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MAE 3230 Thermal Fluids Lab Syllabus

MAE 3230 Thermal Fluids Laboratory
“All models are wrong, but some are useful.”
Instructor: Natasha Smith, 306 MEC, nLsmith@virginia.edu, 434-924-5601
In person office hours: Tues/ Thurs 10-11:50 am. Friday 11-1 pm.
For appointments outside regular office hours:
Undergrad TAs: Jake Bales (jwb5ej), Griffin Dewey (ggd4kfa), Blake Wiese (bew6eb)
Graduate TAs: Pedro Herrerra (pgh4xu) and Andie Daniels (ad6qv)
Andie Daniels
Discussion: M 12:00-12:50 pm, MEC 205; Video recordings will be posted shortly after each lecture for
those in the online discussion section.
Labs: SIS has section assignment days and times. Each lab meets for 2 hours/week in MEC 113 unless
otherwise specified in the weekly schedule posted on CANVAS.
Course Description
Did you know…
The Titanic wreckage is 12,500 feet (2.4 miles) below sea level. At his depth, what would have
been the pressure on the Titan, the submersible that imploded on a excursion to inspect the
The US Coast Guard employs a search and rescue boat that is “self-righting”. This means it will
flip back over even if cap-sized!? What engineering principles make this possible?
The Super Soaker water gun was invented by Lonnie Johnson, a mechanical engineer, while he
was working at NASA? He happened upon the idea while performing experiments on a new type
of heat pump. What do heat pumps and squirt guns have in common?
As a practicing engineer, you could be involved in designing a wide array of thermal-fluid systems including
boats and water toys as well as engines, thermal protection systems, and hydraulic brakes to name a few.
Thermal-fluid systems are engineering designs that capitalize on the storage, transfer, and conversion of
energy. In other courses, you are learning how to apply conservation (i.e. of mass and energy) principles
to analyze such systems. In this course, you will be challenged to make predictions about fluid behavior
and then test out those predictions. This will build confidence in your ability to make similar predictions
about real world systems.
However, for a variety of reasons, engineered systems in the ‘real world’ often do not behave as
predictably as analytical models might suggest. Experimentation is a vital tool needed to bridge the gap
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between theories and real-world performance. Like real systems, experiments are subject to randomness
and uncertainty that must be taken into account. Thus, the design of an experiment as well as the
interpretation of results demand consideration of the effects from errors in modeling, measurement, and
experimentation. In this course, you will design experiments to test a theoretical models from the thermal
fluid sciences, execute those experiments, and provide critical analysis of results.
Finally, the design decisions engineers make need to stand up to scrutiny from our professional peers,
clients, and the public. Therefore, clear and effective communication of technical information is a critical
skill to practice. You will exercise theses skills through a written full laboratory report and an oral poster
Course goals and learning outcomes
My intent for this course is that it will help improve your knowledge, build up your skill set, and continue
your character development for the engineering profession. As engineers, we make design decisions
informed by our knowledge of foundational principles such as laws of conservation of mass and energy 1.
However, we also need skill in designing experiments and analyzing data to expand upon that theoretical
knowledge, 2 and an ability to communicate our findings effectively 3. Finally, ours is a collaborative
profession. Engineers usually work in teams and often must advocate decisions which are ultimately
made by others (managers, politicians, the public, etc) 4. To get at these lofty goals, by the end of this
course you will be able to:
1. Determine forces on static bodies within a fluid.
2. Calculate various flow properties by applying Newton’s second law
3. Use standard equipment to measure fluid properties, e.g. temperature, pressure,
density, velocity, etc.
4. Assess the uncertainty of experimental measurements.
5. Write a technical report describing an experiment design, procedure, and results.
6. Share constructive feedback to classmates.
7. Design and execute an experiment related to the thermal-fluid sciences. This will
involve researching theoretical models, predicting performance, developing a
procedure, and assessing results.
8. Negotiate and live up to standards for team member roles and responsibilities.
1. Prelab assignments (10%): These are short assignments to help you prepare for the coming
laboratory activities. These assignments will be completed individually on Canvas/Gradescope
using information obtained from the laboratory handouts and supplemental background
documents. Late prelab assignments will not be accepted. These assignments align closely with
the first two learning objectives.
Corresponds to standard outcome #1 as defined by the ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs.
Corresponds to standard outcome #6 as defined by the ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs.
Corresponds to standard outcome #3 as defined by the ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs
Corresponds to standard outcome #5 as defined by the ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs.
