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HSK[WEEK 1-20]
Items like cash, gadgets, and jewelry that are lost and found in a hotel are
example of what?
It is an asset of the hotel as they can help build hotel guests' contentment
and trust.
-well-mannered staf
Hotel rules are designed for _________
-A discipline
It is personal skills are the abilities and talents that exist within the
individual, which aids him or her in problem solving.
-Intrapersonal skills
Below are examples of tasks of a housekeepers except:
-ofers a partnership in a business
Interpersonal skills or people skills are the life skills we use in communicating
and interacting with people. Below are examples of interpersonal skills
-ability to cope with change
Being able to face the consequence of your action and not blaming others for
what had happened means:
-being accountable for young actions
Interpersonal skills or personal skills are the abilities and talents that exists
within the person, which aids him or her in problem solving. Below are
examples of intrapersonal skills except:
-communicate clearly
Hotels have a mandatory ______________________________ rule for room
attendant upon entering the room.
-two-knock, three-announcement rule
It is allowed that the housekeepers should solicit or negotiate the amount
with guest.
The following are points to remember when servicing a guest room except:
-Clean from farthest point out
He/She is responsible for ensuring that the public area attendants or
housemen are doing their job in maintaining the cleanliness, orderliness, and
upkeep of the aesthetic image of all public areas.
-Public Area Supervisor
They are also called Chambermaids.
-Room Attendants
The executive housekeeper is the head of the housekeeping and serves
several responsibilities. Below are responsibilities of an executive
housekeeper except:
-translate all hotel policies, procedures, and standards into housekeeping
The sequence for servicing of rooms has to be observed. What is the final
sequence for servicing rooms?
-checking the rom at once
Departure rooms should be cleaned first to prepare them for the next guest
to come. The next to be attended are rooms for the tags “Clean my Room”
and the last to be attended are the:
-rooms with occupants for check out
The following are bedroom amenities except:
-hair brush
Evening service or turndown is needed when:
-none of the above
These are examples of bathroom amenities except:
Early maid service or special guest request to clean the room should be
attended immediately to:
-all of the above
When checking into a hotel, it is a must that all guests should familiarize
themselves with the house rules. They are also required to fully adhere with
it because any violation would mean cancellation of reservation. Which of the
following cases that might result to guest cancellation of reservation?
-All of the above
The following are the common problems related to housekeeping except:
-employees complaint about the tip given by a guest
It is prepared by housekeeping department and handed down to the front
desk to give them an update as to the status of each hotel room.
-Housekeeping Status Report
In handling guest queries for information about the hotel products and
services, employees are expected to be:
-all of the above
In case the hotel cancelled accommodation due to guest violation, the guest
will pay:
-50 % of the total for accommodation
Ms. Jaydel notice that the faucet in the Maderazo Hotel is not functioning.
She immediately report the faucet to the room attendant assigned to her
room. As a room attendant, what kind of form you are going to write the
problem that the guest was reported?
-Maintenance Request Form
Mrs. Umali decided to put “Do Not Disturb” sign in her room because she
have many things to accomplish. As a room attendant, what are you going to
do if you want to clean the room of the guest?
-None of the above
The last step in cleaning a guest room is:
-giving a final look to check everything
Guest is always right.
Housekeeping and front office play an important role in managing
housekeeping activities. The following are purposes of housekeeping and
front office forms except:
-use to evaluate performance of employees
It is a special service provided by the housekeeping department in which a
housekeeper enters a guestroom early in the evening to do second cleaning
or tidying up the room, re-stocking supplies, and turning down the bed.
-Turn-Down Service
To whom the room attendant inform if there were a problem that he can’t
-Duty Manager
The use of this form is to establish a set of procedure that would ensure
there will no defects and any missing amenities for the guest.
-Housekeeping Work Order Form
He/She is employed on-site to mend uniforms, linens, and upholstery or
repurpose ripped linens into aprons and rags.
It is not require to take the request of the guests.
It is the largest department of the hotel.
Housekeeping Department
In wiping surfaces while cleaning a guest room, it is important to use allotted
wiping cloth for each area to:
ensure cleanliness
A cleaning tool used to collect dust and dirt with a help of a broom.
dust pan
The following are cleaning equipment except:
glass cleaner
_________ is a brush used for cleaning sturdy dirt from floors and walls.
scrub brush
The standard number of bed sheets usually placed in the maid’s cart is
2 per bed
The standard procedure in setting up a maid’s cart must be bed sheets in
one shelf, towel in another, and bathroom amenities in a separate shelf.
Heavy linens are placed on ________.
lower shelf
All items found by the guests and staf should be stored in a ventilated room
and kept for _________________ months/s before being released to the finder.
three months
The most expensive rom provide by a hotel.
President’s suite
An important instrument that housekeeping staf use to access the guest
room and carry out their duties.
-room key
A room status terminology where there is a guest occupying the room with
large luggage.
A room status terminology where there is a guest occupying the room and it
has already been cleaned by a housekeeper.
Hotel guests can be classified according to except:
After knocking in the door, what term are you going to say before entering?
