫خت‬U‫ويتم تفسير ا‬
‫ فقد أظهر البحث حول الفشل‬، ‫أو مهددة‬
‫فتقار إلى التنوع‬U‫وتكرارا أن ا‬
‫يجعل من الصعب التعرف على التغييرات في‬
.‫ق ومناسب‬s‫ستجابة بشكل خ‬U‫البيئة وا‬
‫( تم تحديد الذكاء العاطفي كعامل غير مهم‬8
‫حاسبة عن النجاح في القادة‬u‫إلى حد ما في ا‬
‫ تم‬:‫ التفسير الخاطئ‬:‫جابة‬k‫ ا‬.‫ديرين‬u‫وا‬
‫تحديد الذكاء العاطفي كأحد أهم العوامل في‬
.‫داري والقيادي‬k‫النجاح ا‬
‫( تشير نتائج الدراسات البحثية إلى أن‬9
‫عرفي له أهمية مضاعفة في‬u‫الذكاء ا‬
.‫ساهمة في التميز مثل الذكاء العاطفي‬u‫ا‬
‫ تشير نتائج البحث‬:‫ شرح خاطئ‬:‫الجواب‬
‫إلى أن الذكاء العاطفي له أهمية مضاعفة‬
.(‫ساهمة في التميز )وليس العكس‬u‫في ا‬
10) Emotional intelligence refers to the noncognitive capabilities and skills
including social
that affect human functioning.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Emotional competence refers to the noncognitive capabilities and skills
including social skills
that affect human functioning. Emotional intelligence, according to the
definition adopted by the authors, refers to the ability to diagnose, understand, and manage
emotional cues.
‫هارات غير‬u‫( يشير الذكاء العاطفي إلى القدرات وا‬10
Difficulty: 1
‫جتماعية التي تؤثر على‬U‫هارات ا‬u‫عرفية بما في ذلك ا‬u‫ا‬
Learning Objective 1.2
.‫نسان‬k‫أداء ا‬
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
‫هارات غير‬u‫ يشير الذكاء العاطفي إلى القدرات وا‬:‫التفسير‬
Skill: Concept
‫جتماعية التي تؤثر على‬U‫هارات ا‬u‫عرفية بما في ذلك ا‬u‫ا‬
‫ وف ًقا للتعريف الذي‬، ‫ يشير الذكاء العاطفي‬.‫نسان‬k‫أداء ا‬
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫ إلى القدرة على تشخيص وفهم وإدارة‬، ‫ؤلفون‬u‫اعتمده ا‬
.‫شارات العاطفية‬k‫ا‬
11) Emotional intelligence can be developed and improved.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Unlike IQ, which remains relatively constant over a lifetime, emotional
intelligence can be enhanced with practice and concerted effort.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.2
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
12) According to research cited by the textbook authors, the general competency of emotional
intelligence of individuals has increased over time.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Goleman, 1988, found that general competency levels of emotional intelligence
have deteriorated over time. On the other hand, IQ scores have risen by almost 25 points over the
last 100 years.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.2
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
13) Specific vs. diffuse refers to the cultural dimension that either general societal rules or
relationships with others govern people's behavior.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Specific vs. diffuse refers to cultures that segregate life roles to maintain privacy
and personal autonomy compared to cultures that integrate and merge their roles.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Cultural Values
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
14) Managers of Spanish or Hispanic origin place a high degree of emphasis on personal
accomplishments and achievements.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Managers of Spanish origin place a high degree of emphasis on individual
relationships, team contributions, and showing emotions.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Cultural Values
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Diverse and Multicultural Work
15) The value dimension about how people manage time relates to the emphasis people place on
the past, present, or future.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Some people value past and tradition more than future possibilities. Others place
more value on the future than the past. Another variation is in the time periods attributed to our
past and future (short-time horizons versus long-time horizons).
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Personal Values
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
16) Terminal values prescribe desirable standards of conduct or methods for attaining an end.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Instrumental values prescribe desirable standards of conduct or methods for
attaining an end. Terminal values prescribe desirable ends or goals for the individual.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Personal Values
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
17) If you are cheating on this test, you are violating an instrumental value.
Answer: TRUE
.‫( يمكن تطوير الذكاء العاطفي وتحسينه‬11
‫ على عكس معدل الذكاء‬:‫ شرح صحيح‬:‫الجواب‬
‫ فهو عاطفي‬، ‫الذي يظل ثابت ًا نسبيًا طوال العمر‬
.‫تضافرة‬u‫مارسة والجهود ا‬u‫يمكن تعزيز الذكاء با‬
‫( وف ًقا لبحث استشهد به مؤلفو الكتب‬12
‫ زادت الكفاءة العامة للذكاء‬، ‫درسية‬u‫ا‬
:‫ الجواب‬.‫العاطفي ل“فراد بمرور الوقت‬
‫ أن‬، 1988 ، ‫ان‬u‫ وجد جو‬:‫شرح خاطئ‬
‫مستويات الكفاءة العامة للذكاء العاطفي قد‬
، ‫ من ناحية أخرى‬.‫تدهورت بمرور الوقت‬
‫ نقطة‬25 ‫ارتفعت درجات معدل الذكاء بنحو‬
.‫اضية‬u‫ائة عام ا‬u‫ل ا‬s‫خ‬
‫( محدد مقابل منتشر يشير إلى البعد الثقافي‬13
‫جتمعية‬u‫الذي تحكم سلوك الناس إما القواعد ا‬
‫ شرح‬:‫جابة‬k‫ ا‬.‫قات مع ا}خرين‬s‫العامة أو الع‬
‫ يشير مصطلح محدد مقابل منتشر إلى‬:‫خاطئ‬
‫ أدوار الحياة للحفاظ‬R‫الثقافات التي تفصل ب‬
‫لية الشخصية مقارنة‬s‫ستق‬U‫على الخصوصية وا‬
.‫بالثقافات التي تدمج وتدمج أدوارها‬
‫ديرون من أصل إسباني أو‬u‫( يضع ا‬14
‫إسباني درجة عالية من التركيز على‬
:‫جابة‬k‫ ا‬.‫نجازات الشخصية‬k‫نجازات وا‬k‫ا‬
‫ديرون من أصل‬u‫ يضع ا‬:‫شرح خاطئ‬
‫إسباني درجة عالية من التركيز على‬
، ‫ ومساهمات الفريق‬، ‫قات الفردية‬s‫الع‬
.‫شاعر‬u‫وإظهار ا‬
‫( يرتبط بُعد القيمة حول كيفية إدارة‬15
‫الناس للوقت بتركيز الناس على‬
.‫ستقبل‬u‫اضي أو الحاضر أو ا‬u‫ا‬
‫ بعض الناس‬:‫ شرح صحيح‬:‫الجواب‬
‫اضي والتقاليد أكثر من‬u‫يقدرون ا‬
‫ يضع البعض‬.‫ستقبلية‬u‫ت ا‬U‫حتما‬U‫ا‬
‫ستقبل أكثر من‬u‫ا}خر قيمة على ا‬
‫ف آخر في‬s‫ هناك اخت‬.‫اضي‬u‫ا‬
‫الفترات الزمنية التي تُعزى إلى ماضينا‬
‫ومستقبلنا )ا}فاق الزمنية القصيرة‬
.(‫مقابل ا}فاق الطويلة‬
‫رغوبة أو‬u‫( تحدد القيم النهائية معايير السلوك ا‬16
‫ القيم‬:‫ شرح خاطئ‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫طرق تحقيق غاية‬
‫رغوبة أو طر ًقا لتحقيق‬u‫ا}لية تحدد معايير السلوك ا‬
‫ تحدد القيم النهائية غايات أو أهدافًا مرغوبة‬.‫غاية‬
Explanation: Cheating on a test is a means to an end and has to do with your standards of
conduct or methods, which is an instrumental value.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Personal Values
Skill: Application
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
‫ فأنت‬، ‫ختبار‬U‫( إذا كنت تغش في هذا ا‬17
‫ صحيح‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫تنتهك قيمة آلية‬
‫ختبار هو وسيلة لتحقيق‬U‫ الغش في ا‬:‫التفسير‬
‫غاية ويتعلق بمعايير السلوك أو ا)ساليب الخاصة‬
.‫ وهي قيمة مفيدة‬، ‫بك‬
‫( إذا حكمت على الصواب والخطأ على أساس‬18
‫مجموعة من القيم ا)ساسية التي تم تطويرها من‬
18) If you judge right and wrong on the basis of a set of core values developed from personal
‫بدئي‬u‫ستوى ا‬u‫ فأنت في ا‬، ‫التجربة الشخصية‬
experience, you are at the principled level of maturity.
‫بدئي هو‬u‫ النضج ا‬:‫ شرح صحيح‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫للنضج‬
Answer: TRUE
‫لتزام‬U‫قية في ا‬s‫ستوى الذي تكمن فيه القيم ا)خ‬u‫ا‬
Explanation: Principled maturity is the level in which moral values reside in a commitment to ‫ في أعلى‬.‫ختارة بحرية‬u‫عايير والحقوق والواجبات ا‬u‫با‬
freely selected standards, rights, and duties. At the highest stage of maturity, this set of values is ‫جموعة من القيم‬u‫ تكون هذه ا‬، ‫مرحلة من النضج‬
comprehensive, consistent, and universal.
.‫ية‬u‫شاملة ومتسقة وعا‬
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Values Maturity
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
‫ إذا‬.‫( افترض أنك ذكر في أواخر الستينيات‬19
19) Assume you are a male during the late 1960s. If you joined the protests against the Vietnam
‫حتجاجات ضد حرب فيتنام )نك لم‬U‫انضممت إلى ا‬
War because you didn't want to go (you had college to finish), your level of maturity was self‫ فإن‬، (‫ترغب في الذهاب )كان لديك كلية لتنتهي منها‬
:‫ شرح صحيح‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫مستوى نضجك كان أنانيًا‬
Answer: TRUE
‫نضمام إلى‬U‫ يمكنك ا‬، ‫بدئي‬u‫ستوى ا‬u‫على ا‬
Explanation: At the principled level, you may join the protests out of a sense that the war was ‫قاً من إحساس أن الحرب كانت‬s‫حتجاجات انط‬U‫ا‬
inherently wrong. At the conformity level, you may join the protests out of a sense of duty to
‫ يمكنك‬، ‫متثال‬U‫ على مستوى ا‬.‫خاطئة بطبيعتها‬
society and soldiers. Here, your reason for protesting is to fulfill your own immediate interests,
‫حتجاجات من منطلق الشعور‬U‫نضمام إلى ا‬U‫ا‬
‫ سبب احتجاجك‬، ‫ هنا‬.‫جتمع والجنود‬u‫بالواجب تجاه ا‬
which is self-centered or preconventional.
‫ التي تتمحور حول‬، ‫باشرة‬u‫هو تحقيق مصالحك ا‬
Difficulty: 1
.‫الذات أو مسبقة‬
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Values Maturity
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
20) Most ethical trade-offs are conflicts between two desirable ends: economic performance
versus social performance.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Ethical dilemmas arise because management decisions are not simple cases of
choosing between right and wrong. Organizations have duties and aspirations both in the
economic and social arenas. Social responsibility cannot be an organization's only motivating
influence; without solid fiscal performance an organization cannot usually be successful. On the
other hand, neither can profit or production be the only motivator. Managers must therefore make
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Values Maturity
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
21) The primary dimensions of cognitive style include (1) the manner in which you gather
information, and (2) the way you talk about information to other people.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: The primary dimensions of cognitive style include the manner in which you
gather information and the manner in which you interpret and act on information. Cognitive style
is not related to the way you talk to others about information.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.4
Topic: Cognitive Style
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
22) Someone who is strong on the planning dimension of cognitive style tends to seek agendas,
outlines, and clear processes.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: The planning dimension of cognitive style entails a focus on structure, plans, and
‫قية هي صراعات‬s‫قايضات ا)خ‬u‫( معظم ا‬20
‫قتصادي مقابل‬U‫ ا)داء ا‬:R‫ مرغوبت‬R‫ غايت‬R‫ب‬
‫ تنشأ‬:‫ شرح صحيح‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫جتماعي‬U‫ا)داء ا‬
‫دارة ليست‬k‫قية )ن قرارات ا‬s‫ت ا)خ‬s‫عض‬u‫ا‬
.‫ الصواب والخطأ‬R‫ختيار ب‬s‫ت بسيطة ل‬U‫حا‬
‫نظمات لها واجبات وتطلعات في كل من‬u‫ا‬
‫ يمكن أن‬U .‫جتماعية‬U‫قتصادية وا‬U‫ت ا‬U‫جا‬u‫ا‬
‫حفز الوحيد‬u‫جتماعية التأثير ا‬U‫سؤولية ا‬u‫تكون ا‬
‫ يمكن أن‬U ، ‫للمؤسسة ؛ بدون أداء مالي قوي‬
‫ من ناحية‬.‫نظمة ناجحة في العادة‬u‫تكون ا‬
‫نتاج هو‬k‫ يمكن أن يكون الربح أو ا‬U ، ‫أخرى‬
‫ديرين إجراء‬u‫ لذلك يجب على ا‬.‫الحافز الوحيد‬
‫عرفي‬u‫( تشمل ا)بعاد ا)ساسية ل“سلوب ا‬21
(2) ‫ و‬، ‫علومات‬u‫( الطريقة التي تجمع بها ا‬1)
‫علومات إلى‬u‫الطريقة التي تتحدث بها عن ا‬
‫ تشمل ا)بعاد‬:‫ شرح خاطئ‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫ا}خرين‬
‫عرفي الطريقة التي تجمع‬u‫ا)ساسية ل“سلوب ا‬
‫علومات والطريقة التي تفسر بها‬u‫بها ا‬
‫ يرتبط‬U .‫علومات وتتصرف بنا ًء عليها‬u‫ا‬
‫عرفي بالطريقة التي تتحدث بها مع‬u‫ا)سلوب ا‬
.‫علومات‬u‫ا}خرين عن ا‬
‫( يميل الشخص القوي في البعد التخطيطي‬22
‫عرفي إلى البحث عن جداول ا)عمال‬u‫ل“سلوب ا‬
.‫والخطوط العريضة والعمليات الواضحة‬
‫ يستلزم البعد التخطيطي‬:‫ شرح صحيح‬:‫الجواب‬
‫عرفي التركيز على الهيكل والخطط و‬u‫ل“سلوب ا‬
‫ فإن أي شخص لديه‬، ‫ وبالتالي‬.‫تحضير‬
‫أسلوب تخطيط يفضل استخدام جداول ا)عمال‬
.‫والخطوط العريضة والعمليات الواضحة‬
preparation. Consequently, someone with a planning style would prefer using agendas, outlines,
and clear processes.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.4
Topic: Planning Style
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
​23) Someone who is strong on the creating dimension of cognitive style tends to focus on the
credibility of data and will emphasize accuracy and precision.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: People with a creating style emphasize creativity and risk-taking, and may be
resistant to structure and precedent. They also may be prone to making mistakes, so an emphasis
on accuracy and precision is not a characteristic of creating style.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.4
Topic: Creating Style
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
24) The three dimensions of tolerance of ambiguity are novelty, insolubility, and control.
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Tolerance of ambiguity comprises three dimensions: novelty, insolubility, and
complexity. High tolerance of ambiguity means that one maintains a level of comfort despite
confronting change that involves any of these three characteristics.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Tolerance of Ambiguity
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫( يميل الشخص القوي في إنشاء ُبعد ل“سلوب‬23
‫عرفي إلى التركيز على مصداقية البيانات‬u‫ا‬
‫ يؤكد‬:‫ شرح خاطئ‬:‫جابة‬k‫ ا‬.‫وسيؤكد الدقة والدقة‬
‫بداع‬k‫بداعي على ا‬k‫ا)شخاص ذوو ا)سلوب ا‬
‫ قد‬.‫ وقد يقاومون الهيكلية والسابقة‬، ‫خاطرة‬u‫وا‬
ً ‫يكونون‬
‫ لذا فإن‬، ‫رتكاب ا)خطاء‬U ‫أيضا عرضة‬
‫التركيز على الدقة والدقة ليس سمة من سمات‬
.‫إنشاء ا)سلوب‬
‫ وعدم‬، ‫ثة لتحمل الغموض هي الجدة‬s‫( ا)بعاد الث‬24
:‫ التفسير الكاذب‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫ والتحكم‬، ‫الذوبان‬
‫ وعدم‬، ‫ الجدة‬:‫ثة أبعاد‬s‫التسامح مع الغموض يشمل ث‬
‫ يعني التسامح العالي للغموض‬.‫ والتعقيد‬، ‫الذوبان‬
‫رء على مستوى من الراحة على الرغم من‬u‫أن يحافظ ا‬
‫مواجهة التغيير الذي ينطوي على أي من هذه‬
.‫ث‬s‫الخصائص الث‬
25) Based on the Locus of Control Scale you determine you are an external. This means that you
have always been an external and will always be an external, because locus of control is a fixed
Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Locus of control is not an inborn trait, but results from development of a general
expectancy about the dominant sources of the reinforcement they receive. In other words, it did
not develop overnight. Also, locus of control can shift over time, as a function of life experience,
job responsibilities, and conscious attitudes.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Locus of Control
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
26) The concept of personality refers to the relatively enduring combination of traits that
produces consistencies in thoughts and behaviors.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: This combination of traits is what makes each of us unique. Some of our unique
traits are genetic, others are learned, but it is our personality traits that manifest differences to
others and inform them who we are.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
27) Core self-evaluation is the fundamental evaluation each person has developed about him- or
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Sometimes referred to as overall self-regard, core self-evaluation is comprised of
four components: (1) self-esteem, (2) self-efficacy, (3) neuroticism, and (4) locus of control. This
fundamental evaluation profoundly affects each person's perceptions and behaviors.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
، Locus of Control Scale ‫( بنا ًء على‬25
‫ هذا يعني أنك كنت‬.‫تحدد أنك خارجي‬
‫ )ن موضع التحكم‬، ‫دائما خارجيًا‬
‫خارجيًا وستظل‬
‫ مركز‬:‫ شرح خاطئ‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫هو سمة ثابتة‬
‫ ولكنه ينتج عن تطوير‬، ‫التحكم ليس سمة فطرية‬
‫هيمنة للتعزيزات التي‬u‫صادر ا‬u‫توقع عام حول ا‬
‫ عشية‬R‫ لم تتطور ب‬، ‫ بعبارة أخرى‬.‫يتلقونها‬
‫ يمكن أن يتغير موضع التحكم‬، ‫أيضا‬
، ‫ كدالة في الخبرة الحياتية‬، ‫بمرور الوقت‬
.‫واقف الواعية‬u‫ وا‬، ‫ومسؤوليات الوظيفة‬
‫( يشير مفهوم الشخصية إلى التركيبة الدائمة‬26
‫نسبيًا من السمات التي تنتج تناس ًقا في ا)فكار‬
‫زيج من‬u‫ هذا ا‬:‫ شرح صحيح‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫والسلوكيات‬
‫ بعض‬.‫السمات هو ما يجعل كل واحد منا فري ًدا‬
، ‫ والبعض ا}خر مكتسب‬، ‫سماتنا الفريدة وراثية‬
‫فات‬s‫خت‬U‫لكن سمات شخصيتنا هي التي تظهر ا‬
.‫ل›خرين وتعلمهم من نحن‬
‫( التقييم الذاتي ا)ساسي هو‬27
‫التقييم ا)ساسي الذي طوره كل‬
‫ شرح‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫شخص عن نفسه‬
‫ يُشار إليه أحيانًا باسم‬:‫صحيح‬
‫ ويتألف التقييم‬، ‫احترام الذات العام‬
:‫الذاتي ا)ساسي من أربعة مكونات‬
‫( الكفاءة‬2) ، ‫( احترام الذات‬1)
(4) ‫ و‬، ‫( العصابية‬3) ، ‫الذاتية‬
‫ يؤثر هذا‬. .‫موضع السيطرة‬
‫التقييم ا)ساسي بعمق على‬
.‫تصورات كل شخص وسلوكياته‬
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫ ما هو أول شيء يجب على‬، ‫( لتصبح مديرا أفضل‬28
28) To become a better manager, what is one of the first things one should do?
