EHP7 for SAP ERP 6.0 September 2013 English Sales and Distribution (105) Building Block Configuration Guide SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Copyright © 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. Please see for additional trademark information and notices. Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP SE or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP SE or SAP affiliate company products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. In particular, SAP SE or its affiliated companies have no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this document or any related presentation, or to develop or release any functionality mentioned therein. This document, or any related presentation, and SAP SE’s or its affiliated companies’ strategy and possible future developments, products, and/or platform directions and functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAP SE or its affiliated companies at any time for any reason without notice. The information in this document is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates, and they should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note or Tip Recommendation Syntax Typographic Conventions Type Style Description Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Content Sales and Distribution ................................................................................................................ 8 1 Purpose ................................................................................................................ 8 2 Preparation ........................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 8 3 Configuration ........................................................................................................ 8 3.1 Order Scheduling.................................................................................................. 8 3.1.1 3.2 Defining Floats (Scheduling Margin Key) ....................................................................8 SD Business Partner Configuration ...................................................................... 9 3.2.1 Customer Control ........................................................................................................9 Set Up Partner Determination: Account Groups - Function Assignment ........ 9 Defining Customer Account Group for DUMMY Customer ........................... 11 Partner Determination Procedure Assignment .............................................. 15 3.2.2 Customer Master Data ............................................................................................. 15 Defining Legal Statuses ................................................................................. 15 Defining Customer Groups ............................................................................ 16 Defining Sales Districts .................................................................................. 17 3.2.3 Customer Hierarchies ............................................................................................... 17 Assigning Sales Areas to Customer Hierarchy Types .................................. 17 Allowed Account Group Assignments for Customer Hierarchies .................. 18 3.3 Logistics Execution ............................................................................................. 19 3.3.1 LE: Shipment Cost.................................................................................................... 19 Defining and Assigning Shipping Type Procedure Group ............................. 19 Assigning Purchasing Data ........................................................................... 19 3.3.2 LE: Routes ................................................................................................................ 20 3.3.3 Defining Shipping Types ................................................................................ 20 LE: Packaging .......................................................................................................... 20 Defining Packaging Material Types ............................................................... 20 Defining Material Group for Packaging Materials .......................................... 21 Defining Allowed Packaging Materials .......................................................... 22 3.3.4 LE: Deliveries ........................................................................................................... 24 Defining Delivery Types ................................................................................. 24 Assignment of List Profile to Delivery Scenario............................................. 25 3.4 Pricing ................................................................................................................. 26 3.4.1 Defining Condition Tables ........................................................................................ 26 3.4.2 Defining Access Sequences ..................................................................................... 26 3.4.3 Condition Types........................................................................................................ 27 3.4.4 Copying Rules for Condition Types .......................................................................... 28 3.4.5 Defining and Assigning Pricing Procedure ............................................................... 28 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 3.4.6 Defining Pricing Procedure Determination ............................................................... 29 3.4.7 Defining Document Pricing Procedure ..................................................................... 30 3.5 Account Determination ....................................................................................... 30 3.5.1 Materials: Account Assignment Group ..................................................................... 30 3.5.2 Customers: Account Assignment Group .................................................................. 31 3.5.3 Defining Account Determination Procedure ............................................................. 31 3.5.4 Default Values for Account Group for Customer Creation ....................................... 32 3.5.5 Defining Account Keys ............................................................................................. 32 3.6 Assigning G/L Accounts ..................................................................................... 33 3.7 Availability Check ............................................................................................... 36 3.7.1 Availability Check: Define Checking Groups ............................................................ 36 3.7.2 Defining Material Block for Other Users ................................................................... 36 3.7.3 Availability Check: Defining Checking Groups Default Value .................................. 37 3.7.4 Carrying Out Control for Availability Check .............................................................. 38 3.7.5 Availability Check against Product Allocation: Maintaining Procedure .................... 39 3.7.6 Availability Check against Product Allocation: Defining Object ................................ 40 3.7.7 Availability Check against Product Allocation: Specifying Hierarchy ....................... 40 3.7.8 Availability Check against Product Allocation: Defining Consumption Periods........ 41 3.7.9 Availability Check against Product Allocation: Controlling Product Allocation ......... 41 3.7.10 Defining Flow According to Requirement Category ................................................. 42 3.8 3.8.1 3.9 Output Control .................................................................................................... 43 Maintaining Output Procedure .................................................................................. 43 Output Control – Sales Documents .................................................................... 43 3.9.1 Maintaining Output Types: Output Types ................................................................. 43 3.9.2 Maintaining Output Types: Message Types ............................................................. 44 3.10 Output Control – Shipping .................................................................................. 45 3.10.1 Maintaining Output Types ........................................................................................ 45 3.10.2 Assigning Output Determination Procedures ........................................................... 46 3.10.3 Maintaining Output Types - Partner Function .......................................................... 47 3.11 Output Control – Billing ...................................................................................... 47 3.11.1 Create Output Types ............................................................................................... 47 3.11.2 Maintaining Output Types ........................................................................................ 48 3.11.3 Assigning Output Determination Procedures ........................................................... 49 3.11.4 SD Output Determination - Billing Partner Functions ............................................... 50 3.12 Defining Print Parameters .................................................................................. 50 3.12.1 Defining Print Parameters Sales Organization ......................................................... 50 3.12.2 Defining Print Parameters Shipping ......................................................................... 51 3.13 3.13.1 3.14 © SAP SE Output Control – Picking SD .............................................................................. 52 Maintaining Print Parameter for SD Picking ............................................................. 52 Product Specific Settings ................................................................................... 53 Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 3.14.1 Maintaining Procedure Determination in Background for Product Proposal ............ 53 3.14.2 Maintaining Procedure Determination Online for Product Proposal ........................ 53 3.14.3 Assigning Document Procedure to Sales Document Type ...................................... 53 3.15 Defining Item Category Groups .......................................................................... 54 3.16 Determining Active Receivables per Item Category ........................................... 55 3.17 Changing controllable error messages shipping processing ............................. 55 3.18 Sales Order Processing I ................................................................................... 56 3.18.1 Defining Number Ranges for Sales Documents ...................................................... 56 3.18.2 Defining Sales Document Types .............................................................................. 56 3.18.3 Sales Organizations - Assigning Order Type ........................................................... 58 3.18.4 Divisions by Sales Org - Assign Order Type ............................................................ 58 3.18.5 Distribution by Sales Org - Assign Order Type ........................................................ 59 3.18.6 Assigning Sales Area to Sales Document Types ..................................................... 59 3.18.7 Assigning Sales Area to Credit Control Area ........................................................... 60 3.18.8 Defining Commodity Codes / Import Code Numbers By Country ............................ 61 3.18.9 Defining Customs Offices ......................................................................................... 61 3.18.10 Defining Modes of Transport .................................................................................... 63 3.18.11 Defining Business Transaction Types and Default Value ........................................ 63 3.18.12 Defining Relevant Item Categories ........................................................................... 64 3.18.13 Defining Incompleteness Procedures....................................................................... 64 3.18.14 Assigning Incompleteness Procedures .................................................................... 65 3.18.15 Foreign Trade Data in MM and SD Documents ....................................................... 65 3.18.16 Defining and Assigning Text Determination Procedures.......................................... 66 3.18.17 Assigning Material Determination Procedures to Sales Document Types............... 67 3.19 Down Payment Configuration ............................................................................. 67 3.19.1 Defining Billing Plan Types ....................................................................................... 67 3.19.2 Date category ........................................................................................................... 68 3.19.3 Defining and Assigning Item Category YBAO .......................................................... 68 3.20 Defining Item Categories for Deliveries .............................................................. 69 3.21 Assigning Item Categories ................................................................................. 70 3.22 Copying Control: Sales Document to Billing Document ..................................... 71 3.23 Specifying Copy Controls for Deliveries ............................................................. 72 3.24 Determination of requirement types using transaction ....................................... 72 3.24.1 Defining Delivery Item Category............................................................................... 73 3.24.2 Defining and Assigning Text Determination Procedures.......................................... 74 3.25 SIS Configuration ............................................................................................... 