Before leaving the room you should do all of the following except:
-Leave the door wide open as you enter the room.
This is the last step in preparation for turn down service.
-Clear departure room as per hotel requirements
This is the last step in cleaning guest room.
-Give a final look to make sure everything is done perfectly according to the
hotel standard
The standard size of a queen pillow is ______.
-20 x 26 inches
Herbicides are used to control. ______________.
-weeds or other unwanted plants
Insecticides are used to control ______________.
-ants, flies, moths and cockroaches
Insects and pests include ants, moths, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes,
spiders, mice and bed bugs.
The diferent types of pesticides are insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and
What is the correct procedure in cleaning the ceiling, wall and floor?
-from top going down
In wiping surfaces while cleaning a guest room, it is important to use allotted
wiping cloth for each area to:
-avoid cross contamination
In cleaning unreachable places like ceiling, to reduce physical fatigue caused
by stooping, the best tool to used is _____.
-long handle mops or brooms
The last procedure in setting up a maid’s cart or trolley is to ___________.
-record all items needed
Hotel guests can be classified according to except:
Herbicides are used to control. ______________.
-bed bugs and ants
Housekeeping is a physically demanding and tiring job, which is classified
under ____________.
-moderately heavy
Insecticides are used to control ______________.
-ants, flies, moths and cockroaches
Heavy physical workload and excessive bodily motions can cause ____
-back injury
An important instrument that housekeeping staf use to access the guest
room and carry out their duties.
-room key
Insects and pests include ants, moths, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes,
spiders, mice and bed bugs.
What is the correct procedure in cleaning the ceiling, wall and floor?
-from top going down
A room status terminology where there is a guest occupying the room and it
has already been cleaned by a housekeeper.
A room status terminology where there is a guest occupying the room with
large luggage.
A personal protective equipment that must be worn while cleaning a
-safety mask
This is considered as a mandatory and must be “immediately available” worn
by any person if exposed to hazardous materials or if danger and possible
cause for injury is present.
-personal protective equipment
The diferent types of pesticides are insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and
To dry the entire toilet bowl after cleaning, one should use ______________in
removing all marks
-damp cloth
Cleaning solution placed in the toilet bowl while cleaning should be soaked
for _____________________
-5 minutes
Polishes are cleaning agents that are applied to the surface to form a hard
protective layer and thus guard against finger marks, stains and scratches.
The following are polishes used in housekeeping except:
-shoe polish
__________ is a cleaning agent used for hiding bad smells.
Synthetic detergent is made from organic chemicals derived from petroleum.
These are used extensively in housekeeping, for cleaning task and for
washing up the floors. They may be in the form of a powder, liquid, gel or
________of tools helps in maintaining their efficiency and keeping its life long.
It is therefore essential to check all tools before keeping it while observing
the routine “clean up before keeping it”
The common task for all the employees of housekeeping is to provide a
product for the guest.
All the dirty linens removed from room should be placed in ______________ in
the maid’s cart or trolley
-linen bag
The housekeepers themselves are the ones who decide on their own
The maid’s cart trolley must be done, thrice a week.
The role of communication must include the following except:
-no privacy and no confidentiality
2. These are services delivered by a valet except:
-going out with the guest
The enterprise policies and procedures may be related to the following
What is a personal characteristic required of a valet or butler?
-all of the above
Grooming and personal presentation may be related to:
-none of the above
How might a valet satisfy a valet-serviced guest?
-Guest belongings are properly handled
What do you think valets should do if asked by a guest to do something
illegal and/or dangerous?
make necessary action
What is involved in giving care for the guest property?
All of the above
What might be involved in dealing with guest luggage on their arrival?
Proper management of guest luggage
What tasks might be required for valets to undertake in relation to guest
clothing during their stay?
packing, unpacking, storing, and preparing of guest luggage
The housekeepers themselves are the ones who decide on their own
The enterprise policies and procedures may be related to the following
The role of communication must include the following except:
no privacy and no confidentiality
What is a personal characteristic required of a valet or butler?
all of the above
________of tools helps in maintaining their efficiency and keeping its life long.
It is therefore essential to check all tools before keeping it while observing
the routine “clean up before keeping it”
The common task for all the employees of housekeeping is to provide a
product for the guest.
Polishes are cleaning agents that are applied to the surface to form a hard
protective layer and thus guard against finger marks, stains and scratches.
The following are polishes used in housekeeping except:
shoe polish
What might be involved in dealing with guest luggage on their arrival?
Proper management of guest luggage
What tasks might be required for valets to undertake in relation to guest
clothing during their stay?
packing, unpacking, storing, and preparing of guest luggage
Grooming and personal presentation may be related to:
none of the above
All the dirty linens removed from room should be placed in ______________ in
the maid’s cart or trolley
linen bag
What is involved in giving care for the guest property?
All of the above
The maid’s cart trolley must be done, thrice a week.
__________ is a cleaning agent used for hiding bad smells.
How might a valet satisfy a valet-serviced guest?
