IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2022 1889 A Review on Characteristics and Assessment Techniques of High Voltage Silicone Rubber Insulator Kaushik Sit , Student Member, IEEE, Arpan Kr. Pradhan , Senior Member, IEEE, Biswendu Chatterjee , Senior Member, IEEE, and Sovan Dalai , Senior Member, IEEE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Abstract — The usage of polymeric insulators in transmission and distribution overhead lines for the last few decades has increased extensively. Silicone rubber (SiR) material is used enormously to make high voltage (HV) polymeric insulators. The SiR insulator provides insulation protection for overhead HV lines. The life span of the SiR insulators is shortened due to the aging effect. The progressive aging ultimately leads to the failure of the insulation system as well as the power supply. Therefore, a regular condition assessment of SiR insulators can help prevent the power system’s failures. A comprehensive study of the various types of aging processes of SiR insulators is reported in this article. Also, the comparative analysis of SiR insulators’ physical, chemical, and electrical properties under the influence of aging is reported here. The usefulness, limitation, and difficulties confronted in the existing methodologies are also reported in this article. This review article would be helpful to implement in future research for applying the HV overhead line insulator. 23 Index Terms — Aging, analytical techniques, condition assessment, high voltage (HV), over headline insulators, physical, chemical and electrical properties of silicone rubber (SiR) insulator, SiR insulator. 24 I. I NTRODUCTION 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 T HE overhead line insulators are an essential part of transmission and distribution systems. Insulators should have a smooth function throughout their life span to provide reliable electricity at the load end through the electric network. Overhead line insulators are usually of two types based on the materials used. These are ceramic, porcelain, and polymeric insulators [1]–[4]. Ceramic insulating materials have good dielectric strength and broad temperature (i.e., −73.3 ◦ C to 1260 ◦ C) withstand capabilities [5]. Despite having the advantages mentioned above, ceramic insulators are not much preferred on overhead lines due to their large size, heavyweight, and installation and maintenance difficulties [6], [7]. Manuscript received 24 March 2022; revised 5 July 2022; accepted 22 July 2022. Date of publication 27 July 2022; date of current version 28 September 2022. (Corresponding author: Kaushik Sit.) The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, India (e-mail: kaushik.sit@;;; This article has supplementary material provided by the authors and color versions of one or more figures available at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TDEI.2022.3194486 In contrast, polymeric silicone rubber (SiR) insulators are preferred for power grid transmission and distribution line applications. There are three main reasons why SiR composite insulators are widely used in the power grid: first, they are light, easy to install, and their mechanical strength is no less than that of porcelain or glass insulators. Second, the manufacturing process is relatively simple; the shade configuration can be changed according to the mold to meet the requirements of different projects for creepage distance. Third and most importantly, the anti-pollution flashover ability of SiR composite insulators is much stronger than that of porcelain or glass insulator. Also, the SiR composite insulator has hydrophobicity migration properties [1]–[3], [6]–[8]. Some studies [2] and [11] show that hydrophobicity is also found in the surface contamination levels after a period of time because the transfer of SiR components causes it. The performance advantages of SiR composite insulators are further enhanced when they apply power lines with voltage levels above 220 kV [5], [10] and railway-yard substations [12], [39]–[41], [80]. The natural environment plays a decisive role in the aging of SiR composite insulators. Climate factors include snow, rainfall, sandstorms, fog, and mist and, so often, problems related to the power grid operation department. As mentioned earlier, climate factors directly influence the SiR insulators’ effectiveness [6]–[8], [10], [11]. The type of material used in SiR is an elastomer. This elastomer is made of mainly silicon and oxygen atoms. According to the chemical structure, methyl groups are in the side chain [shown in Fig. 1(a)]. SiR is colorless and they look like oil or rubber type of substance. SiR is used in electrical insulation, heat insulators, and medical science applications [2], [8]. Global surveys have shown that SiR is used as insulators in the highest percentage in the Middle East (94.7%), Latin America (93.4%), and Asian (100%) continents [7], [8]. The survey has also shown that 91.4% of SiR components are used to manufacture insulators worldwide [8]. SiR insulators have long-term reliable performance, but they are affected by electrical discharge, natural or artificial aging, and environmental stresses [3], [6]–[8], [10], [11]. Therefore, various research works have reviewed the longterm reliability of polymeric insulators [3]. It has been found that healthy SiR insulators can work satisfactorily near about 8–20 years [7], [8], [10]. 1070-9878 © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 1890 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2022 TABLE I T YPES OF F ILLER E LEMENTS AND T HEIR C HARACTERISTICS [8] Fig. 1. Chemical construction of PDMS. (a) PDMS solo unit monomer. (b) Cyclic PDMS molecule [13]. 87 This article briefly discusses the impact of aging in overhead SiR insulators, which are used for outdoor applications. This article discusses the chemical structure, adoption of filler elements, types of SiR insulators, and physical properties of SiR insulators. Finally, the degradation of the physical and chemical properties of SiR insulators due to aging and their consequent effects on electrical performance are presented in this article. 88 II. C HEMICAL S TRUCTURE 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 The chemical composition of silicone elastomer or SiR is explained in detail in this section. Organic fillers (i.e., organically modified montmorillonite (OMMT), nanofibrillated cellulose (NCF), etc.) and inorganic fillers (i.e., calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ), silica, zinc oxide (ZnO), etc.) are mainly used in SiR polymers [13]. These fillers provide the more rigid structure of SiR polymer through the vulcanization process [14], [15]. A fundamental form of SiR is made up of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with organic methyl groups of silicon-oxygen structure. The PDMS is expressed as CH3 [Si (CH3 )2 O]n Si(CH3 )3 , where the letter n indicates the quantity of monomers [16]. The chemical structure of the single monomer unit (linear) and general ring structure of PDMS is shown in Fig. 1. Due to the Si–O bond in the SiR chemical structure, SiR insulators exhibit good thermal conductivity, hydrophobicity, and anti-oxidant properties. Jiang et al. [5] reported that the base material in any SiR insulator is PDMS, where the primary molecular components are composed of carbon (50%), oxygen (25%), and silicon (25%). The mass of the cyclic molecule in SiR is 341. Methyl groups of the chemical structure of PDMS have the inherent quality of water repellence [16]. SiR can maintain their qualities over wide temperatures (i.e., +180 ◦ C to −50 ◦ C) due to its chemical structure [7], [8]. Two fundamental characteristics are viscosity and volatility, determined by the molecule chain’s