BEECH BARON (BE-55B) OPERATING SPEEDS (KCAS) AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS NOTES VS0 68 VLE 143 VNO 182 VMC 80 VS1 76 VFE 122 VNE 223 VSSE 85 VX 92 VA 156 VWINDOW 125 VXSE 92 VY 105 VB 148 VYSE 101 FUEL 136 gal useable. Main tanks (2 X 37 gal) are inboard, aux tanks (2 X 31 gal) are outboard. ENGINES IO-470-L; 260 BHP @ 2625 RPM Fuel Injected TAKEOFFS CROSSWIND LIMIT - 20 KTS Rotate 83 80 Normal Short Field Climb 107 90 / 107 Flaps 0° 20°/0° Throttle/Propeller controls are non-conventional. PROPELLERS Have accumulator for unfeathering. ELECTRICAL ENROUTE @ 5000' PA (STANDARD TEMP) Climb Cruise (75% BHP) Cruise (55% BHP) Holding SE Cruise (75% BHP) SE Holding Power 25"/2500 24"/2375 20"/2300 15"/2300 23"/2450 23"/2300 KIAS 120 170 150 120 120 110 PATTERNS/LANDINGS CROSSWIND LIMIT - 20 KTS Downwind Abeam Touchdown Base Normal final Short Field Final No Flap Final Inst Approach ILS Final (3°/530 fpm) SE Approach (Gear UP) SE ILS Final (3°/530 fpm) Power 17"/2300 15"/FP 17"/2300 17"/FP 20"/FP 20"/FP KIAS 120 110 100 90 90 98 110 110 110 110 Flaps 110 KIAS 10° 10° 0° 0° - 10° 2.4 nm / 1000' AGL PERFORMANCE @ MAX GROSS WT (5100#) Density Altitude Ceilings T/O & Ldg (SL, 95°F, No Wind) Absolute Service SE Service Accel to 86 kts & Stop Normal T/O Normal Ldg 19,700' 7,000' BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist LDG GEAR Warning horn sounds at 11" MP with gear up. Nose gear 50 psi Main gear 50 psi STALL WRNG Warning horn sounds 5-8 kts prior to stall. AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS NOTES Engine may not start until starter is released. To set parking brake, pull handle, pump brakes, release handle 10° 20° 28° 28° MAX RANGE GLIDE WITH ENGINES OUT & PROPS FEATHERED Flaps & Gear Up Battery monitor light comes on when charge is > 7 amps. GPH/PSI 28.0/8.2 20.0/5.8 18.2/4.5 14.0/8.2 13.0/7.4 28 Volt DC, Two 50-amp alternators Cowl flaps should be OPEN on ground and takeoff. When using external power, turn battery/alternators OFF. Landing lights may overheat if used for taxi. Use boost pumps ONLY for priming or fluctuating fuel flow. Max of 20° of flaps for T/O. RPM on T/O roll: 2625 RPM. Allow circuit breakers to cool 3 minutes before resetting. When practicing engine failures (DUAL ONLY MANEUVER), the mixture control should always be pulled back to ICO before feathering a prop to prevent the engine from being flooded. Zero thrust setting is 10"/FP. 3700' 1700' / 2300' 1700' 20-Jan-24 Do not insert fuel nozzle more than 3" into fuel tank to prevent possible damage to the bottom of the tank. BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 INTERIOR INSPECTION EXTERIOR INSPECTION N43657 ONLY 1. Required Documents On Board 2. Control Lock Remove & Stow 3. Alternate Static Source NORMAL (Horizontal) 4. Ignition Switches OFF 5. Alternators OFF 6. Strobes OFF 7. Pitot Heat OFF 8. Cabin Heat OFF (Center) 9. Nav Lights OFF 10. Beacon ON 11. Avionics Master Switch OFF 12. Interior Lights OFF (ON At Night) 13. Landing Gear Switch Check DOWN 14. Flap Switch NEUTRAL 15. Elevator/Rudder/AileronTrim Set for Takeoff 16. Landing & Taxi Lights OFF 17. Cowl Flaps OPEN 18. Nose Gear Position Indicator Check 19. Fuel Selectors Check Each Position then MAIN 20. Emergency Gear Handle Stowed 21. Brakes Test 22. Propeller Area CLEAR NOTE: Steps 23-33 should be accomplished expeditiously to minimize drain on the battery, particularly in cold weather. 