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2. Post-lab assignments (30%): In these assignments, you will synthesize, document, and analyze
results from tests and experiments. Grading standards for each assignment will accompany the
specific assignment. Post labs are submitted by the team. (Learning objectives 1-4)
3. Exams (20%): There will be one exam for the course which will test the knowledge of lab concepts
across the first three quarters of the semester. The exam will be administered via
Canvas/Gradescope outside of normal class and lab hours. (Learning objectives 1-4)
4. Lab Report and Peer Assessment (20%). Laboratory reports develop engineering reasoning skills
and reinforce standards for effective, professional communication. For this assignment, you will
take an experiment from ‘cradle to grave,’ i.e. from design, to execution, to analysis and
interpretation of results, and finally to communicating these results in a laboratory report. The
deliverables will provide practice in how to analyze and present experiment results. Finally, your
papers will go through a peer review process like what is required for professional conferences or
publication in technical journals. Each part of the process, including early drafts and your peer
review of other reports, will be included in the total grade. (Learning objectives 5-6.)
5. Team designed experiment & poster presentation (15%): For this activity, your team will put into
practice the full experiment design process by creating, executing, and analyzing the results of
your own experiment. The experiment should be small enough in scope to be completed in one
lab period using equipment from prior labs, and should test a principle or concept relating to
thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, or heat and mass transfer. This activity will integrate
everything you have learned in the course. You will need to do research to make reasoned
predictions based on theoretical concepts, follow a systematic experiment design process to
develop your procedure, evaluate your results to include assessing uncertainty, and present your
findings. For the latter, your group will create a technical poster and present your work in a virtual
conference during the last weeks of class. (Learning objective 7)
6. Teamwork & professionalism (5%) One hallmark of the engineering profession is that it is selfregulated; that means members work together to set and enforce standards of the community.
Throughout the course, there will be various opportunities for you to contribute to your team,
section, and/or the class as a whole. This includes participation in team building activities,
responsiveness to your duties within your team, etc. Thus, five percent of the course grade will
be based on an evaluation of your team contribution and professionalism. You will provide and
receive feedback to and from members of your lab group at a couple of points throughout the
semester. Some of this feedback will be delivered via an online survey system called CATME
(Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness); you will also fill out a team selfassessment worksheet during one of the lab periods. Finally, the professionalism grade will
include an evaluation from the teaching assistants and myself. (Learning objective 8)
Due dates for specific assignments will be provided in the CANVAS schedule. Rubrics (or standards) will
accompany each post-lab, the full lab report assignment, peer review deadlines, and the group project.
These will be provided as you need them. You earn a course grades according to the following scale using
the weighted average from all categories:
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B+ 87-89.99 C+
77-79.99 D+ 67-69.99 F 0-59.99
93-96.99 B
83-86.99 C
73-76.99 D
90-92.99 B-
80-82.99 C-
70-72.99 D- 60-62.99
Course Rhythm
A tentative schedule of activities and assignments are included at the end of this syllabus. However, I ask
that you maintain some flexibility in case adjustments are needed. You will find a “live” version of the
weekly activities on CANVAS which you should check regularly.
In general, you can expect to have a prelab due on Monday night, the evening before a lab activity for
most of you. (Those in the Monday section are encouraged to complete your prelabs early so you are
prepared for lab.) Similarly, post-lab assignments are due on the Friday of the week after data for a lab is
collected (i.e. 8 days later if your lab section meets on Thursdays). This rhythm will be interrupted for fall
reading days, the exam, and to allow for preparation and peer review of the lab report and team project.
Resources to help you succeed
Textbook: There is not an assigned textbook, but you will want to consult information from textbooks in
Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics for guidance on theoretical principles relevant to each laboratory
activity. A few options for references are listed below.
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, any edition. B. R. Munson, T. H. Okiishi, W. W. Huebsch, A. P. Rothmayer.
John Wiley & Sons.
Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer, M. J.
Moran, H. N. Shapiro, B.R. Munson, D. P. DeWitt, John Wiley & Sons.
Thermal Science: Essentials of Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer, Erian A. Baskharone,
https://www.accessengineeringlibrary.com/browse/thermal-science-essentials-of-thermodynamics-fluidmechanics-and-heat-transfer#fullDetails. Note: The University of Virginia Library has a license for
AccessEngineering, but you may need to be logged into the NetBadge system for access.
Other Suggested Reading: I enjoyed Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies You Can Use to Make
Giant Leaps in Work and Life by Ozan Varol. Using case studies from rocket science and other business
ventures, the author elaborates a number of concepts you’ll experience in lab including the impact of
uncertainty, the importance of well-designed experiments, and how to critically assess data, among
other ideas.
FE Supplied Reference Handbook: This is a useful resource that includes important equations,
properties, unit conversions, and other information across the entire engineering curriculum. It is my
favorite desk reference for ‘all things Engineering’. If your career goals include earning a professional
engineering license, this is the reference for the Fundamentals of Engineering exam taken near the end
of your undergraduate studies. You can purchase a hard copy from https://account.ncees.org/examprep/359 or download a free pdf of the handbook. For the latter, you will need to create an account
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with NCEES at https://account.ncees.org/login.
