APPLYING THE GOLDEN RATIO IN CREATING VISUAL CONTENT Media and Information Literacy Ronan DC. Vergara A STUDENT’S PRAYER (BY ST. THOMAS AQUINAS) Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, true source of light and fountain of wisdom! Pour forth your brilliance upon my dense intellect, dissipate the darkness which covers me, that of sin and of ignorance. 20XX Pitch Deck 2 A STUDENT’S PRAYER (BY ST. THOMAS AQUINAS) Grant me a penetrating mind to understand, a retentive memory, method and ease in learning, the lucidity to comprehend, and abundant grace in expressing myself. 20XX Pitch Deck 3 A STUDENT’S PRAYER (BY ST. THOMAS AQUINAS) Guide the beginning of my work, direct its progress, and bring it to successful completion. This I ask through Jesus Christ, true God and true man, living and reigning with You and the Father, forever and ever. 20XX Pitch Deck 4 Good afternoon! Please form 4 groups. At least 1 laptop 1 ruler 1 pair of scissors 1 calculating device 2 markers / crayons loose sheets of colored papers 1 acetate sheet MAKE ME THE MOST BEAUTIFUL RECTANGLE. THE GOLDEN RATIO REVIEW Using the loose colored sheets, have each group draw lines indicating the rule of thirds. BTW, why do we have to practice the rule of thirds? REVIEW Here are some of your works. REVIEW Here are some of your works. REVIEW 20XX Pitch Deck 16 THE GOLDEN RATIO IS A MORE TECHNICAL RENDITION OF THE RULE OF THIRDS. 20XX Pitch Deck 18 FORM 8 GROUPS. 20XX Pitch Deck 19 Connect Point E (which is between LINE AD) to point F (which is between LINE BC). Hint: LINE EF must be parallel to LINES AB and DC. 20XX Pitch Deck 20 This is the Golden Rectangle. 20XX Pitch Deck 21 This is the Golden Rectangle. We say that ABCD is a golden rectangle if FCDE is similar to ABCD. 20XX Pitch Deck 22 This is the Golden Rectangle. A golden rectangle is a rectangle that can be cut up into a square and a rectangle similar to the original one. 20XX Pitch Deck 23 20XX Pitch Deck 24 THE GOLDEN SPIRAL 20XX Pitch Deck 25 READING ACTIVITY What is the golden ratio? GOLDEN RATIO IN NATURE GOLDEN RATIO IN EARLY ARTS GOLDEN RATIO IN ASIAN ART GOLDEN RATIO IN PHILIPPINE ARTS GOLDEN RATIO IN PHILIPPINE ARTS GOLDEN RATIO IN PHILIPPINE ARTS GOLDEN RATIO IN PHILIPPINE ARTS FORMATIVE TEST 1. What is the numerical value of the golden ratio? a. 1.618 b. 1.349 c. 1.700 d. 1.636 FORMATIVE TEST 2. This principle was first mentioned in: a. China b. Egypt c. Greece d. Rome FORMATIVE TEST 3. The Greek letter that corresponds to this ratio is: a. Alpha b. Gamma c. Phi d. Omicron FORMATIVE TEST 4. The golden ratio is aesthetically pleasing because it is common in: a. Ancient buildings b. Nature c. Renaissance art d. Science FORMATIVE TEST 5. The golden ratio is a bit similar to the: a. Rule of horizons b. Rule of odds c. Rule of perspectives d. Rule of thirds FORMATIVE TEST ANSWERS 1. What is the numerical value of the golden ratio? a. 1.618 b. 1.349 c. 1.700 d. 1.636 FORMATIVE TEST 2. This principle was first mentioned in: a. China b. Egypt c. Greece d. Rome FORMATIVE TEST 3. The Greek letter that corresponds to this ratio is: a. Alpha b. Gamma c. Phi d. Omicron FORMATIVE TEST 4. The golden ratio is aesthetically pleasing because it is common in: a. Ancient buildings b. Nature c. Renaissance art d. Science FORMATIVE TEST 5. The golden ratio is a bit similar to the: a. Rule of horizons b. Rule of odds c. Rule of perspectives d. Rule of thirds CRAFTING TIME Prepare your crafting materials. Your task: to prepare templates to be used in your photography activity CRAFTING TIME Prepare your crafting materials. Your task: to prepare templates to be used in your photography activity THE EYES OF THE GOLDEN RECTANGLE $3B 20XX $2B Pitch Deck $1B 46 THE GOLDEN SECTION The ratio of the columns is $3B $2B 1: 0.618: 1 $1B Likewise for the rows. 20XX Pitch Deck 47 Once you have created the templates, use these by capturing a photo with this theme: “Whoever we are, whatever we have, we are all powerful.” THANK YOU!