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Teacher Training Roles & Responsibilities Agreement

Roles and Responsibilities agreement
As part of
meeting the
Standards (2012)
The Student
teacher will:
•act within the boundaries of Teacher Professional Conduct & Safeguarding and health & safety.
•arrive and leave school at a time deemed appropriate by the Mentor & Head teacher.
•notify the school and University of any absences, providing evidence if required
•provide the school with the enhanced DBS number and take the DBS into school each day.
•be prepared to travel up to one hour and above to placement to ensure diversity of setting experiences.
•provide feedback to the University regarding placements and course design.
• will follow schools policy & practice documentation including safeguarding, GDPR and health & safety.
The School
•agree to work within the TRA compliancy guidance
•provide a Mentor for Student Teachers
•support Student Teachers with evidencing the Teachers' Standards
•provide access to policy & practice documentation including safeguarding, GDPR and health & safety to
Student Teacher
•notify the university of any concerns
•undertake regular observations of the Student Teacher and provide appropriate developmental feedback
•feedback to the University regarding placement and course design
the pupils will:
•be given the opportunity to learn and make progress in an inclusive and safe environment
• be motivated to develop a love of learning
•be encouraged to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study
•see from the Student Teacher consistently positive attitudes, values and behaviour
•provide mentor training to the school
•offer pastoral support to the Student Teacher
•provide appropriate electronic paperwork detailing expectations, procedures and practice
•ensure an enhanced DBS is held by the Student teacher
•quality assure Student Teachers & placements in line with current requirements.
•support Student Teachers & Mentors where concerns arise.
•provide a University Moderating Tutor to work alongside Mentors
•share the course overview with Mentors
•respond to feedback regarding course design
•The ITE course, working in partnership with schools, adheres to the following regulatory bodies
•DfE (Teachers' Standards)
Head of Primary Education Dr Rachel Morgan-Guthrie Signed Student Teacher___________________________