74 3.25.1 SIS Header Configuration ........................................................................................ 74 3.25.2 SIS Item Configuration ............................................................................................. 75 3.25.3 Activating LIS Info Structures ................................................................................... 76 3.26 © SAP SE LE Output Control ............................................................................................... 79 Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 3.26.1 Maintaining output determination procedures for outbound deliveries .................... 79 3.26.2 Maintaining Output Determination Procedure for Shipping Units - Control.............. 79 3.27 Sales Order Processing II .................................................................................. 80 3.27.1 Maintaining Copy Control for Sales Documents (QT) .............................................. 80 3.27.2 Assigning Item Categories ....................................................................................... 82 3.27.3 Defining Item Categories .......................................................................................... 82 3.27.4 Setting up Partner Determination Procedure Assignment for Item categories ........ 83 3.27.5 Maintaining Item Category Assign Text Determination Procedure .......................... 84 3.27.6 Assigning Incompleteness Procedures .................................................................... 85 3.27.7 Maintaining Copying Control Delivery Document to Billing Document .................... 85 3.28 3.28.1 4 Billing .................................................................................................................. 86 Maintaining Copying Requirements for Cancellations ............................................. 86 Creating Master Data ......................................................................................... 87 4.1 Define Tax Relevancy Of Master Records for Customer Taxes ........................ 87 4.2 Define Tax Relevancy Of Master Records for Material Taxes ........................... 87 4.3 Creating Output Tax Record (MWST) ................................................................ 88 5 © SAP SE Appendix ............................................................................................................. 90 Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Sales and Distribution 1 Purpose This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this building block manually. If you do not want to configure manually and prefer an automated installation process using the SAP Best Practices Installation Assistant and other tools, refer to the SAP Best Practices Quick Guide. 2 Preparation 2.1 Prerequisites Before you start installing this building block, you must install prerequisite building blocks. For more information, see the Building Block Prerequisite Matrix (Prerequisites_Matrix_[xx]_[yy]_ [zz].xls; the placeholder [xx] depends on the SAP Best Practices version you use, e.g. BL refers to the SAP Best Practices Baseline Package, [yy] depends on the language version, e.g. EN for English language, and [zz] depends on the country version, e.g. BG for Bulgaria: Prerequisites_Matrix_BL_EN_BG.xls). This document can be found in the SAP Best Practices documentation package in the folder ..\[xx]_[zz]\Documentation\; ([xx] depends on the SAP Best Practices version and [zz] depends on the country version). 3 Configuration 3.1 Order Scheduling 3.1.1 Defining Floats (Scheduling Margin Key) Use The purpose of this step is to define the scheduling margin key. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Production Shop Floor Control Operations Scheduling Define Scheduling Margin Key Transaction Code SPRO 2. On the Change View “Margins for scheduling”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 3. Make the following entries: Plant Key 1000 Name 1 Opening Period Float After Production Float Before Production Release Period 000 000 000 000 000 1000 001 010 001 002 005 1100 000 000 000 000 000 1100 001 010 001 002 005 4. Choose Save. 3.2 SD Business Partner Configuration 3.2.1 Customer Control Set Up Partner Determination: Account Groups Function Assignment Use In this activity, you define the rules that should be used to perform automatic partner determination. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Partner Determination Set up Partner Determination Transaction Code SM34 (customizing object VC_TPAR_KU) 2. On the View Cluster Maintenance: Initial screen, enter the view cluster VC_TPAR_KU and choose Maintain. 3. In the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Set Up Partner Determination for Customer Master. 4. On the Change View “Partner Determination Procedures”: Overview screen, double-click Account Groups – Function Assignment. 5. Choose New Entries. 6. In the Account Groups – Function Assignment table, enter the following data: Partn.Funct Account Grp 1D 0003 BP 0003 PY 0003 1B YB01 1C YB01 1D YB01 AA YB01 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Partn.Funct Account Grp SP YB01 AW YB01 BP YB01 PE YB01 PY YB01 SB YB01 SO YB01 SH YB01 1B YB02 1C YB02 1D YB02 AA YB02 AF YB02 SP YB02 AW YB02 BP YB02 PY YB02 SB YB02 SO YB02 SH YB02 1B YB03 1C YB03 1D YB03 AA YB03 SP YB03 AW YB03 BP YB03 PY YB03 SB YB03 SO YB03 SH YB03 SP YBAC BP YBAC PY YBAC SH YBAC SP YBEC BP YBEC © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Partn.Funct Account Grp PY YBEC SH YBEC SP YBOC BP YBOC PY YBOC SH YBOC SP YBPC BP YBPC PY YBPC SH YBPC SH YBVC 7. Choose Save; then choose Back. Defining Customer Account Group for DUMMY Customer Use This activity defines the customer account group for the DUMMY customer. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics General Business Partner Customers Control Define Account Groups and Field Selection for Customers Transaction Code OVT0 2. On the Change View “Customer Account Groups”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, make the following entries: Field Name User Action and Values Account Group YBPC Dummy customer Number range XX CentrTextDetPrc 01 TextDetProc SD 01 Cust.pric.proc. 1 Partner DetermProced AG Default SP Checked 4. Double-click the General Data text, and expand the Field Status Group. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 5. On the Maintain Field Status Group: Overview screen, set the radio buttons in each group as follows: Field Name Values Group Address Suppress Search term B, Street 5, Buildings, Company postal code, Comments, Regional structure grouping, Sex, Date of birth, Marital status, Academic title, Name prefix, 2. academic title, 2nd prefix, Name at Birth, Nickname, Name affix, Initials, Country for format, Format name, Alternative place of residence, P.O. box without number, PO box country, PO Box Region, Name Formatting, Undeliverable Street, Undeliverable Postbox Req. Entry Name 1/Last name, Search Term A, Postal code, city, Opt. Entry Mark the rest optional Display N/A Group Communication Suppress Mobile Telephone Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark the rest optional Display N/A Group Control Suppress Reference account group (OTA), Business Place, Tax Type, CFOP Category, Tax number 3, Tax number 4, Brazilian taxes: ICMS, IPI, S.T., Tax categories Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark the rest optional Display N/A Group Marketing Suppress N/A Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark all optional Display N/A Group Payment Transactions Suppress N/A Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark all optional Display N/A Group Unloading points Suppress N/A Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark all optional Display N/A Group Contact person © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Field Name Values Suppress N/A Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark all optional Display N/A Group Foreign Trade Suppress N/A Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark all optional Display N/A 6. Choose Save and then choose Back. 7. Select the Company code data text and then expand Field Status Group. 8. On the Maintain Field Status Group: Overview screen, set the radio buttons in each group as follows: Field Name Values Group Account Management Suppress Personnel number, Gross income tax, Value adjustment key Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark the rest optional Display N/A Group Payment transactions Suppress Credit memo terms of payment, Diff. Payer in document, Accts recble pledging ind. Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark the rest optional Display N/A Group Correspondence Suppress N/A Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark the rest optional Display N/A Group Insurance Suppress N/A Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark all optional Display N/A Group W/holding tax data, w/h tax 2 Suppress © SAP SE Withholding tax code (2), Withholding tax number, Withholding tax types Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Field Name Values Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry W/ deduction, w/h tax 2 Display N/A 9. Choose Save and then choose Back. 10. Select the Sales data text and then expand Field Status Group. 11. On the Maintain Field Status Group: Overview screen, set the radio buttons in each group as follows: Field Name Values Group Sales Suppress N/A Req. Entry Pricing procedure, Currency Opt. Entry Mark the rest optional Display N/A Group Shipping Suppress Rail specifications Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark the rest optional Display N/A Group Billing Suppress Hedging and credit contr. Area Req. Entry Taxes and licenses Opt. Entry Mark the rest optional Display N/A Group Partner usage Suppress N/A Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark all optional Display N/A Group Documents Suppress N/A Req. Entry N/A Opt. Entry Mark all optional Display N/A 12. Choose Save and then choose Back. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Partner Determination Procedure Assignment Use This activity will assign the account groups to the partner determination procedure. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partners Customers Customer Hierarchy Set Partner Determination for Hierarchy Categories Transaction Code SM34 (customizing object VC_TPAR_KU) 2. Choose Set Up Partner Determination for Customer Master. 3. On the Partner Determination Procedures: Overview screen and choose Partner Determination Procedure Assignment: Overview. 4. On the Partner Determination Procedure Assignment: Overview screen make the following assignments: Group Description Partner Determination Procedure Name YB01 Sold-to party AG Sold-To Party YB02 Customer (ext.number assgnmnt) AG Sold-To Party YB03 Sold-to party Demo (int.Numb.) AG Sold-To Party YBAC Affiliated Companies BP AG Sold-To Party YBEC Export Customers BP AG Sold-To Party YBOC One-time cust.( AG Sold-To Party YBPC Dummy customer AG Sold-To Party YBVC Vendor_AT WE Ship-to party 5. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.2.2 Customer Master Data Defining Legal Statuses Use This activity will define the possible business forms which a customer can have (for example, corporation or limited liability company). You specify the business form in the general data of the customer master record as part of the marketing information (which specifies a business form for all sales areas). © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partners Customers Marketing Define Legal Statuses Transaction Code OVR6 2. On the Change View “Legal Status (Customer Master):” Overview screen, choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following data: Legal Status Description 01 Legal status 01 06 Ltd 07 Inc 10 Corp 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. Defining Customer Groups Use In this menu option, you define the customer groups to which a customer can belong. You specify the customer group for sales data in the customer master record for each sales area. The SAP system copies this specification automatically into the sales documents at header and item level. Here, you will find the customer group on the detail screen for general business data. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partners Customers Sales Define Customer Groups Transaction Code OVS9 2. On the Change View “Customer groups”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following data: Cgrp Name 01 Industry 02 Retail 03 Wholly-owned subsid. 04 Partly owned subsid. 05 Competition © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 06 Public sector 07 Private customer 08 Wholesale 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. Defining Sales Districts Use In this menu option, you define the sales districts in which the customers' subsidiaries can be located. You specify the sales districts for the sales data in the customer master record for each sales area. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partners Customers Sales Define Sales Districts Transaction Code OVR0 2. On the Change View “Customers: Sales Districts”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following data: Sales district District name BG0001 Northwest Bulgaria BG0002 North Central Bulgaria BG0003 Norteast Bulgaria BG0004 Southeast Bulgaria BG0005 South Central Bulgaria BG0006 Southwest Bulgaria 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.2.3 Customer Hierarchies Assigning Sales Areas to Customer Hierarchy Types Use This activity will assign sales areas to each other, which allows you to determine whether a sales area uses its own customer hierarchies or shares one with another sales area. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu © SAP SE Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partners Customers Customer Hierarchy Assign Sales Areas Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Transaction Code Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide OVH3 2. On the Change View “Customer Hierarchy: Allowed Sales Area Assignments”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, make the following entries. CustType Sales Org. Distr.Chl Division HgLvSlsOrg HLDstrCh HgLvDivis. A 1000 10 10 1000 10 10 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. Allowed Account Group Assignments for Customer Hierarchies Use This activity will assign the possible higher-level account groups to the account groups permitted for each customer hierarchy type. Therefore, both the valid account groups for each hierarchy type are defined and the higher-level account groups of the valid account groups. This will prevent the system assigning a ship-to party above a sold-to party. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partners Customers Customer Hierarchy Assign Account Groups Transaction Code OVH2 2. On the Change view “Allowed Acct. Grp Assign. For Cust. Hier.”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following data: CustHType Acct Group Hg Lv Acct Gr A 0001 0012 A YB01 YB01 A YB01 0003 A YB01 YB02 A 0012 0012 A 0012 0003 A 0003 0003 A YB02 YB01 A YB02 0012 A YB02 0003 A YB02 YB02 A YB01 0012 A 0003 0012 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.3 Logistics Execution 3.3.1 LE: Shipment Cost Defining and Assigning Shipping Type Procedure Group Use This activity defines the pricing procedure. You also assign transactions to the pricing procedure transactions by defining the following dependencies for: Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Transportation Shipment Costs Pricing Pricing Control Define and Assign Pricing Procedures Transaction Code T_72 2. Double-click Define and assign shipping type procedure group. 3. Choose New Entries, and enter the following data: Field Name Description User action and values ShipTypGrp 0005 Description Air Comment 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 5. Double-click Dialog Structure Assign shipping type procedure group. 6. In the 05 Airplane row, in the ShpTyp Grp row, enter 0005. 7. Choose Save and then choose Back. Assigning Purchasing Data Use For settlement, you must assign the organizational units in the shipment to the relevant organizational units in purchasing. These settings are necessary for creating accruals. The accruals are posted using service entry sheets. The purchasing organizational units are needed for service procurement. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide IMG Menu Logistics Execution Transportation Shipment Costs Settlement Assign Purchasing Data Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVFP) 2. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: TPPt SCTy POrg PGr Plnt 1000 0001 1000 100 1000 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.3.2 LE: Routes Defining Shipping Types Use In this activity, you define the shipping types in combination with the mode of transport. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Routes Define Routes Define Shipping Types Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_T173_COM) 2. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: PT Description MdTr StPG 05 Airplane 05 0005 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.3.3 LE: Packaging Defining Packaging Material Types Use The packaging material type combines packaging materials into groups and contains essential control features which apply to the corresponding shipping materials. When you specify a shipping material type in the material master record, each shipping material is assigned to a shipping material type. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu © SAP SE Logistics – General Handling Unit Management Basics Define Packaging Material Types Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Transaction Code Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide VHAR 2. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: Packag. mat type Output Det Proc Output Type Sort Plant determin. Pack. matl cat. Number assgnmt Int. interval YB09 Barrel 000001 MALB 0000 A C B 01 YB10 Reefer box 000001 MALB 0000 A C B 01 02 YB11 Reefer container 000001 MALB 0000 A C B 01 02 YB12 ChepPallets 1/2 000001 MALB 0000 B D B 01 02 0000 B A B 01 02 02 YB13 Tank lorry External Interval YB14 ChepPallets 1/4 000001 MALB 0000 B D B 01 YB15 Bottle 000001 MALB 0000 B C B 01 0001 Pallets 000001 MALB 0000 B D B 01 02 0002 Container 000001 MALB 0000 A C B 01 02 0003 Ship 0000 A A B 01 02 YB04 Truck 0000 A A B 01 02 YB05 Cardboard box 000001 MALB 0000 B C B 01 02 YB06 Case 000001 MALB 0000 B C B 01 02 YB07 Box 000001 MALB 0000 B C B 01 02 0000 A B B 01 02 YB08 Waggon 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. Defining Material Group for Packaging Materials Use In this menu option, you define material groupings packaging materials, with which materials that are to be packed into similar packaging materials are grouped together. The material © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide grouping for packaging materials is entered in the material master record of the shipping material. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics – General Handling Unit Management Basics Define Material Group for Packaging Materials Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVEGR) 2. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: GrPMt Description YB01 Pallets YB02 Container YB03 Case YB04 Card Box YB05 Bulk goods YB06 Single parts YB07 Small packed part YB08 Loose liquid prod YB09 Reefer cargo YB10 Truck YB12 Chep-Pallets 1/2 YB14 Chep-Pallets 1/4 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. Defining Allowed Packaging Materials Use When you pack materials or handling units, the system checks if the packaging materials for the handling unit (to which the items are to be packed) are allowed for packing. By assigning packaging material types to the material groups for packaging materials, you define which packaging materials are allowed for packing. By assigning shipping material types to material groups for shipping materials, you define which shipping materials are allowed for packing. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics - General Handling Unit Management Basics Define Allowed Packaging Materials Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TERVH) © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 2. Choose New Entries and maintain the following data: Mat Grp PM PkgMtlType YB01 0001 YB01 YB04 YB01 YB08 YB02 0002 YB02 0003 YB02 YB04 YB02 YB08 YB03 0001 YB03 0002 YB03 YB04 YB03 YB06 YB03 YB08 YB04 0001 YB04 0002 YB04 YB04 YB04 YB05 YB04 YB08 YB05 0003 YB05 YB04 YB05 YB08 YB06 0002 YB06 YB06 YB06 YB07 YB07 YB05 YB07 YB06 YB07 YB07 YB08 YB09 YB08 YB15 YB09 YB10 YB09 YB11 YB10 YB04 YB12 YB04 YB12 YB08 YB12 YB12 YB14 YB04 YB14 YB08 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Mat Grp PM PkgMtlType YB14 YB14 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.3.4 LE: Deliveries Defining Delivery Types Use In this menu option you define your delivery types which represent the different business transactions in shipping. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Deliveries Define Delivery Types Transaction Code 0VLK 2. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: Field Name Description User action and values Notes Delivery type LF Document cat. J NR int. assgt 17 No.range.ext 18 ItemNoIncrement 10 Order required Sales order required Defautl ord. Ty. DL Order Type Sched ItemRequirement 202 Order w.indep.item Stor.loc.rule MALA OutputDetProc V10000 TextDetermProc 02 Output Type YBL1 Application V2 Route determin. New route determination with check PartnDetProc LF Distrbtn Mode Distribution at Delivery © SAP SE Delivery Delivery Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Field Name Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Description User action and values Screen seq.grp LF Display range All items Field Name Description User action and values Notes Notes Delivery type NL Document cat. J NR int. assgt 17 No.range.ext 18 ItemNoIncrement 10 Order required Purchase order required Defautl ord. Ty. DL Order Type Sched ItemRequirement 202 Order w.indep.item Stor.loc.rule MALA OutputDetProc V10000 TextDetermProc 02 Output Type LD00 Application V2 Route determin. No new route determination PartnDetProc LF Distrbtn Mode Distribution control by warehouse number Screen seq.grp LF Display range All items IntPlant Stock Dely Delivery 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. Assignment of List Profile to Delivery Scenario Use This activity will assign a List Profile to a Delivery Creation profile. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Worklists Assignment of List Profile to Delivery Scenario Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_T186V) © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Scenario Description Profile name Selection screen Dlv creation profile 500A 5001 5 - Schedule batch jobs without tab 0101 Schedule background processing 4. Choose Save. 3.4 Pricing 3.4.1 Defining Condition Tables Use In this IMG activity, you define price dependencies. You can make prices, surcharges, and discounts dependent on almost all the fields in a document. You define these dependencies using the condition tables. In a condition table, you define the combination of fields for which you can create condition records. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control Define Condition Tables Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing object VV_T681F_VA) 2. If table 830 does not exist on the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Create condition tables, and go to the next step. If table 830 does exist, double-click Change condition tables. 3. In the Table field, enter 830, and choose Enter. 4. In the Field Catlg column, locate Sales Organization and double-click it. The field is copied to the Selected fields column. 5. Choose Generate. 6. Choose Save. Do not perform any other steps in this task. 3.4.2 Defining Access Sequences Use This activity defines access sequences. The access sequence is a search strategy which the SAP System uses to search for condition records valid for a condition type. For example, you can define for a price that the SAP System first searches for a customer-specific price and then for a price list price. Procedure © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control Define Access Sequences Transaction Code SM34 (with Customizing object VVC_T682_VA) 2. Double-click Maintain Access Sequences. Accept the warning dialog box. 3. Choose New Entries. 4. Enter the following data: Field Name Description User action and values AcSq YB20 Description Sales Organization Notes 5. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.4.3 Condition Types Use This activity will define condition types. Price elements are represented in the SAP system by condition types. Price elements can be, for example, prices, surcharges, discounts, taxes or, freight, and are stored in the system in condition records. You can, for example, define whether a discount is calculated as a percentage or a fixed amount using the condition type. You specify an access sequence in every condition type. Thus, you define which fields the SAP system checks when searching for a valid condition record. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control Define Condition Types Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object VV_T685A_VA) 2. On the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Maintain Condition Types. 3. On the Change View “Conditions: Condition Types”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. 4. Enter the following data: Field Name Description User action and values Condit.Type YB30 100% discount Access Seq YB20 Cond.class A Calculat.type A Plus/Minus X Manual entries D © SAP SE Notes Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Item condition Checked Amount/percent Checked Delete Checked Delete fr. DB Do not delete (Set the deletion flag only) Scale Basis B 5. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.4.4 Copying Rules for Condition Types Use This activity will define rules for copying condition records. The copy function allows you to copy the data in an existing condition record to a large number of new condition records to reduce the time required for maintenance. The existing condition record contains a condition type and a condition table which are referred to as the source condition type and source condition table in the copying rule. In the copying rules, you make the possible assignments of source condition tables and source condition types to target condition tables and target condition types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Copy Control for Conditions Transaction Code VB(C 2. On the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Copying Rule for Condition Types. 3. Choose New Entries. 4. Enter the following data: Field Name Description User action and values SCoT UTXJ No 01 TaCoT UTXJ Notes 5. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.4.5 Defining and Assigning Pricing Procedure Use In this activity, you define the pricing procedure used. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control Define and Assign Pricing Procedures Transaction Code SPRO 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Maintain Pricing Procedures. 3. On the Change View “Procedures”: Overview screen, select the entry for procedure RVAA01 and choose Copy As… 4. Overwrite the procedure name with YBAA01 and choose Enter. 5. In the dialog box, choose copy all. 6. Choose Save and then choose Back. After you have created the procedure YBAA01 make the following changes in this procedure: 7. Select YBAA01 and choose “Control data” 8. For condition type PI02 (Inter-company %) set “X” (Printing at item level (previous procedure)) in the column Print. 9. For condition type PR00 (Price) set “X” (Printing at item level (previous procedure)) in the column Print. 