‫رء ب( طلب‬u‫تصال لدى ا‬U‫ مهارات ا‬R‫رء فعله؟ أ( تحس‬u‫ا‬
A) Improve one's communication skills
R‫رء بشكل أفضل د( تمك‬u‫عرفة بالنفس ج( إدارة وقت ا‬u‫ا‬
B) Seek knowledge of oneself
C) Manage one's time better
D) Empower one's employees
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Improved communication is one of the later steps in improving
managerial skills. A manager should first seek self-knowledge. This self-knowledge is necessary
because we cannot improve ourselves or develop new capabilities unless and until we know what
level of capabilities we currently possess.
B) Correct. This self-knowledge is necessary because we cannot improve ourselves or develop
new capabilities unless and until we know what level of capabilities we currently possess.
C) Incorrect. Improved time-management is one of the later steps in improving managerial skills.
A manager should first seek self-knowledge. This self-knowledge is necessary because we
cannot improve ourselves or develop new capabilities unless and until we know what level of
capabilities we currently possess.
D) Incorrect. Employee empowerment is one of the later steps in improving managerial skills. A
manager should first seek self-knowledge. This self-knowledge is necessary because we cannot
improve ourselves or develop new capabilities unless and until we know what level of
capabilities we currently possess.
Difficulty: 1
Topic: Key Dimensions of Self-Awareness
Skill: Concept
‫ديرين معرفة ا}خرين‬u‫( كيف يجب على ا‬29
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫وقبولهم؟ أ( كن لغزًا )نفسهم ب( اعمل على‬
​29) How should managers know and accept others?
‫إنكار الذات وعدم ا)نانية ج( العمل نحو‬
A) Be an enigma to themselves
‫الوعي الذاتي وقبول الذات د( العمل نحو‬
B) Work toward self-denial and unselfishness
‫احترام الذات والتفكير‬
C) Work toward self-awareness and self-acceptance
D) Work toward self-reverence and reflection
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Being an enigma to oneself is not helpful in a managerial situation.
Managers should work toward self-awareness and self-acceptance. Once managers are aware of
and accept themselves, they are able to understand and accept others.
B) Incorrect. Self-denial and unselfishness are not always helpful in managerial situations.
Managers should work toward self-awareness and self-acceptance. Once managers are aware of
and accept themselves, they are able to understand and accept others.
C) Correct. Once managers are aware of and accept themselves, they are able to understand and
accept others.
D) Incorrect. Self-reverence may actually be counterproductive, because self-reverent people
fear discovering negative information about themselves. Managers should work toward selfawareness and self-acceptance in order to know and accept others.
Difficulty: 2
Topic: The Enigma of Self-Awareness
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫علومات‬u‫( كيف يمكن إدارة لغز الوعي الذاتي؟ أ( تجنب ا‬30
‫تناقضة مع الصورة الذاتية للفرد ب( ابحث عن معلومات من‬u‫ا‬
(‫ا}خرين حول الذات ج( تأكد من عبور الخطوط الحساسة ل›خرين د‬
‫توافقة مع الصورة الذاتية للفرد‬u‫علومات غير ا‬u‫تحدي ا‬
30) How can the enigma of self-awareness be managed?
A) Avoid information contradictory to one's self-image
B) Seek information from others about one's self
C) Make sure to cross the sensitive lines of others
D) Challenge information inconsistent with one's self-image
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. The enigma of self-awareness is that self-awareness is a prerequisite
and a motivator of growth and improvement, but that it may also inhibit growth and
improvement. Avoiding contradictory information does not improve self-awareness, but rather
inhibits growth and improvement because it merely reinforces our current views of ourself.
B) Correct. It is almost impossible to increase skill in self-awareness unless we interact with and
disclose ourselves to others, because they see attributes and behaviors that we are unaware of.
C) Incorrect. The sensitive line is a concept that allows us to help manage and facilitate
productive self-awareness and discovery in others. Intentionally crossing it is counterproductive
to good management.
D) Incorrect. The enigma of self-awareness is that self-awareness is a prerequisite and a
motivator of growth and improvement, but that it may also inhibit growth and improvement.
Challenging inconsistent information does not improve self-awareness, but rather inhibits growth
and improvement because it merely reinforces our current views of ourself.
Difficulty: 2
Topic: The Enigma of Self-Awareness
U (‫نطواء ب‬U‫ ما هو أكثر وصف؟ أ( ا‬، ‫عرفة الذات‬u (31
Skill: Application
‫تتخطى الخط الحساس ج( أشرك ا}خرين د( كن انتقائيًا‬
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫علومات منه‬u‫للغاية بشأن من تحصل على ا‬
​31) To know one's self, what is most prescribed?
A) Introversion
B) Do not cross the sensitive line
C) Involve others
D) Be highly selective about who to get information from
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Self-examination and meditation is mentioned as one solution. The
most often prescribed solution is to involve others in one's own self-awareness efforts.
B) Incorrect. Though not crossing the sensitive line can improve the self-awareness of others, it
does not have as much of an effect on one's own self-awareness. The most often prescribed
solution is to involve others in one's own self-awareness efforts.
C) Correct.
​ Involving others brings helpful insights and the perspectives of others into the
quest for self-discovery. They often see things more clearly than we see them ourselves.
D) Incorrect. Carefully selecting sources of information may actually be counterproductive to
one's search for self-awareness. The most often prescribed solution is to involve others in one's
own self-awareness efforts.
Difficulty: 2
Topic: The Sensitive Line
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫ء بأن‬s‫حظة من أحد الزم‬s‫( ر ًدا على م‬32
32) Responding to a remark from a peer that a report looks like it was slapped together at the last‫يبدو وكأنه ُصفع م ًعا في اللحظة ا)خيرة )لقد قضيت‬
minute (you had spent most of last week working on it), the sensitive line was crossed. What will ‫ تم تجاوز‬، (‫اضي في العمل عليه‬u‫معظم ا)سبوع ا‬
the most likely response be?
‫ستجابة ا)كثر‬U‫ ماذا ستكون ا‬.‫الخط الحساس‬
A) "I think you are right, thanks for the feedback."
‫ شكرا على ردود‬، ‫؟ أ( "أعتقد أنك على حق‬U‫احتما‬
!‫ تعرف ما الذي تتحدث عنه‬U ‫" ب( "أنت‬.‫الفعل‬
B) "You don't know what you are talking about! Call my boss if you don't believe me!"
، ‫ تصدقني!" ج( "حسن ًا‬U ‫اتصل برئيسي إذا كنت‬
C) "Well, maybe I did or maybe I didn't, what do you care?"
"‫ ما الذي تهتم به؟‬، ‫ربما فعلت ذلك أو ربما لم أفعل‬
D) "Could you tell me how I might improve the report?"
R‫د( "هل يمكن أن تخبرني كيف يمكنني تحس‬
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. The concept of the sensitive line states that the greater the
discrepancy between the feedback and your self-concept, the greater the likelihood that it will
evoke a strong defensive response. This response does not indicate that the sensitive line has
even been crossed.
B) Incorrect. Though this is a possible response, you are more likely to question the validity
source than to appeal to a higher authority, who may in fact agree with the negative remark.
C) Correct. This is typical threat-rigidity response attacking the validity of the co-worker's
opinion which accompanies a breach of the sensitive line.
D) Incorrect. The concept of the sensitive line states that the greater the discrepancy between the
feedback and your self-concept, the greater the likelihood that it will evoke a strong defensive
response. This response only hints that the sensitive line has been crossed.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: The Sensitive Line
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
‫ إلى‬R‫( عاد جورج من رحلته التي استمرت أسبوع‬33
​33) George has returned from his two-week trip to India. He believes his trip has provided an
‫ وهو يعتقد أن رحلته قدمت استبطانًا زاد من‬.‫الهند‬
‫ يصبح‬، ‫ عندما تبدأ بسؤاله عن تجاربه‬.‫معرفته بذاته‬
introspection that increased his self-knowledge. When you begin to question him about his
experiences, he becomes defensive and states, "I don't want to talk about it with you!" Based on ‫ أريد التحدث معك عنها!" بنا ًء على‬U" :‫دفاعيًا ويقول‬
‫ستنتاج‬U‫ ما هو ا‬، ‫مراجعة الوعي الذاتي في النص‬
the review of self-awareness in the text, what would be the most accurate conclusion?
A) Yes, it probably has increased his self-knowledge. Now he is protective of that knowledge. ‫ ربما تكون قد زادت من معرفته‬، ‫ا)كثر دقة؟ أ( نعم‬
‫ ربما لم‬، U (‫ ب‬.‫عرفة‬u‫ ا}ن هو يحمي تلك ا‬.‫بنفسه‬
B) No, it probably has not increased his self-knowledge.
‫ يعتمد على‬، U ‫ وربما‬، ‫ ج( ربما‬.‫تزيد معرفته بنفسه‬
C) Maybe, maybe not, depends upon what rituals he practiced.
‫ )نه أصبح أكثر‬، ‫ د( نعم‬.‫الطقوس التي يمارسها‬
D) Yes, because he has become more self-assertive and aware of what he wants to talk about.
.‫توكي ًدا على نفسه ووعيًا بما يريد التحدث عنه‬
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Protecting knowledge and experiences does not indicate increased
self-awareness; rather, self-disclosure is a key to improvement in self-awareness. George's
unwillingness to share insights he gained indicates that he has probably not increased his selfknowledge.
B) Correct. George's unwillingness to share insights he gained indicates that he has probably not
increased his self-knowledge. If he truly had gained awareness, he would be eager and willing to
share it.
C) Incorrect. George's self-awareness does not depend on the rituals he practiced during his trip
to India. Self-disclosure is a key to improvement in self-awareness. George's unwillingness to
share insights he gained indicates that he has probably not increased his self-knowledge.
D) Incorrect. Assertiveness is not indicative of self-awareness. In fact, self-disclosure is a key to
improvement in self-awareness. George's unwillingness to share insights he gained indicates that
he has probably not increased his self-knowledge.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: The Sensitive Line
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
‫ء‬s‫رجح أن يتفاعل الناس مع أي زم‬u‫ من ا‬، ‫( في مكان العمل‬34
34) In the workplace, people are most likely to interact with which co-workers?
‫ء العمل ذوي القيم‬s‫ ب( زم‬R‫بدع‬u‫ء العمل ا‬s‫في العمل؟ أ( زم‬
A) Creative co-workers
‫ء العمل ذوي سمات الوعي الذاتي‬s‫تنوعة ج( زم‬u‫جتماعية ا‬U‫ا‬
B) Co-workers with diverse social values
‫ لهم‬R‫ماثل‬u‫ء العمل ا‬s‫ختلفة د( زم‬u‫ا‬
C) Co-workers with different self-awareness traits
D) Co-workers similar to them
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Incorrect. This may be true of creative individuals, but it is untrue of those for
whom creativity is a challenge. This is because people have a tendency to exclude others who
seem different and are most likely to interact with co-workers who are similar to them.
B) Incorrect. People actually have a tendency to exclude others who seem different and are most
likely to interact with co-workers who are similar to them. People are less likely to interact with
co-workers who have diverse social values.
C) Incorrect. People actually have a tendency to exclude others who seem different and are most
likely to interact with co-workers who are similar to them. People are less likely to interact with
co-workers who have diverse self-awareness traits.
D) Correct. This occurs because we tend to be more comfortable around people with similar
backgrounds, experiences, and opinions. However, this tendency reduces creativity and complex
problem-solving ability.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Diverse and Multicultural Work
‫ئه‬s‫ أحد زم‬، ‫( أدلى جورج بالتعليق التالي لسارة‬35
35) George made the following comment to Sarah, one of his co-workers: "Gene's
‫ لخفض التكاليف عن‬R‫ "إن توصية ج‬:‫في العمل‬
recommendation to cut costs by eliminating travel to training seminars just shows he really isn't
‫طريق إلغاء السفر لحضور الندوات التدريبية تظهر‬
aware of how important training is. His lack of insight shows that people of his background
‫ ويظهر افتقاره‬.‫ يدرك ح ًقا مدى أهمية التدريب‬U ‫أنه‬
aren’t savvy enough to figure out the business world?
‫إلى البصيرة أن الناس من خلفيته ليست ذكية بما‬
A) Observing a difference
‫كتشاف عالم ا)عمال؟‬U ‫يكفي‬
B) Creating a distinction
C) Focusing on an artificial social barrier
D) Creating a false value for a college degree
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Differences are observable, and can help us understand potential
sources of misunderstanding. Distinctions are things that we create to form social barriers. This
is actually an example of creating a distinction: a social barrier based on Gene’s “background”.
B) Correct. A distinction is more than just being aware of a difference. It is creating a barrier
between groups of people based on generalized (and usually unwarranted) assumptions. In this
case, George creates a social barrier around people of Gene’s “background.”
C) Incorrect. The social barrier does not exist until George creates it. This is actually an example
of creating a distinction a social barrier around people of Gene’s “background.”
D) Incorrect. This is actually an example of creating a distinction a social barrier around
Gene’s “background.”
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences
Skill: Application
AACSB: Diverse and Multicultural Work; Application of Knowledge
​36) Some of the areas of self-awareness are listed in 1 through 4. Which of the following are
correctly listed as areas of self-awareness?
​1. personal values
​2. creativity
​3. emotional intelligence
​4. core self-evaluation
A) All four areas listed are correct.
B) Only areas 1 and 4 are correct.
C) Only area 2 is incorrect.
D) None of the four areas listed are correct.
‫ت الوعي الذاتي مذكورة في‬U‫( بعض مجا‬36
‫ أي مما يلي مدرج بشكل صحيح‬.4 ‫ إلى‬1
‫ت للوعي الذاتي؟‬U‫كمجا‬
‫ الذكاء‬.3 ‫بداع‬k‫ ا‬.2 ‫ القيم الشخصية‬.1
‫ التقييم الذاتي ا)ساسي‬.4 ‫العاطفي‬
.‫ذكورة صحيحة‬u‫ت ا)ربعة ا‬U‫جا‬u‫أ( جميع ا‬
‫نطقة‬u‫ ج( ا‬.‫ صحيحة‬4 ‫ و‬1 ‫ناطق‬u‫ب( فقط ا‬
‫ت‬U‫جا‬u‫ د( أيا من ا‬.‫ فقط غير صحيحة‬2
.‫ذكورة غير صحيحة‬u‫ا)ربعة ا‬
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Creativity is not one of the five core concepts of self-awareness.
B) Incorrect. In addition to personal values and core self-evaluation, emotional intelligence is an
important area of self-awareness.
C) Correct. Personal values, cognitive style, emotional intelligence, orientation toward change,
and core self-evaluation are all important areas of self-awareness. Creativity, however, is not a
part of self-awareness.
D) Incorrect. Personal values, emotional intelligence, and core self-evaluation are all important
areas of self-awareness.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Important Areas of Self-Awareness
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
37) The manner in which individuals gather and process information is a part of what?
A) Personal values
B) Cognitive style
C) Adaptability
D) Creativity
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Personal values give rise to attitudes, orientations, and behaviors.
The manner in which individuals gather and process information is a part of cognitive style.
B) Correct. This information-gathering process is important; researchers have found that
differences in cognitive style influence our perceptions, learning, problem solving, decision
making, creativity, and communication.
C) Incorrect. Adaptability is an element of one's orientation toward change. The manner in which
individuals gather and process information is a part of cognitive style.
D) Incorrect. Level of creativity is an element of one's core self-evaluation. The manner in which
individuals gather and process information is a part of cognitive style.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Important Areas of Self-Awareness
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
​38) What method do the textbook authors propose to correct the problem of multiple definitions
of emotional intelligence?
A) Use definitions proposed by the original developers of emotional intelligence theories
B) Use definitions that distinguish among personality traits and cognitive traits
C) Use definitions that distinguish among emotional intelligence and emotional competence
D) Use definitions that were developed within the last year
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. There are over one hundred emotional intelligence tests and
theories, each with its own definition. This would not solve the problem of multiple definitions.
The authors instead distinguish among emotional intelligence and emotional competence.
B) Incorrect. Personality traits and cognitive traits are not directly related to emotional
intelligence. The authors distinguish among emotional intelligence and emotional competence to
correct the multiple-definition problem.
C) Correct. This distinguishing definition helps to separate the cognitive processes (emotional
intelligence) from the learned behaviors (emotional competence) that build on them.
