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Excel Business Solutions Training

Preprogram in Excel business solutions
Challenge 1
 Always separate the “ Data input” and “ calculations” area – uma de cada lado
 Using percentage – > = valor (1+ porcentagem)
 How to: arrastar pro lado se tiver 1 milhao de celulas
 Usar: na sum function significa range
Challenge 2
Goal seek function – excel
Quando você precisa descobrir um valor que precisaria ficar testando varios – eg. Question 4
 Data – What if analysis – goal seek
 The “set cell” must have a formula
Conditional formatting tool
 Select the range you want to apply the condition
 Click “conditional formatting tool” at “ home”
Goal seek limitations:
You can only change one variable at a time
Every time we use and press ok, we lose the other scenario
Challenge 3
Scenario Manager tool
Data – what if analysis – scenario manager
Give it a name and select the necessary range in “ data imput”
Edit the scenario and give it a name
Pra ver o cenario certo, voe precisa voltar no primeiro e ai ir pro que voce quer ver
How to give names to cells
Formulas – select the range you want – create from selection
Scenario manager limitations
- Voce nao consegue ver varias data de 1 vez (eg. Only 8% on sales growth, not de 1
até 8 % - you can create 8 different scenarios, but itr’s too much ) -> that’s why we
use the data analysis tool
Challenge 4
Data analysis tool
With one variable
Data – what if analysis – data table
Popula a tabela com os valores da variable que voce quer descobrir como muda
Select everything
In “column input” you will add the value you want to be replaced by the ones in the
table (eg. Sales growt)
With two variables
 Add the value you want to see how changes