length [14], [16]. Due to the effect of crosslinking events on the chemical structures of the material, the outer surface of the aged SiR insulator becomes hard [17]. The study [18] said that the surface of the SiR insulator becomes rougher after continuous aging. III. F ILLER E LEMENTS Fillers are the primary agents of the SiR insulator to improve electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties. The Fundamental component of SiR is pure PDMS that has low mechanical strength and less intermolecular energy [2], [7], [8]. The main inorganic agents used as filler in SiR insulators are silica (SiO2 nH2 O) [9], [19] or Alumina Trihydrate (ATH) (Al2 O3 0.3H2 O) [19]–[22], feldspar, and Kaolin [23]. The diameter of the filler particles should be less than or equal to 100 nm [8]. The thermal endurance of SiR insulators can be improved by adding the filler particles of the macro range [9], [19], [23]. Large filler particles may cause problems in SiR insulators such as surface roughness, poor heat circulation, and less durability. It has been reported that low-density ATH fillers in SiR insulators absorb fewer water molecules on their surface at high temperatures [24]. As a result, the dielectric strength of the insulator material decreases and the flow of leakage current (LC) through its outer surface increases. In [25], the article states that the mass of 50% microsilica filler is equal to that of 10% nanosilica filler, which helps to improve the physical properties of SiR insulators. The study said that boron nitride (BN) fillers show better results than Aluminum Nitride (AlN) fillers in SiR insulators’ performance [26]. In [27], another study revealed that hybrid fillers effectively show much better results for SiR insulators during aging than independently used fillers. Different types of filler elements and their advantages are summarized in Table I. IV. T YPES OF S I R I NSULATORS The SiR insulators are classified based on the temperaturedependent vulcanization process. According to the temperature variation, SiR insulators are classified into three categories. These are room-temperature vulcanized (RTV-SiR) [30]–[33], low-temperature vulcanized (LTV-SiR) [2], [7], [8], and high-temperature vulcanized (HTV-SiR) [35]–[37] SiR insulators. The polymeric insulators commonly used on transmission and distribution lines are HTV and LTV SiR insulators [33], Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 SIT et al.: REVIEW ON CHARACTERISTICS AND ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES OF HIGH VOLTAGE SiR INSULATOR 1891 TABLE II D IFFERENT T YPES OF S I R S W ITH T HEIR C HARACTERISTICS AND A PPLICATIONS [8] 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 whereas RTV-SiR is used to coat the porcelain insulator’s surface [8]. RTV-SiR is commercially available in two forms such as: 1) RTV-1 and 2) RTV-2. These two RTV-SiR insulators are made of the same base material and filler elements. The molecular weight of RTV SiR is low. Molecules of RTV SiR are arranged in cyclic patterns [8], [13]. Wang et al. [34] reported that insulators made of RTV coating are better surface resistance than porcelain insulators under the same aging and wet conditions. Generally, the linear and cyclic molecular structures of HTV-SiR are found in practice. The commercial grades of HTV-SiR are Elastosil R401/40, Elastosil R401/50, Elastosil R4001/50, Elastosil R401/60, and in other grades [8]. HTV-SiR insulators offer better flashover performance in a polluted environment than other SiRs. The HTV-SiR insulators include high crosslink degrees and low [-OH] groups. In addition, they are well resistant to UV-A due to their uniform filler configuration among them [38]. LTV-SiR is made with the same base material as HTV-SiR and RTV-SiR. LTV-SiR is cured at high temperatures and fillers are added as per the requirements. The viscosity of LTV-SiR is low compared with HTV-SiR [33], [36]. Aging increases the surface hardness resulting in a change in the ratio of base material and filler elements [37]. Table II shows the characteristics of the three categories of SiR insulators mentioned above in detail [8]. V. D ESCRIPTION OF C ONSTRUCTION AND P HYSICAL D IMENSION OF S I R I NSULATORS The SiR insulators contain four parts in their physical structure [28], [33], [39], [40]. These are: 1) two end fittings (metal); 2) FRP rod; 3) SiR made polymeric housing; and 4) edge between the FRP rod and SiR housing [shown in Fig. 2(a)] [6]. The interface condition between the FRP rod and SiR polymer housing is the most vital factor in determining the insulator’s longevity. The steep forward impulse voltage and water diffusion test help to determine the volume and surface resistance at the interface of SiR polymers and FRP rods by the IEC-60093 standard [29]. In Fig. 2, pictures of overhead line SiR insulators of two different ratings (e.g., 11 and 33 kV) are shown. In addition, the pure and artificially contaminated SiR insulators are shown in that Fig. 2. The thermal stability range of the SiR insulators is from +180 ◦ C to −50 ◦ C. The reason for having such a wide thermal range is due to the stable Si–O bond [8]. Fig. 2. (a) Cross-sectional image of physical structure of SiR insulator [6], [28], [91]. (b) Image of 33- and 11-kV pure and contaminated SiR insulators [42]. TABLE III T ECHNICAL D ESCRIPTION OF 11- AND 33- K V S I R I NSULATOR [41], [42] Si–O bonds are much stronger than conventional C–O and C–H bonds [7], [40]. Also, Si–O’s bond energy is 8.3 eV. The technical specification of the 11- and 33-kV outdoor SiR insulators is shown in Table III [41], [42]. VI. AGING A SSESSMENT OF S I R I NSULATORS Any defects or surface deterioration may appear in the composite insulators after an extended period of service and Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 1892 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2022 TABLE IV S UMMARY OF VARIOUS E XTERNAL FACTORS AND T HEIR E FFECTS ON S I R I NSULATORS [43] 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 ultimately threaten the operation of the stable power system. The faults and degradation events in SiR insulators are classified based on where the defects occurred. The elaborate study of aforesaid events has been given in [44]. Three different analysis processes are used to review the degradation of SiR insulators. These are physical analysis, chemical analysis, and electrical analysis [2], [8]. Khattak and Amin [43] reported that two types of external causes (such as environmental and electrical factors) are responsible for the overall deterioration of SiR insulators. The different types of stresses and their overall effect on SiR insulators are summarized in Table IV. A. Analysis of Physical Properties The physical property of SiR insulators after aging can be analyzed after thorough investigation by the following methodologies such as: 1) hydrophobicity and 2) accumulation of pollutants on SiR insulator surface. 