AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Language and Literature Department English 151 (50) Freshman Composition Fall 2022 Instructor: Ben Goodwin Course Alpha/Title/Section: English 151 (50) Class Days/Time: MW 3:30-4:50 / rm #27 Academic Department: Language and Literature Office Location: Administrative Building 2nd Floor Office Hours: MWF 10-10:50 / TR 8-9:20 Email Address: Contact Number: 699-9155 ext. 320 Textbook Title: The Norton Field Guide to Writing 5th Edition – Richard Bullock, Maureen Goggin and Francine Weinberg ISBN Number and Price of textbook: 978-0-393-88566-8 Publisher Name/Copyright Year: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2021 Additional Materials/Resources: Dictionary, Thesaurus Course Description: This is an intensive introduction-to-college-writing course that requires multiple compositions. This course is designed to help students recognize and critically evaluate important local and global issues affecting the population. Students will be required to adhere to the rules of Standard American English and write narrative, persuasive, and expository essays and submit a research term-paper. Modern Language Association (MLA) format will be introduced. American Psychological Association (APA) is required. (Note: 3 Lecture Credits) Pre – requisite(s): CAPP 91 or Qualifying Placement Test Score Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): 1. Develop basic paragraphs and papers; identify one strong topic sentence for each paragraph and provide some evidence of support. Change working thesis into a strong and direct final thesis. 2. Locate, identify and evaluate information independently. Write first draft, make necessary revisions and submit a final draft. 3. Gain exposure to and strengthen resume and cover letter writing. Write effective business and personal letters. 4. Use college-level writing with proper punctuation, mechanics, spelling and grammar. Course Objectives: 1. Learn various modes of discourse in essay writing. 2. Strengthen research and writing skills through the composition, revision and editing of multiple essays. 3. Practice using APA documentation rules for citing sources in the text and the References page of the research paper. 4. Strengthen job skills through the application of critical thinking in writing and during classroom discussions and through the development of professional/business writing. 5. Strengthen life skills through developing personal habits such as punctuality and work ethic. Methods of Instruction: 1. Lectures 2. Group Discussions 3. In-class writing activities 4. In-class research presentations 1 Academic Affairs – Course Syllabus Template Amended and Approved – 2019-02-14 AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE 5. Online video conferencing 6. Moodle discussions Grading Scale: A 93-100 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62 F 0-59 Assignment Weights: 1. Weekly Assignments 15% 2. Expository Essay 15% 3. Narrative Essay 15% 4. Argument Essay 15% 5. Research Paper 30% 6. Misc. (attendance, effort, class participation) 10% Course Requirements: 7. Completion and application of assigned readings 8. Various homework and in-class writing assignments 9. Composition of multiple drafts of essays in varying rhetorical contexts using APA citation 10. Composition and presentation of a research paper using APA citation 11. Each student will work on and submit a properly documented research paper 7-10 pages in length that will include an introduction, body, conclusion, and references page. The paper will be written following a thorough study of APA style in the textbook. A minimum of eight sources will be required for the research paper. This paper must be typed, double spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12. A “F” grade will be given in the course if the semester research paper is not submitted. A “F” grade will be given if the semester research paper is plagiarized. You are also required to present your research finding to the class. Grading for the presentation will be based on the “Individual Presentation Rubric.” Important Dates: 1. August 18-23 - Add/Drop Period 2. August 24-September 2 - Administrative Drop Period 3. August 24-September 9 - Drop Only Period 4. September 12-October 21 - Period to Receive a “W” 5. October 24-November 14 - Withdrawal Period to Receive a “W/F” Attendance: (2018-2020 ASCC General Catalog, p. 40) All students attending ASCC are expected to attend all of their scheduled classes. Students with excessive absences during the first two weeks of instruction will be administratively dropped. Instructors are required to include in their course syllabi the College’s attendance policy and have it distributed to students during the first week of instruction. A student cannot exceed six (6) absences for Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes, four (4) absences for Tuesday, Thursday classes; and three (3) absences for CAPP and summer sessions. Students with excessive absences, in accordance to this policy, will receive a lower or failing grade for the semester or session. 15 Weeks Semester(s) = 6 absences for courses offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 2 Academic Affairs – Course Syllabus Template Amended and Approved – 2019-02-14 AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE = 4 absences for courses offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 Weeks Session(s) = 4 absences for courses offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays = 3 absences for courses offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6 Weeks Session(s) = 3 absences for courses offered daily = 2 absences for courses offered daily 5 Weeks Session(s) = 3 absences for courses offered daily = 2 absences for courses offered daily A student can be excused from classes at the discretion or upon verification by the instructor, for the following reasons: medical reasons, family emergency, special curricular activities, military obligations, jury duty, and related official College sponsored activities. