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Project Saringit: Environmental Concept Paper

Claravall Street, Brgy. San Vicente, City of Ilagan, Isabela
A Concept Paper
Project Saringit
“Saringit Organization”
Ghrecia Sunga
Alhexa Acidera
Kate Madduma
Glen Mark Allam
Markvin Gacusan
Jazmine Nicole Bulan
Jay Chelle Anne Balido
Dwayne Justine Campano
Angel Domingo
Lawrence Mina
Shannel Malana
Roxanne Guillermo
Pauline Erika Picaza
Junnel Mangulabnan
Luis Timothy Sumisim
March Christine Rallonza
STEM 11 – Coulomb
Submitted to:
Subject Teacher, Empowerment Technologies
January 2024
According to Penaflor and Ong (2022), Solid waste is a pressing
environmental concern nowadays. This solid waste, often referred to as
garbage, becomes a major environmental problem if not managed properly,
just like what is happening right now in some areas of the Philippines.
Based on denr.gov.ph (2021), the Philippines is producing too much
garbage that is way beyond its solid waste management capacity, and
poorer areas of cities, municipalities, and rural barangays are typically
unserved or underserved with regards to this issue.
Poor waste management, ranging from non-existing collection
systems to ineffective disposal, causes air pollution, water contamination,
and soil contamination (Unep.org, n.d.) that negatively impacts the
vegetation of a particular land. Vegetation is very important as it provides
habitat for wildlife, a source of food, as well as socioeconomic products
and services for the people in a community. With this information stated,
the direct effect of poor waste management on a community’s vegetation
can be clearly seen. Meanwhile, poor waste management and a lack of
vegetation may put the health of people and animals in a community at
Sadly, Barangey Santo Tomas, located in City of Ilagan, Isabela is
one of the many rural Barangays which vegetation cover and waste
management system needs to be improved.
The Saringit Organization introduces Project Saringit, a project that
aims to present an alternative solution to address the environmental
problem mentioned above. Addressing waste management and vegetation
concerns, Project Saringit endeavours to be a catalyst for positive change,
emphasizing the project's relevance and importance in the broader context
of environmental sustainability and community welfare. Through this
purpose-driven initiative, we aim to garner support and recognition for the
project as a viable and impactful solution to the pressing challenges faced
by Barangay Sto. Tomas and potentially other communities grappling with
similar environmental issues
In examining the prevailing issue of poor waste management and
insufficient vegetation in various communities, particularly in Barangay
Sto. Tomas, City of Ilagan, Isabela, it becomes evident that a critical gap
exists in addressing the detrimental impacts on both the environment and
the well-being of local inhabitants.
The purpose of Project Saringit is to bridge this crucial gap by
introducing a sustainable and community-centered initiative through
clean up drives with proper waste segregation, donation of cleaning and
planting materials, and tree planting and gardening in affected
communities. The lack of proper waste management not only results in
environmental pollution but also poses a direct threat to the vegetation
that plays a vital role in ecological balance. Recognizing the
interconnectedness of these issues, Project Saringit aims to offer a
multifaceted solution that not only addresses waste disposal inefficiencies
but also rejuvenates and preserves local vegetation. This project stands
out as a unique and holistic approach, acknowledging the intricate
relationship between waste management and ecological well-being. By
focusing on Barangay Sto. Tomas as a starting point, Project Saringit seeks
to create a replicable model that can be adapted to other communities
facing similar challenges.
The significance of this initiative lies not only in mitigating
environmental degradation but also in fostering a sustainable and
harmonious coexistence between communities and their natural
Project Description
Project Saringit advocates to make the environment a cleaner,
greener, and healthier place to live in by conductiong different
environmental projects in different communities and barangays which
would start off with brgy. St. Tomas. In doing so, clean-up drives with
correct execution of proper waste segregation, donation of cleaning and
planting materials, and tree planting and gardening will be implemented.
Project plans and methods are briefly outlined and discussed as
a. Clean-up drives with correct execution of proper waste segregation
The members of the Saringit Organization along with the barangay
officials of St. Tomas will initiate several waves of clean up drives in the
said Baranagy. The environment and the people living in the said area
will gain many benefits out of this initiative as the vegetation of the land
may increase and the place will be cleaner making it safer and more
comfortable place to live in.
b. Tree planting and gardening
Saringit Organization, along with other volunteers and Brgy. Officials
of St. Tomas will also conduct tree planting and gardening after the first
wave of clean-up drives. That way, the vegetation of the said barangay
will be enriched. In addition, there will also be an additional source of
food for the people living in said area.
c. Donation of cleaning and planting materials
Since, Project Saringit seeks to raise community understanding of
sustainability and the environment. A budget of 3000-5000 pesos will be
required to meet this objective. The money allotted will go toward buying
supplies to clean up the area. In addition, it will be used to buy materials
for planting saplings and cleaning supplies that will be given to the
The tree saplings will be provided by the school, and the vegetable
seedlings will be taken from the Department of Agriculture (DA).
The following is a list of seedlings that will be planted:
- 40 tree seedlings
- 20 eggplant seedlings
- 20 lady's finger seedlings
- 10 horseradish seedlings
- 15 yardlong beans
- 5 Carica papaya seedlings
The main budget categories for the requested project support are as
1. cleaning materials (2000 pesos)
- Brooms, dustpans, trash bags, and other cleaning supplies
2. Miscellaneous Expenses – (1000 pesos)
- Contingency fund for unforeseen expenses the seedlings will not
be included in the budget as they will be provided.
Please note that this is just an estimate of the total costs. The project
timeframe will be 3 weeks.
Contact Information
For more details about Project Saringit as well as the Saringit
Organization, contact information is provided as follows:
Facebook Page:
Isabela National High School, Claravall Street, Brgy. San Vicente, City of
Ilagan, Isabela
Phone/Donations: 0997 973 1912
YES-O students plant fruit-bearing tree seedlings during the tree planting
activities together with the very active Brgy. Officials of Centro Poblacion at the
Isabela Eco Park in City of Ilagan, Isabela last January 20, 2022.
Peñaflor, B., & Ong, H. B. (2022, September 10). Managing Solid Waste at
Isabela State University Cabagan (ISUC) Campus: Current Practices and
Unfolding Opportunities. American Journal of Environment and Climate.
Solid waste management. (n.d.). Sampulna: Solid waste segregation remains a
major challenge in PH. https://www.denr.gov.ph/index.php/newsevents/press-releases/4024-sampulna-solid-waste-segregation-remains-amajor-challenge-in-ph
Miguel, M. (n.d.). UNEP - UN Environment Programme.