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Operating Systems Course Introduction - ICS 431/433

“Welcome all of you to the ICS 431/433 course”
I will do my best to let you understand and be
knowledgeable in the “Operating Systems”
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
ICS 431/433 “Operating Systems”
Week 1.1
Course Introduction
Dr. Tarek Helmy El-Basuny
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Outline of Today’s Class
• We will discuss the course outline & some coordination issues.
– My Contact Data,
– Setting the Office Hours,
– Course Information,
– Notes for Class Attendance,
– Text-Book and References of the course,
– Course Contents and Schedule per Weeks # of the Semester,
– Collaborative Environment,
– Learning Strategies,
– Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes,
– Grading Policies, and Expected Date of the Midterm Exam,
– Advice: To be A* Student
– Knowing more about you and your interest in the course,
– Topics to be covered in the intensive introduction (First 3 Weeks).
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Contact Data and Office Hours
My email address is helmy@kfupm.edu.sa,
My office Location is Building # 22, Room # 311.
My office Tel. is 1967.
Classes will be conducted on: Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
• Sec.1 (431/433), from 10:00~10:50 am, building #22, room # 119.
• Sec.2 (433), from 11:00 ~11:50 am, building #22, room # 119.
• Sec.3 (433), from 13:00 ~13:50 am, building #22, room # 119.
The Lab. will be on Sunday/Tuesday from 3:30 pm
Lab Instructor Mr. Yahya Garout.
Lab location: 22-336.
In the lab, you can practice the lab material and exercise there
or on your machine. The Lab is an open lab.
Office Hours:
• Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 12:00 to 12:50 pm, or
• On-demand, you may arrange with me a meeting by email.
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Course Information
It is a coordinated course.
– Every section will have its own quizzes, but grading policy, topic breakdown,
and synchronized level of questions in the quizzes will be coordinated.
– Midterm and Final Exams will be common and physical for all sections.
– There are Practical and programming assignments with a weight of 10% of the
course grade. In the assignments, you will practice selective exercises and
practical programming assignments on the OS topics, some may not be
covered in the lecture for breadth coverage.
– Assignments will be managed by the Lab Instructor.
• Pre-requisite Course:
– COE 233/301 (Computer Organization/Digital Logic/Assembly Programming)
• Pre-requisites by Topics:
– Linux and C programming language awareness are required for the Lab.
– Fundamentals of a data structure for developing lab assignments,
– Algorithms and problem-solving,
– Computer Organization and Assembly Programming.
– Linux Mint and C programming toolkit are installed on the machines of the OS
Lab (Building 22-Room 336).
– You can download and install them on your machine to practice the topics.
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
References of the Course
 Main
10th Edition, Silbershatz, Galvin, Gagne , 2018.
9th edition still can be used, but notice the chapter numbering.
 Topics presented in the classes should be your main reference.
 We may elaborate more on some topics than what
is there in the textbook.
 We may cover concepts that do not exist in the textbook.
 We will cover some exercises that are not in the textbook.
 Textbook exercises are very important for quizzes and exams.
 Other References of the Course
 Modern Operating Systems, Anderew S. Tanenbaum, 4th Edition, 2014,
Prentice Hall.
 Distributed Operating Systems, Anderew S. Tanenbaum,
 Reading from other OS-related books and Websites is also
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Important notes for Class Attendance
Attendance will be taken at the end of the class.
You need to have your mobile phone to automatically check for
your attendance through the Darajati application.
You need to attend in your section time to be able to check
for your attendance.
Attending other sections is not allowed for that reason.
That will start next Sunday after finishing the period of
add/drop classes.
You will have about four absences FREE of charge.
Up to the ninth absence, each subsequent absence is worth 0.5 percentage points of your overall score.
After ten absences without any excuses, you will
automatically be assigned a DN grade (according to university
An unexcused absence will become an excused one ONLY
by an official letter from the student’s affairs office.
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Course Contents/Schedule
Chaps.# (10thEd.)
Intensive Introduction to Operating Systems (6 hours).
1, 2, 3, 12, 15
Operating System Structure (2 hours).
Processes Management (3 hours)
Threads & Concurrency (3 hours)
Process Scheduling (6 hours)
6, 7
Deadlocks Handling (4 hours)
Memory Management (4 hours)
Virtual Memory (4 hours)
11, 12
File Systems Interface (2 hours).
File Systems Implementation (2 hours).
16, 17
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Process Synchronization (3 hour, self study)
Mass Storage Structure and I/O Systems (3 hours).
System Protection and Security (3 hours)
Collaborative Environment
• We would like the course to run smoothly and to be enjoyable for you.