D) Incorrect. In any given time period, proponents advance multiple definitions and theories of
emotional intelligence. To solve this problem, the authors distinguish among emotional
intelligence and emotional competence rather than focusing on a specific time period.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.2
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
39) According to the definition of emotional intelligence adopted by the textbook authors, how
many abilities are involved with emotional intelligence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
‫( الطريقة التي يجمع بها ا)فراد‬37
(‫علومات ويعالجونها هي جزء مما؟ أ‬u‫ا‬
(‫عرفي ج‬u‫القيم الشخصية ب( النمط ا‬
‫بداع‬k‫القدرة على التكيف د( ا‬
‫( ما هي الطريقة التي يقترحها مؤلفو الكتب‬38
‫تعددة‬u‫درسية لتصحيح مشكلة التعريفات ا‬u‫ا‬
‫للذكاء العاطفي؟ أ( استخدم التعريفات التي‬
‫طورون ا)صليون لنظريات الذكاء‬u‫اقترحها ا‬
R‫العاطفي ب( استخدم التعريفات التي تميز ب‬
‫عرفية ج( استخدم‬u‫سمات الشخصية والسمات ا‬
‫ الذكاء العاطفي‬R‫التعريفات التي تميز ب‬
‫والكفاءة العاطفية د( استخدام التعريفات التي‬
‫اضي‬u‫ل العام ا‬s‫تم تطويرها خ‬
‫( حسب تعريف الذكاء‬39
‫عتمد من قبل مؤلفي‬u‫العاطفي ا‬
‫ كم عدد القدرات‬، ‫درسي‬u‫الكتاب ا‬
1 (‫رتبطة بالذكاء العاطفي؟ أ‬u‫ا‬
5 (‫ هـ‬4 (‫ د‬3 (‫ ج‬2 (‫ب‬
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Incorrect. There are four abilities involved with emotional intelligence. They
are (1) The ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions; (2) The ability to control your
own emotions; (3) The ability to recognize and diagnose the emotions displayed by others; (4)
The ability to respond appropriately to those emotional cues.
B) Incorrect. There are four abilities involved with emotional intelligence. They are (1) The
ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions; (2) The ability to control your own
emotions; (3) The ability to recognize and diagnose the emotions displayed by others; (4) The
ability to respond appropriately to those emotional cues.
C) Incorrect. There are four abilities involved with emotional intelligence. They are (1) The
ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions; (2) The ability to control your own
emotions; (3) The ability to recognize and diagnose the emotions displayed by others; (4) The
ability to respond appropriately to those emotional cues.
D) Correct. They are (1) The ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions; (2) The
ability to control your own emotions; (3) The ability to recognize and diagnose the emotions
displayed by others; (4) The ability to respond appropriately to those emotional cues.
E) Incorrect. There are four abilities involved with emotional intelligence. They are (1) The
ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions; (2) The ability to control your own
emotions; (3) The ability to recognize and diagnose the emotions displayed by others; (4) The
ability to respond appropriately to those emotional cues.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.2
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
40) Which statement is accurate concerning the abilities listed in the author's definition of
emotional intelligence and the list provided below?
​1. ability to diagnose and recognize emotions
​2. ability to control emotions
​3. ability to lead a team
‫درجة في‬u‫تعلقة بالقدرات ا‬u‫( ما هي العبارة الدقيقة ا‬40
‫ؤلف للذكاء العاطفي والقائمة الواردة أدناه؟‬u‫تعريف ا‬
‫ القدرة‬.2 ‫ القدرة على تشخيص العواطف والتعرف عليها‬.1
.4 ‫ القدرة على قيادة فريق‬.3 ‫على التحكم في العواطف‬
‫دارة بثقة بالنفس‬k‫القدرة على ا‬
.‫ؤلف‬u‫ه مدرجة في تعريف ا‬s‫ذكورة أع‬u‫أ( جميع القدرات ا‬
‫ و‬1 ‫ ج( القدرات‬.‫ؤلف‬u‫ مدرجة في تعريف ا‬3 ‫ و‬1 ‫ب( القدرات‬
‫ متضمنة في‬4 ‫ و‬1 ‫ د( القدرات‬.‫ؤلف‬u‫ متضمنة في تعريف ا‬2
‫ أي من القدرات في تعريف‬R‫ هـ( لم يتم تضم‬.‫ؤلف‬u‫تعريف ا‬
​4. ability to manage with self-confidence
A) All abilities above are included in the author's definition.
B) Abilities 1 and 3 are included in the author's definition.
C) Abilities 1 and 2 are included in the author's definition.
D) Abilities 1 and 4 are included in the author's definition.
E) None of the abilities are included in the author's definition.
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Ability to diagnose and recognize emotions and the ability to control
one's own emotions are central to the author's definition of emotional intelligence. Ability to lead
a team and ability to manage with self-confidence are not included in the author's definition of
emotional intelligence.
B) Incorrect. Ability to diagnose and recognize emotions and the ability to control one's own
emotions are central to the author's definition of emotional intelligence. Ability to lead a team
and ability to manage with self-confidence are not included in the author's definition of
emotional intelligence.
C) Correct. There are four abilities involved with emotional intelligence. They are (1) The ability
to diagnose and recognize your own emotions; (2) The ability to control your own emotions; (3)
The ability to recognize and diagnose the emotions displayed by others; (4) The ability to
respond appropriately to those emotional cues.
D) Incorrect. Ability to diagnose and recognize emotions and the ability to control one's own
emotions are central to the author's definition of emotional intelligence. Ability to lead a team
and ability to manage with self-confidence are not included in the author's definition of
emotional intelligence.
E) Incorrect. Ability to diagnose and recognize emotions and the ability to control one's own
emotions are central to the author's definition of emotional intelligence. Ability to lead a team
and ability to manage with self-confidence are not included in the author's definition of
emotional intelligence.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.2
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫ كان وجهها‬.‫نا ' جالسة في مكتبها حزين ًا‬6 ‫( كانت‬41
‫ئها‬9‫ سألها أحد زم‬.‫غاضبًا وكانت هناك دمعة في عينها‬
41) Lana was sitting somberly in her office. Her face had an angry expression and she had a tear
‫" سأل‬.‫ "أنا بخير‬، ‫نا‬6 ‫ أجابت‬.‫في العمل عن حالها‬
in her eye. One of her co-workers asked her how she was doing. Lana responded, "I am fine." ، ‫نا مرة أخرى‬6 ‫ "هل أنت متأكد؟" ردت‬، ‫زميل العمل‬
Concerned, the co-worker asked, "Are you sure?" Lana again responded, "Yes, there is nothing‫" ما هي قدرة‬.‫ أنا بخير‬، ‫ ليس هناك شيء خاطئ‬، ‫"نعم‬
wrong, I am fine." Which emotional intelligence ability does Lana most likely need to develop? ‫ على ا`رجح إلى‬Lana ‫الذكاء العاطفي التي تحتاج‬
A) Ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions
‫أ( القدرة على تشخيص والتعرف على مشاعرك ب( القدرة‬
B) Ability to control your emotions
‫على التحكم في عواطفك ج( القدرة على التعرف على‬
C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others
‫خرون وتشخيصها د( القدرة‬p‫العواطف التي يظهرها ا‬
D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues
‫شارات العاطفية‬s‫ستجابة بشكل مناسب ل‬6‫على ا‬
Answer: A
i ‫خرين‬v‫ل‬
Explanation: A) Correct. Though Lana is clearly upset, she responds twice that nothing is
wrong. Recognizing your own emotions is the first step to controlling them.
B) Incorrect. Though Lana is clearly upset, the passage contains no evidence that her emotions
are out of control. She told a co-worker that nothing was wrong. The problem is that Lana seems
not to recognize her own emotional state.
C) Incorrect. Lana's problem is not that she cannot recognize her co-worker's emotional cues, but
that she is unable to diagnose and recognize her own emotions.
D) Incorrect. The co-worker may need to work on responding appropriately to emotional cues
(he or she seems oblivious), but Lana's problem is that she is unable to diagnose and recognize
her own emotions.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.2
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
‫اء‬w‫( كان خافيير يحصل على مشروب من مبرد ا‬42
42) Javier was getting a drink from the water cooler when Hartman approached excitedly and
‫ "خمن ماذا‬، ‫عندما اقترب هارتمان بحماس وصرخ‬
exclaimed, "Guess what, Javier? I got the deal ... I got the big contract ... we finally closed the ‫ حصلت على‬... ‫يا خافيير؟ لقد حصلت على الصفقة‬
‫أخيرا أغلقنا البيع مع شركة‬
... ‫العقد الكبير‬
sale with that giant computer company. I am so excited." Javier responded in a soft voice, "That's
‫" أجاب‬.‫ انا متحمس جدا‬.‫قة تلك‬9‫الكمبيوتر العم‬
nice." Which emotional intelligence ability does Javier most likely need to develop?
‫ ما هي قدرة‬."‫ "هذا لطيف‬:‫خافيير بصوت ناعم‬
A) Ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions
‫الذكاء العاطفي التي يحتاج خافيير لتطويرها على‬
B) Ability to control your emotions
‫ا`رجح؟ أ( القدرة على تشخيص والتعرف على‬
C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others
(‫مشاعرك ب( القدرة على التحكم في عواطفك ج‬
D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues
‫القدرة على التعرف على العواطف التي يظهرها‬
Answer: D
‫ستجابة‬6‫خرون وتشخيصها د( القدرة على ا‬p‫ا‬
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Though Javier may have problems with self-diagnosis, the passage
.‫خرين‬v‫شارات العاطفية ل‬s‫بشكل مناسب ل‬
contains no suggestion that Javier is misdiagnosing his own emotional state. Rather, in spite of
the fact that Hartman was clearly excited, Javier responded quietly and without emotion.
B) Incorrect. Javier's muted response indicates that he is in control of his emotions. The problem
is that he did not respond appropriately to Hartman's level of excitement.
C) Incorrect. Though a tempting answer, the passage does not indicate that Javier misdiagnosed
Hartman's emotional state. In fact, that is unlikely, because Hartman clearly stated his
excitement. The problem is more likely that Javier recognized Hartman's excitement but did not
respond appropriately.
D) Correct. It appears that Javier recognized Hartman's excitement but did not respond
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.2
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
43) In Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture, which value dimensions refer to how
individuals relate to others?
​1. Universalism vs. Particularism
​2. Individualism vs. Collectivism
​3. Affective vs. Neutral
​4. Specific vs. Diffuse
​5. Achievement vs. Ascription
​6. Past and Present vs. Future
‫ ما هي‬، ‫ للثقافة الوطنية‬Trompenaars ‫( في أبعاد‬43
‫أبعاد القيمة التي تشير إلى كيفية ارتباط ا`فراد‬
‫ الفردية‬.2 ‫ية مقابل الخصوصية‬w‫ العا‬.1 ‫خرين؟‬p‫با‬
‫ محدد مقابل‬.4 ‫ عاطفية مقابل محايدة‬.3 ‫مقابل الجماعية‬
‫اضي والحاضر‬w‫ ا‬.6 ‫ ا•نجاز مقابل التوصيف‬.5 ‫منتشر‬
‫ داخلي مقابل خارجي‬.7 ‫ستقبل‬w‫مقابل ا‬
‫ ج( ا`بعاد‬4 ‫ و‬2 ‫ و‬1 ‫أ( جميع ا`بعاد ب( ا`بعاد فقط‬
2 ‫الخمسة ا`ولى د( فقط البعد‬
​7. Internal vs. External
A) All of the dimensions
B) Only dimensions 1, 2, and 4
C) The first five dimensions
D) Only dimension 2
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. The first five pairs refer to how individuals relate to others, and the
last two value dimensions refer to other relationships (though they may indirectly affect
interpersonal relations). "Past and Present vs. Future" refers to how people interpret and manage
time, while "Internal vs. External" refers to attitudes about control.
B) Incorrect. The first five pairs refer to how individuals relate to others, and the last two value
dimensions refer to other relationships (though they may indirectly affect interpersonal
relations). "Past and Present vs. Future" refers to how people interpret and manage time, while
"Internal vs. External" refers to attitudes about control.
C) Correct. The first five pairs refer to how individuals relate to others, and the last two value
dimensions refer to other relationships (though they may indirectly affect interpersonal
relations). "Past and Present vs. Future" refers to how people interpret and manage time, while
"Internal vs. External" refers to attitudes about control.
D) Incorrect. The first five pairs refer to how individuals relate to others, and the last two value
dimensions refer to other relationships (though they may indirectly affect interpersonal
relations). "Past and Present vs. Future" refers to how people interpret and manage time, while
"Internal vs. External" refers to attitudes about control.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Cultural Values
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Diverse and Multicultural Work
​44) Employees at Turner, Inc. are engaged in a debate over the merits of an individual vs. a team- ‫ في‬.Turner، Inc ‫وظفون في شركة‬w‫( يشارك ا‬44
‫نقاش حول مزايا الفرد مقابل برنامج التعويض‬
based compensation program. Based on Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture, which
‫ استنا ًدا إلى أبعاد ترومبينارس‬.‫القائم على الفريق‬
cultural dimension does this debate most closely relate to?
‫ ما هو البعد الثقافي الذي يرتبط به‬، ‫للثقافة الوطنية‬
A) Universalism vs. particularism
‫ية مقابل‬w‫هذا النقاش بشكل وثيق؟ أ( العا‬
B) Individualism vs. collectivism
‫الخصوصية ب( الفردية مقابل الجماعية ج( العاطفية‬
C) Affective vs. neutral
(‫نتساب هـ‬6‫مقابل الحيادية د( ا•نجاز مقابل ا‬
D) Achievement vs. ascription
‫الداخلية مقابل الخارجية‬
E) Internal vs. external
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Universalism vs. particularism refers to whether behavior is
governed by universal standards and rules, or whether it is governed by one's relationships with
others (i.e., behavior varies depending on the situation).
B) Correct. Individualism v. collectivism refers to whether the culture emphasizes the individual
versus the group.
C) Incorrect. Affective vs. neutral refers to whether a culture openly shows emotion in public, or
whether the culture more highly values stoicism and rationality.
D) Incorrect. Achievement vs. ascription refers to whether an individual obtains status based on
personal accomplishments or based on characteristics such as age, family status, gender, etc.
E) Incorrect. Internal vs. external refers to whether the individual is in control of his own destiny,
or whether the individual is a product of his external environment.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Cultural Values
Skill: Application
AACSB: Diverse and Multicultural Work; Application of Knowledge
45) It is obvious that Talia values her privacy as she rarely talks about her husband and children
in conversations with her co-workers. Based on Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture,
which cultural dimension does Talia's behavior in the workplace most closely relate to?
A) Specific vs. diffuse
B) Achievement vs. ascription
C) Universalism vs. particularism
D) Individualism vs. collectivism
E) Affective vs. neutral
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Correct. Talia is segregating her personal and professional lives, which relates
to the specific vs. diffuse cultural dimension.
B) Incorrect. Talia is segregating her personal and professional lives, which relates to the specific
vs. diffuse cultural dimension.
C) Incorrect. Talia is segregating her personal and professional lives, which relates to the specific
vs. diffuse cultural dimension.
D) Incorrect. Talia is segregating her personal and professional lives, which relates to the specific
vs. diffuse cultural dimension.
E) Incorrect. Talia is segregating her personal and professional lives, which relates to the specific
vs. diffuse cultural dimension.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Cultural Values
Skill: Concept
‫( من الواضح أن تاليا تقدر خصوصيتها‬45
‫`نها نادرا ً ما تتحدث عن زوجها وأطفالها في‬
‫ استنا ًدا إلى‬.‫ئها في العمل‬9‫محادثات مع زم‬
‫ ما‬، ‫ للثقافة الوطنية‬Trompenaars ‫أبعاد‬
‫ في‬Talia ‫البعد الثقافي الذي يرتبط به سلوك‬
‫مكان العمل بشكل وثيق؟ أ( محدد مقابل‬
‫نتساب ج( الكونية‬6‫منتشر ب( ا•نجاز مقابل ا‬
‫مقابل الخصوصية د( الفردية مقابل الجماعية‬
‫ج( العاطفية مقابل الحيادية‬
AACSB: Diverse and Multicultural Work
‫( تشير ا`بحاث إلى أن مديري ا`عمال أ( يركزون بدرجة‬46
46) Research indicates that business managers
(‫ ب‬.‫جتماعية‬6‫ً من القيم ا‬6‫أكبر على القيم الشخصية بد‬
‫ً من القيم‬6‫جتماعية بد‬6‫التركيز بشكل أكبر على القيم ا‬
A) place higher emphasis on personal values rather than social values.
‫ً من‬6‫لية بد‬p‫ ج( التركيز بشكل أكبر على القيم ا‬.‫الشخصية‬
B) place higher emphasis on social values rather than personal values.
‫جتماعية‬6‫ د( تختلف في التركيز على القيم ا‬.‫القيم النهائية‬
C) place higher emphasis on instrumental values rather than terminal values.
.‫حسب الجنس‬
D) differ in the emphasis placed on social values according to gender.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Correct. However, this tendency is not always beneficial. A better balance of
personal and social values may increase managerial and organizational performance.
B) Incorrect. Business managers place a higher emphasis on personal values that social ones.
C) Incorrect. The research cited in the text does not discuss potential differences in emphasis on
instrumental and terminal values. On the other hand, business managers do place a higher
emphasis on personal values that social ones.
D) Incorrect. The research cited in the text states that there are no differences in emphasis on
social values based on gender. On the other hand, business managers do place a higher emphasis
on personal values that social ones.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Personal Values
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
47) Your boss was arrested for embezzlement at the office. As he walks past you handcuffed, he‫س‬9‫خت‬6‫( تم القبض على رئيسك في العمل بتهمة ا‬47
states, "You know, you and I possess the same values, I just didn’t have the courage to act on
، ‫ بينما كان يمشي أمامك مكبل اليدين‬.‫كتب‬w‫في ا‬
mine." Which is the boss an example of?
‫ لم يكن‬، ‫ أنا وأنت نمتلك نفس القيم‬، ‫ "كما تعلم‬، ‫قال‬
A) Terminal values
‫ من هو الرئيس‬."‫لدي الشجاعة للتصرف من أجلي‬
‫ على؟ أ( القيم النهائية ب( ضعف اتخاذ القرار‬6‫مثا‬
B) Poor ethical decision making
‫علومات د( مستوى‬w‫قي ج( ضعف جمع ا‬9‫ا`خ‬
C) Poor information gathering
‫طابقة لنضج القيم‬w‫ا‬
D) Conformity level of values maturity
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Terminal values are prescribed desirable ends or goals. The boss is
an example of poor ethical decision making.
B) Correct. This indicates that he has a value system that emphasizes honesty and company
However, he failed to act in accordance with it.
C) Incorrect. There is no indication that your boss failed to gather relevant information. The boss
is an example of poor ethical decision making.