1) Hydrophobicity: Hydrophobicity is a physical characteristic of SiR’s chemical structure. SiR molecules inhibit water film formation on its surface because of their hydrophobic property. As a result, the SiR insulators create water droplets on the surface instead of forming a continuous water film. This signature characteristic is called water repellence [2], [8], [10]. On the contrary, water molecules attract hydrophilic molecules [2]. The SiR insulators are made of low hydrophilic property-based materials; that is why they show superior performance. SiR insulators can recover their lost hydrophobicity even after the aging event due to their durable material structure. The following factors such as hydrophobicity, carbonization, effects of arcing on insulator sheds, insulator design, penetration of the water molecule in the FRP rod, tracking, and erosion resistance of SiR insulators assist to predict the longevity of performance. It is noteworthy that the most dangerous agent is water molecules that initially enter the SiR housing and then the FRP rod. After the molecules of water penetrate in FRP rod, the temperature rise, localized discharge, and then arcing phenomena are started. Ultimately, this degrades the interface resistance between the FRP rod and the SiR housing and cause punctures of the insulators. It was reported in [44] that the brittle and decay-like fractures have all occurred due to interface failure and poor adhesive application between the FRP rod and SiR housing. In [50], it is reported that in 500-kV transmission line insulators, after Fig. 3. Schematic (b) Dynamic CA [49]. representation of CA. (a) Static CA. the water enters the core of the composite insulators, either nitric acid is formed due to the surface discharge phenomenon or sulfuric acid is generated due to acid rain. This acidic reaction ultimately leads to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in the FRP rod. It is also reported that the SCC is formed due to three main factors: humidity, the impact of the electric field, and surface contamination of the SiR insulator’s housing. Hydrophobicity is determined by measuring the contact angle (CA) of deposited water droplets on the surface of the insulator. Four methods are used to calculate hydrophobicity. These are the CA measurements [49], sliding angle measurement [50], Swedish Transmission Research Institute Index (STRI-I) [50], and water-soaked test [46], [47]. The static and dynamic CA measurement [8], [49] is the most popular technique for estimating hydrophobicity. Ethylene iodide or distilled water is applied to the surface of the SiR insulator to measure the CA [49], [50]. The CA (θC ) depends on the three interfacial force factors. These interfacial forces exist between water and air (Fwa ), solid and water (Fsw ), and air and solid (Fas ) [shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b)]. These three interfacial forces are represented by Young Dupre’s mathematical expression [8] Fas = Fsw + Fwa cos θC . (1) The CA (static) is measured with the assistance of the goniometer, magnifying instrument, or Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 SIT et al.: REVIEW ON CHARACTERISTICS AND ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES OF HIGH VOLTAGE SiR INSULATOR 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 computerized photography [2], [8]. The static-CA measurement schematic representation is shown in Fig. 3(a). Hydrophobicity is the dynamic property of any material. Therefore, the dynamic CA measurement is essential, but the procedure is more complex than the measurement of static-CA. The dynamic CA is measured either by advancing the slope (i.e., increasing the water droplet mass) or using a receding slope (i.e., decreasing the water drop volume). The schematic of the dynamic CA is shown in Fig. 3(b). If a water drop is placed on the slope of the SiR material, then the advancing angle (θadv ) is formed at its bottom. Similarly, a receding angle (θrec ) is formed at the upper side. These two angles are essential for quantifying dynamic CAs. A logarithmic relationship is found between the recovery time and the receding angle [48]. In [45], it has been reported that SiR insulators can be considered an excellent dielectric strength with good aging resistance if the value of the CA is close to 110◦ after hydrophobicity testing. The slope creates a sliding angle (θS ) with the horizontal axis [shown in Fig. 3(b)] and its measurement is essential to determine hydrophobicity. As reported in [49], the sliding angle is directly proportional to the surface wetness. The measurement of CA is affected by various factors. These are droplet size, water droplets addition or subtraction rate, and the interval between the tests and slope angle range [49]. The authors suggest that measurements should be made frequently and average results should be considered to achieve good precision. For testing, the droplet volume range should be from 5 to 150 μL [2]. The hydrophobicity of SiR insulators is inversely proportional to the soluble electrolytes of the contaminant surface. The CA (static or dynamic) measurement is more effective than other conventional methods such as electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and the examination of crossover voltage (COV) [45]. It has been reported in [48] that prolonged artificial UV aging reduces the hydrophobicity of SiR insulators and can lead to quick flashover. The surface accumulated water molecules get blocked by resistance at the interface between the FRP rod and the SiR insulator housing. The impact of prolonged aging can degrade the interfacial resistance between the SiR insulator housing and the FRP rod. Consequently, the hydrophilic [-OH] group appears on the surface of HTV-SiR insulators and reduces the hydrophobic condition [50], [51]. This article reports a relationship among the four parameters: angle of contact, surface condition of the insulator, surface contamination, and pollutants accumulations degree [equivalent salt deposit density (ESDD)]. The relationship among the above parameters is presented in Table V. 2) Accumulation of Pollutants on SiR Insulator Surface: Environmental pollutants are the leading cause of corrosion of SiR insulator surfaces. These contaminants come from a variety of sources. For example, salt is a polluting factor found in coastal and industrial areas. Similarly, manure, coal, and smog come from the fertilizer industry, harvesting fields, coal mills, and automobile emissions. In addition, high relative humidity, rising temperatures, accumulation of hydroxide ions on the surface, acid rain, and thermal aging reduce SiR insulators’ life [24], [56]–[58]. According to the reported works 1893 TABLE V R ELATIONSHIP A MONG THE CA, S URFACE C ONDITION OF THE I NSULATOR , P HYSICAL C ONDITION OF THE I NSULATOR , AND C ONTAMINATION L EVEL (ESDD) TABLE VI D IFFERENT C ATEGORIES OF C ONTAMINATION ’ S C LASSES [8], [59], [62] [59], [60], aforesaid contaminants introduced the dry band arcing on the surface of SiR insulators. Subsequently, they can cause a complete flashover of SiR insulators in the worst environmental conditions [58], [61], [62]. In the coastal area, the soluble salts are mainly NaCl and Na2 SO4 . These salts are deposited on the insulator’s surface and make a persistent conductive path with the assistance of water molecules. LC flows through this conductive path to the surface of the insulator. Finally, the constant flow of LC leads to the complete breakdown of the SiR insulators [62]. In addition, the degradation of the SiR insulators is similar to the tropical rainforest continents [2], [8], [59]. In the tropical rainforest areas, the pollutant is primarily Kaolin (Al SiO2 O5 (OH)4 ) [59], [62]. The performance of SiR insulators in desert areas has been analyzed under frequent sandstorms and temperature fluctuations [52], [54], [63]. Hamza et al. [63] have reported in their work that due to an electric field, sand particles become charged and begin to discharge on the surface of SiR insulators. RTV-SiR and HTV-SiR insulators work well in coastal areas but also degrade due to high contamination [61], [64]. The ESDD scheme [8], [59], [60], [62] determines the contamination based on the average concentration of dissolved salt. The nonsoluble deposit density (NSDD) [2], [8], [59] is another parameter for measuring surface contamination. As per the recent study, the SiR insulator surface contamination can be classified into five categories using ESDD values. The classification of contamination levels is shown in Table VI. The procedure