10. For condition type PB00 (Price (Gross)) set “X” (Printing at item level (previous procedure)) in the column Print. 11. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.4.6 Defining Pricing Procedure Determination Use In this activity, you define how the pricing procedure is determined. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control Define and Assign Pricing Procedures Transaction Code OVKK 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Define Pricing Procedure Determination. 3. On the Change View “Pricing Procedures: Determination in Sales Docs.”: Overview screen, make the following entries: Sales Org. DChl Division DoPr CuPP PriPr. CTyp 1000 10 10 A 1 YBA001 PR00 1000 10 10 C 1 YBA001 PR00 1100 10 10 A 1 YBA001 PR00 2000 10 10 A 1 YBA001 PR00 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.4.7 Defining Document Pricing Procedure Use In this activity, you define the document pricing procedure Z (credit memo). Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control Define and Assign Pricing Procedures Transaction Code VB(C 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Define Document Pricing Procedure. 3. On the Change View “Pricing Procedures: Transaction.”: Overview screen, choose New Entries and make the following entries: Document Pricing Procedure Description Y Credit memo 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.5 Account Determination 3.5.1 Materials: Account Assignment Group Use This activity defines account determination dependencies for materials. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Account Assignment Costing Revenue Account Determination Check Master Data Relevant for Account Assignment Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVKM) 2. Double-click Materials: Account Assignment Groups. 3. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: Account Assignment Group Description 03 Finished Products Y1 Service Provider Y2 Returnable Goods © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Y4 Raw Materials Y5 Scrap 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.5.2 Customers: Account Assignment Group Use This activity defines account determination dependencies for customers. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Account Assignment Costing Revenue Account Determination Check Master Data Relevant for Account Assignment Transaction Code OVK8 2. Double-click Customers: Account Assignment Groups. 3. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: Account Assignment Group Description 04 Dom.Rev. without CO 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.5.3 Defining Account Determination Procedure Use This activity will define your account determination procedures and allocate them to the billing types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Account Assignment Costing Revenue Account Determination Define and Assign Account Determination Procedure Transaction Code SM34 (Customizing Object VVC_T683_XX_VC) 2. Double-click Define Account Determination Procedure. 3. Select the row KOFI00 Account Determination and then double-click Control Data. 4. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: Step © SAP SE Cntr CTyp Requiremt Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 10 1 KOFI 10 2 KOFK 2 5. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.5.4 Default Values for Account Group for Customer Creation Use This activity will assign default values for account group for a returns customer creation. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Materials Management Purchasing Vendor Master Default values for account group for customer creation Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_T077K_W) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Group Default for Cust.Acct.Group KRED 0003 4. Choose 3.5.5 Save. Defining Account Keys Use You define your account keys in this menu option and allocate them to the condition types in the pricing procedures. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Account Assignment Costing Revenue Account Determination Define and Assign Account Keys Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object VV_T687_V1) 2. Double-click Define Account Key. 3. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: Account Key Name YB1 ERS material rel. YB2 ERS customer rel. YB3 provision f. freight © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide YBS Customer discounts 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.6 Assigning G/L Accounts Use This activity will allocate G/L accounts for revenue account determination. You have to make the allocation for every access sequence you have defined beforehand. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Account Assignment Costing Revenue Account Determination Assign G/L Accounts Transaction Code VKOA 2. On the Assign G/L Accounts screen, double-click Table 1. 3. On the Change View “Cust Grp/MaterialGrp/AcctKey”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. 4. Maintain the following data: App CndTy. ChAc SOrg. AAG AAG ActKy G/L acct V KOFI YABG 1000 01 01 ERL 70200000 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 01 ERS 70901100 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 02 ERL 70300000 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 02 ERS 70901020 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 03 ERL 70100000 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 03 ERS 70901600 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 Y1 ERL 70300300 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 Y1 ERS 70901000 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 Y2 ERL 70100000 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 Y2 ERS 70100000 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 Y3 ERL 70301000 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 Y4 ERL 70700000 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 Y4 ERS 70901200 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 Y5 ERL 70700000 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 Y5 ERS 70901200 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 01 ERL 70201000 V KOFI YABG 11100 02 01 ERS 70901100 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 02 ERL 70101000 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 02 ERS 70901020 © SAP SE Provision acc. Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide App CndTy. ChAc SOrg. AAG AAG ActKy G/L acct V KOFI YABG 1100 02 03 ERL 70101000 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 03 ERS 70901600 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 Y2 ERL 60705500 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 Y4 ERL 70700000 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 Y4 ERS 70901200 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 Y5 ERL 70700000 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 Y5 ERS 70901200 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 01 ERL 70202000 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 01 ERS 70901100 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 02 ERL 70102000 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 02 ERS 70901020 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 03 ERL 70102000 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 03 ERS 70901600 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 Y2 ERL 60705500 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 Y4 ERL 70700000 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 Y4 ERS 70901200 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 Y5 ERL 70700000 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 Y5 ERS 70901200 Provision acc. 60705500 60705500 5. Choose Save and then choose Back. 6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for Table 2 with the following data: App CndTy. ChAc SOrg. AAG ActKy G/L acct V KOFI YABG 1000 01 ERL 70100000 V KOFI YABG 1000 01 ERS 70901100 V KOFI YABG 1000 02 ERL 70101000 V KOFI YABG 1000 02 ERS 70901100 V KOFI YABG 1100 01 ERL 70100000 V KOFI YABG 1100 01 ERS 70901100 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 ERL 70101000 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 ERS 70901100 Provision acc. 75100000 75100000 75100000 75100000 7. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for Table 3 with the following data: App CndTy. ChAc SOrg. AAG ActKy G/L acct V KOFI YABG 1000 01 ERL 70200000 V KOFI YABG 1000 02 ERL 70300000 V KOFI YABG 1000 03 ERL 70100000 V KOFI YABG 1000 Y1 ERL 70300300 V KOFI YABG 1000 Y2 ERL 60705500 60705500 © SAP SE Provision acc. Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide App CndTy. ChAc SOrg. AAG ActKy G/L acct Provision acc. V KOFI YABG 1000 Y3 ERL 70301000 V KOFI YABG 1000 Y4 ERL 70700000 V KOFI YABG 1000 Y5 ERL 70700000 V KOFI YABG 1100 01 ERL 70201000 V KOFI YABG 1100 02 ERL 70101000 V KOFI YABG 1100 03 ERL 70101000 V KOFI YABG 1100 Y2 ERL 60705500 60705500 V KOFI YABG 1100 Y4 ERL 70700000 V KOFI YABG 1100 Y5 ERL 70700000 8. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for Table 4 with the following data: App CndTy. ChAc SOrg. G/L acct V KOFI YABG 1000 70100000 V KOFI YABG 1100 70100000 Provision acc. 9. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for Table 5 with the following data: App CndTy. ChAc SOrg. ActKy G/L acct V KOFI YABG 1000 BO1 60704000 V KOFI YABG 1000 BO2 70902000 V KOFI YABG 1000 ERB 64102000 V KOFI YABG 1000 ERF 70901500 V KOFI YABG 1000 EVV 50100000 V KOFI YABG 1000 IEP V KOFI YABG 1000 MWS 45320000 V KOFI YABG 1000 UML 20709000 V KOFI YABG 1000 VST 45310000 V KOFI YABG 1000 YB3 60705000 V KOFI YABG 1000 ERL 70100000 V KOFI YABG 1000 ERS 70901100 V KOFI YABG 1000 ERU 64102000 Provision acc. 60705000 60704000 10. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for Table 6 with the following data: App CndTy. ChAc SOrg. ActKy G/L acct V KOFI YABG 1100 BO1 60704000 V KOFI YABG 1100 BO2 70902000 V KOFI YABG 1100 ERB 64102000 V KOFI YABG 1100 ERF 70901500 V KOFI YABG 1100 EVV 50100000 V KOFI YABG 1100 IEP © SAP SE Provision acc. Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide App CndTy. ChAc SOrg. ActKy G/L acct V KOFI YABG 1100 MWS 45320000 V KOFI YABG 1100 UML 20709000 V KOFI YABG 1100 VST 45310000 V KOFI YABG 1100 YB3 60705000 V KOFI YABG 1100 ERL 70100000 V KOFI YABG 1100 ERS 70901100 V KOFI YABG 1100 ERU 64102000 Provision acc. 60705000 60704000 11. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.7 Availability Check 3.7.1 Availability Check: Define Checking Groups Use This activity will define checking groups with which you specify the type of requirements records that the system will create when processing sales orders or deliveries. Sales order requirements and delivery requirements can be controlled separately. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check With ATP Logic or Against Planning Define Checking Groups Transaction Code OVZ2 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Enter the following data: Av Description TotalSales TotDlvReqs Accum 01 Daily requirements B B 3 02 Individ. Requirements A A 3 Y2 Ind.Req.chng.CheckRs A A 3 Response 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.7.2 Defining Material Block for Other Users Use In this IMG activity you define for each checking group and initiator whether the material master record should be blocked for other orders during the availability check. If it is blocked, you cannot create two orders for the same material at the same time. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check With ATP Logic or Against Planning Define Material Block for Others Users Transaction Code SM30 (V_TMVFP) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Enter the following data: Av Description Initiator Block Y2 Individ.requirements A X Y2 Individ.requirements B X Y2 Individ.requirements C 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.7.3 Availability Check: Defining Checking Groups Default Value Use This activity will define the checking group that the system proposes when you create a new material master record. You can overwrite the default value for the checking group in the material master record. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check With ATP Logic or Against Planning Define Checking Groups Default Value Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TMVFU) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Enter the following data: Material Type Plant Availability Check FERT 1000 Y2 FERT 1100 Y2 HAWA 1000 Y2 HAWA 1100 Y2 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Material Type Plant Availability Check LEIH 1000 Y2 LEIH 1100 Y2 VERP 1000 Y2 VERP 1100 Y2 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.7.4 Carrying Out Control for Availability Check Use This activity will define checking rules for the availability check and allocate them to a checking group. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check With ATP Logic or Against Planning Carry out Control For Availability Check Transaction Code OVZ9 2. Copy the following checking rules (CRl) from checking group (avail) 01 to checking group Y2: CRl 01 03 A AE AQ AV AW B BE BQ BV BW PM PP PS RP © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide CRl RS 3. Choose Save 4. Choose New Entries. 5. Enter the following data: Avail CRl Y2 BO 6. Choose Enter. 7. On the Change View “Availability Check Control”: Details screen enter the following data: Include saftey stock X Incl. quality insp. Stock X Check without RLT X Incl. purchase orders X Include reservations X Include sales reqmts. X Include deliveries X Incl. depen.reservat. X Incl. production orders F 8. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.7.5 Availability Check against Product Allocation: Maintaining Procedure Use This activity defines the product allocation determination procedure for the availability check against product allocations. