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Stop Watching Porn: Easy Ways to Quit Addiction

Easy ways to stop watching porn
Do you know the benefits of No Fapping? Many don't, some even bust a nut the
moment they wake up in the morning, or rub one before they go to sleep.
MISERABLE!!!Frequent watching porn creates social awkwardness and anxiety,
leading to more shame and hiding. A study shows that porn videos could program
consumers to alter their standards sexually. It encourages one to seek sex, often
resulting in having intimate and unhealthy relationships. I will tell you how to stop
watching such and being miserable. The last tip is the most crucial, so make sure t
listen to that one.
Planning Is Crucial
Quitting porn addiction typically involves proper planning. Without the set
strategies, getting out of the comfort zone can become even more challenging,
causing you to remain static on the goals. Planning provides you with achievable
ideas to keep progressing towards your goal and resisting porn despite the urge to
watch it.
It is essential to monitor yourself and strategies according to your daily routine. If
someone plan he or she can easily quit watching porn.
Join an Online or Offline Community to Quit Watching Porn
There are many addiction recovery programs and institutions that help people
recover from their addictions. Listen......there are many brothers who struggling
with the same problem as you, if not worse. These online communities and
support groups can be easily found on the internet and provide the same
environment, wherein one can meet people with the same issues. It makes one
comfortable and helps get rid of the addiction positively. This is an essential way to
get rid of watching porn. Becuase with unity, comes even more strangth...
Replace Porn Watching With Other Healthy Habits
One of the best solutions for 'how to quit porn addiction' is replacing the urge to
watch porn with some healthy habits. You can go for a walk or have a workout
when you feel the urge to watch porn. Workouts are just as good when it comes to
relieving stress...and also, working out has benefits in itself. One can also watch
healthy videos on YouTube for example according to one’s interest like watching
sports videos, or even doing something productive, like reading, or learning a new
language. Basically, you try everything else that stops you from being
Engage in Physical Activity
Studies show that exercise helps improve one's physical and mental health.
Listen......engaging in physical activities affects the brain's reward centre, which
promotes the overall well-being of an individual. Improved control of the reward
centre helps make it able to mitigate porn addiction. Taking part in sports can also
help in stop watching porn.
Consider Changing the Surroundings
Your environment plays a triggering role in quitting porn addiction. Consequently,
doing any activity for long makes it a habit, like an autopilot. In other words, it
requires little or no thinking while doing such activities.
This also holds true for porn addiction. Watching porn, which people usually
practise to cope with stress or relieve boredom, can become a habit,
MISERABLE!!!!! Hence, you should consider changing your existing environment to
cope with this addiction.
Meditation acts as an effective tool for curbing porn addiction at the initial stage.
During this stage, one's emotions fluctuate the most, and meditation teaches one
to disengage from the existing emotions and thoughts.
It helps redirect the intrusive thoughts and focus on breathing. Switching the urge
to watch porn to concentration and focus helps get rid of porn addiction. So this is
the best way to stop watching porn.
Install Porn Blocker
Installing a porn blocker on the device acts as a barrier during the intense urgency
of watching porn. If someone wants to watch porn he or she can’t open the
website by installing those kind of blockers. It helps limit one's craving for watching
porn while restricting the device from showing you.
Moreover, it helps direct you towards committed actions of watching less porn and
finally quitting it.
Give Priorities to Your Values
Values play a vital role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, it helps provide
a positive outlook towards any actions. It takes more to exist in a porn-free lifestyle
than mere planning to quit pornography.
Rather than focusing on what to avoid, one must figure out what one wants to
become. Once you set the goal of quitting porn addiction, your values help you
remain static towards the goal.
Figure Out Other Alternatives
Although watching porn helps turn you on, it is not a viable solution if it turns you
into an addict, and a MISERABLE excuse for who you truly are. Try other
alternatives like having sensual and erotic conversations with your partners. These
options will help you keep away from the porn addiction and improve your sexual
Seek Help From Me
Listen.......I , along with our growing family and brotherhood movement on
YouTube, can be there to always support you from being MISERABLE!! I will help
you, but I will also be brutally honest, and supporting. Watching this channel will
help you improve in many, if not ALL areas of life. Listen......I will help remind you
about the recovery journey and help you remain focused while motivating you at
every instance. No doubt that our movement is the one to share the issue of
watching porn.
Give your valuable response in our comment section below and dont forget to
subscribe to our youtube channel to continue to grow the movement. No one can
stop us EVEN if they wanted to. Until we meet again....