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Rise of Nationalism in Europe: Class 10th NCERT Notes

Made by Amitooj Singh
Class 10th NCERT
Rise of Nationalism in Europe
French revolution and idea of the nation
The first idea of nationalism came in act in french revolution 1789
French revolutionist introduced various measures and practices that created a sense of
collective identity they were
● idea of La patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) were brought to attention
● A new french flag the tricolour was chosen to replace the former royal standard
● the estates general was elected by the body of active citizens and renamed the
national assembly
● Internal custom duties and dues were abolished and a uniform system of weights
and measures was adopted
● A centralised administrative system was put in to form uniform laws for all citizens
When the news of nationalism spread in france and different places of europe
Students and middle class people started placing jacobin clubs
These activities moved to holland belgium switzerland and much of italy in 1790s
French armies began to carry the idea of nationalism aboard
Napoleon had destroyed democracy in france, but in few fields he had incorporated
revolutionary principles
The civil code of 1804 aka napoleonic code was
1 It did away all privileges based on birth
2 established equality before the law
3 Secured the right to property
4 Simplified administrative division
5 Abolished the feudal dues
6 freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues
7 transport and communication system were improved
French armies were welcomed as harbingers of liberty, but the enthusiasm soon turned to
hostility due to
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Increase taxation, censorship ,forced conscription
The making of nationalism in europe
The aristocracy and middle class
Aristocracy was the dominant class. They owned estates in the countryside and they spoke
french for diplomacy. Their family were often connected by ties of marriage. The majority of
the population was made o the peasantry
During Industrialisation, a new social group emerged, a working class and middle class
made up of industrialist businessman pros
They were small groups iin central europe and eastern eu.
What did liberal nationalism stand for ?
Liberalism derives from the latin root liber meaning free.
For new middle class liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and equality before the
Politically it meant the concept of goverment by consent
Yet it did not stand for universal suffrage
The right to vote and get elected was granted exclusively to property owning men.
Men without property and all women were excluded from political rights.
Napoleon code went back to limited suffrage and reduced women to status of minor.
In early 20th century women and non propertied men demanded for equal political power
In economics liberalism stood for freedom of market and abolition of state imposed
There were 39 german states, each of them possessed its own currency and weighs and
Such conditions were viewed as obstacles to economic exchange
In 1834, a custom union or zollverein was formed at the initiative of Prussia and joined most
of the German states. This union abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of
currencies from 30 to 2
A new conservatism after 1815
After Napoleon was defeated. European governments were driven by a sprit of
conservatism.They believed that the established traditional institutions of state and society
like the monarch, the church. Social hierarchies ,property and family should be preserved
They realised that modernisation could strengthen traditional institution like the monarchy
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A modern army, an efficient bureaucracy, a dynamic economy, the abolition of feudalism and
serfdom could strengthened the autocracy monarchies
Treaty of Vienna 1815
On 1815 - britain russia prussia and austria who had defeated napoleon met in vienna to
draw up settlement for europe. Hosted by Duke Metternich
The effects of this treaty were
1 The bourbon dynasty was restored to power.
2 France lost its territories acquired during napoleon rule to prevent expansion of france
3 39 German confederation were let untouched
Conservatives did not tolerate criticism and dissent and sought to curb activities that
questioned the legitimacy of autocratic government. Newspaper book plays and songs that
expressed nationalism and liberalism
The Revolutionaries
In 1815 the fear of repression drove to many secret societies.Most of these revolutionaries
also saw the creation of nation states as necessary part of this struggle for freedom
Giuseppe Mazzini born in genoa in 1807. He Founded young italy in marseilles and
young europe in berne
These socity’s member were like minded young men from poland france italy and the
german states
The age of revolutions 1830-1848
As Conservative activities grew, liberalism spread.
JULY REVOLUTION First upheaval took place in France july 1830.
Bourbon king was overthrown by liberal revolutionaries who installed a constitutional
monarchy with louis philippe at its head
July revolution sparked an uprising in brussels which led to belgium breaking away from
Greece had been part of ottoman empire since fifteenth century. The growth of revolutionary
nationalism in europe sparked off struggle in greece for independence
Greece got support from other Greeks living in exile and also from many west europeans
The english port lord byron organised funds and later went to fight in war where he died of
fever in 1824
The Treaty of constantinople 1832 made greece an independent nation
The romantic imagination and national feeling
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1. Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation: art and poetry, stories
and music helped express and shape nationalist feelings.
2. Romanticism, a cultural movement which sought to develop a particular form of
nationalist sentiment. Language also played an important role in developing nationalist
3. Russian language was imposed everywhere and in 1831 an armed rebellion against
Russian rule took place which was ultimately crushed.