Guest belongings are properly handled
The basis for guest information may be obtained from:
internal guest history
To dry the entire toilet bowl after cleaning, one should use ______________in
removing all marks
a damp cloth
Cleaning solution placed in the toilet bowl while cleaning should be soaked
for _____________________
5 minutes
Sheeting means:
sorting sheets and pillowcases
It is considered as the most popular fabric for linen
What are the types of linen used in housekeeping?
all of the above
A machine that is used for drying guest clothes and linen.
tumble dryer
What items should be separated from sheets?
All of these are principles in laundering except:
A machine that is used in washing guest clothes and linen.
d for what purpose?
all of the above
Colored linens are washed separately from:
white linens
A form that may be in duplicate or triplicate depending on the hotel’s
accounting processes.
laundry docket
If the room has a “Do not Disturb” sign on one should:
need to return later
Packaging and storing of laundry items may include the following except:
building rapport and goodwill
Storage of laundry is required when:
all of the above
This is where room attendant places laundry bags (either plastic or fabric)
and laundry dockets when cleaning the guest room?
into the wardrobe or drawer
What form is needed to notify a guest when linen or clothes will all be
returned, cleaned and checked?
advice form
What kind of note is attached to the garment to advise the guest that the
garment has been cleaned, but the stain could not be removed?
advice form
The following are distribution of normal social functioning except:
Alcohol is a generic term for ethanol.
Stages of Intoxication except:
black label
What stage of intoxication when customer is talkative, seems relaxed,
comfortable, happy.
green label
Method by which the body process alcohol (and everything else you 'eat).
This is a book where you record when you have to refuse service because
customers are underage, drunk, etc.
refusals book
The permitted age changes depending on the strength of the drink.
If the room has a “Do not Disturb” sign on one should:
need to return later
How might a valet satisfy a valet-serviced guest?
Guest belongings are properly handled
What items should be separated from sheets?
A machine that is used for drying guest clothes and linen.
tumble dryer
A machine that is used in washing guest clothes and linen.
washing machine
What is involved in giving care for the guest property?
All of the above
The housekeepers themselves are the ones who decide on their own schedule
________of tools helps in maintaining their efficiency and keeping its life long. It is
therefore essential to check all tools before keeping it while observing the routine
“clean up before keeping it”
The basis for guest information may be obtained from:
internal guest history
Storage of laundry is required when:
all of the above
All the dirty linens removed from room should be placed in ______________ in the
maid’s cart or trolley
linen bag
Which of the following is an example where valets could adjust service delivery to
suit the identified or stated needs or preferences of valet-serviced guests?
sensitivity when unpacking guest luggage
Packaging and storing of laundry items may include the following except:
building rapport and goodwill
The role of communication must include the following except:
no privacy and no confidentiality
The housekeepers themselves are the ones who decide on their own schedule
What tasks might be required for valets to undertake in relation to guest clothing
during their stay?
packing, unpacking, storing, and preparing of guest luggage
Darning and mending is the simplest form of repairing tear and holes on fabriC.It
involves anchoring of the thread in the fabric on the edge of the hole and carrying it
across the gap.
Colored linens are washed separately from:
white linens
If the room has a “Do not Disturb” sign on one should:
need to return later
Polishes are cleaning agents that are applied to the surface to form a hard
protective layer and thus guard against finger marks, stains and scratches. The
following are polishes used in housekeeping except:
shoe polish
Alcohol is a generic term for ethanol.
Items are sorted for what purpose?
all of the above
Sheeting means:
sorting sheets and pillowcases
What kind of note is attached to the garment to advise the guest that the garment
has been cleaned, but the stain could not be removed?
advice form
What are the types of linen used in housekeeping?
all of the above
Cleaning solution placed in the toilet bowl while cleaning should be soaked for
5 minutes
Grooming and personal presentation may be related to:
none of the above
A form that may be in duplicate or triplicate depending on the hotel’s accounting
laundry docket
It is considered as the most popular fabric for linen.
The enterprise policies and procedures may be related to the following except:
What do you think valets should do if asked by a guest to do something illegal
and/or dangerous ?
make necessary action
This is where room attendant places laundry bags (either plastic or fabric) and
laundry dockets when cleaning the guest room?
into the wardrobe or drawer
How might a valet satisfy a valet-serviced guest?
Guest belongings are properly handled
What might be involved in dealing with guest luggage on their arrival?
Proper management of guest luggage
The common task for all the employees of housekeeping is to provide a product for
the guest.
What is a personal characteristic required of a valet or butler?
all of the above
The maid’s cart trolley must be done, thrice a week.
Why is it important for valets to protect and maintain guest privacy and
security purposes
The permitted age changes depending on the strength of the drink.
__________ is a cleaning agent used for hiding bad smells.
What form is needed to notify a guest when linen or clothes will all be returned,
cleaned and checked?
advice form
What would be optimized in order for the guest to have a valet-service experience?
all of the above
To dry the entire toilet bowl after cleaning, one should use ______________in removing
all marks
a damp cloth
What is involved in giving care for the guest property?
All of the above