Student Intro: Psychology Course, Mostafa Ramadan

Introducing Myself
Who: What is your name?
o My name is Mostafa Ramadan
State three (3) positive attributes about yourself.
o I am athletically inclined, If I apply myself I can do anything, I’m confident in my abilities
What is your goal in terms of your academic studies? Are you interested in pursuing a particular
program or degree? Are you taking courses that interest you to see where they may lead you,
o My plan is to do 2 years at Langara then transfer to SFU to finish my political science
program hopefully.
Where: Where did you come to Langara College from –high school; returning from the
workforce; another country, etc.?
o I came from high school
When: State your expected timeline for graduation and which program you expect to pursue.
o I expect to graduate in 2024 and get my political science bachelors
Why: Why are you taking a psychology course? Is it a prerequisite for a program? Are you
intrigued by the study of the mind; human behavior; and/or, taking this course as a prerequisite
for a program or degree?
o One of my POLI classes got cancelled and I’ve always been interested in psychology and
the human mind so I decided this class would be good for me
2. List the topics that you would like to see covered in this course.
Mental Health
Free will
3. Please feel free to include a photo of yourself!
Me and Mom 1