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Paraphilic Disorders Presentation

Presented By: Dr Mohsan Zafar
Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Psychosexual disorders
Learning objectives:
1. To understand what are psychosexual disorders/paraphilic
disorders are,
2. Classification of psychosexual disorders,
3. Management of psychosexual disorders.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Voyeuristic Disorder
3. Exhibitionistic Disorder
4. Frotteuristic Disorder
5. Sexual Masochism Disorder
6. Pedophilic Disorder
7. Fetishistic Disorder
8. Transvestic Disorder
Psychosexual / Paraphilic disorders refer to a group of
psychiatric conditions characterized by atypical sexual
interests, fantasies, or behaviors that are considered
socially unacceptable or harmful.
Individuals with paraphilic disorders may experience
intense and recurrent sexual urges towards
1. Non-human objects,
2. Non-consenting individuals,
3. or Activities that may cause distress to themselves
or others.
These patterns of sexual arousal and behavior are
typically outside the norm of what society considers
normal or acceptable.
Voyeuristic Disorder
Derive sexual gratification or
excitement from watching others
without their knowledge or
12% in males and 4% in females
Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
the Sun
Voyeuristic Disorder:
Differential Diagnosis
Voyeurism: is a condition where a person gets sexually aroused by secretly watching
others undressing or engaging in sexual activities without their knowledge. It becomes a
disorder if they act on these urges or if it causes significant distress or problems in their
daily life. Otherwise, it may not need a diagnosis.
Major neurocognitive disorder, intellectual developmental disorder, personality change
due to another medical condition, schizophrenia, or is in a manic episode or intoxicated with
substances, they may display sexually disinhibited behavior, including voyeuristic acts.
However, a diagnosis of voyeuristic disorder should only be considered if this behavior
occurs separately from these conditions.
In adolescents with conduct disorder and individuals with antisocial personality disorder, there
may be various norm-breaking and antisocial behaviors, but the specific sexual interest
in secretly watching others in compromising situations is typically not present.
Exhibitionistic Disorder
Over a period of at least 6
months, the individual has acted
on these sexual urges with a
nonconsenting person
2–4% in the general population.
Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
the Sun
Exhibitionistic Disorder:
Differential Diagnosis
Exhibitionism : Individuals with exhibitionism get sexually aroused by exposing
their genitals to someone without their knowledge. A diagnosis of exhibitionistic
disorder is only warranted if they act on these urges, such as exposing
themselves in public, or if it causes significant distress or impairment in their
daily life.
If an individual has a major neurocognitive disorder, intellectual developmental
disorder, personality change due to another medical condition, schizophrenia, or
is in a manic episode or intoxicated with substances, they may display sexually
disinhibited behavior, including exhibitionistic acts. However, a diagnosis of
exhibitionistic disorder should only be considered if this behavior occurs
separately from these conditions.
Conduct disorder in adolescents and antisocial personality disorder involve normbreaking and antisocial behaviors, but the specific sexual interest in exposing
genitals is typically not present.
Frotteuristic Disorder
Sexual arousal from touching or
rubbing against a
nonconsenting person
For a period of at least 6 months
Generally in crowded places
Usually in Ages 15-25
Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
the Sun
Frotteuristic Disorder:
Differential Diagnosis
Frotteurism : Individuals with frotteurism get sexually aroused from touching or
rubbing against a non-consenting person. A diagnosis of Frotteuristic disorder is
only warranted if they act on these urges, such as touching others without
consent, or if it causes significant distress or impairment in their daily life.
If an individual has a major neurocognitive disorder, intellectual developmental
disorder, personality change due to another medical condition, schizophrenia, or
is in a manic episode or intoxicated with substances, they may display sexually
disinhibited behavior, including engaging in Frotteuristic acts. However, a
diagnosis of Frotteuristic disorder should only be considered if this behavior
occurs separately from these conditions.
Adolescents with conduct disorder and individuals with antisocial personality
disorder may show norm-breaking and antisocial behaviors, but the specific
sexual interest in touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person is usually
not present in these disorders.
Sexual Masochism Disorder
Over a period of at least 6
months, sexual arousal from
being humiliated, beaten, bound,
or made to suffer
Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
the Sun
Sexual Masochism Disorder:
Differential Diagnosis
Sexual masochism : Individuals with sexual masochism get sexually aroused from
being humiliated, beaten, bound, or made to suffer. A diagnosis of sexual
masochism disorder is only warranted if these sexual urges or behaviors cause
significant distress or impair their daily life.
Sexual Sadism Disorder
Over a period of at least 6
months, recurrent
Sexual arousal from the physical
or psychological suffering of
another person
Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
the Sun
Sexual Sadism Disorder:
Differential Diagnosis
Sexual sadism : Individuals with sexual sadism get sexually aroused from causing
physical or psychological suffering to others. A diagnosis of sexual sadism
disorder is only warranted if these urges are acted upon with a non-consenting
person or cause significant distress or impairment in their daily life. It's important
to note that not all individuals with sadistic or masochistic interests experience
distress related to their sexual preferences. These behaviors can also be seen in
the context of conduct disorder and antisocial personality disorder, especially
when they involve the infliction of suffering during sex crimes.
If individuals commit rape or sexual assaults and inflict pain on their victims, it
should not be automatically classified as sexual sadism disorder. To diagnose
sexual sadism disorder, there should be evidence that the individual derives
pleasure from causing pain and suffering to the victim, such as admitting arousal
from the pain, a preference for sadistic-themed pornography, or excessive use of
violence beyond what is necessary for the assault. The key is to look for a clear
pattern of pleasure derived from causing pain during sexual acts, not just pain
caused during the act of assault itself.