23. Battery ON 24. Warning/Indicator Lights (6) Test 25. Gear Indicator Lights Check & Test 26. Flaps Down 27. Fuel Quantity Check (Main & Aux) 28. Rotating Beacon Check 29. Strobes Check Then OFF 30. Nav, Landing & Taxi Lights Check Then OFF (Night Flight) 31. Pitot & Stall Warning Heat Check Then OFF (IFR Flight) 32. Battery OFF 33. Check condition and security of seats, seat belts & harnesses. BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 During the exterior inspection, check the overall condition of the airplane. In particular look for any missing or damaged screws, rivets or antennas on the top or bottom of the aircraft. EMPENNAGE 1. Static Source Opening 2. Tie-down & Gust Lock 3. Elevator/Elevator Trim 4. Rudder/Rudder Trim 5. Static Source Opening Check (Right Side) Remove Check (Aligned Within ¼") Check (Aligned Within ¼") Check (Left Side) LEFT WING 1. Flap 2. Engine Nacelle Fuel Sump 3. Aileron/Aileron Trim 4. Wingtip & Nav Light 5. Landing Light 6. Leading Edge 7. Stall Warning Tab 8. Pitot Cover/Tube 9. Tie-down & Chock 10. Cowl Flap 11. Main Gear Tire/Brake/Strut 12. Ground Safety Switch 13. Main Gear Doors/Linkages 14. Fuel Sumps (3) 15. Main Fuel Quantity 16. Filler Cap 17. Aux Fuel Quantity 18. Filler Cap BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist Check Sample Check (Aligned Within ¼") Check Check Check Check Remove/Check Remove Check Check (Min Extension 3") Check Check Sample Check Visually Secure Check Visually Secure 20-Jan-24 LEFT ENGINE RIGHT WING 1. Engine Oil Level 9 qts Min, 10 for Extended Flight 2. Oil Filler Cap Secure 3. Cowling Plugs Remove & Stow 4. Propeller & Spinner Check 5. Oil Cooler Check 6. Landing Gear Position Mirror Check NOSE 1. Windshield 2. Heater Inlet Plug 3. Heater Inlet 4. Taxi Light 5. Nose Gear Tire/Strut 6. Nose Gear Doors Check Clean Remove & Stow Check Check Check (Min extension 4.5") Check RIGHT ENGINE 1. Engine Oil Level 9 qts Min, 10 for Extended Flight 2. Oil Filler Cap Secure 3. Landing Gear Position Mirror Check 4. Cowling Plugs Remove & Stow 5. Propeller & Spinner Check 6. Oil Cooler Check BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 1. Tie-down & Chock 2. Cowl Flap 3. Main Gear Tire/Brake/Strut 4. Main Gear Doors/Linkages 5. Fuel Sumps (3) 6. Engine Nacelle Fuel Sump 7. Aux Fuel Quantity 8. Filler Cap 9. Main Fuel Quantity 10. Filler Cap 11. Leading Edge 12. Landing Light 13. Wingtip & Nav Light 14. Aileron/Aileron Trim 15. Flap Remove Check Check Check Sample Sample Check Visually Secure Check Visually Secure Check Check Check Check Check RIGHT SIDE 1. Aft Compartment Baggage 2. Fire Extinguisher 3. Baggage Door Secure Check Charged & Secure Close & Lock STEP TO THE FRONT OF THE AIRCRAFT AND MAKE A FINAL OVERALL VISUAL INSPECTION. BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 PASSENGER / CREW BRIEFING BEFORE STARTING ENGINES 1. Operation of Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses 2. Operation of Door