Business & Environment Division Teaching & Learning Plan TERM: WINTER 2024 COURSE CODE: MGMT 1141 (Section 04) COURSE TITLE: Organizational Behaviour COURSE DESCRIPTION: You will be provided with an introductory examination of organizational behaviour theories and concepts. As such, you will have the opportunity to apply your theoretical learning within a classroom environment. By examining organizational behaviours in the contemporary workplace, you will gain insight into the behaviours of individuals, groups, teams and organizations as a whole. COURSE CREDIT VALUE: 3 TOTAL COURSE HOURS: 35 COURSE CODE: COURSE TITLE: PRE-REQUISITES: None None CO-REQUISITES: None None PROFESSOR INFORMATION PROFESSOR NAME: Caitlin Armstrong PROFESSOR EMAIL: OFFICE LOCATION: Due to COVID-19 and physical distancing guidelines a virtual office hour(s) will be utilized and communicated. Niagara College acknowledges the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples, many of whom continue to live and work here today. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is within the land protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum agreement. Today this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples and acknowledging reminds us that our great standard of living is directly related to the resources and friendship of Indigenous peoples. Revised November 29, 2022 – Business & Environment Division RESOURCES TYPE: AUTHOR: TITLE: Text Steven McShane, (required Kevin Tasa, Sandra resource) Steen Canadian Organizational Behaviour PUBLISHER: McGraw Hill ISBN: EDITION: th 9781264159390 11 Edition (E-Book Only) OTHER: Option 2: 9781264160327 Print copy & Ebook) COURSE OUTCOMES Outcomes: Learning Objectives: 1. Apply fundamental terms, concepts, models, theories, and research findings within the field of organizational behaviour and management practices. 1. Identify standard usage and definitions of organizational behaviour terms. 2. Explain both the needs and process theories of motivation and their research findings/implications. 3. Differentiate between teams and groups and describe the models of team development. 4. Analyze potential abuses of power including politics in an organizational context. 5. Explain the rational decision-making process, the differences between groups and individuals in making decisions, and the terms ethics and social responsibility. 2. Analyze the organizational and environmental conditions in which various management strategies have the greatest potential of improving an organization’s effectiveness. 3. Interact with others in groups and/or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals. 4. Illustrate theories and concepts of Organizational Behaviour by applying them to their own self- 2.1. Interpret the role of compensation in the workplace and distinguish among job redesign techniques in order to improve a company’s effectiveness and efficiency. 2.2. Analyze how differing a. communication strategies, b. alternate power bases and c. situational leadership usage can benefit supervisory and organizational effectiveness and efficiency. 3.1. Investigate organizational strategies that can be utilized to solve organizational problems using proven models and theories of a. communication, b. motivation, c. power, d. leadership and e. decision-making while in a formalized group or team. 3.2. Predict which organizational strategy will be most effective in real-life cases and organizational opportunities, while working in a classroom group format. 3.3. Interpret research findings in the discipline of organizational behaviour and apply them to ‘hypothetical’ situations both at work and at home within a group/team environment. 4.1. Compute self scores on several organizational behaviour topics. 4.2. Interpret and explain their scores. Justify their self-analyzes. analysis. Revised November 29, 2022 – Business & Environment Division 5. Evaluate organizational problems using actual case incidents and recommend solutions or alternative courses of action(s) which attain desired organizational goals and 5.1. Analyze the alternatives in a given organizational issue/problem 5.2. Choose the correct course of action using standard organizational behaviour terminology once the possible alternatives have been evaluated. 4.3. Justify their choice. objectives. CLASS DATES & LOCATION Niagara on the Lake Campus Thursday’s 8:30am - 10:20am East Wing – E309 EVALUATION AND WEIGHTS # 1 2 3 4 Evaluation Type Discussion Board Assignments Mid-Term Exam Final Project Final Exam Total Weight 20% 30% 20% 30% 100% Due Date Feb 8th & March 28th February 22th April 4nd April 18th E-MAIL COMMUNICATION As per Niagara College regulations, all students are required to check their <> student e-mail account regularly. E-mail is the official route of communication between the College and its students. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Niagara College students are subject to the College’s Academic Honesty Policy and therefore be aware of what constitutes academic misconduct and its consequences. Student academic misconduct is a serious offence and will not be tolerated. It may take many forms, including plagiarism, the use of unauthorized aids in assignments or examinations, and the willful distortion or fabrication of experimental results or data. CLASS CANCELLATION OR RESCHEDULING On occasion, it may be necessary to cancel or reschedule a class. The Niagara College Policy on Class Cancellation and Rescheduling provides details on what students can expect in the event of a change to a regularly scheduled class meeting. STUDENT CLASS ATTENDANCE AND LATENESS Students are responsible for understanding the College's Academic Rights and Responsibilities Policy as it relates to class attendance and lateness. While class resources will be posted on Blackboard, key discussions, group work, and opportunities for questions are best accessed during scheduled class hours. Regular attendance is highly recommended. MISSED OR LATE ASSIGNMENTS As of January 1, 2020, students must complete a Student Absence Form in the event that they may miss an evaluation. This applies for both planned and emergency absences. Please see the Missed Evaluations Policy for more information about the student’s responsibilities in the occurrence of a missed evaluation. See additional information in the Academic Rights and Responsibilities Policy. Revised November 29, 2022 – Business & Environment Division COURSE DROP DATE The last date to drop one-term