BOOK REVIEW Man’s search for meaning By Viktor E. Frankl Reviewed by Ali Ahmed Austria: B e a c o n P r e s s ( E n g l i s h ) 1946 Viktor Frankl, someone would say the originator of Logotherapy, a therapy to find the meaning of life was one of the victims of atrocities inside Nazi concentration camps, found some aspects which could lead towards personal meaning of life, it is known as the modern existential analysis. Many writings on existentialism can be found of notable: Albert Camus, Soren Kierkegaard, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Jean-Paul Sartre etc. If we talk about them Camus and Sartre although they had sharp political differences, they were profound moralists, and their philosophies including their political stances cannot be understood without reference to their strong ethical commitments, but according to Sigmund Freud’s: idea, unconscious urges, memories, and thoughts have an impact on people’s behavior. If we compare Freudism and Franklism there is difference in approach, as according to predecessor frustration element is found but for successor that frustration leads towards the meaning of life. 1 In PART ONE he recalls the events occured within the concentration camps of AUSCHWITZ and DACHAU. Life in the concentration camp was very maltreated. They knew they had nothing to lose except the ridiculous naked lives. According to the author: for optimism, he and his comrades applied a psychological condition of “delusion of reprieve”. Even though they are aware of the camps’ notoriety for murder and abuse, many detainees have a strong belief that they will not be killed or treated badly, as F.Dostoevski for jail sufferings said that “Yes, a man can get used to anything, but don not ask us how.” Author also mentions mental conditions of prisoners as often were delirious(hallucinations) and many of them moribund(about to die), for this ‘regression defence mechanism’ where a person behave like immature to counter stress was required. He also addresses the existence of love in sufferings as, that love goes very far beyond the physical person of the beloved, pointing towards the inner spirituality of being. Frankl derived his solace and the inspiration for his idea of logotherapy from these individuals. This innovative kind of psychotherapy refuted Freud’s theories and demonstrated how resilient a person can be when they discover the meaning of life.. In PART TWO author largely addresses the term LOGOTHERAPHY, in which he elaborated the processes like the Will to meaning, Existential frustration, Noogenic Neuroses, Noo- dynamics, The Existential vacuum and Meaning of Life is discussed with examples of some patient’s cure. Photo is of the 1946 edition by Verlag für Jugend und Volk (Austria) Beacon Press (English). Ali, Book Review In conclusion the optimism in the face of tragedy occurs, as human race is resilient to sufferings, guilt and transitoriness, here Frankl defines three avenues of profound meaning of life: i) by creating a work or deed ii) by experience something iii) the meaning in life. Ali Ahmed Junejo is a student in the BE in Electrical Engineering program at NED University Of Engineering and Technology, Karachi. He has research interests in Psychoanalysis,Existentialism, Metaphysics, Politics, and History. Author email: Ali, Book Review