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A Level/BTEC Choices: Career Guidance for Students

A Levels / BTECs and Making Good Choices 23-24
“My A Level / BTEC choices will directly impact the career I
will go into.”
Agree or disagree and why?
Top Tip: Do you know your future path for both university and career? If you
don’t know what you want to do at
university, keep your options open by
selecting a range of subject types e.g.
an academic and creative mix.
Possible Research Task: Research they key
differences between BTEC and A Level courses.
Bullet point your findings.
A Levels / BTECs and Making Good Choices 23-24
What are you good at? What subjects will you achieve your best grades in at
Make a list of your iGCSE subjects and order them according to enjoyment
and skill, what three or four subjects appear at the top?
Top Tip: If considering careers in medicine, finance or
engineering, please know that these are incredibly
competitive fields; be sure to review the grades and
super-curricular / extra-curricular requirements to be sure
this is the right path for you.
Possible Research Task: Browse careers you are
interested in here.
Possible Research Task: Have a look at the careers quiz
here to get an idea of courses that suit your interests.
Possible Research tasks: Visit the UCAS website to
explore a range of courses available the United Kingdom.
Common App for America…international searches also
available via Unifrog (email Ms. Sandy), to help start
making decisions.
A Levels / BTECs and Making Good Choices 23-24
Once you have completed some starter research, complete the JotForm,
below. This will help us:
● Review the current arrangement of subject blocks
● Look at adding in any popular subject choices not yet available
● Help you with any choices to be made