for preparing artificial contaminants in the laboratory is described below. According to IEC-60507, the slurry is prepared by mixing Kaolin, sodium chloride and distilled water for research [59], [62]. The slurry of this Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 1894 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2022 TABLE VII P OLLUTION PARAMETERS B EFORE AND A FTER THE UV A GING OF S I R I NSULATORS [66] The depth of the insulator surface is obtained from the following equation, i.e.: δP = 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 artificial contaminant is applied as a layer on the insulating surface [shown in Fig. 2(b)] and dried for 24 h. Thereafter, the intensity of the contamination is determined by the amount of salt available in the slurry. Table VII shows changes in salinity levels and ESDD values of SiR insulators before and after UV aging [66]. The effect of contaminants on the surface of a SiR insulator depends on where the insulator is installed. In addition, the algae, parasitic bacteria, and fungi in rainforest areas may appear on the insulator surface [67]–[70]. Notably, the build-up of algae on the polymeric insulator’s surface reduces the SiR insulator’s hydrophobicity. The development of any organic layer on the surface of composite polymeric insulators can be reduced by applying flame-retardant fillers, e.g., Zine Borate [68]. The physical properties of the SiR insulators are investigated by visual inspection methods, such as cracks in the surface, surface irregularities, surface color change, surface erosion, and shade puncture [71]. In addition, the optical inspection method or scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been used to assess the physical degradation of SiR insulators [31], [71]. B. Analysis of Chemical Properties by Assessment Techniques The significant changes in the chemical properties of SiR insulators as a result of aging effects are measured using the following techniques. 1) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR): FTIR spectroscopy technique is used to detect organic and inorganic substances in polymers. FTIR spectroscopy is employed to obtain a range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation from solid, liquid, and gaseous substances. The various chemical bonds present in the polymeric insulator material can also be analyzed by FT-IR [72], [73]. In addition, the attenuated total internal reflection (ATR) method detects increasing depolymerization on the surface of SiR insulators after aging [57], [66], [72]. The chemical bonding of each substance and component type has a unique infrared (IR) signal absorption frequency. According to the process, if the ratio of the light energy falling on an object to the light energy transmitted through the object is zero, it means that the object has absorbed all the light energy. This ratio analysis determines the condition of the substances present in the insulator [73]. λ 2 1/2 2 ∂ S 2 ∂C sin θ − /∂C (2) where λ = wavelength (cm); ∂c = crystal’s refractive index (KRS5 = 2.38); ∂s = sample’s refractive index (SRI = 1.43); θ = angle of incident (45◦ ); δp = penetration depth (μm). In the research works [2], [8], the depth of the SiR surface was measured using an IR frequency and the range of the IR wavelengths was found to be 400–4000 cm−1 . Gorur et al. [1] and [23] reported that after the UV-A aging, the modifications in the chemical elements in the SiR polymers were observed. Similarly, ethylene-propylene-diene monomer (EPDM) has been studied by artificial weather exposure for 90 days, and changes in EPDM’s mechanical properties, chemical properties, tensile strength, and structural appearance have been observed using the FTIR spectroscopy method [64], [72], [73]. In [74], the investigation said that after 2000 h, UV-B aging in HTV-SiR insulators, visible changes have been observed in the FTIR spectrum in proportion to Si–CH3 and C–H bond. Li et al. [50] analyzed the changes in chemical structure after the aging of FRP rods of SiR insulators by FTIR method. The study’s results suggest that the FRP rod’s aging directly affects the number of waves within the chemical group. Here, changes in wavenumber have been identified from FTIR analysis. 2) Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) Technique: The output of the EDX method is the spectrum that can identify the exact change in the chemical composition of any polymeric sample. It has been reported in [2], [8], and [39] that due to the aging of SiR insulators, changes in the ratios of aluminum (Al) and silicon (Si) (filler material) have been satisfactorily evaluated with EDX analysis. Also, the results showed that the amount of low molecular weight (LMW) SiR polymer chains decreased due to the aging impact. Reynders et al. [2] reported in their article that the density of silicon molecules decreases to a depth of 100 nm from the surface of aged and contaminated SiR insulators. The physicochemical analysis is performed on aged SiR insulators to understand the surface morphology of the insulators [59], [62]. The outcome of the EDX measurement depends on the surface depth of the SiR insulator. The thickness of the surface is measured by the increased voltage of the electron beam [39], [49]. The penetration depth of the X-ray beam is calculated using the following formula [39]: Aw D = 0.033 e1.7 − ec1.7 Z n ρSi (3) where D is the penetration depth of the X-ray beam, e is the beam of the electron energy (keV), ec is the binding energy to excite the X-ray line of activity, Aw is the atom’s weight, Z n is the atomic number, and ρSi is the material’s density. The article reported [74] that the SEM-EDX technique analyzed the changes in their chemical compositions after the aging of SiR insulators, and the test outcomes are shown in Table VIII. Similarly, the development of biological microorganisms on the surface of high voltage (HV) polymeric Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 SIT et al.: REVIEW ON CHARACTERISTICS AND ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES OF HIGH VOLTAGE SiR INSULATOR TABLE VIII C OMPARISON S TUDY OF SEM-EDX R ESULT [74] TABLE IX R ESULTS FOR HTV-S I R I NSULATOR S AMPLES A FTER THE AGING T EST U SING XPS A NALYSIS U NDER D IFFERENT C ONDITIONS [3], [78] 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 insulators can be effectively observed by EDX-based analysis [8], [55], [68], [69]. 3) X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Technique: The XRD technique can analyze the polymeric materials’ crystal structure [75]. The fundamental law behind the XRD method is Bragg’s diffraction law. In the XRD event, X-rays fall on an element, and then the intensity of the radiation emitted from the component and the scattered angle of the irradiated ray is measured. From these values, the material’s crystal structure can be analyzed. The RTV-coated SiR polymers are physically corroded due to thermal aging and dry band arcing [76]. The detailed XRD analysis has been reported in [75] and [76]. A comparison study was conducted by Verma et al. [77] between two types of HTV-SiR insulators [i.e., HTV1S1 (fresh) and HTV2S2 (aged)] and they implemented artificial UV-C aging on two HTV-SiR variants. After the XRD analysis plot, the result indicates that the samples became more crystalline after aging. 4) X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Technique: The XPS method helps to measure the basic structure of the spectrum of photoelectrons emitted from the surface of an aged sample. A detailed discussion on the XPS measurement procedure has been reported in [3] and [78] (shown in Table IX). It has been reported in [32] that with prolonged artificial aging, the concentration of the chemical elements of SiR insulators such as silicon (Si) and carbon (C) has been decreased. In contrast, the concentration of oxygen (O2 ) has increased. Chakraborty and Reddy [3] performed the aging test on three different specimens under three external conditions and the result of the XPS analysis is shown in Table IX. From Table IX, it is concluded that the oxidation process occurs in the outer layer of the SiR insulator, increasing the concentration of oxygen elements. 5) Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) Methodology: The method is utilized for analyzing the modification in the synthetic structure of SiR protectors after aging like XPS analysis [2], [8]. The photoelectron effect plays an essential 1895 role in this process [79]. SIMS is used to examine the emitted photoelectron’s amount and energy from the elements of SiR insulators (excluding hydrogen) after aging. It is noted that each element has a unique bond energy value and that bond energy depends on the electron induction present in that element. This technique can also estimate the nature of the chemical bonds between the elements. Xilin et al. [79] conducted an aging experiment on HTV-SiR samples and the chemical analysis of insulators’ samples was performed using SIMS methodology. Test results showed that Si, C, and Al molecules disappeared from the surface of the SiR insulator after the aging process. In addition, the aging process causes the Si–O bond to become fragile and as a result, the Si molecules begin to loosen rapidly. Similarly, the amount of C molecules decreases, and CO2 is released due to oxidation. The Al particles migrate from the surface of the insulator as they begin to react with acidic substances in the environment after aging, resulting in the formation of Al2 O3 particles. 511 6) Surface Roughness Methodology/Scanning Electron Microscopy Technique: The morphology of the harshness 513 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 512 of the surface of SiR insulators is analyzed by scanning electron microscopy [3]. Pollutants deposited on the surface of the SiR insulators also deteriorate the surface’s chemical contents [80]. In [81], after artificial UV-C radiation, the changes in the SiR insulator were investigated by SEM spectroscope between pure and aged samples. It is noteworthy that the surface degradation of the sample of aged SiR insulators was greater than that of the pure sample because oxidation occurred in aged SiR samples. Moreover, the surface degradation of SiR insulator samples is higher in UV-C radiation than in other UV radiation [81]. Habas et al. [80] reported that the SEM technique was performed on the SiR samples at high vacuum mode to avoid charging. Similarly, Chakraborty and Reddy [3] reported that the gold sputtering method helped to eliminate the charging effects. The findings revealed that the SiR insulators’ sample was smooth, homogeneous, and had less porosity on the surface before UV aging. But the overall structural morphology has changed after aging [3], [48]. In addition, in [53], investigations have shown that any type of brittle fracture and decay-like fracture of the FRP rod of 500-kV composite insulator due to aging and corrosion-like fractures can be analyzed through the SEM method. 536 7) Gas Chromatography (GC)/Mass Spectroscopy Technique: The procedure of GC is the technique for isolating 538 chemical compounds in analytical chemistry. The chemical compounds used to analyze in GC are those compounds that can evaporate without decomposition. This method also helps to determine the mass of molecules of various chemical elements of a gas. The GC method can analyze the impact of surface pollution levels on SiR insulators’ LMW elements [82], [83]. Gustavsson et al. [82] reported that the spot discharge on the SiR surface directly depends on LMW dimethylsiloxanes. The GC method has been used in studies [7], [83] to understand the properties of LMW molecules scattered from SiR insulator polymers due to contamination. In [83], GC assessed the RTV-coated SiR insulator’s surface erosion. The GC test was performed using two RTV-coated SiR Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 537 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 1896 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2022 TABLE X R ESULTS OF SE M ETHOD OF HTV-S I R [84] 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 insulators (i.e., aged sample and unaged sample). After the GC test, it was found that the aged sample had a continuous peak of LMW siloxane due to depolymerization. As a result of aging, these LMW siloxanes move away from the surface of the insulator, causing the RTV-coated SiR insulator surface to deteriorate. 8) Solvent Extraction (SE) Technique: SE is the widely used procedure to determine the chemical analysis of the aged SiR substance. SE method is conducted through four stages. Initially, the solvent enters the solid Structure; then, the dissolved substances are diffused into the solvent; subsequently, the dissolved material is spread around the surface of the SiR insulator. Finally, the extracted solution is collected for analysis [7], [8]. In this technique, the LMW components are extracted from the surface of the SiR insulator. A more accurate idea of surface erosion of the aged SiR insulator can be obtained using these extracted components in the FTIR and GC methods [82], [83]. In [84], the post-aging properties of the surface of the HTV-SiR insulator were analyzed by the SE method. The HTV-SiR component comprises two groups of materials: high compatible rubber (HCR) and liquid silicone rubber (LSR). In this process, at room temperature, the sample was immersed in toluene for 96 h. Afterward, the LMW particles were extracted once the solvent had evaporated entirely. The change in sample weight before and after evaporation measures LMW. After the SE technique, a comparative analysis of LMW between HCR and LSR has been shown in Table X. Also, the aged surface of the SiR insulator sometimes contains negatively charged or positively charged particles. These particles can be detected by COV analysis [85]. 9) Terahertz and Laser-Induced Spectroscopy Technique: The aging conditions of the composite insulators can be assessed after measuring dielectric properties by the terahertz technique. Research from the last decades revealed another diagnostic tool, terahertz spectroscopy, which can predict material aging, potential defects in the insulators, and so on [86], [87]. Terahertz spectroscopy is based on the terahertz wave, which ranges from 0.1 to 10 THz (i.e., wavelengths range from 3 mm to 30 μm) [88]. Reasons behind the use of terahertz spectroscopy are good resolution both in time and frequency domain than other nondestructive testing (NDT), easy to operate, suitable for complex test structural material, less ionizing effect, and strong penetrability and that is why this spectroscopy can be used for aging assessment of SiR composite insulators [86], [88]. Despite the aforementioned advantages, only independent terahertz spectroscopy analysis is not suitable for minor errors due to its bipolar pulse and limited pulsewidth that creates overlapping of the signals [86]. Three types of artificially made defects, such as single air gap defect, inclusion defect, and double-layer air gap defect, were investigated and their impacts on composite insulators were analyzed by terahertz spectroscopy with the combination of deconvolution method (to overcome the overlap), reported in [88] and [100]. The authors also suggested that these methods can be used for the internal defects of the composite insulators. Mei et al. [88] reported in their article that the properties of five types of composite insulators (i.e., epoxy resin, epoxy glass fiber, XLPE, porcelain, and HTV-SiR) were measured