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with his/her instructor(s) for work to be made up for absences due to legitimate reasons. Students are required to submit in writing, justifications or provide documentation for absences to the Dean of Academic Affairs. Veteran students are to refer to the Student Services Veterans Educational Benefit sections for additional requirements. Textbook Policy: (2018-2020 ASCC General Catalog, p. 43) Students are required to purchase textbooks, workbooks, and other instructional materials designed for the course(s) they are enrolled in. Textbook costs vary from course to course. Every student must have the required materials identified in the current syllabus of the course(s) in which they are officially enrolled by the end of the first week of instruction. Students’ failure to provide their instructors proof of this requirement will result in an immediate recommendation by the instructor to drop the course(s). If the student does not drop the course or purchase the required materials, then the instructor may initiate an administrative drop. (Administrative Drop, 2018-2020 General Catalog, p. 29) Academic Honesty and Integrity: (ASCC General Catalog 2018-2020, p. 39) ASCC prohibits the following actions: Plagiarism, the submitting of one person’s written ideas or thoughts as one’s own without giving proper citation or credit to the original author; and, Cheating that includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized sharing of information on any exam with others before the end of all final exams; and, The abuse of library or other institutional materials, misuse of library privileges and unlawful duplication and/or distribution of copyrighted materials; and, Knowingly furnishing false information to the college with the intent to deceive or fraud; and Forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, records, or identification; and, The attempted or actual theft or damage of college property. Students in violation of any of the actions listed above will be reported to the Dean of Student Services to be disciplined and/or counseled, which may result to probation, suspension, or expulsion in accordance to the severity of the action. Access and Reasonable Accommodation: (ASCC General Catalog 2018-2020, p. 13) ASCC is committed to assist and provide appropriate academic access services to students with a certified disability who meet the academic and essential requirements for admission or participation in any education program or activity at the College to which they can be given appropriate and reasonable accommodation. 3 Academic Affairs – Course Syllabus Template Amended and Approved – 2019-02-14 AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Topical Outline: Week 3 Sept 5-9 Week 2 Aug 29-Sept 2 Week 1 Aug 22-26 Content Outline Monday – Introduction to the course: objectives and expectations. Writing in Academic Contexts pgs. 3-9 Wednesday – Point and Support – Go over and discuss good writing sample. Monday – Writing a Thesis Statement and Topic Sentences pgs. 386-391 Week 4 Sept 12-16 Week 5 Sept 19-23 CLO’s: Assessment: 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 In-class writing exercises 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 In-class writing exercises Wednesday – Writing Effective Paragraphs / Assignment – Pick one of paragraph writing prompts and compose a wellstructured paragraph. Monday - Introduction to Expository Writing / Guided Writing Assignment – Look at sample illustration essay, pick a topic, prewrite, outline and begin drafting essay. 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 Composition Rubric Wednesday - Submit 1st Draft Illustration Essay Monday – APA Review Week 6 Sept 26-30 Objectives: 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 Wednesday – APA Review Continued / Discuss best practices for revising, editing and proofreading. Monday - Submit Final Draft Illustration Essay / Begin Narrative Essay – Read Chapter 45 pgs. 462-470 In-class writing exercises 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 Composition Rubric Wednesday – Narrative Essay Prewriting and Outline / Begin narrative first draft. Monday – Narrative Essay Revising, Editing and Proofreading Wednesday – Submit Narrative Final Draft. 4 Composition Rubric 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 Composition Rubric Academic Affairs – Course Syllabus Template Amended and Approved – 2019-02-14 AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Week 9 Oct 17-21 Week 8 Oct 10-14 Week 7 Oct 3-7 Monday - Begin Argument Essay / Read pgs. 397-417 1,2,4,5 Wednesday – Read Is Google Making Us Stupid? pg. 789 and answer assigned critical reading questions. 1,2,4,5 Monday – Argument Prewriting Week 10 Oct 24-28 Week 11 Oct 31-Nov 4 1,2,3,4 Composition Rubric Wednesday – Argument Outline and First Draft Monday –Argument Revising, Editing and Proofreading 1,2,4,5 1,2,3,4 Composition Rubric Wednesday – Submit Argument Final Draft 1,2,3,4 Monday - Begin Research Paper / Presentation of Topics / Read Chapter 47 Getting a Start on Research pgs. 479-487 Composition Rubric Wednesday – Read Chapter 48 Finding Sources pgs. 489-506 Monday – Read Chapter 51 Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing / Answer Research Paper Discussion Questions / Begin Writing First Draft 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4 In-class writing exercises Wednesday – Continue working on research paper first draft. 1,2,3,4,5 Week 12 Nov 7-11 Composition Rubric Reading Comprehensi on Questions 1,2,3,4,5 Week 13 Nov 14-18 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 Monday – Read Chapter 52 Acknowledging Sources, Avoiding Plagiarism pg. 539 In-class writing exercises Wednesday – Submit Research Paper First Draft and fill out Research Paper Checklist. Monday – One on One Conferences Wednesday – One on One Conferences 5 Composition Rubric 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4 Composition Rubric Academic Affairs – Course Syllabus Template Amended and Approved – 2019-02-14 Week 14 Nov 21-25 Monday - In Class Research Paper Presentations Week 15 Nov 28-Dec 2 AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Final Draft – Research Paper 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4 Presentation Rubric Wednesday - In Class Research Paper Presentations 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4 Week 16 Dec 5-9 Final Draft – Research Paper 1,2,3,4,5 Composition Rubric Composition Rubric Disclaimer: Subject to change to accommodate circumstances beyond the control of the instructor. 6 Academic Affairs – Course Syllabus Template Amended and Approved – 2019-02-14