CANVAS: We will use the CANVAS course site to communicate in a number of ways. Here you will find
an interactive syllabus and a weekly schedule with links to lab procedure documents and other resources
as well as links for assignment submission.
Peers: Engineer’s rarely work alone. By sharing ideas shaped by a variety of backgrounds and experiences,
you will grow as an individual as you contribute to the work of your group.
Teaching Assistants: The TA for your lab section are there to help you. They will be your primary point of
contact for questions about how to perform lab tasks and grading or feedback for specific assignments.
If you have a grading question, please ask them before coming to me.
Prof. Smith: I will host regular office hours and am available for appointments outside these hours. I also
have an open-door policy which means you are welcome to drop by even during non-designated ‘office
hours.’ Finally, though my schedule will show ‘busy’ during all 8 lab sections, I sometimes have the
bandwidth to help students from other sections during these times.
Professional and Academic Integrity
The Mechanical and Aerospace engineering curricula are designed to prepare students for a career in a
rewarding but demanding profession. Within this profession, the consequences for dishonesty are often
catastrophic, resulting in innocent lives being lost and criminal liability for the engineer. As your academic
career is a practice field for this profession, you are expected to uphold high standards of trust. Cheating
or plagiarism of any kind is grounds for immediate failure of the course. This includes copying work from
other students or online solutions on assignments as well as using unauthorized resources (e.g. cheat
sheets, cell phones, programmable calculators, etc.) during the final. In addition, you will find the
university honor policy at http://honor.virginia.edu/.
Disability Accommodations
I am committed to creating a learning environment that meets your needs as a diverse group of students.
If you anticipate or experience any barriers to learning in this course, please feel welcome to discuss
your concerns with me. If you have a disability, or think you may have a disability, you may also want to
meet with the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC), to request an official accommodation. You can
find more information about SDAC, including how to apply online, through their website
at sdac.studenthealth.virginia.edu. If you have already been approved for accommodations through
SDAC, please make sure to send me your accommodation letter and meet with me so we can develop
an implementation plan together.
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Tentative Schedule of Topics and Lab Activities
Week #
Are electronic sensors better than analog devices?
Aug 21-24
No labs this week. Complete CATME Survey
Aug 28
Course Intro/ Electrical Measurement/ Uncertainty
MEC 205
Aug 28 – 31
Icebreaker, Team Formation & Electrical
MEC 113
How long does it take to measure the temperature of my steak?
Sep 4
Temperature Measurement Devices
MEC 205
Sep 4-7
Temperature Measurement I
MEC 113
Sep 11
LabView Overview
MEC 205
Sep 11-14
Temperature Measurement II
MEC 113
Why did the Titan Submersible Implode?
Sep 18
Density and Buoyancy
MEC 205
Sep 18-22
Density & Buoyancy Lab
MEC 113
Sep 25
Experiment Design/ Momentum Equations
MEC 205
Sep 25-28
Jet Impact Experiment
MEC 113
Oct 2-6
Fall Break – No classes or labs
Oct 9
Anatomy of Lab Report
MEC 205
Oct 9-12
Report Writing Workshop
MEC 113
Oct 16
Bernoulli’s Equation
Lecture Video
Oct 16-19
Flow Measurement Lab
MEC 113
If you jump out of an airplane, how fast will you fall?
Oct 23
Peer Review Process
MEC 205
Oct 23-26
Report Peer Review #1/Project Planning - Proposal
MEC 113
Oct 30
Viscosity, Reynolds Number, & Stokes’ Law
MEC 205
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Week #
Oct 30 – Nov 2
Viscosity Lab/ Peer Review of Proposals
MEC 103/113
Nov 6
Writing a Rebuttal
MEC 205
No Lab
Nov 7
No lab for Tuesday Sections – Election Day
Nov 6,8,9
Project Work
MEC 103/113
Nov 13
Wind Tunnels and Pitot Static Tubes
MEC 205
Nov 13-16
Project Work
MEC 103/113
Nov 21-24
No lecture or labs this week
Midterm exams due Nov 22
Nov 27
Poster Presentations
MEC 205
Project posters due for all but Tuesday Sections
Nov 28
Project Work – Tuesday labs
No Lab
Nov 27, 29, 30
No lab – Rehearse your presentations
Dec 4
Course wrap-up/ Preview of Aero & ME Lab
MEC 113
Project posters due for Tuesday Sections
Dec 4-14
Project Presentations
Schedule time slots around exam schedule
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MEC 1st Floor