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check Against Product Allocation Maintain Procedure Transaction Code OV1Z 2. On the Change View “Product Allocation: Definition of Procedure”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following data: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Field Name Description User action and values Product Allocation 001 Description Prod. Alloc. Scheme Notes 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.7.6 Availability Check against Product Allocation: Defining Object Use This activity will define the product allocation object. This product allocation object is the object in the product allocation determination procedure. This is because product allocations are stored in the planning hierarchy by object. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check Against Product Allocation Define Object Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_T190O) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Enter the following data: Field Name Description User action and values Object 001 Description SD Prod. Alloc. Notes 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.7.7 Availability Check against Product Allocation: Specifying Hierarchy Use This activity assigns an info structure to each of the product allocation determination procedures. You can display the suitable statistical structures. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check Against Product Allocation Specify Hierarchy Transaction Code OV3Z © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 2. On the Change View “SD Product Allocation Planning Structure”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the following data: Field Name Description Procedure User action and values Notes 001 Prod. Alloc. Scheme Step Step Name Prod. Alloc. Steps Info Struct. S140 Mask $ 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.7.8 Availability Check against Product Allocation: Defining Consumption Periods Use When you have defined a product allocation determination procedure, you can also define (past and future) consumption periods for product allocation quantities. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check Against Product Allocation Define Consumption Periods Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_T190V) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Enter the following data: Field Name Description User action and values Info structure S140 Bwd cons 3 Fwd cons 2 Notes 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.7.9 Availability Check against Product Allocation: Controlling Product Allocation Use This activity will assign one or several objects with different validity periods to the product allocation determination procedures. The validity periods cannot overlap. Procedure Carry out the following steps: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check Against Product Allocation Control Product Allocation Transaction Code OV4Z 2. On the Determine Work Area: Entry dialog box, in Product Allocation, enter 001 then choose Continue. 3. Choose New Entries. 4. Enter the following data: Field Name Description User action and values Step 0 Info structure S140 Object 001 Valid to 12/31/2999 Active Checked Conversion factor 1.000 Notes SD Prod. Alloc 5. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.7.10 Defining Flow According to Requirement Category Use This activity will determine whether the system should run an availability check for product allocations or not. You can determine this in each requirements class. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Availability Check Availability Check Against Product Allocation Define Flow According to Requirement Category Transaction Code OVZ0 2. On the Change View “Availability and Transfer of Requirements by Req. Type”: Overview screen, maintain the following entries: ReqCl AvC Rq All. 011 X X X 030 X X X 031 X X X 041 X X X © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.8 Output Control 3.8.1 Maintaining Output Procedure Use This activity defines output determination for documents. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination for Billing Documents Maintain Output Determination Procedure Transaction Code SM34 (Customizing Object VVC_T683_XX_V3) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. In the Procedure column, enter V10000, and in the Description column, enter Billing Output. 4. Choose Save. 5. Select the row you just created, and double-click Control Data. 6. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: Step Cntr CTyp Description Requiremt 010 01 RD00 Invoice 0 Manual only 7. Choose Save and then choose Back twice. 3.9 Output Control – Sales Documents 3.9.1 Maintaining Output Types: Output Types Use The purpose of this activity is to maintain output types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination for Sales Documents Maintain Output Types Transaction Code V/30 2. On the Display View” Output Types”: Overview screen, select Entry and choose Mail Title and Texts. Language Key Appl n Output Type Document title BG V1 AF00 Access type for print parameter and proposal BG V1 AN00 Access for Print Parameter and Proposal BG V1 BA00 Access Type for Print Parameter and Proposal 3. On the overview screen, double-Click Output types AF00, AN00 and BA00 and enter the following values: Partial Output 1 from 2 of the table V_T685B: Usage Application Output type Access Name PrntParamtr criteria sequence B V1 AF00 0003 Inquiry 1 B V1 AN00 0002 Quotation 1 B V1 BA00 0004 Order Confirmation 1 Partial Output 2 from 2 of the table V_T685B: Dispatch time1 Access Storage Document Transmission To Mode type Medium Partner Function conditions 1 X 1 1 X 1 SDOQUOTAT 1 X 1 SDOORDER 1 SP 1 SP SP 4. Choose Save. Result The output types are created. 3.9.2 Maintaining Output Types: Message Types Use The purpose of this activity is to create message type. Procedure Carry out the following steps: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination for Sales Documents Maintain Output Types Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object VN_TNAPN) 2. Select OutputType and choose Partner functions from the Dialog Structure. 3. Maintain the following values (Output Table VN_TNAPN): Application Output Type Transmission Medium Partner Function V1 AF00 1 SP V1 AF00 2 SP V1 AN00 1 SP V1 AN00 2 SP V1 AN00 6 SP V1 BA00 1 SP V1 BA00 2 SP V1 BA00 6 SP V1 BA00 A SP 4. Choose Save. Result The message types are created. 3.10 Output Control – Shipping 3.10.1 Maintaining Output Types Use The purpose of this activity is to maintain output types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries Maintain Output Types Transaction Code V/34 2. On the Display View” Output Types”: Overview screen, select Entry and choose Mail Title and Texts. 3. Enter the following values. Output Table V_TNATI: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Language Key Appln Output Type Document title BG V2 LD00 Access Type for Print Parameter and Proposal 4. Choose Save. 5. On the Display View” Output Types”: Overview screen, enter the following values. Partial Output 1 from 2 of the table V_T685B: Usage Application Output type Access Name PrntParamtr criteria sequence B V2 LD00 0012 Delivery Note 5 B V2 YBL1 0012 Bill of Lading 5 Partial Output 2 from 2 of the table V_T685B: Dispatch time1 Access Storage Document To Mode type Transmission Medium Partner Function conditions 3 X 1 SDODELNOTE 1 SH 3 X 1 SDODELNOTE 1 SH 6. Choose Save. Result The output types are created. 3.10.2 Assigning Output Determination Procedures Use The purpose of this activity is to assign output determination procedures. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries Assign Output Determination Procedures Transaction Code V/71 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, select Assign deliveries (header) and choose Enter. 3. On the Change View” Delivery Types –Output Determination Procedure”: Overview screen, enter the following values. Output Table V_TVAK_NAC: Sales Document Type Appln Output determ.proc. Output Type LF V2 V10000 YBL1 LR V2 V10000 YBL1 4. Choose Save. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Result The output determination procedures are assigned. 3.10.3 Maintaining Output Types - Partner Function Use The purpose of this activity is to create message type. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries Maintain Output Types Transaction Code V/34 2. On the Change View “Output Types”: Overview screen, choose the OutputType and double-click Partner Functions from the Dialog Structure. 3. Enter the following values. Output Table VN_TNAPN: Application Output Type Transmission Partner Function Medium V2 LD00 1 SH V2 LD00 2 SH 4. Choose Save. Result The message types are created. 3.11 Output Control – Billing 3.11.1 Create Output Types Transport request: RD6K921093 053 C5181745 105 Create output type for billing YRD0 Use The purpose of this activity is to create a new output type YRD0. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu © SAP SE Sales and Distribution BasicFunctions Output Control Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide for Billing Documents Maintain Output Types Transaction Code V/40 2. Create new output type YRD0 by copying from the standard output type RD00. 3. Choose Save. 4. The new output type should be assigned to the output determination procedure V10000: Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination Procedure) IMG Menu Transaction Code Transport request: RD6K921095 053 C5181745 105 Assign YRD0 to Output Determination Procedure V10000 5. Choose Procedure: V10000 Billing Output 6. Press: Contol Data 7. Enter the following data: Step Counter Condition Type Description Requirement 15 0 YRD0 Invoice BG 62 Manual only 8. Choose Save. Result The new output type YRD0 is created. 3.11.2 Maintaining Output Types Use The purpose of this activity is to maintain output types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 9. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Billing Intercompany Billing Automatic Posting to Vendor Account (SAP-EDI) Transaction Code V/40 10. Choose Activity Maintain output types 11. On the Display View” Output Types”: Overview screen, select Entry and choose Mail Title and Texts. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 12. Enter the following values. Output Table V_TNATI: Language Key Appln Output Type Document title BG V3 RD00 Access Type for Print Parameter and Proposal BG V3 YRD0 Access Type for Print Parameter and Proposal 13. Choose Save. 14. Enter the following values. Partial Output 1 from 2 of the table V_T685B: Usage Application Output type Access Name PrntParamtr criteria sequence B V3 RD00 0002 Invoice 1 B V3 YRD0 0002 Invoice 1 Partial Output 2 from 2 of the table V_T685B: Dispatch time1 Access Storage Document Transmission To Mode type Medium Partner Function conditions 1 X 1 SDOINVOICE 1 BP 1 X 1 SDOINVOICE 1 BP 15. Choose Save. Result The output types are created. 3.11.3 Assigning Output Determination Procedures Use This activity defines output determination procedures for documents. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Documents Define Billing Types Transaction Code VOFA 2. On the Choose Activity screen select Define Billing Types. 3. Choose the relevant billing type and make the following entries: Billing Type Output determ.proc. Application Output Type F1 V10000 V3 RD00 F2 V10000 V3 RD00 FAZ V10000 V3 RD00 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.11.4 SD Output Determination - Billing Partner Functions Use The purpose of this activity is to create message types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Output Determination Output Determination Using the Condition Technique Maintain Output Determination for Billing Documents Assign Output Types to Partner Functions Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object VV_TNAPN_V3) 2. On the Change View: Output Control: Output By Partner Function: Overview screen, choose New Entries and make the following entries: Application Output Type Transmission Medium Partner Function V3 RD00 1 BP V3 RD00 2 BP 3. Choose Save. Result The message types are created. 3.12 Defining Print Parameters 3.12.1 Defining Print Parameters Sales Organization Use In this step, you define the print parameters for sales, shipping, billing, transportation and sales activity output, for example. This is dependent on a predefined key. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Output Control Define Print Parameters Transaction Code VP01 2. On the Print Parameters screen, locate and double-click Inquiry (AF00). 3. Choose New Entries and maintain the following data: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide SOrg Output Device Name Suffix 1 Suffix 2 Immediate 1000 LP01 (or LOCL or other printer) LIST1S AF00 ANFRAGE Checked Release 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for the following data: CTyp SOrg. Output Device Name Suffix 1 Suffix 2 Immediate Release AN00 1000 LP01 (or LOCL or other printer) LIST1S AN00 ANGEBOT X BA00 1000 LP01 (or LOCL or other printer) LIST1S BA00 AUFTRAG X KO00 1000 LP01 (or LOCL or other printer) LIST1S KO00 KONTRAKT X LP00 1000 LP01 (or LOCL or other printer) LIST1S LP00 LIEFERPLAN X RD00 1000 LP01 (or LOCL or other printer) LIST1S LT01 X RD03 1000 LP01 (or LOCL or other printer) LIST1S AF00 ANFRAGE RDES 1000 LP01 (or LOCL or other printer) LIST1S LT01 ESRRECHNUNG YRD0 1000 LOCL LISTIS LT01 RECHNUNG X YRD0 1100 LOCL LISTIS LT01 RECHNUNG X RECHNUNG Transport request: RD6K921097 053 C5181745 105 Define Print Parameters for invoice output type YRD0 3.12.2 Defining Print Parameters Shipping Use In this step, you set the output parameters. The condition types set for the output determination, which the system can find automatically, appear under the category Shipping. Per condition type, you specify - depending on which output location in the condition type is set as a print parameter - one or several locations and determine an output device as well as some parameters for the printout per condition type and position. