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Positive Mindset Cheatsheet for ADHD

Feel empowered when facing negative self-talk
Life with ADHD / @theadhdaccountant
Positive Mindset Cheatsheet
This cheatsheet will empower you & neutralise your negative thoughts when you ask
yourself the 6 mindset-shift questions listed below. This will give you more courage &
confidence to create the life that you want to lead.
On the left side of this worksheet, write down the negative thoughts that you have.
Examples will be “I’m not good enough to do (insert activity)…”, “I’m not worthy of
success”, “I don’t deserve my ideal lifestyle.”
You can neutralise each negative thought by asking
yourself the 6 questions on the right.
Where did this thought come
Is this thought 100% true? If not,
List down the evidence you have
that this thought is NOT 100%
If your best friend tells you she
has this negative thought, what
would you tell her?
What actions can you take to
shoot down this negative
How can you show yourself more
After this, you will be more conscious, less anxious and
more empowered when facing negative self-talk.
my notes
Use the notes to write down your answers to the above six
questions, or anything else you want to journal about.
Life with ADHD / @theadhdaccountant