Sexual Sadism Disorder:
Differential Diagnosis
Individuals with conduct disorder and antisocial personality disorder may display
cruel behavior towards others and force them into sexual activity. However, for a
diagnosis of sexual sadism disorder, there must be evidence of an underlying
pattern of sexual arousal from causing physical or psychological suffering to
another person. Coercive or sadistic sexual behaviors occurring in the context of
conduct disorder or antisocial personality disorder, without evidence of sexual
arousal from the suffering, should not be used to diagnose sexual sadism
disorder. If both sexual sadism disorder and conduct disorder/antisocial
personality disorder criteria are met, both disorders may be diagnosed.
Pedophilic Disorder
Over a period of at least 6
Sexual attraction towards
prepubescent children.
Individual is at least 16 years
old and at least 5 years older
than the child involved.
1% to 5% in the male population
Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
the Sun
Pedophilic Disorder:
Differential Diagnosis
Individuals with pedophilia have intense sexual fantasies or urges involving
prepubescent children. A diagnosis of pedophilic disorder is only warranted if
they have acted on these urges or if they cause significant distress or difficulties
in their relationships.
Individuals with antisocial personality disorder may sexually abuse children due
to increased access. To diagnose pedophilic disorder, there must also be
evidence of recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors
involving prepubescent children over at least 6 months.
OCD: Occasionally, some individuals express distressing and ego-dystonic
thoughts about being attracted to children. However, upon clinical evaluation,
there is no positive emotional connection to these thoughts, no link to actual
sexual behavior (like masturbating to these thoughts), and sometimes additional
distressing sexual thoughts, such as concerns about homosexuality.
Transvestic Disorder
Over a period of at least 6
months, sexual arousal from
• Specify if:
• With fetishism: If sexually
aroused by fabrics, materials, or
With autogynephilic: If sexually
aroused by thoughts or images
of self as a woman.
Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
the Sun
Transvestic Disorder :
Differential Diagnosis
Individuals with transvestism get sexually aroused from cross-dressing. A
diagnosis of transvestic disorder is only warranted if these fantasies, urges, or
behaviors cause significant distress or impair their daily life.
This disorder may be similar to transvestic disorder, especially in men with
fetishism who wear women's undergarments while masturbating with them. To
distinguish transvestic disorder, specific thoughts during such activities need to
be considered, like ideas of being a woman or dressing as one, and the presence
of other fetishes involving soft, silky fabrics, whether used for garments or
something else.
Individuals with transvestic disorder do not feel incongruence between their
experienced gender and their assigned gender, nor do they desire to be of the
other gender. They also typically do not have a history of childhood cross-gender
behaviors, which would be present in individuals with gender dysphoria. If
someone meets the criteria for both transvestic disorder and gender dysphoria,
they should be diagnosed with both conditions.
Fetishistic Disorder
Recurrent/intense sexual
arousal from either the use of
nonliving objects or a strong
focus on specific body parts,
other than the genitals , persist
6 months.
Can be specified based on the
specific body parts or nonliving
objects involved
Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
the Sun
Fetishistic Disorder:
Differential Diagnosis
The closest diagnostic neighbor of fetishistic disorder is transvestic disorder.
Fetishistic disorder is not diagnosed when the fetish objects are limited to clothes
exclusively worn during cross-dressing or when the object is genitally stimulating,
like a vibrator.
Fetishistic disorder can co-occur with other paraphilic disorders, such as
sadomasochistic behavior or transvestic disorder. If an individual is primarily
sexually aroused by "forced cross-dressing" and experiences distress or
impairment due to the domination or humiliation associated with the fantasy or
behavior, the diagnosis of sexual masochism disorder should be considered.
If someone uses a fetish object for sexual arousal without experiencing distress
or impairment in their life, they would not meet the criteria for fetishistic disorder.
For instance, an individual who enjoys caressing, smelling, or licking feet or toes
as part of consensual sexual activities with their partner would not be diagnosed
with fetishistic disorder. Similarly, someone who engages in solitary sexual
behavior involving wearing rubber garments or leather boots without distress or
impairment would not be diagnosed with the disorder.
Neurobiological factors: Research suggests that individuals with paraphilic disorders may have
differences in brain structure and function, particularly in regions associated with sexual arousal
and impulse control. Imbalances in neurotransmitters and hormonal changes may also contribute
to the development of paraphilic interests (Viljoen & Kruger, 2016).
Genetic factors: While specific genes for paraphilic disorders have not been identified, there is
evidence indicating a genetic predisposition to sexual behaviors and preferences. Genetic studies
have shown that genetics may play a role in the development of paraphilic interests (Seto, 2017).
Early developmental influences: Childhood experiences, such as trauma, abuse, or neglect, may
contribute to the development of paraphilic interests. Early exposure to sexual content or
inappropriate sexual experiences can shape an individual's sexual preferences later in life
(Greenberg, Bradford, & Curry, 1995).
Learning and conditioning: Classical and operant conditioning can play a role in the development
of paraphilic interests. Associations between sexual arousal and specific stimuli or situations can
be established through learning, leading to the development of paraphilic fantasies or behaviors
(Stoller, 2008).
Social and cultural factors: Family dynamics, social norms, and cultural beliefs about sexuality can
also influence the expression and development of paraphilic interests.
Co-occurring psychiatric disorders: Paraphilic disorders often co-occur with other psychiatric
conditions, such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, or personality disorders. These
comorbidities may interact and contribute to the manifestation of paraphilic behaviors (Kafka,
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