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Gatsby Literature Worksheet: Valley of Ashes Analysis

Salote Tukutau 8745 Literature Unit 2 Week 2
Work for Submission Week 2
TASK ONE – The Valley of Ashes
Your first task for this week is to look closely at the language used by Gatsby in this passage.
The following questions will help you do this. Remember to refer to the passage and the
ideas and concerns across the text as a whole.
1. What does the use of adjectives such as ‘desolate’, ‘ghastly’ and ‘dismal’ convey
about the appearance of the landscape?
‘Desolate’, ‘ghastly’ and ‘dismal’ imply that the landscape is poor and dull. In a decade
full of bright colours and change, the Valley of Ashes is the colour grey. Fitzgerald also
uses words such as ‘foul’, ‘bleak’ and ‘solemn’. These words imply that the Valley of
Ashes is a depressing place, there is no excitement and no colour. The area is
equivalent to a cold and cloudy day.
2. Comment on how the author’s use of language creates the overall mood of this
passage. Provide examples.
Fitzgerald’s use of depressing words put an emphasis on the dull mood the passage
sets. Fitzgerald uses words such as ‘endlessly’ and ‘nonexistent’ to put emphasis on
the boring, dull expanse of the passage and Valley of Ashes.
3. What about the ‘ash-grey’ men? What kind of lives is Fitzgerald suggesting that they
Fitzgerald is suggesting these men are workers; they live dull lives, working hard to
earn a living and put dinner on the table. The ash that covers them is symbolic to their
lives, they live in a clouded world where their only role is to go to work, come home
to their wife and two children, eat, sleep, repeat.
4. The Valley of Ashes provides a stark contrast with other places described in the
novel. What is the significance of this?
The contrast between the other places in the city and the Valley of Ashes is significant
because it is a poorer place in the city. The rest of the city is building up and
expanding, full of life and colour, while the Valley of Ashes is left behind in the literal
5. How does the image of the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg make a comment on the
society depicted in the novel?
The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg can be seen as symbolic to God. He is looking down
on society and the questionable morals society has developed. He is disapproving of
what society has become.
Salote Tukutau 8745 Literature Unit 2 Week 2
6. What does the narrator Nick Carraway reveal about Tom Buchanan’s character and
about himself in this passage?
Tom Buchanan likes to flaunt his mistress on his arm, introducing her to whoever,
seemingly not caring for Daisy feelings in the matter. Nick is reluctant to get involved with
Tom’s mistress, likely because of his friendship with Daisy.
7. How does the image of a physical wasteland relate to the people in this novel?
The characters in this novel show a lack of morals and the wasteland valley is a result of
this. The upper-class people party and throw money around like they have an endless
supply and leave the poor areas to die off, surviving purely on hard work and begging.
Their lack of morals and care for these areas is represented in them.
8. Why is this passage important to our understanding of the novel?
This passage really gives a strong insight into the characters, particularly Tom and his
mistress. Tom is shown to be uncaring of his behaviour and this is later proved with his
disregard in his role of Mr. Gatsby’s death.
Salote Tukutau 8745 Literature Unit 2 Week 2
TASK TWO – Write your own questions
Now that you have learnt some more about literary devices and the ideas and concerns in
the text you are going to make use of both these ideas.
Write 6-8 questions that focus on:
Fitzgerald's ideas - what he has to say and how he says it.
His techniques - including use of figurative language, characterisation, vocabulary and
descriptions, imagery.
The significance of the passage to the novel as a whole.
Please note you do not have to answer the questions but the questions you write should
demonstrate your understanding.
1. What emotions is Fitzgerald trying to portray in this passage and what significance
does this have to the novel’s finale?
2. How does this passage offer a deeper understanding of Daisy and Gatsby’s
3. What do the adjectives ‘lovely’ and ‘charming’ say about Daisy’s character?
4. What does Fitzgerald mean by ‘Gatsby was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and
mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves’ and what does it say about society?
5. ‘What does the sentence ‘safe and proud above the hot struggles of the poor’
suggest about Daisy’s role in society?
6. ‘Bought luxury of star-shine’ suggests what about Daisy and Tom’s financial
‘Gatsby was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth imprisons
and preserves’
This is one of the best sentences I’ve ever read. It is a solid depiction of the pressure
pushed on the wealthy.
Don’t forget to post your contribution on to the class forum.