using terahertz spectroscopy and the broadband dielectric spectrometer (with the relatively low-frequency band (i.e., 1 Hz–1 MHz) and a comparative analysis was carried out for both the techniques. Nowadays, it is an area of concern for the researcher to diagnose the degradation of the insulators remotely. For this purpose, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) can be employed to estimate the degradation of the insulator electrically and chemically [89]. This spectroscopy has some advantages like noncontact analysis, high spatial resolution, and multielement analysis, and qualitative and quantitative analysis can be carried out [89], [92]. The application of this spectroscopy includes detecting the contaminants present in the insulator’s surfaces and identifying the changes in the structural morphology after aging [90]. Thus, early flashover of the insulator can be predicted by detecting the accurate contamination in the insulator surface [91]. A detailed study on LIBS has been demonstrated in [91]. Wang et al. investigated the spectral properties of extinct components of HTV-SiR insulators from its surface after aging and the change in temperature properties from plasma was also reported. That will help to predict the service life of HTV-SiR insulators [91]. Also, the spread of fungi and algae on the surface of the SiR insulators is clearly understood by applying laser-made Florence spectroscopy [55], [68], [69], [73]. C. Assessment Techniques for Analyzing Electrical Properties Different electrical methods help to analyze the electrical properties of SiR insulators. These are: 1) LC; 2) partial discharge (PD); 3) corona discharge; and 4) flashover voltage (FOV) analysis. A detailed description of these analyses is described in Sections I–IV. 1) LC Analysis: Surface LC investigation is a well-recognized strategy for identifying the differences within the electrical parameters of the SiR insulators. The surface condition of the SiR insulator has been responsible for the amount of LC flow [92]. Due to the high hydrophobicity, LCs become negligible in the early stages of aging. As the aging progresses, the hydrophobicity of the insulator decreases and the flow of LCs increase [66], [92]. SiR insulators are installed in outdoor applications. The environmental impact on them is also severe. At the early phase of activity, the SiR insulator behaves as a capacitor and the profile of surface LC is like a capacitive sinusoid. When the surface of the insulator becomes contaminated, the surface becomes conductive. As a development, the resistive surface LC begins Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 SIT et al.: REVIEW ON CHARACTERISTICS AND ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES OF HIGH VOLTAGE SiR INSULATOR TABLE XI C OMPARATIVE A NALYSIS ON LC F LOW, P OWER D ISSIPATION , AND S URFACE R ESISTANCE OF AGED S I R I NSULATOR [97] 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 to flow and the wave shape of the surface LC current is distorted as time progresses [94]. It has been observed that the deformation of LC is related to the surface condition and the chemical property of the contaminant layer, environmental temperature, humidity, and acid rain [6], [8], [45], [94]. The presence of odd harmonics in the LC signal distorts the nature of the signal, which is related to the poor condition of the surface of the SiR insulator [66], [69], [93]. It is reported in the articles [66], [94] that the fifth harmonic component is more responsible for this distortion of LC than the third harmonic component. It has also been reported that in light surface contamination, the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the LC gradually increases with relative humidity [95]. It is noteworthy that under the influence of wet conditions, the magnitude of LC in EPDM, glass, and porcelain type insulators is significantly lower [6], [62], [93]. The flow of LC current in SiR insulators is higher in humid environments in comparison with dry environments [96]. In [96], it has been reported that the resistive LC is more destructive to the surface of the SiR insulator than the capacitive LC. The ESDD method detects the total amount of contaminants deposited on the surface of the insulator [62], [92]. In [97], under humid conditions, the permeation of water molecules in the FRP rod and SiR interface has been studied through rotation wheel tests and analysis of surface LC flow. Also, the authors performed an FFT analysis of LC data to understand the development of the arc. Also, the impact of arcing was analyzed by calculating the relative magnitudes of the third and fifth harmonic components. A comparative study among the three parameters from the initial period to the final period of aging is shown in Table XI. It is relevant to mention that the aging condition of SiR insulators can be analyzed by observing the actual displacement of the phase angle of LC and the nature of the LC. The nature of LC waveforms has been monitored in the laboratory by adopting various schemes [42], [62], [94]. Some well-established feature extraction and classification techniques have been used on laboratory LC as well as field LC measurement data to detect contamination levels and aging of insulators [42], [59], [62], [94]. Also, some research has been reported on the influences of different electrical voltage levels (e.g., ac or dc) during the study of the LC measurement [66], [82]. Gustavsson et al. [82] reported that the creepage distance of the SiR insulator and the amount of ATH filler used in the SiR insulator are two more necessary parameters that control the flow of LC on the surface of the SiR insulator. The magnitude of the LC for both porcelain (IP) and SiR insulators depends on three environmental factors like illuminance, 1897 TABLE XII P ORCELAIN AND S I R I NSULATORS LC’ S D EVIATIONS W ITH E NVIRONMENTAL C ONSTRAINTS [93] Fig. 4. Patterns of the LC waveform vary with the contamination levels. (a) Very Light, (b) light, (c) moderate, (d) high, and (e) extremely High contamination, respectively. temperature, and relative humidity [93]. The comparative findings among the aforesaid factors are shown in Table XII. In addition, In Fig. 4, the LC waveform of an 11-kV rated SiR insulator for 10-kV applied voltage under five types of contamination levels is shown [42], [62]. Pylarinos et al. [94] showed that in their study, any progressive LC waveform could ultimately lead to the flashover of the SiR insulators. The time-based monitoring scheme can be used to clean the contaminated surface of SiR insulators, consequently reducing the effect of surface LC. In contrast, this monitoring method is not useful for the completely degraded surface of the SiR insulator. For this reason, the LC measurement method is the early indication for detecting degraded conditions of the SiR insulator. 2) PD and Corona Analysis: It has been reported that the onset of PD event is due to uneven voltage stress, production error, contamination intensity, humidity, dry band effect, and accumulation of water droplets on the surface of SiR insulators. Compared with the HVDC system, the PD inception electric field strength intensifies for the high voltage ac (HVAC) system. The time duration of the PD event lies in-between nanoseconds to microseconds [8]. Using suitable micro or nanofillers can enhance the electrical properties of SiR insulators, such as dielectric strength, tolerance to induction voltage, and preventing PD [7]. Ullah and Akbar reported in [98] that the surface degradation of SiR insulators could be determined by analyzing the nature of the PD. Ullah and Akbar [98] performed a PD test in the laboratory (according to IEC-60507 standards) on an 11-kV rated SiR insulator with variable ESDD values. The test consequences exhibited that the magnitude of PD raised with increasing values of ESDD, but during the experiment, the relative humidity Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 1898 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2022 value was unchanged [98]. Schneider et al. [99] observed that the average PD value for artificial UV-aged HTV-SiR insulator samples increased with increasing applied voltage. Also, Schneider et al. [99] reported a comparative PD analysis between the pure and aged (UV aged approx. 