Hunger, Hardship and Popular revolt
The 1830 were years of great economic hardship in europe. In most countries there were
more seekers of jobs than employment. the aristocracy still enjoyed power, peasants
struggled under the burden of feudal dues and obligations. r. Food shortages and
widespread unemployment brought the population of Paris out on the roads.
1848 The revolution of liberals
men and women of the liberal middle classes combined their demands for constitutionalism
with national unification. They took advantage of the growing popular unrest to push their
demands for the creation of a nation-state on parliamentary principles – a constitution,
freedom of the press and freedom of association
On 1848 831 elected representatives marched in a festive procession to take their places in
frankfurt parliament They drafted a constitution for a German nation to be headed by a
monarchy subject to a parliament
Crown was offered to Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia, he rejected it and joined other
monarchs to oppose the elected assembly.
parliament was dominated by the middle classes who resisted the demands of workers and
artisans and consequently lost their support. In the end troops were called in and the
assembly was forced to disband
The issue of extending political rights to women was a controversial.Women had formed
their own political associations, founded newspapers and taken part in political meetings and
demonstrations. They were still denied
Convervatives were able to suppress liberal movement. , they could not restore the old order
They began to realise that the cycles of revolution and repression could only be ended by
granting concessions to the liberal-nationalist revolutionaries. So in Central and eastern
europe serfdom and bonded labour were abolished both in the Habsburg dominions and in
Russia. The Habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarians in 1867
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The making of Italy and Germany
Nationalist sentiments were often mobilised by conservatives for promoting state power and
achieving political domination over Europe.
Germans, who in 1848 tried to unite the different regions of the German confederation into a
nation-state governed by an elected parliament. This movement was repressed by the
combined forces of the monarchy and the military, supported by the large landowners (called
Junkers) of Prussia.
After this Prussia took on the leadership of the movement for national unification. Otto von
Bismarck, was the architect of this process with the help of the Prussian army and
bureaucracy Three wars over seven years – with Austria, Denmark and France – ended in
Prussian victory and completed the process of unification.
In January 1871, the Prussian king, William I, was proclaimed German Emperor in a
ceremony held at Versailles.
The new state placed a strong emphasis on modernising the currency, banking, legal and
judicial systems in Germany. Prussian measures and practices often became a model for the
rest of Germany
, Italy was divided into seven states, of which only one, Sardinia-Piedmont, was ruled by an
Italian princely house. The north was under Austrian Habsburgs, the centre was ruled by the
Pope and the southern regions were under the domination of the Bourbon kings of Spain
During 1830s
Giuseppe Mazzini had sought to put together a coherent programme for a unitary Italian
Republic. The failure of revolutionary uprisings both in 1831 and 1848 meant that the mantle
now fell on Sardinia-Piedmont under its ruler King Victor Emmanuel II
Chief Minister Cavour who led the movement to unify the regions of italy. Through h a tactful
diplomatic alliance with France engineered by Cavour.
Sardinia-Piedmont succeeded in defeating the Austrian forces in 1859.
a large number of armed volunteers under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi joined the
fray. they marched into South Italy and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and succeeded in
winning the support of the local peasants
In 1861 Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed king of united Italy
However illiteracy were very high, remained blissfully unaware of liberalnationalist ideology
The peasant masses who had supported Garibaldi in southern Italy had never heard of Italia,
and believed that ‘La Talia’ was Victor Emmanuel’s wife!
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In Britain the formation of the nation-state was not the result of a sudden upheaval or
revolution. There was no British nation prior to the eighteenth century
The identity of people who inhabited the british were english welsh scottish and irish. English
nation steadily grew in wealth, importance and power, it was able to extend its influence over
the other nations of the islands.
. The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland that resulted in the formation of the
‘United Kingdom of Great Britain.
The british parliament was dominated with english members. Due to this scotland culture
and political institution were suppressed.
The Scottish Highlanders were forbidden to speak their Gaelic language or wear their
national dress, and large numbers were forcibly driven out of their homeland
Ireland was deeply divided between Catholics and Protestants.. The English helped the
Protestant. Catholic revolts against British dominance were suppressed. Ireland was forcibly
incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801.
British anthem and flag were promoted and older nation were subordinate to this union
Visualising the nation
Nations were then portrayed as female figures. The female form that was chosen to
personify the nation did not stand for any particular woman in real life;the female figure
became an allegory of the nation.
Marianne Her characteristics were drawn from those of Liberty and the Republic – the red
cap, the tricolour, the cockade
Germania In visual representations, Germania wears a crown of oak leaves, as the German
oak stands for heroism