D) Incorrect. Conformity values maturity refers to moral reasoning based on an individual's
conforming to and upholding the expectations of society.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Personal Values
Skill: Application
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
48) Which of the following statements are correct? (1) individuals differ in their level of values ‫( يختلف‬1) ‫( أي من العبارات التالية صحيحة؟‬48
‫( يمتلك ا`فراد‬2) ، ‫ا`فراد في مستوى تنمية قيمهم‬
development, (2) individuals hold different sets of instrumental values at different stages of
‫مجموعات مختلفة من القيم ا`داتية في مراحل مختلفة‬
development, and (3) peoples' value priorities do not change once they become adults.
‫ تتغير أولويات قيم الناس بمجرد‬6 (3) ‫ و‬، ‫من التطور‬
A) All three statements are correct.
‫ثة‬9‫ أ( جميع العبارات الث‬.•‫أن يصبحوا بالغ‬
B) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.
‫ ج( فقط‬.‫ صحيحة‬3 ‫ و‬1 ‫ ب( فقط العبارات‬.‫صحيحة‬
C) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.
‫ فقط‬3 ‫ و‬2 ‫ د( البيانات‬.‫ صحيحة‬2 ‫ و‬1 ‫العبارات‬
D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct.
.‫هي الصحيحة‬
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Statement 3 is incorrect. Rather than becoming permanently fixed in
early adulthood, an individual's value priorities do in fact change according to his or her value
B) Incorrect. Statement 3 is incorrect. Rather than becoming permanently fixed in early
adulthood, an individual's value priorities do in fact change according to his or her value
C) Correct. Statement 3 is incorrect. Rather than becoming permanently fixed in early adulthood,
an individual's value priorities do in fact change according to his or her value maturity.
D) Incorrect. Statement 3 is incorrect. Rather than becoming permanently fixed in early
adulthood, an individual's value priorities do in fact change according to his or her value
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Values Maturity
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
49) During the 1992 riots in Los Angeles where many individuals took merchandise, some
argued that looters took only what they needed, like food and diapers, whereas others argued
looters took only what they had been denied by the system, like TVs and stereos. If these looters
were focusing on their own needs, what was their level of values maturity?
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
C) Third level of maturity
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Correct. The first level of maturity is called the self-centered level and focuses
on personal needs and wants.
B) Incorrect. The second level of maturity is called the conformity level and focuses on
conforming the individual's behavior to societal norms and expectations. The first level of
maturity is called the self-centered level and focuses on personal needs and wants.
C) Incorrect. The third level of maturity is called the principled level and focuses on judging
right and wrong based on a set of internalized principles. The first level of maturity is called the
self-centered level and focuses on personal needs and wants.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Values Maturity
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
50) You need a little extra money, so you added an extra $100 to your expense reimbursement
statement before handing the receipts over to accounting. Your co-worker Sara added over $1000
to her statement. If you believe Sara's actions are worse than yours, what is your level of values
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
C) Third level of maturity
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Correct. Under the self-centered level, stealing $1000 is worse because it has
more negative consequences to your company.
B) Incorrect. Under the conformity level of maturity, you would view both actions as equally
violating societal expectations and norms.
C) Incorrect. Under the principled level of maturity, you would view both actions as equally
violating universal principles of right and wrong.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Values Maturity
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
‫( أثناء أعمال الشغب في لوس أنجلوس‬49
‫ حيث أخذ العديد من ا`فراد‬1992 ‫عام‬
‫ جادل البعض بأن اللصوص‬، ‫البضائع‬
‫ مثل‬، ‫يأخذون فقط ما يحتاجون إليه‬
‫ بينما جادل آخرون‬، ‫الطعام والحفاضات‬
‫بأن اللصوص أخذوا فقط ما حرمهم‬
‫ مثل أجهزة التلفزيون وأجهزة‬، ‫النظام‬
‫ء اللصوص‬6‫ إذا كان هؤ‬.‫ستريو‬6‫ا‬
‫ فما‬، ‫يركزون على احتياجاتهم الخاصة‬
‫ستوى‬w‫هو مستوى نضج قيمهم؟ أ( ا‬
‫ستوى الثاني‬w‫ستحقاق ب( ا‬9‫ا`ول ل‬
‫ستحقاق‬9‫ستوى الثالث ل‬w‫ستحقاق ج( ا‬9‫ل‬
، ‫ال ا•ضافي‬w‫( أنت بحاجة إلى القليل من ا‬50
‫ر إلى‬6‫ دو‬100 ‫لذلك أضفت مبلغًا إضافيًا قدره‬
‫ت إلى‬6‫صاريف قبل تسليم ا•يصا‬w‫بيان سداد ا‬
‫ أضافت زميلتك في العمل سارة أكثر‬.‫حاسبة‬w‫ا‬
‫ إذا كنت تعتقد أن‬.‫ر إلى بيانها‬6‫ دو‬1000 ‫من‬
‫ فما هو‬، ‫تصرفات سارة أسوأ من تصرفاتك‬
‫ستوى ا`ول‬w‫مستوى نضج القيم لديك؟ أ( ا‬
(‫ستحقاق ج‬9‫ستوى الثاني ل‬w‫ستحقاق ب( ا‬9‫ل‬
‫ستحقاق‬9‫ستوى الثالث ل‬w‫ا‬
‫ر إلى‬6‫ دو‬100 ‫( لقد أضفت مبلغًا إضافيًا قدره‬51
51) You added an extra $100 to your expense statement and Sara added an extra $1000 to her
‫صاريف الخاص بك وأضفت سارة‬w‫كشف حساب ا‬
expense statement. If you believe both of you are equally wrong (this does violate company
‫ر إلى كشف‬6‫ دو‬1000 ‫مبلغًا إضافيًا قدره‬
policy), what is your level of values maturity?
‫كما مخطئ بنفس‬9‫ إذا كنت تعتقد أن ك‬.‫حسابها‬
A) First level of maturity
‫ فما هو مستوى‬، (‫القدر )هذا ينتهك سياسة الشركة‬
B) Second level of maturity
(‫ستحقاق ب‬9‫ستوى ا`ول ل‬w‫نضج القيم لديك؟ أ( ا‬
C) Third level of maturity
‫ستوى الثالث‬w‫ستحقاق ج( ا‬9‫ستوى الثاني ل‬w‫ا‬
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Under the first level of maturity, Sara's actions would be worse
because they caused more financial damage to the company.
B) Correct. Though you would hold the behaviors equally wrong under both the second and third
levels of maturity, the difference is that under the second level, it is wrong because it violates a
rule or policy, rather than because it violates universal principles of right and wrong.
C) Incorrect. Though under the third level of maturity, you would view both behaviors as equally
egregious, it would not be based on a violation of company policy, but rather on universal
principles of right and wrong.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Values Maturity
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
52) If you stole something to save a stranger's life (you received no compensation), what would
be your level of moral judgment?
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
‫( إذا سرقت شيئ ًا •نقاذ حياة شخص‬52
‫ فما‬، (‫غريب )لم تحصل على أي تعويض‬
‫ستوى‬w‫قي؟ أ( ا‬9‫هو مستوى حكمك ا`خ‬
‫ستوى الثاني من‬w‫ستحقاق ب( ا‬9‫ا`ول ل‬
‫ستوى الثالث من النضج‬w‫ج( ا‬
C) Third level of maturity
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. You were not acting for your own needs or self-interest, which is the
basis of the first level of maturity.
B) Incorrect. You violated the law and societal expectations, which are the basis of the second
level of maturity.
C) Correct. You made a judgment that human life is more important than laws against stealing,
which seems to be based on universal principles of right and wrong.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Values Maturity
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
53) As manager, you have decided to enforce a new policy restricting dating in the office. You
are comfortable with the policy and have decided that the policy will affect you also. Which
ethical test did you most likely employ?
A) Personal gain test
B) Equal treatment test
C) Cost-benefit test
D) Golden rule test
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Incorrect. The personal gain test asks the question: "Would I make the decision
the same way if it did not benefit me in any way?" Here there is no indication that you have
benefited from the new policy. The golden rule test asks whether you would be willing to be
treated in the same manner.
B) Incorrect. The equal treatment test asks whether you are considering the perspectives of
minorities and lower status people. Here there is no evidence that the policy has any particular
effect on privileged or unprivileged individuals, so this test is not applicable. The golden rule test
asks whether you would be willing to be treated in the same manner.
C) Incorrect. The cost-benefit test asks whether the benefit to one group causes unacceptable
harm to another. This policy is being enforced uniformly and there is no evidence of potential
unacceptable harm to others. The golden rule test asks whether you would be willing to be
treated in the same manner.
D) Correct. The golden rule test asks whether you would be willing to be treated in the same
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Ethical Decision Making
Skill: Application
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
​54) If your goal in life is to live a stimulating and active life, what is this an example of?
A) Terminal value
B) Instrumental value
C) Attitudinal value
D) Interpersonal need value
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Correct. Your goal of living a stimulating and active life is a desirable end,
which means that it is a terminal (versus an instrumental) value.
B) Incorrect. A terminal value prescribes a desirable end, while an instrumental value prescribes
the means.
C) Incorrect. This is an example of a terminal value, which prescribes a desirable end, in this
case, living a stimulating and active life.
D) Incorrect. This is an example of a terminal value, which prescribes a desirable end, in this
case, living a stimulating and active life.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Personal Values
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge
55) If you believe a government policy would benefit those that are less advantaged than
yourself, what view of ethics is this?
A) Golden rule test
B) Equal treatment test
C) Cost-benefit test
‫ قررت فرض‬، ‫مديرا‬
‫( بصفتك‬53
‫واعدة في‬w‫سياسة جديدة تقيد ا‬
‫ أنت مرتاح لهذه‬.‫كتب‬w‫ا‬
‫السياسة وقررت أن السياسة‬
ً ‫ستؤثر عليك‬
‫ختبار‬6‫ ما ا‬.‫أيضا‬
‫قي الذي استخدمته على‬9‫ا`خ‬
‫كاسب‬w‫ا`رجح؟ أ( اختبار ا‬
‫عاملة‬w‫الشخصية ب( اختبار ا‬
‫تساوية ج( اختبار التكلفة‬w‫ا‬
‫والفائدة د( اختبار القاعدة‬
‫( إذا كان هدفك في الحياة‬54
‫هو أن تعيش حياة نشطة‬
(‫ثال؟ أ‬w‫ فما هو هذا ا‬، ‫ومحفزة‬
‫لية‬p‫القيمة الطرفية ب( القيمة ا‬
‫تصالية د( قيمة‬6‫ج( القيمة ا‬
‫الحاجة الشخصية‬
‫( إذا كنت تعتقد أن سياسة الحكومة‬55
‫ فما وجهة‬، ‫ستفيد من هم أقل حظًا منك‬
‫قية هذه؟ أ( اختبار القاعدة‬9‫النظر ا`خ‬
(‫تساوية ج‬w‫عاملة ا‬w‫الذهبية ب( اختبار ا‬
‫اختبار التكلفة والفائدة‬
‫د( اختبار الكسب الشخصي‬
D) Personal gain test
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. This policy provides a benefit, therefore it is not productive to ask if
you would be willing to be treated in the same manner. This policy actually implicates the equal
treatment test.
B) Correct. This policy appears to give full consideration to the rights and needs of the less
C) Incorrect. There is no evidence of unacceptable harm to others who do not benefit from the
test. This policy actually implicates the equal treatment test.
D) Incorrect. You have nothing to gain from the policy and do not have to consider whether you
would make the same decision absent the personal benefit. This policy actually implicates the
equal treatment test.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Ethical Decision Making
Skill: Application
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
‫عرفي الشخصي على أي من‬w‫( يعتمد أسلوبك ا‬56
​56) Your personal cognitive style is based on which of the following two dimensions?
‫علومات وما‬w‫البعدين التالي•؟ أ( الطريقة التي تجمع بها ا‬
A) The manner in which you gather information and whether you think it is true
‫إذا كنت تعتقد أنها صحيحة ب( الطريقة التي تجمع بها‬
B) The manner in which you gather information and the way in which you act on that
‫علومات والطريقة التي تتصرف بها بنا ًء على تلك‬w‫ا‬
‫علومات ج( أفق ًيا وعمود ًيا د( الطريقة التي يجمع بها‬w‫ا‬
C) Horizontal and vertical
‫خرون معلومات حول أنت والطريقة التي تتفاعل بها مع‬p‫ا‬
D) The manner in which others gather information about you and the way you react to their
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Whether you think information is true is not part of your personal
cognitive style, rather, what is important is the way you act on that information.
B) Correct. Cognitive style refers to the inclination each of us has to perceive, interpret, and
respond to information in a certain way. The three dimensions of cognitive style are knowing,
planning, and creating.
C) Incorrect. Horizontal and vertical are geometric dimensions, but the two dimensions of
personal cognitive style are the manner in which you gather information and the way in which
you act on that information.
D) Incorrect. The manner in which others gather information about you is indicative of their
cognitive learning style rather than yours.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.4
Topic: Cognitive Style
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
57) Which of the following statements are true?
​1. Your cognitive style is the same as your personality type.
​2. Your cognitive style is innate and cannot be changed.
​3. The three cognitive styles are knowing, planning, and creating.
A) Statement 3 is true, and statements 1 and 2 are false.
B) Statements 2 and 3 are true, and statement 1 is false.
C) None of the statements are true.
D) All of the statements are true.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Correct. Statement 1 is incorrect Cognitive style and personality type are
not the same. Statement 2 is incorrect. Cognitive styles are habits but are not unchangeable.
Statement 3 is correct.
B) Incorrect. Statement 1 is incorrect Cognitive style and personality type are not the same.
Statement 2 is incorrect. Cognitive styles are habits but are not unchangeable. Statement 3 is
C) Incorrect. Statement 1 is incorrect Cognitive style and personality type are not the same.
Statement 2 is incorrect. Cognitive styles are habits but are not unchangeable. Statement 3 is
D) Incorrect. Statement 1 is incorrect Cognitive style and personality type are not the same.
Statement 2 is incorrect. Cognitive styles are habits but are not unchangeable. Statement 3 is
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.4
Topic: Cognitive Style
Skill: Concept
‫ أسلوبك‬.1 ‫( أي من العبارات التالية صحيحة؟‬57
‫ أسلوبك‬.2 .‫عرفي هو نفس نوع شخصيتك‬w‫ا‬
‫ ا`ساليب‬.3 .‫ يمكن تغييره‬6‫عرفي فطري و‬w‫ا‬
.‫عرفة والتخطيط وا•بداع‬w‫ثة هي ا‬9‫عرفية الث‬w‫ا‬
(‫ ب‬.‫ خاطئان‬2 ‫ و‬1 ‫ والبيان‬، ‫ صحيحة‬3 ‫أ( العبارة‬
‫ ج( أيا‬.‫ خاطئ‬1 ‫ والبيان‬، ‫ صحيحة‬3 ‫ و‬2 ‫العبارة‬
.‫ د( جميع العبارات صحيحة‬.‫من العبارات صحيحة‬
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
58) At the beginning of your team's first meeting, Betsy said, "I think it's really important that we
develop a clear agenda for what we want to accomplish and then decide who is going to do
what." Based on this comment, you suspect that Betsy is strongest on which dimension of
cognitive style?
A) Knowing
B) Planning
C) Creating
D) Assimilating
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. People with a strong knowing style emphasize facts, details, and
data. They do not necessarily emphasize agendas and structured planning.
B) Correct. People with a strong planning style emphasize agendas and structured planning.
C) Incorrect. People with a strong creating style emphasize innovation and risk-taking. They tend
to be resistant to structure.
D) Incorrect. Assimilating is not one of the dimensions of cognitive style.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.4
Topic: Planning Style
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge
59) Your co-worker Sandy plans her vacations 12 months in advance and is the first to volunteer
to create agendas for team meetings. Which cognitive style does Sandy's behavior exhibit?
A) Creating cognitive style
B) Obsessive cognitive style
C) Planning cognitive style
D) None of the above
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. The creating cognitive style emphasizes creativity, spontaneity, and
risk-taking. Sandy's 12-month vacation plans and focus on preparation for team meetings is an
example of the planning cognitive style.
B) Incorrect. Obsessive is not one of the three cognitive styles. Sandy's 12-month vacation plans
and focus on preparation for team meetings is an example of the planning cognitive style.
C) Correct. Planning cognitive style is exhibited by structure, preparation, and planning. Sandy's
12-month vacation plans and focus on preparation for team meetings is an example of the
planning cognitive style.
D) Incorrect. Sandy's 12-month vacation plans and focus on preparation for team meetings is an
example of the planning cognitive style.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.4
Topic: Planning Style
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge
60) During a meeting, Bruce turns to you and comments, "We really shouldn't be making a
decision until we have got a better handle on the facts and data. New ideas are fine, but if we
can't back them up with credible and precise analysis, we shouldn't be taking the risk." Based on
this comment, you recognize that Bruce is probably strongest on which dimension of cognitive
A) Knowing
B) Planning
C) Creating
D) Accommodating
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Correct. People with a strong knowing style tend to emphasize facts, details,
and precise data analysis. They often are skeptical of innovation.
B) Incorrect. People with a strong planning style focus on agendas, rules, and routines, but don't
necessarily insist upon precision about facts and data.
C) Incorrect. People with a strong creating style emphasize innovation and risk-taking, and are
tolerance of rule-breaking even in the absence of clear data.