5000 h) HTV-SiR samples, and the results showed that surface degradation was more pronounced in the aged samples. Similarly, the nature of the PD pulses can be measured by video apparatus [100], image strengthening UV videography [2], [8], and thermographic video recorder [2], [8], [9]. Sometimes, the PD can be detected using audio amplifiers [2] and communication devices [100]. In addition, the video thermography measurement helps to calculate the power loss from different types of surface discharges [101]. The arc resistance measurement is another methodology to analyze the SiR insulator’s localized discharges [102]. It is reported [103] that an alternating electric field under the HVAC system predominates in the perimeter of the insulator and this helps to strengthen the PD phenomenon even faster. Physical degradation of the insulator begins when PD begins. The authors suggest that analyzing the PD event at the early stage of aging with the cleaned surface of the SiR insulators is very difficult. Another symptom of local discharge on the surface of the insulator is corona discharge. It is also worth noting that corona or surface discharge problems are more severe in HV-ac systems than in HVDC [104], similarly, the other factors, such as relative humidity, temperature, deposited water droplet’s size on the surface of SiR insulators, the diameter of conductors, and the surface area of SiR insulators [104], [105], intensify corona discharge. At higher relative humidity, the frequency of corona events increases rapidly; corona emission power also increases. Lan et al. [32] revealed that RTV-SiR insulators had better corona resistance than HTV-SiR insulators. Extensive research has been conducted on the effect of electrical discharge on HTV-SiR insulators, and it has been found that adding nano/microsilica or ATH fillers can reduce the effect of electrical discharge on SiR insulators [81], [105]. Studies have shown that the effect of the corona is first seen in water droplets that accumulate on the surface of the insulator [106], [107]. Zhu et al. [106] reported in their article that the corona discharge phenomenon was investigated on HTV-SiR insulators by a laboratory-made parallel needle plate electrode system, and the changes in the physico-chemical properties of the HTV-SiR insulators were reported in this work. After corona discharge, the hydrophilic state of the SiR insulator develops, resulting in erosion on the surface of the insulators [107]. It has been reported in [101]–[106] that any surface discharge phenomenon degrades the surface resistance of SiR insulators. The surface discharge is one of the most threatening agents that creates the depletion of the surface elements (up to 20-nm depth) [107]. Any longterm surface discharge permanently damages the SiR insulator’s properties [104], [105]–[107]. The chemical analysis of corona aged surface of SiR insulators can be analyzed using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) detection, scanning electron microscopy, GC and FTIR techniques [107]. It is clearly understood that the corona/surface discharge analysis depends on various uncontrollable factors. TABLE XIII R EPRESENTATION OF THE O DD LC H ARMONICS IN S URFACE F LASHOVER B EFORE AND A FTER THE UV E XPOSURE [48] 3) Analysis of FOV: FOV analysis is the most common electrical diagnosis method to measure the aging state of SiR insulators. The power frequency pollution FOV test can be performed either at the ac or dc voltage level [2], [8], [66], [82]. The insulator’s power frequency pollution flashover test is greatly affected by the insulator’s surface properties. Any electrical discharge on the surface of the SiR insulator can ultimately lead to the flashover event. After the flashover event, SiR insulators start losing their physical, chemical, and electrical properties [48], [108]. Khatoon and Khan [108] that the value of FOV obtained after testing at ac-voltage levels was higher than that of dc-voltage levels and performed a comparative analysis of pollution FOV measurement in dry and wet type porcelain and SiR insulators. After the pollution FOV test, the result said that the SiR insulator performs well (i.e., 5% better) under a highly polluted climate than the porcelain insulator. Ahmadi-Jonidi et al. [48] reported that the surface of SiR deteriorates after artificial UV-aging and the long-term effects of artificial UV-aging lead to the complete breakdown of the SiR insulator. Ahmadi-Joneidi et al. [48] performed three types of FOV tests with the effect of artificial UV exposure. The comparative analysis based on odd LC harmonic values is shown in Table XIII. There are two types of FOV testing methods used to analyze the electrical property of SiR insulators such as the rapid-flashover clean fog (RFOCF) method and the quick-flashover salt fog (QFOSF) method [109]. It has been reported [99], [109] that salinity levels are directly correlated with the surface resistivity and aging condition of SiR insulators. Due to the high salinity level, a uniform conductive layer is formed on the surface of the SiR insulator. As a result, the dry band is created around the circumference of the insulators. After the dry band arcing, the Si–CH3 and C–H bonds of the SiR insulator become fragile. Also, the filler particles (mainly ATH) disappear from the surface after the dry band arcing, resulting in degradation of the hydrophobicity property. The combined effect of all types of surface discharge eventually leads to the FOV event [48], [109]. Albano et al. [110] investigated the dry band flashover phenomena on SiR insulators by the clean-fog test along with the IR image analysis and surface LC measurement. The Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 SIT et al.: REVIEW ON CHARACTERISTICS AND ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES OF HIGH VOLTAGE SiR INSULATOR TABLE XIV C OMPARATIVE A NALYSIS OF T RACKING AND E ROSION P ROPERTIES OF VARIOUS S I R A DDITIVES [115] 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 highlighted some of the information that artificially contaminated and wet surfaces of SiR insulators are the leading cause of dry band formation. Also, they concluded that the rapid formation of dry bands might cause a flashover event. 