courses, without academic penalty, can be found on the Important Dates web page. For additional information on how to drop a course, contact the Enrolment Services. ACCESSIBILITY Niagara College adheres in spirit and practice to the Ontario Human Rights Code. Niagara College is committed to providing access to an educational environment that fosters a climate of mutual respect, fairness, dignity and equitable treatment, and to extend to students opportunities to exercise their worth and potential. Your success in this class is important to me. We all learn differently. If there are aspects of this course that prevent you from learning or exclude you, please let me know as soon as possible. If you are a student with a disability, or think you may have a disability, then please make an appointment with an accessibility consultant in the Health, Wellness and Accessibility Services department. Through them you may be eligible for academic accommodations. Their contact information can be found on the HWAS website. If you have already been approved for accommodations and wish to discuss your Letter of Accommodation with me, please approach me after class or send me an email. ASSIGNMENTS/TEST POLICY Please hand in/submit your projects and papers on time. 10% per day for each day will be deducted after the deadline. Exams are scheduled well in advance and will consist of multiple choice and short answer and/or essay questions. ACCOUNTABILITY & RESPONSIBILITY Accountability includes completing all assignments on time and as requested, taking responsibility for one’s actions, and assuming a pro-active approach to the course. It does not include making excuses or forcing the instructor to follow-up on issues. The standard student workload for this course will be defined by the professor during the first day of classes and uploaded to Blackboard in the first week of the term. USE OF PERSONAL RECORDING DEVICES Niagara College is committed to providing a safe teaching and learning environment that respects the rights and freedoms of every individual under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Ontario Human Rights Code, the right to individual privacy legislated by applicable federal and provincial directives and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and the property rights which exist in information conveyed within the learning environment and which arise under the Canada Copyright Act. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct to understand the use of personal recording devices on campus. TEACHING AND LEARNING PLAN (TLP) Dates Asynchronous Activities In Class Week One Jan 11th Chapter 1 Define organizational behaviour and organizations. Explain why organizational behaviour knowledge is important for you and for organizations. Describe the anchors on which organizational behaviour knowledge is based. Summarize the workplace trends of diversity and the inclusive workplace, work– Assignment(s) Due Date & Percentage of Grade Pre-read Chapter One Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Revised November 29, 2022 – Business & Environment Division Course Outcomes & Evaluation Course Outcomes: 1 Week Two Jan 18th Chapter 2 Week Three Jan 25th Chapter 3 life integration, remote work, and emerging employment relationships. Describe the four factors that directly influence individual behaviour and performance. Summarize the five types of individual behaviour in organizations Define personality and discuss how the Big Five personality factors relate to workplace behaviour and performance. Describe the dark triad of personality and the MBTI types and discuss their implications for organizational behaviour. Summarize Schwartz’s model of individual values and discuss the conditions where values influence behaviour. Describe four ethical principles and discuss three factors that influence ethical behaviour. Describe five values commonly studied across cultures, and discuss the diverse cultures within Canada. Describe the elements of self-concept and explain how each affects an individual’s behaviour and well- being. Outline the perceptual process and discuss the effects of categorical thinking and mental models in that process. Discuss how stereotyping, attribution, self-fulfilling prophecy, halo, falseconsensus, primacy, and recency effects influence the perceptual process. Discuss three ways to improve perceptions, with specific application to organizational situations. Outline the main features of a global mindset and justify its usefulness to employees and organizations. Pre-read Chapter Two Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Course Outcomes: 1 & 2. Pre-read Chapter Three Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Course Outcomes: 1 & 2. Revised November 29, 2022 – Business & Environment Division Week Four Feb 1st Chapter 4 Week Five Feb 8th Chapter 5 Week Six Feb 15th Chapter 7 Explain how emotions and cognition (conscious reasoning) influence attitudes and behaviour. Discuss the dynamics of emotional labour and the role of emotional intelligence in the workplace. Summarize the consequences of job dissatisfaction, as well as strategies to increase organizational (affective) commitment. Describe the stress experience and review four major stressors. Identify five ways to manage workplace stress. Define employee motivation and engagement. Explain how drives and emotions influence employee motivation. Discuss the employee motivation implications of four-drive theory, Maslow’s needs hierarchy, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and learned needs theory. Discuss the expectancy theory model, including its practical implications. Outline organizational behaviour modification (OB Mod) and social cognitive theory, and explain their relevance to employee motivation. Describe the characteristics of effective goal setting and feedback. Explain how equity theory, procedural justice, and interactional justice influence employee motivation. Describe the elements of rational choice decision making. Explain why people don’t apply rational choice decision making when identifying problems/ opportunities, evaluating/choosing alternatives, and evaluating decision outcomes. Pre-read Chapter Four Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Discussion Board Assignment – Open Feb 1st due Feb 8th by Midnight. Course Outcomes: 1 2 & 3. Pre-read Chapter Five Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Course Outcomes: 1 2 & 3. Pre-read Chapter