D) Incorrect. Accommodating is not one of the dimensions of cognitive style.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.4
‫ قال‬، ‫جتماع ا`ول لفريقك‬6‫( في بداية ا‬58
‫هم ح ًقا أن نضع‬w‫ "أعتقد أنه من ا‬، ‫بيتسي‬
‫ا نريد تحقيقه ثم‬w ‫واضحا‬
‫جدول أعمال‬
‫" بنا ًء على هذا‬.‫نقرر من سيفعل ماذا‬
‫ هي ا`قوى‬Betsy ‫ تشك في أن‬، ‫التعليق‬
(‫عرفي؟ أ‬w‫في أي بُعد من أبعاد ا`سلوب ا‬
‫ستيعاب‬6‫معرفة ب( التخطيط ج( إنشاء د( ا‬
‫( تخطط زميلتك في العمل ساندي‬59
‫شهرا وهي أول من تطوع‬
12 ‫•جازاتها قبل‬
‫ ما‬.‫جتماعات الفريق‬6 ‫لوضع جداول أعمال‬
‫عرفي الذي يظهره سلوك ساندي؟‬w‫هو النمط ا‬
‫عرفي ب( أسلوب الوسواس‬w‫أ( إنشاء النمط ا‬
‫ شيء‬6 (‫عرفي د‬w‫عرفي ج( تخطيط النمط ا‬w‫ا‬
‫ ج‬:‫مما سبق ا•جابة‬
، ‫ يلجأ بروس إليك ويعلق‬، ‫جتماع‬6‫ل ا‬9‫( خ‬60
‫ ينبغي لنا ح ًقا اتخاذ قرار حتى نتعامل‬6"
‫ ا`فكار‬.‫بشكل أفضل مع الحقائق والبيانات‬
‫ ولكن إذا لم نتمكن من دعمها‬، ‫الجديدة جيدة‬
‫ ينبغي أن‬6 ، ‫ل تحليل موثوق ودقيق‬9‫من خ‬
‫ أنت تدرك أن‬، ‫ بنا ًء على هذا التعليق‬." ‫نجازف‬
‫بروس ربما يكون ا`قوى على أي بُعد من أبعاد‬
(‫عرفي؟ أ( معرفة ب( التخطيط ج‬w‫ا`سلوب ا‬
‫إنشاء د( التكييف‬
Topic: Knowing Style
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge
61) Individuals who tend to prefer jobs in fields such as social work where personal interactions
predominate have which cognitive style?
A) Creating cognitive style
B) Knowing cognitive style
C) Planning cognitive style
D) None of the three cognitive styles are more likely in individuals who choose such a career.
Answer: A
‫( ا`فراد الذين يميلون إلى تفضيل الوظائف‬61
‫جتماعي حيث تسود‬6‫ت مثل العمل ا‬6‫في مجا‬
‫ت الشخصية لديهم أي أسلوب معرفي؟‬9‫التفاع‬
‫عرفي ب( معرفة النمط‬w‫أ( إنشاء النمط ا‬
‫ يوجد‬6 (‫عرفي د‬w‫عرفي ج( تخطيط النمط ا‬w‫ا‬
‫ثة أكثر‬9‫عرفية الث‬w‫أي من ا`ساليب ا‬
.‫هنة‬w‫لدى ا`فراد الذين يختارون مثل هذه ا‬
Explanation: A) Correct. ​ People with a creating cognitive style are likely to prefer
experimentation, nonrational thinking, and creativity. This leads them to choose careers where
personal interactions predominate.
B) Incorrect. Individuals with a knowing cognitive style prefer jobs that have a technical
problem-solving emphasis. Individuals with a creating cognitive style tend to choose careers
where personal interactions predominate.
C) Incorrect. Individuals with a planning cognitive style prefer jobs where information-gathering
predominates. Individuals with a creating cognitive style tend to choose careers where personal
interactions predominate.
D) Incorrect. Individuals with a creating cognitive style tend to choose careers where personal
interactions predominate.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.4
Topic: Creating Style
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
62) After graduation you have decided to stay in Bedford Falls, the only place you have ever
known. Which area of self-awareness probably affected your decision?
A) Cognitive style
B) Interpersonal needs
C) Attitudes toward change
D) Instrumental values
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Your decision to stay in the only town you have ever lived in
indicates that you are resistant to change and is not a product of the way you process
B) Incorrect. It is more likely that your decision to stay in the only town you have ever lived in
indicates that you are resistant to change.
C) Correct. The text mentions two dimensions of orientation toward change: (1) Tolerance of
ambiguity and (2) locus of control. That you wanted to remain in the same town you grew up in
indicates that you probably have a low tolerance for ambiguity, making you resistant to change.
D) Incorrect. Instrumental values prescribe standards or means of reaching a goal, and the
question does not indicate that you made a decision based on particular values. On the other
hand, your decision to stay in the only town you have ever lived in indicates that you are
resistant to change.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Tolerance of Ambiguity
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge
​63) Research suggests individuals with low tolerance for ambiguity and low cognitive
complexity are
A) better transmitters of information.
B) able to interpret more cues.
C) less behaviorally adaptive.
D) unable to understand abstract ideas.
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Individuals with high tolerance for ambiguity tend to be better
transmitters of information.
B) Incorrect. Individuals with high tolerance for ambiguity tend to be better able to interpret
C) Correct. Behavior adaptation often depends on one's ability to deal with ambiguous,
incomplete, and unstructured situations. By definition, an individual with a low tolerance for
‫ قررت البقاء في‬، ‫( بعد التخرج‬62
‫كان الوحيد الذي عرفته‬w‫ ا‬، ‫بيدفورد فولز‬
‫ت‬6‫ أي مجال من مجا‬.‫ق‬9‫على ا•ط‬
(‫الوعي الذاتي قد أثر على قرارك؟ أ‬
‫حتياجات الشخصية‬6‫عرفي ب( ا‬w‫النمط ا‬
‫لية‬p‫واقف تجاه التغيير د( القيم ا‬w‫ج( ا‬
‫( تشير ا`بحاث إلى أن ا`فراد ذوي التسامح‬63
‫نخفض‬w‫عرفي ا‬w‫نخفض للغموض والتعقيد ا‬w‫ا‬
‫ ب( قادرة على‬.‫هم أ( مرسل• أفضل للمعلومات‬
‫ ج( أقل تكيفًا من‬.‫زيد من ا•شارات‬w‫تفسير ا‬
‫ د( غير قادر على فهم ا`فكار‬.‫الناحية السلوكية‬
ambiguity will have more difficulty in such a situation.
D) Incorrect. A low tolerance for ambiguity does not mean that an individual is less intelligent or
that he is unable to understand abstract ideas, but rather that the individual may have a more
difficult time doing so.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Tolerance of Ambiguity
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
64) If a job requires someone to be able to focus on only one element of information in order to
not become distracted, which of the following would best match those requirements?
A) High tolerance of ambiguity
B) Low tolerance of ambiguity
C) High instrumental values
D) Low cognitive style
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. A high tolerance of ambiguity means that an individual may have a
difficult time focusing on a particular task or element of information. An individual with a low
tolerance for ambiguity sometimes has difficulty focusing on several tasks at once, but may more
easily focus on a single element of information.
B) Correct. An individual with a low tolerance for ambiguity sometimes has difficulty focusing
on several tasks at once, but may more easily focus on a single element of information.
C) Incorrect. Instrumental values refer to desirable standards of conduct and are unrelated to
one's ability to focus on a single task. An individual with a low tolerance for ambiguity
sometimes has difficulty focusing on several tasks at once, but may more easily focus on a single
element of information.
D) Incorrect. Low cognitive style is not a term used in the text. An individual with a low
tolerance for ambiguity sometimes has difficulty focusing on several tasks at once, but may more
easily focus on a single element of information.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Tolerance of Ambiguity
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge
‫( إذا كانت الوظيفة تتطلب من شخص‬64
‫قادرا على التركيز على عنصر‬
‫ما أن يكون‬
‫ يشتت‬6 ‫علومات حتى‬w‫واحد فقط من ا‬
‫ فأي مما يلي يناسب هذه‬، ‫انتباهه‬
ٍ ‫تطلبات بشكل أفضل؟ أ( تحمل‬w‫ا‬
(‫للغموض ب( انخفاض تحمل الغموض ج‬
‫قيم آلية عالية د( أسلوب إدراكي منخفض‬
65) The individual most likely to be entrepreneurial in his/her actions is someone with a(n)
A) high tolerance of ambiguity.
B) low tolerance of ambiguity.
C) external locus of control.
D) lateral locus of control.
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Correct. This is because they thrive in situations that are unclear, dynamic, and
B) Incorrect. Individuals with a high tolerance for ambiguity are more likely to be
entrepreneurial. Individuals with a low tolerance for ambiguity are less flexible and adaptive.
C) Incorrect. Individuals with an internal locus of control are more likely to be entrepreneurial,
as are individuals with a high tolerance for ambiguity.
D) Incorrect. Individuals with an internal locus of control are more likely to be entrepreneurial,
as are individuals with a high tolerance for ambiguity.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Tolerance of Ambiguity
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫رجح أن يكون‬w‫( الفرد الذي من ا‬65
‫رائد أعمال في أفعاله هو شخص‬
‫يتمتع بدرجة عالية )ن( أ( من تحمل‬
(‫ ج‬.‫ ب( قلة تحمل الغموض‬.‫الغموض‬
‫ د( موضع‬.‫مركز التحكم الخارجي‬
.‫السيطرة الجانبي‬
66) You think you would like to join the Peace Corps and see the world, live in another culture,
and experience new situations. Which subscale from the Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale would
indicate whether you would enjoy the Peace Corps experience?
A) Insolubility
B) Complexity
C) Novelty
D) None of the above
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Insolubility indicates the extent to which you are tolerant of
problems that are difficult to solve. The novelty subscale would indicate whether you would
enjoy the experience. Novelty indicates the extent to which you are tolerant of new, unfamiliar
information or circumstances.
B) Incorrect. Complexity indicates the extent to which you are tolerant of multiple, distinctive, or
‫نضمام إلى فيلق‬6‫( تعتقد أنك ترغب في ا‬66
‫م ورؤية العالم والعيش في ثقافة أخرى‬9‫الس‬
‫ أي مقياس فرعي من‬.‫وتجربة مواقف جديدة‬
‫مقياس التسامح من الغموض يشير إلى ما‬
(‫م؟ أ‬9‫إذا كنت ستستمتع بتجربة فيلق الس‬
(‫عدم القابلية للذوبان ب( التعقيد ج( الجدة د‬
‫ شيء مما سبق‬6
unrelated information. The novelty subscale would indicate whether you would enjoy the
experience. Novelty indicates the extent to which you are tolerant of new, unfamiliar information
or circumstances.
C) Correct. Novelty indicates the extent to which you are tolerant of new, unfamiliar information
or circumstances.
D) Incorrect. The novelty subscale would indicate whether you would enjoy the experience.
Novelty indicates the extent to which you are tolerant of new, unfamiliar information or
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Tolerance of Ambiguity
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Application of knowledge
67) Bob enjoys his management professor. She hands out vague assignments and encourages him
to be creative and to look at things a different way. Which best describes Bob's tolerance?
A) Tolerant of familiar information
B) Tolerant of distinctive or unrelated information
C) Intolerant of problems that are difficult to solve
D) Tolerant of contradictory information
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Here, the information you are receiving is not necessarily familiar.
Additionally, tolerance of ambiguity addresses one's ability to deal with unfamiliarity.
B) Correct. The tolerance for ambiguity scale computes three subscores. They are novelty (the
extent to which you are tolerant of new or unfamiliar information or situations), complexity (the
extent to which you are tolerant of multiple, distinctive, or unrelated information), and
insolubility (the extent to which you are tolerant of difficult problems in which solutions are not
clearly evident or information is missing). This situation best fits with complexity or possibly
insolubility. Because answer choice B defines complexity, and none of the answer choices define
insolubility, this is the best answer.
C) Incorrect. Here, you are tolerant rather than intolerant, of difficult problems.
D) Incorrect. The tolerance for ambiguity scale computes three subscores. They are novelty (the
extent to which you are tolerant of new or unfamiliar information or situations), complexity (the
extent to which you are tolerant of multiple, distinctive, or unrelated information), and
insolubility (the extent to which you are tolerant of difficult problems in which solutions are not
clearly evident or information is missing). Contradictory information is not one of the three
subscores, nor does it accurately describe one.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Tolerance of Ambiguity
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
68) What does the internal-external locus of control measure?
A) The ways in which a person goes about gathering and evaluating information
B) A person's value system
C) The extent to which a person feels able to affect his or her life
D) A person's tolerance of ambiguity
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. This answer choice refers to cognitive style. Internal and external
locus of control measures the extent to which a person feels able to affect his or her life.
B) Incorrect. Internal and external locus of control measures the extent to which a person feels
able to affect his or her life.
C) Correct. An internal believes that he or she is in charge of his or her own life, while an
external believes that his or her life is controlled by outside forces.
D) Incorrect. Tolerance of ambiguity refers to the extent to which individuals are threatened by
or have difficulty coping with ambiguous situations and unpredictable change.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Locus of Control
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
69) On the Locus of Control Scale discussed in the Skill Assessment portion of your text,
Morgan scored a 6 and George scored a 15. How could these results be interpreted?
A) Both Morgan and George have an internal locus of control.
B) Both Morgan and George have an external locus of control.
C) Morgan has an internal locus of control and George has an external locus of control.
D) Morgan has an external locus of control and George has an internal locus of control.
Answer: C
.‫( بوب يستمتع بأستاذه في ا•دارة‬67
‫إنها تقوم بتوزيع مهام غامضة وتشجعه‬
‫على أن يكون مبد ًعا وأن ينظر إلى‬
‫ ما أفضل وصف‬.‫ا`شياء بطريقة مختلفة‬
‫علومات‬w‫لتسامح بوب؟ أ( متسامح مع ا‬
‫ميزة‬w‫علومات ا‬w‫ألوفة ب( متسامح مع ا‬w‫ا‬
‫أو غير ذات الصلة ج( عدم تحمل‬
‫ت التي يصعب حلها د( متسامح‬9‫شك‬w‫ا‬
‫تناقضة‬w‫علومات ا‬w‫مع ا‬
‫( ما الذي يقيسه موقع التحكم‬68
‫الداخلي والخارجي؟ أ( الطرق‬
‫التي يتبعها الشخص في جمع‬
‫علومات وتقييمها ب( نظام قيم‬w‫ا‬
‫الشخص ج( مدى شعور الشخص‬
‫بالقدرة على التأثير في حياته أو‬
‫حياتها د( تحمل الشخص للغموض‬
‫( في موضوع مقياس التحكم الذي تمت‬69
‫هارة من النص‬w‫مناقشته في جزء تقييم ا‬
‫ وسجل جورج‬6 ‫ سجل مورغان‬، ‫الخاص بك‬
‫ كيف يمكن تفسير هذه النتائج؟ أ( لدى‬.15
.‫كل من مورغان وجورج مركز تحكم داخلي‬
‫ب( يمتلك كل من مورغان وجورج مركز تحكم‬
‫ ج( لدى مورغان مركز تحكم‬.‫خارجي‬
(‫ د‬.‫داخلي وجورج له مركز تحكم خارجي‬
‫لدى مورغان مركز تحكم خارجي وجورج‬
.‫لديه مركز تحكم داخلي‬
Explanation: A) Incorrect. George's 15 is much too high to indicate an internal locus of control.
B) Incorrect. Morgan's 6 is much too low to indicate an external locus of control.
C) Correct. Any score above 7 or so indicates an external locus of control, while a score below 7
indicates an internal locus of control.
D) Incorrect. Higher scores indicate a shift toward more external locus of control. This answer
choice incorrectly flips George and Morgan.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Locus of Control
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge
70) After the professor passed back the graded test, you heard a student remark, "I didn't do well
because the professor gave us tricky questions." Which locus of control does this student
probably have?
A) Internal locus of control
B) External locus of control
C) High tolerance for ambiguity
D) Small locus of control
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. An internal believes that he or she is in control of significant life
outcomes. The student's remark shows that he or she is blaming the professor for the low test
B) Correct. An external believes that environmental factors and other people are in control of his
or her performance. Here, the student's remark shows that he or she is blaming the professor for
the low test score.
C) Incorrect. Tolerance for ambiguity is not a component of locus of control, though both are
elements of a person's attitude toward change.
D) Incorrect. Locus of control is either external or internal.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Locus of Control
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
​71) In a meeting, you hear Mary say, "Some things are just meant to be," and "The economic
health of this country is largely beyond the control of the individual." You classify Mary as a
person with an external locus of control. How would you expect her to utilize her power?
A) Persuasion and expertise
B) Coercive power and threats
C) Her own position
D) There is not enough information available to answer the question.
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Persuasion and expertise are hallmarks of an individual with an
internal locus of control. Coercive power and threats are hallmarks of an individual with an
external locus of control.
B) Correct. Because externals believe that other people are best influenced by environmental
factors, Mary will use coercive power and threats, rather than persuasion, to motivate her
C) Incorrect. This answer choice does not actually specify how Mary would use her position.
More specifically, you would expect an external locus of control to result in coercive power and
threats as a managerial style.
D) Incorrect. Coercive power and threats are hallmarks of an individual with an external locus of
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Locus of Control
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge
72) Research suggests that internals (1) ask fewer questions, (2) are achievement oriented, and
(3) remember more information than externals. Which statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.
D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct.
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Statement 1 is incorrect. Internals actually ask more questions than
externals do. Statement 2 is correct. Statement 3 is correct.
B) Incorrect. Statement 1 is incorrect. Internals actually ask more questions than externals do.
‫ختبار‬6‫( بعد أن اجتاز ا`ستاذ ا‬70
‫حظة من‬9‫ سمعت م‬، ‫تدرج مرة أخرى‬w‫ا‬
‫ "لم أحقق أدا ًء جي ًدا `ن‬، ‫الطالب‬
‫" ما‬.‫ا`ستاذ طرح علينا أسئلة صعبة‬
‫حتمل أن‬w‫هو موضع التحكم الذي من ا‬
‫يمتلكه هذا الطالب؟ أ( موضع التحكم‬
(‫الداخلي ب( موضع التحكم الخارجي ج‬
‫درجة تحمل عالية للغموض د( موضع‬
‫التحكم الصغير‬
‫ "بعض‬، ‫ تسمع ماري تقول‬، ‫( في اجتماع‬71
‫قتصادية‬6‫ا`شياء يُقصد بها فقط" و "الصحة ا‬
‫لهذا البلد هي إلى حد كبير خارج سيطرة‬
‫" أنت تصنف ماري كشخص له موضع‬.‫الفرد‬
‫ كيف تتوقع منها أن تستغل‬.‫تحكم خارجي‬
‫قوتها؟ أ( ا•قناع والخبرة ب( القوة القسرية‬
‫ تتوفر‬6 (‫والتهديدات ج( موقعها الخاص د‬
.‫جابة على السؤال‬s‫معلومات كافية ل‬
‫( تشير ا`بحاث إلى أن‬72
‫( تطرح عد ًدا‬1) ‫العناصر الداخلية‬
‫( موجهة نحو‬2) ، ‫أقل من ا`سئلة‬
‫( تتذكر معلومات‬3) ‫ و‬، ‫ا•نجاز‬
‫ ما‬.‫أكثر من العناصر الخارجية‬
‫هي العبارات الصحيحة؟ أ( جميع‬
‫ ب( فقط‬.‫ثة صحيحة‬9‫العبارات الث‬
‫ ج( فقط‬.‫ صحيحة‬2 ‫ و‬1 ‫العبارات‬
(‫ د‬.‫ صحيحة‬3 ‫ و‬1 ‫العبارات‬
‫ فقط هي‬3 ‫ و‬2 ‫البيانات‬
Statement 2 is correct. Statement 3 is correct.