4) Analysis of Erosion and Tracking Resistance: Erosion and tracking resistance are the two essential parameters for investigating the electrical characteristics of SiR insulators. These two tests can be used in SiR polymeric insulators as per IEC TR 62730:2012 standard [123]. The eroded SiR insulator means reducing the weight of the materials during the manufacturing process. In contrast, the carbonization process helps to construct conductive paths on the surface of the insulator by electrical tracking. It has been observed that LC flows in the tracks, which causes insulation breakdown. The continuous surface discharges cause thermal degradation, leading to the erosion and tracking of SiR insulators. The comparative index and dry band arcing tests are the two well-known techniques used to analyze the tracking and erosion properties of SiR insulators [110], [111]. Nazir et al. [112] proposed an inclinedplane test (IPT) method that can measure the resistance of erosion and tracking of the SiR insulators. The standards of IEC-60587 and ASTM-D-2303 were followed during the IPT measurement [111], [113]. Asad et al. [114] described the IPT method step by step in their article. The minimum voltage for conducting the test should be more than 6 kV [113]. Dutta and Dwivedi [115] presented a comparative analysis among ATH, silica, and melamine cyanurate filler-based SiR samples for investigating the tracking and erosion resistance. They also reported that silica (100 phr) and melamine cyanurate (15 phr) filler-based SiR samples hold good tracking and erosion resistance. The findings of the aforesaid assessment are tabulated in Table XIV. Also, it has been found that samples made of melamine can extinguish the electrical arcing. Schmidt et al. [116] reported that ureido-modified MQ silicone resin (DIPUPES-MQ) could perform well than addition-cure liquid silicone rubber (ALSR) because DIPUPES-MQ has boosted tracking and erosion resistance. The aforesaid techniques are not applicable at lowvoltage applications [8] but are used to analyze the tracking and erosion properties as well as to analyze the impact of dry-band arcing on SiR insulators [117]. The fillers play a vital role in controlling erosion and tracking event in SiR insulators. Applying nanoscale fillers such as alumina makes SiR insulators better surface resistant to contaminant circumstances [103]. Nazir et al. [22] and Guo et al. [117] investigated and concluded that SiR 1899 TABLE XV C OMPARATIVE A NALYSIS OF THE P ERFORMANCE OF VARIOUS I NORGANIC F ILLERS OF S I R I NSULATORS insulators are made with three types of economical fillers. These are ATH, AlN and BN [22], [26], [27]. A way to add more silicone bonds to the crosslinking fashion that improves the tracking and erosion resistance properties of SiR insulators [116], [117]. Similarly, the nanodoping of silica (SiO2 ) is used in the SiR insulator to improve ac corona resistance, enhance the tracking resistance, and decrease erosion [103], [104]. Adding barium titanate as a filler to the RTV-SiR component may reduce erosion and increase tracking resistance [111]. El-Hag et al. [118] observed that the SiR insulators could achieve higher tracking and corrosion resistance if the insulator material was fabricated by the electrospinning method. In addition, the tracking and erosion resistance of SiR insulators can be improved by adding BN fillers with ATH components [119]. The effectiveness of inorganic fillers in SiR insulators can be evaluated based on thermal conductivity, thermal resistance, mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, hydrophobicity, and electrical trace resistance. The detailed evaluation study on the effectiveness of inorganic fillers is tabulated in Table XV. VII. S UMMARY AND S UGGESTIONS This manuscript reports a comprehensive study of degradation in the physical, chemical, and electrical properties because of the aging effects on SiR insulators. In this section, the authors have summarized their views on the aging assessment study on SiR insulators and present some insights about some research areas that further help to plan for future exploration. According to the above discussion, it may be suggested that HTV-SiR insulators are best suited for outdoor transmission and distribution line insulator applications compared to other SiR insulators [77]–[81], [84], [88]. As per the literatures [6], [10], [12], [16], [28], the influence of the aging of SiR insulators affects the housing of SiR insulators and erodes the FRP rods of SiR insulators. It should be mentioned here that the deterioration of the FRP rod is a consequence of the inclusion of water molecules in the FRP rod through a vacuum in the Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on November 21,2023 at 03:07:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 1900 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION, VOL. 29, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2022 SiR housing or due to the weakening of the interfacial surface resistance and the formation of leakage paths in the metal ring sealant [6], [53], [96]. The factors that rapidly trigger aging are pollution severity, snow, rainfall, sandstorms, fog, mist, humidity and moisture in the air. Among the factors mentioned above, the review suggests that the two most vital factors that should be prioritized in the aging assessment study are the pollution severity and the moisture content in the air. In this article, the comparative analysis among the fillers used in SiR insulators is based on electrical, thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties, as shown in Tables I and XV. In addition, according to the research studies, the authors recommend that ATH [20]–[22], [104], [116], SiO2 (5 wt.% nanosilica) [105], hybrid nanofillers (0.6 wt.%) [114], and BN [22], [26], [27] exhibit a more efficient electrical, mechanical, and chemical performance under contaminated conditions irrespective of the level of voltages. As per the research developments, it may be further suggested that incorporating nano-sized silica in SiR insulators may be the most effective approach to enhance corona resistance, tracking resistance, and erosion resistance [72], [104], [118]. According to recent research studies, it is noteworthy that hydrophobicity [46], [47], [57] and ESDD analysis [59]–[66] are the most effective techniques for estimating pollution levels and for the aging estimation of SiR insulators. Moreover, it should be mentioned that the chemical studies of the aging assessment of SiR insulators used in dc and ac transmission systems are very effective. It is recommended that a few chemical analysis methods like FTIR, SEM, EDX, LIBS, XRD, and terahertz spectroscopy can effectively be used to estimate the lifespan and aging state of SiR insulators. As reported in [92]–[97], surface LC analysis can be a good indicator for the aging assessment study of SiR insulators. The reason behind this fact is that the effect of LC can be minimized after cleaning the contaminated surface of the SiR insulators through a time-based monitoring scheme if LC is predominantly due to surface conditions. However, if the inherent condition of the insulator is degraded, any surface treatment would not improve the assessment results. It is noteworthy that the LC measurement can detect the degraded state earlier than the other electrical methods for this type of deteriorated insulator. VIII. C ONCLUSION This article is a detailed research survey on the effectiveness of HV overhead line SiR insulators in different environmental conditions. The conclusions of this review article are summarized below. The chemical analysis of the SiR insulators has been investigated. Also, the role of fillers as primary agents has been revealed. A comparative analysis among the fillers has also been studied to understand how they are employed to enhance the electrical, thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties of the SiR insulators. It is noteworthy that any progressive aging in SiR insulators initiates changes in the chemical composition and surface morphology of the SiR insulators (including insulators housing and FRP rod). Surface roughness, and methods of measuring contaminants on insulator surfaces, such as hydrophobicity and measuring CA, analyzed by ESDD, are presented here through various research articles. The changes in the chemical properties of SiR insulators after aging have been described in detail in this article. Analytical techniques to identify chemical changes are FTIR spectroscopy, EDX, XRD, XPS, SIMS, surface roughness, GC, and SE. Also, the findings of the research work for different chemical analyses are reported in this article. 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