and Window Latches 3. Operation of Heating and Air Vents 4. Operation of Intercom and Use of Headsets 5. Noninterference with Flight Controls 6. Smoking (Not Permitted) 7. Normal / Emergency Exits and Egress Procedures 8. Emergency Equipment a. Fire Extinguisher b. Life Preservers 9. Passenger Discomfort 10. Crewmember Duties a. Clearing for Traffic b. Use of Emergency Checklist and Operator’s Manual c. Transfer of Aircraft Control GENERAL 1. Preflight Inspections 2. Hobbs and Tach Times 3. Loose Articles 4. Passenger / Crew Briefing 5. Seats/Belts/Harnesses Completed Recorded Stowed & Secured Completed Fastened & Adjusted LEFT / PILOT'S CONSOLE 1. Cabin Air & Heat 2. Defrost 3. Circuit Breakers Set Set IN CENTER / RIGHT CONSOLE 1. Audio Controls 2. Avionics Master Switch 3. Transponder 4. Circuit Breakers 5. Interior Lights Set OFF SBY (1200) IN OFF (ON at Night) THROTTLE QUADRANT 1. Mixtures 2. Throttles 3. Propellers 4. Boost Pumps 5. Brakes BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist Full RICH (Forward) OPEN ½" Full HIGH RPM (Forward) OFF Set & Hold 20-Jan-24 STARTING ENGINE AFTER START / BEFORE TAXI (Start left engine first) 1. Battery Switch 2. Boost Pump ON ON till Fuel Pressure Stabilizes Then OFF 3. Propeller Area CLEAR 4. Ignition Switch START * 5. Throttle 800-1000 RPM 6. Oil Pressure Within Limits in 30 sec 7. Alternator ON 8. Ammeter Check 9. Throttle 1200 RPM 10. Repeat Steps 2-6 for Other Engine 11. Alternator (First Engine) OFF 12. Alternator (Second Engine) ON 13. Ammeter Check 14. Alternator (First Engine) ON 1. Avionics Master Switch 2. Intercom 3. Mixtures 4. Engine Instruments 5. Radios & Nav Aids 6. Flaps 7. Fuel Selectors 8. Fuel Quantity Selector 9. Heading Indicator 10. Altimeter 11. Taxi Light 12. Warning Lights 13. Parking Brake ON Set Lean Check Set & Check Check Then 0° AUX AUX Set Set ON (Night Flight) Check OUT Release TAXI CHECK 1. Brakes 2. Flight Instruments Check at Start of Taxi Check STARTING FLOODED ENGINE 1. Boost Pump 2. Mixture 3. Throttle 4. Propeller Area 5. Ignition Switch 6. Throttle 7. Mixture OFF Idle Cut-Off Full Open CLEAR START * Retard to IDLE Advance Slowly as Engine Fires 8. Throttle 800-1000 RPM 9. Oil Pressure Within Limits in 30 Sec 10. Return to Step 7 under STARTING ENGINE * DO NOT use the starter motor for more than 30 sec without allowing it to cool for 5 minutes before the next use. BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 ENGINE RUNUP BEFORE TAKEOFF 1. Park Facing Into the Wind With the Nose Wheel Centered 2. Brakes Set & Hold 3. Fuel Selectors / Indicators MAIN 4. Mixtures RICH Below 3000' Density Alt 5. Throttles 2200 RPM 6. Propellers To Detent; Check RPM 2050±50 Then Full Forward 7. Throttles 1700 RPM 8. Magnetos Check* (< 200 Drop, 50 Diff) 9. Mixtures Check & Lean 10. Voltage Regulators Check (28.0 - 28.5) 11. Suction Gauge Check (4.75" - 5.25"; No Off Flags) 12. Engine Instruments Check 13. Throttles 1500 RPM 14. Propellers Cycle (keep RPM Above 1000) 15. Throttles IDLE; Check RPM > 625 16. Throttles 1200 RPM 17. Throttle Friction Set 1. Fuel Quantities Check 2. Elevator/Rudder/Aileron Trim Set 3. Flight Controls Check Free & Correct 4. Flight Instruments Set & Check 5. Radios & Nav Aids Set & Check 6. Transponder TST Then ALT 7. Propellers Full HIGH RPM (Forward) 8. Boost Pumps OFF 9. Flaps Set for Takeoff & Check Visually 10. Cowl Flaps OPEN 11. Fuel Selectors MAIN 12. Fuel Quantity Indicator MAIN 13. Takeoff Briefing This will be a normal [short field] takeoff (Review the checklist procedure as needed). Computed takeoff distance _______ Accel/stop distance _______ Liftoff speed _______ Blueline (VYSE) 100 kts Single-engine rate of climb _______ If we experience any problems prior to liftoff, we will abort. If there is an engine failure or fire after liftoff but prior to gear retraction, we will land straight ahead. ****************** If MAG drop exceeds limits:*********************** Mixture LEAN for slight RPM drop Throttle 2000 RPM (For 1 Minute) Throttle 1700 RPM Mixture RICH Magnetos Check If MAG drop still out of limits ABORT THE FLIGHT BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 If the engine failure or fire occurs after gear retraction, we will continue the takeoff. (Review the Emergency Checklist procedures as needed). 14. Parking Brake Release 15. Maneuver as Needed to Clear the Base Leg / Final Approach. When Cleared Onto the Runway 16. Cabin Door & Windows 17. Strobes 18. Pitot Heat 19. Landing Lights 20. Mixtures BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist Closed & Latched ON Set ON RICH Below 3000' Density Alt 20-Jan-24 TAKEOFF AFTER TAKEOFF / CLIMB 1. Gear 2. Flaps 3. Taxi Light 4. Climb 5. Throttles/Propellers 6. Mixtures 7. Cowl Flaps 8. Engine Instruments 9. Wings & Nacelles NORMAL TAKEOFF 1. Flaps 2. Throttle 3. Engine Instruments 4. Rotate 5. Liftoff 6. Brakes 7. Gear 8. Climb UP Full OPEN Check (RPM 2625) @ 83 KIAS @ 86 KIAS Apply Momentarily UP @ Safe Altitude @ 107 KIAS CRUISE SHORT FIELD TAKEOFF 1. Flaps 20° 2. Brakes Hold 3. Throttles Full OPEN 4. Engine Instruments Check (RPM 2625) 5. Rotate @ 80 KIAS 6. Liftoff/Climb @ 90 KIAS 7. Brakes Apply Momentarily 8. Gear UP @ Safe Altitude 9. Once clear of obstacles accelerate to 107 KIAS. Retract flaps SLOWLY BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist UP UP OFF @ 120 KIAS 25"/2500 RPM (500’ AGL Min) Lean above 3000' Density Alt OPEN Check Check 20-Jan-24 1. Throttles/Propellers 2. Mixtures * 3. Engine Instruments 4. Flight Instruments 5. Cowl Flaps DO NOT Exceed 75% Power Lean Individually Check Check CLOSED * WARNING Improper leaning procedures will greatly reduce endurance/range BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 DESCENT / BEFORE APPROACH 1. Seats/Belts/Harnesses 2. Fuel Selectors 3. Fuel Quantity Selector 4. Fuel Quantities 5. Throttles 6. Mixtures 7. Flight Instruments 8. Radios & Navaids 9. Engine Instruments 10. Brakes 11. Landing Lights LANDING Check Fastened & Secure MAIN MAIN Check 15” Minimum Adjust During Descent Set & Check Set & Check Check Check ON BEFORE LANDING 1. G as Fuel Selectors 2. U ndercariage 3. M ixtures 4. P rops MAIN DOWN (< 143 KIAS) RICH Below 3000' Density Alt Full HIGH RPM (Forward) NORMAL LANDING 1. Flaps 2. Final Approach Speed 3. Throttles 4. Touchdown 5. Landing Roll 6. Braking As Desired (<122 KIAS) 98 KIAS (Flaps UP) 90 KIAS (Flaps DOWN) As