C) Incorrect. Statement 1 is incorrect. Internals actually ask more questions than externals do.
Statement 2 is correct. Statement 3 is correct.
D) Correct. Statement 1 is incorrect. Internals actually ask more questions than externals do.
Statement 2 is correct. Statement 3 is correct.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Locus of Control
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
​73) Research suggests people with an internal locus of control (1) are more satisfied with work,
(2) outperform externals in stressful situations, and (3) are less accurate in processing feedback
about successes and failures than externals. Which statements are correct?
A) Statements 1 and 2 are correct.
B) Statement 2 is incorrect.
C) Statement 2 and 3 are correct.
D) All of the statements are correct.
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Incorrect. All three statements are correct.
B) Incorrect. All three statements are correct.
C) Incorrect. All three statements are correct.
D) Correct. Despite some drawbacks, people in America are handicapped by an external locus of
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Locus of Control
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫( تشير ا`بحاث إلى أن ا`شخاص‬73
(1) ‫الذين لديهم موضع تحكم داخلي‬
‫( يتفوقون‬2) ، ‫أكثر رضا عن العمل‬
، ‫واقف العصيبة‬w‫على الخارجي• في ا‬
‫( أقل دقة في معالجة التعليقات‬3) ‫و‬
.•‫حول النجاحات والفشل من الخارجي‬
(‫ما هي العبارات الصحيحة؟ أ‬
‫ ب( العبارة‬.‫ صحيحة‬2 ‫ و‬1 ‫العبارات‬
3 ‫ و‬2 ‫ ج( العبارة‬.‫ غير صحيحة‬2
.‫ د( جميع البيانات صحيحة‬.‫صحيحة‬
74) Nobody seems to know what their role is and what they are supposed to do in one of your
divisions. Two people have applied for the job as manager of this struggling division. They are
equal in experience and knowledge; however, Robert has been classified as external and Susan
has been classified as an internal. Who should you hire?
A) You should hire Susan.
B) You should hire Robert.
C) You should continue your job search outside the division, as neither Susan nor Robert are
qualified for the job.
D) These classifications do not help in selecting the right candidate for this job.
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Though internal locus of control is generally the preferred attribute,
an individual with an external locus of control is more likely to initiate structure and clarify
roles, something that this struggling division needs. Robert is the better choice.
B) Correct. Though internal locus of control is generally the preferred attribute, an individual
with an external locus of control is more likely to initiate structure and clarify roles, something
that this struggling division needs. Robert is the better choice.
C) Incorrect. Though internal locus of control is generally the preferred attribute, an individual
with an external locus of control is more likely to initiate structure and clarify roles, something
that this struggling division needs. Robert is the preferred hire.
D) Incorrect. Though internal locus of control is generally the preferred attribute, an individual
with an external locus of control is more likely to initiate structure and clarify roles, something
that this struggling division needs. Robert is the preferred hire.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Locus of Control
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge
‫ أحد يعرف ما هو دورهم‬6 ‫( يبدو أن‬74
‫وما يفترض بهم القيام به في إحدى‬
‫ تقدم شخصان بطلب للحصول‬.‫فرقك‬
.‫تعثر‬w‫على الوظيفة كمدير لهذا القسم ا‬
‫عرفة ؛ ومع‬w‫هم متساوون في الخبرة وا‬
‫ تم تصنيف روبرت على أنه‬، ‫ذلك‬
‫خارجي وتم تصنيف سوزان على أنها‬
‫ من يجب أن توظف؟ أ( يجب‬.‫داخلية‬
‫ ب( يجب عليك‬.‫عليك توظيف سوزان‬
‫ ج( يجب أن تستمر في‬.‫توظيف روبرت‬
‫ حيث‬، ‫البحث عن وظيفة خارج القسم‬
.‫ روبرت مؤهل• للوظيفة‬6‫ سوزان و‬6 ‫أنه‬
‫ تساعد هذه التصنيفات في اختيار‬6 (‫د‬
.‫ناسب لهذه الوظيفة‬w‫رشح ا‬w‫ا‬
​75) Janet reads her horoscope and calls the psychic hot line for advice every day. Which would
most likely apply to Janet?
A) Internal locus of control
B) External locus of control
C) Tolerance for ambiguity
D) None of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. An internal locus of control would likely indicate that Janet would
seek to improve her position daily, rather than seeking to discover what the universe has in store
for her.
B) Correct. Janet's behavior is most applicable to an external locus of control (she is seeking to
‫( جانيت تقرأ برجها وتتصل بالخط‬75
‫الساخن النفسي للحصول على‬
‫رجح أن‬w‫ الذي من ا‬.‫شورة كل يوم‬w‫ا‬
‫ينطبق على جانيت؟ أ( موضع التحكم‬
(‫الداخلي ب( مركز التحكم الخارجي ج‬
‫ شيء مما‬6 (‫التسامح مع الغموض د‬
discover what her future holds).
C) Incorrect. Janet's behavior is most applicable to an external locus of control (she is seeking to
discover what her future holds). The question does not indicate whether Janet has a high or low
tolerance for ambiguity.
D) Incorrect. Janet's behavior is most applicable to an external locus of control (she is seeking to
discover what her future holds).
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.5
Topic: Locus of Control
Skill: Application
AACSB: Application of knowledge
76) Which is not one of the most researched big five personality attributes?
A) Extraversion
B) Agreeableness
C) Ego
D) Neuroticism
E) Conscientiousness
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. The big five personality attributes are extraversion, aggreeableness,
neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness to experience.
B) Incorrect. The big five personality attributes are extraversion, aggreeableness, neuroticism,
conscientiousness, and openness to experience.
C) Correct. The big five personality attributes are extraversion, aggreeableness, neuroticism,
conscientiousness, and openness to experience.
D) Incorrect. The big five personality attributes are extraversion, aggreeableness, neuroticism,
conscientiousness, and openness to experience.
E) Incorrect. The big five personality attributes are extraversion, aggreeableness, neuroticism,
conscientiousness, and openness to experience.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
​77) Which best defines core self-evaluation?
A) The evaluation each person has developed about himself or herself
B) The evaluation of dominant personality traits that are core to a person's management skills
C) The evaluation other people give to a person's most dominant personality traits
D) The evaluation each person gives of himself or herself to appraise eligibility for salary
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Correct. It is also defined as overall positive self-regard.
B) Incorrect. Core self-evaluation refers to an evaluation each person has developed about himor herself, not of generally dominant personality traits.
C) Incorrect. Core self-evaluation refers to an evaluation each person has developed about himor herself, not an evaluation of others.
D) Incorrect. Core self-evaluation determines one's attitude about oneself, not eligibility for
increases in salary.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
78) Which best describes core self-evaluation?
A) The extent to which people accurately evaluate how others think about them
B) The extent to which people are able to diagnose their own emotions
C) The extent to which people value themselves and feel proficient as individuals
D) The extent to which people want affection
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. Self-evaluation is the extent to which people value themselves and
feel proficient as individuals. It has nothing to do with whether people accurately evaluate others'
perceptions of them.
B) Incorrect. This answer choice refers to self-awareness, rather than self-evaluation.
C) Correct.
​ The four components of self-esteem are (value), self-efficacy (proficiency),
neuroticism (proficiency and value), and locus of control (proficiency).
‫ تعتبر من أكثر‬6 ‫( ما هي السمات التي‬76
(‫سمات الشخصية الخمس الكبرى بحثًا؟ أ‬
(‫نبساط ب( التوافق ج( ا`نا د( العصابية هـ‬6‫ا‬
‫( ما هو أفضل تعريف للتقييم‬77
‫الذاتي ا`ساسي؟ أ( التقييم الذي‬
‫طوره كل شخص عن نفسه أو نفسها‬
‫هيمنة‬w‫ب( تقييم سمات الشخصية ا‬
‫هارات إدارة‬w ‫التي تعتبر جوهرية‬
‫الشخص ج( التقييم الذي يقدمه‬
(‫هيمنة د‬w‫خرون لسمات الشخصية ا‬p‫ا‬
‫التقييم الذي يقدمه كل شخص عن‬
‫نفسه أو نفسها لتقييم ا`هلية للراتب‬
‫( ما أفضل وصف للتقييم الذاتي‬78
‫ا`ساسي؟ أ( مدى تقييم الناس‬
(‫خرين بهم ب‬p‫بدقة لكيفية تفكير ا‬
‫مدى قدرة الناس على تشخيص‬
‫عواطفهم ج( إلى أي مدى يقدر‬
‫الناس أنفسهم ويشعرون بالكفاءة‬
‫دى الذي يريده الناس‬w‫كأفراد د( ا‬
D) Incorrect. Expressed need for affection is not central to self-evaluation. Self-evaluation is the
extent to which people value themselves and feel proficient as individuals.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
​79) Which components contribute to the latent attribute of core self-evaluation?
​1. self-esteem
​2. self-efficacy
​3. locus of control
​4. extraversion
A) Components 1 and 2 contribute.
B) Components 1 and 4 contribute.
C) Components 1, 2, and 3 contribute
D) Components 1, 2, and 4 contribute.
Answer: C
Explanation: A) Incorrect. The latent attribute of core self-evaluation is comprised of four
components: (1) self-esteem, (2) self-efficacy, (3) neuroticism, and (4) locus of control.
B) Incorrect. The latent attribute of core self-evaluation is comprised of four components: (1)
self-esteem, (2) self-efficacy, (3) neuroticism, and (4) locus of control.
C) Correct. The latent attribute of core self-evaluation is comprised of four components: (1) selfesteem, (2) self-efficacy, (3) neuroticism, and (4) locus of control.
D) Incorrect. The latent attribute of core self-evaluation is comprised of four components: (1)
self-esteem, (2) self-efficacy, (3) neuroticism, and (4) locus of control.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
80) What is neuroticism?
A) The extent to which people see themselves as capable and successful
B) The tendency to have a negative outlook and pessimistic approach to life
C) The belief that one can control his or her experiences
D) The generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of circumstances
Answer: B
Explanation: A) Incorrect. This answer choice describes self-esteem. Neuroticism refers to the
tendency to have a negative outlook and pessimistic approach to life.
B) Correct. Because this is a negative, rather than a positive, attribute, it is reverse-scored. That
is, a higher neuroticism score will lower one's core self-evaluation.
C) Incorrect. This answer choice refers to locus of control. Neuroticism refers to the tendency to
have a negative outlook and pessimistic approach to life.
D) Incorrect. This answer choice refers to self-efficacy. Neuroticism refers to the tendency to
have a negative outlook and pessimistic approach to life.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
​81) What is self-efficacy?
A) The extent to which people see themselves as capable and successful
B) The tendency to have a negative outlook
C) The belief that one can control his or her experiences
D) The generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of circumstances
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Incorrect. This answer choice refers to self-esteem. Self-efficacy is the
generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of circumstances.
B) Incorrect. This answer choice refers to neuroticism. Self-efficacy is the generalized sense of
one's ability to perform capably across a variety of circumstances.
C) Incorrect. This answer choice refers to locus of control. Self-efficacy is the generalized sense
of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of circumstances.
D) Correct. Though it is possible to have varying levels of self-efficacy depending on the task,
core self-evaluation refers to generalized self-efficacy, which refers to general confidence in
one's abilities.
Difficulty: 1
‫كونات التي‬w‫( ما هي ا‬79
‫تساهم في السمة الكامنة‬
.1 ‫للتقييم الذاتي ا`ساسي؟‬
‫ الكفاءة‬.2 ‫احترام الذات‬
.4 ‫ موضع السيطرة‬.3 ‫الذاتية‬
.2 ‫ و‬1 ‫كونان‬w‫أ( يساهم ا‬
.4 ‫ و‬1 ‫كونان‬w‫ب( يساهم ا‬
3 ‫ و‬2 ‫ و‬1 ‫كونات‬w‫ج( تساهم ا‬
4 ‫ و‬2 ‫ و‬1 ‫كونات‬w‫د( ا‬
‫( ما هو العصابية؟ أ( إلى‬80
‫أي مدى يرى الناس أنفسهم‬
‫يل إلى‬w‫قادرين وناجح• ب( ا‬
‫ك نظرة سلبية ونهج‬9‫امت‬
‫عتقاد بأنه‬6‫تشاؤمي للحياة ج( ا‬
‫يمكن للمرء التحكم في تجاربه‬
‫د( الشعور العام بقدرة الفرد‬
‫على ا`داء بكفاءة عبر مجموعة‬
‫متنوعة من الظروف‬
‫( ما هي الكفاءة الذاتية؟ أ( إلى أي‬81
‫مدى يرى الناس أنفسهم قادرين‬
‫يل إلى الحصول على‬w‫وناجح• ب( ا‬
‫عتقاد بأنه يمكن للمرء‬6‫نظرة سلبية ج( ا‬
‫التحكم في تجاربه د( الشعور العام‬
‫رء على ا`داء بكفاءة عبر‬w‫بقدرة ا‬
‫مجموعة متنوعة من الظروف‬
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
82) Which is true concerning people who have higher core self-evaluation scores?
A) They tend to be selfish.
B) They tend to possess an overabundance of positive self-regard.
C) They tend to avoid diagnosing others' emotions.
D) They tend to choose complex and more challenging work.
Answer: D
Explanation: A) Incorrect. A high core self-evaluation implies sensitivity to others and their
B) Incorrect. An overabundance of self-regard (and resulting selfishness or insensitivity) does
not indicate a high core self-evaluation.
C) Incorrect. Core self-evaluation does not address an individual's emotional intelligence (ability
to diagnose emotions), but rather deals with an individual's view of him- or herself.
D) Correct. This is because high core self-evaluation scores are associated with motivation,
persistence, and productivity.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
83) Which of the following Big 5 personality traits is the strongest predictor of job performance?
A) Conscientiousness
B) Openness to experience
C) Extraversion
D) Agreeableness
Answer: A
Explanation: A) Correct. Research shows that there is a strong relationship between
conscientiousness and overall job performance.
B) Incorrect. Although openness to experience leads people to engage in more innovative
pursuits, scholars have not identified a strong link between it and performance.
C) Incorrect. Extraversion does seem to have an impact on job performance in a few professions
that are socially demanding, such as sales. But in most professions, there is no strong link
between extraversion and job performance.
D) Incorrect. Although agreeableness is a desirable trait among coworkers, there is not strong
evidence that agreeableness is related directly to job performance.
Difficulty: 1
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
Skill: Concept
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
84) Describe an actual example from your life of someone’s sensitive line being crossed (it might
be yourself). What were the signals that indicated the crossing of a sensitive line? How was
threat rigidity manifest?
Answer: Students should describe a real-life example that exhibits defensiveness on the part of
the actor in response to someone else’s words or behavior. The best answers provide background
and detail to demonstrate they understand that the crossing of a sensitive line involves a sense of
threat and defensive words or behavior. The best answers will also describe threat rigidity by
providing examples of how the actor became uncooperative or resistant as a result of the crossing
of the sensitive line.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: The Sensitive Line
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
85) Describe examples (either from real life or a story of your own construction) that depicts at
least two of Trompenaar’s pairs of cultural dimensions. What behaviors or attitudes are
associated with each dimension in the examples you describe?
Answer: Students should describe examples that exhibit an understanding of at least two pairs of
Trompenaar’s five pairs of cultural dimensions. The best answers provide background and detail
to demonstrate they understand the unique behaviors and attitudes that accompany the cultural
traits as described in the text.
Difficulty: 3
‫( ما هو الصحيح فيما يتعلق با`شخاص‬82
‫الذين لديهم أعلى درجات التقييم الذاتي‬
(‫ ب‬.•‫ا`ساسية؟ أ( يميلون إلى أن يكونوا أناني‬
‫ك وفرة من احترام الذات‬9‫يميلون إلى امت‬
‫ ج( يميلون إلى تجنب تشخيص‬.‫ا•يجابي‬
‫ د( يميلون إلى اختيار العمل‬.‫خرين‬p‫مشاعر ا‬
.‫عقد وا`كثر صعوبة‬w‫ا‬
‫( أي من سمات الشخصية الخمسة‬83
‫الخمسة التالية هي أقوى مؤشر على‬
‫نفتاح‬6‫ا`داء الوظيفي؟ أ( الضمير ب( ا‬
‫نبساط د( القبول‬6‫على التجربة ج( ا‬
‫ً فعليًا من حياتك عن تجاوز‬6‫( صف مثا‬84
‫الخط الحساس لشخص ما )قد يكون ذلك‬
‫ ما هي ا•شارات التي دلت على عبور‬.(‫بنفسك‬
‫خط حساس؟ كيف تم التعبير عن جمود‬
‫ب‬9‫ يجب أن يصف الط‬:‫التهديد؟ ا•جابة‬
‫من الحياة الواقعية ُيظهر موقفًا دفاع ًيا من‬
‫مثل ر ًدا على كلمات أو سلوك شخص‬w‫جانب ا‬
‫ توفر أفضل ا•جابات الخلفية والتفاصيل‬.‫آخر‬
‫•ثبات أنهم يفهمون أن عبور خط حساس‬
‫ينطوي على شعور بالتهديد وكلمات أو سلوك‬
ً ‫ ستصف أفضل ا•جابات‬.‫دفاعي‬
‫بة‬9‫أيضا ص‬
‫ل تقديم أمثلة عن كيف أصبح‬9‫التهديد من خ‬
‫مثل غير متعاون أو مقاو ًما نتيجة لتجاوز‬w‫ا‬
.‫الخط الحساس‬
ِ (85
‫صف أمثلة )إما من الحياة الواقعية أو‬
‫من قصة بناء خاص بك( تصور اثن• على‬
‫ا`قل من أزواج ترومبينار ذات ا`بعاد‬
‫رتبطة‬w‫واقف ا‬w‫ ما السلوكيات أو ا‬.‫الثقافية‬
:‫بكل بُعد في ا`مثلة التي تصفها؟ ا•جابة‬
‫ب وصف ا`مثلة التي تظهر‬9‫يجب على الط‬
‫ثن• على ا`قل من أزواج ا`بعاد‬6 ً ‫فهما‬
‫ توفر أفضل‬.‫الثقافية الخمسة لترومبينار‬
‫ا•جابات الخلفية والتفاصيل •ثبات فهمهم‬
‫واقف الفريدة التي تصاحب‬w‫للسلوكيات وا‬
.‫السمات الثقافية كما هو موضح في النص‬
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Cultural Values
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
86) Describe a story (either fictional or from real life) that depicts an individual developing
through the three major phases of value maturity.