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output Control Define print parameters shipping Transaction Code VP01SHP 2. On the Print Parameters screen, locate and double-click Delivery Note (LD00). © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 3. Choose New Entries and maintain the following data: Ship Point Output Device Name Suffix 1 Suffix 2 Immediate 1000 LP01 (or LOCL or other printer) LIST1S LD00 LIEFER X Release 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.13 Output Control – Picking SD 3.13.1 Maintaining Print Parameter for SD Picking Use This activity will define print parameters for SD picking without Lean WM. For further details regarding the output customizing for SD picking (w/o lean WM) refer to OSS note 145136. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity use the following navigation: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output Control Define print parameters shipping Transaction Code VP01SHP 2. On the Print Parameters View choose Shipping /Spec.Case((V4). 3. On the Print Parameters View double-click Picking List (EK00). 4. On the Change View “Print Parameters for Shipping Point”: Overview screen, choose New entries. 5. Make the following entries: Field Name User action and values Shipping Point 1000 OutputDevice LP01 (or LOCL or other printer) Name LIST1S Suffix1 EK00 Suffix2 KOMMILISTE Print immed. Selected Note Select suitable device 6. Save your entries. 7. Repeat step 4 and 5 for shipping point 100R, 1100 and 110R. 8. Choose Back (F3). © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Result The print parameters for SD picking have been set up. 3.14 Product Specific Settings 3.14.1 Maintaining Procedure Determination in Background for Product Proposal Use This activity will determine the product proposal procedure for background processing. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Dynamic Product Proposal Maintain Procedure Determination (in Background) for Product Proposal Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TPVSB) 2. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: SOrg. DChl Dv PPCustProc PPPr 1000 01 01 A A00001 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.14.2 Maintaining Procedure Determination Online for Product Proposal Use This activity will determine the product proposal procedure for background processing. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Dynamic Product Proposal Maintain Procedure Determination (Online) for Product Proposal Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TPVSO) 2. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: SOrg. DChl Dv SOff. SGrp PPCustProc PPDoPr PPPr 1000 10 10 100 100 A A A00001 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.14.3 © SAP SE Assigning Document Procedure to Sales Document Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Type Use This activity will assign the document determination procedure for the product proposal to the individual sales document types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Dynamic Product Proposal Assign Document Procedure for Product Proposal to Sales Document Type Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVAK_PV) 2. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: SaTy Description PP DocProc QT Quotation A SO Rush Order A OR Standard Order A 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.15 Defining Item Category Groups Use Using the item category group, you group together different material types for item category determination from the SD view. For every material type, you can define a default item category group which is proposed by the SAP System when you create a material master record. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Item Define Item Category Groups Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TPTM) 2. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: ItCGr Description YB01 Credit memo YB02 Ret. Pack. Delivery YB03 Returnable packaging YB09 Standard w/o batch © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide YBKF Header config. YBKP Component YBER Service w/SD-order YBLE Service w/o Delivery YBEN Service w/o Project YBEP Service w/ project YBOR Stock ord 3rd party (w. SN) YBNA Stock ord 3rd party (w/o SN) YBUK Bought-In 3. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.16 Determining Active Receivables per Item Category Use This activity will activate the credit management functionality by sales item category. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Credit Management/Risk Management Credit Management/Risk Management Settings Determine Active Receivables Per Item Category Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVAP_KRE) 2. On the row with ItCa of TAN, select the Credit active checkbox. 3. Choose Save. 3.17 Changing controllable error messages shipping processing Use This activity will change the type for a system message processed during the delivery creation. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity use the following navigation: IMG Menu n/a Transaction Code OVM1 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 2. Change message L VU 013 according to the table below on the Change View “Controllable Error Messages Shipping Processing”: Overview screen. Field Name User action and values Type W Note 3. Save your entries. 4. Choose Back (F3). Result Message 013 has been changed. 3.18 Sales Order Processing I 3.18.1 Defining Number Ranges for Sales Documents Use In this menu option, you define the number intervals of the number ranges for sales documents. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Header Define Number Ranges for Sales Documents Transaction Code VN01 2. Choose Change Intervals. 3. Choose Insert Interval, then maintain the following data: No From number To number 90 R0001 R9999 Current number Ext X 4. Choose Save and then choose Back twice. 3.18.2 Defining Sales Document Types Use This activity will define settings for sales document types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu © SAP SE Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Header Define Sales Document Types Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Transaction Code VOV8 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Sales Document Type YBRE YBFD SD document categ. H I Number range – internal assignment 13 01 Number range – external assignment 14 02 Item number increment 000010 000010 Sub-item increment 000010 000010 Reference mandatory M Check division Check credit limit Item division Read info record X X Output application V1 V1 Screen Sequence Group RE RE Incompl.proced. 14 13 Transaction Group 0 0 Doc.Pric.Procedure A C Display Range UALL UALL FCode for overv. Scr. UER1 UER1 Delivery type LR LF Shipping conditions RE ProdAttr.messages Delivery-related billing type Order-rel.bill.type Intercomp.bill.type IG Billing block CndType line items Billing plan type Paymt guarant. proc. 01 Paymt card plan type 03 Checking group 01 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Propose Delivery Date X X Billing request Subseq.order type 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back. 3.18.3 SD Sales Organizations - Assigning Order Type Use In this menu option, you define the number intervals of the number ranges for sales documents. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Documents Header Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types Transaction Code OVAO 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Combine Sales Organizations. 3. On the Change View: Sales Organizations – Assign Order Type: Overview screen, make the following entries: Sales Organization Reference Sales Organization 1000 1000 1100 1100 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.18.4 Divisions by Sales Org - Assign Order Type Use In this menu option, you define the number intervals of the number ranges for sales documents. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Documents Header Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types Transaction Code OVAN 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Combine Divisions. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 3. On the Change View: Divisions by SalesOrg – Assign Order Type”: Overview screen, make the following entries: Sales Organization Reference Division 1000 10 1000 20 1100 10 1100 20 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.18.5 Distribution by Sales Org - Assign Order Type Use In this menu option, you define the number intervals of the number ranges for sales documents. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Documents Header Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types Transaction Code OVAM 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Combine Distribution Channels. 3. On the Change View: Distribution by Sales Org – Assign Order Type”: Overview screen, make the following entries: Sales Organization Reference Distribution Channel 1000 10 1000 20 1000 30 1100 10 1100 20 1100 30 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.18.6 Assigning Sales Area to Sales Document Types Use In this menu option, you allocate the allowed order types to each sales area. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Documents Header Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVAKZ) 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, choose Assign sales order types permitted for sales areas. 3. On the Change View: Sales Documents. Allowed Order Types per Sales Org.: Overview screen, choose New Entries and make the following entries: Reference Sales Organization Reference Distribution Channel Reference Division Sales Document Type 1000 10 10 QT 1000 10 10 CR 1000 10 10 DR 1000 10 10 RK 1000 10 10 OR 1000 10 10 IN 1000 10 10 KB 1000 10 10 KE 1000 10 10 KR 1000 10 10 CQ 1100 10 10 QT 1100 10 10 CR 1100 10 10 DR 1100 10 10 RK 1100 10 10 OR 1100 10 10 IN 1100 10 10 KB 1100 10 10 KE 1100 10 10 KR 1100 10 10 CQ 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.18.7 Assigning Sales Area to Credit Control Area Use This activity will assign a sales area to a credit control area. Procedure © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Enterprise Structure Assignment Sales and Distribution Assign sales area to credit control area Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVTA_KKB) 2. On the Change View “Sales Area: Allocation to Credit Control Area”: Overview screen make the following entries in row CCAr: SOrg. DChl DV CCAr 1000 10 10 1000 1000 20 10 1000 1000 30 10 1000 1100 10 10 1000 1100 20 10 1000 1100 30 10 1000 3. Choose Save. 3.18.8 Defining Commodity Codes / Import Code Numbers By Country Use This activity will define commodity / import codes by country. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Foreign Trade/Customs Basic Data for Foreign Trade Define Commodity Codes / Import Code Numbers By Country Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_T604) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Country key Comm./ Description BG 22030010 BP-BG 4. Choose 3.18.9 Save. Defining Customs Offices Use This activity will define customs offices. Procedure Carry out the following steps: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Foreign Trade/Customs Transportation Data Define Customs Offices Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_T615) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Country Key Customs office Description BG 1002 Burgas Airport BG 1003 Malko Tarnovo BG 1004 Burgas Oil Port BG 1007 Burgas Port BG 1011 Lesovo BG 1012 Tsarevo BG 2002 Varna - West BG 2003 Varna - Airport BG 2005 Varna - Port BG 2006 Varna - Lesport Port BG 2007 Varna - Ferriboat BG 2010 Balchik BG 3002 Plovdiv Airport BG 3102 Svilengrad - Railway Station BG 3103 Kapitan Andreevo BG 4006 Russe Port BG 4007 Russe Free Trade Zone BG 4013 Silistra Port BG 4203 Oriahovo BG 4205 Lom Port BG 4206 Bregovo BG 4208 Vidin Port BG 4209 Vrashka Chuka BG 4303 Gorna Oriahovitza Airport BG 4307 Somovit BG 5106 Sofia Airport - Civil BG 5107 Sofia Airport - Cargo BG 5702 Gueshevo BG 5703 Zlatarevo BG 5706 Logodazh BG 5707 Oltomantsi © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Country Key Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Customs office Description BG 5804 Kalotina BG 5809 Strezimirovtsi 4. Choose Save. 3.18.10 Defining Modes of Transport Use This activity will define modes of transport. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Foreign Trade/Customs Transportation Data Define Modes Of Transport Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_T618) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Country Key Mode of Transport - Border BG 1 Sea BG 2 Rail BG 3 Road BG 4 Air BG 5 Mail BG 7 Fixed Transp.Installations BG 8 River BG 9 By its own 4. Choose Description Save. 3.18.11 Defining Business Transaction Types and Default Value Use This activity will define business transaction types and assign default values to sales item categories. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu © SAP SE Sales and Distribution Foreign Trade/Customs Basic Data for Foreign Trade Define Business Transaction Types And Default Value Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Objects V_T605 and V_T605Z) 2. Double-click Define Business Types. 3. Choose New Entries. 4. Make the following entries: 5. Country Key Business Transaction Type Description Long Text (must be split onto three rows) BG 11 Final Purchase/Sale Business transactions with transfer of ownership (actual or intended) and with compensation (financial or otherwise) Choose 6. Choose Save. Back twice. 7. Double-click Define Default Business Type (SD). 8. Choose New Entries. 9. Make the following entries: Country Key Sales Org Distrib Channel Item category Bus.transaction type BG 1000 10 TAN 11 BG 1100 10 TAN 11 10. Choose Save. 3.18.12 Defining Relevant Item Categories Use This activity will mark item categories relevant for picking. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Picking Define Relevant Item Categories Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVLP_KOM) 2. For the row with the ItCa of TAC, select the Relevant for Picking checkbox. 