Python Exam Study online at 1. Which of the following demonstrates a dictionary structure? A: x = {"David, "Cooper", 35} B: X = ("David", "Cooper, 35) C: X = {"firstname"; "David", "lastname", "Cooper, "age"; 35} D: None of these choices C: X = {"firstname"; "David", "lastname", "Cooper, "age"; 35} 2. When accepting data in client-server communication, B: The limit for the what is the meaning of recv(2048) amount of byte to accept A the length of the encryption key used in the meetings B: The limit for the amount of bytes to accept C: Receiving time in miliseconds D:The limit for the amount of words to accept 3. What would you use to convert one Python Data type A: Casting to another? A: Casting B: Melting C: Moving D: Jumping 4. What would be the output of the following code? names = ['Dave', 'john' 'Ben', 'Jud'] for the name in names; print(name) if name = = 'ben' break else: print ("All names were printed!") A: Dave, john, ben, jud, all names were printed B: Dave, John, Ben,All names were printed 1/4 D: Dave, john, Ben Python Exam Study online at C: Dave, John D: Dave, john, Ben 5. While performing the Echo Communication home pro- A: The accept() ject, the command socket.accept() crashed the script. command was not assigned with two What could be the problem? variables 6. You wrote a calculator script that accepts user input from input(). In order to make the code work properly, which of the following must be done to get mathematical results? A: input() should be converted to int for create mathematical operators 7. What did the programmer forget in the following code? import dateline Myfile = open("myfile.txt", "r") print( Date = print("\n", Date.time()) The file needs to be closed to remove the security risk 8. for I in range (1, 10, 4): if i = = 9: word = Bla" print(word) What is the output of this code? Bla 9. what is the purpose of the None keyword in python? Define a null variable or object 10. you installed PyCharm and started writing a little script that prints out "I love hacking with Python". however, PyCharm won't alllow running the script, what can be the solution to the problem? Setting an interpreter 11. num_list = 1, 2, 3, 4 for num in num_list: num_list.append(num) print(num) infinite loop 2/4 Python Exam Study online at what is the output of this code? 12. What happens when running the following code? hllo world is written inside myfile.txt with open("Myfile.txt", "w") as file: file.write("Hello world") 13. dictionary = {"list": 1,2,3,4} dictionary[list]. append ([4, 5, 6]) for value in dictionary: print(value) "list" 14. Which commands would you use to gracefully exit in Catch and Exit case of an error? 15. Which of the following operators in python will produce a modulo of two provided numbers? % 16. of the following, which is not an advantage of an inter- Speed preter compared to a compiler 17. How would you assign a tuple to variable myTuble? myTuble = (1, 2, 'name', 'time' ) 18. what type of variable is the 'x' in the following code? String x='15' 19. Which of the following is NOT a Python data structure? Switch 20. you wrote a script that dumps pdfs files from a chosen implement a website into your desktop, However, the code crashes try-except statewith an error. ment What is the most suitable approach to solve the problem? 21. Difference between Tuple and List 3/4 tuple cannot be edited, tuples use paranthesis() and Python Exam Study online at lists use square brackets[] 4/4