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Evolutionary Psychology Lecture Notes

Evolutionary Psychology
Human examples:
- Skin color
- Tail bone
How humans think and behave is also a product of evolution
Darwin: Evolution by Natural Selection
Variations among organisms
Struggle for survival because all cannot survive
Those with traits leading to greater survivability and reproductive success more likely to
have more descendants
These descendants were more likely to embody traits that led to survival.
Sexual Selection
The ability to attract mates is integral for the selection of certain traits
Males developed more aggression, sharper teeth, horns, antlers and other physical traits to
compete for females
Personality traits in both sexes have also developed as a means to attract the opposite sex.
Sexual selection is not individual, but rather collective
Inclusive fitness- the idea that biological selection may not only apply to the most fit
individuals, but may be selected because they enhance the overall fitness of related
Kin Selection- “Inherent and inherited predisposition to act altruistically for relatives” Those related to you share many common genes, enhancing survival of relatives increases
chances of survival of those same genes.
Selfish Gene Theory- from the fittest individual to the fittest gene
Reciprocal Altruism
Kin selection proposes one type of altruism based on the selfish gene. Robert Trivers
proposed another type called Reciprocal Altruism not based on genetics
Example: Two unrelated hunters share food, so when one could not provide for himself the
other would supply food with the expectation that the favor would be returned when
People prone to be nice had a better chance of survival
Misconceptions about Evolutionary Psychology
We have been optimally evolved to our current environment
We are consciously trying to maximize the survival of our genes
Evolutionary psychology proposes genetic determinism
Mate Selection
The mechanism that facilitates sexual selection
Mate selection can be much more arbitrary than natural selection but it is surprisingly
Acknowledges that selection in humans is in the mind and not just the body
Preference for a heritable trait by mates makes a positive feedback loop that passes the
heritable trait on to future generations
Mate selection and sexual selection became apparent because of traits that are
“extreme, striking, and costly that are attractive to the opposite sex and that have little
apparent survival value”
Human Mating Preferences
Men prefer looks over resources and women prefer resources over looks
Many traits that are preferable to the opposite sex are fitness/reproductive health
indicators (i.e. men with big muscles, women with the preferred 0.7 waist to hip ratio)
These traits have clear survival value or indicate fertility which make them preferable
from evolutionary standpoint