Seven Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Course Outcomes: 1 2 & 3. Revised November 29, 2022 – Business & Environment Division Week Seven Feb 22nd Discuss the roles of emotions and intuition in decision making. Describe employee characteristics, workplace conditions, and specific activities that support creativity. Describe the benefits of employee involvement and identify four contingencies that affect the optimal level of employee involvement. Midterm Examination In Class Chapters 1-5 & 7 Mid-term Break Week Eight March 7th Chapter 8 Week Nine March 14th Chapter 9 & Chapter 10 Define teams and informal groups, and explain why employees join informal groups. Discuss the benefits and limitations of teams. Outline the team effectiveness model and discuss how task characteristics, team size, and team composition influence team effectiveness. Discuss how the six team processes—team development, norms, roles, cohesion, trust, and mental models—influence team effectiveness. Discuss the characteristics and factors required for the success of self-directed teams and remote teams. Identify four constraints on team decision making and discuss ways to improve decision making and creativity in teams. Chapter 9 February 26th – March 1st Pre-read Chapter Eight Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Course Outcomes: 1 2 & 3. Pre-read Chapter Nine Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Course Outcomes: 2 & 3. Explain why communication is important in organizations, and discuss four influences on effective communication encoding and decoding. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of digital written communication channels, other verbal Revised November 29, 2022 – Business & Environment Division communication channels, and nonverbal communication. Discuss the relevance of synchronicity, social presence, social acceptance, and media richness when choosing the preferred communication channel. Discuss various barriers (noise) to effective communication, including cross-cultural and genderbased differences in communication. Explain how to get your message across more effectively, and summarize the elements of active listening. Describe effective communication strategies in organizational hierarchies, and review the role and relevance of the organizational grapevine Chapter 10 Describe the dependence model of power and the five sources of power in organizations. Discuss the four contingencies of power. Explain how people and work units gain power through social networks. Describe eight types of influence tactics, three consequences of influencing others, and three contingencies to consider when choosing an influence tactic. Identify the organizational conditions and personal characteristics associated with organizational politics, as well as ways to minimize organizational politics Revised November 29, 2022 – Business & Environment Division Week 10 March 21st Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Define conflict and debate its positive and negative consequences in the workplace. Distinguish task from relationship conflict and describe three strategies to minimize relationship conflict during task conflict episodes. Diagram the conflict process model and describe six structural sources of conflict in organizations. Outline the five conflicthandling styles and discuss the circumstances in which each would be most appropriate. Apply the six structural approaches to conflict management and describe the three types of thirdparty dispute resolution. Discuss activities in the negotiation preparation, process, and setting that improve negotiation effectiveness. Chapter 12 Define leadership and shared leadership. Describe the four elements of transformational leadership and explain why they are important for organizational change. Compare managerial leadership with transformational leadership, and describe the features of task- oriented, peopleoriented, and servant leadership. Discuss the elements of path–goal theory and leadership substitutes theory. Describe the two components of the implicit leadership perspective. Identify eight personal attributes associated with effective leaders and describe authentic leadership. Discuss cultural and gender similarities and differences in leadership. Week 11 March 28th Chapter 12 Pre-read Chapter Ten Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Discussion Board Assignment – Open March 21st and Due March 28th by Midnight. Pre-read Chapters Eleven & Twelve Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Revised November 29, 2022 – Business & Environment Division Course Outcomes: 2 3 & 4. Course Outcomes: 1 2, 3, 4 & 5. Week 12 April 4th Chapter 14 Week 13 April 11th Chapter 15 Week 14 April 18th Describe the elements of organizational culture and discuss the importance of organizational subcultures. Describe four categories of artifacts through which corporate culture is deciphered. Discuss the importance of organizational culture and the conditions under which organizational culture strength improves organizational performance. Compare and contrast four strategies for merging organizational cultures. Describe five strategies for changing and strengthening an organization’s culture, including the application of attraction–selection– attrition theory. Describe the organizational socialization process and identify strategies to improve that process. Describe the elements of Lewin’s force field analysis model. Discuss the reasons why people resist organizational change and how change agents should view this resistance. Outline six strategies for minimizing resistance to change, and debate ways to effectively create an urgency to change. Discuss how leadership, coalitions, social networks, and pilot projects assist organizational change. Describe and compare action research, appreciative inquiry, large group interventions, and parallel learning structures as formal approaches to organizational change. Discuss two cross-cultural and three ethical issues in organizational change. Final Examination In Class Pre-read Chapter Fourteen Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Final Project Paper Due Course Outcomes: 3, 4 & 5. Course Outcomes: 1 2, 3, 4 & 5. Pre-read Chapter Fifteen Lecture Slides Complete Weekly Independent Readings Chapters 8 – 15 (Not Including 13) The TLP is subject to change as a result of unforeseen circumstances. You will be notified through Blackboard in the event of changes. Revised November 29, 2022 – Business & Environment Division