3. Choose Save. 3.18.13 Defining Incompleteness Procedures Use This activity will define Incompleteness Procedures. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu © SAP SE Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Log of Incomplete Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Items Define Incompleteness Procedures Transaction Code OVA2 2. Select the row with Group H and then double-click Procedures. 3. Choose Display Change. 4. Choose New Entries. 5. Make the following entries: Field Name Description User action and values InProc Y1 Description item 6. Choose Note Save. 7. Select the Y1 row and then double-click Fields. 8. Choose New Entries. 9. Make the following entries: Tables Field name Screen Status Group V50UC BTREF CHSP_T D8 V50UC OVPIK PIOV_T D8 10. Choose Save. 3.18.14 Assigning Incompleteness Procedures Use This activity will assign incompleteness procedures to delivery item categories. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Incompletion Control for Deliveries Assign Incompleteness Procedures Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVLP_VUV) 2. Double-click Assign incompletion forms to the delivery item types. 3. Choose New Entries. 4. Make the following entries: Item category Incompletion procedure DLP Y1 5. Choose Save. 3.18.15 Foreign Trade Data in MM and SD Documents Use This activity will control foreign trade data in MM and SD documents. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Foreign Trade/Customs Control Foreign Trade Data in MM and SD Documents Foreign Trade Data in MM and SD Documents Transaction Code VI49 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Country key Export/Import BG 2 – Dispatch/Export 4. Choose Save. 3.18.16 Defining and Assigning Text Determination Procedures Use The text types of a text object are grouped together in text determination procedures. You assign a text determination procedure using certain keys, for example, account group customer or sales document type. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Text Control Define and Assign Text Determination Procedures Transaction Code VOTXN 2. In the Text object pane, select Header radio under Delivery and choose Change. 3. In the Dialog Structure pane, double-click Text procedure assignment. 4. In the RL row, make the following entries: Delivery typ TextDetermProcedure Description RL 02 Returns (Pur.Ord.) 5. Choose Save. 6. Choose Back twice. 7. In the Text object pane, select Item radio under Delivery and choose Change. 8. In the Dialog Structure pane, double-click Text procedure assignment. 9. In the RLN row, make the following entries: Item category TextDetermProcedure Description RLN 02 Returns order © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 10. Choose Save. 11. Choose Back twice. 3.18.17 Assigning Material Determination Procedures to Sales Document Types Use This activity will assign material determination procedures to sales document types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Material Determination Assign Procedures To Sales Document Types Transaction Code OV14 2. For sales document type OR, enter the material determination procedure A00001. 3. Choose Save. Result The material determination procedure is assigned. 3.19 Down Payment Configuration 3.19.1 Defining Billing Plan Types Use This activity will define a billing type for milestone billing. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Plan Define Billing Plan Types Transaction Code OVBO 2. On the Choose Activity screen choose Maintain billing plan types for milestone billing. 3. Choose New Entries. 4. Make the following entries: Billing Plan Type Start Date Date Category Online Order FCodeOvervScrn Y1 01 04 X 0003 5. Choose © SAP SE Save. Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices 3.19.2 Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Date category Use In this activity you maintain date categories for the billing plan types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Plan Define and Assign Date Categories Transaction Code OVBJ 2. On the Choose Activity screen choose Maintain Date Category for Billing Plan Type. 3. Choose New Entries. 4. Make the following entries: Billing Plan Type Date Category Text Date descript. Text Billing Rule Y1 01 Milestone billing 0003 Contract Conclusion 1 02 Y1 02 Closing Invoice 0008 Closing Invoice 3 02 Y1 03 Down payment request (proc.) 0009 Down Payment 4 02 FAZ Y1 04 Down payment request (amount) 0009 Down payment 5 02 FAZ 5. Choose 3.19.3 Fixed Date 0 Billing Block Billing Type Save. Defining and Assigning Item Category YBAO Use This activity will define and assign item category YBAO Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Item Define Item Categories Transaction Code VOV7 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Item category © SAP SE YBAO Milestone-Bill.Plan Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Billing Relevance I Billing Plan Type Y1 Pricing X Business item Selected Sched.Line Allowed Selected Wght/Vol.Relevant Selected Determine Cost Selected Incompletion procedure 20 PartnerDetermProced N TextDetermProcedure 01 Item Cat.Stats.Group 1 Screen Seq.Grp N 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back. 6. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Item Assign Item Categories Transaction Code VOV4 7. Choose New Entries. 8. Make the following entries: Sales doc type OR Item cat. Group NORM Item category TAN Manual item cat TAP Manual item cat TAQ Manual item cat TANN Manual item cat TAW Manual item cat DSI Manual item cat TAO Manual item cat YBAO 9. Choose Save. 10. Choose Back. 3.20 Defining Item Categories for Deliveries Use In this menu option you define your item categories for deliveries. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistic Execution Shipping Deliveries Define Item Categories for Deliveries Transaction Code 0VLP 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Item Category Doc.Categ.’0’allowed YBAO J X 1 Check quantity 0 Check minimum qty Check overdelivery Relevant for picking StLocation required A A A X X Determine StLoc Auto Batch Determination X X 4. Choose Save. 3.21 Assigning Item Categories Use This activity will assign item categories to sales documents. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Item Assign Item Categories Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_T184) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Sales Item Default Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Document Category Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Type Group Category category category category category category category category OR © SAP SE NORM TAN TAP TAQ TANN TAW DSI TAO YBAO Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices 4. Choose Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Save. 3.22 Copying Control: Sales Document to Billing Document Use This activity will define copying control logic from Sales Document types to Billing Types. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity use the following navigation: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Documents Maintain Copying Control for Billing Documents Copying Control: Sales Document to Billing Document Transaction Code VTFA 2. On the Display View Header: Overview screen, choose Display <> Change. 3. Select a combination of target billing type and source sales document type. 4. In the Dialog Structure screen area, double-click Item. 5. Choose New Entries. 6. Make the following entries: Target Billing Type Source Sales Doc Type Item Copying Category requirements Data Billing VBRK/VBRP quantity Pos./neg. Pricing quantity type F2 TSA YBAO 023 000 A + F5 AA YBAO 008 000 C G F5 TA YBAO 008 000 C G F5 TAV YBAO 008 000 C G F5 TSA YBAO 008 000 C G FAZ TA YBAO 020 000 A + G FAZ TAV YBAO 020 000 A + G FAZ TSA YBAO 020 000 A + G F1 AA YBAO 002 001 C + C F1 TA YBAO 002 001 C + C F1 TAV YBAO 002 001 C + C F1 TSA YBAO 002 001 C + C F2 AA YBAO 002 000 A + G F2 TA YBAO 023 000 A + K F2 TAV YBAO 023 000 A + K © SAP SE G Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices 7. Choose Save. 8. Choose Back. Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 3.23 Specifying Copy Controls for Deliveries Use This activity will copy controls. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Copying Control Specify Copy Control for Deliveries Transaction Code VTLA 2. On the Display View Header: Overview screen, choose Display <> Change. 3. Select the required combinations of source sales document type and delivery type. Double-click Item in the Dialog Structure pane. 4. Choose New Entries. 5. Make the following entries: Sales Doc Type Delivery Type ItemCat Order requirements Item Data OR JF YBAO 101 AA LF YBAO CH LF OR Business Data Update doc flow +/- 101 2 X + 101 101 2 X + YBAO 101 101 2 X + LF YBAO 101 101 2 X + TAV LF YBAO 101 101 2 X + TSA LF YBAO 101 101 2 X + 6. Choose Save. 7. Choose Back. Item Ext. System Result Controls are copied. 3.24 Determination of requirement types using transaction Use In this activity you determine the relation between item category and requirement type. Procedure Carry out the following steps: © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistic Executions Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements Transfer of Requirements Determination of Requirement Types using Transaction Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_TVEPZ_V) 2. On the Change View “Assignment of Requirement Types to Transaction”: Overview screen, choose New Entries. 3. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, enter the values shown below. Field Name Description User action and values Comment YBAO Item category MRP Tpye Reqmts type KE Source 4. Save your settings. 5. Choose Back (F3) twice. 3.24.1 Defining Delivery Item Category Use This activity will define the delivery item category YBAO. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Deliveries Define Item Categories for Deliveries Transaction Code 0VLP 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Field Name Description User action and values Comment Item Category YBAO Document cat J’0’ allowed X 1 Check quantity 0 A Note about the situation Check minimum qty A Note about the situation Check overdelivery A Note about the situation Relevant for picking Selected StLocation required Selected Determine SLoc Selected © SAP SE Delivery Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Field Name Description AutoBatchDeterm User action and values Comment Selected 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back. Result The delivery item category is defined. 3.24.2 Defining and Assigning Text Determination Procedures Use The text types of a text object are grouped together in text determination procedures. You assign a text determination procedure using certain keys, for example, account group customer or sales document type. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Text Control Define and Assign Text Determination Procedures Transaction Code VOTXN 2. In the Text object pane, select Itemr radio under Delivery and choose Change. 3. In the Dialog Structure pane, double-click Text procedure assignment. 4. In the YBAO row, make the following entries: Item Cat TextDetermProcedure Description YBAO 02 Standard Item IM 5. Choose Save. 6. Choose Back twice. 3.25 SIS Configuration 3.25.1 SIS Header Configuration Use This activity will make the necessary settings at the header level for Sales Information System settings Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu © SAP SE Logistics – General Logistics Information System (LIS) Logistics Data Warehouse Updating Updating Control Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Settings: Sales Update Group Assign Update Group at Header Level Transaction Code OVRO 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Field Name User action and values Sales Org 1000 (1100) Dist Channel 10 Division 10 Customer Stats Group 1 StatGrpSales Doc 01 Update Group 000001 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back. 6. Repeat steps 2 to 5, using a StatGrpSalesDoc of 02 and an Update Group of 000002. 3.25.2 SIS Item Configuration Use In this activity, you make all the necessary settings at item level for the Sales Information System. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics General Logistics Information System (LIS) Logistics Data Warehouse Updating Updating Control Settings: Sales Update Group Assign Update Group at Item Level Transaction Code OVRP 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Field Name User action and values Sales Org 1000 (1100) Dist Channel 10 Division 10 Customer Stats Group 1 CustGroupMaterial 1 StatGrpSales Doc 01 StatGrpDocumentItm 1 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Field Name User action and values Update Group 000001 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back. 6. Repeat steps 2 to 5, using the following data: Field Name One Two Three Sales Org 1000 (1100) 1000 (1100) 1000 (1100) Dist Channel 10 10 10 Division 10 10 10 Customer Stats Group 1 1 1 CustGroupMaterial 1 1 1 StatGrpSales Doc 01 02 02 StatGrpDocumentItm 02 01 02 Update Group 000002 000001 000002 3.25.3 Activating LIS Info Structures Use In this activity, you activate the Logistics Info Structures. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics – General Logistics Information System (LIS) Logistics Data Warehouse Updating Updating Control Activate Update Transaction Code SPRO 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Sales and Distribution. 3. Double-click on Info Structure S001. 4. In the Parameters dialog box, make the following entries: Field Name User action and values InfoStrc S001 Period split Posting period Fiscal year variant K4 Updating Synchronous updating (1) 5. Choose Continue. 