Answer: Students should describe an example that exhibits how an individual might develop
over time through the three phases of Kohlberg’s model of cognitive moral development.
Specifically, they should depict an individual at the pre-conventional level (making choices
based on self-interest and punishment avoidance), at the conventional level (making choices
based on social obligation) and at the post-conventional level (making choices based on appeals
to universal principle). The best answers provide background and detail to demonstrate that the
student understands the unique behaviors and attitudes that accompany each stage of Kohlberg’s
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Cultural Values
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
87) Describe a story (either fictional or from real life) that depicts an individual developing
through the three major phases of value maturity.
Answer: Students should describe an example that exhibits how an individual might develop
over time through the three phases of Kohlberg’s model of cognitive moral development.
Specifically, they should depict an individual at the pre-conventional level (making choices
based on self-interest and punishment avoidance), at the conventional level (making choices
based on social obligation) and at the post-conventional level (making choices based on appeals
to universal principle). The best answers provide background and detail to demonstrate That the
student understands the unique behaviors and attitudes that accompany each stage of Kohlberg’s
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Values Maturity
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
(‫( صف قصة )إما خيالية أو من واقع الحياة‬86
‫راحل الرئيسية‬w‫ل ا‬9‫تصور الفرد يتطور من خ‬
‫ يجب على‬:‫ ا•جابة‬.‫ث لنضج القيمة‬9‫الث‬
‫ب وصف مثال يوضح كيف يمكن للفرد أن‬9‫الط‬
‫ث‬9‫راحل الث‬w‫ل ا‬9‫يتطور بمرور الوقت من خ‬
‫ على‬.‫عرفي‬w‫قي ا‬9‫لنموذج كولبرج للتطور ا`خ‬
‫ يجب أن يصوروا فر ًدا على‬، ‫وجه التحديد‬
‫مستوى ما قبل التقليدي )اتخاذ الخيارات بنا ًء‬
‫ وعلى‬، (‫صلحة الذاتية وتجنب العقوبة‬w‫على ا‬
‫ستوى التقليدي )اتخاذ الخيارات بنا ًء على‬w‫ا‬
‫ستوى ما بعد‬w‫جتماعي( وعلى ا‬6‫لتزام ا‬6‫ا‬
‫التقليدي )اتخاذ الخيارات بنا ًء على مناشدات‬
‫ تقدم أفضل ا•جابات الخلفية‬.(‫ي‬w‫بدأ عا‬w
‫والتفاصيل •ثبات أن الطالب يفهم السلوكيات‬
‫واقف الفريدة التي تصاحب كل مرحلة من‬w‫وا‬
‫مراحل نموذج كولبرج‬
(‫( صف قصة )إما خيالية أو من واقع الحياة‬87
‫ث‬9‫راحل الرئيسية الث‬w‫ل ا‬9‫تصور الفرد يتطور خ‬
‫ب وصف‬9‫ يجب على الط‬:‫ ا•جابة‬.‫لنضج القيمة‬
‫مثال يوضح كيف يمكن للفرد أن يتطور بمرور الوقت‬
‫ث لنموذج كولبرج للتطور‬9‫راحل الث‬w‫ل ا‬9‫من خ‬
‫ يجب أن‬، ‫ على وجه التحديد‬.‫عرفي‬w‫قي ا‬9‫ا`خ‬
‫يصوروا فر ًدا على مستوى ما قبل التقليدي )اتخاذ‬
، (‫صلحة الذاتية وتجنب العقوبة‬w‫الخيارات بنا ًء على ا‬
‫ستوى التقليدي )اتخاذ الخيارات بنا ًء على‬w‫وعلى ا‬
‫ستوى ما بعد التقليدي‬w‫جتماعي( وعلى ا‬6‫لتزام ا‬6‫ا‬
.(‫ي‬w‫بدأ عا‬w ‫)اتخاذ الخيارات بنا ًء على مناشدات‬
‫توفر أفضل ا•جابات الخلفية والتفاصيل •ثبات أن‬
‫واقف الفريدة التي‬w‫الطالب يفهم السلوكيات وا‬
‫تصاحب كل مرحلة من مراحل نموذج كولبرج‬
88) Tell a story (either fictional or based on real life) that depicts how three people with different
cognitive styles might interact with each other as they work together to solve a problem. Clearly
label each cognitive style as you depict it.
Answer: Students should describe an example that exhibits how three people who are discussing
a single problem would approach it differently based on knowing style, planning style, and
creative style. The best answers provide background and detail to demonstrate that the student
understands the unique approaches that accompany each cognitive style.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Cognitive Style
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
89) Share a story (either fictional or based on real life) that depicts two people on the polar
extremes of locus of control. Clearly label which extreme each individual falls on.
Answer: Students should describe an example that illustrates differences between two people,
one of whom has an extremely internal locus of control, and one of whom has an extremely
external locus of control. The best answers provide background and detail to demonstrate that the
student understands that people with an internal locus tend to attribute causality for events to
themselves, take responsibility for their actions, and exhibit more initiative and leadership. They
should also show their understanding that people with an external locus tend to attribute causality
to external sources, take less responsibility for their own behaviors, and are less likely to take
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Locus of Control
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
‫( أخبر قصة )إما خيالية أو تستند إلى الحياة‬88
‫ثة أشخاص ذوي‬9‫الواقعية( تصور كيف يمكن لث‬
‫أنماط معرفية مختلفة أن يتفاعلوا مع بعضهم‬
‫ قم‬.‫البعض أثناء عملهم م ًعا لحل مشكلة ما‬
.‫بتسمية كل نمط معرفي بوضوح كما تصوره‬
‫ً يوضح كيف‬6‫ب مثا‬9‫ يجب أن يصف الط‬:‫ا•جابة‬
‫ثة أشخاص يناقشون مشكلة واحدة‬9‫أن ث‬
‫سيتعاملون معها بشكل مختلف بنا ًء على أسلوب‬
.‫عرفة وأسلوب التخطيط وا`سلوب ا•بداعي‬w‫ا‬
‫توفر أفضل ا•جابات الخلفية والتفاصيل •ثبات أن‬
‫الطالب يفهم ا`ساليب الفريدة التي تصاحب كل‬
.‫نمط معرفي‬
‫( شارك قصة )إما خيالية أو مبنية على واقع‬89
‫الحياة( تصور شخص• على طرفي نقيض من‬
‫ حدد بوضوح أقصى حد يقع‬.‫مركز السيطرة‬
‫ب‬9‫ يجب أن يصف الط‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫عليه كل فرد‬
‫ أحدهما‬، •‫فات ب• شخص‬9‫خت‬6‫ً يوضح ا‬6‫مثا‬
‫ وآخر لديه‬، ‫لديه مركز تحكم داخلي للغاية‬
‫ توفر أفضل‬.‫موضع تحكم خارجي للغاية‬
‫ا•جابات الخلفية والتفاصيل •ثبات أن الطالب‬
‫كانة الداخلية يميلون‬w‫يفهم أن ا`شخاص ذوي ا‬
‫ وتحمل‬، ‫حداث `نفسهم‬Ÿ‫إلى عزو السببية ل‬
‫زيد من‬w‫ وإظهار ا‬، ‫سؤولية عن أفعالهم‬w‫ا‬
ً ‫ يجب أن ُيظهروا‬.‫بادرة والقيادة‬w‫ا‬
‫أيضا فهمهم‬
‫كانة الخارجية يميلون إلى‬w‫أن ا`شخاص ذوي ا‬
‫ وتحمل‬، ‫عزو السببية إلى مصادر خارجية‬
‫ وأقل احتمالية‬، ‫مسؤولية أقل عن سلوكياتهم‬
.‫بادرة‬w‫`خذ زمام ا‬
90) Share a story (either fictional or based on real life) that depicts all three elements of tolerance
for ambiguity. Clearly label each element in the story.
Answer: Students should describe an example that illustrates how people might express tolerance
(or intolerance) of ambiguity on three dimensions: novelty, complexity, and insolubility. The best
answers provide background and detail to demonstrate that the student understands that people
with an intolerance for novelty are resistant to change, that people with an intolerance for
complexity are resistant to problems with many variables, and that people with an intolerance for
insolubility are resistant to problems that have no clear answer.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Tolerance for Ambiguity
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
‫( شارك قصة )إما خيالية أو مبنية على واقع‬90
‫ثة للتسامح مع‬9‫الحياة( تصور العناصر الث‬
‫ قم بتسمية كل عنصر في القصة‬.‫الغموض‬
‫ب وصف مثال‬9‫ يجب على الط‬:‫ الجواب‬.‫بوضوح‬
‫يوضح كيف يمكن للناس التعبير عن التسامح )أو‬
، ‫ الجدة‬:‫ثة أبعاد‬9‫عدم التسامح( الغموض على ث‬
‫ توفر أفضل ا•جابات‬.‫ وعدم الذوبان‬، ‫والتعقيد‬
‫خلفية وتفاصيل •ثبات أن الطالب يفهم أن‬
‫ يتحملون الجدة يقاومون‬6 ‫ا`شخاص الذين‬
‫ يتحملون التعقيد‬6 ‫ وأن ا`شخاص الذين‬، ‫التغيير‬
‫ وأن‬، ‫تغيرات العديدة‬w‫ت ذات ا‬9‫شك‬w‫يقاومون ا‬
‫ يتحملون عدم القابلية للذوبان‬6 ‫ا`شخاص الذين‬
.‫يقاومون للمشاكل التي ليس لها إجابة واضحة‬
91) Explain the key areas of self-awareness. For each key area of self-awareness, provide a real- ‫ لكل‬.‫ت الرئيسية للوعي الذاتي‬6‫جا‬w‫( اشرح ا‬91
‫ قدم‬، ‫ت الوعي الذاتي‬6‫مجال رئيسي من مجا‬
life example to support your description.
‫ يجب على الطالب أن‬:‫ ا•جابة‬.‫واقعيًا لدعم وصفك‬
Answer: The student should describe (1) emotional intelligence: the ability to diagnose and
‫ القدرة على تشخيص‬:‫( الذكاء العاطفي‬1) ‫يصف‬
recognize your own emotions, the ability to control your own emotions, the ability to recognize
‫ والقدرة على التحكم في‬، ‫والتعرف على مشاعرك‬
and diagnose the emotions displayed by others, and the ability to respond appropriately to those ‫ والقدرة على التعرف على العواطف التي‬، ‫عواطفك‬
emotional cues; (2) Personal values: all attitudes, orientations, and behaviors arise out of an
‫ والقدرة على‬، ‫خرون وتشخيصها‬p‫يظهرها ا‬
individual's values; (3) Cognitive style: the manner in which individuals gather and process
‫ منبهات‬.‫شاعر‬w‫ستجابة بشكل مناسب لتلك ا‬6‫ا‬
‫واقف‬w‫ تنشأ جميع ا‬:‫( القيم الشخصية‬2) ‫عاطفية‬
information; (4) Attitudes toward change: focuses on the methods people use to cope with
‫( ا`سلوب‬3) ‫والتوجهات والسلوكيات من قيم الفرد ؛‬
change in their environment; and (5) Core self-evaluation: overall positive self-regard or the
‫علومات‬w‫ الطريقة التي يجمع بها ا`فراد ا‬:‫عرفي‬w‫ا‬
extent to which people value themselves and feel proficient as individuals. Also, the student
should provide one appropriate real-life example for each key area of self-awareness. See Figure ‫ تركز على‬:‫واقف تجاه التغيير‬w‫( ا‬4) ‫ويعالجونها ؛‬
‫ا`ساليب التي يستخدمها الناس للتعامل مع التغيير‬
:‫( التقييم الذاتي ا`ساسي‬5) ‫في بيئتهم ؛ و‬
Difficulty: 2
‫التقدير الذاتي ا•يجابي العام أو مدى تقدير الناس‬
Learning Objective 1.1
‫ يجب أن‬، ‫أيضا‬
.‫`نفسهم والشعور بالكفاءة كأفراد‬
Topic: Important Areas of Self-Awareness
‫ واقعيًا واح ًدا مناسبًا لكل مجال‬6‫مثا‬
‫يقدم الطالب‬
Skill: Application
‫ أنظر للشكل‬.‫ت الوعي الذاتي‬6‫رئيسي من مجا‬
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
Fortune ‫( أنت نائب رئيس العمليات لشركة‬92
92) You are a vice-president of operations for a Fortune 500 company and have six area
.‫ ولديك ستة مديرين منطقة يتبعونك‬500
managers reporting to you. Using Rokeach's value classification system, identify and explain the
‫باستخدام نظام تصنيف القيم الخاص بـ‬
key values your managers are most likely to perceive as the most important to their success in the
‫ حدد وشرح القيم ا`ساسية التي من‬، Rokeach
‫رجح أن يراها مديرك على أنها ا`كثر أهمية‬w‫ا‬
Answer: With regards to instrumental values, managers want employees who are responsible,
‫ فيما يتعلق‬:‫ ا•جابة‬.‫لنجاحهم في مكان العمل‬
honest, capable, imaginative, and logical. Managers in the business world tend to rate ambition,
•‫ديرون موظف• مسؤول‬w‫ يريد ا‬، ‫بالقيم ا`داتية‬
capability, responsibility, and freedom higher than people in general. Highly successful managers ‫دراء‬w‫ يميل ا‬.•‫وصادق• وقادرين وخيالي• ومنطقي‬
typically place more emphasis on economic (a comfortable life) and political (social recognition)
‫في عالم ا`عمال إلى تقييم الطموح والقدرة‬
values than less successful managers. Managers also place more value on sense of
.‫سؤولية والحرية أعلى من ا`شخاص بشكل عام‬w‫وا‬
‫ديرون الناجحون للغاية على القيم‬w‫عادة ما يركز ا‬
accomplishment, self-respect, a comfortable life, and independence than the population in
‫عتراف‬6‫قتصادية )حياة مريحة( والسياسة )ا‬6‫ا‬
general. The instrumental value managers held highest for themselves was ambition; their
‫ يعطي‬.‫نجاحا‬
‫ديرين ا`قل‬w‫جتماعي( أكثر من ا‬6‫ا‬
highest-held terminal value was sense of accomplishment. Personal values rather than social
ً ‫ديرون‬w‫ا‬
‫حساس با•نجاز‬s‫أيضا قيمة أكبر ل‬
values and those oriented toward achievement predominate among managers.
‫ل أكثر من‬9‫ستق‬6‫ريحة وا‬w‫واحترام الذات والحياة ا‬
Difficulty: 2
‫ كان الطموح هو القيمة ا`على‬.‫السكان بشكل عام‬
Learning Objective 1.3
‫ كانت أعلى‬.‫ديرون `نفسهم‬w‫التي يحتفظ بها ا‬
Topic: Personal Values
‫ تسود القيم‬.‫قيمة نهائية لها هي الشعور با•نجاز‬
Skill: Concept
‫وجهة‬w‫جتماعية وتلك ا‬6‫ً من القيم ا‬6‫الشخصية بد‬
AACSB: Diverse and Multicultural Work
.‫ديرين‬w‫نحو ا•نجاز ب• ا‬
93) Compare and contrast the key differences in the major levels of Kohlberg's model of values
Answer: Kohlberg's model focuses on the kind of reasoning used to reach a decision about an
issue that has value or moral connotations. The model has three major levels, each of which
contains two stages. The stages are sequential (a person can't progress to stage 3 before passing
through stage 2), and each stage represents a higher level of maturity. The first level of maturity,
the self-centered level (preconventional), focuses on moral reasoning and instrumental values
that are based on personal needs or wants and on the consequences of an act. The second level,
conformity level (conventional), focuses on moral reasoning based on conforming to and
upholding the conventions and expectations of society. This level is sometimes referred to as the
law and order level because the emphasis is on conformity to laws and norms. Right and wrong
are judged on the basis of whether or not behaviors conform to the rules of those in authority.
Respect from others based on obedience is a prized outcome. The principled level
(postconventional) is the highest level and represents the most mature level of moral reasoning
and the most mature set of instrumental values. Right and wrong are judged on the basis of the
internalized principles of the individual. This set of principles is comprehensive, consistent, and
universal. In sum, self-centered (first level of maturity) individuals view rules and laws as
outside themselves, but they obey because they may obtain rewards or avoid punishment.
Conformist (second level of maturity) individuals view rules and laws as outside themselves, but
they obey because they have learned and accepted those rules and laws, and they seek the respect
of others. Principled (third level of maturity) individuals examine the rules and laws and develop
a set of internal principles that they believe are morally right. If there is a choice to be made
between obeying a law or a principle, they chose the principle. Internalized principles supersede
rules and laws in principled individuals.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.3
Topic: Values Maturity
Skill: Application
AACSB: Ethical Understanding and Reasoning
‫( تشير ا`بحاث إلى أن موضع التحكم الداخلي‬94
‫ قارن وقارن ب• مزايا‬.‫دائما سمة إيجابية‬
‫وعيوب موضع التحكم الداخلي وموضع التحكم‬
94) Research indicates that an internal locus of control is not always a positive attribute.
‫ لقد ثبت أن ا`فراد الذين لديهم‬:‫ ا•جابة‬.‫الخارجي‬
Compare and contrast both the advantages and disadvantages of an internal locus of control and ‫موضع تحكم خارجي يساعدون في توضيح ا`دوار‬
an external locus of control.