Required Mains First Lower Nose Wheel Gently MINIMUM Required SHORT FIELD LANDING 1. Flaps 2. Final Approach Speed 3. Throttles 4. Touchdown 5. Throttles 6. Braking 28° (<122 KIAS) 90 KIAS As Required Mains First IDLE As Required GO AROUND 1. Throttles Full OPEN (Forward) 2. Propellers Full HIGH RPM (Forward) 3. Flaps Retract to 20° 4. Gear UP @ Safe Altitude 5. Climb @ 90 KIAS 6. Once clear of obstacles retract gear and accelerate to 107 KIAS. Retract flaps SLOWLY BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 AFTER LANDING 1. Flaps 2. Mixtures 3. Transponder 4. Strobes 5. Pitot Heat 6. Cabin Heat 7. Landing Lights 8. Taxi Light 9. Cowl Flaps SECURING AIRCRAFT 1. Chocks Insert 2. Tie-downs/Grounding Wire Secure 3. Rudder Gust Lock Install 4. Pitot Cover Install 5. Heater Inlet & Cowling Plugs Install (When in Aircraft) 6. Control Lock Install 7. Elevator/Rudder/AileronTrim Set for Takeoff 8. Fuel Selectors OFF 9. Hobbs & Tach Times Record 10. Cockpit Clean 11. Window & Door Close & Latch 12. Postflight Inspection At a Minimum, Check a. Main Gear Tires/Brakes/Struts b. Nose Gear Tire/Strut c. Loose/Missing Panels or Fasteners UP LEAN SBY OFF OFF OFF (For Cool Down) OFF ON (At Night) OPEN ENGINE SHUTDOWN 1. Taxi Lights 2. Avionics Master Switch 3. Throttles 4. Magnetos 5. Throttles 6. Mixtures 7. Ignition Switches 8. All Lights Except Beacon 9. Battery & Alternators BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist OFF OFF IDLE Grounding Check 1000-1200 RPM IDLE CUT-OFF OFF (After Props Stop) OFF OFF 20-Jan-24 BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 STARTING ENGINES WITH AUX POWER STARTING ENGINES IN COLD WX (Start RIGHT engine first) NOTE: Before the first flight of the day and as necessary during the day, preheat the engine and pull the propeller through several times by hand. Consider external power when the temperature is less than 40°F, unless the engine is still warm. 1. Battery & Alternators 2. Propeller Area 3. Aux Power 4. Boost Pump OFF CLEAR Connect (28 Volt System) ON till Fuel Pressure Stabilizes Then OFF 5. Ignition Switch START * 6. Throttle 800-1000 RPM 7. Oil Pressure Within Limits in 30 / 60 sec 8. Aux Power Disconnect 9. Battery ON 10. Continue from Step 7 under STARTING ENGINE * DO NOT use the starter motor for more than 30 sec without allowing it to cool for 5 minutes before the next use. BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24 CAUTION: When pulling the propeller through by hand, treat it as if the ignition switch is turned on. A loose or broken ground wire on either magneto could cause the engine to fire. (Start left engine first) 1. Battery Switch 2. Boost Pump ON ON till Fuel Pressure Stabilizes Then OFF 3. Propeller Area CLEAR 4. Ignition Switch START * 5. Throttle 800-1000 RPM 6. Oil Pressure Within Limits in 60 sec 7. Alternator ON 8. Ammeter Check 9. Throttle 1200 RPM 10. Repeat Steps 2-6 for Other Engine 11. Alternator (First Engine) OFF 12. Alternator (Second Engine) ON 13. Ammeter Check 14. Alternator (First Engine) ON * DO NOT use the starter motor for more than 30 sec without allowing it to cool for 5 minutes before the next use. BEECH BARON BE-55B (T-42A) Checklist 20-Jan-24