– Help each other to understand the OS fundamentals.
– Be supportive and collaborative with me and with your colleagues.
– Feel free to ask about any ambiguous concepts during the class.
• Feedback, by email or in person, is always welcome.
– Feel free to let me know what you find just good or bad about the
• I am really on your side and doing my best to help you.
– Do not miss-interpret the democratic way of interaction.
– I can handle criticism or difference of opinion friendly.
– Your honest course-related feedback will be highly appreciated
and implemented.
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Learning Strategies
Passive Learning/Instructor-Centered: The students are passive and just receive
information and ideas from the instructor.
Active/Cooperative Learning/Student-Centered: The students should be involved in
doing, observing, self-learning, presenting, and giving feedback through:
– Reading the materials before coming to the class.
– Engage in the class and discuss the presented topics.
• You will be assigned a book chapter/s to read, and understand.
• You will be asked to summarize what we said at the end/beginning of the class.
• You may be asked to answer some questions during the classes.
As a motivation, a part of the course assessment will be assigned for such activity.
Moreover, you will be rewarded pounce marks by actively participating and engaging in
the classes through asking or answering questions, this is a chance to make up the
quizzes and exams.
Your feedback about some issues will be highly appreciated: i.e.
• What kind of questions and topics should be covered in the exams in a way
that we keep the standard quality of learning outcomes?
• Time of the exams and quizzes.
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Grading Polices with Details
 Practical and programming assignments: (Some of them
could be from the textbook) and will be posted through the BB
account of the lab.
 You need to monitor the posting and due dates of each
 Will be managed by the Lab Instructor Mr. Yahya Garout.
10 %
 Quizzes: We will conduct 3 quizzes each will be weighted 5%
(Attendance & active class discussion can make up your
performance in quizzes). We may conduct 4 and select best 3.
20 %
 Physical Midterm Exam: around Week # 9 and will be common
for the 4 Sections (TBA by the College exam setting
committee soon)
• Location, Time, and Material TBA soon.
30 %
 Physical Final Exam: TBA (80% material after Midterm-Exam
and 20% comprehensive)
40 %
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes
Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are:
– Introduce the fundamental concepts and principles of operating systems.
– Expose students to popular operating systems (Unix/Linux and Windows)
– Provide hands-on experience through operating systems exercises and
programming assignments carried out in the lab’s assignments.
Learning outcomes: by the end of this course you will be able to:
– Recognize operating system types and structure.
– Implement processes and threads in an operating system.
– Analyze different CPU scheduling algorithms.
– Identify and handle deadlocks.
– Identify process synchronization techniques and implement some of them.
– Recognize OS support for main memory, virtual memory, disk scheduling,
I/O systems, and file systems.
– Implement inter-process communication.
– Identify security and protection issues in computer systems.
– Use C and the Linux shell script to develop programs.
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Advices: To be A* Student
• Try to read/skim the slides/book’s topic to be discussed
in the class before attending it.
• Attend the classes with concentration, and ask about any
vague concepts.
• Try to understand, not memorize the concepts.
• Try to practice and solve exercises/assignments by
• Prepare yourself well in advance for quizzes and exams.
• Adhere to the instructions we say during the classes.
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
Let me hear from you
• Before getting into the introductory sessions of the OS,
let me know!
• What do you know about the OS?
• What do you recommend for us to run the course in an
enjoyable way?
• What do you expect to learn in this course?
• Are you ready for active learning environment?
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
During the Intensive OS Introduction
We will introduce the computer System’s Components,
We will introduce different definitions and views of the OS,
We will introduce the basic computer system organization and operation,
We will introduce the major Operating Systems (OS) types,
We will introduce the services an OS provides to users, processes, and other systems.
We will introduce the common OS components,
We will introduce the storage hierarchy structure in the computer systems,
We will introduce caching features & problems and how the OS deals with them.
We will introduce the computing models and the OS support,
Covered by Chs. 1, 2 &
We will introduce multiprocessor and multiprocessing systems,
Parts of Chs. 3 & 12
We will introduce the OS support to multi-processing systems,
and 15 in the text book.
We will introduce real-time and embedded OSs,
We will introduce the interrupts, exceptions and how does the OS handle them?
We will introduce different I/O structures and techniques,
We will introduce the security and protection issue of the system’s resources,
We will introduce the system calls, the system programs how does the OS handle
We will introduce various ways of structuring an operating system,
We will introduce how operating systems are installed, customized and how they boot.
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS
The End!!
Thank you
Any Questions?
For automatic class attendance
Dr. Tarek Helmy, KFUPM-ICS