‫ هذه ميزة‬.‫وهم أكثر مراعاة من العناصر الداخلية‬
Answer: Individuals with an external locus of control have been shown to help clarify roles and ‫ من‬.‫شخاص الذين لديهم موضع تحكم خارجي‬Ÿ‫ل‬
are more considerate than internals. This is an advantage of people with an external locus of
‫وظفون الداخليون التوجيهات‬w‫رجح أن يتبع ا‬w‫غير ا‬
control. Internals are less likely to follow directions and are less accurate in processing feedback ‫ويكونون أقل دقة في معالجة التعليقات حول النجاح‬
‫ هذه هي عيوب ا`فراد‬.•‫والفشل من الخارجي‬
about success and failures than externals. These are disadvantages of individuals with an internal
.‫الذين لديهم موضع تحكم داخلي‬
locus of control. Also, internals have a harder time reaching a decision when the outcome of such ‫ يواجه‬، ‫أيضا‬
decision is a serious consequence for someone else. This too is a disadvantage of people with an ‫ا`جزاء الداخلية صعوبة أكبر في التوصل إلى قرار‬
internal locus of control. Advantages of individuals with an internal locus of control are that they ‫عندما تكون نتيجة هذا القرار نتيجة خطيرة لشخص‬
perform better in stressful situations, engage in more entrepreneurial activity, are more active in ‫شخاص الذين لديهم‬Ÿ‫ هذا أيضا هو عيب ل‬.‫آخر‬
‫ تتمثل مزايا ا`فراد الذين‬.‫موضع تحكم داخلي‬
managing their own careers, and have higher levels of job involvement and participative
‫يتمتعون بمركز تحكم داخلي في أنهم يؤدون بشكل‬
management style.
‫نخراط في نشاط‬6‫ وا‬، ‫واقف العصيبة‬w‫أفضل في ا‬
Difficulty: 3
‫ وأكثر نشاطًا في إدارة حياتهم‬، ‫ريادي أكثر‬
Learning Objective 1.5
‫شاركة‬w‫ ولديهم مستويات أعلى من ا‬، ‫هنية‬w‫ا‬
Topic: Locus of Control
.‫الوظيفية وأسلوب ا•دارة التشاركية‬
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
‫( افترض أنك مسؤول عن توجيه مجموعة من‬95
95) Assume that you are charged with the orientation of a cohort of new managers in your
organization. How would you help them understand their own strengths and inclinations and ‫ كيف ستساعدهم على‬.‫ديرين الجدد في مؤسستك‬w‫ا‬
‫ساهمة‬w‫فهم نقاط قوتهم وميولهم وكيف يمكنهم ا‬
how they could best contribute?
‫ يجب أن تتضمن ا•جابات‬:‫بشكل أفضل؟ ا•جابة‬
Answer: Answers to this question should include a discussion of key individual differences
‫على هذا السؤال مناقشة الفروق الفردية الرئيسية‬
described in the chapter. For instance, a manager could held a new cohort better understand
‫ يمكن للمدير‬، ‫ثال‬w‫ على سبيل ا‬.‫وضحة في الفصل‬w‫ا‬
themselves by teaching them about locus of control, tolerance for ambiguity, cognitive moral
‫أن يحمل مجموعة جديدة يفهمون أنفسهم بشكل‬
development, cognitive style, cultural differences, and/or the Big 5 personality traits. The best ‫ والتسامح‬، ‫ل تعليمهم مكان السيطرة‬9‫أفضل من خ‬
responses demonstrate that students understand the meaning of these terms, and how to articulate‫ وا`سلوب‬، ‫عرفي‬w‫قي ا‬9‫ والتطور ا`خ‬، ‫مع الغموض‬
them in a way that others can understand them.
‫ أو السمات‬/ ‫ و‬، ‫فات الثقافية‬9‫خت‬6‫ وا‬، ‫عرفي‬w‫ا‬
‫ توضح أفضل ا•جابات‬.‫الشخصية الخمسة الكبار‬
Difficulty: 3
‫ وكيفية‬، ‫صطلحات‬w‫ب يفهمون معنى هذه ا‬9‫أن الط‬
Learning Objective: All
.‫خرين فهمها‬v‫التعبير عنها بطريقة يمكن ل‬
Topic: Entire Chapter
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Reflective Thinking; Application of Knowledge
Communist Prison Camp
To understand the development of increased self-awareness, it is helpful to consider the opposite
process: the destruction of self-awareness. Understanding the growth process is often enhanced
by understanding the deterioration process. In the case below, a process of psychological selfdestruction is described as it occurred among prisoners of war during the Korean War. Consider
how these processes that destroy self-awareness can be reversed to create greater self-awareness.
The setting is a prisoner of war camp managed by the Communist Chinese.
In such prisons the total regimen, consisting of physical privation, prolonged interrogation,
total isolation from former relationships and sources of information, detailed regimentation of
all daily activities, and deliberate humiliation and degradation, was geared to producing a
confession of alleged crimes, the assumption of a penitent role, and the adoption of a
Communist frame of reference. The prisoner was not informed what his crimes were, nor was
he permitted to evade the issue by making up a false confession. Instead, what the prisoner
learned he must do was reevaluate his past from the point of view of the Communists and
recognize that most of his former attitudes and behavior were actually criminal from this point
of view. A priest who had dispensed food to needy peasants in his mission church had to
"recognize" that he was actually a tool of imperialism and was using his missionary activities
as a cover for exploitation of the peasants. Even worse, he had used food as blackmail to
accomplish his aims.
The key technique used by the Communists to produce social alienation to a degree sufficient
to allow such redefinition and reevaluation to occur was to put the prisoner into a cell with
four or more other prisoners who were somewhat more advanced in their "thought reform"
than he. Such a cell usually had one leader who was responsible to the prison authorities, and
the progress of the whole cell was made contingent on the progress of the least "reformed"
member. This condition meant in practice that four or more cell members devoted all their
energies to getting their least "reformed" member to recognize "the truth" about himself and to
confess. To accomplish this, they typically swore at, harangued, beat, denounced, humiliated,
reviled, and brutalized their victim 24 hours a day, sometimes for weeks or months on end. If
the authorities felt that the prisoner was basically uncooperative, they manacled his hands
behind his back and chained his ankles, which made him completely dependent on his
cellmates for the fulfillment of his basic needs. It was this reduction to an animal-like
existence in front of other humans that constituted the ultimate humiliation and led to the
destruction of the prisoner’s image of himself. Even in his own eyes he became something not
worthy of the regard of his fellow man.
If, to avoid complete physical and personal destruction, the prisoner began to confess in the
manner desired of him, he was usually forced to prove his sincerity by making irrevocable
behavioral commitments, such as denouncing and implicating his friends and relatives in his
own newly recognized crimes. Once he had done this, he became further alienated from his
former self, even in his own eyes, and could seek security only in a new identity and new
social relationships. Aiding this process of confessing was the fact that the crimes gave the
prisoner something concrete to which to attach the free-floating guilt which the accusing
environment and his own humiliation usually stimulated.
​A good example was the plight of the sick and wounded prisoners of war who, because of their
physical confinement, were unable to escape from continual conflict with their interrogator or
instructor, and who often ended up forming a close relationship with him. Chinese Communist
instructors often encouraged prisoners to take long walks or have informal talks with them and
offered as incentives cigarettes, tea, and other rewards. If the prisoner was willing to cooperate
and become a “progressive,” he could join with other “progressives” in an active group life.
Within the political prison, the group cell not only provided the forces toward alienation but
also offered the road to a “new self.” Not only were there available among the fellow prisoners
individuals with whom the prisoner could identify because of their shared plight, but once he
showed any tendency to seek a new identity by trying to reevaluate his past, he received a
whole range of rewards, of which the most important was the interpersonal information that he
was again a person worthy of respect and regard.
Source: Schein, E. H. (1960). Interpersonal communication, group solidarity, and social
influence. Sociometry, 23, 148-61.
Note to Instructors: The remaining essay questions in this testbank all relate to the above
case. You may choose to use all of the following questions, or some subset of them. To
ensure that you have all relevant information regardless of which questions you use, we
have provided a general explanation of the case for each question. The redundancy in the
explanations is built in intentionally.
96) What specific techniques were used to bring about the destruction of self-awareness
among the prisoners?
Answer: This case is about the value of the five dimensions ofself-awareness. The case
illustrates the techniques used in Communist prisoner-of-war camps to dissolve social support
mechanisms and destroy individual self-concept. It points out the coupling between one’s social
definition and self-definition. One of the strongest points illustrated is the need for a stable set of
internalized principles to govern behavior. Suicides and defections were most common among
prisoners without well-constructed value systems. When grading student answers, keep in mind
the following points.
​Self-concept is argued by many to be almost completely a socially constructed concept.
The old adage from social psychology, "I am what I think you think I am," is an important factor
in our development of a self-concept. We are all heavily dependent on our perceptions of what
we think others think of us for our feeling of self-worth.
​The more self-awareness and self-knowledge, the more comfortable and confident
individuals are and the more they are likely to resist social pressure. That is, the unexamined life
not only is not worth living, it is the most changeable and unstable. Self-understanding leads to
stability and consistency.
​Self-awareness is a process, not a state; consequently, it is never completed. It is a
lifelong journey.
​Self-knowledge creates confidence and stability. The same is true for a well-developed,
consistent set of values. When social pressures were brought to bear on prisoners of war, those
who folded first were those without a foundation in values and self-confidence. They relied
heavily on social perception for the definitions. The chapter stresses that self-awareness is crucial
to personal progress in the midst of contradictory, ambiguous, and nonreinforcing circumstances
facing all managers as they become increasingly successful.
​The major technique used by the Chinese Communists in changing self-concepts (both in
the post-1949 thought reform of the Chinese people and with prisoners of war) as noted in the
writings of Mao Tse-tung:
​Form a cohesive team that individuals identify with and feel very much a part of.
​Use the group to break down the self-concept and self-identity of the individual, mainly
by identifying weaknesses, transgressions, faults, and shortcomings. Do this by isolating the
individual, requiring public confessions, writing personally critical autobiographies, and
subjecting the individual to many group interrogations and defenses of actions.
​Substitute a new idealogy as the solution to the negative feelings of self-worthlessness
and sin. "The party" or the adoption of a new world view is the only way to reconstruct the nowdestroyed self-confidence.
Difficulty: 3
Learning Objective: All
Topic: Entire Chapter
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
97) What mechanisms do people use, and what mechanisms could the prisoners of war have
used, to resist a change in their self-concepts?
Answer: This case is about the value of the five dimensions ofself-awareness. The case
illustrates the techniques used in Communist prisoner-of-war camps to dissolve social support
mechanisms and destroy individual self-concept. It points out the coupling between one’s social
definition and self-definition. One of the strongest points illustrated is the need for a stable set of
internalized principles to govern behavior. Suicides and defections were most common among
prisoners without well-constructed value systems. When grading student answers, keep in mind
the following points.
​Self-concept is argued by many to be almost completely a socially constructed concept.
The old adage from social psychology, "I am what I think you think I am," is an important factor
in our development of a self-concept. We are all heavily dependent on our perceptions of what
we think others think of us for our feeling of self-worth.
​The more self-awareness and self-knowledge, the more comfortable and confident
individuals are and the more they are likely to resist social pressure. That is, the unexamined life
not only is not worth living, it is the most changeable and unstable. Self-understanding leads to
stability and consistency.
​Self-awareness is a process, not a state; consequently, it is never completed. It is a
lifelong journey.
​Self-knowledge creates confidence and stability. The same is true for a well-developed,
consistent set of values. When social pressures were brought to bear on prisoners of war, those
who folded first were those without a foundation in values and self-confidence. They relied
heavily on social perception for the definitions. The chapter stresses that self-awareness is crucial
to personal progress in the midst of contradictory, ambiguous, and nonreinforcing circumstances
facing all managers as they become increasingly successful.
​The major technique used by the Chinese Communists in changing self-concepts (both in the
post-1949 thought reform of the Chinese people and with prisoners of war) as noted in the
writings of Mao Tse-tung:
​Form a cohesive team that individuals identify with and feel very much a part of.
​Use the group to break down the self-concept and self-identity of the individual, mainly
by identifying weaknesses, transgressions, faults, and shortcomings. Do this by isolating the
individual, requiring public confessions, writing personally critical autobiographies, and
subjecting the individual to many group interrogations and defenses of actions.
​Substitute a new idealogy as the solution to the negative feelings of self-worthlessness
and sin. "The party" or the adoption of a new world view is the only way to reconstruct the nowdestroyed self-confidence.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Evaluation
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
98) What could be done to reform or rebuild the self-awareness of these prisoners? What can
be done to help individuals without self-awareness to improve that skill?
Answer: This case is about the value of the five dimensions ofself-awareness. The case
illustrates the techniques used in Communist prisoner-of-war camps to dissolve social support
mechanisms and destroy individual self-concept. It points out the coupling between one’s social
definition and self-definition. One of the strongest points illustrated is the need for a stable set of
internalized principles to govern behavior. Suicides and defections were most common among
prisoners without well-constructed value systems. When grading student answers, keep in mind
the following points.
​Self-concept is argued by many to be almost completely a socially constructed concept.
The old adage from social psychology, "I am what I think you think I am," is an important factor
in our development of a self-concept. We are all heavily dependent on our perceptions of what
we think others think of us for our feeling of self-worth.
​The more self-awareness and self-knowledge, the more comfortable and confident
individuals are and the more they are likely to resist social pressure. That is, the unexamined life
not only is not worth living, it is the most changeable and unstable. Self-understanding leads to
stability and consistency.
​Self-awareness is a process, not a state; consequently, it is never completed. It is a
lifelong journey.
​Self-knowledge creates confidence and stability. The same is true for a well-developed,
consistent set of values. When social pressures were brought to bear on prisoners of war, those
who folded first were those without a foundation in values and self-confidence. They relied
heavily on social perception for the definitions. The chapter stresses that self-awareness is crucial
to personal progress in the midst of contradictory, ambiguous, and nonreinforcing circumstances
facing all managers as they become increasingly successful.
​The major technique used by the Chinese Communists in changing self-concepts (both in the
post-1949 thought reform of the Chinese people and with prisoners of war) as noted in the
writings of Mao Tse-tung:
​Form a cohesive team that individuals identify with and feel very much a part of.
​Use the group to break down the self-concept and self-identity of the individual, mainly
by identifying weaknesses, transgressions, faults, and shortcomings. Do this by isolating the
individual, requiring public confessions, writing personally critical autobiographies, and
subjecting the individual to many group interrogations and defenses of actions.
​Substitute a new idealogy as the solution to the negative feelings of self-worthlessness
and sin. "The party" or the adoption of a new world-view is the only way to reconstruct the nowdestroyed self-confidence.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Important Areas of Self-Awareness
Skill: Application
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
99) In the situation of these prisoners of war, what demonstrates that individuals tend to avoid
new self-knowledge?
Answer: This case is about the value of the five dimensions of self-awareness. The case
illustrates the techniques used in Communist prisoner-of-war camps to dissolve social support
mechanisms and destroy individual self-concept. It points out the coupling between one’s social
definition and self-definition. One of the strongest points illustrated is the need for a stable set of
internalized principles to govern behavior. Suicides and defections were most common among
prisoners without well-constructed value systems. When grading student answers, keep in mind
the following points.
​Self-concept is argued by many to be almost completely a socially constructed concept.
The old adage from social psychology, "I am what I think you think I am," is an important factor
in our development of a self-concept. We are all heavily dependent on our perceptions of what
we think others think of us for our feeling of self-worth.
​The more self-awareness and self-knowledge, the more comfortable and confident
individuals are and the more they are likely to resist social pressure. That is, the unexamined life
not only is not worth living, it is the most changeable and unstable. Self-understanding leads to
stability and consistency.
​Self-awareness is a process, not a state; consequently, it is never completed. It is a
lifelong journey.
​Self-knowledge creates confidence and stability. The same is true for a well-developed,
consistent set of values. When social pressures were brought to bear on prisoners of war, those
who folded first were those without a foundation in values and self-confidence. They relied
heavily on social perception for the definitions. The chapter stresses that self-awareness is crucial
to personal progress in the midst of contradictory, ambiguous, and nonreinforcing circumstances
facing all managers as they become increasingly successful.
​The major technique used by the Chinese Communists in changing self-concepts (both in the
post-1949 thought reform of the Chinese people and with prisoners of war) as noted in the
writings of Mao Tse-tung:
​Form a cohesive team that individuals identify with and feel very much a part of.
​Use the group to break down the self-concept and self-identity of the individual, mainly
by identifying weaknesses, transgressions, faults, and shortcomings. Do this by isolating the
individual, requiring public confessions, writing personally critical autobiographies, and
subjecting the individual to many group interrogations and defenses of actions.
​Substitute a new idealogy as the solution to the negative feelings of self-worthlessness
and sin. "The party" or the adoption of a new world view is the only way to reconstruct the nowdestroyed self-confidence.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.1
Topic: Important Areas of Self-Awareness
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
100) Which of the five core aspects of self-concept were the prison camps structured to change?
Provide justification for your answer.
Answer: This case is about the value of the five dimensions ofself-awareness. The case
illustrates the techniques used in Communist prisoner-of-war camps to dissolve social support
mechanisms and destroy individual self-concept. It points out the coupling between one’s social
definition and self-definition. One of the strongest points illustrated is the need for a stable set of
internalized principles to govern behavior. Suicides and defections were most common among
prisoners without well-constructed value systems. When grading student answers, keep in mind
the following points.
​Self-concept is argued by many to be almost completely a socially constructed concept.
The old adage from social psychology, "I am what I think you think I am," is an important factor
in our development of a self-concept. We are all heavily dependent on our perceptions of what
we think others think of us for our feeling of self-worth.
​The more self-awareness and self-knowledge, the more comfortable and confident
individuals are and the more they are likely to resist social pressure. That is, the unexamined life
not only is not worth living, it is the most changeable and unstable. Self-understanding leads to
stability and consistency.
​Self-awareness is a process, not a state; consequently, it is never completed. It is a
lifelong journey.
​Self-knowledge creates confidence and stability. The same is true for a well-developed,
consistent set of values. When social pressures were brought to bear on prisoners of war, those
who folded first were those without a foundation in values and self-confidence. They relied
heavily on social perception for the definitions. The chapter stresses that self-awareness is crucial
to personal progress in the midst of contradictory, ambiguous, and nonreinforcing circumstances
facing all managers as they become increasingly successful.
​The major technique used by the Chinese Communists in changing self-concepts (both in the
post-1949 thought reform of the Chinese people and with prisoners of war) as noted in the
writings of Mao Tse-tung:
​Form a cohesive team that individuals identify with and feel very much a part of.
​Use the group to break down the self-concept and self-identity of the individual, mainly
by identifying weaknesses, transgressions, faults, and shortcomings. Do this by isolating the
individual, requiring public confessions, writing personally critical autobiographies, and
subjecting the individual to many group interrogations and defenses of actions.
​Substitute a new idealogy as the solution to the negative feelings of self-worthlessness
and sin. "The party" or the adoption of a new world view is the only way to reconstruct the nowdestroyed self-confidence.
Difficulty: 2
Learning Objective 1.6
Topic: Core Self-Concept
Skill: Analytical
AACSB: Reflective Thinking
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