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International Financial Management Course Syllabus

Course Schedule:
Part 1. International Financial Management
1.1. Introduction: Shapiro, CH 1.
1.2. Determination of Exchange Rates: Shapiro, CH 2.
1.3. International Monetary System: Shapiro, CH 3.
1.4. Parity Conditions: Shapiro, CH 4.
1.5. Foreign Exchange Market: Shapiro, CH 6.
Part 2. Foreign Exchange Risk Management
2.1. Measuring/Managing Translation and Transaction Exposure: Shapiro, CH 9.
2.2. Measuring/Managing Economic Exposure: Shapiro, CH 10.
Part 3. International Capital Marekts and Portfolio Management
3.1. International Portfolio Management: Shapiro, CH 13.
3.2. Country Risk Analysis: Shapiro, CH 14.
3.3. Cost of Capital for Foreign Investments: Shapiro, CH 15.
3.4. Capital Budgeting for the Multinational Corporation: Shapiro, CH 17.
Homework Assignments:
The assignments are based on the class materials and designed to help students follow them
more efficiently:
Assignment 1: Assigned on Jan. 31
Assignment 2: Assigned on Feb. 14
Assignment 3: Assigned on Mar. 20
Assignment 4: Assigned on Apr. 3
Important Dates for Winter Semester 2024
January 17th, First day of class
February 28th, Reading Day (No Class)
March 6th, Mid-term Exam
April 10th, Class ends
Final Exam: TBA
Letter Grade
Score Range
90% - 100%
85% - 89%
80% - 84%
77% - 79%
73% - 76%
70% - 72%
67% - 69%
63% - 66%
60% - 62%
57% - 59%
53% - 56%
50% - 52%
0% - 49%
Letter grades are assigned based on the above table. Final grades will be rounded to the
nearest integer. For example, numbers less than 81.5% will be rounded to 81%, numbers greater
than or equal to 81.5% will be rounded to 82%. D- is the minimum requirement to pass the