6. Repeat steps 3 to 5, using the following data: Field Name S003 S004 InfoStrc S003 S004 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Field Name S003 S004 Period split Posting period Posting period Fiscal year variant K4 K4 Updating Synchronous updating (1) Synchronous updating (1) Field Name S006 InfoStrc S006 Period split Posting period Fiscal year variant K4 Updating Synchronous updating (1) 7. Choose Save. 8. Choose Back. 9. In the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Purchasing. 10. Double-click on Info Structure S012. 11. In the Parameters dialog box, make the following entries: Field Name User action and values InfoStrc S012 Period split Month Updating Synchronous updating (1) 12. Choose Save. 13. Choose Back. 14. In the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Production. 15. Double-click on Info Structure S024. 16. In the Parameters dialog box, make the following entries: Field Name User action and values InfoStrc S024 Period split Daily Updating Synchronous updating (1) 17. Choose Save. 18. Choose Back. 19. In the Choose Activity dialog box, double-click Plant Maintenance. 20. Double-click on Info Structure S0116. 21. In the Parameters dialog box, make the following entries: Field Name User action and values InfoStrc S116 Period split Month Updating Synchronous updating (1) © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices 22. Choose Save. 23. Choose Back. © SAP SE Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 3.26 LE Output Control 3.26.1 Maintaining output determination procedures for outbound deliveries Use This activity defines output determination procedures for documents. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics Execution Shipping Basic Shipping Functions Output Control Output Determination Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries Maintain Output Determination Procedure Transaction Code SM34 (Customizing Object VVC_T683_XX_V2) 2. Highlight the row containing V10000 Header Output and then double-click Control data. 3. Choose New Entries, and maintain the following data: Step Cntr Ctyp Requirement 10 1 LD00 1 30 0 WMTA 32 50 1 YBL1 1 4. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.26.2 Maintaining Output Determination Procedure for Shipping Units - Control Use In this activity, you maintain the output determination procedure for shipping units. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Logistics General Handling Unit Management Output Maintain Output Determination for Handling Units Maintain Output Determination Procedure Transaction Code SM34 (Customizing Object VVC_T683_XX_V6) 2. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: Field Name Description User action and values Procedure 000001 Descript. Standard © SAP SE Notes Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 3. Choose Save. 4. Highlight the row you just created and then double-click Control Data. 5. Choose New Entries, then maintain the following data: Step Cntr Ctyp 10 30 MALB Requirement 6. Choose Save and then choose Back. 3.27 Sales Order Processing II 3.27.1 Maintaining Copy Control for Sales Documents (QT) Use In this activity, you maintain the copy control for sales document type QT. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Maintain Copy Control for Sales Documents Transaction Code VTAA 2. Double-click Copying Control: Sales Document to Sales Document. 3. Choose Display Change. 4. Choose New Entries. 5. Make the following entries: Target SalesDocType QT From SalesDocType QT Copying requirements 001 Data transfer VBAK 051 Data transfer VBKD 101 Data transfer VBPA 001 Copy Item Number Selected 6. Choose Save. 7. Choose Back. 8. Select the row you just created and then in the Dialog Structure pane, double-click Item. 9. Choose New Entries. 10. Make the following entries: ItemCatProposal AGN Item Category AGN Copying Reqmts 301 Data Xfer VBAP 151 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Data Xfer VBKD 102 Data Xfer VBPA 002 Data Xfer FPLA 251 Copy Sched Lines X Update Doc Flow X Pos./neg. quantity + Pricing type D 11. Choose Save. 12. Choose Back twice. 13. Select the row you just created and then in the Dialog Structure pane, double-click Schedule Line. 14. Choose New Entries. 15. Make the following entries: SchdLneCatProposal BN Sched.Line Cat. BN DataT 201 Copying Requirements 501 16. Choose Save. 17. Choose Back. 18. Repeat these steps for the following information: Target SalesDocType QT From SalesDocType IN Copying requirements 001 Data transfer VBAK 051 Data transfer VBKD 101 Data transfer VBPA 001 Copy Item Number Selected Proposed item cat AGC AGN AGNN Item category AFC AFN AFNN AFTX AFX Copying Reqmts 301 301 301 301 301 Data Xfer VBAP 151 151 151 151 151 Data Xfer VBKD 102 102 102 102 102 Data Xfer VBPA 002 002 002 002 002 Data Xfer FPLA 251 251 251 251 251 Copy Sched lLines X X X Update Doc Flow X X X X X Pos./neg. quantity + + + + + © SAP SE X Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Pricing type B B D D B Sched.Line Cat. AT BP DataT 201 201 Copying Requirements 501 501 3.27.2 Assigning Item Categories Use This activity will assign item categories to sales documents. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Item Assign Item Categories Transaction Code SM30 (Customizing Object V_T184) 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Sales Item Default Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Document Category Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Type Group Category category category category category category category category OR NORM TAN IN YBNA AFN 4. Choose 3.27.3 TAP TAQ TANN TAW DSI TAO YBAO Save. Defining Item Categories Use This activity will define item categories. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Sales Sales Documents Sales Document Item Define Item Categories Transaction Code VOV7 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Make the following entries: Item Completio Billing Billing Pricing Business Sched.Line Wght/Vol Determi Credit category n Rule Relevance Plan item Allowed .Relevan ne Cost active Type t © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 Screen Spe Seq.Gr l St p SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Item Completio Billing Billing Pricing Business Sched.Line Wght/Vol Determi Credit category n Rule Relevance Plan item Allowed .Relevan ne Cost active Type t Screen Spe Seq.Gr l St p YB1 B X X X X X X N YB2 F X X X X X X N YB01 X YB05 YBAB A A YBAO I Y1 X X X X X X N X X X X X N X X X X X N Item category Description YB1 3rd Party with SN YB2 3rd Party w/o SN YB01 Ret. Packaging del. YB05 Batch Split Item YBAB Bought-In Item YBAO Free of Charge Item 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back. N 3.27.4 Setting up Partner Determination Procedure Assignment for Item categories Use In this activity, you define the rules that should be used to perform automatic partner determination. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Partner Determination Set Up Partner Determination Transaction Code SM34 (Customizing Object VC_TPAR_VP) © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 E SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 2. On the Choose Activity screen choose Set Up Partner Determination for Sales Document Item. 3. On the Change View “Partner Determination Procedures”: Overview screen select N (Standard item). 4. From the dialog structure on the left of the screen, choose Partner Determination Procedure Assignment. 5. Make the following assignments: Item category Description YB1 T YB2 T YB01 N YB05 N YBAB T 3.27.5 Maintaining Item Category Assign Text Determination Procedure Use In this activity, you assign the text determination procedure to item categories. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Text Control Define and Assign Text Determination Procedures Transaction Code VOTXN 2. On the Customizing Text Determination screen, select Sales Document – Item and choose Change. 3. From the dialog structure on the left of the screen, choose Text procedure assignment. 4. Make the following assignments. Item category TextDetermProcedure YB1 01 YB2 01 YB01 YB05 01 YBAB 01 YBAO 01 5. Choose Save. Result The text determination procedure is assigned. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices 3.27.6 Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Assigning Incompleteness Procedures Use In this activity, you assign incompleteness procedures to item categories. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Log of incomplete item l Assign Incompleteness Procedures Transaction Code VUP2 2. On the Choose Activity screen choose Assign procedures to the item categories. 3. Make the following assignments. Item category Incompletion procedure YB1 28 YB2 28 YB01 YB05 20 YBAB 28 3.27.7 Maintaining Copying Control Delivery Document to Billing Document Use In this activity you specify copy controls. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Documents Maintain Copying Control For Billing Documents Transaction Code VTFL 2. Choose Copying Control: Delivery document to billing document in the dialog box Choose Activity. 3. On the Change View: “Header”: Overview screen, mark the relevant lines with billing type and delivery type in the dialog box Header. 4. Make the following entries: Target Bill Type From Delivery Type Assignment Number Reference Number Copying requirements F2 LF 003 F8 LF 009 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 5. Select the relevant combinations and double click on Item in the Dialog Structure. 6. On the Change View “Item”: Overview screen make the following entries: Target Bill Type y From Delivery Type Item Category Bill Qty VBRK/VB RP F2 LF TAN G 001 F2 LF TANN G F2 LF TAQ G F8 LF TAN D F8 LF TANN D F8 LF TAQ D 001 Note that the Billing quantity is set to G (Cumulative batch quantity minus invoiced quantity) to allow the billing of batch split items. 7. Save your settings. 3.28 Billing 3.28.1 Maintaining Copying Requirements for Cancellations Use In this activity, you maintain copying requirements for invoice cancellations. This improves the SAP standard delivery by adding copy requirement 029 Cancel Header Clear and prevents a cancellation of paid billing documents. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: IMG Menu Sales and Distribution Billing Billing Documents Define Billing Types Transaction Code VOFA 2. Double-click Define Billing Types. 3. Change the following entries: Billing Type Copying Requirements F2 29 L2 29 RE 29 FAZ 29 IV 29 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices 4. Choose Save. 5. Choose Back. Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 4 Creating Master Data 4.1 Define Tax Relevancy Of Master Records for Customer Taxes Use In this section, you define the tax relevance for customers and materials for each tax category. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC Menu Sales and Distributio Basic Functions Taxes Define Tax Relevancy Of Master Records Customer Taxes Transaction Code SPRO 2. On the Change View Customer Taxes: Overview screen choose New Entries (F5). 3. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entris maintianthe following entries: Tax categ. Tax class Description MWST 0 Tax free BG MWST 1 Taxable BG MWST 2 Taxable EU MWST 3 Tax free EU MWST 4 Tax free outside EU MWST 5 Taxable outside EU 4. Choose Save. 4.2 Define Tax Relevancy Of Master Records for Material Taxes Use In this section, you define the tax relevance for customers and materials for each tax category. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 5. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC Menu © SAP SE Sales and Distributio Basic Functions Taxes Define Tax Relevancy Of Master Records Material Taxes Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide Transaction Code SPRO 6. On the Change View Material Taxes: Overview screen choose New Entries (F5). 7. On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entris maintianthe following entries: Tax categ. Tax class Description MWST 0 Tax free material MWST 1 Taxable materials MWST 2 Services MWST 3 Taxable 0% MWST 4 Mixed MWST 5 Scrap 8. Choose Save. 4.3 Creating Output Tax Record (MWST) Use The purpose of this activity is to create the output tax record. You need this output tax record to create a sales order in SD and post the subsequent invoice to FI. Procedure Carry out the following steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP ECC Menu Logistics Sales and Disribution Master Data Conditions Select Using Constion Type VK11 Create Transaction Code VK11 2. Enter MWSt in the field Condition type. 3. Choose Enter. 4. Select Domestic Taxes in the Key Combination dialog box. 5. Choose Enter. 6. On the Create Output Tax Condition (MWST): Fast entry screen enter BG in the Country field and make the following entries: TaxCI1Cust TaxCI.Mat Amount Tax Code 0 0 0 O0 0 1 20 O2 0 2 20 O2 0 3 0 O4 1 0 0 O0 1 1 20 O2 1 2 20 O2 © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 1 3 0 O4 1 5 0 O5 7. Choose Save 8. The system issues the message Conditions records saved. 9. Choose Back. 10. Choose Key Combination (SHift + F5) 11. Select Export Taxes in the Key Combination dialog box and choose Enter. 12. On the Create Output Tax Condition (MWST): Fast entry screen enter BG in the Country field and make the following entries: Dest. Ctry. TaxCI1Cust TaxCI.Mat Amount Tax Code PT 2 0 0 O0 PT 2 1 20 O2 PT 2 2 20 O2 PT 3 0 0 O6 PT 3 1 0 O8 PT 3 2 0 OA 13. Choose Save 14. The system issues the message Conditions records saved. Result The tax codes are now available. © SAP SE Page 2 of 4 SAP Best Practices Sales and Distribution (105): Configuration Guide 5 Appendix Deletion of standard customizing: We do not recommend the deletion of standard customizing (for example Order Types). The attached Excel File provides an overview of the most important SD customizing settings used in SAP Best Practices. Never delete any of these settings. Deleting of other settings happens at your own risk. List_with_used_S tandard&BP_Customizing_SD.xls © SAP SE Page 2 of 4